The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 27, 1905, Image 3

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Si K '"v5anPE asa ,-?nan i
m iMf'f- riri asC -liaasar
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c afclm ''ittil': .muK. HR !
C ytti ia " w'amm WF "'maB'i '
S rn 'JtStr ('
DTI aO'lP Automatic
riLU 1
can be installed at small cost in any
home, large or small, anywhere.
Acetylene Gas is cheaper than kero
sene, brighter than ele "tricity, safer
than either.
Full particulars FREE for the
Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co.,
157 Michigan Ave.,
A railroad ith lis own rails extending
from one important city to another has
decided advantage over a lice depend
in? on connections to traverse the same
ditance Through rain insure quicker
f.erric" entirely obviating tiresome de-lav-
arising from connections mied
Tin-, i why TH E K ATV. with
its own raiis from st Lor ' and Kansas
Csty to Houston Galvei on and an
Anton o has advantage over other lines
bet vcfvs the ame points
Thrcueh trains with
are run between St Louis
and Kan-a City and all
principal Texas t:e.
ou stpp into th cars
at St Li-u'.s or Kansas
ii7 and are not com
peted to ieav them nn
t v u-- destination is
"The Katjp" reached
Save Sio- Per Cow
Over All Gravity Setting Systems
And S3, to S5. Per Cow
Over Ail Imitating Separators.
Now is the time to make this most
important and profitable of dairy farm
investments. Send at once for new 1905
' catalogue and name of nearest agent.
The De Laval Separator Co.
Bandolph A Canal Sts.
74 Cortlandt Strict
-Follow tne Flac"
Home Visitors
November 3th
To many points lr. Illinois. Indiana.
Ohio. Kentucky Western Pennsylvan
ia, New York and West Vircima. at
Th WABASH has s.4:.i road-bed.
reck ballast. jnu new equipment Re
c am; or air cars SEAT. FREE.
For rates maps ana a'. '.rf..rmation
caL at abash City OfiW lil Far
nara St or address
G. A P D 'Ajd K R OniiOd Neb
.vi4 with ftl vecnliar to
heir ex. esed s dozcae it nnveloasly ac-
ctsstnl Ttoroattlvcleaases, kills disease tenas.
atops discourses, teals isaaaaauoa and local
Pixtiae is in powder f orn to be dissolved ia pcre
wi-r and is far core deaisias. htiunj:, cersucaal
For sl-- at cr?5sa, 50 cents a box.
Trial Box and Book ot laatrnction Free.
?ttc it. Paztom coMUr oto. Mas..
c-unioa Job Compositors to work in
CLicaro. Wares SI9.50 Pr week ol 54
hours. Permanent positions for first-class,
reliable men. Strike on. Address, statins ae,
experience and full particulars.
Railway Printers, - - CHICAGO.
PIT & PrnfiSS SCALES. ForStett
and Wood Frames. $25 and cp. "Write
u before you btry. e save you
mnpr Also Pumps and "Wind
BECKMil SMS- Oes Heine, laai.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
tw) , wnWaaw k
t jt
Q Best Couzh Syrup. Taste Good. TOBI
H in time. Sola trr dragnets. 1
By "Mother's Medicine Chest" and
Patent Prescriptions.
Commenting on attacks made by
certain eastern publications on some
of the best known and most valuable
of the -world's proprietary medicines,
the Committee on Legislation of the
Proprietary Association says:
"All through the country districts,
in every state of the union, you will
find in the farm houses the old family
remedies, sometimes called 'patent
medicines,' many of which have been
in use in the same household for gen
erations. Among such people the old
fashioned proprietary medicine, al
ways at hand with full printed in
' s. rations for use, is one of the neces
sities of life.
"To families in the country many
miles from a doctor such remedies are
invaluable. 'Mother's medicine chest'
has saved many a life and met many
a threatening sickness at th' thres
hold and turned it out of doors. So
far from constituting self-prescription,
as is often pretended, acquaintance
with a 'patent medicine' often obvi
ates the necessity of such a step; for
here is a prescription already made
up. the effect of which is well known.
One of the greatest advantages of
such medicine is that its constant for
mula gives it the character of a single
drug, so far as uniformity of result is
concerned, and the people who use it
know from experience just what they
can count on which is more than can
be said of many physicians prescrip
tions frequently obtained at a far
greater cost and trouble."
Jokes With Soldiers.
While some regiments of London vol
unteers were engaged in a sham fight
in the suburbs a man on a coach, pass
ing along a neighboring road, sounded
"Cease firing" on his bugle. The call
was passed along the lines and the
battle was suspended till the joke was
A Cure for Stomach Trouble A Ne
Method by Absorption No Drugs.
DO YOU 35ELCII? It means a dis
eased stomach. Are you amicted with
short breath, gas. sour eructations,
heart pains, indigestion, dyspepsia,
barning pains and lead weight in pit of
stomach, acid stomach, distended abdo
men, dizziness, HAD J'REATII, or any
other stomach torture'. Let us send
you a box of Mull's Anti-lielch Wafers
free to convince you that it cures.
Nothing else like it known. It's sure
and very pleasant. Cures by absorption.
Harmless. No drugs. Stomach trouble
can't be cured otherwise so says med
ical science. Drugs won't do they eat
up the stomach and make vou worse.
We know Mulls Anti-Helen Wafers
cure and we want you to know it, hence
this offer.
SPECIAL OFFER. The regular
price of Mull's Anti-Keleh Wafers is."i0c
a box. but to introduce it to thousands,
of sufferers we will send two (2) boxes
upon receipt of T."c and this advertise
ment, or we will send you a sample f rt-e
for this coupon.
9305 FF"F, BOX 114
Send this co iwith your name
and address an. -jnirgist's name who
does NOT sell it. for a free box of
Mulls Anti-Helen Wafers to Mulls
Grape Tonic Co., 14s Third Ave..
Rook Island. 111. Give full address
and write plainly.
Sold at all druggists, 50c per box.
If the World Were Birdlesc.
A naturalist declares, man could
not inhabit it after nine years' time,
in spue of all the sprays and poisons
that could be manufactured for the
destruction of insects. The insects
and slugs would simply eat all the
orchards and crops in that time.
Every housekeeper should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz. one full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in 34 -pound pack
ages, and the price is the same. 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to seli you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on ever- package in large let
ters and figures "1C ozs." Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing. Defiance never sticks.
Heaven knows the difference be
tween winning and work.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This is because they
have a stock on hand of other brands
containing only 1. oz. in a package,
which thy won't be able to sell first.
because Defiance contains 16 oz. for
the same money.
It takes more than push to open the
doors of paradise.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow- out; by using
Tenance Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one-third more for same
A grass widow is seldom as verd
ant as her title would indicate.
Superior luality and extra quantit
must win. This is why Defiance Starcr
is taking the place of all others.
The bitterest repentance cannot re
call the hour that is past.
dTg rermaaentlT- amd. XoflMornerT03neaft
PI 19 artdT aseof Dr. Kline' Great XerreKestor
er eml for FKKE SVi.CO trial bort-Sr and treatise
DlK-H-KLINE. LU1-. S3! Arcn strret, ItHlaJelpSUa. l"a
Keeping your sins a secret is onlj
hiding them in an incubator.
payments. J MULHALL, Sioux City. Li
The short cut to unpopularity is tell
ing men that they are growing bald
Piso's Cure is the best medicine tre ever uset
lor all aTections of the throat asd luncs. Wjf
O. ESDSIT. Vaabureu. Iud.. Feb. 10. 19L
Sincerity is the salt of character.
No chromos or cheap premiums, bui
a better quality and one-third more
of Ietiance Starch for the same price
of other starches.
Desolation follows desecration-
state: auditor of Indiana
removed by gov. hanly
SiJfvJr J24P3& -.r c52S22T j
David E. Sherrick. ousted as state auditor of Indiana, was born in
Hamilton county. Indiana, near Westfield, in IS60. He spent most of his
early life on a farm and later became engaged in the insurance business,
which he conducted until elected auditor of state in 1902, to which office
he was re-elected in 1904.
David E. Sherrick of Indiana Placed
Under Nominal Arrest.
D. E. Sherrick. removed from the of
fice of auditor of state of Indiana by
Gov. Hanly on his own showing that
he owes the state $145,000 which he is
unable to pay, was nominally placed
under arrest on the charge of em
bezzlement. The arrest followed Mr. Sherrick's
summary removal from office by Gov.
Hanly. The governor, to whom Sher
rick had confessed his shortage, had
repeatedly demanded a settlement
and, failing to secure it. insisted that
Mr. Sherrick resign. Sherrick refused
to resign, and his summary removal
followed. The governor appointed
Warren Bigler of Wabash as Sher
rick's successor.
British Railroad Statistics.
A recent report shows that in the
year 19i4 only six passengers were
killed by accidents on railways in the
United Kingdom, and that 5C4 were
injured. From statistics kept for the
past thirty years, ending with 1903, it
seems that an average of one passen
ger was killed in every 35,053.064
journeys and one injured in every
1.100.527 journeys. Out of a total of
71.007 railway employes, seven were
killed and 114 injured during 1904.
The average for the preceding thirty
years was fourteen and 137, respect
ively. This comparison shows an
extraordinary improvement, for the
number of railway employes was
greater in 1904 than the average num
ber in the preceding thirty years.
Japan's Imperial Family.
The imperial family of Japan is
said to dwell together in harmony un
der circumstances that would cause
domestic discord, if not disruption,
in an ordinary American tamily. Her
majesty the empress is several years
older than the mikado and though
she is the only wife he has ever had
she is not the mother of the five child
dren the crown prince and four prin
cesses of whom the emperor is the
father. In case she should become
the mother of a son. which, as she is
56 years old. is exceedingly improb
able, the illegitimate children of the
emperor would have to stand aside.
Now they are accorded the full honors
due to members of the imperial fam
ily. Plans School of Philosophy.
Mrs. Elizabeth Joy. wife of ex-Congressman
Charles F. Joy of St. Louis,
has begun a movement in Los Angel
es for the establishment of a school
of philosophy, the institution to he
located in a temple of science to cost
$1,000,000. The school will be de
voted to the study of philosophy, eth
ics and physiology, and its mission
will be to prove that, in nature, there
are no contradictions and that, at the
base of all warring factions of mate
rialism, sensationalism and institur-
ionalism, tnere is but one mndamen-!
tal and universal principle which j
unites tnem an ana aosomteiy accords
with science.
Want Statue of Heine at Birthplace.
Another attempt is to be made to
erect a national memorial to Heine
in the land of his birth. When an offer
was made in 1S97 to raise a memorial
in his native city, Dusseldorf. it was
curtly refused by the government on
the ground of his anti-German prej
udices, and the statue found a home
in New York. But the burghers of
Dusseldorf are bestirring themselves
again and are now determined to,
create such a body of public opinion
in favor of the proposal that the gov
ernment will find it difficult to veto it.
Woman Proficient in Photography.
Miss L. Bernie Gallagher, the assist
ant photographer in the National mus
eum at Washington, is the only wom
an in that branch of the goverment
service and her work has been sin
gularly successful. She has been a
most valuable aid to the veteran in
photography. Prof. Thomas W.
Smillie. who for thirty-five years
has been the photographer of the mus
eum and who has photographed more
eclipses, probably, than any other
man in the country.
Eastern Journal Welcomes Efforts to
Bring Back the Bicycle.
A western organization of wheelmen
is hard at work with the highly laud
able aim of starling another boom for
the bicycle. It is an exceedingly dif
ficult matter to create a boom by
purely artificial methods, but we sin
cerely 'hope that this effort will suc
ceed. The bicycle boom is a boom
which deserves to be boomed. Call it
whatever you like a craze or a fad
the popular interest and enthusiasm
for the wheel which swept over the
country a few years ago was one of
the happiest and healthiest "crazes"
that ever struck the American people,
or any other people, and it cannot
come again too soon or stay too long.
How much those years of bicycle
activity added to the sum iota! of in
nocent human enjoymen human vi
tality and energy, it would be impos
sible to estimate; but we venture the
statement, without fear of contradic
tion, that no other modern conrivance
of human devising has contributed so
largely to these benefits as the wheel
Leslie's Weekly.
Money on Its Annual Tour.
Some New Yorkers are writing
about the loss of money by the banks
of that burg as if they didn't know
what is the matter. The money is
coming south and west, as it does
every year at this season, to "move
the crops." It is going into the pock
ets of the cotton-pickers, the harvest
ers, the farmers and the country mer
chants, and into the bank accounts of
the railroads that haul the produce.
It will return to the financial centers
as fast as it serves its purpose of pro
viding the agricultural regions with
the commodities which the crops buy.
St. Louis Republic.
Popular Writer's Retrospection.
Maurice Hewlett is one cf the few
writers of the day who possesses a
University degree. He graduated
from Oxford at the early age of 19,
but he says he never was a student
To use his own words. "I have wast
ed my time. I dreamed. I tried to do
things too big for me and then threw
them up at the first failure. I dili
gently pursued every fake god. I
don't think I was very happy and I
am sure I was very disagreeable. I
doubt if I was ever a boy except for
a very brief period, when by right I
should have been a man."
Maxim Gorki in III Health.
A German journalist who had occa
sion a few weeks ago to attend a lec
ture given by .Maxim Gorki at the
Finnish summer resort KuokoJa. was
poinfully impressed by the famous
novelist's appearance. His chest was
hollow, his eyes deep in their sockets
and bordered with dark blue shadows.
His whole appearance was that of an
invalid. His awkward movements and
gestures made a lady in the audience
exclaim: "Comme il est maladroit!"
His voice was so weak that it could
hardly be heard in the back part of
the hall.
Pat Nickname for Earl Minto.
Earl Minro. who is to succeed Lord
Curzon as viceroy of India, is 60 years
old and early in life was a lieutenant
in the Scots cuards. In 1S9S he was
appointed governor general of Canada,
which position he held until a
few months ago. It was while in
Canada aiat he was given the nick
name of "Pepperminto." the origin
ator of the name being a subordinate
oScial whom his Icrdship had lectur
ed severely for neglect of duty. His
name is John Elliott Gilbert and he is
fourth Earl and Baron Minto.
Large Private Library in Russia.
One of the largest libraries in Rus
sia is private property. bIonginc to
the schoiarly Genadi Wassilyewitch
Judin. It consists of over 100,000 vol
umes, and the oddest thing about it
is that it is not situated in a larce
city, but in the neighborhood of one
of the most inaccessible Siberian
towns. K?rsjcnarsk. It was at first
in that town, but after the fire of
1SS1. which destroyed a great part of
it, the owner got alarmed and re
moved it to the country.
Fall of Niagara River.
Niagara river, in its course from
Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, falls a dis
tance of 627 feet. A survey by the
United States engineers, who meas
ured the flow of the river below the
falls, shows that it discharges 30,000
cubic feet of water a second from the
one lake to the other. By a simple
calculation it appears that in its des
cent of twenty-seven miles from lake
to lake, Niagara river develops the
aquivalent of about 9,000,000 theoret
ical horsepower.
Gen. Jackson Vine.
The wild grape vine on the shores of
Mobile bay, about one mile north of
Daphne. Ala., is commonly known as
the "Gen. Jackson vine," from the fact
that Gen. Andrew Jackson twice
pitched his tent under it during his
campaign against the Seminole In
dians. This vine, in June. 1S9T, was
reported to have a circumference of
six feet one inch at its base. Its age
was estimated at that time to exceed
100 years. Scientific American.
In True American Style.
An alarm of fire in the vicinity of
Harrrison street in Baltimore brought
out the fire department of the district.
While the bells clanged and the pun
gent wood smoke of the engines filled
the air, the merchant who occupied
the first floor pushed his way through
the crowd and hung a signboard over
his door. It read: "No interruption
to business."
The City Child Abroad.
Lucy was on her first visit to the
country, and. although she had heard
of cows being milked, she had never
seen the operation. On the first even
ing after her arrival at the farm she
said: "Mama, please may I go down
to the barnyard? I want to see just
how they get the milk into those cows
and how thev get it out azain."
His Threat.
There was a very naughty boy and
his mother did not know what to do
with him. So she said, "I will put
you in a hencoop if you will not be
have." Then he said. "Well, before
you put me in, I want to tell you that
I will not lay any eggs." New York
Mothers Are Helped
HapfJiess f Tkonarts af Hnni Dm
t Lytfia E. PiafchaaVs VMtttll Gmh
MM ud Mr. Piakaaa'a Africt.
A devoted mother seems to listen to
every call of duty excepting1 the su
preme one that tells her to guard her
health, and before she realizes it some
derangement of the female organs has
manifested itself, and nervousness and
irritability take the place of happi
ness and amiability.
g - - ia
VBa aaanaananLHai
Tired, nervous and irritable, the
mother is unfit to care for her chil- l
dren. and hercondition ruins the child's
disposition and reacts upon herself. j
The mother should not be blamed, as '
she no doubt is suffering with back- '
ache, headache, bearing-down pains or
displacement, making life a burden.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is the unfailing cure for this
condition. It strengthens the female
organs and permanently cures all dis
placements and irregularities.
Such testimony as the following
should convince women of its value :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" I want to tell you how much good Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has. done me.
I suffered for eight years with ovarian
troubles. I was nervous, tired and ir
ritable, and it did not seem as though I could
stand it any longer, as I had five children to
care for. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound was recommended and it has; en
tirely cured me. I cannot thank you enouch
for vour letter of advice and for what Lydia
E. Pinkham's Veeetable Compound has done
for me. Mrs. Ph. Hoffman, 100 Himrod
Street, Brooklyn. N. Y."
Mrs. Pinkham advises sick women
free. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Kemp's Balsam
Will stop any cogh tfeat
cam be stopped by any
medicine and cure coughs
that cannot be cared by any
other medicine.
It is aliaays the best
coagh cure. Yoa cannot
afiord to take chances on
any other kind.
coaghs, colds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion in first stages.
I have tried all Ends cf wanapreof
clothing and have never found anything
a: any price to compare with your Fish
Brand fcf protection from all kinds of
(Tb eis Bad idr cf thwrfrr cf this
CS9olici:ed letter cur b 1-xd upon ypEcmnna)
Migfcest Affard World's Fair. m.
A. J. TOWER CO. TfaeSsncf theFah
Boaon. U.S.A. $tNER&
Tcraao.Caa.ia 1.JJ
Maktrt of Wi
fefjrtloforarlysMkiJW:Qr3 swsiote
Toot jobber or dect from raetorr. Peoria, HL
---' BVavaaBBBBBBBaBtaV
SBaBaBaaSm .-;
flaar aaaB.
'- BaaV' zrr
aV bbbbbUS
$ f .,: ffl
an ffi
Mrs. Lena Smith. N. Cherry street,
cor. Line. Nashville. Tenn.. writes:
"I have had poor health for the past
four years, pains in the back and groins,
and dull, sick headache, with bearing
down p.iins.
4,A friend, who was very-enthusiastic
about Peruna insisted that I try it.
"I took it for ten days and was sur
prised to find that I had so little pain.
"I therefore continued to use it and
at the end of two months my pains had
totally disappeared.
" have been in the best of health
since and feel ten years younger. J
am very grateful to you. "
Catarrh of the internal organs gradu
ally saps away the strength, under
mines the vitality and causes nervous
ness. Peruna is the remedv.
Blood, Stonaeh aid EUwtl Reotdy
Will Yoi Accept It Hi Is Cirii or Reject It and le Miserable Ufte leatu.
Until Mull's Grape'Tonic was brought to America there was no cure
lor Constipation and Stomach Troubles.
It is now the internationally famous remedy for these ills. The
worlds greatest cure for Constipation and Stomach Troubles, Impure
Blood, nm down, and bad health generally. The Wood, Stomachand
Bowels, are strangely subject to the curative power of M nil's Grape Tonic
Mull's Grape Tonic has cured thousands, not hundreds, my reader,
bua thousands of fellow sufferers who now know the pleasures of perfect
Men, women and children in every state and neighborhood through
out the whole country bear willing witness to the marvelous eurinjr
qualities of this sovereign remedy. Mull's Grape Tonic.
Mull s Grape Tonic is in truth a boon to mankind. Mull's Grape
Tonic is peculiarly the relief and cure for decaying intestines and Uowels,
Impure Blood. Deaaed Stomach and digestive organs which afflict nine
tenths of the human race.
Constipation and its attending ills: A run down system and general
bad health. Kheumatism. Colds. Fevers, Stomach, ISowel, Kidney. Lung
and Heart Troubles. Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Diarrhea, loss of sleep and
strength. Piles. Fistula. Appendicitis. Womanly Troubles. Dizziness,
Impure Blood. Bad Complexion, etc., yield at once to the wondrous cure
of Mull's Grape Tonic.
This free bottle offer is made alike to one and all. Fathers. Mothers.
Brothers. Sisters, Wives and Children, and to every one, to you my
suffering reader, and to the ailing ones of your friends and acquaint
ances, who will even try. to be well and strong again.
Nowhere now in all the world can any sufferer say, "I have no hope,
no help, no friend to aid me in my silent misery." There is a help. There
is a cure. There is a friend. There is a way. The help is Mull's Grape
Tonic. Mankind's best friend, and the way'is free. Mull's Grape Tonic
is free, nothingto pay. nothing asked, only that you be willing to try to
be yourself again and test for yourself atour cost, free, the marvelous
merit of this sovereign cure. When
you send your name and address, tell
us simply that you want a bottle of
Mull's Grape Tonic, the
Stomach and Bowel remedy, free.
You will receive the bottle without
one cent of cost. Every penny of the
expense is ours. Simply fill out and
mail this coupon at once.
The freaclne has a elite and number (tamped oa
the label take no ether from your druggist.
I This Is What tegslsSkm
I Catches Me! BBS f
I MSox. OnaWThird Moras Starch. vn?''''mm: " "'''
I f:&, OTJUtCH
I MBe&Ja0C m BOK3caaat .
I afaiaiS J) ) 9 AT3 newu! .y'
aPBBl C. ' v Vuwarjcsuau V
am BBBBBBaarS v 1 m mai mm .
I -AW ':-lBir POUND
Nrw vw
aw'jFWA W Prcmums kut one" third
wFMIifflty' 'w$ more starc.h tban you get f
wml'iln l'i'i'i jSj other brands. Try it now, for I
Wfffl.tnrX i p hot w cold & t has no I
Ir4 w 7f $$ cquaanwilinotstctotileiron' I
Of Great Interest to the
Thoughtful and Economical Woman
"We have solved the problem of how yon can dres xell and stylish at little cost. Ask to
see our handsome aortnient cf the netrt-st and mo-t stylish dre zxxis worn by well
dressed women Tor thus Fall and Winter es.-on. We will end free upon request a beauUTal
sample selection, showing th latest and aot popular up-to-date materia-. Buy direct
from us at wbalefale prices, -xhich mean a rrat savinr to you. about half of the usual re
tail price. It will py you to se our slction of dre cood- which we .-end free upon re
quest. Hundreds of ladies in your local ty iect their material from us. because they can
get then for less than elsewhere. We cut any amount of yards desired.
Wholesale Importers of Ladies Wooteas Exclusively
W. L. Douglas
3J? &f3 SHOES S
W. L. Douglas S4.0O Cii; Sdg Lin
cannot bo oouallod at any prise.
X-MaH -. XTiSiy
CHI P.fl1 RA80 to anyone ho i
I UUUU diajrow this statimtm
W. L. DouzU $3.50 shoea have by their -
celleat tle. easy fitting, mad Mrroncariar
qaalitles. acaie eJ the Urtrest sale of any SJ.54)
shoe ta the world. They are hiat as (rood a
thoae that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the oaly
ditference U the price. If I could take ou into
iy factory at Brockton, mm., tBe unrest n
the world under one roof ataking aca' fiaa
hoes, and show vou the care with which every
pair of Douglas hoea is wde. vou would rcallra
why W. L. Doailas $3.50 shoes arc the heat
shoes produce.! hi the worU.
If I could show vou the difference between tha
shoes aaaie ia asy factory and those oi other
makes, vou would understand why Douglas
$3.50 shoes cast asore to asake. why they bald
their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ot
greater intrinsic value than aay other $3.39
hoe oa the amarket tolay.
mmm. 3.&m, S8! a?jrs' MmkmmfSi
Drmam m .?. S, 92. 1.7.1.
CAUTION. Insi't upon h.ivins; W.LDoug-
la. shoes. Tuko no substitute. "one genuine.
without his name and price stamped oa bottom.
WANTED. A shoe dealer in every town whero
VT. L. DoucL-w Slinks are not o!d. " Full lin- of
kamples sent free for inspection upon tequest.
Fast Color Eyelets used; rey will not uvar trassi.
tYrite for Illntratl Catalog of Fall Styles,
"W. 1 DOUG LAS.trucktou. Ma
Heat Your Building With
Ventilating Furnace
Auil save 40 Pr eect
on cotand fuel
Thouand in ue Guar
anteed Send for free cata
logue. Manufactured and
sold by the
la ee Criaacr k ranuct
Narks, Watctloa, law.
W. N. U. Omaha. No. 391905.
Send tht coupon with your name and d
dre and your druintftN name, for a free
N.:tle of y(air Grape Toaic. Stomach Tonic
and CoustlpaUon Cure.
Mull's Grape Tonic Co.. 149 Third
Ate.. Rock Island. III.
Cire Pull Address and Write Plalnlj,:
The II J) battle contain, nearly three tinea
the 50c size. At drug core.
M -BaBaBflaT F
jarT"aBSarsavJ i
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