The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 11, 1905, Image 6

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Columbus Journal
General News
Three fatal cases of cholera are re
-ported at Lodz, Russian Poland.
John a Sanger, late of New York,
has been murdered in Sonora, Mexico.
Several conflicts between Czechs
and Germans, the result of race hat
red, have taken place.
The warrant for the extradition of
John E. Gaynor and B. D. Green has
been signed by the minister of jus
tice. The supreme court of Nevada hand
ed down a decision upholding the con
stitutionality of the state eight-hour
At least fifty lives are reported to
have been lost in the typhoon in the
Philippines, while the property loss
is great
One man was burned to death and
two were fatally burned tonight in a
fire in a lodging house in West street.
New York.
Ambassador Cassus, who expected
to leave Mexico City Saturday, for
Washington, is confined to his bed
with a severe illness.
Robert E. Burke returns to power
as head of the Cook county Demo
crats and as political manager for
Mayor Dunne of Chicago.
Secretary MetcaJf of the depart
ment of commerce and labor, who
has been ill with an affection of the
stomach, is reported better.
The pest commission reports that
on September 29 and September 30
twenty-one new cases of cholera were
discovered in Russian Poland.
E. P. Ripley, president of the San
ta Fe Road, called to aid the cause
of reduced live stock rates, testified
that they already are too low.
The members of the Russian Im
perial family who have been cruis
ing in Finnish waters on the impe
rial yacht Polar Star, have returned
to Peterhoff.
George W. Beavers, former chief of
the salaries and allowance division of
the postoffice department will be tried
at an" early date on all the indictments
returned against him.
Japan made peace in fear of a
financial breakdown, the expenses of
the war proving greater than was
expected and the rice crop being
threatened with failure, is a report
from Tokio.
The laws of Missouri are declared
to be a menace to business and moral
life by the St Louis grand jury which
has been investigating tax dodging,
and the enactment of a new statute
is recommended.
The Never Sink Mountain hotel, lo
cated on the summit of Never Sink
mountain, on the outskirts of Read
ing, Pa., was destroyed by fire. The
building, a large four-story frame
structure, was erected twelve years
ago at a cost of $100,000.
The federal grand jury at Wash
ington returned new indictments in
the cotton crop leakage cases against
Edwin S. Holmes, jr., a former as
sistant statistician of the agricultural
department; Frederick A. Peckham
and Moses Hass of New York.
At a meeting of the directors of the
Wabash railroad, a resolution was
passed granting President James
Ramsey, Jr., an indefinite extension of
his leave of absence. Mr. Ramsey
attended the meeting and formally
protested against what he considered
an effort on the part of the board to
remove him as president
The Paris Echo de Paris prints an
article signed by Andrew Carnegie
in which the writer argues in favor of
an alliance of the United States,
France and Great Britain for the safe
guarding of the peace of the world.
The author denominates the coun
tries named as "the three republics;
two uncrowned and one crowned."
Congressman Hull of Iowa, pre
dicts that the coming session of con
gress will be a busy one and that con
gress would have plenty to do in dis
posing of legislation that failed last
session, appropriation bills and new
legislation. He gave as his belief
that there would be "a serious effort
at railway rate legislation and the
probabilities are there will be a law
The Dennison case, in which Tom
Dennison is charged with complicity
In the Pollock diamond robbery, which
was scheduled to come up at this term
of the Montgomery county, Iowa dis
trict court, may be continued until
December, if it Is ever tried.
The Shingle Mills' bureau, an as
sociation to control the output of
WaWshington red cedar shingles, was
organized at Seattle. About 80 per
per cent of the total output of the
state was represented. A resolution
was adopted, advocating a closing
down of the mills during the months
of December and January next
Completion of the second tube of
the New York and New Jersey tunnel
under the Hudson River is an
nounced. Superintendent Pearse of the Mil
waukee public schools favors the es
tablishment of neighborhood centers
in the school buildings.
Orders for 100.000 tons of shipping
have been placed by England with the
Clyde builders.
The anniversary of the death of
Emile Zola was observed at Paris,
crowds of people visiting the Mont-
martre cemetery, where flowera were
deposited on his tomb.
President Roosevelt will go to New
Orleans, despite the yellow feer epi
demic. Attorney General Stead of Illinois
Cave an opinion that under the phar
macy law passed in 1901 the state
board cannot prosecute druggists for
adulteration of medicines.
At the conclusion .of a meeting ol
the executive committee of the Mc
Kinley National Memorial associa
tion, it was announced that the cor
nerstone of the monument would be
laid November 16 at 11, o'clock a. am.
by Justice Dax, president of the as
100,000000 Bushels of Wheat fraai
4000,000 Acres cf Land.
la order to secure the attention of
the reader to any special article that
is brought before the public, it is
often the custom to lead the reader on
by the introduction of an interesting
story until by one bold jump, he is
introduced to the subject that it is
desired shall be brought to his notice.
This is not fair to the reader, and it
is not the intention to do that in this
article. It will discuss in the brief
est way "Western Canada" and its
possibilities for settlement For the
past six or seven years the Govern
ment of the Dominion .of Canada has
talked of the resources of Western
Canada to the readers of this and
thousands of other papers through
out the United States. The quality
of the soil was spoken of, the large
area of fertile lands was discussed
the possibilities of tlie country as a
grain-growing district were talked of,
and the story of the success of farm
ers from the United States was told.
The story is not yet an old one. The
two hundred thousand from the
United States, who have made West
ern Canada their home, who have
taken advantage of the 160 acres of
land that the Government gives free
to actual settlers are telling the story
to-day to their friends. They havs
proven the statements made through
these columns and by the Government
Agents. They have produced from
their lands, twenty, thirty, forty and
more bushels of wheat to the acre,
and netted profits ranging from three
to ten and more dollars on every acre
tilled. They have found the climate
fully as good as they were told it
would be, schools were convenient and
easily organized, railways were not
far distant, and markets close at
hand. The social conditions were
such as they chose to make them, and
law and order were observed. Many
of them bought land, because It was
low-priced and good, and hundreds of
cases could be cited where the pur
chase price of the land was paid out
of the first crop. The writer knows of
cases this year where the farmer, as
a result of the yield on his farm, was
put in a position that would enable
him to increase his holdings three
extra acres for every acre cropped and
pay cash for it. Is it any wonder that
one grows enthusiastic when speaking
about Western Canada.
But what may be said of this year.
We are now in a position to speak re
garding it The conditions throughout
Manitoba and the new provinces of
Alberta and Saskatchewan have been
remarkably favorable. Had condi
tions been no better than in past
years there would have been every
cause for congratulation. We find
thngh all previous records broken,
aiid that from a four million acre
crop of wheat there will be one hun
dred million bushels of a yield or
25 bushels to the acre. Could anything
better be desired? Covering the en
tire country the same splendid reports
are being received. The following
dispatch was sent by Mr. F. W.
Thompson, Vice President of the
Ogilvie Milling Co.. one of the most
careful grain men in America:
"Have just returned from covering
several hundred miles of the crop
district I never saw anything like it
In this country before. The average
yield and quality far exceeds our
earlier expectations. It is an im
mense crop. The weather Is extreme
ly favorable."
Up to three weeks ago It was Mr.
Thompson's opinion that the crop
would not reach general expectations.
"F. W. Thompson sends another
telegram from Winnipeg to-night, say
ing that his estimate of the wheat
crop is now one hundred millions
bushels. Before he went west he
thought it would fall considerably
short of that figure."
The moral of this story is that there
should be no hesitation in making a
decision if you wish to better your
condition; or, if you have a family
of boys that you wish to become set
tled on farms, It is a safe proposition
to call upon the nearest authorized
Canadian Government Agent, and get
particulars as to most suitable dis
tricts and railway rates.
Detectives are interested
"collar" industry.
In the
Hew I Suffered with Itching and
Bleeding Eczema Until Cured
by Cuticura.
"No tongue can tell how I suffered
for five years with a terribly painful,
Itching, and bleeding eczema, my
body and face being covered with
sores. Never in my life did I experi
ence such awful suffering, and I
longed for death, which I felt was
near. I had tried doctors and medi
cines without success, but my mother
insisted that I try Cuticura. I felt
better after the first bath with Cuti
cura Soap and one application of Cuti
cura Ointment, and was soon entirely
well. (Signed) Mrs. A. Etson, Belle
rue, MJch;
As a rule, the hens calculate to
cackle early.
I do not 'believe Pirn's Cure for Consumption
has an equal for coughs and colds. Joar P.
Botbu, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 190ft
It's surprising what a number of
practical things are impracticable
when you try them.
ll mmaoentfr eared. Xoflteori
I I artdy"ueof Dr.Kline'iGreMSerra Rector,
er. Send for FREK 02.00 trial bottle and treatise.
Oil. 8. K. SUX E. Ud, Mi Aicn Street, PWladelpUl. Fm
There isn't very much hope for the
man who has reached the age of 40
and isn't more or less of a crank.
Try One Package.
If "Defiance Starch" does not please
you, reurn it to your dealer. If it
does you get one-third more for the
same money. It will give you satis
faction, and will not stick to the iron.
In this age of substitution somebody
should substitute something for the
walking delegate.
Defiance Starch Is put up 18 ounces
ut a package, 10 cents. One-third
more starch for the same money.
' The man who Is on the cross aeeds
bo crosses an him.
Photographing Lightning.
Lightning can only be photographed
at night It is also impossible to use
any cap or shutter for this work, in
asmuch as the eyes do not observe a
flash of lightning tiU at least a tenth
of a second after it has passed.
Bo that, having focused your camera
before hand, draw the shutter and hold
the camera in the direction you think
the flash will take; and you must trust
to the courtesy of the lightning to be
there on time. London Magazine.
Flower Takes Place of Ring.
A wedding without a ring seems in
congruous, but in Cadiz, Spain, no ring
is used. After the ceremony the
bridegroom moves the flower In his
bride's hair from left to right, for in
various parts of Spain to wear a rose
above your light ear is to proclaim
yourself a wife.
Fun in Figures.
For the benefit of readers who are
fond of curiosities in figures, it may
be mentioned that 142,857 multiplied
by either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, gives the
same figures in the same order, be
ginning at a different point; but if
multiplied by 7, gives all nines.
Best in the World.
Cream, Ark., Oct 9th. (Special.)
After eighteen months suffering from
Epilepsy, Backache and Kidney Com
plaint Mr. W. H. Smith of this place
Is a well man again and those who
have watched his return to health un
hesitatingly give all the credit to
Dodd's Kidney Pills. In an Interview
regarding his cure, Mr. Smith says:
"I had been low for eighteen months
with my back and kidneys and also
Epilepsy. I had taken everything I
knew of and nothing seemed to do me
any good till a friend of mine got me
to send for Dodd's Kidney Pills. I find
that they are the greatest medicine
In the world, for rrw I am able to
work and am in fact as stout and
strong as before I took sick."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid
neys. Cured Kidneys cleanse the
blood of all impurities. Pure blood
means good henlth.
When a rich old duffer tells a girl
he will die for her, she should bear in
mind that he may be stronger than he
Gverzealous Reformers Work for Law
Against Proprietary Medicines.
"Schemes to diminish or destroy
the sale of proprietary medicines are
constantly being devised by interested
parties. Every now nd then some
zealous reformer comes to the front
with the demand for a law to require
every package of proprietary medi
cine to be labeled with a printed
statement of the 'formula,' showing
just how it is manufactured. The mil
lions of people who use proprietary
medicines seem to be satisfied; but
the man with a mania for regulating
the affairs of other people or who has
some personal Interest to serve is
the one who agitates the proposition.
To a person who has never taken
time to consider it, such a proposition
may reem reasonable enough; yet it
is in fact nothing more nor less than
a scheme to compel the manufactur
ers to put their trade throughout the
entire country at the mercy of every
commercial pirate who might choose
to flood the market with imitations of
their goods.
"Under such conditions the incen
tive for the original manufacturer to
advertise his goods would be practi
cally destroyed, for the money spent
on advertising would inure mainly to
the benefit of the pirates and imita
tors. Without advertising, the public
would receive little information in
regard to the medicine, and all future
sales would be greatly Impaired if
not wholly destroyed. It is mainly by
judicious advertising that the knowl
edge of proprietary medicines is
brought to the public. Nothing is
more certain than that millions of peo
ple have found relief at a compara
tively small expense by the use of
some remedy first called to their
notice through newspaper advertising.
Why, then, should the manufacturer
of a meritorious proprietary remedy
be compelled by law to practically
destroy his business as a condition of
being allowed to carry it on? Yet
that is exactly what these formula
bills mean. Exchange.
Advertising our afflictions only In
creases their circulation.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in -pound pack
ages, and the price is the same, 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing. Defiance never sticks.
The religious fan always thinks he
is the whole field.
The Duncanson Mail Order Real Es
tate Co. of Omaha, has advertising
contracts with 4,480 Weekly Papers
that cover the United States. Their
ads reach FIVE MILLION families
that represent the cream of the buying
world. They frequently get 100 buy
ers for a single piece of proj-erty.
Such extensive advertising finds a cash
buyer quick. Their charge is only one
half the ordinary commission. Good
men are always In demand, at good
alary. List your property today.
The other morning we tried to talk
to a man about rebates and he walk
ed away, saying he was tired of fish
The Best Results In Starching
can be obtained only by using De
fiance Starch, besides (611108 4 os.
more for same money tea cooking required.
Nebraska State Banks Have $50,583,
941 in Deposits.
An increase of six million dollars
in deposits in Nebraska state banks
in the past three months, making a
total of $50,583,941, by far the largest
ever known. Is reported by Secretary
E. Royse of the state banking board.
He has completed the consolidated
report of state banks at the close of
business August 25. the number re
porting being 535. The total deposits
in state and national banks in Ne
Draska is now over $136,000,000.
Commenting on the report. Secre
tary Royse said: "The deposits in
state banks at the date of this re
port amounted to $50,583,941.22, an in
crease of nearly six millions of dollars
3ince the report of May 29, 1905, and
in increase of over ten millions since
:he report of one year ago. The com
ained deposits of all banks in Ne
araska at the date of this report
amounted to over one hun
dred and thirty-six millions.
The growth and increase of
the business of the state banks of
Nebraska is measured by the doubling
Df their deposits during the past five
years. There were 535 banks report
ing at the date of this report, with
147,141 depositors; reserve carried
12 7-10 per cent, nearly three times
Jbe legal requirements. This is by
ar the greatest showing the banks of
the state have ever made, and the
large amount of reserve carried indi
cates the practice of the strictest con--servatism
in the management of the
affairs of the banks of the state."
The combined resources and liabili
ties of the banks reporting are as fol
Western Part of State Surpasses Any
Other Semi-Arid Soil of the West
OMAHA George G. Wallace has
just returned from a visit to Thomas
county, Kansas, and he is more than
ever convinced that western Nebraska
is a better place to invest in lands
than the semi-arid regions of any of
the adjoining states.
"We are beginning to get good crops
off much of the land that was form
erly considered desert, and this even
without irrigation," said Mr. Wallace.
We are learning how to cultivate so
as to conserve our moisture. Down in
Thomas county there is a man who
paid $750 for 1C0 acres of land. This
year it cost him $1,000 to plow it and
plant it in wheat. He raised 3,850
bushels of 70-cent wheat. They are
doing this sort of thing in western
Nebraska, and the land is cheaper than
in Kansas or Colorado. There is any
amount of land in the state as good
as the Kansas, and it can be bought
for much less money. It will raise
crops just as large. The farmers of
western Nebraska are just waking up
to the fact that they can profitably
cultivate their land. While the land
is cheap, it is a much better invest
ment than in the other states."
Road Pays for Cattle.
HUMBOLDT J. F. Ebnother. the
farmer from near AspinwaM. who lost
the twenty-two head of young cattle
at Stella by getting his herd in front
of a fast freight train settled with
the Missouri Pacific company for $275.
All were young cattle.
Transfer of Documents.
LINCOLN Valuable historical doc
uments will be transferred to the
archives of the state historical society
under the provision of the act allow
ing officials who have them in charge
to transfer them to J. Amos Barrett,
curator of the state historical society.
Big Sum for Child's Injuries.
Conrad Rohn has filed suit at Lin
coln for $25,000 damages against the
Union Pacific railway for alleged negli
gence in crippling his 4-year-old on
September 14. The boy was crossing
the track in West Lincoln when a pas
senger engine struck him.
Great Northern Busy.
ASHLAND Preparations are being
made at this point for steel-laying on
the Great Northern next week. The
bridge across salt creek just out of
the Burlington yards is progressing
rapidly and will scon be in shape for
steel. Rails are already being laid
out of Sioux City.
Father and Child Die Together.
SEWARD Henry Schenmann of C
precinct of this county and his 18-month-old
child, both died Monday, the
father of consumption and the child
of summer complaint
Depot at Bartley Bums.
BARTLEY The B. & M. railroad
depot was burned. This is the sec
ond time Bartley has lost its depot
Election Proclamation.
Gov. Mickey has issued a proclama
tion announcing that a general state
election will be held Nov. 7 for the
purpose of electing one judge of the
supreme court, two regents of the
State university, one representative
from the Twenty-first district, and a
senator from the First district. In the
two latter offices there are vacancies
due to resignations. Representative
N. D. Jackson resigned to go on the
supreme court commission and Sena
tor E. A. Tucker is now a member of
the Arizona territorial court.
Professor Brace Dead.
Prof. Dewitt B. Brace, head of the
department of physics at the state
university, died at his home, 1260
South Twentieth street Dr. Brace had
been suffering for several weeks from
blood poisoning from a carbuncle.
Farmer Would Kill His Family.
BEATRICE Joe Larkins, a farmer
living ten miles southeast of here, was
lodged in jail by Sheriff Trade, ac
cused of trying to kill his wife and
two children, who escaped to the home
of a neighbor.
A three day's street carnival was
held at Table Rock.
St Edwards' school building will
have an addition costing $8,379.
The statue of J. Sterling Morton
will be unveiled at Nebraska City
October 14.
The potatoe crop in the vicinity of
Gordon is good, and at least 300 car
loads will be shipped from that town.
Thomas Whitehead of Mason City,
a brick mason, fell into a cistern and
dislocated his shoulder and broke his
A jail delivery occurred at Nelson.
Only one escaped, however. Why
others who might have gone did not
go is not accounted for.
The 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Zach Carter, residing a few miles
southeast of Calloway, was scalded
quite badly by tipping a pot of boil
ing coffee over herself.
The mortgage record for Cass county
for September is as follows: Farm
mortgages filed, 15. amount $19,082;
released, 17. $24,999. City mortgages
filed, 8, $6,250; released. 10, $3,571.
Charles Marsh of Fillmore county
was killed by a horse that he was
riding. His neck was broken and his
skull fractured. He was riding the
horse which became unmanageable.
Clans Haimsen, a young farmer,
aged 25 years, living with his parents
one mile east of Papillion. was struck
by a Union Pacific westbound train,
and will die from the injuries receiv.
Anna Louisa Olson, the wife of Rev.
J. M. Olson of the Free church, Oak
land, died last week while sitting in
a chair at her home. Deceased had
been ailing for some time with con
sumption. One daughter dead, the father un
conscious and not expected to recover,
and a second daughter critically ill,
is the sad plight of the family of Wil
liam Phillips, old residents of Dodge
county. They are afflicted with ty
phoid fever.
One of the finest elevators in South
western Nebraska is completed at
Arapahoe. The Farmers' Co-Operative
Grain association of Arapahoe will
now operate its own elevator. It is
the largest and most complete, with
all modern machinery and conveni
ences, ever erected in that locality.
Chancellor Andrews, in his talk to
the university students at convocation,
earnestly warned the freshmen against
being too hasty in entering fraterni
ties and sororities. He pleaded for
time and better acquaintance before
plunging into a Greek letter organiza
tion. Governor Mickey has received a
postal card from Glynn Cuck of John
son county, Kansas, asking for the
payment of a reward alleged to have
been earned through the capture of a
train robber at Omaha in 1885. Noth
ing in the executive records shows that
any such reward was offered by the
The yield of corn throughout Nuck
olls county is enormous and many
farmers are preparing to feed cattle
from the proceeds. The Superior Cat
tle company has already on feed 400
head of very fine heavy cattle and in
tend to follow the business up with
other heavy installments during the
The footing of the Cass county's tax
list for 1905, which has just been com
piled, places the assessment of all
property, real and personal at $246,
697.29. Of this amount the railroads
will pay $42,416.61. The general fund
of the state will receive $32,527.30;
university fund, $7,288; school fund.
Last Sunday for the first time in
over twenty years, the "lid" was on in
West Point The saloons, business
houses, barber shops and butcher
shops were kept tightly closed all day.
A petition to the city authorities was
circulated and signed, with the result
that all business in buying and selling
will be discontinued hereafter on Sun
days. On request of Chief of Detectives
Dunn of Omaha, Sheriff Mencke of
Washington county arrested J. Will
Bradley, aged 19, and Cloe Campbell.
aged 15. at the court house In Blair
just as they were about to apply for a
license to be married. They arrived
at Blair last evening from Omaha and
registered at the Clifton hotel as man
and wife.
At a special meeting of the board
of regents of the University of Ne
braska tho following resignations of
members of the faculty were present
ed by Chancellor Andrews and ac
cepted by the board, taking effect Sep
tember 1: Frank W. Smith, adjunct
professor of education; Edwin F.
Piper, Instructor in rhetoric; Herbert
S. Evans, adjunct professor of electri
cal engineering, and J. B. Davidson,
adjunct professor of farm mechanics.
State Superintendent McBrien an
nounces that he has appointed Super
intendent E. B. Sherman of the Co
lumbus schools a member of the State
Board of Examiners for state certifi
cates to succeed Superintendent Kern
who has recently resigned.
All rain records for any one year
ever known in northern Nebraska have
been smashed by the nine months of
1905. The greatest rain record ever
known In this country, where the rec
ords have been kept for thirty-three
years, was 34.23 in 1903. This year,
thus far, has brought 34.38 inches and
there are three months yet to go.
Expenses for September exceeded
receipts by more than $144,000 in the
office of the state treasurer. Accord
ing to the report of Treasurer Morten
sen, collections have been slow. The
balance in all the funds has decreased
from $430,709.87, on August 31, to
$285,836.14, on September 30.
Mrs. Ora Tewnsley of Nebraska
City attempted to commit suicide by
taking an ounce of laudanum.
The 8-year-old daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. J. B. Ballard of Otoe county was
seriously burned by her clothes catch
ing on fire from burning grass. She
will recover.
Couldn't Vote for a Candidate Who
Wasted His Money.
When the late Melbourne H. Ford
made his run for Congress he over
looked nothing that he thought would
improve his chances of election. One
of his moves was the taking of an or
chestra to a meeting held in one of
the small towns near Grnd Rapids.
This generous departure may have
won him several votes, but it unques
tionably lost him one. Every village
has its character, and the one there
was "Uncle Ike."
Whenever that orchestra broke
forth "Uncle Ike" fastened a fierce
glance upon the bass drummer. Dur
ing the ordeal the jaws of the village
character worked like those of a buck
rabbit eating cabbage, and his white
beard of the spinach pattern waved
furiously in unison. Next morning
one of those who had watched the ac
tions of "Uncle Ike" drew him out on
the subject, keeping in mind that he
played the bass drum in the local
"sheepskin" band, and that jealousy
seems an inseparable part of the mu
sical temperament
"I suppose that you'll vote for Ford,
Uncle Ike?"
"Then you better hire some smarter
feller to do your supposin'. No man
kin have my support that wastes his
own money like it was water."
"What do you mean, Uncle Ike?"
"Well, you hain't no musicianer, but
I'd like to know what sense there was
in payin' out money fur haulin 'that
bass drum and the man with it clean
out here. He didn't hit the durned
thing more'n four times, and he was
Dut o tune every doggone hit." De
troit Free Press.
In Population This Country Leads All
Civilized Nations.
The United States is by far the
largest of all the civilized nations ex
cept Russia, which has about 130.000,
000 inhabitants. The German Empire
has 56,000,500. Austria-Hungary 47,
000,000, Japan 47,000,000, the United
Kingdom 42,000,000, France 38,000,000,
Italy 32,000,000 and Spain 18,000,000.
China has 350,000,000, but she does
not count in the calculation of this
sort Owing to the rapid growth of
the United States the English lan
guage is now spoken by more persons
than use any other civilized tongue.
Charles V. said he spoke German to
his horse, French to men, Italian to
his lady friends and Spanish to God.
In his days, three and a half cen
turies ago, Spain was a land on which
the sun never set, England was only
a small spot on the map, and the Eng
lish language held only a minor place
in the civilized tongues. To-day 130,
000,000 people speak English, 100,000,-
000 speak Russian (for not all the peo
ple of the empire talk the national
tongue), 75,000,000 use German, 70,
000,000 employ Spanish, including the
inhabitants of the Latin-American
countries, and 40.000,000 speak
Moreover, the lead for English is
rapidly lengthening. Nearly two
thirds of all the people who speak the
English tongue are in the United
States. Leslie's Weekly.
Not Always Orange Blossoms.
Only in England, France and Amer
ica is the orange blossom the bridal
flower. When the German fraulein
becomes a frau her head is garlanded
with myrtle, except in certain sec
tions, where gaudy wreaths of artifi
cial flowers replace the natural
blooms and are treasured from gen
eration to generation. In Italy and
the French cantons of Switzerland
white roses are dedicated to the
brides as well as the dead, but in
Spain red roses and pinks lend an ad
ditional touch of color to the bridal
dress of black and yellow. Greek
brides are garlanded, appropriately
enough, with vine leaves, and in Bo
hemia rosemary is supposed to bring
luck to the bride who wears it. In
most of the countries of Eunrope, how
ever, the bridal wreath is considered
as essential as the veil and pretty
sentiment clusters about the faded
wreath that is laid away, whether the
wreath be of orange blossoms or laur
el. Survival of the Fittest
A parrot met a graphophone
And listened to its chat
"Let me depart." they heard her Groan.
"I can't compete with that."
A Hon. once the junRle's pride.
Heard of a famous trust
"Talk of the lion's share." he sighed
One gasp and he was dust
A polecat sat beside the way
An auto by him niched;
He died at the first whiff, they say.
He was so dazed and crushed.
A trolley swiftly cleft the air
Fan shook her head and cried.
"Now wouldn't that make any mare
Commit race suicide?"
Thus at no very distant date.
Since good must yield to best.
Old Mother Nature'll abdicate
And man will do the rest.
New York Times.
He Was Detained.
"I'd have been out ten days sooner,"
said the man, who had just been lib
erated from prison, "if it hadn been
for the chaplain."
"And what did he have to do with
it?" was asked.
"It was him that had me detained
up there. He comes to my cell one
afternoon to see how I was getting
on, and after a little he asks:
"'And what crime did you commit,
my man, that they sent you here?
"'It was highway robbery, your
reverence. says I, 'and now give me
your confidence and tell me what you
are In for. "Cleveland Plalndealer.
From Ancient Days.
"Lounges," "couches," sofas," "tete-
a-tetes" or "seats' are no longer talk
ed about, for the old-fashioned "set
tle" Is the accepted favorite of the
present day. Set by the fireplace or
on the side rorch, the old Kensington
rears Its high carved back, the Chip
pendal? braces Its slender legs, and
the "saw-horse settle" turns out its
feet of claws. Even the popular divan
has to hide its diminished head under
its multiplicity of pillows befcre the
wrought ram's heads of the new set
tles, which are said to be a reproduc
tion of a style in use a thousand years
before the Christian era.
Titer to n Rochafte Salt, AJum.
UMOtajmrnnta In feed madawMIl
It make pur food.
Excuse for Youth's Wild Oats.
Youth will have its fling, and it is
undeniable that many of those who
settle down eventually into the most
staid and respectable citizens have
been those who sowed their wild oats
most profusely in their young days.
London Telegraph.
Brokers are Restricted.
Membors of the London Stock Ex
change are not allowed to advertise.
Lists of the members are posted at
the Bartholomew street entrance of
the Bank of England, and are to be
had on application to the secretary.
Mr. PorterThought He Should Go Mad
But Or. Williams' Pink Pills
Cured Him.
'It seems like a miracle that Dr.
Williams Pink Pills should have cured
my neuralgia," said Mr. Porter. " They
are certainly a marvelous medicine and
I am always glad to recommend them.
"For two years," he contiuued, "I had
suffered almost unendurable pains iu my
head. They would start over my eyes
and shoot upward most frequently, but
they often spread over my face, and at
times every pwt of my head ami face
Would be full of apmy. Sometimes the
pains were fo that I actually
leareu tiiey woultl drive me mad.
" My eyes ached constantly ami there
was always a burning sensation over my
forehead, but the otiier pains varied,
sometimes they were acute, ami again
they were dull ami lingering. I could
not sleep. My temper was irritable aud
1 got no pleasure out of life.
" I tried remedy after remedy, bnt
finding no help iu any of them, I be
came a despairing man. Even when I
began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I
had no great hope cf a cure.
" That was in December of 1903. To
my surprise, a change iu my condition
tMk place right away. The pains grew
less intense and the acute attacks were
further apart, as I kept on using Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills. The improvement be
gan with the first box, aud when I had
used six boxes I stopjied. My cure was
complete and has lasted ever since."
Mr. Charles II. Porter lives at Ray
mond, N. H. He is one of man v grateful
people who have found that Dr. Williams
Pink Pills will cure diseases of the nerves
that have stubbornly resisted every other
remedy tried. Not only neuralgia, but
sciatica, partial paralysis and locomotor
ataxia yield to them. They are sold by
all druggists, or mav be obtained directly
from the l)r Williams Medicine Co.,
Scheuectady, N. Y.
No true society woman ever patron
izes the opera to listen to the music
To Launder Colored Embroidered Linens.
To launder colored, embroidered linens
with pood results, the work should be dono
quickly and carefully. Wash throuph
warm, Ivory Soap suds, rubbing with the
hands; rinse throuirh a clear water, then
through another which is slightly blue.
Dryin-doors; to iron, have the piecovery
damp and place it, riirht side down, on a
soft blanket. Press with a hot iron.
The shortest horse gets the long
est odds.
Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch, not alon
because they get one-third more for
the same money, but also because o
superior quality.
Poverty may make you turn your
cuffs; but you should never let it per
suade you te turn your coat!
Every time a man makes a mistake
he learns something.
St Jacobs Oil
for many, many years has cured
and continues to curs
Price. 25c mmd. 50c
I Must Have If
aad Imltatleas
Tom Will know them, despite their :
eifal names they are usually mixed with
hot water and do not have the
seating property of
Mix with coldwater, any onecan brush It on-
M fesvsl WSsOTHV and tints.
Kills vermin and disease germs; does not
rub or scale. No wash'ng of walls after
once applied. Other wall finishes must be
washed off every year expensive, Utbr
work. They rub and scale, and the
glae or other animal matter lax
Shea rots aad feeds dtaeane germs.
Bar Alabaatlae only 1 gTe. poaad
package, properly labeled. Tint
enrf, pretty wall aud ceiling design,
just on xsccoraung" aad oar artiste
la auuag color plans, tree.