The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 04, 1905, Image 8

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AfegrfabiePlrtHli(Mrof As
I stoiatingteFoodaodBeula-1
I liaflli il hi nnrinnwrn nf
ProwotesDigps&MiJCht! I
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OpaurnXoffhine aortfineraL
ja----aBB7a-"aBBBaBVa'eaaBBB) H
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Aperfecl Remedy forCoastipa- H
rwn. Sour Stoach. Diarrhoea
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
FaeSimfe Signature of H
Takt tho Burlington from Columbus I o
Portland. Seattle. Tacoma and Return. (Direct Routes. Daily from May22tl 645.00
Portland and Retura. (One Way via California. May 2.1. 21. 23. 29. P.O. 31. Jur.e 1. 2. C.
23. 14. 15. 10. 23. 24. 27. 28. 29. 30. July 1. 2. 3. C. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 25. 2G 27. Addi
tional dates in August and September 6 CO
SaaFranciaco. Los Angeles and Return. (Direct Routes) Above DaUs 56.00
San Franciaco. Los Angeles and Return. (Direct Routes) MayW. 30.31. June 1. Aug
ust 10. 11. 12. 13.14. October 17. 18.19. 0. 21 60.00
These rates apply over the Jbirlington's Oiieet line to l-iivc-r, thenee
through Scenic Colorado and alt Lake city.
Also over the Burlington-Northern lieitie ilireet notthuot loute to I'uget
Sound and Portland.
The most comprehensive tour or the 1'aeilie coat, iiieliidiuir California.
Shasta Route, Portland Exposition. Pu;:et Sound eities, Washington and
Montana can he made Using the various llurlington Main Lines.
The Burlington is the only line by which you mn take in the Black HtlN
and Big Horn country in connection with this trip with no additional expense
Daily through Pullman Standard Sleepers to San Francisco via Denver,
Scenic Colorado ana Salt Lake.
Apply to the undersigned for Portland Exposition folder,
California folder. Tourist excursion folder, for berths, inform
ation, tickets, etc.
Describe your proposed trip and let me advise jtu the least
cost and the best way to make it.
L. F. RECTOR, Agent, Columbus, Nebr.
Poland-China Boar Pigs
The undersigned will hold a Public
Sale of Poland-China Boar Pigs at
Columbus, Nebraska
Monday, October 16, '05
Commencing at 1 p. m. Sharp.
The offering will consist of the top of this season's
crop from each of the three herds. They are the Big
Boned, Mellow Feeding kind and are as fine a bunch
as will go through the ring this year.
Come and see them. They are right and will all
go at your price. Send for catalogue now ready.
Cedarbank Stock Farm, Fullerton
H. C. McGath, Clarks, Nebraska
Fred Wille, Columbus, Nebraska
T. C. CALLAHAN, Omaha, Auctioneer.
Gives rest to tha stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
tiled stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous
Stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A guaranteed cure.
,. Sold by Ghas. H.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Back, Druggist.
rT Aft
Sit. Pleasant.
O. L. Doods left Thursday for Port
land Oregon, to spend a few weeks.
Rout. McCull returned from St. Mary s
hospital Saturday.
Shell Clark mid Ernest Swallow will
leave for Kansas Tuesday to look at
Jack Welch returned Monday where
he has been visiting his wifeat St. Mary's
Ida Larsen entertained the Misses
Mable Thompson, Norma Grape, Jennie
Simpson, Hattie nnd Edna Buek, Messrs.
Herman, Harry and Orval Webb, Chas.
and Frank Buck Sunday last.
I From the World 1
Rev. and Mrs. A. 1. Keane and three
children arrived in town Saturday to
take up their residence here. Kcv
Keane is the new minister at the Metbo
disl church. He held his first service
Mr. Frank Lee and Miss Frances
Dubsky were married Monday, Sep
tember 25, at Columbus by County
Judge Ratterman. Thev arrived home
Tuesday nnd are making arrangements
to go to housekeeping in Ed Lee's
Rev. J. F. Smith packed his household
goods into a car Tuesday and shipped
them to Olds, Iowa. Wednesday noon
Rev. Smith and family tok their de
parture. They expected to visit n day
in Omaha with J. If. Hamilton and
family before going to Iowa.
John D. Wurdeman holds the belt us
the champion chicken hunter of Leigh.
John doe not make any pretentions of
being a crack shot or much of a hunter
but he has all the boys "skinned." He
wont out one morning the first of the
week for two hours nnd returned with
four nice big fat prairie chickens, which
is about as many as all the rest of the
boys have killed this fall.
TFroui tne leaner. I
Lea Newel has received his appoint
ment as mail carrier on the new rural
route out of Genoa and will start on his
first trip on October 2nd. Patrons on
the route should have their mail boxes
in posiiion ready for their mail on that
The Nebraska Telephone Company's
local Central office is now nicely located
in the upper story of the Sutton build
ing. The new local manager, Bruce
Ilrown, assumed control last week and
from now on will give Genoa both day
and nhjhl service. You wil! find Mr.
Brown to be a congenial fellow and he
promises the Leader to keep the phones
in first class condition all the time, but
if lie dots not get a club.
Mr. Hinkle of West Hill brought a
stock of corn to town the last of the
week that measured from the root to the
ear nine feet, and he declared that such
stocks were not uncommon in his field.
Xow we would like to know how in
thunder people are going to husk such
corn without stilts or step ladders. It
looks ns though Pel Barrow's statement
that the breaking down of the corn by
the wind, a couple weeks ago, was an
Columbus, Nebr.,
The Eminent Physician on
Chronic Troubles will
be in our city
Saturday, Oct. 14
and will be at
Th Thurston Hotel
Until " O'clock p. m , Monday,
Octolier 10, 1005
3 Days Only!
Ptesident of the staff of physicians ol
the Boston Medical institute, is making
a tour of the state.
This being an ndvertising trip, and to
introduce the new system, will give con
sultation, examination and all medicine
necessary 10 complete a cure iree. ah
parties taking advantage of this off. r
are requested to state to their neighbors
i he re-mlt of the treatment.
Cures deafness by an entirely new
method. Catarrh in all its various forms
cured so that it wdl never return.
Treats al curable diseases of catarrh,
nose, throat and lung diseases, eye and
ear, stomach, liver and kidneys, gravel,
rheumatism, paralysis, neural bta, nerv
ous and heart diseases, blood and skin
diseases, epilepsy, blight's disease and
consumption in early stages, diseases of
the bladder and female organs, liquor
aid tolacco habit. Stammering cured
and sure method to prevent its recur
r nee given. never failing remedy for
big neck
l'iles. fistula and rnpture guaranteed
Mired without detention from bnsiness.
special attention given to all surgical
!a"s and all diseases of the eye, nose
ind threat.
Gla-s-s fitted and guaranteed, grann
1 itfd lids, cataract, crosE-eyes straight
ened without pain.
If you are imnrnving under your fam
lv physician, d rot tke rip our vain
blo time. We wish to tive everyone
plenty of tune. but cir.not listen to long
storhs pertaining to yonr case. The
rich and the poor treated alike. Idlers
and curiosity seekers will please stay
away. Our time is valuable.
Remember, not one penny will be
charged for all the medicine required to
make a cure of all those taking treat
ment this trip.
Office hour 9 a. ra.
Positively married ladies must be ac
companied by their husbands.
Remember the date. Saturday, Sunday
and Mondav. October 14. 15 and 10. at
nut of Providence to asa:6t the farmer,
is a correct one.
Our citizens were greatly shocked
Saturday afternoon last by the an
nouncement that Alfred Oeberg was
dead. It was known that he had been
sick for several days but that his case
was so serious no one seemed to realize.
The deceased was taken with what he
supposed to be a case of Ka Grippe a
couple of weeks ago and it was several
days before be would consent to sum
mon a physician. His case developed
into typhoid pneumonia and he passed
away very suddenly Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Oflberg was one of Genoa's promi
nent business men, being a partner with
his father in the elevator busiuess, and
dnring his residence here of about three
years had wou the confidence and re
spect of the entire community, which
joins with his sorrowing relatives in
mourning his death. He leaves a wife
and four small children, besides, his
aged parents, brother and sisters, lj
mourn his departure. The funeral ser
vices were held at the Methodist cbnrch
Sunday afternoon and the remains were
taken to Polk county for interment on
Monday. The deceased was 88 years
(Genoa Times.)
Miss Ethel Green departed Tuesday
for Lincoln to enter the state university.
Ed VanAlleu of Lot Angeles has been
vititing Genoa relatives this week. Mr.
Van Allen owns property in Platte
Center and around Genoa which he is
here to sell and invest the proceeds in
Los Angeks real estate.
At a recent meeting of the stockholder
of the First National Bank of Spalding,
Stanley Maty. late of Genoa, was elected
one of the directors. At the directors
meeting Mr. Maley- was elected assistant
cashier, and Harold Wake, son of Frank
Wake of this place was given the posi
tion of book-keeper.
Mrs. Jeppa Skoog was brought home
from the Columbus hospital Tuesday
afternoon. She was attended by Mrs.
A. R. Davis of St Peter Minn., who ar
rived in Columbus Tuesday morning
and went direct to the hospital where
Mrs. Skoog was a patient. Mrs. Davis
will remain in Genoa until her friend
fully recovers.
A young man named Zollars, who
worked for A. C. ABhby west of town
is the party who called up the court
house a week ago last Monday morning
and reported that a murder had been
committed anil requested that thepberiff
and coroner be sent out at once. It has
since developed lhatZoll-irs is n subject
for investigation as to his mental con
dition. Last Friday he acted in a pecu
liar manner and in the evening he sud
denly concluded tov leave, refusing to
receive pay for his services. He has not
been seen in the neighborhood since.
The Opinion.
Wm. Mayes of Norfolk is putting in a
cream and poultry cold storage plant in,
Lindsay for the Otpaha Cold Storage
Co. Walter Palmer, the liveryman,
will be the local manager.
Last Tuesday Dr. Westfall was called
in a hurry to the home of John Cook,
east of St. Bernard, when he found that
a fifteen months old baby had been din
ing on "Daisy" fly poison and was hov
ering between life and death. The case
was difficult from the fact that the pois
on is a secret formula known only to
the manufacturers, and at that stage of
the game there was no time for analysis;
thus the administering of the proper an
tidote was difficult. However, four
hours of hard work brought the little
one back to life and she is now toddling
around well as ever with the Hy pois-
The Bread Bakers
favor it
The bakeries that turn out
the best bread possible to
make have to use
Best Patent
as good'results are not possi
ble with commonplace flour.
We use selected grain in
making this flour. We are
most careful in the washing
and drying, as well as in the
milling; all these details com
bine to make this flour the
Best in the World.
Try a aack and you win aotk
the difference.
Wdb-AMott-MenMi GoJ
Schuyler, Neb.
on out of her reach.
On Wednesday of .this week. John Pol
cin, living two miles west of tows and
Levi Gutru of Newman Grove suffered a
serious loss by fire. Mr. Gutre's thresh
ing outfit was doing a job for Mr. Polcin
when suddlenly the man who was pitch
ing bundles discovered that the stack
on which he was standing was afire.
Nothing could be done to save the
property and seven stacks of grain and
the separator were burned. The grain
was insured but we have not learned the
Joe Poison threshed over 1200 bush
els of first-class oats from a fifteen-acre
field. Guess that's goin" some.
Mrs. Jas Fitzpatiick from North
Platte and Mrs, Jas. Magner from Raw
lins, Wyo., are visiting at the home of
their mother, Mrs. A.G. Stenzel.
A Bargain if taken at Once.
11,700 buys my residence in Columbus
consisting of two full lots, bouse, sum
mer house, floored barn for 3 horses,
chicken house and fine yards. 35 bearing
fruit trees, city water, well and cellar
All in good repair. Inquire at Journal
Crostnn "ubacribera may pay subscriptions It
8daey Eastman at the Crntton Pharmacy. f
yon have anything to bay or aell, nee Mr. East
man and 1ft him adTertiae it in the loailinic
paper of Platte county. Journal ads always do
the business. Advertise in sttar hnniw paper
first. Supplement that with Journal advertis
inn J
E. A. Jones. M. D. Physician and sur
geon. Call prouiply answered duy ami
(From the Statesmen)
R. B. Webb, republican can didate for
county sheriff of Platte county, is a man
well qualified for that office. He has
lived in this vioinity for many' years and
his nominatioa for that office meets the
hearty approval of all his acquaintances.
The voters of the north part of the
county recommends him to those who
are not personally acquainted with him.
A vote for R. B. Webb for sheriff will be
a vote you will not regret.
Call Crest on Pharmacy.
Calls promptly auswtrtil bay or night.
Creston, Nebraska.
We are headquarters lor
everything in Drug sun
dries, Paints, Wall Paper
and Painter's Supplies.
Prescriptions a specialty
Jt. F. D- Mo. 4.
Mrs. John Lackey and two children of
Cheyenne, are visiting Mrs. Lackey's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn.
Wm. Moore is preparing to build a
corn crib far Robt. Wolberg.
flue. J. U iMwson lei: Sunday for a
ten days visit with Mrs. Joseph Dawson
.of Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter returned
from Ashawa, Minn., Saturday.
Invitations have been issued for the
marriage of Robt Rupprecht and Miss
Katherine Liebig at St. Joseph's church
Platta Center on October 10 at 9 a. m.
(The Shell Creek Farmers' ball game
will appear next week.)
If you want a Hour with all the nu
tritious pari of the wheat buy GOLD
DUST made by Columbus roller mills.
Poland China Sale
Messrs. Taos. F. Miller mad H. C.
MuGath and Fred WiUe will hold an
other big sale at Columbus oa Octo
er 16th. They will offor 50 boars, se
lected especially for this sale. Farm
er! are asked not to make theh selec
tioas before attending this sale.
3,000 Acres
in one body in Nance
county just bought; has
lour sets of buildings.
Never on the market
before. It will be cut
up to suit purchaser.
Becher, Hockenberger
and Chambers.
Of Round Trip Rates
Chicago and return, on sale daily S'JOOG
St. Louis and return, on Bale daily IS 2T
Portland, Seattle, and Tacomn.and
leturn, on sale daily 45.00
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and
return, one way via California,
on sale Sept 27, 28 and 20 TtG.OO
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return, on sale Oct 18 to 22 50.00
Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah, and
return, on sale daily :!0 50
Cody, Wyo., Black Hills and Hot Sp'gs,
S. V., approximately half rates all
Low One-way Colenist rates to Califor
nia and Northwest Sept. 15 to Oct. :1.
Cheap Hnmeseeker's rates in manv di
rections first nnd third Tuesdays of
each month.
it .. :n ,...11 , .;i ; ,;n lv n '
1 JUU n 111 VIII IU HIIIC lb will irv? m
pleasure to advise yon about rates, train
service, to reserve you a berth, and to
try to make yonr trip a comfortable one.
L. F. Rectok. Agent C.RaVQ.Rv.
Special Seduced
Excorsioi Rates
Cheap rates during the "ummer to
Chicago, Milwaukee and Walnkisha.
Wis., St. Paul., Minneapolis and
Dnlnpb, Minn.. Mackinac Island and
Mackinaw City, Mich , Deadwood,
Lead and to Hot Springs S. D., and
other places Wisconsin and Minnesota
J. A. Knhn, A. 6. F. & P. A.
1201 Farnhaai St.. Omaha. Neb.
WM. Always reliable. EjmIIm. ask IJruffeist tot
(rIJ metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon.
Takeaeathfr. Bteftaar dangerous naikatl.
faunas laallaliaa. Ituvufyour linisgfce.
r FCTKt 4. in stamps for Farllralar. Teati
aaalala ami "Krllf for LaMliea." in trtttr,
by retara .Wall. la.OTe-liiiioiii.-iU. rUbT
alee TlaaUa Mquarr. fllllA 14.
a I L m ti m,f
Niece and Nephew
of Uncle Sam
should be deeply interested in what he has said about soda
crackers, because they are the one food with which all of
them are familiar.
Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda
crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements,
properly proportioned, than any food made from flour.
This is saying much for common soda crackers, and
much more for UlKteda BlSCIllt. because they are
soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked bertei
more scientifically. They are packed better more cleanly.
The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good
ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness of the best
baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries.
Your Uncle Sam hac shown what food he thinks best
for his people. His people have shown that they think
Unteda BfSCUlt the best of that food, nearly
400,000,000 packages having already been consumed.
Umeda Biscuit
Rente 3-
J. P. H-sgemann's tine residence with
all its furnishings was completely des
troyed by fire last Friday. There was
not a cent of insurance. The fire was
first noticed by men plowing in the field
although Mrs. llagemann was ironing at
the time. The fire 6tirted from a de
fective Hue. The Humes spread rapidly
and nothing was saved. Wm. Held, i.'s
threshing crew rushed to the sivnn and
it due to their efforts that the bam uih
saved. The family is living in r part i.T
the corn crib for the present.
II. D. Clausen has jiiHt completed a
fine house and cattle barn.
W. M. Mason is building a new la n.
E. R IJisson is build. ng two ecu
Rom. to Mr. and Mrs. C J. Uisson a
Miss Em ma Hiseon who ha been at
tho home of (J. J. 13issona the past few
weeks has returned to her homo at W.
J. Newman's.
Wm. Rehlen began tho first of the
week twenty-seven jobs of threshing
last Saturday.
Rev. Papenhausen is in Oklahoma at
tending the southwest district meeting
of Geriunn IS.iptist churches. !! will
visit relatives in Kansas heforo his ro
urn. Louis RaktMihns returned from
Portland exposition last week.
The Great Want Ail Paper.
If you w.i nt to sell your farm, horses,
or business, or buy something, or you
want help of any kind, put a "vv.u.t ml"
in the Omaha World-Herald.
This paper is known a the great
want-ad" paper or Nebraska, publishing
almost as many paid want-ails as any
three other Nebraska papers combined.
The World-Herald gives splendid re
turns to its "want-ails." and its rates are
For one day only, the charge is 1 xu
.rents a word. For two or more consei'i:
tive ilnjs. n cent a word per day. For
one month. Sl.fiO a lint- of six words. All
wtnt-nds' cisli in advance. Have your
'answers come to tho World-Herald if y.u
like: no extra charge.
The World-Herald's, net eirenhitiou is
for Infants and Children.
Tkt Kiwi You Hare Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
ly'S Cream Balm
This Romody is a Specific,
Sure to Civo Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects tlm
diseased membrane. It rures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head ipiiekly.
Uestores the Sense' cf Taste and Smell.
Easy to use. Contains n; injurious drills.
Applied into tho nostrils and ah-orIed.
Large Size, 50 cents at Prugi-ts or by
mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., Nsw Yor'.
Jr& $M Mtti
. i
. '
1taaTWS hb
-ajtan. au-r v'i-
-- "t Man an i jl m. t . -'T
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5afe.--afeaaag,.e--3K-yj i.nai