K&as9aniLM-jeoqwjrB,av&3fgt I i ! t i J J R3 iv;r s rw I H HBSCSSJMtuX-1 1- - hi1 n . fawnM.tmUiM3SttM '! HM HHIwwtH tiMt'H"M turn ,i m..iH4iH AgdaUcRrcparadonforAs- I SlBaKlUiaj HKIUUUdiMtiCKioa- KieStoMChsaHlBoMieisQr Promotes DigeslioaCheerful MessandHest.Contains neither Opa.Morphine norMiueraL Not Karc otic. tmdi Aperfecl Remedy forCoastipa fion, Sour Stonach.Diarrinca and Loss of Sleep. FacSJisile Signature of NEW YORK. CUSTOM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 6REST0N rK AmUTtBtOFHOUM Crouton subscribers may jmy sub-crijlion It Sjdiu-y Kistiu.mat the Oraton 1'hiir.uacy. -f yon havM anytiiiutu btij nr wll, we Mr. Kai-t-inau ami let him advertise it in tho leadii:e (taierof 1'l.tttu coiitny. Journal .ulc hlwa)tli Ui biir-iiu.-,. .dvertii-e in our Imai- ihit ri:t. Su. iiliniit that with journal advertis Xtlu AV MI atf EXACT COPT Or WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CUSTOM ATTRACTIVE COAST TOURS Takt tht Burliigfin fnm Cilumbus to Portland. Seattle. Tacoma and Return. (Direct Routes, Daily from MayM 445.00 Portland and Return, (One Way via California. May 23.24.25. 211.20. SI. Jure 1.2. 6. 23. 14. 15. 10. 23. 24. 27. 2S. 29. 30, July 1. 2. 3, C. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 23, 2f. 27. Aildi- ' tionaldatesin August and September 6 00 San Francisco. Los Angeles and Return. (Direct Routes) Aliove Dates 56.00 San Francisco. Los Angeles and Return. (Direct Routes) May 2!'. CO. 31, June 1. Aug ust 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. October 17. 18. 19. Tti. 21 50.0O These rate apply over the liurlititons direct line l Penvcr, thence through Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake city. Also over the Burlington-Northern I'acitic direct nntthwot route to J'tiget Sound and Portland. The most comprehensive tour of the I'aciiic cat, including California, Shasta lloute, Portland Exposition, IMijret Sound cities, W:ihiir'tMi and Montana can be made usinjr the various Iturlinton Main Lino. The Iturlington i.s the only line by which on can take in the l?l:ik Hills. and Big Horn country in connection with tlii-. ttip with no additional expense Daily through I'ullman Standard SIecpei to San Franico via Denver, Scenic Colorado ana Salt Lake. Apply to the undersigned for I'ttitlnnd Expedition folder, California folder, Tourit cM-arMim folder, for berths', inform ation, ticket", etc. Describe your proposed trip and let me advie jou the least cost and the bct way to make it. IHSH L. F. SECTOR, Age Columbus, Nebr. moot OREISEN BROS. KS E A. Jinn"'. M. IJ. I'hjswinn anil Hiir sieon. Call piomply nnwtreil day and tiiylit. "( to L ite For Liist Week.) Sdney Eastman went to Omaha Tuesday to buy holiday ynods for the CroRton Pharmacy. Mrs. Eastman went to Pi!- I to visit lier parents who will return to England in about three weeks, Bruce Webb who was uotuiualed for slier: IT by tho republicans is a euro winner. It is only a ijuctition of how many Injures it will take- to xprcn his -i majority. He will carry this part or the county solid. H. G. MORRIS, M. D. Call Creston Pharmacy. Calls promptly answered bay or night. Creston, Nebraska. Dr. and Mrs. H G. Morris, who return ed last week from their wedding trip, were triven a royal and somewhat oriental reception by their many friends. A tailor made suit ordered by a one hundred and fifty pounder but cut for a three hundred pounder may not lit, but thnt is what Sydney Eastman ran up against this week. Creston won another 1,'iiaie from Howells Sunday by a score of 11 to (5. Ch'irlie Sharraris running the Creston Pharmacy in Sydney Eastman's absence. We are headquarters lor everything in Drug sun dries, Paints, Wall Paper and Painter's Supplies. Prescriptions a specialty CRESTON PN1RUCY g jv j,gg. 'SSvt-S'$'Sh-$-$Sv$' Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wagner returned Thursday from their wedding trip. The Creston Pharmacy has installed a new S240 cigar case. Geo. Perkins of David City, a Spanish war veteran, was visiting his comrade, Sydney Eastman, last week. flOYAl iiiii &AKIN0 POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phos- phatic acid aOVAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK, FOX SALS $1600 bays say Oolasabus property 2 blocks soath of tbe Coert Hoaae. Please ooauaaBicate direct and make an offer. Possession can be had at any time desired by purchaser. Address 2621 CapitDl Ave:, Omaha, Nebr. iw Olof Johnson. 40) Acres for Sale. We have 400 acres of fine farming land one mile west of Creston which will.be sold at public auction at the court house at Columbus. Nebr., Saturday, Sept. 150, at 2 p. m. Kuper & Wurdemau. 3t I Slav .ttredaiBKN. May weddings are supposed by many persons to be? unlucky. It is a heritage from the ancient Romans. A May bride, says Ovid, is short lived, his explanation being that the mouth in cluded the celebration of the I.omuria in honor of the dead. Apart from any evil omen, such a time of mourning would interfere with the bathing and toilet arrangements that were proper preliminaries to weddings. Plutarch suggests that, as April was the mouth of Venus and June that of Juno, to se lect May was to slight those nuptial coddesscs and that June, as the mouth - .. ...... ktuw H-a vtfl-ftfkVMllt1o an,l Mr Unll w:n inm..t ,Q !.! ; ! H uu? J uuH U""1'" .-i... - .u ;,7 , I to May. the mouth of the old (maiores). the iHoo.1 River country. j . lvWK lnalas nwIo nubere vul- Mrs. M. Vanderhoof. ttccompanied by i ,ts ait" (there is a popular saying thr.t her daughter, Mrs. Clara Hn: ton. arrived- wicked women wed In May) was in- from South Hend. Ind.. yefterday. on n! scribwl on the gate of Holyrood when visit to hor son. Sato Vanderhoof. ! Mary. nieen of Scots, married Both- m. , . ,, - ,r- . I well in May, 1357. What followed Three of our fancy stock nosersVictor gtrwigtIieilcd ScottUh belief In May's neeu, uiih. neeier anu veo. x. viarK, iiuluckiuejss made purchasee of line stock which was on exhibition at tho state fair. Each of these gentlemen bought n prize hog to add to his herd. A. Powell bought the Robert Kennedy residence property on Second street last Saturday at n trustee's sale. Considera tion 900. Rev. A. S. Becklnnd left Tuesday to attend the Nebraska Conference of the Swedish Lutheran church. He will visit his daughters, Ruth and Esther, who un attending the Lutheran academy at Wahoo, before he returns. mHB 4.-.l!0 ri;.oo Our Midsummer Sale is now going on. We are offering Goods at prices lower than ever. For instance, Our line of Clothing which is excelled by none in the City, we knock off 20 on our Summer Goods, and For instance, Our line ol Summer Shoes we knock off 20. Besides, we offer many specialties in Gent's Furnishing Goods. Our Shirt Sale at 39c has caused much comment. t There never were such bargains sold anywhere. Come and investigate. The Goods must go. We need the room tor Fall Goods. Liberty. llob't Anderson lost a valuable colt one day this week. A son was born on Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Dubrary. Miss Amanda Nelson of Monroe is employed at the home of A. O. Pearson A number of our people attended a tent show at Genoa Wednesday evening. We have seen things that were not of the best order before, but for an absolute, downright sell this aggregation is certainly entitled to the cup. During the storm early Thursday morning lightning struck a stack of oats belonging to John Lawson, but owing to the grain being wet, it did not blaze out until along in the forenoon. Neigh bors saw the lire and by diligent work prevented its spreading to tbe other stacks. The grain was insured. Mrs. Smith Maney and daughter, Miss Ella, returned from their trip to the Pacific Coast Tuesday. They visited Spokane, Portland, Pasadena, Oal., and Denver. Mr. Maney met them at Denver, but owing to some misunderstanding were compelled to return by different roads. Mr. Vint Plnmmer and Miss Ellen Lawson drove down to Colnmbus on Thnrsdav and were married. The bride is n daughter of Mr. John Lawson, and has lived here all her life, while the groom is a young man who recently came horn from Missouri, and is employ ed on the farm of Rob't Anderson. District 44 and Vicinity. We have had more than an abundance of rain here since the tirst Monday in September since which time there has been but two days suitable for threshing gram. Cattle on pasture are independent and seem to lie faring sumptuously. Five threshing machines standing helpless in the mud in this neighborhood waiting for mud to stiffen. Our teacher. Miss Uensley, is having a sorrowful time getting to and from her school, driving out daily from the city, in an open rig and often hitting a heavy shower of rain both ways, all of which takes pluck. At the recent meeting at Schuyler of the old settlers of Colfax Co. Mr. and Mrs. James Haney of Colfax Co. were awarded a prize for being the oldest married conple with the longest .con tinued residence in above county. Every one was there, old and young, from Jos Haney to Geo. Drinnin. Miss Annie Herring returned one day last week from Chicago and the sonth, where sne has been visiting for the past month. Evelyn Drinnin is making arrange ments to take a trip up to Holt Co. to visit with her sister Plessie who lives at Atkinson. Winter wheat that was sown 10 days ago. is now two inches high, and every kernel producing a plant. Rut on ac count of the recent heavy rains there has been no planting done yet this I week. BURLINGTON BULLETIN Of Round Trip Rates Chicago and return, on sale daily 8-000 St. Louis and return, on sale daily IS 2f Portland, Seattle, and Tacoma.and letnrn, on sale daily Portland. Tacoma and Seattle and return. o:ih way via California, on sale Si-pt 7 "JS mid 21 San Francisco iim! Ls Angeles and A ! 4 V . A. l WjVSkfk I rvinrn, on mic uci io to .: iuuj Salt Lake and Ogdcti, Utah, and I return, on sale daily :5050 Cody, Wyo., Black Hills and Hot Sp'gs. S. D., approximately half rates all summer. Low One-way Colonist rates to Califor nia and Northwi-t So t. 1.1 to Oct. ;tl J Cheap Home.secki-r'r; i.-i t-s in manv di rections first and tciid Tuesdays of each month. u you win can or wiuo it win ue a pleasure to advise yon about rates, train service, to reserve yon a berth, and to try to make your trip a- comfortxble one. L. F. Rectok. Agent C.B AQ.Ry. $gP Special Reduced Excflrsion Rates Philadelphia, Penn., and return. One fare plns2 00. On sale Sept 11th, 15th and lGtb. Cheap rates daring the summer to Chicago, Milwaukee and WalnkiBha, Wis., St. Panl., Minneapolis and Dnlnph, Minn.. Mackinac Island and Mackinaw Oity, Mich , Deadwood, Lead and to Hot Springs S. D., and other places Wii onsin and Minnesota aesorts. J. A. Kuhn, A. G. F. & P. A. 1201 Farnham St.. Omaha, Neb. GR&ISEN BROS., BE2L" it t t 1 1 n n i m i m i n n i u n u ISOME PAIN1 IT" "i S,-!TtJl-S i. a. i ate a. . hM lea S. Unseed Oil is tlte ;'aiu!at:on t.i .-;i i-t,.f ..., I that most et tkem itru utinl!.r-u-,i ..,. f. "-";' " ?"" saiaasMai fl4 snaBBta faWM Tt-rT n m . STZZuZl .' 7ZZZ; -r. t " it' rP . le K.;n.ly- T-jMi tiave to lake feis ol iop ju purliy? "E?.1 rasat,yon pr h Snuly.nixrd "IV or frc:a 2iyjos ti-. tuX.WZ. V Ail M .AA .- . - . ' --. w mmm JUUI CUU S.t'iiiar .1 IMtTrCf. "fnsroP, wbca tho passe is ram. 2LJ J-. '" ""S mm COM YOB kHick GnM" Mr mam Til . . ' ta m mil snmfMrtttocasBca mnHMHinan BMMii msrtgMi Uk the mn I MM w MM k tmtm MBMBoiwaaniciT sro mmmm Mmn k .w..a.w ox sobsh. is i. loaai caiaaa aiaiv ajapjiwop sop slots . iA w mmm BHn avw ojwi in . TSJtoMlotfsKml mt ttnaiu, aispnlnr mmtt aSt Bra test tho koos. oM JfVtCABt,S Urn It is to thm oowa with the pare raw oil. WHEREVER WE HAVE NO AGENT. YOUR OWN DEALER WILL X 'KHtLOCH" FOR YOU. IF SHOWN THIS AD.. BY WRITING DIRECT T0 KINLOCH PAINT COMPANY. ST. LOUIS MO. LINDSAY The Opinion. E. A. Stockslager, of Santa Anna, Cal., was in Lindsay on business last Monday. Arthur Connelly, son of William Con nelly, and Miss Mary Walters of Albion, were married in Albion on Tuesday of this week, Father Crawley officiating. The Newman Grove schools have been temporarily closed on account of scarlet fever, one of tbe teachers lieing taken with the disease. A strict quar antine is maintained and it is not thought that any more cases will develop. Last Tueslay at the John Albracht homestead in the SL Bernard neighbor hood ocenred the wedding of Elizabeth Albracht to Christ J. Schaefer. These young people are deservedly popular and many friends were present, from both town and country, to wish them well. The Opinion congratulates. Eric Brodboll returned Tuesday from South Dakota. He says that is a great country of activities and mnch money making, the principal business being tbe Felling of peruna to the indians and pulling strangers' legs for seventy-fivr ("ents for fifteen-cent meals. Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Frank Soderberg of Omaha is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiernan visited the family of Shell Clarks Sunday. Mrs. O. L. Dodds, Mrs. W. E. Curry and children left for Red Oak, Towa Sat. to visit their parents Mr. and Mrs. Kernes. Mrs. J. B. Welch was taken to St. Mary's Hospital Sat. Mt. Pleasant school commenced Ia6t Mondny, Miss Mabel Tompson, teacher. Hotice to Defendant. William Hnston will take notice, that on the Tth day of Angnst 11)0.1, Wm. O'Brien, a Justice of the Peace of Colnmbns, Platte County, Ne braska, issaed an order of attach ment for the snm of $14.1)0. in an action pending before him. wherein Herman Kersenbrock is plaintiff and William Hnston defendant, that prop erty of the defendant, consisting of one iron bed, one bed spring, one matrass, one dresser and one commode has been attached nnder said order. Said cause wac continued to the 2.1th dar of September 1905, at i o'clock a. m. Herman Kersenbrock By O. N. McElfresh, His Attorney. Calumet is the only High Grade Powder offered to the consumer at a Moderate Price It should not be confused with the cheap, low grade powders on the one hand, nor the high priced trust powders on the other. BBIlP" No No. No. No. No. No. No. Nit, No No No No No No No. No. No No. EAST BOUX1 . JU? UN' . 12, (Chicago Special 4, Atlantic Expreee 8. North 1'lntte Local . 10, Putt Mail i. ... B, Eattrn KxprewN 2. Overland Limited M. Local Freight WKHT BOUND. MAIN LINK. . 5, Cnlifornin and Uni,inKx.... . 11, Colo. SoociiU . . FuHt.Mil . 1, Overland Liiuit! . S, Colorado KxntH . 7, North l'latto Local iS, Local Freight NORFOLK BRANCH. j, PaMenicer 17. Mixiil 30, ranoenger.. H. Mixtitl T.:ir. a. m. . rtMi n. in. 2:11 p. in. I' . in. 2S31. in. .":!' p. in. . .lilt a. m 7:WI j. m .10:10 a. in. . ll:ir. a. in. .12:10 . m . t ;V . Ill . 11:00 ft. III. . 7.-00 a. m. lVjiart . 8rtUo. la . 71' a. in Arrive .12: tf i. ii! . 7: !'!. u ALBION ANU SCAI.MNli IIIl.N:lI. Uepart No.ai. Patenter J2T i. iu. No. 7tt, Mixed 7iUa. :n. Arrive No. 32, PafwenRer 12r j. m No. 80, Mixed o:0) j in Norfolk (MtmienKer tniinn rnn tinily. No trains on Albion and pul.itns tmuioi SnmiaTs. All main line pnswuor train- daily. mt. 11. Mkmiam. Aui 3,000 Acres in one body in Nance county just bought; has four sets of buildings. Never on the market before. It wilt be cut up to suit purchaser. Becliei, HoGkenfeerger and Chambers. Time Ta! "SS?s mt&s&LmL' Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joaeph, Kansas City. Bt. Louis and all points Eaat and Sonth. COLUMBUS. XKit DdUVtl Helena. Butte, Salt Lake City Portland, San Francii and ali poi:i;t Went rfZS 5rfV-iCX u. -0- ji d TRAINS OKI'ART. No. 22 PaBaenger, daily except Similar . 7 IU h. : No. 32 Accommodation, daily oxivpt Hftorday 4:30 p. :i' TR.UNB AUHHE. No. 21 Paaaenger, daily except Hurxiay. 8:.r.O p. i No. 31 Accommodation, daily except Urnday ........ ..................... 1:30 p.r: -" a .lir. .Uwru-i r.'Iir.Mi-. l.:-.'Hr.r.-,k lrticci-t Tor tiBisj-MKvs-EUf.v i:x;i.js:8 u. it,..j j (.oll imti'.Ilic- M)T.-s. sil.-.l it!i I.llli- .-.Mh.il Taltriimillipr. IC-fti. ln:irr.u-ul-.ti-'ii:int:ttil imit:cliif.. f.:n ..f vour l)ni:-si-C if C.ttfl f.. fi. Lt , . .. .: a ... .. oj;ni:.:- ii, -Ijfll-r rr !......." m 'ntrr i rclorn "JatI. lK.(iM'lf.:.uiiiiii.ii. s-t.I hi till lr.nzii-m. CIIICHKSTEU CHRMICAI. CO. iICO Sutilion .iu:ir-. I'Hli.. 1A. 3Ieiil!ou this papar. A LAUD Of WONDERS. Tke SigataeerFiads Many Thiugft oi Iatoreat ia California. California has nnmerous natural briuges, caves, etc. of no little interest. The Mamoth Cave of Cul.iver.is, dib covered by miners in ISoO; the Aiabtistei Cave; the Crystal Palace Cave, contain ing a number of attnictive btibterranean appartments, such as the bridal Cham ber, tbe Chrystul Palace Room. Acuri- onsappartment called Music Hall, where tbe deposits of aqueous origin not otilv take the form of organ pipes, sounding boards etc., but emit, when struck, must- calsonudsand vibrations. .Near this cave are two natural bridges winch the tour ist can visit and return to the railroad within half an hour. The only natural way to reach these scenes of interest is via "The Overland Limited, ljoute," comprising the Union Pacific and South ern Pacific, now realy one line. The only line running through trains to San Francisco from Omaha, its fast trains arriving sixteen hours ahead of all com petitors. Pamphlats and maps describ mg the wonders of California, and fin information about the most contfortabf and direct route to the Pacific Coats.cnn be obtained of E. L. Lomns, G. P. ,v T. A. Omaha. Xeb. CATARRH Waw .r ifiv M iiLY'3 Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Civo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cle.m-e-, soothe, heals, and protects tho di-;-:i'(l laeiuhnme. It cares ('atarrh and ilrives away a C'ld in tli- Head (om-kly Uestonvt tho Sense-' of Tanto and SmelL rLusy t ut". Contain- no injurious drag-. Apjdied into tho nostrils and ahsorlted. Iiiirgu Si. .r)D cents at Iruggits or ly mail; Trial Size, 10 ccnt3 by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. Hard Coal A & Ract Piannwltranl TTaixl final 4IO nrt I aVal SBBal m-.wv . UD..UM. .n.u vv., "" at yards. Newman and Welch. It Kf THE NEW IDEA m THE ORIGINAL LAXATiVE HM G 0 U 6 !! SYRUP ennedysIaxativemoiiey Hues tbe Bowels Best for Children mk Kl R:d cier B!csn en Erery sdtie Sold by Chas. H. Dack, Druggist. pg9H K'AK LCP(WtU((0. utuc drtUgds bright s disease Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. St. Edward. F nin the Advnnrc Ifev. L.ir?nn of Swedlmnr lectured at t5:e Salem Luthenn church Monday eve ning in the interest of foreign mission worK. Mrs. E. C. Davis returned home yester day from St. Mary,s hospijal at Col umbus where she had been for a short time at the bed side of her brother. Frank Sharp, who was taken there last week injured by tbe accidental dicharge of a shot gun. FOLEYSKIDNEYCURE stops Irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, oacKacne, siomacn irouoic, siuggiu avw, iucuku audi c action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. Row to Fhssf Ort. Tea caa casirdetenaiae if joar kidaejs an oat of oraer Dy setaoc asaic tor 24 aoara a bottle of the ariae passed apoa arisiag If apoa rrsadastiea it is doady or arilky or kaa abrkk-dast scdaaeat or satall particles foot aboat ia it, voar kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB aaoald be takes ateac. . B. aarluMTsjatifsM After Fotsr Yoawa. G. B. Borhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: Aboat four years ago I wrote you atatlng that I bad beea entirely cared of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Core. It entirely stopped the brick-dust sediment and 1 ana symptoms 01 aianey ai sense aisappearea. I am clad to say that have never bad a return of any of those symptoms during the four ana I am evidently curcdtamvrur .. M.--- .. a . " years that have elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cur to any eea auaaria kUu or i - unable. ad $1.0. Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Hall left Tuesday for Overton on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rengler and family. R. T. Wilson accompanied them and he McCLINTOCK & CARTER, Columbus, Neb IIHIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i S- .CV r- - -n ZrZ :sl - V ,-. - fm 1 uMi-r -mr , twJwis . ',a-iva.t-n, tm&iLMrSSgijgrammtmr