kSSrBir iaKmmH CFjMBHnBBMBHIaaf"nprHBIVA mix!Tfmamaamaamaamaael iVTTrTiBBBHlllfTnr jiPBMBAllMiiiBi' " " 'W tfOLA-L- I - ' maBmaamaammma ? " i . "V ,VE!- ". .-.(- " s; u i. A FAPM RCHAW Mr. "VVr.TK fnIts contributions of any new iii'as tli.it r-.tl"rs of this department may wili to jr.nt. :inl would be IIeasfi to aw-r forr-sjoulent.s desirinR Inform:! lion on subjects discussed. Ad dress 11. J. WiagK. Waukee or Des Moines. Iowa. NITROGEN FOR THE ORCHARD SOIL. Clover and cow peas, plowed under, enrich the soil. They convey nitro gen from the air to the earth, it is generally understood, hut it has only been recently ascertained hy what process of nature this end is attained. The experts of the Agricultural De partment at Washington have made scientific investigations, taking clover as the principal nitrogenous plant. They discovered that clover roots, with nodules or knotty formations on them, are rich in bacteria that make the nitrogen. These roots disintegrate and convoy the nitrogen to the soil. The peculiar bacteria have the faculty of husbanding nitrogen from the air. These government experts report that clover tops or green growth make humus ami enrich the soil, after the manner of all green manure, but the nitrogen is contained in the nodules of roots. Their opinion is based on chemical tests, and is to the effect that leguminous plants, such as cow peas, possess the same power of at tracting as of generating the bacteria that secrete nitrogen. Alfalfa also is rich with nitrogenous nodules. Not all clover roots have nodules, but the barren ones are the excep tions. Trees, crops of all kinds and vege table growth deprive the soil of the vitalizing nitrogen, and is of the great est importance to "rest," or restore, the impoverished soil. Fruit trees are benefited in growth by fertile soil, of course, but the fruits apples, peaches, pears, plums, and all berry crops, are made sound and well llavored by nitrogen con veyed from the soil, as well as in the air. The Agricultural Department offers compressed calces, like yeast, of the bacteria and nitrogen, from legumi nous roots. These cakes can be util ized according to the directions con cisely given, and the benefit will be the same as from plowing under a full crop of clover or cow peas. At the same time, clover plants and pea vines are secondarily beneficial to orchard soils. The green stems, roots and leaves nu'ke fiber and open the soil, while the nitrogen affects the subtle alchemy alike beneficial to otherwise rich, as well as to very poor, soil. Selling grain and hay from the farm in bulk reduces the profit in two ways. It is expensive to handle and haul, and it takes away elements of fer tility that should be saved and re turned to the soil. Feed hogs, sheep ami cattle, and so market your prod uce in the most condensed form and in the easiest way on the hoof and keep up the land while you are crop ping it. UNPRODUCTIVE APPLE TREES. I have in my orchard four apple frees of the crab variety. They are large trees, nearly a foot in diameter at the base of the trunk. They blos som every spring profusely, but bear no fruit. Can you tell me what the trouble is? Any information that can be given would be appreciated. F. M. T. The lack of fruit on your trees may be due to two causes. First, too vig orous a growth. Second, lack of fer tility of apple blossoms. Oftentimes, if the trees are given too much plant food, they tend to go to the production of wood growth, and do not store up sufficient food to develp fruit buds. It is more likely, however, that the trees are of the varieties which are infertile with their own pollen. This trouble is often noticed where Wock orchards of fruit trees arc plant ed. Many varieties of apples require pollen from other than their own flowers to fertilize their blossoms. The remedy to follow in this case would be to top-graft with different varieties of apples. The writer has known trees that never bore fruit, but blossomed pro fusely each spring, and after they were top worked with two or three varieties, the trees came into bearing. It is said that one more egg per week will keep the hen. It can be seen how necessary it is to reduce the farm business to a science and make each producer on the farm produce to its utmost capacity. DRAFTS IN THE POULTRY HOUSE. No one has been able to ascertain why a draft of air blowing through a crack in the hen house, while a hen is on the roost, will prove detrimental to her health, when the same hen roosting in a tree can have all the feathers blown off her body, and the latter blown into another county, with out any apparent disturbance, except as to location. An exchange says this is considered to be a fact. Drafts in a poultry house are dan gerous, &nd no mistake. Breezes in summer or winter will not hurt folks or liens, if they are active and keep in motion. Sitting or roostur, in a draft of air will prove dange-rous to fowls, and should be avoids. Dot't have any drafts in the roost ing rvm of the poultry house while the htns are at roost. At any other time taey may do no damage. W6$re the farm is distant from manufacturing centers, it is advisable to ed crops to stock and sell the meet, wool ancJ dairy products, keep ing, tip a good rotation of crops. HEADING BACK TREES. It is desirable, especially with the peach and plum tree, that we have as low topped trees as possible, so that a large per cent of the fruit can be gathered from the ground. To do this, the tree should he headed back in July. This is done by removing at least a half of this season's growth of wood, so as to make the tree bushy and low topped. We are asked by a party anticipat ing planting out a new orchard if be would get healthier, longer-lived trees by planting seed and grafting the tree where it is to remain permanently, so as to save the removal of the tree. Abstractly, a tree grown without removal, and allowed to grow and bear fruit just where the seed sprout ed, is the best of all trees. Of course, there is no shortening of the tap root or mutilating of the laterals, which always occurs in the transplanting of a tree; but we have grown one orchard in this way, and can speak from ex perience that it is a very expensive and inconvenient way. While in the majority of cases a much longer time must elapse before the tree begins to bear, it is a well-known fact that by transplanting of trees they are brought into bearing sooner. We do not be lieve that it is advisable for the ordi nary farmer to attempt to grow his trees in this way. L.earn to live out of the garden and cellar, instead of the grocery store, if you expect to become a prosperous farmer. Good food in abundance, and of great variety, grown on the farm, should be the first and foremost con sideration of every American farmer. WHEN CRICKETS SING. When crickots ship and asters bloom In all the woodland ways. And smoke lianus low. and far away the fields ate lost in haze; When in the corn tlieie is a voice that whispers: "Summer's koiic," And h'i' and t)iiv a led leaf glows, first lights of an autumn dawn Then. soft as milkweed down, on me Is lai.l the hand of mystery. The woodland wavers; at my feet I hear the 'all juiiss sii;h; A low sttert music of loijret runs through the earth and sky; The cieek is caiht in a net of mist who-e silveiy meshes gleam. And m heart beats low, and I walk as one uilks wandeiing in a dream For. soft as the milkweid down, on me Is laid the hand of instery. Selected. When we read the long spun out articles by some horticultural writers, when we listen to elaborate addresses on fruit culture by certain speakers at farmers" meetings, we cannot help thinking of the experience of a certain farmer who had become interested in the writings of one of these prolific, paid-by-the-column writers, and who traveled several hundred miles to pay him a visit. What did he find? In stead of the broad fields covered with trees and berry plants, as he had imagined, he found a few currant bushes grown up to grass, half a dozen fruit trees, and possibly 100 strawberry plants the worse from neg lect. Growing fruits at a profit and writing for the papers or speaking at farmers gatherings are entirely differ ent vocations, and not always united in the same person. SEPARATORS PAY. The experts have figured out that 20 per cent of the total production of butter is lost by the old gravity proc ess. The loss on one good cow during a year would be 22 pounds of but ter, and, on ten cows, 223 pounds; which,at 20 cents a pound, would be $45 a year. It will be seen by this that the loss to the farmers who cream their own milk by a gravity process is enormous in the aggregate. How can any business man succeed and suffer such a percentage of loss? What would be thought of the man who would go on from year to year with a hole in his pocket through which 20 cents would drop out and be lost every time he put a dollar into his pocket? Some men try to console themselves by saying that it is not all lost the calves and pigs get the but ter. But this is poor consolation, for butter is dear feed, even when the price is lowest. One cent's worth of oil-meal will do the calves as much good as a pound of butter fat. Cement is taking the place of lum ber in a number of ways sidewalks, building material, and fence posts. The latter alone is said to te the greatest blessing to the farmer. The posts never rot and can be manufac tured at a comparatively low cost. MONEY IN GROWING MULES. Callaway county. Mo., is one of the greatest mule-growing sections in the country- A mule breeder from that county says that they boast of being the banner county in the country, and many farmers have grown wealthy raising and trading in mules. When a gooij mule at 3 years of age can be sold at $175 to $200, there is money in mule raising, and that is just the price that has been paid for them right along down in that part of the state, he says. Good mules are in good demand at fair prices the year round, and there are few sections in this state and Illinois where mule growing is not followed profitably. Time is never "lost in fitting butter for market. Bear in mind that you are establishing a reputation which will enable you to sell your butter readily at all times. When the mar ket is on the decline, poor butter al ways gets the hard knocks. Have you ever noticed that it is the special crops that pay? This Is an age of specialties. BEN eaessv WHEAT AS A PASTURE. The favorable growing weather has, produced a very rank growth of plants in the winter wheat fields throughout Oklahoma and Missouri. It has been found of great benefit to the crop to pasture off these wheat lands during the fall season, thus encouraging the stool ing of the plant. The early sow ing and encouragement to a strong root system is believed to be greatly to the advantage of the plant in send ing up a vigorous stalk growth when the spring season opens up. The close pruning of the wheat plant, by pasturing, after it has become well rooted and commenced throwing out a strong growth, has been found en tirely satisfactory. It is the early pas turing, while there is yet time for a later fall growth for winter protection, that is advocated. The pasturing of the winter wheat must be conducted with care and sys tem. Sheep are the most satisfactory grazing animals to turn on the wheat field. They graze more uniformly, bite off their feed with less tension, or pulling, and they do not pull the plants out of the ground like cattle. Sheep are a benefit in packing the soil, where cattle or horses are fre quently a damage by tramping out the wheat and cutting up the ground. The wheat field should be protected when the ground is wet; no kind of stock should be permitted on it; the ground should be comparatively dry when the stock are turned in. It is usually best to turn in a few hours each day and then remove them, un less the fields are large and the growth such as to demand continuous grazing, in order to keep down the growth. The advantage that a lot of stock may get from a wheat pasture for occasional grazing during the fall and winter can scarcely be estimated, only by those who have experienced its value. Winter wheat districts will find the sheep a valuable help, both in grazing off the overgrowth in the fall, and gleaning the stubble after harvest Tis Nature's own picture. Though lacking a name. The fairest on earth And needing no frame. The glow of Uia scene And the beauty o'er all Speak of the master And the glory of KalL POULTRY NOTES. Patronize jour local poultry show. Don't be satisfied with only one visit, but go as often as you can, and enter at least some of your birds. It is claimed by those who have used a bone cutter that the amount of grain saved by the use of green bone soon pays for the cost of the machine, so that we not only save grain by its use, but also insure a fuller egg bas ket. The proper time for hatching early broilers is in the late fall and win ter, which is also the most suitable season for incubators. The great ob stacle to the production of early broil ers is that the hens will not incubate until they are ready to do so of their own accord. By the use of the incu bator, chicks can be hatched at any time. Twelve inches is high enough for the roosts, and all should be of the same height not one above another, ladder fashion. The advantages of a low and uniform roost are that it pre vents bunble foot and other disease of the foot, and obviates all the quar reling and fighting on the part of the fowls to gain the topmost roost, THROUGH EXPERIENCE. Many farmers have become discour aged in exclusive grain raising by the past two unprofitable seasons. These reverses have called a halt in their past system, and set them to think ing. Anything that will set a fanner to thinking will do him good. The past season has done that effectually. We find much interest taken in everything that is said in the insti tutes the past winter along the lines of diversified farming. While farmers were raising good crops of wheat they could see no poetry or profit in feed ing pigs or calves and milking cows. It was hard to make the farmers be lieve, while crops were good, that there would ever come a time when grain raising would become unprofit able. They have met with that ex perience, and while it may seem a hard experience at the present, I think it will have its good effect in starting them along more profitable lines. Shredded fodder should be handled intelligently. It will keep well when, not put up too green or when wet with rain. While it may be stacked out of doors, it is best to put it in the barn or shed. FRUIT FOR EVAPORATION. So much 'is said about the advan tage of fruit evaporating to make a market for otherwise unsalable fruit that many may think it makes little difference what its quality may be. The truth is that only the really good fruit should be used for the evapo rator. It may be, and often is, unsal able, because of blemishes which af fect its looks, but do not impair qual ity. But to take green, worm-eaten fruit and put it through the evap orator is a mistake. Its first effect is to discourage the consumer, making him think that evaporated fruit is not so good as he expected. Poor fruit is not worth much for the pigs, but that or othei stock is the best market for it, Clean seed means the reaping of a clean crop. All Were Safe Behind This Engineer Incident Shows Constant Watch ful Care Demanded of the Nan Who Drives 'a Present Day Locomotive. "The quick perception of a locomo tive engineer and his watchful regard for the safety of his train were brought forcibly to my attention re cently," said a traveler to the Bir mingham (Ala.) News. "We were speeding along at the rate of about thirty-five miles an hour on a wide tract of level country. It was a heavy trans-continental train carrying twelve cars. Suddenly the air brakes were applied with all their force and the cars came to such a violent halt as to almost hurl the passengers from their seats. The sleeping-car porter, who was mounted upon a step ladder engaged in turning on the lights, was forced to an acrobatic stunt in the middle of the aisle. The passengers hurried from the cars to learn the cause of the sudden stop. Those of them who had expected a collision when the first shock came peered out for the other train, but did not see one. It was just twilight and we were out on the prairie some miles from a station with not even a farmhouse in sight. "At second glance the engineer, a big, red-faced fellow clad in blue over alls, was seen making his way down by the side of his train with a drip- Romantic Girl Thai Millionaire Aged Suitor Mad No Bad Habits at Present but She Recognized Possibilities of the Future. The old multimillionaire crooked one rheumatic knee at the feet of the beautiful debutante, while in the dis tance the orchestra was playing some leit motif from Rausmitthimsky's sublime works, and the haunting mel ody filtered through the tropical vege tation that screened them from the dancers. "Miss Youngbudde Ethel, 1 love you!" "But, O, Mr. Stocksandbonds, I I," stammered the sweet young thing, noting, however, that her official sten ographer and recording phonograph were in good acoustic positions. "Ah, Miss Ethel," the old multimil lionaire was saying, "it is in the meri dian of life that we can appreciate woman's worth and her cheering, di vine presence. All else have I palaces, automobiles. yachts but without you they are as nothing." "Ah! Mr. Stocksandbonds," blushed the debutante, "I would marry you. in To Use "Wireless" Vast Stretches of South America to Be Equipped with the New Method of Communication Advantages to Commerce. Among the many important instal lations of wireless telegraphy already in operation, or soon to be construct ed, one of the most interesting is the proposed line in Peru which is to be established between Puerto Bermudez and Iquitos, a distance of 1,000 kilo meters (G21.37 miles). The reasons in fluencing the choice of wireless teleg raphy for this purpose apply with equal force in other places in South America and Africa, and are chiefly the superstition of the natives as re gards the wires and insulators and the difficulty of penetrating the for ests and jungles to construct an ordi nary line. In Peru it has been con sidered for some time of the greatest importance to establish communica tion between Lima and Iquitos, the main port on the Amazon, and while there was telegraphic communication across the Cordilleras, the wires did not extend beyond Puerto Bermudez, which was accordingly made the start Brought to Light Discovery Interesting to Archeol ogists Made by Accident at Glasgow. Scotland Specimen of Exquisite Carving. A curious discovery was made the other day at the foot of the High street, Glasgow. The second house from the Tolbooth Steeple is "Hop kirk's Land," which contains the shop where David Dale, the great eight teenth century philanthropist, estab lished himself in business in the yarn and hosiery line. The building, of seventeenth century erection, remains much as it was in Dale's time. For many years a cellar beneath the house has been little used, but a few days ago a shelf which had served its day was cleared away, the support of which turned out to be Dale's long lost sign a wool pack carved in wood and gilt There was another eigh teenth century hosiery business in Glasgow which displayed the swing ing lamb the Golden Fleece of old Spain, which was borne on the ban- AVAAVMMVWVWVWWVVWVWVVVVVWVVWVMAMSAAAMAAAAAAAAAAMVVVV Shah and Suite Dreaded the Darkness Radium Exhibition Spoiled by Childish Fright of Persians Absenceof Light ProbablyHeld Suggestion of Assassination. There was an element of humor in the interview which took place in Paris between the shah of Persia and M. Curie, the French scientist His majesty had expressed his desire to see the wonders of radium, so a tele gram was sent to M. Curie asking him to present himself at the Elysee pal ace hotel. "Your name and your great discov ery are known to us in Persia," said the shah, after the manner of an "Arabian Night" potentate address ing a magician. "I wish to see this famous radium, which is described as having the most marvelous powers." "Sire," replied M. Curie. "I can sat isfy your curiosity, but not here, for the light is too strong. In order that yru may properly see the brilliance i ping torch in hand, peeping under the coaches as he moved slowly on. He was intent upon finding something, and from the earnestness of his search one would have been led to believe that he had lost his watch or his pocket book. 'What's the trou ble?' called out a curious passenger, himself on the ground and, like the engineer, looking under the cars. 'A little bolt dropped out of the eccen tric of my locomotive, and if I had not stopped when I did the machine would have torn itself to pieces and perhaps wrecked the train,' was the reply of the railroad man. T must have that bolt, as I am without another to take its place,' he continued, and going on with his search, he was rewarded by finding the coveted piece of steel. It was picked up under the trucks of the last sleeper, thus illustrating what a quick stop had been made. Gathering up-the bolt the engineer returned to his locomotive, and, crawling under the iron monster, hammered for a few minutes and then scrambling out, an nounced that he was ready to proceed on the journey. The passengers who had watched the operation climbed aboard again and we were off. The incident seemed simple, but, as I have said, it served to illustrate the quick perception and the keen caution of the man who had the safety of sever al hundred human lives in his hands." Knew Her Business deed I would, but for one thing against you your personal habits." "But," protested the old millionaire, with dignity, "I have always consid ered myself and so have my friends as a very criterion of morality and clean living. Unlike the worthless and poverty stricken young rakes of these days, Ethel, I am not only fabulously rich, but have absolutely no bad habits." "That's just it, Mr. Stocksandbonds; that is just why I must refuse you," said the girl, in a tone of infinite sad ness. "Impossible!" gasped the aged- mill ionaire. "Do you mean to say that you would admire bad habits in a hus band?" Dreamily, sadly, the romantic young debutante pulled to pieces a red, red rose "Tell me," persisted the suitor, "why you would wish to see me dissipated." "Why, er er, bad habits shorten life, you know," murmured the maid en. But then, reflecting that she could easily drive him to drink after mar riage, the romantic girl accepted the suitor. New York Herald. Through the Jungle ing point of the wireless system. A contract has been awarded to a Ger man company to provide the appara tus, and this will give it a virtual monopoly of wireless telegraphy in Peru. Between Puerto Bermudez and Iqui tos the plan is to have three inter mediate stations and ultimately to ex tend the line to Manaos on the Ama zon and then down the river to Para, thus affording direct communication between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. There already is a cable up the Amazon, but the service is fre quently interrupted, and in the upper water the swift currents would have rendered the laying of such a means of communication impossible. As wireless telegraphy has proved suc cessful at sea, between islands, and over large tracts of land in Alaska, it is interesting to have a practical demonstration as to whether equally good results will be achieved in actual practice in the impenetrable forests of South America. If such is the case, there will be, without question, a wide application of the idea, as it will put within reach at small expense dis tricts otherwise quite isolated. 18th Century Sign , ners of the great Duke of Alva when ' invading the Netherlands. Both signs are remembered, but if the lamb has been made into kindling wood, the wool pack is now in safe keeping, al though it is considerably the worse for having rested on the flagged floor of a cellar for sixty years, and the gilt is now only discernable in parts. The carving of the wool pack has been done by a master hand, and it would be a good object lesson for wood carv ing students who are endeavoring to revive an almost lost art. The lamb sign for the hosier's business is very old, and has reference to St. Agnes, who suffered martyrdom in the year 306 when only 14 years of age. The saint has been usually depicted by ar tists with a lamb by her side. In days when the common people of England could not read printed signs, the first man in a town or village to sei up business in yarns and hosiery adopted the lamb sign. A competitor would choose the wool pack. of radium I must show it in a room which is dark entirely dark." The shah, whose nervousness Is very well known, did not take kind ly to the idea of a dark room, and called his grand vizier, who suggest ed drawing the curtains of the room, but M. Curie persisted that blackness was necessary. Thereupon the shah called M. Paoli, the French detective protector of royalties, who assured his majesty that there was no danger. So the party descended to the under ground apartment in the hotel known as the safe room. M. Curie began expounding the properties of radium, and then gave a signal for the electric light to be switched off. Immediately a panic seized the shah's suite, and all cried out in Persian and in French, "Light! Light!' Turn on the light!" The elec tricity was switched on again, and the disappointed savant was forced to show his radium in a lighted room. London Chronicle. YOU WANT Journal Job Printing BECAUSE: Styles are always up-to-date. Work is guaranteed. Prompt delivery. Seasonable prices. If we haven't it we will order it We can save business men money on printed forms; we can get engraved cards ior society people; Journal Sale Bills bring bring business. Try I Columbus Journal 60. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII i jm& SAlMi eu is the tsaasatlsi at aUFai 9. The gearal erejadlee agalast Keaay.Mlxed a im met iaas mess ei S. AUumiMUtmMntmxmumAtmtmmTHICICPASTB. Mtaesl paint maker tbea Olmtcs sum at "eU" yea have te lake . Wheyaba7Rcaa-3flxedPatat.yaeiMrrtheKea4j.Htaetf rvm snee nr uus caanca u," price far the fresh, pave raw ell 8. There la a palat whiw aleteax content with the arefis that aay 14 year eld hoy eaa bUx hath heaghs aeparately tram the gallest far sralloa. no more, lea, yea have am abwolately pare Haamd eU palat that has east yaw at least 23o less Una aay "High Grade' fceadyHlxed Pali. Aw hoaeat price for hath palat aad all aad year ewa prrsaaal haew edee ef Its parity aad darahUlty. . s. This palat Is Klaleeh laease IslsJi Which Is Um of staadard. asnnlwr aad DVRARLK'rmlmrm. It patat-aV Jast the goad old together ready far yea te thm WHEREVER WE HAVE NO AGENT. YOUR OWN DEALER WILL 3ET "KINLOCH" FOR YOU. IF SHOWN KINLOC" PAINT COMPANY. ST. LOUIS. MO. iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin TO CHICAGO axLcl EAST Without Change of Cars Tna, UNION PACIFIC R. R. Chicago- Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. For Time Tables rnd Special Rates see Union Pacific Agent, or write F. 1. MSN, Bm'I Western Age?, 1524 Fmaa St. OMAHA. NtsBRflSKfl. rhe Only Track Railway be tween the Missouri River and Fast dailv train service Pacific & North -Western Line from ooints in Nebraska to Chicago Six trains a day Omaha to Chicago, without change. Two trains daily between Omaha and bt. f aul and Minneapolis. G he Best For rates, tickets roagems union J.Lm.sMt.loxFfaMrM'r.sjL Chicago & rafsTI LbLbU L Kansas Southern Railway "Straight as tfee Crow Files" KANSAS CITY TO THE OULF PASSING THROUGH A GREATER DIVERSITY OP CLIMATE. 80IL AND RESOURCE THAN ANY OTHER RAILWAY IN THE WOftLD, FOR ITS LENGTH Along Its line re the tnest lasda. suited for rrowicjr amsll rrsln. corn.flsx, cottoa; fsreosunercUIsppleaaapesch orchards, for other fruits and ttt- nes; xorcoauiercuuesntsioupe. potato, tomato ana reserai trues nrms; for sugar cat and rice cnltlTatloa; for merchantable timber; forralslag horses, mules, cattle, hogs, eheep, poultry and Angora goats. Writs far Intsraatlen CeneernlM , FREE GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS Mas Celeny Locations. Imarsvei Fares, Miser! Lanes. Rice Lsses sai TIassff Lanes, sas ier espies sr -csrrsni lice Seek. K. n Cheap round-trip homeeeekers' tickets oa sale first and third Tuesdays of , each month. THE 8HORT LINE TO "THE LAND OF FULFILLMENT'9 c . D. JlUXlOJf, TraT. XamsesOUy. P. B. Oas'Lll, TraT. better styles at lower prices. crowds. Journal Letter Heads us. riCX'tf every sallaa eff this his ward far Its eerily-. er iroaiir4Wii ta yew Meal 1 sera STOP, wl a the palat al this easfe aad the 1 local dealer. Simply stir together. aad aotalasr else, aad TOU tisae - tried palat materials, dowa with the pare raw oH. THIS AD.. BY WRITING DIRECT TO. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tixe Double Chicago via the Chiracm. I ImVm and East of Everything and full Information apply racmc K. K. or saaress North - Westeni Ry. M4 the Bead. imesiBemaraves dealer's htrres, are raw ml OMAHA. NEB. ami tt snts. Business ussertsniuee. C.S. FrsH I 3 .. City. Ctty. mmmasmamaaaahx a S3 4 "I r -