The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 18, 1905, Image 1

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BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaP T (Tf . mur- tifff" ftMBailll"!l fcM BJilFI"l'l'i "W" 5B H
anTiK I ' -"" , A ' 'II
Bammc -" .,. r - 4" -r - -
Z?e Journal is Read by More People than any Other Paper in Platte County
fltanlras Imtrtral.
A, W
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t w ffh fir
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-v v5w,g- Lsaaml
It aUo writes a check that pays
that liill of you re.
You may want to ?eml money a
H-taiiee for various purposes. The
"drop of iuk" ami
at our hank makes the check you
eml pa-s curient.
Your check, like our hank, passes
at the clearing house and is stamped
"O. !." Keep an account with us and
it will help you in man ways.
The First National Bank
Iliiril's Howling Alloy for the best
Aliss Petite Martyn returned Monday
from a vihit of several weekB in Omaha.
W. J. (iregoriu- has the record on the
new alleys at Uagcls, his score being 251.
l.uiliefi' .suits, skirts and jackets clean
ed, altered, dyed and repaired. It. S.
Palmer, The Tailor.
Walter Benson ami family, of Fuller
ton, visited over Sunday with Iub par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. 1). Benson.
Mrs. M 1. Kair returned from her
Oinalia visit yesterday. She was nccom
yoiiiod by her daughter, Mrs. .lulian
Mrs 1). C. Writer, nee Maude Tiffany,
i.-nd children ai rived Monday night from
Lawihtoii. Idilio, to visit her parents.Mr.
ami Mrs. Joseph Tiffany and family.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will servo supper Wednesday
oveniug, Novcmbi r 1st in the vacant
building just west of Pollock's drug
store. A hearty invitation is extendeJ
to ail.
Mrs. B. 11. Chambers and Mrs. Homer
llobinsnn started for Denver last Mon
day night, where they go as delegates to
the national convention of Episcopal
churches. They will visit friends there
after the convention.
$1 will lmy any $2.50 street
hat in our store hegiimiiig next
Saturday, Oct. 21 and continu
ing the next two weeks. Spe
cial sale also on all trimmed
hats. Fillinan's, Olive street.
During the present bowling season
Geo. Ilngel will give special attention to
private bowling parties of ladies and
gentlemen or ladies alone, who will have
tbo exclusive privilege of the alleys
either in the foienoon or afternoon by
..;,-;r rri.-miinublo advance notice. The
alleys ar in the best possible shape and
rho prices will bo reasonable.
High score? of 2110 or better at Hegel's
bowling alley for week ending October
14th: II. A. GniAes, 202, 224, 231, 225;
W. A. Way. 20. 215, 205. 201, 212, 215,
221, 212; YV. J. tJregorius, 205, 224, 251;
A. P. Wadhams, 200. 225. 213; J. F.
Fluckiger, 2W; Fred Hnrzeler, 207; A.
L. Snyder, 20a, 245. 230; A. Kramer, 220;
John Corned, 21i; Ed Kavanaugh, 211;
G. O. Francisco. OmahH, 201, 204, 223;
E. E. Wi'liams, Schuyler, 213.
-v Mrs. Joe Kavel who lives 15 miles
northeast of this city, whose head was
crashed oy a hammer in the hands of
her husband three weeks ago, is still
alive. After tho wounds were sewed
nn. she went into a stupor caus9d by
Dressure on the brain. Dr. W. 8
Evans trephined the skull to remove
the pressure last week and the wo
man is gradually recovering. She is
with her daughter in Rogers.
Messrs. Miller, McGath and Wille
pulled off their Poland China sale last
Monday at 13rannigaus barn as adver
tised in the Journal, and as a result the
herds of about one hundred Platte
county farmers are enriched by some of
the best blood in the country. Farmers
in this territory have come to know
that these men ded on the square and
offer as good stock as can be found any
where. Everv man who brings such
stock to Platte county is adding to the
county's permanent wealth.
Has one of the host dental offices
in the state.
' Fully equipped to do all den
tal work iu First-Class manner.
Always reasonable in charges.
All work guaranteed.
Over 14 years practice in Of
13th Street.
Those 140.
Dr. E. H. IUhumi.
Treasurer Becher Determined not to
permit Ernst and Bender to vote
themselves illegal salaries.
It is a dull weekat the Platte
county court house that does not
turn out at least one good-sized quar
rel among the democratc office hold
ers. And last week surpassed all pre
vious weeks in that line, including
even the preceding week when at the
olose of the committee meeting two
prominent democrats had a fist fight.
This time the quarrel was between
Diedrich Becher, county treasurer and
Julius Ernst who last year drew nealy
1500 more than the law allows.
Ernst went to the treasurer's office,
armed with a warrant for supervisors'
salary. Teasurer Becher knew that
Enst had drawn out nearly his legal
allowance of $300 although the year is
not nearly gone. Investigation. showed
Erust had collected within a few dol
lars of the $300 limit, hence the war
rant was paid. But thiB notice to
Ernst that the treasurer was deter
mined to stand with Swanson, Kiar
nan and Goetz in protecting the peo
ple's pocket-book, brought on a storm
that would make thunder sound like
the feeble purring of a sick kitten.
Ernst had just come from a meeting
of the supervisors in which he had
voted against allowing treasurer Bech
er $10 to buy a mailing list from
which to send out notices to tax-payers
to save the expense of service
through the sheriff and he evidently
believed he had done all be law re
quries of an official in the wayjof eco
nomy. At any rate he was greatly
displeased to find a fellow democrat
who had the nerve to stand by the
law, and he did not hesitate forcibly
to exprses his views on the subject.
No blows were struck, but deeper
wounds were left than if a kaife hod
been used.
Commenting on this latest "court
house scandal", a prominent demo
crat remarked: "This Ernst-Becher
quarrel removes the last hope we had
of getting the fighting factions to
gether. The Telegram, the Ernst
Bender organ, which is known secret
ly to oppose Becher, had said so many
good things about Becher in its
columns that we beleived all differ
ences had been overcome. But now
the fight is opened again and nothing
can stop it. The republicans will win
out now in spite of us. This is our
reward for having onr organization run
by a set of grafters and our chief par
ty organ always defending them. We
will be defeated this fall, and we
ought to be, for turning our organiza
tion over to snch a set."
Had On Their Fighting Clothes.
Monday was an unusually interesting
day in Columbus, especially for the
eight people who were concerned in
four fistic encounters which took place
during the day. There seemed nothing
wrong in the atmosphere but the trouble
was in the people and more than one
spot of claret soiled the various battle
fields. Eleventh street contributed two
of the bouts. Twelfth one and Thirteen
th one. The on Twelfth was between
two of the city's most popular business
The society event of the season was
the reception last night at the beautiful
home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Snow in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kelly, who
were married last Wednesday in Chicago.
Nearly two hundred guests were present
and every detail of the reception was
carried out with perfect precision and
brilliant effect. In the receiving line
were Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Snow. Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Kelly, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Kramer and Mrs. Mayer, of Chi
cago, Mrs. Kramer's sister.
The rooms were all brilliantly lighted
and decorated with red roses.
In the den Misses Mary Howard
and Eva Walker served punch and
the men found cigars and easy
chairs in Mr. Snow's smoking room.
Mrs. J. B. Oeitzen and Mrs. P. J. Hart
directed the guests to the dining room
where icecream was served, the Misses
Marcia Perkins and Clara Reeder pre
senting them with carnations as they
A delightful muiscal program was
given, the vocal numbers by Mesdame
Reeder. Rathburn. Evans, and Miss
Garlow. Miss Whitmoyer gave a piano
number and Prof. Sike and Mrs. Gar
low gave a piano and violin duet.
Mrs Kelley was lovely in a bridal
gown of white broadcloth and lace and
carried a bouquet of bride's rse.
Early in the evening the K. K. K's. a
club of bdys 6erenuded tho bridal couple
in most modest manner for boys, and
later were serenaded by the Columbus
Mr. and Mrs, Kelley left this morning
on a trip through his territory.
Simmer Sett at Cost.
I have severaTchoice sets of decorated
Holland dinner sets which will be offer
ed at cost for two weeks. Call and see
prices before buying elsewhere.
Seth Braun.
See window display of street
bats Hiss Kelso's,
UR display of exuisite.
3 1 j hand-painted chiua and
Vii vrjrinnc Tnfforr wo roc
- vnrimis nnrrprv wnroc
offers many pertinent sug
gestions as to a wedding gift
this fall.
Nothing could be more ac
ceptable, yet the very finest
pieces are by no means so
costly as they look.
Ed J. Niewohner
The Jeweler
I have a few high class young Short
Horn bulls, color d:irk red, my own
breeding. Come and see them.
.'It Aunoli) F. H. Of.iii.iuch.
Don't Forget
That we carry a complete stock
Wall Paper. Prices Right.
Chas. Ii. DacK, Druggist.
Leave Banner Night
Through the work of Mayor Dickin
son, Columbus is at last rid of one of
the country resorts established in the
Lutjeharm's property one mile west
of Columbus, just after Mayor Dick
inbon pronounced his ultimatum
against thoEe resorts within the city
The two girls in question are Maude
Baldwin and Emma Washer and they
left during the darkness of last Satur
day night, leaving Louis Lntjeharms,
who was foolish enough to sign their
recognizancps, to hold the sack to the
tune of S200.
The girls wore brought into Justice
O'Brien's court ny OfficerRossiter on
a complaint made by Mayor Dickinson
charging them with keeping a house
of prostitution. Tho girls were in
jovial mood when they entered the
sacred domains of the justice court,
and declared they would "lay it out"
in jail. Later in the evening. Louis
Lntjeharms, their landlord, came to
their lescue. signing their bond to ap
pear in court, at the same time he no
tified them to vacate his property im
mediately. Deprived of a domicile
in which to make a living, the girls
decided to depart with all the most
Vc luable of their belongings.
The case has been carried up to the
district court where Lntjeharms will
have to produce either the girls or the
MayorDickinson's persistent pDund-
ing awav in the interest of law has
mado owners of bouses afraid to
rant them to people of bad repute
for fear of prosecution.
A miter? OF HEALTH
r ssTN
EY T2J. -i-T 1
f Croa:72 cf Tartar Powder,
free from a! cm or phos-
phatic acid
.....l d-.::;j.c ?o.vir. ccf,. new vouic.
IKj yr LC$yik B
A B:g Week.
The people of Platte county should
not overlook the date or forget the
importance of the Poultry and Stock
show to be held in Columbsu the
week, beginning December 18 A
few progresssive men in Platte county
working diligently for vears in the
poultry business have brought Platte
county to the very front in poultry
raising, not only in Nebraska but in
the middle west. Whenever Platte
county birds are entered in a contest
for prizes they win their full share,
no matter where competing birds come
from. It is this showing that has
turned the eyes of poultry men all
over the country to the Platte County
Poultry Association, and led them to
make liberal entries in Onr annual lo
cal exhibitions. Though it is no long,
er proper to rerer to them as local ex
hibitions. The exhibition this year
promises to outstrip all its predeces
sors. And to provide for the numer
ous entries and large crowds next De
cember, the officeis have prevailed up
on Thomas Branigan to make a iarge
addition to his sales barn.
4 Mr. branigan is constructing an ad
dition 01 by 80 feet which will pro
vide ample room for an excellent dis
To the poultry exhibit this year has
been added hogs, of all the leading
breeds which will be exhibited and
sold during show week. It is the pur
pose of the enterprising management
to aevelop the association until it takes
in all the industries of the county maz
ing an annual fair of large proportions.
Boone county has been made famous
by itB excellent fair association which
has stimulated progressive and scien
tific methods of agriculture at home
and advertised the county abroad.
The Platte County Poultry and
Stock Association will do as much for
Platte county with proper encourage
ment. Supervisors dominated
The republicans of Platte county
met last Saturday and Monday and
nominated three candidates for super
visor. Henry Blaser of Duncan was
nominated in District 0 and ?, to suc
ceed J. Ernst J. F. Shore of Hum
phrey was nominated in District 2 to
succeed Peter Bender and A. E. Priest
of Mnoroe was nominated in District
4 to succeed Frank Kiernan.
There has been wide discussion of
the question of the election of super
visors this fall and considerable mis
understanding as to Attorney-general
Norris Brown's attitude on the ques
tion. Many papers have stated that
Mr. Brown has ruled that there will
le no supervisor's election this fall,
forgetting that the attorney-general
has no authority to "rule" in the
question. The fact is he haB simply ad
vised all inquirers that the legislature
last winter pissed a law which would
do away with the- supervisors' election
this fall, and that the law would be
held consitutiona! until the supreme
court 6hould declare it unconstitution
The supreme court will pass on the
constitutionality of the law in a few
days, having been ashed bv several
counties for a writ of mandamus to
compel their county clerks to print
the names of the candidates for super
visor on the ballot.
County Clerk Graf filed the certifi
cates of nomination vesterday without
protest, but declared that he could
not place the names on the ballots.
He will not have the ballots print
ed, however, until the court hands
down its decision.
The democarts in this county failed
to nominate candidates for supervisor,
acting under the impression evident
ly, that the constitutionality of the
law would not be questioned. If the
law should oe held nnoontitntional,
the democrats will be forced to nomi
nate by petition cr to let the election
of supervisors go by default, the time
for filing nominations having expired
The failure of the democrats to
nominate was due in part to their fear
of the effect upon Dublin opinion of
either re-nominating or refusing to
renominate Ernst and Bender. A re
nomination would mean an official
endorsement of unlawful salaries. A
reiasaito re-nominate would be an
official confession of wrong doing
whioh would likewise throw the rotes
of the best democrats against the
whole ticket
If we have an election of su
pervisors, the notion of the demo
crats will be followed with interest,
for they are between the devil and the
deep sea. They will lose enough
votes whichever Way they go to sleoi
a large part of the republican ticket.
A new line of guaranteed pipes and
smoker's articles at The Bowling Alley.
The Company K reception and
dance has been postponed to October
28 on account of the bad weal her.
A late t riegrani announces the death
of Mrs. ImhoiT ut Huntington, Oregon.
The body will be brought home lor
Miss 1 1 uence Kramer accompanied
bv her aunt. Mrs. Bjn Mayer of
Chicago returned home das Saturday.
Mrs. Mayer will visit here several
L. G. Zianecker, moved into his
new harbor shop on 13th street last
Monday. There is no finer barber
shop in Nebraska than Mr. Zinneck
er's. It is iarge. light and beautifully
The new Phillips building is being
pushed rapidly. The foundations are
complete and work started en the first
story. Jack Parker nf Albicn is
doing the brick work and "Jack"
pushes everything he takes hold of.
Special sale on all trimmed
hats in onr store, commencing
Saturday, October 21, and con
tinning all the following week.
All $2.50 street hats marked
down to$l. Fillmaii's, Olive
Dr. Terry, the Omaha Eye Specialist,
has opened one of the best equipped
optical offices in the west, over Pol
lock and Go's drug store. Will be in
his Columbus office Sunday, Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday, of each week.
Spectacles and eye glasses scientifi
cally fitted. Consultation free.
Judge Katterman has issued mar
riage licenses as follows since the
last issue of the Journal: Geo.
Eieenmeneer, Humphrey and Kate A.
Supenchek of Bellwood; Gerhard
Schutte, Leigh and Sophia K. Bran
dos, Columbus ; James G. Lee and
Emily J. Hennessey of Platte Center.
T. Friedhof has filed a petition in
district court praying for an injunc
tion to restrain tho Union Pacific
Railroad from grading and doing
other work to widen its right-of-way
through the northeast quarter of sec
tion 1!), township 1, range 2, owned
by him. He claims that the railroad
is entitled to only 100 feet through his
land, whereas it is trying to use 2(H)
The Misses Sheehan entertained twenty-four
young ladies last Saturday
afternoon nt a parcel shower for Miss
Anna Hohen. The rooms were beautiful
ly decorated, red predominating both in
the rooms and tnble decorations. The
parcels were placed nn a tablo in the
parlor and opened by Miss Hohen.
Many valueble pieces of silver and cut
glass were presented. Luncheon waa
served in three courses, Miss Eva Walk
er and Miss Aileen Kavanaugh assisting.
Miss Hohen will be married tomorrow
morning at the German Reform church
to Dr. Frederick Baumgart of Danville,
111. v
J. T. Bixby is here for this week
from Omaha with a proposition tot
give Columbus a free illustrateus
write-up in the Sunday eiJiton of ihe
World-Herald, in consideration, only
of a certain number of paid-in-advance
subscriptions to the paper he
represents. He will directly call up
on the representative business men of
our city and make known to each one
the particulars of his project. From
information furnished the Journal it
appears that Columbus will be given
an unusually generous offer. Mr.
Bixbv is an early day Columbus prin
ter and a pioneer newspaper man in
Nance coon'y.
Wheat 70
Corn 3&
Oats $ bushel 20
Rye V bushel 50
Barley 24
Potatoes bu 25
Butter J u to
Eggs ) dozen in
Poultry.-,.....' 7
Hogs 455to4.70
Begs to announce to
the people of Colum
bus and Pl$te coun
ty that he has open
ed his dental office
in the rooms long
occupied by Dr. H. J.
Arnold, on Olive St,
four doors south of
the Niewohner blk.
His practice has been in connec
tion with the most skilled dental
operators in the west and his serv
ices to patients are guaranteed.
$10,009 DEFICIT.
The taxpayers of Platte ooanty are
again paying 7 per cent iatereat oa
o er $10,000 worth of outstanding
watrantF, which the treasurer lacks
funds t take up. Ihis deficit is due
to two causes. First, the failure of
the alroads to pay their taxes; and
styomi. the failure of the supervisors
to make the leavy hiah enoaab to
meet such extra-ordinary expenses as
tho constant payment of 25 per rent
more than the legal rate for all Jjthe
cannty printing, the paymeat of ille
gal supervisors' salaries and the main'
tenance of a bridge trust, whioh is
forced to make enough extra out of
Platte county tax-payers to maintain
an expensive lobby in Lincoln, and to
pay for transportation to take supervis
ors to the Pacific coast.
We need legislative action to force
tae railroads to pay their taxes as pri
vate citizens do, and we aeed a change
iu our county offices that will lop off
the burden of high taxes ia Platte
Backing the Line.
The Columbus high school foot ball
team went to Kearney Saturday to play
against the Kearney Military Academy.
The team has played three games this
season all of which resulted in a tie.
The game with Kearney was fougnt
with muscle and skill, and while Kear
ney is considered one of the - strongest
aggregations in the state our boys easily
held them to a nothing to nothing score
to the finish.
It rained bard during the game which
made playing, especially end runs very
hard. The Columbu9 plnyt-r-i were:
Gray, 1 b; Betterton, fb; Rittermun,
r h; Neater, q; Schwarz, c; Uay-a, I g;
Dickinson, r g; Duvies, It; Ht-ld, rt;
Adams, 1 e; Gass, r e. Subs. McAllis
ter, Boettcher. Coach. Graves.
Crrr Team vs. David Crrv.
tale tne high school boys were
playing a t-hut-out game at Kearney
Saturday, the Columbus City team was
doing similar things over at David City
to a stalwart bunch of Bohemians.
When the game ended neither side
had made a single point. Both teams
put np pretty ball and the game was
free from accident.
The game suited the crowd in atten
dance but the Columbus players and
their manager Jim Christensen aresore.
They are not sore over the hard line
work done daring the game, but decid
edly sore at a Mr. Green, the youthful
manager of the David City team. Just
before the game ended the Hon. Green
manager played "home speed home" on
onr boys and failed to pay their expense
guarantee. That was the smallest trick
to ever be reported by the Journal, and
the young man responsible for it will
never win friends. Our boys bad money
and did not walk home.
Twenty-Second Infaatry.
The 22nd. Infantry regiment stationed
at Fort Crook will long remember their
trip to Columbus where they spent last
Sunday. Crowds of citizens went to
their camping grounds in Baker's pas
ture north of the Loup bridge to wit
nens guard mount and they all felt re
paid. The movements of the soldiers
were executed with precision and ac
curacy. The regiment makes a march
each year for the purpose of discipline,
and Columbus was doubtless selected
ns a favorable point at which to spend
Sunday because of the military atmos
phere which exists here.
Not the least among the memories
which the officers of the 22nd regiment
carried away with them was the de
lightful informal reception given in
their honor by Colonel and Mrs. Carroll
D. Evans at their beantifnl home on
Sunday night. An informal musical
program was contributed by Mrs. E. H.
Chambers, Mrs. Evans and Carroll
Evans, and a dainty luncheon was serv
ed in the dining room.
The guests of honor were Col. Pratt,
Mnj. Bern, Capt. Ayers, Capt. Willeox,
Capt. Killborn, Lieut. Gill, Lieut. Little,
Lieut. Elliott. The other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Chambers, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Robison, Mrs. Humphreys,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howard and Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Abbott.
Ladies' and gent's clothing cleaned,
pressed, dyed and repaired. R. 8. Pal
mer, The Tailor.
Lively Week u Court
This has been a lively week ia Jus
tice O'Brien's coart. Dr. MoMahon
secured a writ of attaoaawat oa sua
carpets and rugs belonging to Maade
Baldwin to collect a dentist's bill of
Steve McAllister sued Herman
Kersenbrock for a commission of 175
for selling the Home restaurant, bat
the defendant had a set off which the
court decided was worth $5.90 more
than the claim.
Cricket Myer and Mrs. Jorgensea
were brought into court on ooasplaiat
of Mayor Dickinson oa a charge of
"prostitution". Cricket 'gave h
recognizance to appear for trial Friday
and incidentally gave Mayor Diokia
son a lecture oa his cruelty in perse
cuting a reformed womanlike herself.
Mrs Jorgensen waated thirty asiaatee
to get baiL She found a maa bat si
rode ont of town with hint ia the
direction of Silver Creek and has not
yet retmrned, -
Peopie think that they must cash
their check at the bank on which it is
drown. This is a mistake.
We cash' checks on any bank, post
office money orders, express money or
ders, railway checks, in fact almost any
kind of a draft or money order.
Bring in your items to be cashed or
for credit.
The Old Reliable
Columbus Stat Bank
CaaietUor Andrews.
The state university betas; opeaed for
the year, oertain of the democratic
papers of the state are takiag their
anneal shot at the chanellor thereof.
it. will be remembered that Chan
cellor Andrews was elected to his
present place by a populist board of
regeats. his selection beiag dae to his
advocacy of free coinage of silver. Since
that time he has become convinced
tha the free silver idea was wrong and
he has pablioly said that he was mis
taken ia his former views on that sub
ject. Likewise, practically all the
other former champions of free silver
have openly cr tacitly acknowledged
a oaaage of heart, with the exception
of Mr. Aryaa. Mr. Bryan's position
on the money question is somewhat
as follows: "I was right as I always
am, aad I sill believe in it thougk I
do not advocate it any longer, aad we
will talk about something else."
The latest cause of complaint
against the chanceUor is his opening
address to the students of the univer
sity this yaar. As usual, he has been
largely misrepresented. One seateace
taken from his address has been played
apon'most widely by his eaemies.
at I do maintain and declare'that
after all tae main thing is the piling
upoi weaita."
By pickiag out isolated sentences
aad concealing or distorting the con
text, one could prove Abraham Lin
coln a dnukard, Roosevelt a marder
er. Bob lagersoU a christian or Henry
Ward Beeoaer an atheist, and each
would staad convicted oat of his own
month. It is an old trick and it is
dishonest of oourse.
What the chancellor said was this:
From an economic standpoint,
thing for all the oitizeas of a country
is that the country shoald accumulate
wealth; that it would be better if the
wealth were distributed, bat still it is
better to have some rich ami some poor
than to have all poor; tbat.every citi
zea should labor, not towa-d the get
ting of money, bat toward the pre
ductioa or wealth. And he summed
np in the following paragraph which
so far has not been quoted by the es
teemed democratic anockers:
"I do not speak of the millennium.
Inadaymnch nearer than that, it
shall to all but the very basest, seem
better that a man shall act ia all
things with scrcpuloas justice, deal
ing to each hi due, aad helping to
build high the pile of social and
general wealth than that he scheme
to best his fellows at any cost, in or
der to live in a great house, ride in a
private car, sail a yacht, aad rot.
when dead, ander aa immense pile of
It is a fact of some significance that
the stadents of the aniversity, not on
ly a majority bat all of them, are
solid ia support of the chancellor and
have been so through all the years
that be has been subjected to partisan
attack. Most of the papers that are
agaiast him are of the yawp olass the
kiad that takes np any cry that is
raised bythe maia yawp aad continues
it aaiil the leader changes the tune.
The leader ia this case is of, course
the Omaha World-Herald. TheWorld
Herald is a great newspaper and has
great influence, and it might be in
better business than deliberate mis
representation of a public educator.
The Booae Ooanty Advance.
Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist.
One of the largest and best
equipped dental offices in
the state.;
VltaMzael flftr far rainiest
The kind that is safe and never
Come in and have your teeth
examined and get our estimate J
on your work. It will cost you
nothing; and we give a useful
souvenir to each caller.
All work guaranteed.
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