-.Sirf--S V tiry -" m iii n JLaKSfl fii s CASH STORE CASH S" T j saaaa VaaaaLLLH bbbbBbbbb LL bbLbB fflBHjf Er3r epa-rtn.e3a.t epscrt3i.eia.t i ;' K SPECIAL THREE DAYS SALE OF MILLINERY Mr, Fniliii1 id Salrti, Oder 19, 20 i 21 T lir Millinery Season is at its height. We Jare prepared to give you the HE Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hats AT A SPECIAL CUT PRICE FOR THREE DAYS ONLY. This is an opportunity to get your FALL HAT Husking Mittens and Gloves... Almost any kind of a husking peg or hook can be obtained here. Pegs of all sorts, single hooks, double hooks and several lands of adjustable hooks. Cot ton flannel mittens and gloves of all descriptions at prices you would have to pay for the material, to say nothing about the making. Heavy canvas chore mittens, only 15c per pair. AT AN EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICE. READ THIS: $1.50 Street Hats, 3 Days Price m $3.50 Street Hats, 3 Days Price $3.00 Street Hats, 3 Days Price $2.00 Street Hats, 3 Days Price $4.50 Dress Hats, 3 Days Price $6.00 Dress Hats, 3 Days Price 98c $2.00 1.98 1.48 2.98 3.95 Base Burners and Heaters... Never in the history of our trade have we ever sold so many Base Burners so early in the season as we have this lalL This shows that the PENINSULA Bast ImMTS are attractive, have merit, and the prices reasonable. If you want a base burner do not pass this line by. We can show you attractive goods at attractive prices. COLE'S HOT BLAST and the IECKWITN 10MB MK are two lines of heaters which never yet have been equalled for durability, heat-giving qualities, duration of holding fire, ease of regulation and economical in the use of fuel. We will take great pleasure in showing you these stoves and explaining wherein they excel all others. Q-rocerv PepsurtaacLeaab Drink German-American Coffee... Grown on its own plantations, comprising thirty-six thousand acres of land situated in the Tumbula Range of the Sierra Madra Mountains, Mexico. This coffee is absolutely unrivalled for purity and flavor. Sold only in sealed packages with the Coffee Bird on every package. Price per pound, 20c, 25c, 30c, and 35c. VjtV--' bvbVbvawbvSbw CfadBaBwABwABW KBBBBBBBBBT QUETZAL 'COFFEE BIRO r FOUND ONLY M rCOFffEPROOUONS COUNTRIES- lOWONAL CAPTURED LoneltRWNFD' PLAMATION Bring Us Tour Potatoes i LOCAL lAfipEMMSE Dr. Paul, dentist. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Prof. Sike, teacher music Barber bldg. Girls, don't buy cheap lotions for the complexion. .1 ust coax your mothers to use Peter Schiuilt's Hour. Special prices on all street hats at Miss Kelso's. HELP WANTED. I want 5 or 6 peor.lo.members of one family preferred, to top beats. House rent free. Man can make &5 si day. Inquire Journal oflice. Lost a vest pocket memorandum book, red cover, on 15th street, last Fri day. Finder please leave at Journal oflice and receive reward. O. E. Uox. Try our Ilex Lump Coal $7 at the yard. P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. 8. O. H. Ornbb, painting and decorat ing country or city. Satisfaction guar anteed. Try me. Ind. phone 874. If you want a Hour with all the nu tritious part of the wheat buy GOLD DUST made by Columbus roller mills. HOUSES FOR RENT We have a desirable line of houses for rent. Becher Hockenbergcr and Chambers. LOST Two slioats, cross between Poland China and Jersey Keds. Have been gone over a week. Suitable reward paid for their recovery. H. IvEItSEXBROCK. With every 5cts worth of school sup lies you purchase at Seth Braun's you got a chance to draw a valuable prize among the articles displayed in his show window. Procrastination is the thief of time. Don't pat it off. Have your hoase in sured now. Have your accounts col lected before they are outlaw. Call on C. N. McElf resh. wtf. FOR SALE: Oae gool yearling CDlt. on j colt five months old. Both good ones. Roy Stires. It LEARN TELEGRAPHY and R. R. Accounting. $50 to 100 per month salary paid onr graduate. Operator always in demand. Indorsed b? all railroads. Write for catalogue. Morse -honl of Telegraphy, iuRinnati. O . La Crotse, Wis.. Texarcana, Tex., San Francisco. Gel Dr. Terry, the Omaha Eye Specialist, has opened one of . the best equipped optical offices in the west, orer Pol lock and Oo's drag store. Will beta his Columbus office Sunday, Monday. Taeeday and Wednesday.of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses acieutll cally fitted. Consultation free. For right prices aai correct styles in Millinery see Miss Kelso. Smoke Little Duke cigar. Dr. J. W. Terry. Optican. Try the Eleventh St. jeweller. Dr. Mark T. MoMahon. dentist. Journal ads bring results. Dr E. H. Nauman, Dentist. 13th St Consult Dr. Terry about your eyes. G. R. Preib, painting and paper hanging. dwtf Diamond O. hams and bacon at Her man Kersenbrock's. Wanted A good girl for general house work, four in family. Call at this office. Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr. Lueschen, Arnold's old- stand. Olive st. See window display of street hats at Miss Kelso's. Miss Edith Weaver, one of the charming school feathers of Schuyler, was a visitor last Saturday with Mrs. Will H. King. Mrs. Lloyd Swain and little daugh ter went to Genua Tuesday afternoon to remain with relatives for a couple of weeks. Columbus Telegram. Mrs. J. F. Beaton and daughter Eunice of Omaha who have .been the guests of Mrs. Beaton's sister, Mrs. Jennie Walker returned home Monday morning. U. S. Mace, who 'has been night yard master in the Union Pacific yards has decided to quit railroading and go to farming. He has rented the Westbrook farm east of Columbus. Z Robert Wiley an old resident of Platte county returned last Thursday to his home in Los Angeles after spending a few days looking after his farms near Monroe and renewing his old acquaintances. George Whaley of the Thurston ho tel has secured the services of L. Hiii of Lvons, Nebraska to take the place of the veteran nisht clerk. Mr. Kal- loch who has gone to his former em plover. J. W. Wisentlne, ct the Home Restaurant. W. L Smith of Monroe Bruce Webb of Humphrey. O. H Smith, of Lindsay, Ed. Lu&enski of PlAtte Cen ter, republican candidates, and Ed. Hoare of Monroe and A. M. Church, editor of the Lindsay Opinion were in the city Saturday afternoon. Dr. W. H. Slater left Monday morn ing to attend a post graduate course of lectures at Kansas City. He will return to his veterinary prastioe here January 1. Dr. Slater is a scientific veterinarian besides being a register ed pharmacist and it is his purpose to seep abreast of the times giving his patrons the benefit of the latest meth- lods in his prof eanoB. Dr. Lueschen, physician an surgeon 1215 Olive street. Boys, buy your cigars and candy at Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans & Mar ty n Jr., oflice three doors north of Friedhof 's store. Miss Minnie Clopper of Kearney who has been a guest of the Misses Snyder for two weeks returned home Tuesday. FOR SALE Five or six registered Berkshire pigs that I have not room to keep till the Combination Sale in Columbus December 21. F. H. Ab bott. C. A. Lin6trum who has been in the tailoring business in Columbus for fifteen vears will close out his business here and so in a few weeks to Spokane where he has a brother. Mr. Ijinstrum is in a sense one of our old settlers and has a large cir cle of friends. Two stretchers were in evidence at the Union Pacific station last Friday after the arrival of the branch trains One bore Mrs. J. F. Wells of Madison and the other Lisle Gibbs of Ericson. The former was Bufferng from rhec matism and the bitter from a fractur ed leg. Both were being taken to i n Omaha hospital. Dr. W. S. Evans met his brother-fn law. Harry Clark, chief rate clerk of the Oreeon Short Line at the Union Pacific station last Monday afternoon, es-route to Omaha. Dr. Evans is a personal friend of J. A Reeves, gen eral freight agent of the same road, whom he knew as a cabin boy on a steamship line, from which position he worked his way up O. J. Tuttle, who holds the position of assistant freight agent, for the same company was a liveryman at Kearney a num ber of years ago. House For Kent. Foremall family, one and ahalf blockB south of U. P. depot. Inquire at Inde pendent Tel. X 121. Economy in Coal. Why bnrn yonr money when you can save it by buying our Blend coal at $5.50 or Sunshine at S6 00 per ton at yards. A trial of this coal will convince you that they are all right. Weaver & Sox, Coaii Co. Protect Yourself for Ccld Weather With a nice far coat, fur or plash lap robe, or fur mittens. I have a nice line of these goods. I buy them direct from the factory and can sell them at the very lowest prices. It will pay you to look over my slock before you buy else where. I know I can please you. 4t F. H. Ruscns, 11th. st COAL. For hard coal, furnace coal and all kinds of soft coaL Newman & Welch. KUiuiMiiHiimfiinjnuunniuinuiiraiM i a ft i E ffotro Bears yjo. E MuaimiunmimiimiiHinmnmiiiitnix (From files of Journal June 14, 1871.) There was a brilliant exhibition of Northern Lights Saturday night. Will T. Rickly has moved his gro cery store to Eleventh street, two doors east of the Journal office. Joseph Tiffany called at the office Friday, and tells us that the North Settlement on the Loup is in a flour ishing condition. Forty-three fami lies are soon to make it their per manent home. The whole valley is destined to a rapid settlement, as has toen evidenced by this spring's work. Major North is erecting a residence two miles west of Columbus on the Stata road. J. H. Watts was a Colum bus visitor Friday. He says crops on Lost Greek are looking fine notwith standing the dry weather. Mr Watts has corn that is from two to three feet high. Mr. Morgan of Merrick county has just travelled from Omaha to Colum bus with team, and infoims us that the largest and finest looking field of corn he observed is on the Pennsylva nia Farm six miles east of Columbus, owned by David Anderson. Three Pawnee Indians attempted to steal a team of horses from the farm of William Thomas in Butler county, one day last week, but they were frightened away by the arrival of Mr. Thomas. Pigs are fed on Bartlett pears in California, and it may bs added that freight rates are high. Rev. J. Elliot has laid before us an ancient newspaper, the New York Morning Post, published every Tues day and Friday in New York City. The date of this number is November 17, 1783. The paper is about 18 by 20 inches, and contains a great many quaint and queer items. Besides the ut-nal advertisements of houses to rent and for sale, we see the proclamations of British Admirals ; and the orders of the commander-in-chief of the Ameri can army. "The Tory's Soliloqui' brines to micd the evils of civil war. aad" General Washington's Farewei orders to the armies of the United States" gives us an idea of old time spelling, as well as deepen onr vener ation of the Great Republic's first president. Last Thursday a terrific hail storm visited the region near Becker's mill on Shell Greek. The hail stones were as large as hen's egg and penetrated the ground to the depth of an inch. A violent wind accompanied the halL The log house of Mr. Arnst was blown like an ordinary shed in an or dinary wind. Dr. J.W.Terry OF OMAHA EYE SPECIALIST EXPERT OPTICIAN who for the past eight years has been making regular visits to Columbus, has opened one .of the Best Equipped Optical Offices 1b The West in the front rooms over Pollock & Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in Columbus offices Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Spectacles and eye glasses scientifically fitted and repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted to any nose. CONSULTATION FREE have pnt np a strong talk to secure the attraction forColumbus and the peo ple of this city who have criticised the attractions booked here, in soa&e instances with good cause, should give their most loyal support in mak ing this excellent attraction a mark ed success. The North Opera house will stage anything that can be staged at the Boyd n Omaha and the good companies would just as soon stop off in Columbus if they can attract the crowds. It is a plain matter of, business with them. If the Price of Pilsen attracts a paying crowd, other things of the same cuss can be ! booked easily. If Prinoe of Pilsen fails to attract a large crowd it will be evidence that our people do not want good things in Columbus. Bnt there wll be a packed bouse. Crowds from Albion. St. Edward, Genoa and other branch towns can come to Columbus on the evening train, returning in the morning and see the same attrction they would pay much more to see in Omaha. If only plays like this are booked, Co lumbus might enjoy theater crowds from adjoining towns that would be an object of envy to Omaha. For Sale. All my household goods, consisting of furniture, stoves and other articles, to gether with horse and buggy, will be of fered at private sale at my house, com mencing at once. 2t Wm. Diedbich. BUY OR SELL The System advertises your property free until sold. Reli able Real Estate Agents thro' out America find buyers for it. Show free: allow R.R. fare. For best bargains alon? new r r. or farms, tmaineaaes. etc Tell us what you want and where you want to buy. Write for Sailers' or Agent's plan, or best bargain list any place. Gnat Uiin Land Agucj SystM, (19ft. OeiUMBMS, Ha (Center of U.S.). JIM'S PLACE I carry the best of everything in my line. The drinking pub lic is invited to come in and see for themselves. JAS. NEVELS.rraprtoMr 516 Twelfth Street Phone No. 116 WAT UP is used by all who desire a fine quality of patent flour. The Co lumbus roller mills makes it. Here we are again with onr White Silk Handkerchief brand of Pennsylvania hard coal the same kind we had last year Genuine Lehigh and Scranton the best coal in the world. Price 810.50 per ton at our shed. Place yonr orders before the price advances. We carry a large stock of coal coal ot all kinds and lor all purposes-coal to burn. Come and see. 4t C. A. Speice. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Boseerman of Lincoln have decided to mike Colum bus ther home. Mr. Bosserman repre sent the wholesale firm of Granger Brothers, Lincoln in the territory tri butary to Columbus and he finds Co lumbufl the most convenient point from which to work. His parents, Mr. and Mrs William Boeserman, old settlers of Fllmore county are also here fur sis months tni mar doeide to mase Columbns tnei" permanent ho n. These two families ars valuable a-1- i tions to Columbus social and basinets circles. The Journal desires especially to commend the Prince of Pilsen which will be seen at the North Opera house tomorrow night, not only to its city readers bat i ts many readers living along the branches leading, to (Colum bus. The Prince of Pilen is perhaps the best musical comedv that has ever been written. Lincoln and Omaha are the only other cities in Nebraska thaTwill see it. Manager Saley must The Radiant Home POINTS. Pocket Joints Prevent ing cement from falling out and making an ab solutely air-tight joint which will not open. No Gas The open top magazine, in combina tion with a gas flue, not found in any other base burner, prevents all ex plosion or escape of gas. Circular Bottom Flue Carrying the heat around the outside of the bottom thus increasing the rad iation. Large Hot Air Flue Taking the cold air from the floor, or if preferred from the niitsirfo trim' the center of the bottom and upward between the draft flues, in this way coming in contact with the hottest part af the stove. A Complete Line of Gem City Goods M. ROTHLEITNER. r if r I f i SI J