The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 27, 1905, Image 1

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Cfce Jou "'. 3 Read by More People than any Other Paper in Platte County
-t-i5 "
- Vy-3"''
I 'WHP ill ii apwwfc. w, . 1
r a
Tho-e who would get rich in a day
always fail. It's the coii-ervative'peo-ple
v. ho arc our largot deiwisitors.
:iK i-
treat patrons courteously hut
t Ihmu to take no risks.
Ir.ttil;iur with us you get the
f wise council. It may save
yon from dia-ter.
The First National Bank
'Ihe Boone County Fair.
Albion isuuoof the few counties in
the state which keeps up the old fash
ioned way. The. big pumpkins, the fut
pigs, the sleek horses, crocheted laoes,
piece. 1 ml Is, pop corn, bashful
hays and giils etc., etc., are all a pari
of the euiiiitv for in Albion this year.
just the same as it was at their first an
nual fair, which lmpiened nineteen
years ago, only all are on a larger scale.
Ailerall, what is more enjoyable than
a qod county fair. Anil Boone county
appreciates the henetits as well as
pleasure?, derived from a fair.
Among the Cidumhus people who
visucd the fair lait week, which was
held fioin Tuesday to Friday, were:
Wm Swartsdey, .1. E. Fullmer. I. .1.
McCill'rey, George Scott, James Navels,
Mii Mabel Ni-vels, John Dawson, Fred
Driiiiiiiii.inl mill Luther North.
Lulu North was interested in the horse
iace, and acted in the capacity as
btai tr of the races. He also had a race
hoi ne run in tht :'i0 class.
Win Swartsley acted as judge in the
poultry exhibit, and had a riuinter of
birds on exhibit including Polish. Ban
tains, Audcliisions and alio geese.
Mr. Fullmer and I. J. McCaffrey also
exhibited, the former carrying off all the
best possible in his class, which
was 1st on fowls anJ first on the chicks
of the Rhode Island Reds. Mr. Mc
Callcry won 1st on White Rock chicks.
'J'he exhibitors from Columbus were
.enthu-iaalic in praise of the accommo
dations and treatment they received
from the Albion people.
Thnis.lay was the big day, 12.000
people passing through the gates, mak
ing almost a continual stream of people
coming ami going, all day. One of the
remaikuble fealuics about the fair is
the enclosure about the grounds. Only
two rows of barb wire fence is stretched
to keep the crowd out, fir rather to re
mind them that they should pay to get
in. The authorities claim they have no
trouble from fence sneaks.
This week, beginning Tuesday and
continuing until Friday evening. Madi
son county will have a fair at Madison,
when excursion rates from Columbus
will he g.v.'ii all those who wish to at
tend. Tho freight leaves Columbus at
7:1.1 a. ni and will leave Madison to re
turn in the evening at Tk'U) p. m. Wm
Svvartsley, J. K. Fillmer and P. J. Mc
Caffrey will each exhibit fowls at the
chicken exhibit.
Presbyterian Church Iaprovement.
The building committee of the Pres
byterian church met Friday evening
and let th contract for thecarpenter work
in repairing the church, to J as. Pearsall.
A new tower will be built, a large
window put in the south of the build
ing, a furnace, fresh paint and paper
will add much to the comfort and
appearance of the edifice. About $2,000
will Ike expanded on the repairs.
Ocod Indians.
This is the way a Belgrade correspon
dent to the Fulleiton Poit expresses bis
Messrs. Sison, Mi'ler and Mallory,
the three star base ball men of the Bel
giade team returned Monday from Col
umbus, where they have lieen helping
that crippled aggregation (the Columbus
club) defeat the Fullerton boys in a
series or three games. Of course a scalp
dance was in order.
Dr. E.H.Naumann
Has oiie of the bt dental offices
in the state.
Fully (quipped to do all den
tal work in First-Class maimer.
Always reasonable in charges.
All work guaranteed.
Over 14 years practice in Co
lumbus. ISA Street.
Dr. E. H.
Xtrteabrock Cockson.
The marriage of Miss Emma Rosalia
Kersenbrock daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Kersenbrock, to Mr. Charles Cock
ajn, occurred Thursday morning at 1)
o clock in the Catholic church, Father
Theabold officiating. Miss Ella Kersen
brock. sister of the bride, and Mr.
Harold Cockson, brother of the groom,
attended the couple during tho cere
mony. The bride was beautifully gowned in
white shot voile oyer white silk, with
veil, and carried a white prayer book.
The brides maid also wore white.
Sister Agnes presided at the organ
during the ceremony.
After the ceremony, the mother of the
britle served a breakfast to the guest-,
and also a six o'clock dinner, before tLe
departure of the bride and groom for
their home four miles south of town.
Mr. Cockson is one of the prominent
young farmers of the community, owner
of the Island Grove farm, a beautiful
home recently repaired and furnished
to receive the new bride. Mrs. Cockson
is a Columbus girl, having lived in this
eity all her life. She is a charming
young lady with many accomplishments
and makes friends where ever she is
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at
the home of the bride's parents in south
Schuyler occured one of the prettiest
weddings of the season when Father
McCarthy preformed the ceremony that
made Mr. Samuel Gass and Miss Wini
fred Higgins hueband and wife. The
house was prettily decorated with ferns,
palms and flowerj. Four charming
young ladies, Misses Florence Pruyn,
Rose Gass, Lulu Williams and Nan
Higgins, dressed in pure white acted as
ribbon bearers and formed an aisle with
ribbon canopy, under which the bride
and groom passed followed by Miss
Katberine Farrell, the ring bearer. Miss
Vera Dickinson played the wedding
march. The bride wore a beautiful
gown of iiearl gray Sappho silk over
taffeta and carried a lxiquet of brides
roses. After the ceremony the guests
were served with a delicious three course
luncheon after which the bride threw
away the Itoquet. It was caught by Miss
Nan Higgins. They received many
beautiful .presents. The bride and
groom left for Denver on the evening
train. Tney will be at home in Colum
bus after November 1st. A number of
thoir friends were at the station to see
them off and throw rice. The bride is
the daughter of Mrs. P. M. Higgins, a
native of Colfax county and one of the
aaost popular young ladies in Schuyler.
The groom is one of the most enterpris
ing business men in Columbus. He is
engaged in tbe furniture and under
taking business there and is Jin excellent
young man. Tbe out of town guests
who attended the wedding were Mr.
Sam Gass, Henry Gass, Mrs. Henry Gass
Mr. August Merz, Miss Anna Gass and
Miss Rose Gass of Columbus and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Pollard of Silver Creek."
Schuyler Quill.
Week of Sport
Last Saturday the fast Belgrade ball
team came down to our city loaded to
the tnuzzel with fast men and under
took to take a game from the locals, but
"not yet."
The famous Indian Mallroy pitched
for the visitors, bnt this fact did not
win them anything as onr boys gave
him his bumps proper and won out by
a score of G to 1. It should have been n
clean shut-out.
Captain Lobr was on the slab for the
locals and while he was touched up in
an inning or two. he kept the visitors
safely on his stall and led his players to
easy victory.
A good crowd was present and, al
though the score was small, yet the
game at times was lifeless and lacked
ginger. No important features occured
during the play anless it was the coach
ing of Judge Curtis and two "fair ones"
in the grand stand. Umpire, Mahnffey.
Tomorrow the locals go to Madison to
play at the fair for a purse of $75. This
game is expected to lie a fast one and
that purse looks good to Manager Cor
bett and the rest of the crew.
Friday the Omaha league team will
play here and this will sure be the big
one of tbe season. The locals will be
strengthened by several league players
and there will be no snaps tucked
away on the field for either side. After
we clean up the Oraahas, the boys go
next day to Belgrade for a game. So
you see our boys have their bands full
this week, and great things are expected
of the whole bnnch.
Center fielder Spencer arrived last
night and w ill join the Columbus club
for tbe balance of the season. He just
finished his engagement with the St.
Joe western league.
Jack Oorbett and our new outfielder
Spencer, went up the branch to Bel
grade yesterday morning where they
will assist the ball team at that place in
defeating some unsuspecting club from
a near by town.
Remember tke date of Miss
Kelt's Fall lilliaery Opeaing
is September 28 amd 29.
be reliable. After that the gold
smith may employ his arts to his full desire in making
the case or the chatelaine pin as ornate or as severely
plain as he wishes.
That's Why our Watches arc Guaranteed
Miss Anna Gietzen is an Omaha
visitor this week.
Attorney W. I. Allen of Schuyler was
in town Saturday.
Chas. Rickly of Omaha visited over
Sunday with relatives in this city.
Channcey Abbott and son Chauncey
Jr., of Schuyler were in our city Sunday.
Mrs. J? red Koberta was a passenger
to Omaha Thursday, where she went to
visit friends.
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Evans & Mar
tyn Jr., office three doors north of
Friedhof s store.
I. GInck left Monday to look after his
farm lands near Tarnov, Humphrey,
Madison and other places.
Don't Forget
That we carry a complete stock
Wall Paper. Prices Right.
Chas.- H. Dack, Druggist.
Miss Nellie Mathews returned Tues
day from a visit to Schuyler.
Mrs. S. A. Brindley has taken rooms
in the residence of Richard Barney and
is doing light house keeping, along with
her school work.
Miss Ethel Green of Genoa was the
guest of Miss Florence Kramer Monday,
on her way to Lincoln where she will
attend the state university.
Invitations aro out for a . o'clock tea
this Wednesday afternoon, at the home
of Mrs. II. II. Millard, Mrs. I. L. Albert
and Mrs. J. E. Erskine receiving with
Mrs. Millard.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Schuyler
came up Tuesday, Mrs. Thomas remain
ing to visit her daughters Mrs. W. I.
Speiceand Miss Selzer, and Mr. Thomas
going to Spalding on business.
Father Provincial Superior of the
Franciscan Fathers in tho St Louis
Province, will visit the Columbus Catho
lic church Thursday of this week. The
Father Superior makes a visit to each of
his churches nbout once every year.
Mr. and Mrs. Vita Henrick of Wynnet
Illinois, arrived Wednesdaj-. and are
guests of Mrs. Henry Rngalz. Mrs.
Henrick is a sister of Mrs. Ragatz and
niece of II. Hughes. They will nlso visit
near Platte Center before returning
Miss Sarah Perkinson of Platte Center
was in town last week on her way to her
homestead in Oklahoma, where she goes
semi-annually to sleep the required
number of nights on the claim. Ibr
brother, Joe Perkinson of Milford, who
has a homestead adjoining hers, accom
panies her on the trip. Their nearest
rail road station ib Higgins Texas.
is made of Grape
Cream of Tartar
Absolutely Pare.
Makes the food
more Wholesome
and Delicious.
Ladies' Watches..
Watches to suit the fair sex must
do double duty that of ornament
and that of correct time-keeping.
Our watches are based on the lat
ter essential first the works must
66e Jeweler
Dr. C. V. Campbell, Dentist with Dr.
Lnescben, Arnold's old stand, Olive st.
WAY UP is used by all who desire a
fine quality of patent Hour. The Co
lumbus roller mills makes it.
Attend Miss Kelso's Opeuing
Friday and Saturday, Septem
ber 28 and 29.
Mrs. Brindley and children of North
Platte were the guests Monday of Mrs.
S. A. Brindley on their way home from
' A conference of the Catholic priests in
the Columbus deanery will be held at
the Monestery in this city October .'I,
when twenty-four priests and Bishop
Scannel will be present.
Rev. DeWolf and family visited in
Schuyler Tuesday.
Mrs. A. F. Wing is suffering fiomthe
effects of having a rusty nail run through
her foot, which accident happened Tues
day evening.
Lost between Convent anil Suburban
school, a bunch of keys. Finder will
please leave at Journal office and receive
suitable reward.
Mrs. A. D. Benham, who lias been
visiting at the borne of her son W. II.
Benham, left for her homo in Cedar
Rapids last Thursdsy.
Mrs. Geo. O. Waters of Broken Iiow
nrrived Wednesday on a visit toher son
Prof. Waters. This is Mrs. Waters first
visit to her son since he came to Co
The last relic of the gas plant made
its departure this week. L. Schroeder
& Son loaded the large tank on a freight
car yesterday, prepartory to shipping to
St Louis.
Rev. and Mrs. Yost and daughter
Elsie were guests of the J. C. Echols
family Tuesday on their way from St
Paul to Plaiuviow, where Rev. Yost has
been transferred by the Methodist
The Rogers correspondent to the
Schuyler Quill says: M. J. Costello,
section foreman at this place, received
orders Monday afternoon from head
quarters to report at Ogden, Utah, as
soon as he could get there. The purpose
of his going will be for him to act as a
witness in a suit brought by a cattle
shipper who had several cars of cattle
held on account of the washout several
miles west of here lust year. The ship
per claims that the company could have
passed his stock on considerable sooner
than they did and by their being held
lost bis money.'
The Fremont Tribune recently con
tained the following: "L. D. Richards
of Fremont, acting in behalf of the Fre
mont General Power Co., has filed ap
plication wi h the State Board of Irriga
tion for a water right for a power plant
near Fremont. His plan calls for an up
propriation of 2,000 cubic feet per sec
and, taken from the Platte river four
miles southwest of Schuyler, carried in
a race twenty six miles, following along
near the Northwestern right-of-way, to
the location of tbe power plant at the
mouth of Elm creek, two miles south of
Fremont. The head of water obtained
is named as 125 feet and 42
000 horsr-power will he developed. The
cost of the dam is named in the ap
plication as 3125,000, is to cost $235
000. the machinery 1700,000 the build
ings$100.000 more making the total plant
worth o250.000. D. Richards is
oamed as sole owner of the proposed
plant. The application has to be passed
upon and the tract in question examine d
I before its approval, the matter taking a
month or two for final settlement."
Lives 30 Days in Cornfield
SherilT Davis or Nance county, ar
rived in C'oluuihus Friday with a young
man twenty years old nanud Wid
Carpenter who is demented and was
taken to Norfolk ami placed in the
The unfortunate fellovif res. den near
Bellgrade and for a time had acted
wrong when, about four weeks ago left,
homo and but a few time- during that
period was ho Been. His occassional
apearauce aroused the roinmnniiy and
when the authorities were notified and
search liegnn, the man was found hid
in a cornfield. Ho had provided him
self with an iinpovislieil shelter, and had
during the thirty day's absence from
home, subsisted entirely on what the
cornfield aiTorded. County Superinten
dent Wood Smith, of Nance county ac
companied the sheritr and prisoner en
their trip to Norfolk, and in speaking to
a Journal reporter, said the man was
formerly a pupil in his school when
teaching in Belgrade and was an unusual
ly bright scholar.
The demented man at times become
raging and being strong pbysicially is a
dangerous man.
Society Circles.
Mrs. Charles Platz entertained at a
linen shower for Mis Kramer last Fii
day afternoon. It was one of those
delightfully informal afairs, only ten of
the club girls being present. After ad
miring all the beautiful pieces of linen
which the young ladies had brought,
the guests, eeated around one table,
were served a threo course luncheon.
Mis. Platz had painted dainty little
place cards for the occasion.
On Saturday Miss Metta Hensley en
tertained at' a Kensington for Miss
Kramer. Twenty two young m ladies
were prej-ent. Tbe house was artistically
decoiated in yellow. A dainty two
course luncheon was served, and just as
the guests were ready to rise a mes
Sanger arrived with a package for "Miss
Vera Kramer." As it was elaborately
done up in many wrappings Miss
Kramer deel'ired it was some joke and
hesitated at opening it. But when all
the wrappings were removed, she held a
beautiful silver coffee brewer, the gift
of the ladies pre.sent. Miss Kramer was
beautifully gowned in a black lace
cost u mo.
The next party for Miss Kramer was
the miscellaneous shower given by Mrs.
Frank Stevenson and Miss Stevenson at
their home Monday afternoon. Here
also the color scheme was yellow. In
one corner of the hack parlor, a wedding
bell, white outside, with yellow lining,
was suspended with yellow ribbons.
Around the edge wore fastened many
streamers of narrow yellow and whitt
riblxuis, the end of each altu'lieil to a
gift and all piled into tin: hell which
was held up. Mit's Kroner was asked
to sit under the bell, vhe:i little Made
line Stevenson pulled the ribbons and
nil tin- n!ii'k!M'ia r:inii) fcliovvi'riin' iIdu'ii
,,- ,- ., ii i
Ml 'w Kramer then opened each parcel,'
and they were pa-b'ed around amid
many "ahs"and "ohs" and "How sweet..'
The guests were soived dainty refresh
uients in the dining room.
Mrs. J. R. Carter Dead
Mrs. Carter, wife of J. K.Carter, died
Thursday at her home in oast Columbus
after altout my weeks. illness. Not. until
tho last two days was she considered to
be in a serious condition, and tho an
nouncement of her death came as a
shock to her acquaintances. The re
mains were t-iken Friday to Creighton
where as M'sS May Kuckinastcr. she
passed her girlhood days, and where
her relatives still reside. Funeral ser
vices were held in Creighton Saturday.
Mrs. Carter leaves her husband and one
son to mourn her depart ure.
Wanted A good girl for general hou.s
work, four in family. Call at this office.
jOrll -
Oats 1J5? bushel
Rye ty bushel
lianej , ...........
Potatoes f bu
Butter -13 Ib
II u
Eggs ty dozen M
Begs to announce to
the people of Colum
bus and Platte coun
ty that he hits open
ed his dental office
in the rooms long
occupied I y Dr. H. J.
Arnold, on Olive St.,
four doors south of
the Niewohner blk.
His practice has been in connec
tion with the most skilled dental
operators in the west ami his serv
ices to patients are guaranteed.
Fion tiles of Journal May 21, 1871.)
Married, May 20 in the Congregational
church by Rev. J. E. Elliott, William
Smith and Miss Sabina Kenahan, On
the loth Elder II. J. Hudson joined in
marriage at bis residence, Ephriam
Pilling and Mis Catburina Cording both
of Platte county.
Speiee & North advertise 'UtO.OOO acrs
of choice lands in the Loup Fork Valley
at Slii per quarter section. Two-hundred
lots in Columbus, prices ranging
from $2.ilo$r00.
The First Quarterly Conference of
the Methodist Church for Columbus
Circuit, will be held at the Nebraska
Avenue Church, Saturday and Sunday.
Col. John Rickly has removed his
grocery from the old stand to his new
building on the corner of !Uh and WasL
ington Ave.
rFrom files May .11, 1871)
Jacob Lewis, one of ihe first settlers
of Columbus, was in town Monday,
celebrating ibe birthday of our city.
Fifteen years ago, May 29, 185(1, Colum
bus was laid out, and the following
n lined persons were among the fir t
settlers: Vincent Kiimmer, our present
county treasurer, Jacob Lewis, Chas.
Reinke, Fred Gottechalk, Jacob Guter,
John Wolfel, John Held, Henry Lue
sehen, Adam .Dank and Michael Smith.
Mr. Lewis's farm, which, adjoins Co
lumbus on the east, was homeeteaded
by him in 18TJ.
The strawberry festival hi Id in one of
the churches last week, brought the
ladies Siai.lK).
Among the special advertisers tbih
week are Major Troth for lumber:
John Eu-den, plasterer and bricklayer;
II. P. Coolidge furniture and hardware;
F. G. Becher, MtCormick harvesters;
L. W. Platte, Pawnee goods; A. J.
Arnold jewelry.
In District Court.
Judge Hollenbeck held short terms of
district court Friday and Saturday, dis
Msing of several cases, among the more
important, were the following:
In divorce case of Teagor vs. Teagor,
former decision set aside and temporary
alimony to amount of tlf.0 granted.
Heard evidence in the case of M.
Croniu vs. ToiHpson,.and held bis. opin
ion under advi.sement. This is the case
in w hich C'ronin sued Tompson for the
overflow of water from a mill dam, the
matter being left to arbitrators, and
now Cronin claims that the arbitrators
had lieen tampered with and le-ks the
court to set aside their report, which
was to allow Cronin 200 damages.
City of Coin tubus asks for an injunc
tion against the U. P. 1L R. Co . restrain
ing it from laying a gravel walk on the
noith side of 11th street between North
and O sts.. instead of using brick or
cement as required by ordiuanci
' J
Ben V. Walters asks damages against
J. II. Kersenbrock in the sum of S00 as
coimntesion for selling a quarter section
of land. Also asks for forty shares of
stock in the Columbus Brewing Co. of
the value of id, 000 which he claims he
earned in promoting the organization of
tli company.
Nellie Lyons ask for a divorce from
Wm. Lyons. They have been mairied
seven years. She asks t he custody of
their three children.
Christina Kdington, 51 years old, asks
to be released from her mntrim nial
ties with Geo. C. Kdington who is :."
years old. lief using to give her proper
support is direct cause of suit.
In New Quarters.
The three new store buildings of L.
F. I'hillipps on East Eleventh street
have been completed and will be o
cupied by Seth Braiin, Schram &
Keating and Frischholz Bros.
The moms are finely tivtnred and in
every way are modern and up todaie.
Seth Brauii, with a complete lino of
dishes, notions, toys etc., was the liist
to occupy the new quarters. Has his
display of goods so that the store pre
sents a very attractive appearance. He
has added a large slock of new goods
ami with plenty of room in able to
handle his trade to the perfect tatis
facti'.n of all his customers.
FiiRchholz Bros, moved into their
new room Thursday ami now have oue
of ihe most airy gents furnishing store
in Columbus.
Keating & Schraiu is now handsouiely
located in the east room of the three
buildings and with tie- additional space
hae made their grocery store one of
the most inviting in the city.
The buildings were put up substanti
al! and in every way modern for busi-ne.-s
use They are an ornament to tl e
city and a great improvement to
Eleventh street.
The residence of Prof. Sherinin was
placed under quarantine last Friday,
the little 6on Teddie, aged four yeais
being atllicted witb diphtheria. The
case is reported as in a light form.
40) Acres for Sale.
We have 400 acres of fine farming land
one mile west of Creston which will be
sold at public auction at tbe court bouse
at Columbus, Nebr., Saturday, Sept. 30,
at 2 p. m. Kuper k Wurdeman. 3t
ii9l Ll
much to you how your banker con
siders your a Hairs. It he tries to
make all lie can of you, considering;
only his own interests, that is oue style
of banking;.
If you do your huiiics where your
interests are considered' us well as the
interests of the hank, that is another
Columbus Statu Bank
feels that it has obligations to
its customers ami to the community.
It tries to erforin thee duties.
School Mews.
On account of diphtheria iu the home
of Prof. Sherman he decided to have tel
phones placed iu each school building
in the city so that be can communicate
with tbe teachers without calling in per
son at the buildings, as many people are
fearful of the spreading of the disease.
E ich want was provided Monday with
an Independent telephone and Prof,
Sherman will make his headquarters in
Clol her hotel. Although the precaution
is nnnessary, Mr. Sherman is anxious
that the disease will not spread through
any fault of bis.
The Columbus High school foot ball
0038 will go to North Bend Saturday to
play a game.
Last Saturday the first foot ball game
of the season was played !in Columbus
Itetween our city and the York High
school boys. The game was interesting
from first to last and no score was made
by either side. Myron Gray by some
swift running atone time kept the York
boys from making a score and through
good tackle work on our side, the Colum
bus lioys held their position. The York
boys were heavier, and had other advan
tages in their favor. In the evening after
the game, the two fcot ball1, teams ' Were
entertained by the basket ball girls at
the home of Miss Susie Roen. The ev
ening was passed in singing popular and
college songs, after which refreshments
were served. The rooms bad been neat
ly decorated with the High school colors
among them being the handsome satin
banner of the high school.
The following taken from the Omaha
Beit sent by the Schuyler corresKudent
will be of interest to Columbus young
(teople: "The contestants in the potato
raising contest started by Prof. Sher
man last spring, brought their samples
of the crop into town today and the
judtres inspected them and awarded tho
prizes. The prizes were not awarded
upon the crop alone, but tbe board in
spected the fields before the crop matur
ed and graded them according to the
way they were kept up and the general
apiienrance. After inspecting the sam
ples of the crlips submitted, the judges
awarded the first prize of $10 to Miss
Anna Stienberger and the second prize
of $5 to IViiss Mattie Van Ilousen.
County Clerk Mnpes and Councilman
Chaplin were the judges. The judges
say tho girls kept up their fields much
Itetter than the lioys and as a whole
their grades exceeded the lioys by a
good margin."
Econony in Coal.
Why burn your money when you can
savo it by buying our Blend coal at $5. 'it)
or Sunshine at SKO0 per ton at yards. A
trial of this coal will convince you that
they are all right.
Wkavf.i: .t Son, Coal Co.
For Sale.
My 20 acre fruit farm, two and a half
miles east of Columbus mid a quarter
mile north of telephone road. Price
$1500, part cash, balance on time.
W. J. MoEathko.v,
ll'ith and Jackson Sts., Omaha, iS'eb.
If you want a Hour witb all the nu
tritious parlof tho wheat buy GOLD
DUST made by Columbus roller mills.
Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist.
One of the largest and best
equipped dental offices in
the state. 1
Vitalized Air far Palntoas
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