The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 27, 1905, Image 8

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Ut !" lH.HwlHHt.fc.wU.fc
siatfating fceFoodandBeguia
faicStoMteaalBowelsof Promotes DieHonJCterfuI
nessandltestjCoiitains neither
A perfect Remedy forConsfipa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrtoca
and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSimlB Signature of
BgSTTiiiMrMTinMnf! f twuiit rtMwI'wmniw j. hh iwQi'iiid
Takt tht BiriiRgftn frtm Colunbus io
Portland. Seattle. Tacoma and Return-(Direct Routes. Daily from May 23d 545.00
Portland and Retura. (One Way via California. May S'.. 24. 2T.. 23. 20. ::l. June 1. 2. fi.
23. 14. 15. 10. 23. 24. 27. 28. 29. 30. July 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 25. 2fi 27. Addi
tional dates in August and September So 00
San Francisco. Los AnRcles and Return. (Direct Routes) Above Dates 56.00
San Francisco. Los Antrelesand Return. (Direct Routes) May 29. CO. 31. June 1. Auk-
ust 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. October 17. 18. 19, 31. 21 SO.OO
These rite apply over the liurlinytonV direct line to I Oliver, thence
through Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake city.
Also over the Burlington-Northern Pacific direct northwest route to Pugct
Sound and Portland.
The most comprehensive tour of the 1'acilic ce:it, im-Ituling California,
Shasta Itoute, Portland Exposition. Puget Sound cities, Washington and
Montana can be made usinir the various lltirlintnu Main Lines.
The Burlington i.s the only line by which joii can take in the Black llilN
and Big Horn country in connection with this tiip with no additional cxjxdho
Daily through Pullman Standard Hci-pet to San Francisco via Denver,
Scenic Colorado ana Salt Lake.
Apply tothe undersigned for foi Hand Kxposition folder,
California folder, Tourist excursion folder, lor Iterth, inform
ation, ticket, etc.
Describe your proposed trip and let me advNe joii the least
cost and the lct way to make it.
L. F. RECTOR, Agent, Columbus, Nebr.
Our Midsummer Sale is now going
on. We are offering Goods at prices
lower than ever.
For instance, Our line of Clothing
which is excelled by none in the City,
we knock off 20 en our Summer
Goods, and
For instance, Our line ol Summer
Shoes we knock off 20.
Besides, we offer many specialties
in Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Our Shirt Sale at 39c has caused
much comment. .There never were
such bargains sold anywhere. Come
and investigate.
The Goods must go. We need the
room lor Fall Goods.
GRa&ldEN BROSm Columbus
aaaaaKaaK aaaaaaaaaaaaaV'waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa WAaa4.V Lwfl
'aaaaaaaaaaaaal bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV
Qivts rest to the stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
Urtd stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous
Stomach and catarrh of tne swmacn.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Eleventh St
a guaranteed cure.
Yam Eat
I Mlar MUakaUsSX I
i Ifv
ami Alt
Lost -a veer, pocket memorandum
bjok, red cover, on loth street, last" Fri
day. Finder please leave nt Journal
office and receive reward. O. E. Cos.
Mi.sAniiii Geitzen, accompanied by
little Mary Byrnes expect to go to
Omaha the last or the week to visit rela
tive fur a couple of weeks and enjoj
the Ak-sar-ben.
J. M. Gondring left Sitimlay evening
for San Joe California, where Mr.
Gondrinir will enter into the law profes
sion. T(iis excellent family will be
greatly mused in Columbus and we
hope they may find as many friends as
they leave in Nebraska.
Clarence Hecock and Miss Jessie
Napier were married this afternoon at
2:30 o'clock at the home of the brides
parents, Kev. DeWolf performing the
ceremony. The young people will be at
home near the high school building,
after a visit to friends in Fallerton.
The Maennerchor society gave a re
ception Saturday evening in their hall,
in honor of Dr. Tiessing and August
lioettcher who had returned a few days
previous from their three month trip
through Europe, The evening was
spent in listening to spcache from the
tourists and also from Rev. Nenmarker
and in dancing. Refreshments were
Mrs. Hat man of Sutton arrived Satur
day evening with the two little children
of Mr. Hull. She wi 1 visit at the home
of Louis Schwartz.. Mrs. Hull, the
mother of the little ones, died this sum
mer in Texas. Her husband will bring
the remains t Sutton for burial beside
those of her mother a soon as cool
weather permits. Mrs. Hull was a
daughter of August lllowat, and n neice
f Louis Schwartz, Mrs. Batman intends
to mice the little ones.
Rev. DeWolf will deliver a series of
sermons on the story of the Prodigal
Son. the first to be delivered next Sun
day evening, taking as his subject "A
Ruinous Conception of life." The morn
ing service will be held at the regular
hour 10:45 a. m. List Sunday morning
Rev. Millard preached an able sermon in
the Methodist church, and in the even
ing.! II. Hepdon of Blair delivered a
temperance address, which ho illustrated
with lantern slides.
Friends of It. F. Williams of St. Ed
ward will he pained to learn of the death
ef his son Jay in Panama of yellow fever.
He had gone to Panama only this sum
mer as a civil engineer in the employ of
the government. As yet no particulars
have been learned. Mr. Williams the
father, is milking efforts to have the re
mains sent to his home to be placed in
the family burial ground, lint permission
must he granted by every state through
which the remains would pass, and as
yot it is not known whether it can be
accomplished or not.
Bepublican Meeting.
A meeting of the county Central Com
mittee will bo held Friday afternoon nt
2:00 o'clock, instead of Saturday after
noon us previously announced, hold at
the Journal office.
Home Restaurant Change
The Columbus business men and pub
lic generally will be pleased to know
that J. W. Wisenstein has purchased
the Home Kostnnrant from Herman
Kersenbrock fc Co., tho purchase being
made. Saturday, but tho new roprietor
did not take charge until Tuesday. v
Mr. Viseii6tein will make many im
provements in the management, expect
ing to hnvo eventually, a dining room
which will he a credit to our town. The
place will he named the Wisenstein
Cafe, and will be fitted not only for a
first class eating cafe, but with a ladle's
waiting room, a much needed necessity
in Columbus. Mr. Wisenstein gained a
reputation through central Nebraska
for his excellent hotel management and
his friends will be glad to know of his
return to business circles in (folumbus.
Fraternal Picnic at Monroe.
Spnri.Uj to JournaIi Monroe, Sept.
27, 05. Monroe Camp No. 1812, Mod
ern Woodmen of America and Pawnee
Court No. :t4, Tribe of Ben Hur, will
hold a fraternal picnic at Monroe Fri
day, of this week. Hon. E. J. Clements
of Lincoln will be principal speaker of
tho day, and B. F. Way, state manager
of Ben Hur lodge will also be present.
A fast game of ball is promised between
Fullerton and Bellwood, and a bowery
is being erected for a dancing platform.
Have you ever had any experience in
witchcraft? Some of your neighbors
might give yon some suggestions.
Henry Peterson has purchased a res
taurant in Genoa, taking possession last
IJolwrt C. Anderson and sons, Horaie
mid Wiley attended the fair at Albion
last week.
George Chase returned last week from
i trip-through several of the central
Bout? 4
John Dawson w is on the sick list the
last, w ck but is somewhat better now.
J J. Barnes and family spent Sunday
t tho home of Mr. Morrow on Steam'
Prairie. ('htis Abicglen niaiheted seven loads
or i ogs last wm k.
Wm. MiitKor. and d.-mghtcr. Jlirf- Ar.
n. came "p fnn:i Kmith ('n-iha. picked
their im;u- and shipped them there
whire they will make their home with
Mr. Howard Yore for a time.
A. P. Matson visited with his father
last week.
Dan Murdock is improving his eleva
tor with a coat of paint and other much
needed repairs.
E. M. Blore expects to go to All-ion to
work for the Emerson Seed Co.
Mrs. John Lackey of Cheyenne, Wyo.,
arrived Saturday for a visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Qoinn.
Perfect In quality.
Moderate In price
By Svpxky
freotoa tmbseribers may pay subscriptions It
Sydney Eastman at the Crerton Pharmacy. 'f
)u have anythingto bay or wit. xoe Mr. East
man and let him advertise it iu the leadinK
paper of Platte connty. Journal ait alwaja do
the business. Adertiw in 'our homo paKr
first.. Supplement I hut with Journal advertis
ing.! E A. Jones. M. D. Physician and sur
geon. Call prom ply answered day and
I Front t li Statesmen)
R. B. Webb, republican can didnte for
county sheriff of Platte county, is a man
well qualified for that office. He has j
lived in this vicinity for many years and '
bis nomination for that office meets the
hearty approval of all his acquaintances.
The voters of the north part of the
county reci'tntnenrin him to those who
are not personally acquainted with him.
A vote for R. B. Webb for sheriff will le
a vote you will not regret.
Call Creston Pharmacy.
Calls promptly answered hay or night.
Creston, Nebraska.
E. T. Graham made the last shipment
of his cattle on Sunday evening, mak
ing about of) car loads in all the past
couple of months. He is now shipping
his bogp, of which he has between four
and five hundred head ready for market.
Mr. Graham went to Omaha with the
Sunday evening shipment, returning
home with three double-deck cars of
sheep which be will feed for a couple of
We are headquarters for
everything in Drug sun
dries, Paints, Wall Paper
and Painter's Supplies.
Prescriptions a specialty
Bichlandand Vicinity.
Always take the best that's going
The Journal.
Farmers are warned to pitch in dnr-
ing October as it will be fair and fine
while November will be wet, cool and
sleet and snow.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kluck are rejoicing
over the arrival of a new son.
Mrs. J. V. StevenBon returned Satur
day from a two week's visit with rela
tives at Rogers.
Gus Kluck has purchased the resi
dence property of Kollin Brocklesby in
west Richland.
Mrs. Wm. Vonkie and Mrs. Ketch
mark, wife of our genial saloonkeeper,
returned from a week's stay at Atkinson
Holt county, where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Yonkie.
Rev. Warfield has been returned to
this place for another year.
We understand that all rural mail
boxes are to be numbered and any mail
addrejsed to a route and number will be
delivered regardless of name.
Many of our citizens enjoyed the wed
ding festivities of Miss Polly Polinski
who was married Sunday at Columbus,
to a gentleman whose name we did not
learn. Onr lest wishes to yon nnd yours
From the World I
7 he latter part of the week Henry
Frank sr., sold his farm of one h nnd red
and twenty acres two miles east of town
to Louie Robert of South of Leigh.
The deal J was made through the Maple
Valley State Bank and the consideration
was S"5.00 per acre. We understand
that Mr. Frank and family are thinking
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of
drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is
of moving to Washington in the spring.
W. H. Grave R. B. Held, Henry
Barjenbroch, John Bakenhus, aad Wm
Englebart composed a party of land
seekers who went to Pea bod v, Kansas
Tuesday noon. The last two named
parties will probably invest if they find
anything to suit them.
From me lieaaer. I
Mrs. Suockley arrived in the city on
Saturday last from the Phillipinea and
is a guest of her parents, Mr. anil Mrs.
McCallum of the Indian school.
Henry Peterson of Platte county has
purchased the Getoa restaurant from P.
A. Martin and took possession of the
same last Monday morning. Mr. Martin
expects t go out lo Washington.
Vint Plummer and Miss Lnwson, who
weie accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
James Stevens, met with a baJ accident
while on their way to Columbus to be
married Inst week. When within about
three miles of that city a man on horse
back attempted to pass them which
frightened one of their horses, and a
.. .!.- inc nml I1 It Aft- natB 1 1 f riPAIL'ti
out and Mrs. Stevens was rendered un
conscious for a few moments from Iter
H. Fonda shipped his household
goods to Omaha Mond-iy and departed
for that city himself. Mrs. Fonda and
daughter Myrtle went to St. Edward to
visit friends for a day or two after which
they will also go to Omaha. Their many
friends in Genoa regret the departure of
Mr. ami Mrs. Fonda, but wish them
success in their new home.
Seal Estate Trnsfers.
C F Bobman to H i Morris It 1ft
blk 5 Creeton wd
Jos Pytel to Mary Cbochon It !
blk t Tnrnov wd
Mary Chochon to Jos Pytel Its ft
aml4 tdk ft Tarnov wd
Stnns Burn us to Mary Chochon,
It S tdk .1 Tarnov wd
MFroehlicb to Fied Froelhich land
in 3-19-1 w w.l.
E A Gerrard to L Gerrard It P.
Gerrardx snbdlvison ft-17-2
M J Dngan to Chas Chorick w ne
sw 11-18-2 w wd
J J Mnck to xMm. Id.iMeCrew Its
blk 7 Cornlea
U S to Wm B Coff n X sw 8-17 ::
w Patent
M Wood worth t llariett E
Nichols sw 14 20 1 ,
M J Kinnnn to Jos R Ivinnan 4.'0
acre in Columbus Twp wd lLoA)
B Znellien to Ben Smith Its ft and
(i blk 7 Lockners 1st add -and
lots ft and C, blk 12 Oltis 4th add
to Humphrey wd I,0ft0
J E Bnell to A C Henshawlt 1 blk
20 Col Stevens add 1,72ft
John J Dncy to James Ducey land
in 33 and 33.90.S w i,10o
R S Dickinson to Mollie Draw-
bangh It 7 blk 11 Highland Pk. .
Bank of Monroe to E B Dock It 1
and 2 blk -A" Monroe
Therisia Kcrsch to Mich Zuerleim
e2 It 10 Its 11 and 12 blk Fed
derson addition to Humphrey wd 1,700
State of Neb. to And Larson w nw
36-19-4 w State D ftfiO
A Haight to Sarah Brindley It 1
blk "E" Beckers Snbd Col 1200
Peter Bender Jr to Boyer & Rose
Its 8 and 9 blk 0 Cornlea 2(0
A L Koon to Aug Wagner pt Its 9
and 10 blk 3 Smiths add to Col. . .
J J Gerlen to Kath Gerlen pt ft
and 0-lft-l w wd
Hy C Carrig etal to I) G Walker
pt It 2ft blk 11 1st add to Col
Neb Referees deed
II C Carrig to Sam Connelly It 24
pt It 2ft blk 11 1st addition to
Lindsay Neb. 1,000
C W Pearsall to H P 11 Oehlrich,
It 1 blk GO Col wd 2,250
Alb G Parker to P F Lnchsinger
It 7 and 8 blk ft first addition to
Platte Center wd 13ft
W I Speice to H S Elliott It 7 w2
It 8 blk 3 Turner A; Hulst Sub
Division of O L 8 Columbus wd 2X00
I Mms tit lels lest for Chilirei A A Bcdcio.yB;
stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidnevs so thev will nerform their functions oroDCrly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a fev.- days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
wwtoFMtwt. . . fcfltiM T-tM- Attar Four T r.
at of enter to iltiar aside far aa
bottle of the ariao oaotrt aooa
i io cloaaV er awkr or !
boat ia it, year Udaers are ilmti.
Poland China Sale
Meiers. Tnos. F. Miller and H. C.
MuGath and Fred Wille will hold an
other big rate at Columbus on Octo
er HJth. They will offer 50 boars, se
lected especially for this sale. .Farm
ers are asked not to make then selec
tions before attending this sale.
3,000 Acres
in one body in Nance
county just bought; has
four sets oi buildings.
Never on the market
before. It will be cut
up to suit purchaser.
Becher, Hockenberger
and Chambers.
Of Round Trip Rates
Chicago and return, on sale daily 20 (M)
St. Louis and return, on sale-daily IS 2ft
Portland, Seattle, and Tacoma.nnd
tetnrn, on sale daily -1ft.(!0
Portland. Tacoma and Seattle and
return, one way via California,
on sale Sept 27. 28 and 29 ."C 00
San Francisco and L-isAngefe'saiid
r turn, on sale Oct 18 to 22
Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah, and
,'ti IK)
return, on sale daily.
30 ftt)
CiHly, Wyo., Black HilN and Hot Sp'gH,
S. D.. approximately half rales '
Low One-way Colonist rates to Califor-
nia and Northwest Sej.t. Ift to ().-t. 31.
. ., . , ,- boarilH etc., Itut entil.u lien strucX, niiisi-
Chean Homeseeker rates m uruiv di I , , . , . . ,
' Icalrioumlsasil vibratioiiH. Aear this cave
rections lirit and thud Tue-il.its rjttrrt tu-(, tiatural bridges which th tnir-
eachmontii. ist can v:nil and return to tho railroad
If 3011 will call or write it will lie ' within hair an hour. I he onlj natural
, . , - ..... , . 1 way to reach then scenes .f inleri-t-L is
pleasure to advi-e you about rates, tri.ia J ,.,, , . . .... . .,
v J via Ihe Overlaiitl liiimteil. Uoute. '
service, to reserve you a brth, and to;,,,,,,,,,, .. jmtm I'acilicar.d Soiilb-
try to nuikeyour trip a cniiirntable niii .'em PactSic. now realy one lice. The
L. F. ItBfTOK. AsientCB iVQ R. ' !" !" runiui.g thrciicl. trains ti. San
jSI0 Special Reduced
P ExcHrsioii Rates
Philadelphia, Pean., and return. One
fare pins 2 00. On sale Sept I lib, Iftth
and 10th.
Cheap ratos during the 'u miner to
Chicago. Milwaukee and Walukishn,
Wis., St. Paul.. Minneapolis nnd
Dnlnpb, Minn.. Mackinac Island and
Mackinaw City. Mich,. Dead wood.
Lead and to Hot Springs S. D.. and
other places Wisconsin and Minnesota
J. A. Knhn, A. G. F. & P. A.
1201 Farnham St. Omaha. NeK
lfe. Always reliable. XLmdlr.asl: I)niKit Tor
7MI-HEMTKK-!W E5TUI.INII in Ked an,!
Uld metallic boxes, sealetl with blue i-itlKn.
Takra other. Kefkitie dangeron. MlMti
tatloaaaatl iMllmtioMN. Ituvof vinirliruia.'i'A.
r sei(l -le. in Mainps fur rartieului-.. Tr(l
ioaialW anil "Kllrr Tor lili. i Irttrr,
by ret ara .Hall. Itf.OOO TeM11non1.1I s. SulU by
all Drugicitta.
tie aiadlMM Najaarv. IHILA rA.
Jlcatlaa tala
.l I MX 'itfm.
by Chas. H. Dack, Druggist.
kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away." are
kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.
6. B. Barbans of Carlisle
wAbeatfbaryearaacoI wrote jroa suting that I had beea aatirerjr
area of a severe kldoey trouble by taking less than two bottles of
Foley's Kidaey Core. It entirely stopped the brick-dust sediment and
fate aad syaptoma of Udaey disease disappeared. I am glad to say that
iaaTeaeverhada retura of any of those symptoms during the four
arioiar. If
years that Have eiapaea, ana 1 am eviaenuy curea 10 stay cured, aad
heartily recommend Foteya Kidney Cur to aay oae sufferta' area
kidaey or Maddar traaMe.
No. 12. CtdiitKo Hftchd -l
No. 4. Atlantic Exvivf" ''"' ' '
No 8. Norttt flntto Iiocfti 2:12 i. in.
No. 10, Kat.1 Mail !? i.
No. rt, KiMeru lixproKtf 2SM i m
No. 2.0virlnnil hiiuittd ::!!-m
No. . Lott! t'reiKiit r.Sii. hi
So. 5, California ami Onvno Kx .. 7.M) t hi.
No. It, Colo. HjKt-il !..
No. '., r'iu-t Mnil u. nt.
No. 1, Owr!uLni Limited 12'IU ; in
No. 3, i'oloraito Kxprexd tf:5S in
No. 7, North I'latte Local- MliHa i...
No. 23. Lociil r'r.UKlit Jiien m.
1 Mi. tt
No. 29, iY.stiifcr fifj. iu.
No. 77, Slizol '.Iii. in.
No. 30. riw-..n:r r 12-l.'... in
No. Vl, Mixl'U .- l i
.M.rtoN ami si"i.i:s r.iiA.xm.
.-iiti t
No. SI, IWn.r .. "- I' '
No.7i .Mmtl .-. v... . I.liOii iu.
No. 3J, l'nMHntr 12:.V. i m.
No.fni. .Mix.-,! SHi u.
Norfolk iNriKr tniiirt run .U.
Nn trnitm on Alliiou SiuiI.ihii: tirniittj
All main lint ii:i.'n'tij;ir truini- it tly.
A. It. Uk.SiiOI. i;..iit
Time Table
St. Joseph.
Kansas Ctty,
Bt. Louis and. all
points East and
Salt Lake Ctry,
San Fraucim o
and al 1 pointe
n-.UMrt lill'.MlT.
No. 22 lii"Hinfr, il:ul ei ei't
No. Si AecointiMxI'ilioii, daily i-it
TIt.M.NM AltlllXr.
No. 21 lliKsoiiKPr.ilaily xifiit Hunilik
4:211 i.. iu
S-5'i i. c
No. 31 AiTonnuoilatioii, itaily esi't
bnnih.y .
.. 1:J0 i. u
The Sichtnecr Finds Many Tliioj:i ui
Iutncet iu p-ilirorniii.
California has numerous natural
bridges, caves, etc. of no li;t!o lister.-:..
The Maiiiolh Cuvo ut L'sdaverat, dm
covtrcd b miners in lvTi0; tho Alabaster
Cavo; tho Crhtal Palace L'u'.e, coutaiu-
. "' " nuniU-r of attractive subterranean
,,tr, the ChryHtaI Phi.-e Room. Aniri-
oiiGapparttiiHnt called Music tiali. uhero
t!u deposits of aiieous origin not out
i -' r,,r111 ,,r ,ra" I"P'H, H.tTiiding
rraiiciseo Iroin Uoalia, its rar-Ltramt,
arnving m':5 ti hours ;ih".-;il of ail com
petitors. I'a;!ihl.'t(i and iniiiKiiehtrib
ing the wonders of Califoi nia, and full
information about the immt eomfortabM
and direct route to the 1'acitie C'uats.can
be obtained of K. L. Loniax, G. P. .t
T. A. Omaha. X.b
ily'S Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Civo Satisfaction.
It elcaiuHM, soothi-s, heals, and protee ti tho
discitvil niemhniiie. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in tie- Head imekl
Restore- tho cf Taste and Smell.
Kisy to use. (Tnntiiius 11. injurious drur.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, .r0 cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trial Sic, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York.
IcssiRn en Every Boilie
Ceater, N. Y., writes:
cO7i Qlktsl
H syrup i-mrm
E Y 1 AR
Columbus, Neb
x I
TiTT inilatwattbHMa