The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 11, 1905, Image 5

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Tempting Values in Carpets and Rug's...
The're Exceptionally Strong and the Goods are of the Highest Character
the kind that will appeal to particular women.
27x54 Velvet and Axminster PwUgs at . . 1.25 9x12 Smyrna Rugs S 9.98
9x12 Tapestry Brussells . . - 15.75 Axminster Rugs. Oriental Patterns at . 17.98
Excelsior Velvet Rugs in beautiful designs at 1S.50 Three pieces all-wool Ingrain carpet, per yd. .65
Husking Mittens and Gloves...
Almost any kind of a husking peg or hook can be obtained here. Pegs of
all sorts, single hooks, double hooks and several kinds of adjustable hooks. Cot
ton flannel mittens and gloves of all descriptions at prices you would have to pay
for the material, to say nothing about the making.
Heavy canvas chore mittens, only 15c per pair.
Busy Times in Dress Goods and Silks..,
It will afford any one great pleasure to look at the large assortment of new
goods. Everything that is desirable in weave, coloring, design and effect,
and to make the visit a profitable one we are offering such values as these:
38-in. all wool Suitings at special price of
50-in. Fancy Suiting at special price of
50-in. Wool Suiting at special price of
19-in. Success Lining Silk, "Guaranteed" at
36-in. Opera Satin, black and all colors, "Guaranteed" 2 -seasons, Sl.00
36-in. "Guaranteed" black Chiffon Taffeta Silk, special price ,00
50-in. Black Broadcloth, usually sold at $1.25, special price at 98c
Ladies' and Children's Underwear...
Cotton fleece lined light silver and ecru, price
"Munsing" cotton fleece lined, gray and ecru, price
Extra heavy cotton, soft fleece, heavy fleece lined, silver gray
...Women's Union Suits
Cotton fleeced Union Suits, price :
Heavy cotton fleece lined, neatly finished, cream white, price
Essex mills Ladies' extra size Union Suits, sizes 7. S and 9, price
...Children's Union Suits
Children's Union Suits, fleece lined, price 25c and
Boy's Union Suits, flleece lined, price ....
Boy's Munsing Union Suits, price .
Base Burners and Heaters...
Never in the history of our trade have we ever sold so msfiy
Base Burners so early in the season as we have this ialL This
shows that the PENINSULA last Iwmts are attractive, have merit,
and the prices reasonable. If you want a base burner do not pass
this line by. We can show you attractive goods at attractive prices.
lines of heaters whicu never yet have been equalled for durability,
heat-giving qualities, duration of holding fire, ease of regulation
and economical in the use ot fuel We will take great pleasure in
showing you these stoves and explaining wherein they excel all
Drink German-Ame lean Coffee..
I u-rown on its own piantaji. is, comprising irir-
! t'hfvnsfl.'nfl flrrrps ot lRTirt sitiiPted in titPi Ttimhiila Rprier -
Sierra Madra Mountains, Mexico. This coffee is absc
unrivalled for purity and flavor. Slid only in sealed pa
with the Coffee Bird on every pack: e.
Price per pound, 20c, 25c, 30c, and 35c.
Bring Us Your Potatoes
Dr Iaul, dentiat.
Dr. Ydher, Osteopath, Barber block.
prof. Sike, teacher music. Barber bldg.
Pet-r SohniiU. the German milter,
went to Omaha Usl Thursday.
II A. Keith, a printer from Omaha
has accepted a pomion in the Tele
gram otlice.
GirR don t bn cheap lolions for the
ooinpxum. .lust coax our mothers to
ate Peter ScLuutt's dour.
Mrs,. I. E. Wempie and Misses
Blanche and Iiene Wempie of Lindsay
were in this ciry Sunday
Special price on all street
luits at MUs Kelso's.
HELP WANTED. I 'vant or 6
people.membei of one family preferred,
to top beats. Houe rent free. Man
can make $:' a day. Inquire Journal
Mr. and Mrs. M D. Karr went to Om
aha last Thursdav to visit their dansh
ter. Mrs. OKeen. and to see the electrical
Lost -a Test pocket memorandum
book red cover, on l."th -treet. last Fri
day. Finder please leae at Journal
office and receive reward. O. E. Cox.
H. L- Brooks, secretary of the Boone i
County Fair A-sociation and G. .
Whiting were in Columbus Saturday
Trv our Rex Lump Coal ST at the
-. .ird P. D. Smith Co. Both tel. No. S.
LOST Two shoats. cross between
Poland China and Jersey Reds. Have
b-eu gone over i week. Suitable reward
I lid for their recovery
Smoke Little Duke cigar.
Dr. J. W. Terry, Opt i can.
Try the Eleventh St. jeweller.
Dr. Mark T. McMahon. dentist
Journal ads bring results.
Dr E. H. Nauman, Dentist, 13rhSt
Consult Dr. Terry about your eyes.
G. R. Preib, painting and paper
hanging. dwtf
Diamond C. hams and bacon at Her
man Keraenbrock's.
Wanted A good girl for general house
work, four in family. Call at this office.
Dr. C. V. Campbell. Dentist with Dr.
Lueschen, Arnold's old stand. Olive st.
See window display of street
hats at Miss Kelso's.
Dr. Lueechen, Wa O'Brien and Dav
id Thomas went to Omaha last week to
see the carnivaL
The Misses Fannie Gieger, Lydia Con
nelly and Kate Ternee were among the
Omaha visitors last Thursday.
Fred Buae went to Omaha last Thurs-
Eoys, buy your cigars and candy at ' centiy in the company of Albert Sten- j
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf ' Ker- o returned last week from
'France, and August Boettcher, who
returned a few weeks ago from an ex
tensive European trip. These gentle
men exchanged their views on the so-
WAY UP is used by al! who desire a ( cial and economic conditions in the
tine quahtv of patent Hniir. The Co- European countries visited bv Ihem
lumbus roller nulls makes it.
-six JlVSak I
the M
tely iPS2
xgm C0f FEE BIRD
v countries--
Drs. Martvn, Evans, Evans & Mar-
tyn Jr., office three doors north of
Friedhof's store.
an compared conditions in those coun
tries with conditons in America Mr.
Stenger anions other interestng things
said: "One thing which impressed me
: - u u:..k ... - i;
HOUSES FOR RENT We have a t ini, Germanv's deneudence on the out-1
tiesirsiue ime iu auuactr lur rent.
G- H. Grubb. painting and decorat
inc country or city. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Try me. Ind. phone S74.
Becher Hockenberger and Chambers.
If you wmt a Hour with all the nn
tr'iinia p-irlof the wheat buy GOLD
DL'-iT made bv Columbus roller mills.
side world for its living.'- To illus I
trate his asserion Mr. Stenger oroduced
the following markets which prevailed '
in Colmar, Alsace, Germany's soup
meat, IS to .22; veal, .24 to. 23; pork.
rr - - . it-i.-. o-M I-24 t0 -' roast, .ou to oeei srea,
Here we areagmn with our AQ tQ amoked hEnif
liandkerchiet brana ot 1'ennsyivan.a Mr. Stenaer's time, was I
hard coal the same kind we h'ld last . . a . -, . . c-
...-.,....., t,. ,i c..-Pent chiefly in Pts, ancy. Strae
, cw iruniur xjuiiij.u uum j' 4c.ub'A
the best coal in the world. Price SlO.oO
per ton at our shed Place your orders
before the price advances. We carry a
Iare Mock of roal coal of all kinds
and for all purposes coal to bnrn. Come
and see.
4: C. A. Speice.
burg. UoLuar, Berne, jteucnatei.
Lausanme, and Lucerne. He climbed
the famous Rigi and attended the
horse races there. He left New York
on August 10, and returned to that '
city on September 'JO. The trip for
him and his familr was one of con-
tinned treasure. His
ntnnnr Hii danchters.
Bowman Browdc an old settler of Al- Katie and Celia remained in Nancy to
bion drove to Columbus la.-t Friday to attend a school for girls, Alfred and I
catch an Omaha train in re&ponse to a Madeline returned with their parents
Dr. J. W. Terry
who for the past eight years has
been making regular visits to
Columbus, has opened one of the
Bst Eqiipped Optical Offiices
li The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
I The following from a Cheyenne
pr will interest Columbns. A
v eddtng occurred at the panonase of
Sr. Mart's cathedral hut evening.
Miss Ruby Aii e Smith becomiaz ue
bride of Mr. Elmer G. Anders-jn.
The ceremony was perforad by Ber.
Father Ouffey and was witnessed by
relatives and a few friend only.
Miss Gertrade Glynn of Omaha, acted
as bridesmaid, and Mr. A. J. Miller
accompanied the groom. Following
the ceremony a delicicaa rapper was
served at the home of the bride'a par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Smith.
The bride ia a handsome, accomplish-
! ed and popular young woatan wno has
resided in this city for several years
and whose large circle of fraiada will
hasten to extend congratalationa to
Mr Anderson. Mr. Anderson is cne
oi the well known young men of the
city and is employed by the Uaioa
Pacific in the clerical departaient.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will be at
heme after October 10 at 1911 Van
Lnnen street. Miss Rnby Smith waa
born in Columbus 19 yean ago end
rr ived to Cheyenne, Wyo.. with ber
psrents 9 years ago, where she baa
made many friends.
For Sale.
All my household goods, consisting of
furniture, stoves and other articles, to
gether with horse and buggy, will be of
fered at private sale at my house, com
mencing at once.
2t Win. Diedrich.
The System advertise your
property free until solj. Reli
able Real Estate Agvnta thro
out America find buyers for it.
Show free: allow R.R. fare. For
beat bargains alone new R R.
or farms, businesses, etc Tell us what you want
and where you want to buy. Write for Sellers' or
Asent's plan, or best barjeain list any place.
Great Uiin Lai. Aguci Systti,
. (Center of U.S.)
, . , , n- ' snoraiueu
utics tnis eason ana ue iuas k" ci j
the top of the market.
W V. Little of HumDhrey u-ent
itirs-!; . ,.-... .. ..-r --
dav nicht with a car of fat cattle. This am unnonuuin tue ueauu u . j Tmie arenger, aacgnrer oi r. anu
is the third car of cattle shipped by Mr. in an " aoP- -"Mrs. t'red fetenser, remainea m i-u
.uuu.h.l ... x......w tear, jniiiciujuu i bilcuu d..w--.
stones. 5lr. stenser. who sneaks French and
Con Easan died last Friday of panly- German fluently was educated in the
' 1 k. T 1 1 i T? . ' 1.k1 . - Ir-AA Anrl InrtSMlA Uaa
. i -.l i ?i ax ni5 nonie in l. r.a wsiru. jxr. xa- . buiuui vl aisouc auu ucauco iu -
through Columbus "J Igin wa aoeiaied with Judm Seihl. children in tne same schools.
his brother. 1. r i,itt .q buinese at August Boettcher, the story of wbose
had been viating h.m for a few ee. Alblon anj Su EdwanL His health had travels has appeared at length in the'
His home is in Galesburg, ill. b y foreing him Journal, made the following oberva-
B. A. Roberts of Albion, well known tQ .e.ire from bnsinese His son9 john , tion8 oa coniitlong ia Germany: "I1
to the shooting fraternity of Plat,e and FrinCi of Kavenna pas6ed thron-h heard complaints everywhere about
county was in Columbus last week on Cojnmbng Thursdav ni-ht to be at their the scarcity of farm laborers. The
his way to South Omaha to close a ucal father.s bedsule - " boys all go to the cities. And young!
on some property which he recent- ..,. ... ' men do not enjoy the opportunities!
om at a uanusome proper . - - - they have here. Another thing wnirh
m u- num , Tw.iiiT herdaughter, Mrs. Thos.MeTaggartand . J . . .
Dr. Terry, the Omaha Eye Specialist, i " . impresses American visitors is the po
1 m w , .j! her two little sons returned to Chicago . , . 7
has opened one of the best equipped sition occupied by the women. The
HELP WASl'ED.-i want o oro ical office, m . west, over Poi- " xi-, r - -'- womeado mBeh of the t no.1
people members of one family preferred P. d 8tQt wm ta ta , m Coin mbus. Th wa. tte tat in The men have to serve in the
r . .t -an from Van I ,. . ,, . i rwentvlT e-irs that Mrs. McTasrirart
..-v mn hs. nuuscj i -ww l:, rvinmhnsnr'rA snnniT. Jionuay. -
4 j bi .w m UViH4U Ha w..... w
I carry the beet of everything
in my line. The drinking pub
lic ia invited to come in and aee
for theorelvea.
JAft. NEVELft.PrarMtwr
516 Twelfth Street Phone No. llu
nmirtvirn T want 3 or 6
rent free. Man
day. Inquire Journal Tneaday aad Wednesday.of each week
can make f3 a
T,.T, verv3cts Jfotthof school sup-
he- vou purchase at Seth Braun's you
pet a'chance to draw a valuable prize
anion- the ar:icle displayed in hia show
Procrastinsitiou i the thief of time.
Don't pat it oil. Have your house in
sured now. Have your accounts col
lected before they are outlaw, uau
on C. N. McElfreeh. wtL
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Thompson and
two children of St. Edward were in Co
lumbuB Thursday enroute to Boulder,
Colorado, to visit the family of Mr.
Thompson-e I father. M. J. Thompeon.
The latter, who was among the first aet
tlers iu this part of Nebraska, was forced
to go to Colorado about a year ago for
his health.
i . j i.'o. ;...,; to be one several we-!s if Tom doe-n't
tSpectaclee and eye glasses scieatiu-. - .
i. i " r i t. .c nnr, and of course the work ia the
Uii w-vu . uuiii utniiv. wuc t-i. . ... . tai
hcl.lj nncr Ka Hntia ha flnmahVtr
u-iua D.i. v; uuuc ..j iiuu.c.;.
cally fitted. Consultation free
Aiwrnntinff TiO to ilOO Tier month
, salary paid our graduates. Operators
.ia in iiemand. Indorsed by all'
' railrcada. Write for catalogue.
Moree school of Telegraphy.
Oiacinnati. O., La Crosse, Wis.,
Tesarmaa, Tex., San Francisco, CaL
T. B. Bowman, a prominent alfalfa
farmer of Boone county was in this city
a few hours last week. He was accom
panied by W D. Ellis of Belvidere. Ill ,
who is known by old settlers in Platte
county. Messrs. Ellis and Bowman
spent the winters of '71 and "72 in Co
lumbus. Mr. Ellis left Boone County
twenty-nine years ago and has not been
back since.
in millinery ee Mi;
ir-L iiiiie-xiLiiTr aiLii iilc iui uri. l
I TnM pnTTimnt AnnAnnM rn nnnftr
For right price ami correct here is the only one now playing the
piece and orovides in consequence an
excentionallr talented cast. Jesse
Dandy will be seen as Hans Wagner,
the Cincinnati brewer, who has
Princely honors, thrust upon him as
the result of mistaken identity, Ar
thur Donaldson the original in the
title rele continue! aa the Prince.
Iver Anderson, also of the original
cast, is still the Naval Lientenent.
Lonise Willie, pretty and dashing in
style asH carriage, is tne vivacious
widow. Marie Welsh, Marguerite
Ferguson, Rata Peblea,' Ida Stan
hope, Paakae Haatfey,! J. Haydea
Clareaaaoav Jhm E. Rose aad Peter
Swift asake up flie list of priacipaU.
The fcRQral of the five-years-old nn
of Mr. and Mrs. . D. Askine was ht-ld
esterdav nn.rning at the family resi
dence. 1112 North Twenty-second street.
Ti.e boy dit?d Sunday night of diphther
ia. Another child of the same family
died last Fndav. and Mr. Askine is now
ill with the same disease. State Journal
Mr. and Mrs. Askine lived in Columhus
many years, leaving here for Lincoln
about a year ago. Mr. A$kine was a veg
table gardener here.
A Journal reporter had the pleasure
of passing a moet delightful hoax re-
Henry W. Savage has arranged to send
his famous musical comedy, ' The
Princce of Pilsen to the North Opera
house, Thursday, October 19. This
will provide two greatest musical
events this community has ever ?n
joydd and Manaeer R. W. Saley in
zuaranteeing CoL Savage a saying
bouse deserves the enrourapemfnt of
every theater goer. The company
c mprises about 75 people and two
cars of scenery and equipment will bo
used. The only other towns it will
play in Nebraska are Oamba and Lin
coln. Last Friday morning out in school
district 20. where Miss Mary Lw..
teaches, a good deal of c3nrerna:'
was stirred up just before nine o'clce
by the appearance of a man wh
claimed he was going to wliip ts
whole school including the tea. 2u
Mia Lane immediately shut ata .oi
ed the door and snt two boy? to ii
directors home for assistance. 1'
fellow left however, hiid for frar .-
might return, school was oiaii-n
for the dav and alo Monday Seen:?
Clark went cut Monday and brangt
him to town and placed him ia Ui-
county jaU for safe keepics Ei
name is Wiliam Maeka and some of
his neighbors say that he has acted ,
strangely for a long time. There is t
but little doubt that the man is in- J
sane. Albion Argu?. I
Home For Beat- j
Pnp am nil familv. nnennri a half Works''
south of TJ. P. depot. Inquire at Inde- i H
pendent TeL X 121. U
The Radiant Home
the center o: Jne "oortOiA.
flues, in this way coming
af the stove.
Pocket Joints Prevent
ing cement from falling
out and making an ab
solutely air-tight joint
which will not open.
No Gas The open top
magazine, in combina
tion with a gas flue, not
found in any other base
burner, prevents all ex
plosion, or escape of gas.
Circular Bottom Flue
Carryingthe heat around
the outside of the bottom
thus increasing the rafjfcl
I'lfinn ' ? J
Large Hot Air Flue'
Taking the cold air from
the floor, or if preferred
from the outside, -thro
.d upward between the draft
. contact with the hottest part
A Complete Lii e of Gem City Goods
? "j&
-a f.f:jm
v I