The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 13, 1905, Image 5

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    v JW
Sagat'grC igwsfclBWK y tf ; E3MCTEaAVT,..W-.H
Wk -, . .--ssbsss .t rrmr i.
W-- i : m
i . --
I m in W M a. MBMaaH "" " -MM.M-. - j
I I I I " I
fea 2?BHi lE3il .r eLaaasV
fafJ Banana lnanaaannBr MhiVmS ,h BBBaaaaaav
I Parlor "Moal'MUHlkoaferc
.Inst eiinurrh tn
uncomfortable, not quite "
cold enough for a coal
is where a Parler "Ideal"-''bis""
Oil Heater is indispensi-'
ble. No smoke, no odor, :j
no bother, easily moved
from room to room. They
give abundance of health
ful heat that can be regu
lated to a degree. Impos
sible to turn wick too
high. -
Fruit for Canning
COLORADO PEACHES this week-cost
a little more than the California, but much
belter in flavor.
PEARS for canning very low this week
and will not last very long at the price they
arc now selling.
that the Coffee Bird is on; every package.
Prices, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c a pound.
Ladies' New Fall Suits
and Skirts
Different in every particular, all nobby
goods, made up in the ways most calculated
to gltuldcn the hearts of women who would
appear well dressed. Here for your inspec
tion and selection. Let's talk it over. Your
criticism or approval cheerfully solicited.
In the newest materials. Prices $ 1 0, $ 1 2.50
$15, $20, $25, $27.50.
Handsome Fall Walking -Skirts in a
large selection ot materials and styles.
Prices $1.98 and up.
Rain Coats for these cold, rainy morn
ings. Ladies' Automobile rain coats, $1.98
Misses' Double Texture rain coats, $3.50
Ladies' Rain Proof Coats, $5 up to $25.00
ThurMlny'n Daily Jearaal.
lr Paul, dentist.
lr. VsilliiM-, Osteopjith, Barber block.
IVuf. Siktw!ipr music. Barber bid?.
K II. CIiuhiIhts went, to Belgrade on
bii-ius liis morning.
Win. OT.neii returned from Denver
tod.ij alter a visit f several dji..
II (i. K"int. eonnty attorney ofXunce
county, was in tlie city hist night.
Mrs, huU Meer and daughter Emily
went to Lincoln lljl- inornint; to attend
the stale fair.
Mrs. 1. J. Harl went to Lincoln this
nioinmi: for a vitit with lier sister, Mrs.
Voiini; fr a few days.
Miss Mamie KUiott i-nneJ Miss Hazel in Schuyler this morning to
to viMt ike city M-hools.
Thetliieen Esther sirls of the Metho
dist church will met tomorrow evening
nt 7 ::'.!) with Miss Mane Zinnecker.
Mr. CUmmwiis in the city yesterday
ami slnpne! the remainder of his hard
ware -Lock to r.-hlnir. a new town near
The special car of the Bloomer Girls
Im-v bull teiim came down the branch
!at iiurlit ami to.lay went to Silver
Creek where they play bull today.
lVter Si-hmitt brought to the Journal
urtie.. this morning a key and u penny
which lie had found on the street. The
owner can have Key by calling at this
office and putting up one ood cigar as
a ransom.
Mr. and Mrs- Fiank North are visiting
at ti:e home of Ir. and Mrs. V. 1. Evans
for a few dy-. Mr. North, who is a
brother of Mrs. Etat.s, i in the employ
of the "owrnmei.t and is leiug trans
ferred to Simi Frumisco from Washing
ton V II. 5 vet I and .1- E. Fulmer
rvlutned night from the state fair.
They -ay thut the jigricalturar and
stock exhibrs are sxcellent and well
worth seeing. The rains, however, have
made the crowds small and caused all
6iMrU3 and races to be postponed till
the last of the week.
Itev. and Mrs. Millard and daughter
Hazel went to Schuyler yesterday to be
present at the opening recital of the
new pipe organ which has been put in
the Mathodist church there. Prof. Ben
Stanley, of Omaha, musical director of
i -;! J
. t
hfi ' '
Vaaaaaaaaaaam M
the First Methodist church of that city
gave the organ numbers and Mrs. Stan
ley and Mr. Walter Nixon, of Omaha
furnished the vocal numbers.
i'olioeman J. Sullivan is mourning the
loss of a red colored sow spotted black.
The porker weighed about 17f pounds
and has always lieen well fed. He
knows no reason why the animal should
desert home and bed, but she did Sun
day night, and no trace of the swine has
up to this time been heard of. A reward
will be given if the Under will report at
this office.
Friday's Dally Jearaal.
C. .1. Carrig went to Monroe this
morning. r
Lieutenant Hensley arrived home
from Norfolk today.
Judge and Mrs. A. M. Post returned
last night from Chicago.
Fred Hoarc of Platte Center went to
the state fair this morning.
Mrs. Thos. Back left today for a visit
to Omaha and Shenandoah, Iowa.
L. V. Styles the popular St. Edward
postmaster and S. J. Kennedy, editor of
the Boone County Advance, were in the
city last night.
Among the state fair visitors from this
city this morning were J. J. Galley, Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Brauigan, Frank Mills
and Miss Olga Egger.
Bonier Martyn returned yesterday
from Colorado where he has been for
his health. He will enter Creighton
Medical college this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Burke and family
of Genoa, returned from California to
day. Mr. Burke is manager of the big
Kent & Burke ranch near Genoa.
Bon. Geo. D. MeiUejohn was in the
i-ity today. He weais the emue genial
smile and carrie with him Unit dignity
which-lias predestined him to senator
ial honors.
A party from the Mt. Pleasant neigh
borhood returned today from the state
fair., irconsisted of F. E. Buck. Frank
Buck. Carl' Olson, R.D. Cummins and
Oscar Marshall. 4
The marriage banns of Mr. Chas. Cox
in and Miss Emma Kersenbrock were
published at St. Bonaventura church
last Sunday. The wedding will occur
in tha near future at a date not yet
B. It Olcott and son Hugh of Marengo,
III., are hero tor a visit with the family
of Otto Kummer and three brothers of
Mr. Olcott, who live south of the river.
Arthur Eastou of Cambridge, is also
visiting Mr. Kummer.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McGee of St. Ed
ward, who made their home at the Clo
ther hotel two mouths last year while
Mr. McGee was receiving treatment, re
turned today from Chicago where they
have been for several months.
Edgar Hoppen is mixing high balls
and other fancy drinks behind the bar
of Felix SmagHCz. Popular Charley
the regular bar keeper is enjoying a rest
and it has been whispered about that
he may, in the near distance cut out
single blessedness.
Miss Emily Itorer, teacher in the New
man Grove high school, has returned
to Columbus on account of the quaran
tine for scarlet fever at Newman Grove.
One of the teachers is sick with scarlet and the schools have lieen closed.
Miss Borer will make a trip to Denver
during her enforced vacation.
Miss Martha Post was maid of honor
at the marriage of her friend Miss Eflie
Norvnl to Mr. Gustavus Babson of Chi
cago, at Seward, last night. It was a
fraternity wedding, all the memliers of
Miss Nnrval's fraternity, the Kappa
Alpha Theta, being invited. Mr. and
Mrs. Babson left last night for Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Apgar and son
Mark, of Woodville, returned this morn
ink from Denver where they have been
attending the Grand Army reunion. Mr.
Apgar is an enthusiastic Grand Army
man who seldom misses a reunion. He
savs the Denver reunion was a grand
success, 15,000 of the old boys being in
the parade.
Miss Frances Maynard and Mr. Ralph
Surles were married in Omaha yesterday
September 7tn. Miss Maynard has been
the faithful operator of the Simplex
typesetting machine in the Journal
office for more than a year. Mr- and
Mrs. Surles will come to Columbus to
live and Mrs, Surles will continue her
work in the Journal office for a few
Sstarday's Dally Jearaal.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Terrell left yester
day for a visit to Loup City.
G. H. Grnbb, painting and decorat
ing country or city. Satisfaction gaar
anteed. Try me. Ind. phone 874.
Miss' White of Scotland will sing at
the evenging service in the M. E. church
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKelvey and Mr.
and Mrs. E. II. Criss of St. Edward re
turned today from the state fair at Lin
coln. Miss Gertrude Scofield who has been
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Wins
low, returned yesterday to her home in
Stuart, Nebr.
With every Sets worth of school sup
lies you purchase at Seth Braun's yon
get a chance to draw a valuable prize
'among the articles displayed in his show
Rev. W. N. Halsey will go to Cedar
Bluffs Monday to attend Presbytery.
He has been invited to deliver the ad
dress before the Presbytery on the sub
ject "The Present Status of Presbyter
ian Foreign Missions."
Itev. and Mrs. Mnnro are epxected
home tonight. Mr. Hickok received a
letter Thursday from them stating they
would be home Friday night. But Miss
Bessie Munro received a telegram last
night sent from Colorado which said
they would reach home tonight.
It is rumored that the young and
handsome John Valasek, the popular
Eleventh street bar tender is about to
succumb to cuptd's wishes. He denies
the rumor, but we have it from reliable
source that the rumor is about correct.
We want no libel snit so we won't 'state
Sheriff Carrig today received a mes
sage from the sheriff of Dodge county
stating that Wilmer Eirley, chief wit
ness againBt Odell, who is held in the
Platte connty jail on a charge of crimi
nal abortion, is out of danger but will
not be strong enough to testify. in court
for thirty days yet.
The Journal is pleased to announce
the approaching nuptials of two popu
lar young people of our city. At the
Catholic church next Tuesday at lo a.
m., Mr. Charles F. Korgie and Miss Vic
toria Sns will receive the wotds which
will make them man and wife. The
young people are well known in Colnm-
bus and their many friends extend con
gratulations and wish them the most
happiness in this life. They will take
up their residence in east Columbus.
Lieutenant W. N. Hensley gave a fare
well dinner party to a few of his old
schoolmates and most intimate friends
Monday evening. The dinner was serv
ed in six courses at 6:30 o'clock. The
table was decorated with nasturtiums
and the dining room was in purple.
Present were Misses Emma Neumarker,
Florence Kramer, Florence Whitmoyer.
Letitia Speice and Nellie Evans; Messrs
Gus Becber, John Early, Donald Mc
Allister and George Scott. Lieut. Hen
sley leaves today for bis post of duty at
Fort Sill. Oklahoma.
Congregational Subjects for Sunday
services: Morning, "The Joy of Wor
ship." Evening, "From Fear to Confi
dence," An operation was performed at the
hospital yesterday on Mrs. O. H. Flory,
wife of Dr. Flory of SL Edward, for
catarrhal appendicitis. The operation
was performed by Dr. Evans and was
very sucoessfnL Mrs Flory is progress
ing nicely and hopes are entertained for
her complete recovery. Dr. Flory and
Dr. Ireland accompanied Mrs. Flory.
Dr. J. W. Terry
who for the past eight years has
been making regular visits to
Columbus, has opened one of the
Best Eqiippei Optical Offices
li The West
in the front rooms over Pollock
& Co. '3 Drug Store. Will be in
Columbus offices Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Eye Glasees adjusted
to any nose.
Mm. Minnie Mash of Elkhart. Ind , is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Mc
Corkle this week. She will remain
about four weeks.
Mrs. Mendenhall and daughter Ruth
of Waterloo. Nebr., were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Kiouard Ktney one day last
Rev, and Mrs. Munro reached home
Sunday after a delightful western trip
of six weeks, which improved their phy
sical condition very much. Rev. Munro
saw many Columbus people on his trip
and the Journal hopes to prevail upon
him to prepare a letter for Journal read
ers next week.
Dr. and Mrs Peterson and children of
ltadcliff, Iowa, are visiting their Colum
bus friends this week. Dr. Peterson
sold out liia business three years ago to
Dr. Platz.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Meldrum and three
children ot Dell Rapids. South Dakota,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R W. Ho
bart over Sunday. Mr. Meldrum is Mr.
Hobarl's brother.
Mr. Fred Mielenz of Wahoo has ac
cepted the position of assistant cashier
in the First National bank and assumed
the duties of his new position Monday.
Mr. Mielenz was secretary to Judge Sul
livan while the latter was chief justice
of the supreme court and is not alto
gether a stranger in Columbus. He will
bring his family here in a few days.
James Nevels went to Albion on busi
ness Monday.
W. M. Cornelius and Hana Elliot went
to Monroe Monday morning to look af
ter a referee's sale.
John Fox, Will Kersenbrock and Joe
Gutz mer started Monday morning for a
three day's hunt at Spaulding. If the
size of their shell sacks and color of
their bird dogs are index to the size of
their game bags, they will supply each
of their friends with a speckled prairie
beauty on their return.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Congre
gational church will meet with Mrs. Mc
Cray Wednesday at 3 p. m.
For the boy detectives: A reward of
$1 will be paid for the proof ot any per
son keeping or harboring a dog without
a license. Per order City Council. 3t
Mrs. Henry Woods left last Wednes
day for Chicago to visit two months.
She will also visit friends in Saginaw,
Mich., and St Louis.
Supreme Court
of the United States on
the flour question is the
K Her verdict is final;
there is no appeal.
U When she doesn't like
a flour, that flour is
doomed; the sheriff
takes it in hand.
H But when she finds a
superior flour like
she sticks to it. That's
why Puritan Flour has
.enjoyed public favor
over 30 years and is con
stantly making new
Schuyler. Neb. -
i k ill
n fii lZ 111
tf mkzZ 1 'Warn.
9? 1 wP I A '"T-tKi-
R XawV' aW aHaBl ft
9sk lsasBW HP aawaMtL
Wm. Krumlaad retaraed from Denver
Monday Baorning.
THE SMOKE. For sale at Rotbleit
ner's. at
Mrs. O. D. Butler is visiting her rela
tives in Lincoln and Beatrice this week
Rev. and Mrs. DeWolf and Rev.
H. H. Millard weat to Albion Tuesday
to attend annual conference. The peo
ple of Columbus will hope to see Mr. De,
Wolf returned here for another year.
Miss Mabelle Hamilton of Cedar Rap
ids was the guest of Mis Lydia Turner
Ralph-Turner retaraed to the State
University Tuesday where he is a senior
in 1 be electrical engineering course, the
lousest course in the university.
Mrs. J. Kipple and cbildreq returned'
Friday evening from Missouri nd Illi
nois where they have been visiting for
two months with relatives.
Go to Rothleitner'e for the MAJES
Platte couuty poultrymen won laurels
at the atate fair whioh reflects great
credit to them. J. E. Fulmer, president
of the Platte Couuty Poultry and Stock
Aie'rv wlo had tve entries of Rhode
Island Reds, won live prizes, four firsts
and one second. W. H. Swarteley, sec
retary of the association had six en
tries and won three firsts and three sec
onds. Some furnished rooms reasonable.
Good location. Enquire Journal.
Dr. Chas. H. Plats, homeopathic phy
Moian and surgeon, poetoMoe building
Proorastiaattoa is the ttiaf of tlsse.
Doa't pat it off. Have yomr homse la
eared aow. Have joar aoooaate col
lected before they art outlaw. Cell
onO. N. MoSlfresa. wtf.
While freight train No. 148 was pul
ling into the west switch this morning
the engine bumped into the shift en
gine and derailed and piled together
thirteen cars. No one was injured but
among the care was a car load of fruit
and one of candy, consigned to Smith
& Coe'e Ice Cream Parlor, but fortun
ately the cars were gotten oa th track
without much delay and now' as you
read this paper Smith k Goe ai offer
ing this stock to the public at reduced
prices. Call.
In Justice Falbaum's court Monday,
John Stempek was arraigned on a com
plaint of assault and battery on the per
son of Frank Ozeck, the complaining
witness. Assisting County Attoraey
Latham was August Wagner, while R.
W. Hobartand C. N. McElfresh appear
ed for the defense. The jury returned
a verdict of acquittal. Czeok has also,
begun a civil action against Stempek
for damages in the sum of 91,000.
STOVES Just received at Rothleitner'e,
exclusive agent. More heat with less
coal than any other stove on the market.
HELP WANTED.-I weat 6 or 6
people neasbers of oae family preferred
to top beets. Homes rest free. Mas
can atake IS a day Inquire Journal
Dr. J. . Paul Dentist.
Smoke Little Dake cigar.
Dr. J. W. Terry, Optlcaa.
Try the Elsveata St. jeweller.
Dr. Mark T. MoMahoa. deatUtj
Journal ade bring results. '
Dr E. H. Naeaeaa.Deatlst, 13th St
Consult Dr. Terry aboat your eyes.
G. R. Preib, paiatlag aad paper
hanging. ' dwtf
Diaasoad O. heats aad baooaat Her-
Aooouatiag. $50 to 100 per month
salary paid oar gradaatee. Operators
always ia deanaad. Indorsed by all
railroads. Write for catalogue.
Morse school of Telegraphy,
Olaoiaaati. O., La Crosse, Wta..
Texarnaaa, Tex., Saa Fcaaoiaoo, OaL
Dr.Terry.tae Osama lye Specialist,
has opaaed oae of the best eqaipped
optical oflBoes ia the west, over Pol
look aad Go's drag store. Will be ia
his Oolamaas office Seadey. Moadey .
Taeeday aad Wedaeeday.of each week.
Spectacles aad eye glasses aoieatil
call? fitted. GoaealtatioB free.
When needing coal for cook stoves
try our Sunshine at 96.00 per ton and
our Blend at $5.50. We also have Hock
Springe, Kemmerer and all leading
kinds. Your orders will be carefully
delivered. All coal ia screened and free
from dust. Both telephones No. 74.
L. W. Weaver A Sob. ,
The Union Pacifio Railroad has just
issued an illustrated booklet on the
Lewis and Clark Centennial, which ia a
complete guide to Portland, the Exposi
tion and the Pacific Northwest generally
It telle you ot the ehorteet way to reach
the Exposition City, what ie to be seen
en route, and of the return trip though
Those who intend to visit the Great
Weateren Fair will find in this publica
tion a rare fund of information.
Send two cent stamp in your request
and the book will be mailed you prompt
ly. Addesa
W. H. Benham. '
Celaaea Market.
Cora 41: wheat, Turkey red. 08;
yellow bellv, 65; poorer grades thresh
ed froas shock. 63; oats 19; rye 45;
barley 23; egg M; eattar li; potatoes
40; poaltry 8, spriags 9. hogs 94.60.
111 DM Yn tow AriefS higkt
Fall Millinery'
1 .
For all new and
stylish Fall Mil
linery for ladies
, misses and child
ren call on
if r: !
; IE to sale
41600 hay's, my Oolaasbas property
S blocks eoah of the Ooart loose.
Please ooauametoate direct and make
aa offer. Possession caa be bad aany
tloM desiredjpv pa'rebaeer. Address
9621 Gapitl&Te., Omaha, Nebr.
4w Olof Johnson.
Beet Pensylraala Hard Goal. 310.50
at yards. Newauus aad Welch. it
aged woman. '' Competent to do all
ktnde ot housework. Can furoi&b ref
erences. Inquire at Journal.
HELP;W.ANTED.-I want 5 or
people,membe of one family preferred,
to top House r rent free. Mun
can make f 3 a day.C Inquire Journal
otloe. t j ;
desirable 'llae. of hoases for rent.
Beoher Hookeaberger and Chambers.
Aa attractive topographical map, in
oolors, giving a comprehensive idea of the
country oa' aad tribatary to the Colom
bia River. -This map' ieinjvf older form,
on the reverse side conris an interest
lag description of theCulnmbia River
roate. Copies sent free by E. L LO
MAX. OP. 4 T. A..U. P. R.R. CO.,
Omaha, Nebr.,' on reoeipt of four cents
Special lednced
Excirsiti lates
Phlladelphia,Peaa.,and retarn. One
fare pleat2 00. On sale Sept lltb,
aad 16th. T,-
Oaeap rates dariag the rammer to
Chioago. Milwaakeexand Walnkisna,
Wis., St. 'Paal.. Minneapolis and
Oalaph, Miaa-.'-Maokinac Island and
MaoklaewjOity. Mich-, Dead wood.
Lead and toHot Springs S. D.. and
other places Wisconsin and Minnesota
jesorta. ' t .
J. A. Kahn, A. Q. P. & P. A.
1301 Faraham St., Omaha. Neb.
- -'.
1 1 ! 1 1 1 II T- I ! U H ,,jyH-W-W-HW'H4Wt
Henry Ragatz & Go.
I Staple and Fancy
Lamps and
we have a splendid assortment
always on hand.
We have just received :some early ar
rivals in Fancy Japanese, French and
German China, suitable for presents.
We buy the best the market affords in
Large Quantities. If you trade with us
you will be satisfied both in quality and
, We Solicit
ri- '4ilJ.
Henry Ragatz & Co
Mnski Hm 29. Mpiiit PfcMts 29 ail 229.
No. 12, Chicago Hpeeial 5J5 a. hi.
No. 4, Atlantic Kxpreas. tMW a. .
Mo. 8. North Matte Loral . 2:42 p. m.
No, 10, Fast Mail lM)p.aa.
No. , KaaUva Kxpreaa.. ZDip.m.
No. 2, Orerlaad Limited 5:40 p.m.
No. &S. Local Fraiicht ScSDa, at
No. 5, California aad Oregon Ex.... 730p. a.
No. 11, Colo. Special 10:10 a. m.
No. V, FaatMail 11:15a. m.
No. 1, Overland Limited. 12:10 p. m.
No. 3, Colorado Kxpnwa tf&l p.m.
No. 7, North 1'latte LocaL. 110 a.m.
No. 21, Local VMeat 7:00 a.m.
, mvmwvuL wuiiui.
. 8.10 p. m.
. 71 a. m.
,12: 45 p. m
.7:10 p. a
29, Paaaeaewr.
77. Mixed .
78. Mixed ....
v Depart
CTO ahwotBjCBft ! awl
No. 70, Mixed 70 a.m.
No. 52, PteMenger 1255 p.m.
No. (W, Mixed 8:00 p.m.
Norfolk paMtenicer trains run daily.
No trains oa Albion aad Bpnldias' braack
All maia line passenger trains dally.
W.H. Benham. Aceat.
Time Table
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St.Loals and all
polnta Bast and
Salt Lake City,
Ban Francisco
aad all polnta
.No. 22 Passenger, daily except Monday . 7:25 a. m
No. X! Arcniuiuotlation, daily except
rJatnrday 4-JOp.m
No. 21 l'aBeenKer. daily except Bandar. 8:50 p. m
No. SI Accommodation, daily except
tJanday 1:10 p. m
Labor Tax.
By amendment of Seotion 70 of
chapter 14, article 1 of the compiled
Statutes ot Nebraska, all persons snb
ject to Labor Tax most perform two
days labor on streets or commute the
labor bv payment of two dollara(&)
in cash to the city Treasurer.
A. W. Clark,)
Chairman com. on streets aadGrades.
403 Acres for Sale.
We have 400 acres of fine funning land
one mile west of Creston which will be
Hold at public auction at the court house
at Columbus, Nebr., Saturday, Sept. 'M,
at 2 p. ni. K u per - Wurdemun. 3t
lotice to Defendant.
William Huston will take notice,
that on the 7th day of Angnstt 11105,
Wm. O'Brien, a Justice of the Peace
of Colnmbns, Platte Connty, Ne
braska, issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of $11.00. in aa
action pending before him. wherein
Herman Kersenbrock is plaintiff and
William Huston defendant, that prop
erty of the defendant, consisting of
one iron bed, one bed spring, one
matrons, one dresser and one commode
has been attached under said order.
Said cause wa continued to the 2."ith
day of September WOT), at 1 o'clock
a. m. Herman Kersenbrock
By O. N. McElfresh. His Attorney.
Your Trade
r-Sf x