The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 11, 1905, Image 3

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y .,
iaaaaaaap-Hyz&Mto0mKlm HEHT2.
The Curative Power of PE-RU-NA
in Kidney Disease the Talk
of the Continent.
Nicholas J. Hertz. Memlwr of Ancient
Order of Workmen, Capitol Lodge,
No. 140, Pearl Street Hotel, Albany,
JC. Y., write:
"A few months ago I contracted a
heavy cold which settled in my kidneys,
ami each time 1 was exposed to inclem
ent weather the trouble was aggravated
until finally I was unable to work.
"After trying many of the adver
tised remedies for kidney trouble, I
finally took Peruna.
"In a week the intense pains in
my back were much relieved and in
four weeks I was able to take up
my work again.
"I still continued to use Peruna for
another month and at the end of that
time 1 was perfectly well.
"I now take a close or two when I
have been exposed and liud that it is
splendid to keep me well."
Hundreds of Cures.
Dr. TTartman is constantly in receipt
of testimonials from people who have
Wen cured of chronie and complicated
kidney disease by l'eruna. For free
medical advice, address Dr. Ilartman,
President of The Ilartman Sanitarium,
Columbus, Ohio.
W. L. Douglas
3 J?& 3 SHOES E"
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Ch: Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
'v r '
EntaMiihwl c
July. 1ST.
till nnfl REWARD to anyone who can
I UfUUU disprove this statement.
W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes have by their ex
cellent stle. easy fitting, and superior wearing
qualities, achictrd the largest fate of any $3.50
jihoe In the world. Thev are Just as good as
those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only
difference is the price. If I could take jou into
my factory at Brockton. Mass., the largest in
the world under one roof making men's fine
hoes, and show vou the care with which every
pair of Douglas shoes is made. ou would realize
why V. I Douulas $3.50 shoes are the best
shoe produced in the world.
If I could show you the difference between the
Hoes made In nv factory and those of other
makes, you would understand why Douglas
$3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol
greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50
hoe on the market to-day.
W. L. 0mmm Strmms Mm Shmmmfm
Atmti. 92. SO. S2.00. Bmym' Schmml A
Ormmm 9hmmm.92.BO, 92, 91.7B,91.BO
CAUTION. Insist upon having W.L.Doug
las s-lioes. Take n substitute. None genuine
without his name and price stamped ou bottom.
WANTKO. A shoe dealer in every town where
W. I. Itouglas Slioe are not sold. "Full line of
ample sent free for inection uon request.
fast Color Eyelets used; they will not wear bratsy.
Writ for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Stvlea
W. I DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mats.
three great pursuits
have aimin shown
wonderful results on
Magnificent climate farmers plowing in their
shirt sleeves in the middle of November.
"All are bound to be more than pleased with
the final result, of the past season's harvest."
Coal, wood, water, hay in abundance schools,
churches, markets convenient.
This is the era of f 1.00 wheat.
Apply for Information to Superintendent of
Immigration. Ottawa. Canada, or to authorized
Cantitian Government Agent IV. V. Bennett.
SOI fiw York Life Building. Omaha, Nebraska.
(Mention this paper.)
tMM with ins Mcnttar to
their used as a douche is aunreloasly rac-
cessfal. Thoroaxhly cleanses. killsditcjse germs.
atops dischartes. Seals infHniiti aad local
Bareness. .
Pjxtine is in powder form to be dissolved xnpans
water, and is far more cleansing, healing, cenaicidal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists, 50 cents a box.
Trial Bex aad Book of laatmctiom Free.
R. Paxtom Company bto. aiaas.
Horn Visitors
Novesaber 30th
To manv points In Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio. Kentucky, Western Pennsylvan
ia. New York and West Virginia, at
The WABASH has solid road-bed.
rock ballast, and new equipment. Re
clining chair cars (SEATS FREE.)
For rates, maps and all information
call at Wabash City Office. 1601 Far
wam St. or address
G. a. P. D.. Wab. R. R., Omaha. Neb.
.lOUGUl Ci .V
y3F 1 t7r' 5
' " -e i mwy . --. --t. s.
5J la
The toy Reared by Hand.
An old farmer in Nemaha county re
marks that a home-grown, hand
spanked, bare-footed and hard-fisted
country boy makes a much better
fighter in the battles of life than does
the pampered, high-collared, creased
trousered youth of our towns and
cities whose clothes have always been
dusted with a whisk broom instead of
a shingle. Kansas City Journal.
Collision Logic
It has been suggested that the ex
cellent showing made by steel cars
in collision is due to the fact that
the wooden cars in the train with
them acted as cushions and lessened
the force of shock.
Preserving Fish Scales.
The discovery of the method of pre
serving fish scales has led to a con
siderable export trade from Russia.
The scales are used for the making
of artificial pearls and similar ar
ticles. Monkeys Help in Tea Packing.
Chinese monkeys for years past
have assisted the natives in tea pack
ing. Their labor is cheap, for they are
more than contented with payment
in the shape of sundry luscious mor
sels. Collie Follows Automobile.
A collie that had pursued its mas
ter's automobile eighty miles, un
known to the driver, was found, ex
hausted, the other day, near Rain
bow, a Cheshire (England) village.
Peanut Like the Potato.
The peanut is a root plant, that is,
the buds, after blossoming, bend down
enter the earth, and become the nuts.
The nuts, therefore, are dug out of the
earth like potatoes.
Forests ir. Finland.
Findland has a larger percentage of
wooded area, in comparison to its total
surface, than any other European
country. It leads with 51. s per cent.
Dairies in South Africa.
The growth of agricultural co-operative
societies in South Africa opens
good opportunities for selling ma
chines used in the dairy industry.
payments. J. MULIIALL, Sioux City, la.
How soon a man who called bis
girl saucy, calls his wife sassy!
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and get the best. 16 oz.
for 10 cents. Once used, always used.
With some men swearing off is a
continuous performance.
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow?
Then use Defiance Starch, it will
keep them white 16 oz. for 10 cents.
The average man is to he seen
everywhere except in a mirror.
Health Thus Lost Is Restored by Lydls
K. Pinlrhsm'a Vegetable Compound.
How many women do you know wlio
are perfectly well and strong? We
hear every day the same story over and
over again. 1 do not feel well ; I
so tired all the time!"
More than likely you speak the same
words yourself, and no doubt you feel
far from well. The cause may be easily
traced to some derangement of the fe
male organs which manifests itself in
depression of spirits, reluctance to go
anywhere or do anything, backache,
bearing-down pains, flatulency, nerv
ousness, sleeplessness, leucorrhoea.
These symptoms are but warnings
that there is danger ahead, and unless
' heeded a life of suffering or a serious
operation is the inevitable result.
The never-failingremedy for all these
symptoms is Lydia E. Pinkharn's Veg-
1 etable Compound.
Miss Kate McDonald, of Woodbridge,
N J., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
44 1 think that a woman naturally dislikes to
make her troubles known to the public, but
i restored health has meant so much to me that
I cannot belt) from telling mine for the saks
of other sufferii g women.
44 For a long time I sufered untold agony
with a uterine trouble and irregularities,
which made me a physical wreck, and no one
thought I would recover, but Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound 'has entirely
cured me. and made me well and strong, and
I feel it my dutv to tell other suffering woxnea
what a splendid medicine it is."
If you are ill, don't hesitate to get S
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegeta
ble Compound at once, and write to
Mrs Pinkham, Lynn. Mass.. for special
dvioe-it is free and always helpful.
Relief that comes from the use of
pills or other cathartics is better
than suffering from the results of
constipation, but relief and cure)
combined may be had at the same)
price and more promptly, for
Lane's Family
is a core for constipation, and the
headache, backache, sideache and
general debility that come from
constipation stop when the bowels
do their proper work.
Sold by all dealers at 35c. and 90c
"str- toooooo
Saw Jobber, or direct from factor, Peoria, III
Oil A I CO FOR FARMERS. Barttecsaaa.
SUALE5 gy? & jSLmVmi 1
.ammaV ' SSafcSSBlBaBaKBamak.
aSasr-SamnmmlPmMsf Ms-almP r
mWtS$M& bssBbb.
Saw "" jfszSmr BsBaV :'-' am
mM'- '' : fiajsmr BsBaf - : .-
bbb-. masw vBvI' ' '" saw
mmm "PP?
was V :o' t jw A-:' ' arav
Lsf' :sV 5SSaf
AWmmrr- wJiiuf Bsasfaa
amaaaa''.jsssy : y- - .-.. ry.- ajaaj
Miss KateAkDonaId
Finds Quick Relief from Bladder Trou
bles Through Doan's Kidney Pills.
Hon. Joseph A. Goulden, Member
of Congress representing the 18th Dls-
?.i trJct of New York,
also trustee of the
Soldiers' Home at
Bath, N. Y., writes:
Gentlemen t As
many of my friends
have used Doan's
Kidney Pills and
have been cured of
kidney and bladder
troubles, I feel it
my duty to recom
mend the medicine.
From personal experience I kuow
Doan's Kidney Pills will cure inflam
mation of the bladder, having experi
enced relief the second day of using
the medicine.
(Signed) J. A. GOULDEN.
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
You may go off by yourself and de
clare you are as good as anybody, but
the lie will do you no good.
Chicago, Oct 10. The Peruna Drug
Manufacturing Company, manufactur
ers of a widely known proprietary med
icine, has brought suit in the Superior
Court of the City of Chicago against
the Curtis Publishing Company of Phil
adelphia, alleging that it has been
damaged to the extent of f 250,000 by a
recent article in the Ladies' Horns
The suit is based on a statement re
cently made in that journal that a
testimonial as to the merit of the rem
edy manufactured by the plaintiff, al
leged to have been given by Congress
man George H. White of South Caro
lina, was fraudulent, denial from Mr.
White that he ever gave such a testi
monial also being printed.
The Peruna company declares that
Congressman White did give the testi
monial in good faith, and that it has
two original letters from Mr. White. It
declares that Mr. White was led to
repudiate the testimonial through a
This is the second large damage suit
that has been filed against the Curtis
Publishing company since it inaugur
ated its attacks on "Patent Medicines."
Fifty-two languages and dialects ars
spoken along the banks of the Danube.
Advancing the Farmers' Interests.
Traveling agents and salesmen are
now sent from the home offices of the
Chicago packers into all South Ameri
can and Asiatic countries. They are
going into every land, no matter what
language may be spoken or what
money be used. They will exchange
their goods for cowries or elephant
tusks anything to sell the product
and get something in return converti
ble into money. It may seem odd to
some folks, hut traveling men, carry
ing cases with samples of American
meat products, can be seen in the
desert of Sahara, the sands of Zanzi
bar or in Brazil, "where the nuts come
from." Great is the enterprise of the
Yankee merchant. The greater the
market, the greater the price and sta
bility of the price of the product and
all that goes to make it in its various
The old man is never eradicated by
becoming an old woman.
Mra. w lealow'a sootblac Syras.
For children teethlnir. softens the nini. redai
SaaunaUoa, allays pain, cures wind colic ascabottkk
Tis Hard to Reform.
A crook, who had married and tried
to settle down and lead an honest life,
was riding in a street car when he felt
a slight tug ai his stud. Without turn
ing his head he looked down and saw
a busy hand trying to work it out of
his shirt front. He at once worked
his right hand behind his back and
took the other fellow's watch. When
he had it securely in his pocket he
turned around and said: "Say, Bill, I
was in the same line myself not long
ago." New York Sun.
Cabby's Windfall.
A London cabman found a dead cat
on one of the seats of his vehicle. Hfl
was about to throw the corpse into the
gutter when a constable stopped him.
"You can't leave" that in the street,"
said the officer. "But if I can't," said
the cabman, "what can I do with it?"
"Take it," said the constable, "to
Scotland Yard, and if it is not claimed
within three months it becomes your
The Ideal Woman.
The ideal woman, if she ever could
exist, would be a bore, a prig, a hope
less dowdy, and would undoubtedly
be at loggerheads with all her friends
and relations. World.
Liberal Offer.
An advertisement in a German
newspaper contains this tempting off
er. "Anybody who can prove that my
tapioca is damaging to health will at
once receive three packets gratis."
"Good," He Says, "But Comfort Bet
"Food that fits is better than a gold
mine." says a grateful man.
"Before I commenced to use Grape
Nuts food no man on earth ever had
a worse infliction .from catarrh of the
stomach than I had for years.
"I could eat nothing but the very
lightest food and even that gave me
great distress.
"I went through the catalogue of
prepared foods but found them all
(except Grape-Nuts) more or less in
digestible, generating gas In the stom
ach (which In turn produced head-
acne and various other pains and
aches) and otherwise unavailable for
my use.
"Grape-Nuts food I have found
easily digested and assimilated, and
it has renewed my health and vigor
and made me a well man again. The
catarrh of the stomach has disap
peared entirely with all its attendant
ills, thanks to Grape-Nuts, which now
is mv almost sole food. I want no
other!" Name given by Postnm Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
Ten day's trial tells ths story.
There's a rsssom.
Baron Frankenthurm the Center
Political Storm in Austria.
Baron Gautsch Von Frankenthurm,
against whom the social democrats
made a violent demonstration in the
lower house at Vienna, has been Aus
trian premier since November, 1897,
when he succeeded Count Badeni. In
preceding cabinets he had been min
'ster of worship and minister of edu
cation. Baron Gautsch was born in
1851, and was but twenty-three years
old when he entered the ministry of
justice. In 1881 he was appointed
director of the Theresian Academy,
and made an enviable record. In ail
respects he is said to be a thoroughly
self-made man. The service for which
he is best appreciated in Austria is
the reform he effected in the methods
of instruction.
Wonderful Fulfilment of Prophecy
Made Forty Years Ago.
The Frankfurter Zeitung quotes a
prophecy made over forty years ago
that will be read with special interest
in the light of recent events.
The prophet was Wilhelm Raobes,
the novelist. In his novel, "The For
est People," published in Frankfort in
1863, one of the characters delivers
an oration over the grave of a traveler
in the Pacific. The prophecy follows:
"Believe me, gentlemen, this is a
good spot in which to lie at rest and
listen to the sound of the approaching
footsteps. Hear you not that awe
striking tread? Hark! They come,
singly at first, then in pairs, in twen
ties, in their thousands, in millions!
Who and what are they whose giant
tread is thus hastening hither? They
are those who will yet unfold on this
spot the flag of the future. A future
when those who live shall see another
England, an England of the Pacific
ocean, arise in glory and might. To
day we call this land Japan, a land be
fore which we stand as before a dark,
unsolvable riddle.
"When this time comes, potent new
nations, owning and navigating ships
of gigantic make, will traffic and inter
mingle between the coasts of Asia and
America, as now they do between Hull
and Hamburg, between Dover and
Calais. In that age to come the power
of commerce and enlightenment will
gradually but surely destroy the an
cient might of the sword and of tyran
ny, and the England of the Pacific, as
the England of the North Sea in the
past, will be the principal agent of the
new civilization."
New York Surgeon Criticises Ameri
can Methods in Late War.
Dr. Louis L. Seaman of New York,
in speaking before the convention of
military surgeons at Detroit on the
fight made by the Japanese army on
disease, strongly criticised American
sanitary work during the war with
Spain. He declared conditions were
misrepresented ando that hundreds
died of disease unnecessarily. Neglect
and even ignorance characterized the
acts of high army officers in caring
for their men, he Insisted. On the
other hand, the Japanese used the
most modern methods and preserved
tne lives of their soldiers for legiti
mate work of the war.
No Excusejor Another Epidemic.
New Orleans' fight against yellow
fever shows beyond a doubt that an
other epidemic ought never to occur.
During the ten weeks of the struggle
there has been but 335 deaths from
the disease, which is a remarkably
low record, compared with the epidem
ic of 1878, when, during the same sea
son of the year, the deaths numbered
2,176 in a much smaller population.
The immense reduction In mortality
this year has unquestionably been due
to the advance of medical science in
the handling of yellow-fever, and here-
aiter, with the city always on the alert
and protected against the stegomyia
mosquito, the epidemic of 1905 should
be known as the last of the plague.
Springfield, Mass., Republican.
Daughter of Motley Visits America.
Lady Harcourt, who has arrived in
New York from Europe after an ab
sence of many years, is the daughter
of the American diplomat and histo
rian, John Lathrop Motley, and the
widow of the late Sir William Vernon
Harcourt, one of the most eminent
leaders and statesmen of the liberal
America Has More Than Half of the
Entire Mileage.
Consul General Guenther of Frank
fort supplies the following remarkable
railroad statistics:
According to the most recent Ger
man statistics, the length of the rail
roads of the world on Dec. 31, 1904,
was 537,105 miles, of which 270,386
miles were in America, 187,776 in Eu
rope, 46,592 miles in Asia, 15,649 miles
in Africa and 16,702 miles in Austra
lasia. Of the mileage of European
railroads Germany stands first (34,
016), followed in their order by Rus
sia (33.286), France (28,266), Austria
Hungary (24.261), the United King
dom (22,502), Italy (10,025), Spain
(8,656), Sweden and Norway (7,730).
The average cost of construction of
the European railroads per mile is
estimated at $107,577, while for the
remainder of the world the estimate
is only $59,680. The total value of the
railroads of the world, according to
these statistics, is $43,000,000,000, of
which the European roads figure for
$22,000,000,000. The estimate for roll
ing stock is as follows, in numbers:
Locomotives. 150,000; passenger
coaches, 225,000, and freight cars, 3,
Well-Known Illustrator and Originator
of "Chalk Talk."
Frank Beard, known all over the
United States as the originator of the
"chalk talk," and for more than twen
ty years connected with the Ram's
Horn, chiefly as illustrator, died sud
denly, Sept. 28 at Chicago. Death
came as the result of cerebral hemorr
hage. Mr. Beard came of a well known fam
ily. His father and uncle were James
and William H. Beard, the painters,
and the name of his brother, Dan
Beard, writer, lecturer and inventor,
has been familiar to the boys of sev
eral generations.
Frank Beard was born in Cincin
nati. O., Feb. 6, 1842. Before he was
twelve years old he had begun his
artistic work and was sending
sketches to Yankee Notions, one of
the first of American illustrated pa
pers. Although only eighteen years
old when the civil war broke out. he
was commissioned by Frank Leslie's
and Harper's Weeklies to accompany
the army of the Potomac.
After the war he began lecturing,
and it was at this time that he origi
nated the "chalk talks" a popular
lecture with an accompaniment of
rapid illustrating. For three years ne
occupied the chair of esthetics and
painting in Syracuse university, and
at that time became editor of Judge,
which position he held during the
Blaine campaign.
About this time Mr. Beard began to
feel that the power wielded by r. car
toonist should be exerted in ether
directions than those of social and
political reform. He therefore turned
aside from his humorous and political
work and became interested in Sun
day schools and the Chautauqua move
ment, in connection with which much
of his best known work has been
About twenty years ago he began
illustrating for the Ram's Horn, a
religious weekly published in Chicago.
In 1890 he became one of the editors
of the paper and for the last fifteen
years had been devoting his entire
time to this work.
King Edward Growing Peevish.
Indications are not wanting that
his most gracious majesty King Ed
ward of Great Britain and Ireland
grows old and peevish. The latest in
cident in proof of this deplorable ten
dency comes from Cowes, where the
king has a royal residence, Osborne
house. Some repairs were to be made
in the naval cade's' school near by
and bis majesty asked to be shown
the plans. The architect sent with
the drawing had a wart upon one side
of his nose. This disfigurement caus
ed his majesty great annoyance and
he has demanded that the architect be
removed from charge of the repairs.
Everybody in London is laughing at
the incident. Some of the comic pa
pers have gone so far as to express
regret at the delicate state of the
king's health.
Polyglot Pupils in Gotham.
Eighteen languages were spoken in
New York before the war of the revo
lution and that number has now risen
to sixty-six or sixty-seven. There Is a
school in the Syrian district of the
city in which, it is reported, twenty
nine languages and dialects are used.
The greatest problem to be solved in
New York, not only as a municipality,
but as the gateway to the United
States, is the naturalizing of this host
of children not by the forms of law,
but in spirit, temper, habit and speech.
Much is being done for men and wom
en in these congested quarters; more
probably than the atmosphere In
which they live than by all other agen
cies combined, but the most searching,
effective and fruitful work is being
done with the children. Harper's
Woman Deserving of Honors.
Among those who received the hon
orary degree of LL. D. at Trinity col
lege, Dublin, last month was Mrs. Mar
garet Byers, the head of Victoria col
lege, Belfast, who recently celebrated
her jubilee of fifty years of an active
professional life.
( I ) 't?lt-tW4 - ,
AdableBrepacationror As
similating tfieFoodandBcuIa
UigcStoawriBaralBowclsof Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur
nessandRest.Contains neither
Opum,Morphine ror rfineraL
JVaa. .M
Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa
non. Sour Slornach.Diarrhoca
and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Try this Common Sense Breakfast
Ash fmr Grocer Fa-Pay
If you have cream to separate a good
Cream Separator is the most profitable in
vestment you can possibly make. Delay
means daily waste of
time, labor and product.
f 10.- per cow per year
every year of use over all
gravity setting systems
and $5.- per cow over
all imitating separators.
They received the Grand
Prize or Highest Award
at St. Louis.
Buying trashy cash-in-advance sepa
rators is penny wise, dollar foolish.
Such machines quickly tote their cost
instead of taring it.
If you haven't the ready cash
DE LAVAL machines may be bought
on such liberal terms that they actually
pay for themselves.
Send today for new catalogue and
aame of nearest local agent.
The De Uml Sepmrtoi Co.
74 Cartlaset Straw
Don't Get Wet!
will keep you dry as
nothing else will, because
they are the product of
the best materials and
seventy years' experi
ence in manufacturing.
IftgBt! Boston. UA.
Toronto. Cia.
Look for this brand on harness,
collars, saddles, horse blankets, lap
robes, etc.
Made by
larpkasi Bras. Ct Uinta, Nek.
and Wood Frames, S25 and up. Write
us bet ore you boy. Weaaveyoa
loney. Also Pumps and Wind
aaaaVaaBaH" RR aaaVBa BRa RSbm wssaa
Mills. Mi
For Infonta and Childrtn.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
ALmmmm af
nnsburys Vitos with other cereals i
you will instantly recognize
fta the rich, white color el:
.whkh is actually the "Meat ol the Wheat.' i
It is the white heart of the wheat
kernel, sterilized. Nothing addes:
nothing taken away.
Food and you win never change
I won't sell Jatt-Ortsla to a iiralr who won't Osusraateaj
It. Call for your MOIST BACK IF IT MilT CUB,
Yn Ian HtRigH Sift
Fnw CsstfpsMia, ItiwIaM SUmach Titssfca,
What is the beginning of sickness!
What is Constipation?
A. Failure of the bowels to carry off taw
waste matter which lies in the alimentary canal
where it decays and poisons the entire system.
Eventually the results are drain under tho
name of some other disease. Note the deaths
from typhoid fever and appendicitis, stomach
and bowel trouble at the present time.
Q. What causes Constipation?
A. Neglect to respond to the call of natore
promptly. Lack of eierci.-e. Kxcessive braia
wurK. jaemai emotion and improper diet.
Q. What are the results of neglected Consti
nation? A. Constipation causes more suffering thaa
any other disease. It causes rheumatism, colda,
fevers, stomach, bowel, kidney, lung and hears
troubles, etc It is the one disease that start
all others. Indigrstion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, loss
of sleep and strength are its symptoms piles,
appendicitis and fistula, are caused by Constipa-
linn Ttu nnAi.iAn.. t. .A -.,
sicians, but few sufferers realize their conditio
uuiu ib , wu law. women Decome conarmea
invalids as a result of Constipation.
Q. Do physicians recognize this?
A. Yes. The first question vou r doctor aaka
you is "are you constipated?" That is the secret,
Q. Canlltbejcured?
A. Ye, with proper treatment. The commoa
error is to resort to physics such as pills, salts,
mineral water, castor oil. injections, etc . every
one of which is injurious. They weaken and
increase the malady. You know this by your
own experience.
Q. What thenshould be done to cure it
A . Get s bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic at ones.
Mull's Grape Tonic will positively cure Consti
pation and Stomach Trouble in the shortest
space of time. No other remedy has before been
known to cure Constipation positively and per
manently. Q. What is Mull's Grape Tonic?
A. It is a Compound with 40 per cent or the
juice of Concord u rapes. It exerts a peculiar
strengthening, healing influence upon the intes-
udcs, w mat mey can ao tneir worK unaided.
The process is gradual but sure. It is not
physic, but it cures Constipation. Dysentery,
Stomach and Ikiwel Trouble. Having a rich,
fruity grape flavor, it is pleasant to take. As a
tonic it is unequalled, injuring the system
against disease. It strengthens and builds us
waste tissue.
Q. Where can Mull's Grape Tonic be had ?
A. Your druggist sells it. The dollar bottle
contains nearly three times the 50-cent size.
Good for Ailing Caildrta aad Horsing aTotaera.
A free bottle to all who have never used 1ft
because we know it will cure you.
Send this'coupon with vour name and ad
dress aad your druggist's name, for a free
bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic for Stosuea
and Bowels, to
148 Tblrd Aveaae.Roek Islaad. Illlaaas
Givt Full Addreu and WriU ifaiaiy.
The 11.00 bottle contains nearly thne
times the 50c size. At drug stores.
The genuine has a date and number stamped t
the label take no other from your druggist.
IK l r.
No. 411905.
H Bat Cosaa ByrapTfsstea Good. VssH
ssa MR- SoMbydr aits. Wm.