The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 04, 1905, Image 1

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"-e-yr rrssa
6e Journal is Read by More People than any Other Paper in Platte County 4
.-- -
l- r - v
V i
H- Z? -Usssiiisf flflflH
iSk l l! ' w It ' SSSSSSSSSSSl
iii oven transaction at our bank. We
safeguard your interests by complying
with all r-;rate and government hank
Every dollar deposited with our
bank is a- retire as it would le in
theTrea ury vault. Our drafts are
honored at home and abroad. Wher
ever you go our e unmercial standing
is recognized. Do banking with us
It will 1 e'p you.
The first National Bank
St ires Announces Platform.
Eiiitoi: JoostNti.. The Republican
convention lit a honored me with the
nomination of County Judge, and as I
was not present, to eypre.-s my views
upon th issue, that have been made
prominent, I take this method to an
nounce some of the principles that will
govern my oilicial conduct, should I he
I hate noticed, with much satisfac
tion, your efforts to correct some of the
abuses that have grown up in the man
agement of our count affairs, and I
hope the people have been aroused to
the danger of this tendency to squander
public fluids and prostitute officials po
sition to personal and political advan
tage The "Railroad Pass" question: While
a railroad pries may neither be given nor
accepted as a hrile, more than any
other form of courtesy or favor from an
individual, yet it is a growing evil with
a dangerous tendency, and to avoid any
po.-tible undue influence, and hold "the
scales of justice" impartially between
the rich and poor, 1 propose to re
fuse such favors during the campaign
and my term of office if elected.
Legal Printing: I regard it an injus
tice to litigants and an abuse of official
prerogative, as well as a corrupting pol
itical practice, to give the publication of
all legal notices and official proceedings
to some party paper, as a compensation
for political services, regardless of the
wishci of interested parties or value to
the public: but I believe that the party
requiring Mich service should have the
right to select the pap r, and. if elected
I shall comply with all such requests;
provided the paer selected fulfills the
letter ami spirit or the law.
Respectfully Yours,
J. D. Stikes
Henry Krue living in east Columbus,
got " and costs in .lodge Ratterman's
court, Monday, for an alleged assault
upon the person of John Brown, his
hired man. It is said that Krnse went
home intoxicated, w as displeased with
something Brown had done, and dis
charged him, enforcing the discharge
with a good sized hoard.
Economy in Coal.
Why burn your money when you can
save it by buying our Blend coal at $5.50
or Sunshine at SU.00 per ton at yards. A
trial of this coal will convince you that
they are all right.
Weaver .t Son, Coal Co.
For Sale.
My 20 acre fruit farm, two and a half
miles east of Columbus and a quarter
mile north of telephone road. Price
1500, part cash, balance on time.
W. J. McEathbojj,
16th and Jackson Sts., Omaha, Neb.
I have a few high class young Short
Horn bulls, color dark red, my own
breeding. Come ard see them.
3t Anxoi.iv F. H. Oehlrich.
Has one of the best dental offices
in the state
Fully equipped to do all den
tal work in First-Class manner.
Always reasonable in charges.
AH work guaranteed.
Over 14 years practice G
lurubus. SEi-s Dr. E. N.
Mm. I
Democratic Committee Has
Stormy Session Republican
Committee Confident Demo
crat Criticises Howard's
Pass Propaganda Sheriff
Carrig and Others Hold
The committees of the two political
parties held meetings last Friday af
ternoon to plan the approaching cam
paign. The republican committee met at
the Journal office and the democratic
committee at the court house.
All the republican candidates ex
cept Bruce Webb and Dr. Morris
were present at the deliberations of
the republican committee and a spirit
of confidence and enthusiasm and
harmony pervaded the meeting.
There was a general feeling that the
republican candidates by adopting a
Roosevelt platform on local issues in
IMatte county, declaring themselves
against the grail and corruption
which are bleeding the tax payers,
would attract the same large vote that
went to Roosevelt and Hughes last
The meeting over in the court house
was different. There, it is rumored.
the Howard Ernst Bender faction
of the committee locked horns with
the Becher Boettcher Bucher fac
tious, and such was the bitterness
that at the close of the meeting the
lie was passed and blows were struck.
The main thing which seems to
arouse the democratic candidates and
the democratic committee, is the Tel
egranfs persistency in dodging the
only real issue in the campaign, name
ly, the corruption in county affairs
and consequent high county taxes,
and its equal persistency in trying to
drag the pass issue to the foreground,
when everybody knows that several
of the present democratic county offi
cers ride on passes or free transporta
tion. A member of the democratic com
mittee was heard to remark after the
meeting: "Why the devil don't
Howard have something to say in his
paper about the printing trust and
illegal fees for printing and supervi
sor's salaries? Those are the things
that are driving good democrats from
us every day. But because Howard
is mixed up himself in these deals he
is straining himself to force the pass
issue or any thing to shift the public
attention from things that our candi
dates have really got to meet. And
he ought to know better than to talk
the 'pass business.' He knows that
two or three of our boys ride on
free transportation and he knew it
when he made that grand stand bluff'
at the Columbus Journal denvinjr
that any democratic nominee was rid
ing on a pass. He ought to have
known that the Journal would call
his bluff and make him take water on
that proposition just as it has driven
him to the woods in the discussion of
local issues. Now we will be in a h
of a Gx when it is known that Howard
knew Sheriff Carrig held a pass at the
time he said that no democratic nomi
nee had a pass. No one will believe
anything in the editorial columns of
the Telegram, if he keeps on. Be
sides, Carrig doesn't want him to lie
for him. Like every other man that
holds a pass, he can show a contract
which calls for certain return services
and he would rather make a clean
breast of it to the voters, even if it
does knock all the thunder out of our
fool platform, than to play the hypo
crite and then have the Journal show
up the facts. It's a bad mess the Tel
egram is getting us into. With such
management on our part its no won
der the republicans are confident of
Thus start out the two committees
for the fall campaign. The republi
cans united cheerful, confident. The
democrats, disrupted, dejected, dis
morning sermon, -"Spiritual . Liberty
Evening. "IiOt Opportunity. This is
the 5rst of a series of sermons on "Night
Scenes of the Bible."
PRESBYTERIAN The pulpit will
be occupied morning and evening by
Rat. Knox Bonde of Osceola who will
exchange pulpits with Rev.Halsey. Rev.
Haiaey has given notice to his congrega
tion that he will apply to the Presbytery
for a change of pastorate, bat no action
has been taken. Rev. Hslsey haj many
friends in Columbus who will wish to
see him better his condition if he should
decide to leave.
All kinds, from the gilt
or fi'un metal diminutive,
small enough to carry in
your vest pocket, to the
huge, towering, massive
Grandfather Clocks for
hall or library.
It's a worthy stock beauty,
utility, economy and never fails
to inspire the appreciation that is
so compensating to honest and suc
cessful endeavor.
Ed J. Niewohner
The Jeweler
House For Eent
For small family, one .and abalf blockB
south of U. P. depot. Inquire at Inde
pendent Tel. X 121.
Don't Forget
That we carry a complete stock
Wall Paper. Prices Right.
Chas. H. DacR, Druggist.
Woman Robbed-
Mrs. A. R. Baxter of Orleans Ne
braska, was relieved of an expensive
pocketbook containing about 12 and a
railroad ticket last Saturday night at
the U. P. station. A man giving the
name of John Wilson, a professional
traveler, got the pocketbook and our
industrious police officers "got" him
within an hour after the theft.
Mrs. Baxter had laid her pocketbook
on a seat in the waiting room and left it
while she looked after her little child
playing about the depot ground. Dur
ing her absence Wilson who had been
hanging about the waiting room several
hours for just such an opportunity got
in his work. The police had been at
tracted to Wilson earlier in the day ly
his suspicions actions and several per
sons had noticed his disappearance from
the waiting room just before the woman
missed her money and were able to des
crile him to the officers.
When caught, Wilson had $10.50 on
bis person and promised to cash a time
check which he claimed he held against
the U. P. Co. and pay the balance.
He was taken before Justice O'Brien
on Monday and after pleading gnilty to
the charge, was given thirty-days in jail.
Clearing Sale of Winter Un
derwear ami Dry CJoods.
In order to clear my shelves for my
large stock of holiday good9 which will
be here in about two weekB, I have de
cided to sell out my entire stock of win
ter underwear and dry goods. These
goods are all new and in order to close
them out quick have marked prices down
below cost. No such bargains have ever
hr en offered in Columbns. Sale begins
Friday, October fi, and continues until
last article is sold. Sera Bracn,
New Philliprs block, 11th St.
Absolutely Pure
A Cream of Tartar Powder,
free from alum or phos-
phatic acid
Court Hon. e Gang's last Game.
Next Sunday the Court Oriyinals. J
captained by that-old Vet. Jerry Carrig,
will invade th- peaceful precincts of
Shell Creek and, near the mill of Pet or
Schmidt, endeavor to throw thehnrpoon
proper into a liall team called ''The
Never Sweats" from Shell Creek.
Freeh with victories from Bray's
Sluggers and Joe Ducey's wonders, the
Originals will land on Shell Creek with
enough ammunition to capture the mill,
race, Peter Schmidt, and the whole
cheese, bnt hero is another story. The
captain of the "Never Sweats" told a
Journal reporter just the other day that
hid bunch of players would make the
Court House Gang sorry for accepting
the nomination against the republicans
for the various co-inty olliiies in Platte
county this fall. This bit of news re
garding the game was supposed to be
on the "Q T" but our big family of rea
ders pay for the news and must 'have it.
As this game is to be the last one until
after election a great crowd is being
prepared for. You aro r")mised all the
watermelon you can eat if you attend.
In District Court.
The case of the state against Henry
Hoffner which was tried before the
county court last June was decided in
the district court last Monday, Hoffner
L'Attini? STjO and costs. This case was
began on the complaint of Fred Koch
who charged the defendant with assault
to do great bodily injury. The charge
was changed in district court to assault
and battery. Both parties live near
In the Nellie Lyons divorce suit
against her husband, the matter has
been settled out of court. She with
drawing her charge and once more the
couple are happily domociled at the old
Marriage Licenses.
Judge Rattennan has issued marriage
licecses as follows during the past week:
Charles Skokan and Lillian Christenson
South Omaha; Clarence D. Hecox and
Jessie E. Napier, Columbus: Geo. M.
Lewis and Emma E. Jones, Madison;
Anton Johnson and Fern I- Fauble, Co
lumbus; Joseph E. Zoucha and Celia B.
Tarczon, Tarnov; Thomas Sliver and
Mary Zalncha, Platte Center; Ilobt. J.
Rupprecht and Katherine Liebig, Platte
Center; W. P. Beasley and Anna Trim
paha, Columbus.
Too Much Booz'rino.
Frank Nelson, a painter and paper
hanger, known to most people in the
city, failed yesterday in his attempt at
getting away with all the "John barley
corn" in town and the result was that
"john barley-corn" got away with him.
About nine in the evening Officer Nel
son took care of him after finding him
in the alley. Next morning his outing
cost him a few cents over i6.
Beasley Tnmpaha.
Mr. Wm. P. Beasley and Miss Anna
Trimpha were united in marriage yes
terday at the Catholic church. The
groom is well known in Columbus and
the bride has lived in the city since
childhood. The Journal and a host of
friends extend congratulations and with
them the best the future affords. Tin
newly married people will continue to
make Columbus their home.
Miss Nina Smith went to Silver Creek
Monday to take charge of a millinery
stock for Miss Lawrence.
The fraternal picnic last Friday was a
success in every ay. Belgrade won
from Fullerton in the ball game by a
score of 7 to 2.
Dr. Pass who has been practicing here
for several months is preparing to move
to another location.
Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs. Fred Hill and Mn.
E i Hill and Eal Evans were Columbus
visitors this week.
Miss Grace Keeton of North Bend was
the guest of Miss Mars Thursday and
Mis Ida Frank of Denver arrived to
day to visit her brother, Dr. W. V.
W. E. Cole went to Creston Saturday,
returning home Monday, ill.
Mrs. Frank Strother of Primrose is
visiting here this week.
E. O. Cole took Mrs Cole to the Prer
byterian hospital in Omaha Friday whete
she will remain several weeks.
For hard coal, furnace
coal and all kinds of soft
coaL Newman & Welch.
Foil Ball.
L'ist Saturday our hig'i t-'chool fi t
bad it-am went to North Bend and
played th tire department team of that
city ii tie game, the More being fi to t.
The game was fully as hard and clean
as the one played here against Yurie
lust Saturday. While the North Bend
team did not play so gtwvd a g.-ime their
weight was so much "renter than thai
of the Columbus team th:il it looked as
if our boys had no huw. hut they gave
ihe North Bend people as big a surprise
as they did the strong York aggrega
tion. The North Bend team was not onlj
about 20 pounds heavier to the man
but their "backs'" were old players, and
their full-back Johnson played on the
Colorado Agricultural College team.
Another, Dr. McChiren, one of the half
hacks is a graduate of Creighton medi
cal college and plated on that team
The North Benders could not gain by
end plays and had to use line bncks and
while Columbus held their opponents
well their bucks were so heavy that
ihe pushed for short gains. The North
Bend players complimented the Colum
bus hoys on their interference which
netted Colnmbns three touch-downs
made by Gray after end runs of 75
yards. The game was clean throughout
and the Columbus players speak highly
of the treatment received at the hands
of the North Bend people.
Supt. Sherman and Prof, and Mrs.
Graves accompanied the boys.
The following is the line up of players
Adams 1 e
Davies 1 t
Boettcher 1 g
Swartz c
Dickinson r g
Held-McAllister rt
Gass r e
Neater q
Betterton f h
Gray 1-h
Mct'Ioud r-h
lr. MeClaren
School News.
The board of education met Monday
night. They allowed a large budget of
bills and voted permission to the super
iutentendent and principals to attend
the Principals and Superintendent's
meeting at Lincoln, Oct. 112 to 14. Supt.
Sherman and Principals Bonam, f'ogil
ami Brindley have planned to attend
this valuable meeting. Snpt. Sherman
will read a p'aper before the meeting on
the subject, "The Relation of the Young
Principal to His Teachers."
The next game of football of our High
school boys will be with the Kearney j
Military Ac:dvmy at Kearney, Oct. 1:5. I
Supt. Sherman has been honored by
the appointment to membership on the
state board of examiner by State Supt.
MeBrieu to till the vacancy made by
Supt. Kern's departure from the late.
This is an honor to Columbus as well as
a recognition of Supt. Sherman's ability.
School Land Tax.
Treasurer Becher received the follow
ing letter from Commissioner Katon
which will be of interest to the holders
of school hind:
"All sale contract that are delivered i
for 1'JOl and lease contracts that are de
livered for the first half of 1!)05 will be
forfeited at the regular meeting of the
board of Educational, Lands and Build
ings, Oct. 10, after which time yon will
collect yOc for each 10 acres for rein
statement fee and regular notice fee cf
f')c. I intend to hold auction upon all
the land before Jan. 1. if possible.
H. M. Eaton. Commissioner.
Omaha Horse Show.
For this qreat Eipiine Festival to he
held in the New Auditorium Omaha.
Octotobcr !)lh to 1 1th inclusive, very low
rate have been made by the UNION
PACIFIC. Inquire of II. Benham
Wheat 71
Corn 33
Oats e bushel 21
Rye 3 bushel SO
Barley -1
Potatoes p bit W
Butter 3 tt Ij to
Eggs $ dozen lo
Begs to announce to
the people of Colum
bus and Plte coun
ty that he Ixis open
ed his dental office
in the rooms long
occupied by Dr. H. J.
Arnold, on Olive St.,
four doors south of
the Niewohner blk.
His practice has been in connec
tion with the most skilled dental
operators in the west and his serv
ices to patients are guaranteed.
C. E. Early male a business trip to
Platte Center this week.
V.. P. Dossil went to G.-noa thi
mo-ning to took after a jnlmf plumbing.
The Idh-rs. a club of ten girls.. In Id a
picnic at Stewu'a .srovu Friday after
noon. The Episcopal Guild will met at the
home of Mr. Ktin'zletiian on tho Meri
dian line today.
John Schmocker has len appointed
registrar of births and deaths for P.'atte
county by the State Medical Board.
R. F. Williams or St. Edwrd nd F.
D. Wi.liams of Albiou went to Sidney
on business yesterday, calling on friends
here between trains.
Mrs. A. E Mattson of Pawnee City
arrived in Columbus last night for a
visit of one week with relatives in Co
lumbus and Monroe.
Mr. Stenger, wife and children, accom
panied by Mrs. Stenger's sister, Miss
Steiuer, are expected to arrive from
Switzerland today.
The first meeting for the year of the
musical department of the Woman's
club will be held Tuesday afternoon
with Mrs. McAllister.
The father and mother of J. W. Mar
tins, wbo nave been visiting here for the
past three weeks returned today to their
home in Newton, Iowa.
Mrs. Whitmoyer, who has been ser
iously ill for the past three weeks, is im
proving in health and is able to sit n
for a few hours each day.
Joseph Martys and Anna Miller were
married in South Omaha Inst Friday.
The groom is well known in Coiumbns,
having resided here some few years back
Mr. Cramer of Clarinda, Iowa, came
Saturday night for a brief visit with his
daughter. Sirs. Chas. Dack. He will ac
company his wife to their home tomor
row. Mr. and Mrs. A. M Clark arrived Mon
day for a vi.-it of several weeks with
their son Howard Clark. They are on
their way to Los Angeles, Cal , to spend
the winter.
Mrs. Fred Scotield went to Omaha
Friday and from there to Harlan, Iowa,
to visit her sister, Mrs. Hansen. Mr.
Scotield met her in Omaha today. They
will visit there till Friday.
Mrs. Haleey returned yesterday from
a three week's visit in Chicago. She left
this morning for Lincoln accompanied
by Mrs Leander Gerrard, to attend the
Federal ion of Woman's clubs.
J Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ga, jr., returned
! home last Saturday night from their
wedding trip. During their absense
they visited Denver. Colorado Surinea.
Criip,H CWk am, manv otw . t(J of
Miss Evelyn Jones of Omaha pss-ed
through Columbus on her way to Den
ver. She will be married Tuesday aft r
noon at half past two at the home of her
aunt. Mrs. E. Stenger. to Dr. Alexander
of Omaha.
August Boettcher in commenting on
the railroads in Europe said thnt their
service was more orderly and careful
but that their equipment was not equal
to that of American railroads. "If a
man tries to board a moving train there"
he rt marked, "he is immediately ar
rested." Mrs. Garlow. Miss Simmons, Mrs. Mc
Allister, and Mrs. Chambers left yester
day for Lincoln to be present at the
Federation meetings. Mrs. Chambers
was on the program to sing in the after
noon. Mrs. Mark Ratburn went down
thi morning and will sing this after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gass, jr., were sere
naded last night by the b.tnd boys. The
night before they were honored by a
juvenile serenade. Mr. G:iss had agreed
to give each child who came a dime, so
the number who honored him were thirty-nine.
The young-ters hail a good
time and declared Mr. and Mrs. Gass
"all right" people.
So miny Columbus people are attend
ing the Ak-sar-ben festival in Omaha
this week tint it is impossible lo ive
all their n-imes. Among them are: Mi?s
Lom:so Wagner. Mrs. Leopold Jaeggi,
Ciy.'e Scotr, M-s Anna Klause, Miss
L-ilu Phith. Aire. U.S. Elliott, Mr. H. H.
Millard. Miss Bucher. Miss Minnie Mc
Mahon, John Brue3 and Mia Anua
The Libnry board held a meeting last
Monday night, in which H. Huckenber
,'er who was appointed to take the place
f V. N. Kern, took his seat as a mem
berofthe board. The membeis and
Miss Geer, the librarian are enthusiastic
over the working of the library since its
doors have been open six davs in the
wetk. Six ehildreus chairs have been
added to the children reading room
m.ikin:,' it e.isy for the little ones to at the library.
Mi- Mulard, Mr. Albert and Mrs.
Krskuie were hos.eUaes to about sixty of
their friends last Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mr-. Millard. The guesta
were first served tea in the back parlor
where Miss Ethel Elliott gowned as a
Japanese lady of station, sitting under
a large Japanese 'umbrella covered with
asparagus and red salvia blossoms pour
ed tea. As the afternoon was dtlightfcl
the ladies sat on the porch and lawn. At
5-30 the guests were seated at fifteen
small tables scattered over the lawn, a
color scheme of red was red was carried
out on all the tables, a dainty two coarse
v I v - tA aSaTH
.-vl'-f'Sr'' fmKHEaa
ai s.-i- rBk EMasEaa
i.rg ' "tHHBKjaaaai
- - ? janBDeSavHavBlaaiai
L" aalggyJilaSilaal
,5 1, jjfjPWaBaalMaagM
if you build up a valuable ac
quaintance with your banker. When
times of adversity come you can rely
on him to see you through. When
you are prosperous his safe and vaults
will protect your money till you want
it tor use.
Begin now to cultivate an acquaint
ance which will in the end prove
mutually profitable.
The Old Reliable
Columbus State Bank
A Boauce.
Columbus was the scene this week of
a pretty romance that ended as happily
as a novel from a master writer.
The principals in the romance were
Anton Johnson, age 22. a bright young
ninn who is clerking in the Corbett res
taurant, aud Miss Fern I. Fauble,age 17,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Fauble
of this city.
The two young people met about two
months ago. It was a case of love at
tirst sight. Time was too slow for such
love and they decided to elope and get
married. Their opportunity came one
night last week when they attended a
dance in the country. They started in
the direetion of Madison, but the young
lady's father, apprised of the elopment.
started a few hours later. They were
overtaken near Madison and came back
to Columbus, where with the father's
consent, were married yesterday by
Judge Ratterman.
The young people are both bright and
they express themselves as happy at the
outcome of the affair. They will con
tinue their residence here.
Base Ball Seasoi Bads.
The Colnmbns base ball team closed
the season last Saturday night with its
game with Belgrade, winning in a ten
inning contest with the score standing 7
to fi.
The season ends with a email sum in
the treasury and with the majority of
games to the credit of Colnmbns. Man
ager Corbett, ably assisted by Dr. Mc
Mabon as secretary, deserves great cred
it for the excellent amusement they have
provided for the lovers of base ball in
this city. Onr boys have played clean
ball, and considering that practically all
of them work every day. they have play
ed exceptionally good ball.
If onr boys could have started the
season with one or two salaried players
like Jack Corbett the results would have
been better. It is believed that the re
cord made this year, promises a mnch
letter season next year.
J. R. Carter returned from Norfolk to
diy. Mrs. Henry Rsgatz, Jr., delightfully
entertained twelve friends last night in
honor of her cousin, Mi.-s Nellie Hughes
who will return soon to her home in
The Columbns young people who are
attending the university write glowing
letters of their reception and first im
pressions. Miss Elsie Brugger is happi
ly settled at the home of Mrs.N. S. Har
wood. Twenty-one Years Service.
The members of the German Luther
an church of Columbus are giving Rev.
Miessler and family a big reception to
night at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Louis
Schreiber, celebrating the twenty-first
anniversary of Rev. Miesslrr's pastorate
in Colnmbns.
Mass Convention.
The republicans in Supervisor district
G and 7 of Platte county, are called to
meet at the council chamber in Colum
bus, Saturday, October 14. 1905, at 2 p.
m., to nominate a candidate for super
visor for said district.
Dr. l. E. Paul, DentUt.
One of the largest and best
equipped dental offices in
the state. J
Vitalized flip for ramies '
Denustni... '''
The kind that is safe and never
Come in and have your teeth
examined and get our estimate
on your work. It will cost you
nothing and we give a useful
souvenir to each caller.
All work guaranteed.
Over Niewohacr's car. UthaadOvroSta.
I luncheon was served,
.. ... .r.