The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 11, 1905, Image 4

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May U. 1870.
Columbus Journal.
Columbus Wlr.
i PBHoBi.CJb,Mbr
Ctlubis Jrariil Co.,
nn mi ! mmII uuMmm Mwifi ..
IBIKSXeS X. A110TT. liter.
BKHEWALS-Ttu date opposite yoar bum on
roar mbot. or wrapper ahowa to what tuse your
HnattliM baea raoMTl ap to Jan. 1. 1905.
KM to Fab. 1, IMS mad ao on. When parent
to aMft,U date, which anawen aa a receipt.
willbaoMacd aocordiaclr.
n will costiaaa to nceiw thu jooraal oatu tha
nyjahart are aotiCed bf letter to diecoatWHe,
wham all arrearam mast ba paid. If yondoBot
wiaBtaaJoanaTooatiBBadfor.anotber year af
tar the tiaw paid fc haa expired, yoa ahoold
prarioaaly aotifjr aa to diaooatiaae it.
CaTAMGK IN ADDteBS-Wtaea orderiae a
afcsace ia the addraaa, aabacnbera ahoald be anre
to (to their old aa well aa their new address.
Charles B. Letton... Supreme Judge
R H. aSot? j -University Regents
W.'L. Smith Treasurer
Ed. Lusinski.-j Clerk
J. D. Stibes '. County Judge
R.B. Webb Sheriff
O. H. Smith .....Superintendent
Dr. H.G. Morris Coroner
O.C. Shannon Surveyor
,The Leader had not expected to
lite to see the republicans carry
plattte county, but they did it last fall
and it really looks as though, they
would do it again this fall and elect
the entire republican ticket. Genoa
aWaaa aa '
In Holland when you want an au
tomobile you ask for a "snellpaardel
ooBzoondeerspoorwegpitroolrijtun g , "
which means literally "the rapid-horseless-without-rails-drivcn-
by - pe
troleum thing." Or you can walk.
Harpers Weekly.
The little Biene Bee buzzed a lot of
little buzzes last week. But it is a
poor dwarfed little drone that was
born without a sting, poor thing. It
buzzed about three columns on the one
monotonous note, "lugner," which in
English means "liar" and then it re
tired to the hive where the workers
had set aside for it 25 per cent of the
honey which they had stolen from the
fields of the tax-payers of Platte
The office of county judge is little
less important than that of judge of the
district court. The probate of all wills
and settlement of all estates in Platte
county must pass through his court.
The rights of the widow and orphan
are determined by him. Whether
they shall have and enjoy in peace the
property left them by the parent, or
be subject to endless law suits in years
to come, often depends on the legal
proceedings in his court. The title to
ltJlds rest on his records. This is not
an office that a justice of the peace
can fill, it should have the very high
est legal ability. The lawyers see
these errors being made and only
await their time for a "ikt" lawsuit.
Why take any thing less than the best
services you can get for the same
Of course we take "pardonable
pride in having the Telegram point
us out as the wittiest individual in the
"kingdom" by referring to us as the
"king's fool." But what the devil has
that to do with the Howard-Ernst-Bonder
combine in the court house?
That hardly explains why the Tele
gram company furnished a two year's
supply of county blanks at $15 a
thousand and then offered the next
year to do them at $3.75 when it
knew there were none to do, in order
to akin the Humphrey Democrat and
other competitors out of the job. And
it does not quite explain Judge Rat
terman's pledge to disregard the
wishes of his patrons and place legal
notices only in the Telegram and oth
er democratic papers to pay his per
sonal political debts. And it is hard
1 coalnlete on the 25 per cent paid
oat oftfcfe tax-payers' pocket illegally
ftt coaatf printing. m And while as a
fttrary efirt the "King's Fool" arti
cle might "win a prize as a literary
j .(gata, it would scarcely command on
tha BwatBe626 which Ernst and
Deader got awaf rith in one year ille-
'f'W&J ft supefvisors services. It
would aotTjiiagaamigh even to pay
Sharif Carrig what he saved in rail--a
r.M a n Francisco bv having
tkat detested pass. Those "KingV
FooT auwialm are pretty long poles,
but they woa't knock the persimmon
tki mil, not this fall.
"One dav the educated editor of
the Columbus Journal picked up a
school document prepared by Super
intendent Leavy, and discovered
therein a sentence which was not in
strict accord with the rules laid down
by the grammar text books. Inime
diately the educated editor announced
to the world that Superintendent Lea
vy was unfit, because of ignorance to
hold to hold the office of superintend
ent of schools."
This silly fabrication from the Tel
egram was based on the simple state
ment in the Journal that "Supt. Lea
vy's record proves that he is not qual
ified to supervise the all-important
work of education in Platte County.'
And the Platte Center Signal refers
to the same statement as "malicious
and slanderous" and not founded on
While it is true that Supt. Leavy
lacks the educational qualifications
necessary for the most efficient service
in the office he holds, his educational
deficiency is the least objectionable of
all.- University men are broad
enough and others should be broad
enough not to quibble about granimati
cal blunders as a test of fitness for the
office of county superintendent. But
all voters who have children of school
age will agree that if there is one
county office, which more than all
others, demands a man of culture and
high moral ideals, it is the office of
county superintendent.
Supt. Leavy has his strong points.
This paper has always given him
credit for providing good institutes for
his teachers. But as to his culture
and moral ideals, qualities more es
sential than all others combined, let
the record speak for itself. -When
you have read that record voters,
judge for yourselves whether the Jour
nal was wrong when it said that L.
H. Leavy was not qualified for the
Supt. Leavy is an agent of the "book
trust," recommending only the trust's
books for use in the schools of Platte
county. His work for the trust has
driven practically every competing
company out of the field. Compe
tition in the text book business is ab
solutely essential to securing the best
text books.
Supt. Leavy is doing his part to
crush competition and thus indirectly
to place inferior books in the hands
of the boys and girls of Platte count'.
If Supt. Leavy is not getting
a "rake off," will he explain
why he is crippling the schools of
Platte county by recommending only
the trust's books?
Supt. Leavy plays a smooth game
with the teachers of Platte county.
Within the last three years he gave the
teachers a reception at the beginning
of the institute, treating them to ice
cream, etc., presumably at his own ex
pense. But us a matter of fact the
tax-payers footed the bill for which
Leavy got the credit and a great many
votes the next year. He worked it in
this way. One of the institute in
structors was to get $50 a week. At
the close of the institute Leavy said
to him in substance: "I want to raise
some money to pay for my
treat to the teachers. You
sign this receipt, for $0-5 and I'll pay
you $50." And the deal was made.
This is a part of the record on which
the Journal based its statement
"Supt. Leavy is not qualified for the
office." Every school director and
teacher in Platte county can verify
our charges with reference to the book
trust, and we can produce the evidence
on the second charge.
We say to the Telegram that the
boys and girls of Platte county had
better have for county superintendent
.a man who never saw a grammar than
a man like Leavy, though he had all
the degrees from the greatest univer
sities in the world.
We defy the Telegram or the Sig
nal or Sup. Leavy publicly to deny
the charges contained herein. And
we appeal to the voters of Platte coun
ty simply to follow the record in vot
ing for superintendent.
A man and woman raid to be a Mr.
and Mrs. Riley were hanging about
the depot park aad Kaaffman's Lum
ber yard so drank that neither of
them could walk. The woman fell
down in' attempting to cross the
tracks jast east of the Union Pacific
depot, and was amiited to her feet by
tome one and after leaning np against
the shed for some time staggored into
the lamber yard and lay down. They
had a little girl with them that looked
to be aboat 8 or 9 yean of age Snoh
naraata are aattt gaardiau for little
children, and it seems as thoagh the
children ahoald be taken away from
each parents aad placed in a home.
The democratic press of Platte county says: "Let the democratic
candidates stand on their record." And for very obvious reasons it fails to
give the record.
Here is the record:
Judge Ritterman is pledged to publish the notices jf his office in
certain democratic papers, disregarding the wishes and convenience of
those whose interests he is under oath to serve. He and Sheriff 'Carrig
who works under a similar pledge, constitute the hnb of the wheel of the
"spoils system" in Platte county which rolls up a constantly increasing
bnrden of taxation. Remove the hub and the wheel" will collapse. Sheriff
Carrig in serving notices on groups of people in Monroe, Platte Center
and other places where the service has all been made in a single trip, has
collected more than the "necessary mileage" permitted by law, charging
almost the total mileage on each individual service. While doing this
work he ha9 ridden on a pass which was condemned in the county con
vention which nominated him, and be permits the Telegram to deceive
the voters of Platte comity by asserting that no democratic cundidate
usee a pass.
Jhn Graf, following the practice of his predecessors, has fostered
the democratic printing trust by making "fake" estimate for county sup
plies instead of supplies actually needed, a required by law. The people
pay the freight and the "printing trnst" wurks for the election of the offi
cers who feed it.
Superintendent Leavy is devoting the most of his time and ener
gies to his private drug business, and collecting a salary as superintendent
from the taxpayers of Platte county.
Becber, whose official record has been above reproach, is being se
cretly opposed by the Howard-Ernst-Hender crowd because he places
official duty above party loyalty.
THE RECORD SAYS: "The court house gang must go.
Judge Letton's Acceptance.
Gentlemen of the Convention:
I am not in any temper of mind at the present time, or have the power
of voice to make a speech. I am not an orator at any time. I want to
say that I thank you from the bottom ot my heart for this nomination. I
think no higher honor can be piid to a citizen of your state than to be
nominated for the office of justice of the supreme conrt. That court car
ries with it the power of life and death, the disposition of property of any
man in the state and it is the most responsible position that can be tend
ered or given to any man in th; Hiate. I appreriate the responsibility of
this position.
I want to say, too, that if elected, which I expect to he. I shall know
neither rich or poor, neither corporation or individual, and that so far as
in me lies, I will dispense justice' with even hand to every roan within the
borders of the Btate.
I am told that your committee on resolutions will report to this con
vention, declaring against the issuance of free transportation by the rail
roads in this state. I want to say to yon that I am in hearty accord with
that declaration.
Fnrther, I understand that they have endorsed our president, and I
stand firmly with them on that proposition.
Further, I understand they will report in favor of a direct primary.
The closer yon get to the people the better for the interests of all.
I wish to thank the convention for this nomination; I want to thank
my friends who made the magnificent fight upon this convention floor for
me. I thank yon all, gentlemen.
The Republican State Platform.
1. Endorses the administration of Roosevelt and support his efforts to
control corporations engaged in interstate commerce.
2. Demands immediate relief through existing laws or legislation from
rebates and discriminations.
3. Endorses the declaration of Roosevelt that corporations engaged in in
terstate commerce should be under the supervision of some branch of
the executive government.
4 Demands that Nel'raka representatives in congress support the policy
of the president in the correction of corporate abuses.
5 Declares for the direct primary systom.
C Commends the economical administration of state offices by republican
7 Declares against the free pass system, and recommends a law to pro
hibit it.
Special Reduced
Excirsiti lates
Cheap rates dariajt the sammer to
Chicago, Milwaakee aad Walnkiaha,
Wia. St. PaaL, Minneapolis- and
Dalaph, Him.. Maoaiaao Island aad
Mackinaw City. Mioh, Deadwocd,
TJsad aad to Hot Spring 8. D., aad
other plaoM Wkesmna aad Minnesota
J. A. Kaha. A. O. F.4P.A.
This is 'regarded as an "off year,"
that is, it is not a presidential election
but it is a great mistake to think it is
not important. The fact is, that it i.
far more important to the property
owners and tax-payers of Platte coun
ty than any presidential election.
This is the time to look after our
own affair, to see what we are paying
taxes for and what becomes of the
money. Now li&teu Did vou ever
look at your tax receipt, that the bulk
of the taxes you pay are for county
and local expenses? Do you know
that a few hundred dollars lost or
squandered in the county, costs you
more than stealing a million from the
national government? You would
never consent to be taxed bv the men
you elect to office for the expense of
their political campaign, if you knew
it, but that is just what has been
done. The taxes levied for county
purposes include such expenses, 'but
hey are covered up under the head
of "supplies," "printing," "services,"
etc., so you don't see them. You
would not continue to employ a man
in your tersonal affairs, simply bo
causa he was a "good fellow."
It is high time that we teach
the men we elect that the office
is not for their personal gain. There
have been enough taxes collected in
Platte county in the past ten years to
pay off our debt and build a steel
bridge over every stream if properly
Let us try a change for one short
term and see if it will make any dif
ference. Contributed.
Thursday Oct. 19.
,. ;?, ''-' ,j.
FO 8ALB Five or six registered
Berkaaira fig that I have not room
to keep tl he Combination Sale ia
Oolamhae pjjuMfcer 21. F. H. Ab-
X. . . niMitau "V ' -k -v - .
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"f , Vmm""""!
This plate shows you a back view of our
"Eaton" Sack Suit and a front view oi our
"Lipton" Sack Suit and a glimpse of our Sin
gle Breasted Overcoat.
ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVBwmmmvyT VaV.maK' -. '- mmfM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmK, J ImmBBWBV Kv: "? mmk
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmlvmmmimmmvSlI amWtBmmmmmflBmLBmmVemmmmmmRS
mmmmmmmmmmmmKHiCTcmflll ' Ht3-t 0 mmmmVUFI LmmmummmmmmmmV
mmmmmmmmmmmK3H.mnr l lmW?T- NmmmmV'v 1 mmmmlPBYeP
mmmmmmmmmmmTaemTaLlJlBmBil K' mmV. )u. . 1 Immmmmmml
mmmmmmmmmmKTif? .nllU fmmil" imm-'A m 'LmmmmmmmmV
BmmmmmmmmmV f-Sl 'lllmmit ImBW'--immmvV' -am Lmmmmmmmm
LmmmmmmmmKiiimmV' IHH " lam?9mmmB!mmBmmmmmmmmmm.
MmlmmmmmmmmmmmRlllmH LmflKr" mmml9 --E.mmmmmmmmmmml
-lmmWHP.mmmmmmmmil NSfSn llmV
BBm3mVSP JammmmmmmmmV. HmammmmmflH. mV i!Bamml I mmmmm mm mmr
It TT'nrmmT5Smm:"aaaaaaBm"j f- --Mfc mum amw
lii-iMiiBmmmmvlmV "J IB wfiw
" nuon mos ctomiNQ ca
Lipton uits in Fancy Colors and Black $10 to 15.00
Eaton Suits in Nobby Patterns and Shapings $12 to 16.50
Friend made clothes make friends Every Suit Guaranteed to
be free from defects in every particular.
Also a complete line of DRY GOODS, MEN'S AND BOY'S
HATS, CAPS. SHOES and CARPETS to select from. Don't fail
to see our NEW FALL LINE OF MERCHANDISE now nien
for your inspection.
505 11th Street. Columbus, Neb.
Agent For The Standard Patterns.
A Bargain if taken at Once.
$1,700 buys my residence in Columbus
consisting of two full lots, boose, sum
mer bouse, floored barn for 3 borsee,
cbicken house and fine yards. 35 bearing
frnit trees, city water, well and cellar
All in good repair. Inquire at Journal
For Sale.
My 20 acre frnit farm, two and a half
miles east of Columbus and a quarter
mile north of telephone road. Price
$1500, part cash, balance on time.
W. J. M;Eatiiko.v,
16th and Jackson Sts., Onutha, Neb.
Some furnished rooms reasonable,
tion Enquire Journal.
Mt..H"H' I H' : i t .-H"M--K-"I
Henry Rapte & Co.
Staple and Fancy
Crockery, Queensware
Lamps and Glassware
A Cheaply Made Wagon
Will Waste Enough
Grain to Buy a
Good One.
Our wagons will not scatter
yourjrrain whileontheroadto
market or overtax your horbt
with needless heavy draught.
We keop only the Latest and UEST in
Buggies and Carriages
Alt Kinds of
ir Our horse slioos stirk
and Won't hum your horses
OUiro ovr
C'lliiuitms Stnt.. It ink COlumbllS. Nfib.
T u.sriKKs.
CMB, Olivrt Ht.. fonrth itnnr north of Firt
f. M. POST
attorney : at : Law
Golumbus. Neb.
Brick House Herd Dnrocs
1()0 March and early April piyn fur
Sutiiiiier and Fall tra!l. Cnn
in pairs or trio. not relattd. at liaram
prices. Write or vail for priceu or il-s-cription.
i:fd i, coiumhus. J. J. BARNES
aiSca'rriaafi PHltlng
lain and oriuroanul P.iintina ot all
Kinds, (iitti ar Countru.
n.l.Tel.Jlli. roi.LJIULS. xi:
Attorney - at - Law
Office ovor Colmnhiis Stat l'ank.
Will Tractive in all tlie Courts.
"The Prince of Pilsen."
The Perennially Popular Musical Com
edy, by Pizley and Lndere, author
of -Woodland."
we have a splendid assortment
always on hand.
We have just received some early ar
rivals in Fancy Japanese, French and
German China, suitable for presents.
We buy the best the market affords in
Large Quantities. If you trade with us
you will be satisfied both in quality and
The Wonderful Yeast
If you want
to make
that is
We Solicit Your Trade
Hemy Ragatz & Co.,
Nikaska ftiit 29. MpnM ?Um 29 ail 229.
a a
LtlcIL lb p
Yeast Foam U the ypast
that took the KirHt (iranil
Prize at the. -St. I.uun Kipo
itiuri. Sot! y iUI trroi era
t5ctt. u icK:ie-iiou;ii
for Io:icm. Semi :i stiil
cant for our new Illustrated
book "Cooil llread: lluu to
Make It."
M9 CURE the LUWGft
Dr. Kind's
New Discovery
0UGHS and
50c & $1.00
Free T.-ial.
K2Sd a"lcEe Cure for all
or mujijsr BACK.
V- -
"tT' 'y' TiZ