The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 11, 1905, Image 1

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S36e Journal is Read by More People than any Other Paper in Platte County
. X
?. U"
IL -v ;v nnnnmmnfl
1 1 :iN .write- a check that pays
that lull di your-.
You may want to -eml money a
litame for :iiiiii- purposes. The
Iri of ink" ami
at our liank make- the check you
?eml ji.s current.
Your check, like our hank, passes
at tln rlearinir hou-e and is stamped
"O K." Keep an account with us and
it will help you in inanv ways.
The First National -Bank
I JHann Clears So.
x '
(From tiles of Journal, Jane 7, 1871.)
Tao Constitutional convention met
at Lincoln, Juno lath.
There nro -J 1,000 children in Nebras
ka between the ages of ."i and 21 Tears.
The insurance companies have offer
ed to pay the htate $7:1.000, or to re
build the insane asylum.
The Pacifii: house has changed
hand'-'. The new proprietor is E. H.
Jacob Sell ram has opened a ready
made clothing store in the Holman
hailding on twelfth street.
Tue Polk county bridge across the
pouth channel of the Platte was com
pleted Saturday last.
Samuel Batty of Olarksville was in
town Saturday. Mr. Batty has been
nearly all his life engaged in the
manufacture of woollen fabrics and
gives ir as his opinion that on any of
our water courses here there is abun
dance of fall for power to run a fac
tory. Bids for furnishing the Pawne Re
sorvatiou with lumber were opened
Friday. Harris & Foster bidding the
lowest, ::.lMl;: and Hoagland & Son
bidding tho highest, J4.11U.27.
Died, at his residence in Clay conn
tv Mo., May 2C. of typhoid fever. Pe
tor Calloway, aged forty-four years.
School Yews.
The maroon and white satin high
Fchool 1 aimer is in the care of the Se
niors for this month. They received
the high aveinge of low standings for
tho month of September. The gymna
sium suits for the High School girls
will be ordeied this week. It is ex
pected that the gymnasium will be
ready f r use by nexr Monday.
Dorothy Pobt and Marcia Perkins
returned Samiay from Omaha where
they hail attended the Ak-Sar-Ben.
Misri Graham was in Lincoln Satur
turday making arrangments for gym
nasium suits.
Miss Ruby llicklv visited schools
in Omaha Friday of last weeic and
Monday of this week.
.Next Saturday at Kearney, our foot
bill will play against the Kearney
Military Academy.
Miss Vera Kramer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Kramer of this city, and
Mr. M. J. Kelley of Chicago, were unit
ed in marriage this morning at ten
o'clock at the Stiatford hotel in Chi
cago. The bride wore a gown of white
chiffon broadcloi.1 and wore a hat. She
was attended by her sister. Miss Flor
ence Kramer, who wis also gowned in
white. The groom was attended by bis
coti&in. Mr. Ed. Curran. At the close of
the ceremony :i wedding breakfast was
served at half pat eleven. No guests
were invited. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley, who
are stopping at the Stratford, will re
turn to Columbus next week and Mrs.
Kellv will accompany her husband on
this fall trip for the wholesale firm
which he represents. Miss Floiesce
Kramer will retnrn home Saturday.
Dr. E.rl.Naumann
lias one of the best dental offices
in the state
Fully equipped to do all den
tal work in First-Class manner.
Always reasonable iu charges.
All work guaranteed.
Over 14 years practice in G
lumbus. 13th Street.
Dr. E. I.
The Journal takes pride in presenting
the republican candidates to the voters
of Platte county. They are a group
of men to inspire confidence. They are
pledged to destroy the spoils system,
which working chiefly through the offi
ces of county judge and sheriff and
county clerk has been stealing away the
property owner's money in high taxes.
Voters are all agreed that a "house
cleaning" is needed at the court house.
Here are the men pledged to do it. Give
them a trial.
w. l.. SMITH.
W. L. Smith of Monroe, the repub
lican candidate for county treasurer,
was horn in Ohio in the fifties and
came to Platte county nearly thirty
years ago. He received a good com
mon school education in the east and
has had considerable business exper
ience, having been engaged in the
mercantile business and the grain bus
iness iu Monroe for several years. At
the present time he is farming. Mr.
Smith has the best endorsement that
any man can have, namely the ei -dorsement
of the people among whom
he has lived so many years. Mr.
Smith is amply qualified to perform
the duties of treasurer.
J. d. stii:i.
J. Dayton Stires, the republican
candidate for county judge, was born
in New Jersey in 1853. His early
education was received in the common
schools and an academy in New Jer
sey, in the seventies he came west,
studied law in Iowa University, grad
uating from that institution in 1SS2,
first in his class obtaining a prize for
hi? marked scholarship. He practic
ed law and was engaged successfully
in the banking business a't
Cedar Kapids, Neb., for several years,
coming to Columbus seventeen ycar.
ago, since which time he has practiced
law successfully in Platte county.
Besides having the legal qualifications
without which no man is qualified to
perform the important legal duties of
county judge, Mr. Stires' reputation
for strict honesty, his high moral
ideals and his even agreeable temper
ament peculiarly fit him to look aftei
the complex probate matters which
come to that office from the hand of
the widows and orphans.
Da. H. G. Mourns.
Dr. II. G. Morris of Crcston, republi
can candidate for coroner is practically
a Platte county product and he has all
the qualities of a sure winner. All he
needs is to meet the voter?. They will
do the rest, lie came to Creston at the
age of eleven with his father who had
been county surveyor of Frontier coun
ty. He graduated from the Creston
high school, attended the Chicago medi
cal college one year and then entered
the Omaha medical college from which
he graduated with honors three years
later. Dr. Morris is a young man who
has pushed his own way to the front.
He is as popular where he is known as
he is modest. He is a favorite with the
base ball boys throughout this part of
the state, where he is known as one of
the best pitchers in Nebraska. Dr.Mor
ris.Iike his popular young running mate
Bruce Webb, will draw practically a
solid vote from the north end of the
county, not only for himself but for the
rest of the republican ticket for which
he is willing to vouch.
Bbcce Webb.
Bruce Webb, republican candidate for
sheriff, was cnt out to win in anything
he cares to go after, and he is as sure to
be elected sheriff as the democratic
press of Platte county is to fail to pub
lish the record on which the democratic
candidates claim to stand. Bruce Webb
is one of a large family of .boys, who for
thirty-six years, practically all his life,
has lived in Nebraska. He has a good
common school education, backed by
wide experience in the real estate and
sale business, and directed by one of the
most generous, honest and good nalured
dispositions that ever graced any man.
Wherever Bruce Webb is known he is a
favorite. The Madison county people
came to Platte county to coax him to
act as marshal of the day at the Madison
county fair, simply because they liked
him after his long residence in Madison.
Every young man becomes .his fast
friend upon meeting him once, and his
bright, courageous face inspires the
confidence at once of older men. Bruce
is farming near Creston, but his sale
business has reached such proportions
that he doesn't have time for the farm.
in tact no auctioneer in AeDrasKa is
covering a larger territory.
Ed. Lcsiexski.
Ed. Lusienski, republican candidate
for county clerk, will bring as many
qualifications to this office as any other
man on the ticket. Though a young
man, he has had training which pecu
liarly fits hiai for the office. Being of
Polish birth, he could serve the large
All kinds, from the gilt
or gun metal diminutive,
small enough to carry, in
your vest pocket, to the
huge, towering, massive
Grandfather Clocks for
hall or library.
It' a worthy stock beauty,
utility, economy and never fails
to inspire the appreciation that is
mi compensating to honest and suc
cessful endeavor.
Ed J. Niewohner
The Jeweler
I have a few high class young Short
Horn bulls, color dark red, my own
breeding. Come and see them.
:Jt Aknoi.o F. H. Okiilricii.
Don't Forget
That we carry a complete stock
Wall Paper. Prices Right.
Chas. H. Dack, Druggist.
Polish population of Platte county by
interpreting their wants to all the other
county officers. Besides,his educational
and business qualifications are except
ionally good. Graduating from the Paro
chial school in Platto Center, he at
tended the Sister's school in Omaha for
two years. In business he has had ex
perience as clerk for four years in the
general merchandise store of Ripp v
Greisen of Platte Center and as manager
of an elevator at Tnrnov for Mrs.Kehoe.
His integrity has never been questioned,
and he has a quick, keen mind that will
readily master the details of the connty
clerk's office. Xo voter who wants to
break the printing trust in Platte county
will fail to vote for Ed. Lusienski.
O. II. Smith.
O. H. Smith, the republican candi
date for county superintendent has
everv qualification for the office to
which he aspires. A graduate of Lee
Normal college in Illinois, and a spe
cial student of tbe Lincoln Normal.
he has had twenty years of experience
6 a teacher f r jm the country school up
and he has alwavs pleased his patrons
being now on his third year at Lind
say. Aside irom nis euucai.onai quali
fications, Mr. Smith is a man of cul
ture and high moral ideals who be
lieves that a superintendent is elected
ro serve the schools and not tj act as
agent for a book trust or a desk trnst
in his own interest. Mr. Smith will
lift the office of superintendent ont of
the mire of graft into which it has
Oka Shannon.
Everybody knows Ora Shannon and
Ora Shannon knows everybody.
Tint's all there is to it.
Ora Shannon will be the next sur
veyor of Platte county.
is made of Grape
Cream of Tartan
Absolutely Pure.
Makes the food
more Wholesome
and Delicious.
City Council
The city council met last Friday
night and transacted some routine
The official jrepirts of the chief of no
lice and police judge for August were
approved and the reports for Septem
ber read and referred to the proper
Next Friday night the council will
hold a special assessment meeting to
determine the valae of property abut
ting which sidewalks are to be bnilt
by the city because of the failure of
property owners to bntld them as ordered.
Next Monday the council will Meet
in adjourned session to let contracts
for the bnilding of the walks above
referred to.
Mayor Dickinson is taking steps to
enfore the dog tax.
Joe Flvnn as special dog catcher, is
canvassing the city with a list of
those who have paid their dog tax.
and taking down the names of dog
owners, who have not paid the tax.
He then turns over the list to the
chief of police who serves warrants
on the offenders and marches them
before the police jndge. Last Monday
Herman Oehlrich and Chris Abts were
the first to be brought on the carpet
:n the office of the police jndge. Her
man Oehlrch handed over $3 50 to pay
for his negligence and Chris Abts paid
$S.0 because he denied that he owned
a dog.
Seventy were on Joe Flynn's list
and they will all have to dance to tbe
mnsic, for not reading the warning
published in the Columbus papers
many times.
Miss Eli7abeth Farley returned
Thursday from a visit to relatives in
Marriage Licenses.
Jndge Ratterman issued marriage
licenses last week as follows : Joseph
Novicki and Katherina Binder, Duu
can ; Unstav. Larson, St. Edwatd, and
Anna Person, Lindsay; Herman
Kluck. Richland and Dora Kirkman
Columbus -.George Curlow and Victor
ia Koperpki ; Colnmbu.
. A. Brodboll Dead.
Erie A. Brodboll of Lindsay died at
a hospital in Ualesbur. Ill, to which
he was taken for treatment for a
nerve disease, several weeks ago, on
October , of embolism, disease of the
bra'n. No members of the family
were at his death bed, hiB death be
ing entirely unexpected. Mr. Brod
boll had been under great nervous
strain for several months bnt he was
thought to be recovering nntil a very
short time before the end came.
Mr. Brodboll was about forty-five
years old and a native of Sweden. By
his own Efforts Mr. Brodboll hai
made a good sized fortnne. He had
been cashiers of the State Bank at
Lindsay for the past fifteen years and
had acquired considerable outside
property. He was one of the best
known men in Platte county, having
always taken an active part in tbe
local affairs of Lindsay.
The funeral was held today at Wa
hoo, the former home of the deceased.
Woman's Club.
The Shakespeare department will
meet with Mrs. L. R. Latham on Tues
day the 17th.. at 8 o'clock, p. m.
The Literary department will meet at
the home of Mrs. J. A. Douglas, Satur
day, Oct. 14th, at 3 p. m.
Paper on Abraham Lincoln, - Mrs. Post.
Paper on Hannibal Hamlin, Mre.Gietzeu
Don't forget the special sale
of street hats Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, Oct. 12 to H
at Fillman's, Olive street.
Miss L?afy Gray returned the first of
week from an extended visit with rela
tives in the southwest part of tbe state.
Mis; Nina Smith of Silver Creek and
Mr. French Harrington of Benedict.
Nebraska, were the guests of MissMible
Douglas iu our city Monday.
Seth Braun has returned from Omaha
where he purchased a handsome line of
China and QueenBware, and invite you
to call and see the goods.
At the Congregational church next
Sunday morning Rev. Monro will speak
on "What the Spirit saith unto the
Churches." In the evening on '-Modern
Voices of tbe Spirit: Lowell tbe Poet
FOR SALE:-One good yearling
calt. OB3 colt five moaths old. Both
good ones. Boy Stires. u
Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Cah went to
S huyler yesterday.
Word, has been received of the ser
ions illness of Prof. Pole who recent
ly located in Davenport, Ii.
L. H. Latham and his father-in-iaw
Mr. Wyatt were numbers of a cnip
mg party that spent last week in the
sand hills.
Mrs. Tnhos left today for her hcne
in Malvern, la. atfer a visit of several
weeks with her sister, Mrs. II. P.
The Misses Elizabeth and Mamie
Sheehan have issued invitations for a
parcel shower at their home Saturday
afternoon in honor of Miss Anna
Hohan, whose marriage is soon to take
Miss Cora Graves returned home to
day from Silver Creek, where she has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank
Holden for some time, she also made
the acquaintance of a new niece
while there.
There is no ice famine in Columbus
as reported in some of the Columbus
papers. O. L. Baker is getting ice
from Albion and the Union Pacific is
furnishing some. Swift and Company
have not been ont of ice as reported.
Lttle Mary Benham celebrated ber
seventh birthday last Friday. Seven
of her little friends 6pent tbe after
noon and took tea with her. The
prinoipal feature of the tea was a
great Jack Horner pie, containing a
little gift for each guest with ribbons
attached. When the ribbons were
pulled, the children drew out the gifts
from the pie. The little ones all had
a good time.
The remains of J. E. Williams who
died of yellow fever in Panama last
month passed through Columbus last
Saturday being taken to St. Edward
for interment. R. F. Williams the
father of the deceased, as soon as he
was apprised of his son's death, took
np the mattar direct wth President
Roosevelt who personally assumed the
responsibility of having the body
brought home without a moment's
delay Jay Williams was drawing a
salary of $2100 at the time of his
death having been twice promoted
within three months. He was a student
at West Point for two years.
The officers of the Woman's club,
who held office last year were re
elected for the year. They are as
follows: Mrs. Carlo w, president;
Mrs. McAllister, vice-president; Mrs
Post, second vice president: Miss
Sheehan, secretary; Mrs. Mary Kram
er, secretary ; and Mrs. Geitzen, trea
surer. In the musical department
Miss Effie White was elected leader,
Mrs. Julius Nichols assistant leader.
Mrs. McAllister was re-elected secre
tary, several new i:ames were
posed for memersliip in all depart
ments. The ladies of the club are
making efforts to secure Mr. Carl
Stecklonerg of .Lincoln in tbe near;
future for a concert to add to tbe
fountain fund. Steckleberg is one of
the finest violinists of tbe west and
has only just returned from a trip of
two years abroad where he has ben
studying under the same master that
trained Kubelik. Mr. Stceklebere
was once a resident of Columbus liv
ing in the family of August Boett
cher, when a child.
The republicans in Supervisor district
(J and 7 of Platte county, are called to
meet at the council chamber in Colum
bus, Suiiirtlny. October 14, 1905, at 2 p.
m., to nominate a candidate for super
visor for said district.
For hard coal, furnace
coal and all kinds of soft
coal. Newman & Welch.
Wheat 71
Corn 33
Oats $ bushel 21
Rye $ bushel 0
Rarlnv "4
Potatoes bn 30
Butter Ijr lb 14 to 18
Eggs "$ dozen 15
Begs to announce to
the people of Colum
bus and Platte coun
ty that he Yms open
ed his dental office
in the rooms long
occupied by Dr. H. J.
Arnold, on Olive St.,
four doors south of
the Niewohner blk.
His practice has been in- connec
tion with the most skilled "dental
operators in the west and his serv
ices to patients are guaranteed.
Mrs J. C. Kohols spent two days la
Omaha last week.
Twin girls were barn last Saturday
morning to Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Geiser.
Miss Haz! Rlohoson of Liuooln is
tho guest of M f. C N. Raney tnis
Rev. and Mr. Boade of Osceola were
gUFsts last Sunday of Mrs J. B.
Miss Margarite Becber
day with the family of
spent Sun
her acle.
Frank Wake, ia Genoa.
The fire department was called ont
today to extinguish a fire ia n bay
stack in soath Colambua.
Miss Vesa Sister ia going tomor
row for a wr ek's visit at the home , of
Mr. and sirs. Eugene Byllesby at
Fair bury.
Miss Vida Jernbera of Genoa ia
stopping with Mr. and Mr G. A.
Willard for n month while attending
dressmaking school.
Mrs. Mary G. Florv, mother of O.
H. -lory of St. Edward and Mm.
Frank Wait of the name plaoe ware
bronsht to St. Mary's Hospital thia
Bert Galley received a letter Mon
day from bis father, J. H. Galley
from Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Galley
will retnrn home the latter part" of
this week.
Mrs. K. P. Swain of Lincoln Is here
for a visit of one week at the home of
ber son, Lloyd Swain and to make ac
quaintance of her first grand-child.
Columbus Telegram.
Mrs. George Kobde and daughter,
Hiss Gertrude of Norfolk, who have
been guests of Mr. and Mm. Carl
Rohde, departed Wednesday tor Chi
cago their fnture home.
Tim Hogan who tcck a week from
his duties as oity carrier to attend
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities is back on his
route this week. William Saell snb
atitnted for him.
Miss Emma Wake returned home
from Shelby Saturday. She wan ac
companied by Dr. Allenbarger of
Shelby who will enter n partnership
with Dr. D. T. Martya. Jr. in thia
jity next month.
The fire department was called to
the home of O. N. Raaey yesterday
to put out a blaze whioh had started
under the floor from a loose joint hi
a pipe leading from the fnmaoe room.
By prompt action Mrs. Raney had ex
tinguished the fire before the fire
boys arrived.
Mrs. Jessie Henry of this city aad
Mr. E. O. Carrick of Leavitt were
quietly married at Fremont last
Thursday. Mrs. Henry is the daugh
ter of A. Dossell of this oity and the
groom is a brother of Mrs. H. G.
Fricke. Mr. Carrick Is a mannnerin
the beet sugar factory at Leavitt with
excellent prospects. '
Wednesday Ed. Adams and Mrs.
Lyda J. Wilson went to Columbus,
ptocured n marriage license of the
county judge and then went to the
Episcopal church and were married by
the rector. Rev. Cash.
Mr Adams is a yoaug farmer of
means with a home near Gardner, and
Mrs. Wilson s a widow of the Spanish-American
war and daughter of Z;
Cox who Ives southeast of town. Sil
ver Creek Sand.
Dan Bray is having the time of his
life at the shooting tournaments this
week. Mrs. Bmy received n letter
from her husband Monday momnig
from Alliance the contents of which
she communicated to the JouraaL
She said : "Mr. Bray is having n fine
time but he says the weather has been
too windy for good scores. At Brok
en Bow and Hyannis he was highman
and at Alliance third man Gns
Scbroeder left Mondny to joinhim nt
Alliance and to go with him to the
shoot at Sheridan".
F. T. Walker returned Mondny from
a two weeks trip to Red Willow
county where he sold 3,600 acres of
land within a few miles of Indinnno
la. Such was the invasion of land
s-ekers of Indianola last week that n
co: respondent from that plaoe to the
State Journal was moved to speak to
protect his fellow citizens from the
invasion of land agents. The hotels
were overcrowded. Mr. Walker says
that No. 2, on which he returned
carried 1220 land buyers from eastern
Nebraska and western Iowa.
More than a hundred people left their
work and assembled at tbe U. P. de
pot last Monday to see the distinguished
personage, and some crowded to tbe car
for an opportunity to hnke his band.
Was it the president of tbe United Sta
t -? No. i: was that notorious criminal
the Hon. Pat Crowe, in charge of the
nfiic. re being returned to Otnaba for
trial i n tl e charge of kidnapping Eddie
Cndhy. Pt smiled as be nodded hie
gratitude to the crowd who paid him
homage. And many younglmys of Co
lumbus will cherish in memory this
sight of Pat Crowe whohaa been' elevat
ed as a little god before the public by
the yellow journals of the country, and
prepared for a successful stage career.
The women of Columbus, be it said' to
their honor, did not shower the desper
ado with' flowers. The -crowd would
have been larger had provision been
made for a second car Gearing 'ike Hon.
Tom Dennison,
Everything depends upon it. The
difference between success and failure.
A banks success means the -success
of its customers. Watch tire plan of
those who conduct the bank that you
patronize. We will be glad to have
you examine ours.
The Old Keliable
foffimtu Sum Bank
the Line.
Last Thursday evening after school,
occurred a hot game of foot ball between
the grades '6th and 7th of the city school
Tbe game was fought to a finish and the
way the young students bucked the line
would make some old heads sorry that
they didn't begin the game earlier ia
The star players for the sixth graders
were Drawbeugh, Ernst and Galley .while
Baker, Zinnecker. Nels Nelson, Wbaley
and Weslbrook did the big business for
the winners. No bones were brok
en but several shins and peeled noses
are visible among the players.
Ed Gluck was time keeper and referee
and after the skirmish had ended, the
store stood 92 to 2 in favor of the sev
enth graders. Below is tbe line up of
6th 7th
Wisenstine Zinnecker
Neater Baker
Drawbaugh Whaley
Steve Csffery Westbrook
Mills N Nelson
Webb . Fat Nelson
Ernst Lawrey
Murphy Halsey
Galley Glur
Vera Freydig
McMullea Monro
Celimhu Feat Ball Tc
Thirteen as husky boys as is ever
grouped together have formed a club to
be known as the Columbus City foot
ball team and are out on the gridiron
every Bight bucking the line and using
every exercise possible to harden their
muscle for tbe season work. lis tame
buaiaess for the most of the eleven to
roll oat of bed at 4 in the morning, run
ten miles and eat n railroad spike be
fore breakfast. They are now in pink
trim to play, and their first game will be
played Saturday at David Oity. Tbe
boys have tackled a hard proposition for
their initial tryout, bnt they have tbe
nerve and goods to come out victorious.
At the Catholic church last Sunday
morning at 9-30, Rev. Father Theabold
spoke the words which united in marri
age Mr. George Solo and Miss Vic Kop
eski. A number of relatives and friends
attended the ceremony, after which the
young wedded couple were at home to
their friends in south Columbus. A
host of friends joined the happy pair in
clebrating the event, music, dancing and
refreshments being liberally indulged.
The Journal extends congratulations.
Change Mame.
The little station this side of Norfolk
on the U. P. branch known as Werner
ville, will have a change of name this
week besides a new location. Tbe depot
and all the other belongings to the pret
ent village of Wernerville is being moved
four miles north from its present site
and when once settled will be known in
the future as Neola. The change will
not create any bloodshed as in earlier
days, and is considered a business move
on the part of tbe U. P. officials.
Special sale oh
Tavrsday, Friday
day,Oet.l2to 14.
Olive street.
street hats
aad Satur-
Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist.
One of the -largest and best
equipped dental offices in
the state. 2
ytumu4 IUr far runlets
The kind that is safe and never
Come in and have your teeth
examined and get our estimate
on your work. It will cost you
nothing: and we give a useful
souvenir to each caller.
All work guaranteed.
S jJa-W'-a
ii-M-aimi -iiinisiim ii'i mjp'igi.i hum tuiimwi-