yj&SKJ3!t3&aoA&mrTrwm mm Ki',mwsrySSFtsssr imm If Rfc i T U L'.V L- 1$ FSi B8 1 K Si K 8 fits :B O I Columbus Journal . By COLUMBUS JOURNAL CO. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. General News In the battle with four footpads at Berkeley, Cal., Policeman John J. Le atraage shot and killed one of the four. When the king of Siam has on his full regalia he is supposed to repre sent an outlay of more than $1,000,000. The International Union of Bridge men and Structural Iron Workers, at Philadelphia, elected F. M. Ryan of Chicago president William J. Hussey. the noted as tronomer of Lick observatory, has ac cepted the chair of astronomy in the University of Michigan. Herbert O. Barber, one of the alleged wreckers of the Commercial bank at Cambridge, O., was acquitted by a jury in the common pleas court. Advices from the south seas include details of a disastrous typhoon and ti dal wave in the Marshall group, caus ing the loss of about 120 lives. The wonderful mansion built by Sen ator Clark of Montana in Fifth avenue. New York is nearing completion. The total cost will be about $5,000,000. Intense excitement exists over the assassination at midnight Tuesday night of Andrew Carao, a wealthy coal mine-owner, who lived near Gallup, N. M. A memorial tablet to Jeanne d'Arc is to be placed in the dungeon which is said to have been the prison of that fair cantive in the tower of the Cha teau d'En. Mrs. Harry M. Lawson. of Sedalia, Mo., Is the youngest grandmother in Missouri. She is 34 years old. has been married three times and di vorced twice. The mayor of Hull, England, an nounces that negotiations are begun with an American company for the establishment at Hull of a factory em ploying 1.000 hands. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred by Columbia uni versity on Baron Komura and Sergius Witte, the senior peace plenipoten tiaries of Japan and Russia. The Carnegie technical school at Pttsburg anounces the appoint ment of Henry Hornsbostel, Ph. B., to a professorship in architectural prac tice in the School of Applied Science. Acting Secretary Oliver has ordered the establishment of post schools for the instruction of children of officers, ealisted men and civil employes at posts where there are now no school facilities near. The decennial census just completed hows the population of Kansas, as enrolled by the assessors in March, 1905. to be 1,543,518. an increase of 209.804 over the population as shown by the census of 1895. Sophomores and freshmen of Colum bia waged a fierce battle at the Bronx casino, on the occasion of the sopho more smoker, at which captive fresh men were forced to furnish the enter tainment. Severel men were injured. General Peter C. Haines, one of the members of the Panama canal com mission, was not able to accompany the board to Panama by reason of his injurtes received from a fall in the bath tub at his apartments in Wash ington. W. L. Darling has resigned as chief engineer of the Rock Island railroad system. It is understood that he in tends accepting a position recently of fered as engineer of a company that intends building railroads in the Phil ippines. The New York Subway tavern, the saloon which was opened with prayer by Bishop Potter a year ago. was closed last week. The owner locked up its doors, saying that the temper ance saloon had not been a paying in vestment. The appraisment, at over $16,000,000 of the estate of the late Adrian Iselin. of New Rochelle. N. Y., was filed at the surrogate's office in White Plains. The appraisement showed $1,407,000 of real estate and $14,925,906 of per sonal property. The municipality, the board of trade and the exchanges of Odessa, have sent telegrams of welcome to M. Witte thanking him for securing peace and expressing the hope that he will ren der his country "many more services in this hard time." William Kreider. of Logan sport. Ind., given up for dead, was suddenly revived by the screams of his wife as she entered his chamber and saw his apparently lifeless form. Now he will get well, but his wife Is in a critical condition from the shock. Announcement is made that the Chi cago & Northwestern railway will push to immediate completion the new line under construction from Cas per. Wyo.. west to Lander and the Wind river reservation, where 1.500. W acres of public land will be thrown open to homestead settlement next Jane. Burglars raided the home of a fed eral Judee in Chicago and made off with $1,500 worth of property. Examination of the teeth of the body found in the river at Des Moines proves it to be that of George Gris wold the insurance man, who is thought to have committed suicide. On account of diphtheria at the Naval academy at Annapolis, the leave of the member which would have ter minated on September 30 has been "extended until Saturday, October 7. In the meantime Bancroft hall, the mid ohipmen's headquarters, will be thor oughly fumgated. Baron Rosen, the Russan ambass ador, Is expected to return to Wash ington by the beginning of next week. 'Theodore Hansen, first secretary of the legation, already has returned and most of the members of the legation -will resume their duties as soon as the ambassador comes to the capital. Swift and Company, the big pack ing concern which has a plant at South ;8t Paul, is to be used as a medium :for a test in the courts as to the right ,of the state to tax the franchises of foreign corporations doing business in (Minnesota under the Sommervllla Act j LOSS OF APPETITE Cold Swaata, Twitching Nervaa ani Waaknasa Cured by Or. Williams' Pink Pills. j Nature punishes every infraction of , her laws, and careless habits easily lead !.. Attn rfnw h. tuv wii. liam Browne, of No. 1019 Lincoln street, j Funds. St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Browne is an ex. LINCOLN State Superintendent pert tinner in the employ of the National McBrien yesterday bought $150 worth Biscuit Co. He gives the following ac- of railroad mileage, paying therefor count of a trying experience: with money from a $10,000 fund ap- " In the spriug of 1902," he says, propriated by the last legislature for while I was regularly working at my nis office. The appropriation is for taade.Igrew somvlat carelew m my supplieSt pting and other purposes, habits of eatiiigauadriukiug, ana finally , , .. ' r v. ' found that my appetite was fickle, a bad Including traveling expenses. Attor taste lingered in my mouth, my nerves ny General Norris Bown has pre twitched and were beyond my control, sented to the state auditor a voucher my kidneys were out of order and cold sweats would break out over my body at odd times. Perhaps, while I stood talk ing with some one, this trembling of the limbs, and profuse sweating, and a severe chill would seize me. I became alarmed at my condition and, having read an endorsement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilln, I got a box and began to as them. They helped me nt once. After Iliadnsel one box the twitching of tha nerves, the trouble with the stomach and the cold sweats stopped and have iiotreanDeared.audmvanDetiteisKood. I have told all my friends that Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills cured me and I rocoui mend them to everybodv." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cored Mr. Browne because nothing can strengthen tliA nMtron pxrant imnri rvh. rd blood and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood. Thev don't act on the bowels. They don't bother with mere symptoms. They drive from too blood the cause of anaemia, indigestion, ner- 7u,1!Ldirde7 Kened.weke8l, mi the troubles of growing girw and women. Tiie pills are gnarHnteed to be free from opiates or harmful drugs. Sold by all druggists, or by ta? Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. To Keep Cutlery From Rusting. Charcoal placed in the box where cutlery is kept will prevent rust. A Romance of the Xixth Century. Mr. Richard Watson Gilder's "A Ro mance of the Nineteenth Century," which will be a feature of the Octobei Century, grew out of an inquiry, it is aid, as to the direct references by Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Brown- force. The local factory of the Amer Iner to each other in their poetry, with n eet gugar company will com & view to grouping such poems as ,--L . . inne - wight appropriately be classed with the "Sonnets From the Portuguese." Mr. Gilder concluded that, on Mrs. Browning's part would naturally ap pear In this connection, with the Portu- ruese Sonnets, the six lyrics. "Life and love." "A Denial." "Proof and Dis proof." "Question and Answer," "In jlusion" and "Insufficiency," and on lira. Browning's "One Word More." "Prospice" and the passage beginning, O Lyric Love" from "The Ring and the Book." Teach Irish in Schools. The Irish language is now being aught in 3,500 schools in $reland. Interesting to Students. The schools and colleges are now open for the fall term, and there will be many self-reliant young men and women who will be looking for a good way to earn their expenses. The Four Track News, the great illustrated monthly magazine of travel and edu cation, appeals to intelligent readers, and students will find it easy to se cure subscriptions for it The terms to persons soliciting subscriptions are extremely liberal, and offer a very gen erous margin of profit It will pay any one interested to write to the pub lisher, George H. Daniels, 7 East 42d street New York, for full particulars. Had Found a New Pleasure. A new asphalt sidewalk had been laid in front of his home, and little Elmer was determined to walk upon It while it was still soft His mother ex plained why he should not do so, but the temptation was too great, and at last he was brought in in disgrace. "Mamma," sobbed Elmer, in disap pointment "You don't know how nice it is to walk out there; it's just like chewing gum with your heels!" The Housekeeper. Catching Tropical Fishea. Tn the Bermuda, islands some of the gorgeous tropical fishes found in the xloor wnioro gt tttat mm ira nnneht I for aquariums by the use of a long handled dipnet equipped with a per cussion cap. This cap is exploded by means of an electric storage bat- tery, carried by the fisherman, if that name implies, who seeks out and stuns the finy beauties, when the fishes nose the cap about in their curi osity He Had a Pedigree. A certain little girl became possess ed, all on one day, of a baby brother and a puppy. The puppy was of val uable collie stock. A week passed and the puppy had been named "Scott' while the baby was still unnamed. The minister, happening to meet the little girl on the road one afternoon, asked her how it was that the pupp; had a name and the baby had none "Why Scott has a pedigree " said she NOTICED IT. A Young Lady from New Jersey Put Her Wits to Work. "Coffee gave me terrible spells ol Indigestion which, coming on every week or so, made my life wretched until some one told me that the coffee I drank was to blame. That seemed nonseose, but I noticed these attacks used to come on shortly after eating and were accompanied by such ex- cruciating pains in the pit of the biomacn mat 1 could only and re lief by loosening my clothing and lying down. "If circumstances made it impos sible for me to lie down I spent hours in great misery. "I refused to really believe it was the coffee until finally I thought a trial would at least do no harm, so I quit coffee in 1901 and began on Pos tum. My troubles left entirely and convinced me of the cause. "Postum brought no discomfort nor iid indigestion follow its use. I have had no return of the trouble since I began to drink Postum. It has built me up, restored my health and given aie a new interest in life. It cer iainly Is a joy to be well again." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read t'ae little book. "The Road to Wellville." in each pkg. THE NEWS IN NEBRASKA, STATE PAYS. RAILROAD FARE. T , MM . Tw0 Officers Draw on Traveling for $35 for railroad mileage. The voucher is drawn on a fund of $4,400 appropriated by the last legislature for the use of the attorney general in prosecutions. Both state officers have returned their railroad passes, but they have plenty of state funds to draw on for travelling expenses and wih do so in the future. The attor- , t , mu b t 4. . i j n at Dresent ,s engaged in defending the state n the injunction suits insti tuted in the federal court at Omaha by the Burlington and Union Pacific roads for the purpose of preventing county treasurers from collecting the tax levied last year against railroad property. The records at the state house dis- close that the last legislature appro- priated $119,000 which may be used jor travelling expenses if the persons having control of the funds care to ;. . .L ... . W without some other things for which the money can be legally used. Governor Mickey who has returned his passes has no fund for travelling j expenses and he has paid $50 for two railroad mileage books out of his own pocket SAYS BEET HARVEST IS ON IN FULL FORCE GRAND ISLAND The harvesting of the sugar beets is now on in full . cufflcieilt sunnlv of weeK- we,n a sumceni supply OI beets will be on hand The early part of the season was very unfavorable, owing to the sur- plus of moisture and water, beets in low places particularly having to be replanted. The fall season has been quite moist also causing a slowness in ripening, but the entire season has been somewhat more to the advantage of the farmer, the beets growing large and heavy, making a big tonnage per acre, and since the contracts are for a flat price, regardless of the per cent of sugar, over a certain minimum which only the poorest of beets do not over take, the result of the season's grow ing is probably more in favor of the ! farmer than of the factory. However, a profitable season for both is at this time anticipated Buildings are Not Satisfactory. LINCOLN Secretary of Stato Gal usha has returned from an inspection of the new cottages at the Norfolk insane asylum and declares that he is greatly displeased with the condi tion of affairs. He finds fault with the construction of the new buildings and says that no bath rooms have been provided for the inmates on the third floors of either building. As a result sick patients must be carried up and down stairs by the attendants when they are to be bathed. Despondent Farmer Suicides. WILBER Joseph Slama, a Bohem ian farmer, aged fifty, committed sui cide at his home, nine miles south west of here, by taking carbolic acid. A little over a month ago his wife mysteriously disappeared, taking with her a step-daughter of six and her own babe of about a year. After a search of several days, in which fully 250 people took part, they were found at the home of a friend in the west part of the countv- The woman refused to return Home, Mutual Company in Trouble. The German-American Fire Insur ance company of Hastings, a mutual concern, has signified its intention to ask for a receiver to settle up its af fairs. Some time ago the insurance department came into possession of facts which tended to show that the company was unable to meet its obli gations and requested a showing. Loses An Arm. GRAND ISLAND Fred Graver, a young farmer residing five miles northeast of the city was a victim of the loaded-gun-in-the-wagon habit, los ing his right arm, at the elbow. Am putation from the wound became nec essary. Youthful Horsethief Returned. KEARNEY Sheriff Sammons re turned here from Emerson, Neb., hav ing in custody Martin BIy, who is wanted here for horse stealing. BIy is about 20 years of age. Verdict for $12,000. PLATTSMOUTH Advices have been received here that Mrs. Lillian Coyle of this city has been given dam- ages in the sum of $12,000 against the Great Western Railway comnany, at st Joseph, Mo. The plaintiff lost bot ws in an accident. Parker Held for Murder. PENDER The trial of Samuel Par ker for the killing of Andrew Johnson was concluded and ParkeV was bound ' over to appear at the next term of district court. North Nebraska Corn Safe. NORFOLK The magnificent corn crop in northern Nebraska is out of the way of frost. The recent hot winds put the growing crop to the good and it is now all ready to be husked. Adjudged a Dipsomanie. PLATTSMOUTH Wesley Baar of Greenwood was examined before the board of insanity ';pon a char"e wh'ch was filed under the chronic inebriate law. He was ordered sent to the asy lum at Lincoln for treatment OVER THE STATE. A new telephone company is seek ing to get a franchise in Omaha. Sheridan county had a most success ful fair, both in exhibits and attend ance. The members of the Tecumseh Ad vent Christian church have called El der J. J. Schamberg of Lincoln to the pastorate. The passenger train on the Bloom field branch of the Omaha railroad was wrecked near Bloomfield, two persons receiving injuries in the accident Ex-Chief of Police O. Schoonover, of Nebraska City, charged with false imprisonment and usurpation of office, has been acquitted by the jury in the district court of Otoe county. The boys and girls engaged in the corn growing contest being held by the state department of education are to be entertained at a corn banquet in Lincoln early in December. C. A. Gleason, for the last two years pastor of the Congregational church in West Point has severed his relations with his congregation and has accept ed a call to the church at Fairmont, this state. The grocery store of Bell Bros., Beatrice, was closed by creditors, the amount of their liabilities being $2.50. The stock will invoice about $1,300 and the outstanding accounts will reach $750. Pat Cavanaugh, a well known horse man of Verdigree, was probably fa tally injured in a race on the Creigh ton track during the progress of the county fair there. He was thrown' from his horse. The special committee of the south east Nebraska conference, which wa6 hearing the evidence In the Rev. F. P. Blakemore case, at Falls City, re turned a verdict of guilty, which expels him from its church. Prof. W. C. T. Adams, Ph. D.. late dean of the normal department of Up per Iowa university, has been elected to the chair of psychology and peda gogy in Bellevue college in place of Prof. Randalls, resigned. At Geneva the grades in the school have become so crowded that the school board has secured the Freewill Baptist church for a portion of the Fifth grade and have had it seated and furnished for this purposa James Jones of Greely county, who last winter shipped a number of prairie chickens and quail in a barrel of sauer kraut, which later was confiscated by the state fish and game commis sioner, has been fined $25 and costs. The first new corn has been brought to this market. It was in the ear and of excellent quality. It sold to a local feed dealer for 35 cents per bushel. Taking eighty pounds for a bushel, the yield was sixty-five bushels to the acre. The Tecumseh Military band has been engaged by the management of the Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben festival to par ticipate in the parades in the metrop olis during the carnival. The dates on which the band will appear are Oct. 4 and 5. The Cooper & Linn electric light plant of Humboldt was put out of bus iness by an accident to the machinery, in which the engineer. Will H. Lon neke. had a narrow escape from death or serious injury. The fly wheel bursted. The farmers of Avoca and vicinity, at a recent meeting, discussed the project of organizing a farmer's ele vator company. It was decided to build an elevator at once for handling the grain products of those interested in the project. Adjutant General Culver has with drawn his claim filed with Auditor Searle for $240 fof expenses of himself and rifle team to Sea Girt General Culver will get the money from the general government Judge E. F. Perkins of Tecumseh. has been appointed by the state board of health as local registrar of vital statistics for Tecumseh and vicinity, under a new law passed by the last leefslatnre requiring the regestration of all deaths in the state of Nebraska. Horses are being shipped in for the Omaha Horse show, which will be held at the Auditorium during the week of October 9, and every indication' noints to one of the most successful horse shows which any town has ever held. The initial show of the asso ciation, held last fall, carried off the nalm of all first shows and from the present indications this show will fol low right in its. wake. The ring has been built and the local horses are being given their daily turn in the tan bark afena to accustom them to the short turns and to the people who stand around the rail and by their nresence frighten the horses. All of the picturesque features known to horse shows will be on the program at the Omaha show. Tandems, road fours, coach fours, spike teams, cock horses, the jumpers and the hunt Hubs, not to mention the cowboys, are some of the interesting features of the show. Surveyors in the employ of the Great Northern have got as far east as Elk horn with the line they are running from Fremont to Omaha. Through the kindness of Miss Flor ence Zink, of Rock county, the "Grass Widow," who attracted so much at tention at the state fair, has become the property, of the state normal school at Peru. The dress was made Mr Miss Florence Zink and her sister, Bessie, who is attending the normal, 'nd contains sixty-three kinds of Rock county grasses woven with ar tistic skill Into the form of an ex quisite dress. Hon. A. B. Allen of Tecumseh, who ts private secretary to Governor Mickey, has left Lincoln for an extend ed visit to the northwest. He will stop n Spokane, Seattle, Portland and other points of interest in Washington ind Oregon and will return home by wav of Salt Lake City and Denver. Fred Burnett, a young man, shot , himself at the home of his grandfather 'n Vincent precinct, near Beaver City. His body was found in his room by his mother. He had killed himself with a small rifle, the shot entering the heart and death was instantaneous. He was despondent because of being a cripple. lMMi& ?& Ymntm&3 The Sea Limits. Consider the sea's listless chime: Time's self it is. made audible The murmur of the earth's own shell. Secret continuance sublime Is the sea's end; our sight may pass No furlong further. Since time was. This sound hath told the lapse of time. No quiet, which is death's it hath The mournfulness of ancient life. Enduring always at dull strife. As the world's heart of rest and wrath. Its painful pulse in the sands. Last utterly, the whole sky stands. Gray and not known, along its path. Listen alone beside the sea. Listen alone among the woods; Those voices of twin solitudes Shall have one sound alike to thee; Hark where the murmurs of thronged men Surge and sink back and surge again Still the one voice of wave and tree. Gather a shell from the strown beach And listen to its lips; they sigh The same desire and mystery. The echo of the wince sea's speech. And all mankind is thus at heart Not anything but what thou art: And Earth, Sea. Man. are all in each. Dante Gabriel Kossetti. Was One of Stanton's Guard. "In talking about the Grand Army organization, Sons of the Revolution and kindred societies." says the ven erable John Wentworth of Medford, Mass.. "I think I am entitled to mem bership in them all, though belonging to none, as my grandfather. Reuben Wentworth, was a Maine soldier from Shapleigh at Bunker hill; my father Ephraim Wentworth, also of Shap leigh, served as an enlisted man in the war of 1S12; I myself twice en listed in the late civil war, once in Co. E, 41st Mass. Vols., serving four teen months; second in the veteran reserve corps, serving fifteen months; while three of my sons enlisted in three different Massachusetts regi ments in 1861 and 18G2, and the pres ent descendants of the family, liable for military duty, are all ready for the next war. "A greater part of my long life has been spent in Massachusetts. When I enlisted at Salem in August. 1862, I was barely within the limit of 45 years. My regiment was shipped to Louisiana, where it remained as long as I continued with it, the swamps and the bayous along the Mississippi proving too much for me, putting me on the sick list and out of active duty to such an extent that I asked for and received my discbarge in November, 1863. But I was at Port Hudson dur ing the siege, previously in the fight at Baton Rouge, and saw much of the actual horrors of war, and the condi tion of our troops at Port Hudson was of such a desperate nature that if the fort had not surrendered at about the time it did. it is difficult to tell what might have happened. It was a hard place indeed for northern men to perform the duties of a soldier, to say nothing of the bullets of the en emy, and the fall of Vicksburg was a most fortunate thing for the army of Banks in front of Port Hudson. "In August. 18G4, I again enlisted in the service, this time in the veter an reserve corps, and was finally sta tioned at Washington on guard duty, and there I had one of the most ex citing experiences of my whole time in the service. It was the night the president was shot by Booth. I was at my quarters with other members of my company, when one of our ser geants who bad been at Ford's thea ter that evening, rushed breathlessly into the room, shouting. 'The presi dent has been shot. Every man turn out at once!' "We all immediately mustered for duty, marched down in the direction of the White House, and meeting an officer he ordered us to report at the home of Secretary Stanton for guard duty. Soon the streets were full of officers riding in every direction and small bodies of troops marching. "All the while we were making our way to Stanton's house the rumors were flying about thick and fast. The president was said to be dying, the whole cabinet was marked for slaugh ter. Vice President Johnson had been attacked and Grant was on the list of victims. "Our company, however, kept righl on to its ordered destination, reaching Mr. Stanton's home without any trou ble, and our officers, satisfying them selves that the great war secretary was safe inside, made such disposition of the company as the circumstances demanded. "Every man of us was depressed by the death of Mr. Lincoln, as it was only two weeks before his fated visit to Ford's theater that he received and shook hands with our entire regimen tal organization. The president stood in the hallway of the White House while we marched in the front door, passed him with a handshake, and filed out at the rear door. Then, again, we often saw the president on the street, usually with a mounted guard, while Gen. Grant we often met smoking his inevitable cigar, and he often bade us a respectful good morn ing with the customary salute." Jules Lumbard's Songs. A big. deep-chested, fine-looking old man, with long snow white hair fall ing in profusion over broad shoulders, erect, dignified, chivalrous, courtly this is Jules Lumbard, the famous singer who, with his splendid voice, did so much to inspire patriotism anc to recruit the army in the dark and troublous days of the civil war, and who was in Denver to sing before the veterans assembled in national en campment there the old songs that are so dear to their hearts and that he sang to so good purpose forty odd j ears ago. Mr. Lumbard has been a conspicu ous figure at many national encamp ments of the Grand Army of the Re public. Despite his advanced years, his voice has lost little of its reso nance and power, and veterans of the civil war love that great voice as they love no other. One afternoon in the summer of 1862, 5,000 men were crowded into the old court house square in Chicago. ExCitement at the North was at fever heat. Recruits were signing by tV hundred in Chicago every dav The 5,000 men crowded into thp old court house square were listening to saeches speeches full of fire and elt.ueace of patriotism. Jules Lun- ' ' ""m. si 'm. V bard, a big, handsome young fellow, came elbowing his way through the crowd and mounted the platform. Just as he went up the steps George F. Root slipped a sheet of paper into his hards. "Sing it," he cried eagerly. "It is just written." The ink was not yet dry- "I will." said Jules Lumbard. The singer felt his voice grow in his throat. He went to the front of the platform, flung his hat aside, gave one glance at the simple words and music of the song he held in his hand, and then in those resonant tones, then at their strongest and best, he taught "The Battle Cry of Freedom" to 5,000 men. That night the recruiting station was full. More than a quarter of a century later Jules Lumbard again sang- that same song in Chicago. It was on the occasion of the services held at the Coliseum in memory of the man who had composed It. As he stepped upon the platform the great building shook with applause. The ovation would have gladdened the heart of a king. For a long time Jules Lumbard was western agent for an eastern railroad with an office here. He was retired from the service of the railroad on a pension a year or two ago, and then he was admitted to the bar and began the practice of law. Several days ago he announced himself a candidate for police judge in Omaha and it is ad mitted that he will be elected. When only a lad Jules Lumbard went as printer's "devil" into the of fice of the Ashtabula (Ohio) Sentinel. That was the organ of Joshua R. Gid dings. and the spirit of that fearless partisan impregnated the whole of fice so that it made an abolitionist of the very office cat. It certainly made one of the "devil." Later he became fascinated with the science of telegraphy and became an adept operator. He was the tutor of John Van Horn, for many years vice president of the Western Union Telegraph Company. Mr. Lumbard sang in Henry Ward Beecher's church and in Dr. Taylor's tabernacle in New York and- became famous for his singing of sacred music. The organlike quality of his voice was regarded as phenomenal. He sang "Elijah" with Parepa, and he sang with Emma Thursby, with Whitney, with Julia Korthall, with Castle and Campbell and with Taglia petie. Branded as a Coward. About the most distressing sight in war times is the odium heaped upon a man whose flagrant act of cowardice has become so notorious that the dis cipline of the army demands he be made a public example. Such a thing happened at Suffolk, Va., in 18G3. A soldier deserted a thin skirmish line and fled ignominiously to the rear. The desertion was witnessed by so many and the culprit was so heedless regarding the publicity of his shame ful behavior it became absolutely nec essary to show the soldiers what cowardice in the face of the enemy meant. So the army was lined up on both sides of the street, the frightened soldier stripped of his uniform and boards bearing the word "Coward" were hung to his breast and back. On either side was a soldier carrying a musket. In the rear walked a drum mer playing the "Rogue's March." As the coward passed through the lines the soldiers jeered. He did not dare raise his eyes. Had he possessed a particle of manhood he would have preferred death ten times over to such humilition, but he seemed to be one of those curious freaks we run across now and then in whom every sense of pride is absolutely extinct. He passed on down the line, out Into the fields and thence buried himself in the woods, a man without a home and without a country. How Blackmar Saved His Life. This story is told at the expense of the late Gen. Wilmon W. Black mar: Gen. Blackmar was attending a camp, when he was approached by a seedy-looking man, who greeted him profusely. The general shrugged his shoulders and turned away, with the remark that they were not acquainted. "But, general." said the stranger, "don't you remember how you saved my life at the battle or the Wilder ness." Gen. Blackmar at once became in terested and he called a group of his comrades over to listen, saying: "I saved this man's life once. How was it done, old comrade?" "It was this way," was the response. "We were on a hill and the enemy advanced steadily toward our en trenchments. A veritable hail of fire swept our position. Suddenly you turned" here the auditors were ab sorbed and excited "and ran. and I ran after you. I think that if you hadn't shown the example I would have been killed that day." Boston Herald. Wisconsin's War Governor. In these later years I recall with a feeling of pride and gratitude that Wisconsin was particularly fortunate in having just the right man at the head of the state government during the civil war. I have heard much about Indiana, New York. Massachu setts, Ohio and other states having been wonderfully blessed with the right kind of war governors at the be ginning of the great struggle. An drew of Massachusetts, Morton of In diana, Brough of Ohio, Morgan of New York, Curtin of Pennsylvania neither of these splendid specimens of war governors su" ,ssed Alexander W landall in n essential respect as a var pnvr -.or, and this fact stands xr ho ' tdit. the honor and the glorj if isconsin. I wish that the press of the statf Tjiijht give this statement, based or "act. wide circulation for its effeo Ton a generation not in existence ir those trying days of 1S6I. Lieut-Col J A. WatroT.s. TT. S. A. DESPAIRING WOMAN. Weak Nervous and Wretched from Wasting Kidney Troubles. Mrs. Henry A. Reamer. Main and Garst sts.. South Bend. Ind.. says: "When I began using Doan'a Kidney Pills I was so weak I could hardly drag myself across the room. I was wretched and nervous, and had ' backache, bear ing-down pain, headache, dizzi ness and weak eyes. Dropsy set In and bloating of the chest choked, me and threatened the heart I had little hope, but to my untold surprise. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me relief and saved my life. I shall never for get it." Sold by dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Gossip Going Out It is no lonser considered good form to say a word against any one. An ill-natured criticism is a social blun der. Gossip, too, is really going out of fashion. True wit is a gift, not an attainment. Those who use it aright never yield to the temptation of say ing anything that can wound another in order to exhibit their own clever ness. Exchange. Decidedly New. The servant banded Mr. Highmore a letter. It was from Harold, the eldest son, who was at college. "Anything new in it?" asked Mrs. Ilighmore. "Yes," said the father of the family, in an agitated voice, as he glanced over the letter. He doesn't ask no for any money this time." A Metropolitan Market It has many stories. Men fail and men win here. It requires good com mon sense and an interest in the sub ject to win. One man told mo that he got to his place early and thought of nothing but his business during the day. Earl M. Pratt Cured Her Rheumatism. Deep Valley, Pa., Oct. 2d. (Spe cial.) There is deep interest in Green county over the cure of the littlu daughter of I. N. Whipkey of Rheuma tism. She was a great sufferer for five or six years and nothing seemed to do her any good till she tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. She began to improve almost at once and now sho is cured and can run and play as other children do. Mr. Whipkey says: "I am indeed thankful for what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for my daughter; they saved her from being a cripple perhaps for life." Dodd's Kidney Pills havo proved that Rheumatism is one of the results of diseased Kidneys. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid In the blood. If the Kidneys are right there can be ao Uric Acid in the blood and conse quently no Rheumatism. Dodd's Kid ney Pills make the Kidneys right There is something peculiar about the man who takes i interest in baseball. He may be a person of su perior intelligence. BABY ONE SOLID SORE. Could Not Shut Eyes to Sleep Saent $100 on Doctors Baby Grew Worse Cured by Cuticura for $5. "A scab formed on my baby'3 face, spreading until it completely covered her from head to foot, followed by boils, having forty on her head at one time, and more on her body. Then her skin started to dry up and it be came so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep. One month's treatment with Cuticura Soap and Ointment made a complete cure. Doctors and medicines had cost over $100. with baby growing worse. Then we spent less than $5 for Cuticura and cured her. (Signed) Mrs. G. H. Tucker. Jr.. 335 Greenfield Ave.. Milwaukee. Wis." Poor humanity; the mother does not know half the time where the chil dren are. and they do not know where she is the other half. Medicines Have Stood Test of Time. "The leading proprietary medicines that have stood the test of time are of known therapeutic value." says a medical authority. "They are prepar ed in laboratories of the highest grade, under the care of skilled phar macists, and they are made from ap proved formulas which, in maay in stances, have been the especial pride and specific of some successful physi cian. They have been tried in the crucible of public opinion and they have been found satisfactory by the people, for otherwise the people would discontinue using them." The man who is anxious to scrape an acquaintance usually desires to go a step further and skin him. ffsffa is HsffOf for vvofnoft. Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, dis covered a pleasant herb remedy for womea's ills, called AUSTKALIAN-LKAF. It is tha only certain monthly regulator. Cures female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and Urinary troubles. At all Drusrirists or by mail SO cts. Sample mailed FKEK. Address. The Mother Gray Co., LeUoy, N. Y. Faith, hope and charity! Cherish the first, preach tha second and be silent as to the last. Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spokea of as a couch cure. J. W. 0"1Jiues, 2J Third Ave. X. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6. 19UX If all donkeys had long ears it would be necessary to change the style of masculine headgear. Mr. V?lnlow' oothlor Syzm. ForehtMrea teething, softens th (rurai, redocea a Canun&tioa. klUjspttlii. cures wind colic 2Scbott2k Moral suasion is all right in its way. but there are times when it should be backed up with a shotgun. All Up-to-Oate Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be cause it is better, and 4 oz. more of it for same money. Of what use are friends? In pros perity, a man has no use for them; in adversity, they have no use for aii A Ms) tot ra T 'J M i . a-yE. iSkfcifrH&i