The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 04, 1905, Image 5

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csssg.rwwrK:..i .i, w "nrwrFT i urn inri . muriir n r.n i niiii i h h i 'ii it ii irai,re-istta'U
illllV llllllfl lllllllllllllllllW L LLLLI B
Cash Store
jjf j "V
of the Season's Newest Styles in Cloaks and Suits.
Our Cloak Department is crowded with the very newest
and most up-to-date ideas for Fall and Winter wear.
Special all wool Skirts at $5 Ladies' all wool Suits at $10
ladies' new Empire Coats in a swell line of colors, $10 and up
Ten pieces of 50c wool Suiting, Friday and Saturday at 35c yd.
Our showing in this line was never better in Silks, Mo
hairs, Poplins, Silketto, Linens, Flannelettes, prices $1 and up.
Per Sa.c3 $1.-5
Direct from the grower and roaster. No adulteration, hut just as it conies
iV'ini the plantation. Compare the grades of the German-American with the same
priced odl'ee of others. Price per pound, 2Wc, 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c
We have needles to fit anv sewing machine made all sizes, from fine to coarse.
LIQUID VENEER-Makes Old Things New-Nothing Like it.
For furniture, pianos, fine wood work, carriages, automobiles, etc. Liquid veneer will put a brilli
ant and transparent finish on any article of wood or metal that has a varnished, japaned or enameled sur
faee, renewing and increasing its original brilliancy and newness without labor. Try a bottle seethe con-tra-t
on the woodwork and furniture. Price per I pint bottle, -"JOc. Trial bottle 10c.
msl -Smb
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Prof. Sike, teacher music. Barber bldg.
Sunt) furnished rooms reasonable.
Good location. Knquire Journal.
Dr. Chaa. II. Platz, homeopathic pby
sician and surgeon, postofCce building
Girl?, don't buy cheap lotions for the
complexion. .Inst coax your mothers to
use L'eler S.dinutt'H Hour.
UK LI WANTKD. I want 5 or 6
people.inenilierrt t one family preferred,
to top beats. House rent free. Man
can make $:S a d ly. Inquire Journal
Lost a vest pocket memorandum
book, reil cover, on l.rth street, last Fri
day. Finder please leave at Journal
ofiiceand reeeive reward. O. E. Oox.
S. J Kennedy of St. Edward was in
tins ciiv Mondav Blinking bands with
bis friend;. He has a "good hand shake"
and 3iioui;Ii friends to land him safe in
the county clerk s otlice for which he is
a candidate.
Mrs. Josepli, Henry of Big Trail,
Wyoming arrived last Thursday night
for a two weeks visit to her parentp,
3Ir. and Mrs. Hamer. Her husband,
who is on his way to Omaha with cattle
will stop otT here a few days and ac
company his wife home.
The Silver Creek Sand tells of an im
portant meeting of business men and
farmers at Silver Creek last week to
plan a drainage canal to divert the Hood
waters of Prairie Creek into the Loup
lliver. The proposed canal would be
three and one half miles long and would
be twelve miles west of Silver Creek.
Thousands of acres of good farm land
would be redeemed by such a drainage
Smoke Little Duke cigar.
Dr. J. W. Terry, Opticas.
Try tne Elerenth St. jeweller.
Dr. Mark T. McMahon. dentist.
Journal ads bring result.
Dr E. H. Nauman, Dentist, 13th St.
Consult Dr. Terry about yonr eyes.
G. R. Freib, painting and paper
hanging. dwtf
Diamond O. hams and bacon at Her
man Kenenbrock'fl.
Wanted A good girl for general house
work, fonr in family. Call at this office.
Henry Sturgeon returned Sunday from
Frontier county where he lought a piece
of land to which be will move next
Jas. Xevela accompanied by his little
son went to Omaha Monday to preside
at a regular meeting of the State Liquor
Dealers' Association.
Hugh Hughes went to Fremont Mon
day on business in connection with the
installing of a beating plant in the Mer
idian hotel which he sold recently to
Chaa. F. Todenhoft.
Dr. O. H. Flory and son Robert spent
Sunday in Columbus with Mrs Flory
who is in St. Mary's hospital. Mrs. Flo
ry has so far recovered from her opera
tiou for appendicitis that she will te able
to return home the last of this week.
St. EdwanI and tributary country sent
a large delegation to Omaha Monday to
see King AK-sar-ben. Among them
were: Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McGee. Dr.
and Mrs. C Britell, Steve Rich, C. S. and
F. T. Foplesong, Mrs. A. D. White, Mr.
and Mrs. Guiles. Mrs. L. V. Stiles and
two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Will Finch, Mr.
and Mrs. John Smith and several others.
Our Midsummer Sale is now going
on. We are offering Goods at prices
lower than ever.
5? For instance, Our line of Clothing
55 which is excelled by none in the City,
55 we knock off 20 on our Summer
25 Goods, and
SS For instance, Our line ot Summer
C Shoes we knock off 20.
5 Besides, we offer many specialties
g in Gent's Furnishing Goods.
X Our Shirt Sale at 39c has caused
55 much comment. There never were
55 such bargains sold anywhere. Come
55 and investigate.
55 The Goods must go. We need the
55 room tor Fall Goods.
i OR&ISEN BROS, rr 4 g
Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr
Lueschen, Arnold's old stand, Olive st.
North Bend. Sept. 27 On Tuesday
evening a reception was held at the
Doubrava residence in honor of Rev.
and Mrs. . B. King. The event was
one of great rejoicing because of Mr.
King's recent reappointment to the pas
torate of the M. E. church of that city.
Fremont Tribune.
Mrs. Samuel Gcodale who spent the
summer in Columbus, her old home, re
turned last week to her home in Rapid
City, S. D., to spend the winter. Mrs.
Goodale has rented the lower story of
her Columbus residence to Mr. and Mrs.
Mielenz and has added many new im
provements to the same.
Dr. Terry, the Omaha Eye Specialist,
has opened one of the best eqaipped
optical offices in the west, over Pol
lock: and Co's drog store. Will be in
his Columbns office Sunday, Monday.
Tnesday and Wednesday.of each week.
Spectacles and eye glasses scientifi
cally fitted. Consultation free.
The Postal Telegraph Co. in this city
is steadily increasing their patronage,
the month of August showing the best
record of business transacted of any
month since the otlice was established in
the city about two years ago. Mrs. Cur
tis has charge of the office and is an ac
commodating, trusty operator.
lax Gottberg, Fred Bargmann. John
Grossnickslaus and danghter and John
Schwank attended the Madison county
fair last week, going in Max Gottberg's
automobile. They made tho trip, in
an hour and a half. They say the fair
was a splendid success. The exhibits
were excellent and the fair grounds
over crowded.
Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., will leave for
Chicago in abont ten days to buy equip
ment for his hew office which ho will op
en over the new Stale Bank building
about November I. Dr. Allenburger of
Shelby, he associated with Dr. Martyn.
Dr. Martyn is retiring from the partner
ship of Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans,
Martyn of which he has been a promi
nent member for several years.
Chas. Taylor piloted a dozen or more
landseekers last week through Frontier
county in western Nebraska. After
satisfying themselves of the advantages
and worth of that part of the conntry,
Mr. Taylor disposed of seven quarter
sections of land in that county. Those
who composed the party were: Chas.
Taylor, Otcar Crawford. Otto Smith,
Henry Sturgeon, John Aden, Rollie
Brocklesby, Chas. Lamberts, John Lam
berts, August Henke, M. Rothleitner,
and Peter Swanson.
The Rev. Henry Zinnecker, who has
been pastor of the M. E. church at
Beaver Crossing for the past four years
has been appointed to the pastorate of
the M. E. church in Bellwood. He will
preach next Sunday morning and even
ing in the XL, E. church in Bellwood and
at Savannah at three p. m. Mr. Zin
necker's pastorate at Beaver Crossing
was very successful. This summer a
thirty-five hundred dollar church was
dedicated free of debt, and his return
was greatly desired for a fifth year's
service. Bellwood Gazette.
W. W. Ladd met with an accident last
Tnesday evening that might have prov
ed fatal. He was on top of a furniture
car while ihe train was switching and
went to step onto another car just as
they came together for the coupling.
The cars did not couple but the one he
was stepping onto moved away from the
other one and Ward .fell to the track,
striking bis arm on the rail. He real
ized his position and threw himself out
of the way of the car by the ride of
the track. His only injuries being
bruises and a dislocated elbow caused
by the fall. Monroe RepabUctn.
The supervisors will meet agam Octo
ber IHli.
H. S. Elliott went to Kansas Tuesday
on land business.
J. D. Stires was in Omaha on le-jul
business this week.
Miss Petite Martyn went to Omaha to
day to attend the horse show.
R. W. Hobart will go to Omaha on
legal business the last of this week.
Boys, bny yoar cigars and candy at
Smith's, opposite U. P. deot. tf
For stylish millinery and
right prices call on I). Kelso.
C. J. Garlow left Tuesday for several
weeks' visit at his old home in West Vir
ginia. QMrs. P. A. Paulson ami Mis Anna
Panl.-on of Lindsay were in this city
Treasurer Becher is busy this week
preparing the notices of the tax sale of
real property.
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans & Mar
tyn Jr., office three doors north of
Friedhof 's store.
WAY UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent tiour. The Co
lumbus roller mills makes it.
F. A. Beard left Tuesday to visit a few
days with his brother-in-law, Harley
Olcott who lives south of the river.
G. H. Grubb. painting and decorat
ing conntry or city. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Try me. Ind. phone 874.
If you want a Hour with all the nu
tritious part of the wheat buy GOLD
DUST made by Columbus roller mills.
desirable line of houses for rent.
Beeher Hockenberger and Chambers.
Mrs. Davis Richardson of Los Angeks
arrived from Omaha last night for a
week's visit at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
D. T. Martyn.
Frank and John Valacek enjoyed a
two day's outing near Spalding last
Thursday and Friday. They report
a pleasant time.
Dr. McDonald of Lincoln, who has
been a guest at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. G. A. Munro the past week, return
ed home yesterday.
The Misses Flossie and Leona Harbert
of Creston drove to Columbns Monday.
They are planning a trip to Omaha the
latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes returned to Chi
cago last Sunday. Mrs Rhodes had
spent several weeks with her parents.
Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Martyn.
aged woman. Competent to do all
kinds of housework. Can furnish ref
erences. Inquire at Journal.
Call on D. Kelso, the ladies
hatter, for stylish millinery.
A. E. Mattson of Pawnee City, who
was poultry judge at the Madison coun
ty fair stopped over two nights last week
with his sister, Mrs. G. M. Hall.
HELP WANTED. I want 5 or 6
people members of one family preferred
to top beets. House rent free. Man
cart make $3 a day. Inquire Journal
With every Sets worth of school sup
lies you purchase at Setb Braun's you
get a chance to draw a valuable prize
among the articles displayed in his show
Procrastination is the thief of time.
Don't put it off. Have yonr honse in
sured now. Have your accounts col
lected before they are outlaw. Call
on O. N. McElfresh. wtf.
Mrs. Margaret Harris returned this
week after a visit of three weeks at
Seattle with her three daughters. Her
son, J. T. Harris accompanied her from
Central Ciy and remained here one day
on business.
Bruce Webb was in the city yesterday
enroute to North Bend to cry a snle.
Brnre is becoming one of the most pop
ular auctioneers in central Nebraska
He will also prove himself to be one of
of the most popular sheriffs Platte coun
ty ever had.
Judge and Mrs. J. G. Reeder enjoyed
a day's outing at a fishing resort eight
miles west of Columbns last Monday.
The Jndge has something of a reputa
tion as a fisherman, but Mrs.Keeder w n
all the laurels this time. She caught
four good fish before the Jndge had a
Manager Saley wishes to announce the
opening of the opera season with Mar
garet Ralph in her greatest success, "As
You Like It," on October 12. This will
be followed by the greatest of all operas,
The Prince of Pilsen," which will be
seen at the North opera house on Octo
ber 19. As this attraction play bnt
three cities in the state, Omaha, Lincoln
and Columbus, it speaks well for the
management to secure this class of at
tractions for a city of this size.
D. Kelso, the ladies' hatter,
has the latest styles at right
Dr. D. E. Sexton of Tampa, Florida,
one of the earliest settlers in this part of
Nebraska was in company with Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. McGee on their way to Oma
ha Monday. Dr. Sexton was one of the
first men to enter the Beaver valley to
settle. He was on the present site of
St. Edward before there were any signs
ot settlement and when he reached the
present site of Albion, only one man was
there, a Mr. Hammond. Hammond had
built a small house. When settlers com
menced to pour in about him the little
settlement that formed the basis of the
present beautiful little city of Albion
was known 'as Hammond. Dr. Sex
ton has been away from Boone county
for twenty-six years and during that
time has prospered, having built up a
large practice and acquired much prop
erty. It was his good fortune to arrive
in Albion on the big day of the county
fair when 12,000 people were on the
grounds, a moetpropituous time to com
pare the Boone county of today and the
Boone county of thirty year ago.
Dr. J. W. Terry
who for the past eight years has
been making regular visits to
Columbus, has opened one of the
li.'st Kqnipped Optical (Miners
In The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co.'s Drue: Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Advertise your property. No Kile no charge.
The system pays railroad fan to hiijers. Furnish
the Uht lianpiins in Farm". Businesses, etc., in
America. County managers wanted. Send pic
ture, age. references, etc. Write for Buyers.
Sellers or Managers plans.
Great Union Land Agency System,
C J 96. Columbus. Neb (Center of U. S.)
Leopold Jaeggi went to Loup City to
day. Mrp. Hazel of Cedar Rapids was the
guest f Mrs. Turner last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dawson of Oconee
spent Sunday with Columbus friends.
Miss Gladys Turner left last Sntnrday
for Peru and Lincoln for few days visit.
Mrs. Perry Loshh.iiigh and Mrs. Wir.
Hagel left this morning for a few day's
visit in Omaha.
A son was Itorn last Monday to Mr.
and Mrs. Will Gondring who live near
MoPherson's lake.
Miss Julia Martin of Albion, who has
been visiting in Seattle, orcompanied by
Miss ltidell of Omaha were cuesls of
Columbus friends last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Williams, Mrs. Jap.
Howell, T. P. Martin. W. McCuteheon
and Mr. and Mrs. E. l. Leedom of Al
bion were anion"; the p:issen;ers to Om
aha Monday.
Fred Hoare or Platte Center and J. W.
Clay horn and W. A. Bryan of Monroe
were in the city Saturday. Fred Hoare
was returning from Kansas where he hs d
been inspecting land.
F. A. Beard, the Thurston barber, has
secured the services of Ed Bokey an ex
perienced barber and will be in a posi
tion to serve his patrons better and
quicker than ever before.
Joe Ducey of Lindsay was in the city
Mnday to attend a final hearing in the
will contest case brought by Mrs. Bar
ney Strottman. The case was decided
against the mmplninnnt.
Columbus is wt II represented at Lin
coln this week at the meeting of the
State Federation of Woman's clubs.
Mis Bessie Sheldon is state secretary.
Mrs. E. II. Chambers will sing. Mrs. C
.1. Garlow is also attending the meeting
Here we are again with our White Silk
Handkerchief brand of Pennsylvania
hard coal the tame kind we had last
year Genuine Lehigh and Seranton
the best coal in the world. Price S10."0
per ton at otir 6hed. Place your orders
before the price advances. We carry a
large slock of coal coal ot all kinds
and for all purposes coal to bnrn. Come
and see.
4t C. A. Speii-e.
Accounting. -o0 to -5100 per month
salary paid our graduates. Operators
always in demand. Indorsed by all
railroads. Write for catalogue.
Morse school of Telegraphr.
Cincinnati, O., La Crosse, Wis.,
Texarrana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal.
The Union Pacific Railroad has just
issued an illustrated booklet on the
Lewis and Clark Centennial, which is a
complete guide to Portland, the Exposi
tion and the Pacific Northwest generally
It tells yon of the shortest way to reach
the Exposition City, what is to be seen
en route, and of the return trip though
Those who intend to visit the Great
Weeteren Fair will find in this publica
tion a rare fnnd of information.
Send two cent stamp in your request
and the book will be mailed you prompt
ly. Addess
W. n. Benham.
I carry the best of everything
in my line. The drinking pub
lic is invited to corns in and eef
for themsehef.
MS. NEVELS. Proprietor
516 Twelfth Street Phone No. 1 1 B
For Infants and Children.
Ill KM Yoi Han Alwan Bnglt
Bears the
Signature of
F&L& $?m wmwES
This plate showy you a back view of our
"Eaton" Sack Suit and a front view of our
"Lipton" Sack Suit and a glimpse of our Sin
gle Breasted Overcoat.
comuorr BOS
noott bnos ctonwiQ ca
Lipton Suits in Fane) Colors and ISIaek $10 to 15.00
Eaton Suits in Nobby Patterns anil Shapings 'l to 14.50
Friend made clothes make friends Every Suit Guaranteed to
be free from defects in every particular.
Also a complete line of DRY GOODS, MEN'S AND BOY'S
HATS, CAIS. SHOES and CARPETS to select from. Don't fail
to see our NEW FALL LINE OF MERCHANDISE now open
for your inspection.
505 11th Street. Columbus, Neb.
Agents For The Standard Patterns.
Labor Tax.
By amendment of Section 70 of
chapter 14, article 1 of the compiled
Statutes ot Nebraska, all persons sub
ject to Labor Tax must perform two
days labor on streets or commute the
labor bv payment of two dollar.-,')
in cash to the city Treasurer.
A. W. Clark,
Chairman com. on streets andGra!e?.
An attractive topographical map, in
colors, giving a comprehensive idea of the
country on and tributary to the Colum
bia River. This map is in folder form,
on the reverse side contains an interest
iuj; description of the Columbia River
route. Copies sent free by E. L. LO
MAX. O. P. k T. A. U. P. R, R. CO.,
Omaha, Nebr., on receipt of four cents
:::::-:-:-::: K-M:xx-'-M-H-5-fr
Henry Ragatz & Co. 1 1
Staple and Fancy
Grookery, Queensware
Lamps and Glassware
we have a splendid assortment
always on hand.
We have just received some early ar
rivals in Fancy Japanese, French and
German China, suitable tor presents.
We buy the best the market affords in
Large Quantities. If you trade with us
you will be satisfied both in quality and
We Solicit Your Trade
Henry Ragatz & Co.,
Nebraska Phaai 29. ladpeatat Pbms 29 ail 229.
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