BASE BALL-Sheridan, Wyo., vs. Columbus, Sept. 3 and 4. Firemen's Labor Day Parade, Labor Day, Monday, September 4 WAR ENDED-JAPAN YIELDS. C (Kfllumtaw mxxifM. VOIJJMK XXXVI. NUMBER '22. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY, AI'tiSUT :!(). 11)05. WHOLE NUMBER 1,767. mt &' f ir R o.- ""fc ... wist TIIH TIMK TO DKPOMlT your money in now. Don't wnit until yon get more. You'll ho tomptiMl to spend wlmt you havo while waiting, accepts small iih well as large deposits. Wo invito you to become n depositor iiinl of for von tlio same facilltes n mnn of iimny times your means en jnys. Lack of much moneys no objoc limi hern. Tho First. N ati onal Bank BIG EXCURSION. Four Coach Loads Celebrates Games of Ball. Two (Mniuluy'H Daily.) Knur conches woro crowded yestor day with patriotic OoIuiuIiuh eoilo who wont either to Humphrey to soo tho Court Hmuo Originals vanquish tho Limb-ny Amateurs or tho Colum bus regulars trim up tin PlattoCeutor boys. A jollier belter iiiitured crowd never went mill returned to Coluiumu in butter spirits. There iu not much to my abcut the game ut Ilmuphrey. It, was fen tuiolosH hoth sides playing good ball till the eighth iunitiK when n dispute ovro a decision led twoLiudsay play ers to quit. Umpire Mahnfoy Kave theui five minutes to return. They failed to return. He declared tho game won by the Court, House Gnug by a Hcoro of ', to 0. The scoro at tbat time stood Columbus 7 Lindsay 8. Co lumbus had tue Immw full and no men oat when tho gaum was stoppod. At Platte Center the boyN had a banner in a consnionous place with tho words "We will Itemember the Con rr Hcum) Gang on Kloc.tinu Day" iu largo letters, to remind the erowil of their hick of patriotism in taking the crowd to Humphrey and from Platte Center. When the train re turned Kd Kavaunugh wiih delegated to steal the banner and ho wnssucoess ful. Humphrey peoplo did tho square thing and it was a groat day. Columbus met defeat at the hands of the Platto Center boyH at Platto Cen ter in a hot game with the final scorn 5 to a. ColumbuH had the gamn won up to the eighth inning with the score 2 to 0. It was .fonoH auilCnr bett'H hatting that did the work lint at thiH point Platto Center pounded out a three hnggnr with the bases full. Koine decisions of the umpire discour aged Dolau at thiH point and Platte Confer got five hits and five runs winning l lie came. Dolan struck out lit men, Hoare lor Platto Center II. Platto Center played three Indians. The I eat ore of the game was a runn inn ratoh of a drive fly hvj Kihsol f r Platto Center. Mrs. Frank Farrand Entertains. ( I'riilav'w Dallil Mrs. Frank Parraml wns nt homo to one hundred of her lady friends yesterday afternoon at live o'clock toa. Tlio tables were set on tho lawn and wore decorated with nasturtiums. Threo courses were daintily served Mrs. Farrand beinir assisted by a number of young ladios. Tho out of town guests were Mrs. John Hart, Hreeheiiridgo, M(i.,MisslInrriutr Muir, Lincoln. Mrs. H. M. Hlndo, Kansas City. Mrs. Haywool, Lincoln. I would Announce Thai I havo returned from my vacation trip and may ho found at my oHico tho same as before, ready to moot all my old friends and patrons and as many new as will came. Am again ready for work. 13th Str.vt. Phono 140. Or. H. E, Naumann. 1 "1 I More Trouble. (l'rMii)'N Dull)) Crirket Mayor Is having a barrel of trouble. This niflruiiiR jnst when a largo andlenco of Columbus citizens in all walks of life had assembled in Judge KaMorman's court to sen Crick, et's attorney make Hanlglos pay bark thefv.' which he waH charged with taking front Cricket's place last Tues day night, instructions came to Judge Katterman that tho suit would he withdrawn and that Cricket would pay the costs. Hut this did not end her trouble. County attorney Latham straightway swore out a warrant for tier arrest on the complaint of Hanlglos for soiling him beer without a license. She gave her own personal reoogni.auco In the sum of 9100 to appear before Judge Katterman at V o'clock next Tuesday morning. Diptheria Quarantine. (TIuh-mIid'h l)ull) Tho homo of Win. Hagel was placed nnder quarantine for diptheria yester day by Dr. Plata, the city physician. This action was taken upon tho report of Dr. D. T. Martyn, Jr. that tho twelve y ear old ion of Mr. aud Mrs. Hagel had a mild attack of diphtheria. Mm. Hagel was visiting in Platts mouth at the time and was summon ed home by telegraph. The boys father is shut out by the quarantine. No alarm is expressed as the disease is iu a mild form. Labor Say Address The true church is interested in the every day affairs of men. Fur this reason the Presbyterian church in the United States has offlolally established a "Department of Church Labor." This clearing house of information affecting every phase of tho working man's problem is at tho service of ovory member and minister of tho Church. Phamphlots aro to bo hud on such subjects as, "Tho relation of the Cbnrob to the Labor Movement," "Johuh Christ and tho Rich Men." "Is the Church opposed to Working men?" nnil "Has the Ministry a Closed Shop?" Assistance is offered to all those desiring to apply the prin ciples of Cbristianty to these absorb ing problems; misapprehensions nnd prejudices are specifically met. Itev. Walter N. Halsey, tho local pastor, desires the help of wago earn ers in his study of the situation and will devote the time of his discourse Sunday evening, September !!, to a discussion of labor topics. lie hopes to avoid all dogmatism ami dosires to be taught as well as to teach. A wol eomo In promised to all interested. After Swindlers. (TlmrHiliiy'H Dully) Sheriff Oarrig today rooeived a tele phone message from Humphrey in structing him to Interoopt a straugo at Platte Oentei who had swindled a Humphrey oltizen oat of f:i(). Tho stranger claimed to have jewolry from the Howells fire which he was selling ehoap. Onn article sold was a watch worth loss than n dollar. After get ting the money ho started for Platte Center and tho shoriff thinks he will have no trouble iu looatlug his man. No names were given. Heuian Fly. Although tho Hessian Fly proved to be less destructive to small grain than hnd boon feared in tho early spring a snllloiant number of the larvns have matured nevertheless, and have gone into the "tlax seed" stage to make precautionary measures neces sary at this time, if we would be per fectly oertaiu that no harm shall oomo to the grain sown this fall. Since tho insect lives ovor sumraor in tho stnbble and lssuos sufficiently early in the fall to deposit eggs on early sown grain, it become neoessary to destroy It when yet in tho "flax seed" stago. This can ho dono by either burning the stubble or plow ing under thoroughly and deeply dur ing the prebeut month. Every farmer should accordingly seo to it all ntubblo of wheat, barley and rye is thus treated before the (lies can issue. If this is universally done throughout the fall wheat region, the insect can bo almost entirely destroyed in a single season. Cooperation, how ever, is absolutely necesrary and it tho work must bo done before the Met issue, a u?getel above. Late planting is uIko recommended where thiH can be done without fear of in terference by an early winter. Lawrence Hrunuor, State Kntomolngist. Mrs. Hiilat who has been upending the summer with her sitter, Mra.Martyn kit today for her homo in Omaha, To New Subscriber. To the large lint of new subscribers from St. Kd ward and Lindsay this week, we deslro to say that we shall arrange soon for a direct news service from your neighborhoods nt an early date. Wo appreciate tho interest and confidence you express in the Journal bymaking the large additions you hav made to our subscription list. We invite yon to read carefully each week tho excellent offers of Journal adver tisers. It will make you ntouey. Card of Thanks. I wish hereby to oxpress my sincere thanks to friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted during the last illness of my father, Frederick Uotts chalk. L. F. Uottschalk. Rudat Haipel. Mrs. Kudntt and Mr. Albert Haspol woro married last Friday at tho homo of tho former Hvo miles southwest of Columbus Hov.Nowmarker ollloiatiug. A big wedding snppor was spread and tho guests indulged in dancim till two o'clock in the morning. Hay Burned (Tuesday's Daily) Herman Lcsoko who was in the Journal ollloo this morning says that Jenny llrothor had 150 ton of alfalfa hay burned last Saturday. The hay was n three largo stack standing close together. Homo of the hay was stacked too green and tho flro statted from spontaneous combustion. FLY -AWAY -OIL It keeps the flies from all kinds of stock by simply spraying or applying with sponge or brush Quarts, half gal and gal. cans. has. H. Dack, Druggist. County Court. (TiiphIh)'m Hail) Judge Katterman did a land office business iu marriage licenses yester day Licenses to wed woro issued as follows: Christ CI. Schaefer amlKlla heth M. Arbrocht, St. Heruard ; John S. Arbracht and ltnse M. Huseman, St. Uernard ; Win. T. Itipp aud Char lotto It. Perkinson, Platte J( 'enter ; Judsnn K. Dyer of Hakerifeld and Miss Marion K. Lamb of M:nroo. Arguments woro made yestorday before Judgo Itattermau in the case of the Hhnrrott cigar company in Its action to collect a bill of somo f '0 dollars from Chas Itrewer of Cornlea. Ho has taken the cane nnder advise meat for a few days. GIRLS IN DISGUISE Enter Saloon and Drink Beer Two young girls in men's clothing, drinking boor in an Eleventh street mi loon That is what an officer thinks he raw last Satuntay night, and others who saw the parties agree with iiim. The two girls if they were girts, were uccoinpauicd by two young men, They wont to a saloon and ordered beer, llystandors suspected that two of tho parties were girls becauso of thoir soft, smooth and pretty faces and went out to summon an olllc.or. The latter was convinced that the sus picions of his informants wore well founded, hut ho did not feel that the evidence was stroug enough to war rant an arrest, lhe olllcers are all on tho look out for the ro-appearauco of these girls who are t hound t to live in this city. From Columbus Travelers. (Tliarmlu)'H Dull)) Mr. M. C, Illoedorn received a tele gram today from her husband stating that ho landed in Amorica yestorday. After a trip to Wahiugton, D. C. he will start for Columbus. Mrs. Hloed om nnd her sitter, Mrs. Hunger, re turned last night from their Hum phrey visit. The editor of the Journal received a beautiful souvenir card today from Dr. P. Tiesiug. It was pmded at Muncheu and dated tho Hlli. Ho was well aud sent regnrds to friends. M. A. Hickuk received n letter to day from Mr. and Mrs. Munro. The letter waslwrittonHat unlay fromSenttln and stated that .'hey would be in Portland tho lat or this week ami that next week they would go to Southern California aud return to Columbus about September 1st. They wero well aud enjoying thoir visit. It. S. Palmer went to Platte Center today. Mrs. Frank Farrand went to Denver tonight to visit her sinter a few weeks. Mre. Mary lluugerford bus gone to Oiuiiba for a tioni'n course of utmlv to become u trained nurse Mr. iiml Mrs. II. II .lentous luieoni to Loup City for u three weeks visit with their eon Lee, anil their nephews, Curl mid Iter! McKiumn. Miss l.eulle (Uny bus none una trip to (Irand Island ami llretuu to visit tel ativesaud ftiendx mnl expects to be gone a couple of weeks. Mrs. J. I-'. I'rskino returned Monday night from a two week's visit iu Yank ton, H. D. Mr. ami Mrs. .ludsou and littleilniigb ter of Omaha, are giiestn of Mr. and Mr, M. (1. Perkins. The Hiiiubiy School mid tlerinnii day school pupils of the (lennan deformed church will bold a picnic at Stewart drove tomorrow, leaving the church at l!!::i). Lieut. Will llensley returned last night from Fail bury, where Col., lenkins was entertaining at a bouse party. Misses I'.lsie l!oen ami Nell I'.vaiiH will return tomorrow. Mr. I'd Adams will arrive today with her household goods. Mr. and Mrs. Adams Imvo taken the Wilson house on West Kith, formerly occupied by Cm I Johnson, mid will go to housekeeping there. Mr. Adams will make Columbus his headquarters. W. M. Cornelius went to Oiuaba on luiHinesH today. Miss Kti.iibeth Sheldon will enter tain tomorrow for her cousin, Mrs. W, 10. Weaver and for Mrs. Mm pby, of imalui. Mm. Ileuiy Itagat. jr., and Miss Kmily Ibigiit, will give a Missionury lea at, tlio home of the folium on Tliuisihi) Auuilst !tlst from linen to m. POSITION WANTLD. Ily middle aied woman. Competent to do all kinds of housework. Can funm-li ief eiidices. Impure al Journal. IIKLP WANTIIO. I ' 5 or ! people, ineiulieril of olle family pielelled, to top Iambi. Minimi rent, flee. Man can make :t a day. Impure .loiirnal ollice. Itev. Millard returned thin moiuing from atrip of live du.wi in which be Visited lit Cent l id City, SlUel Cieel. Archer, Clinks, (irand Island and Alda, Mm. llhodcH anived Monday sflei noon from Chicago to accompany h,r mother iiml sistor, Mrs. Marlon aml.Misii Petite, to Denver. 'I'liey slaiteil last night. Little Helen Terry a niipaiiicil her mother. Ouy Peters of Albion who has been a guest nt tho ('ash home for a week returned homo today. Mr. Peters is a htudeiit, nt Harvard Law .School where ho will graduate uet year. Herman (luuther of Albion ami (Jeorge Howards of St. Edward re turned from Chicago today with W. L. Choiinwoth who has been Hdocliug a fiuo and up-to-date line of fall dry goods for the Oray .Mercantile Company. Mrs. Geo. Whnley went to Neligh this morning for a I wo weeks visit to her parents. She was accompanied bv her sister Miss .Marguerite Uemiugtmi who has been visiting here for six weeks. Mrs. P. J. Hart entertained twenty lady friends at live o'clock ta yester day afternoon in compliment to her aunt, Mrs. John Hart. Three cnun-c worn served. Tho decorations were pausies, nasturtiums and sweet peas Mrs. Hart leaves touurow for Liu- coin to visit Mrs. Young helore re turning to her home iu lireekiuridge, Missouri, (ieo. Soiikup, of (irueiitli, has brought in lion in tho county court, asking for H'M) damages hii louses which be claims to have suffered at the hands of eleven different peiHous in the course of a chiniviiii at the plaintiff's house, 'Die defendants named in the action am ('has Snillll, Itudolpli lierhei, (ieo, Tiadeu, John Kuiuiner, Win, Kiiinmi r, Samuel Kiiiuiunr, .1 si ob Kiniiiiiei, T. Kissliug, Chris IIiihii .lenno lions and Samuel lions, Ho chums damage of $i;() for injury to two horsm, tflfi injury to luu Uqubo uuU $0 for loss, of liusued oil, Supervisors Procenlitts. Columbus, Neb,, Aug, III, lnil.. The lloanl of Supeiusoiii of Pintle county, Nebraska, mot iuadouined sea s on at V? p, in., Hon. Pi mil; Kiei nan, eliaiimau and John Ornf. elerl. Uoll called and lhe following inenibi til present: SnpcnlHiiiH (tender, Clother Cruel, Cods', Held, .Swiiiimiii mid Cliairmoi Kierunu. The minutes of the pnnimi vessiou of lhe boaid weie now icnl and up proed. On motion of Supervi-nr (hut, the county cleik was iliiecled to appoitioii the 1!0 levy of the county road ami county bridge funds lothe net oral town ships of the county according to (licit uscscd valuation. The bond of M. K. Clother, in lhe sum of ij'J.lKHl us special commissioner to re pair nnd iiiake necesiary iiiiprnwmciitH upon the drainage ditch, known as the "Cmrig ,V Jewell Ditch" wiih pieseuted ami read aud on motion refilled to the committee on judiciary. Transcript of ptoceedings bud before ('has. Scliuett, Justice of the Peace of (liauvilletowusliip.iu an acltoi' wherein John llruckuer was plaintiff ami Platte County, defendant, was presented ami read. The transcriit shows that in this ne Hon the plaintiff asks for judgment foi 8IH7.N) and cosIh of Hint, on account of (Iiiiiiiii'cs titmtaincd by bun, caused by plainlill's horse ami mule breaking through a defect ne county bridge in llumplirey township on the evening of April (!, 11105. Tim transcript recites iih follows July 17, l'.IO.i. Conies now John llruck tier, plaintiff, ami Lymnii l. Lulliam, at torney, in and forsaul (oiinty.ilefenilanl, ami hereby entered into tho following stipulation: Thai the County or Platte confesses judgment iu the niiin of UO.lMt in full payment for all daiiiiifeH mm charged in bill of parliciiliiis in ahove entitled cause ami cnHt-iof court, and the said plaintiff hereby nccepts said judg iiieut ami agiees to accept thesaiiin in full payment, of said claim. John llrucknei, Plaiutiil, Platte County, Defendant, Ily L li. Latham, Co. Ally. 1 1 ih theieforo consnleied by me, that the plaintill have and recoNei from said Platte County, ilelcmlaut, tho sum of fiO(K) as so above confessed and the costs of this action taxed at I7.!.r, ('lias. SHbuetb, ,1 list ice ol the Peace. Moved by Supervisor Held, thai Hie action of County Attorney Lithum in ill this cause he rat died by the lioanl of SupervisoiH ami that thoeloik be ili iecled to ihMite wairautH in pa.Miieut of judgment and costs on the lillifl County (len.nal fund, as follown: Jolm Itiiickner, juilginent, llruck- iier vh Platte County CO.OO Clias. Si'huetb, .1 P., Coats, Itiiick ner s Platte Count) I7.'.ifi Motion cariied All lulls on lile Willi the eleik weieou motion refeiied to appropriate commit lees. On motion the llonid of Supervisors now a Ijourucil foi commillee wmk until '.I a iu to-iuoriovv. Columbus, N'eli., Aug. 17, I '.().". Purimaui to adjournment, the boanl of siipervisois met at '.t o'clock. Hon, ''ianl( Kiel nan, chairiiiau, .lohn liiaf, cleik mnl all UiemhelH plrnelil except SllpeMlHor Clother absent and excused. The following wan sulunilteil Wliereas, il appears to. Hie count v tieasurer's semi annual stuteuieul, from .lauuary fi, I'.iu.'i, to June ::o, I! Mir., (hut theie in in his hands the Hum of .ilfi 77 belonging to the Coluilihus 1'ieciuct K'lilioad Itond fund, and Whereas, the mild bonds have lieeu paid III full togethei with all inteiest ae ci lied on Milne, theiefoie lie it. lenolved by this lloniil that this Minoinit of TilTi.TT lieand isheieb tians ferred to the Consolidated t'oiiul.v lirnlge fund and placed to the credit til the nppoitionuieiit of the eily of Coluui linn. Loiiih Held, K, J.Kinel. On mot inn same was adopted. The following was iiiibuntteil. Whereas, the lioolui of the ciniutv tieasuri'i' under date of August. I.'i, I'.Hi.'i, show a liidaiicn in the follnwiug funds. Docket fee account tf'JI'.IMl .Miscellaneous fund (uitereal fiom liauks) I'.ir, ;, Total .ll.'illl Therefoie, lie it isolved that Mini amount of ?MI .)! he and heiehy is Iiiiuh felled to the Ciiusolldated Count) (ten end fund. Loilin Held I n molion same was adopted. The following lulls weie I in icciiln ion of Hie couiuillteeM, on motion allowed and the cleik dlieeted to nunc wm rants in pit) incut or name on the County (ieueial fund: Pern Jimioiih, May I'.idfi Tenii, Distnet 'inn t August Mer v pi Isiael (iliiel. pi in A W Clark o o .1 It (!it,eu o n Henry Itlckeit 1 1 o Ivnil (iroleliiHchi n ,", To .lohn HocH-el, M 1 1 no (ielhard Itosehe I 1,0 I'red Me) er 1 1 III (ieoigit M Smith I 1,0 Peter Ixo.liiWMkl III Mil W l Wilt on :i nil W W M'liiuingtmi II :i(i Math Schuiniiclii i UK) John Mine I..' 1)1) U illiaui lien: 1 1 'Jii William I'ollaid II no .Inllll lllllie.i U nil (Ieo OlllMI I ! 00 C P Nelson Hi in Kl i Mock h :: Swan Swaiisou Hi n() PoturUroturbon 10 CU You ovor stop to (iguro why our deposits havo increased so rapid ly, now being over $330,000.00? It is our aim to merit the confidence of the people ol this commun ity. Lot us do your business Columbus State Bank Y.mui:mi:n, May 1!K).". Term, Ihstiict Court Wm linker $ Simon ItiiriowH Adam I Irmly Win Nay W A Schroder John I lev oh Henry '.ubker (I 10 0 10 0 (50 (S 10 0 10 0 10 ti 10 U 10 (i 10 tu 00 80 110 it; oo 15 76 (i 00 11 00 (i 00 11 00 coo II 00 (t 00 II 00 (I 00 11 00 :i no 1 00 :t ho :i ho '-' 10 U.IO 'J. 10 28.55 4(1. 00 J',h:i sa I'.O lieelor Pri'd Luekey II C Liuliuit.Hp'l depnt I) C CM liriieutber, C 1) C, CoHtH, C May l!Kt.( term, district court C J C'anig, Sheriff, at dis court, O J Carrig, sum grnuil jury, May I'.Kt.'i, term district court. W M Cornelius, com, insanity of Carrie Lay It Tiesnig. M I), com, iiiHiiuity of Carrie Lav W M Cornelius, coin, insanity of Joseph Southern It Tiesiug, M l, com. insanity of Joseph Southern V M Cornelius, com. inminltv of Nelson I'1, (Jailer W It C i'Iiiih, M D, insanity f Nelson Carter W M Coineliiis, com, mutter of Jos Wells, dipsomaniac W It CornehiiH, M I), coin, matter of Jos Wells, dipsomaniac W M Cornelius, com, matter of Monis Kerns W li Coineliiis. M 1 1, pom, mat ter of Mot in KeriiH (Ieo Pugh, wit, insanity of Jos Smillicrc 'sideline Sonlheie, wit, insanity or Jos Soiilhere Nettie It Carter, wit, insanity of Nelson I-! (barter P li Iteiilhack, M I), wit, insanity of Nelson K On tor Oscar L I taker, wit, Jon Wells, ilipsoinauiai) (!url Hinching " " II. J. Arnold. Mil, " " (J. M. (Iriieuther, Com iiunn do do do Costs Statu vs Kietyka do do Oawren (J Carrig taking iunsno to as I m (II). 0(1 do fccH juvcnlo courtl lit 05 " felony cases 01.70 PI Co vs Nob O lr Oo lll.tto " custs State vs Oilell 77,70 bdg priis and jail fees 105.50 do ser co assess notices 151.15 Wilnier Kverly wit st vh Oiloll (1.50 .1. C MeKiuley do do 8.A0 Wm oltrieu do do ja.15 I) M Newman typewriting do iii.oo Harry Jerome taking test do ll.'.i;, Logan Sammoiis serv sub st v Kel J. 15 J M Curtis cohtsNl vh J Nortou It. 15 Ciiy ol Columbus, Water rent to Mny I. I'.Mi:. e() 10 ,1 II ( ialle) , meichaiiiliMifor court house H d;, (' .1 Ciiing, janitor, salai) 1st hair I'.ior. iu r,o L II Leavy, co supt, salaiy and ipuuler, l!M)5 !!00 (M) .lohn (Iraf, co clerk, and iiar '05 100 oo Mrs John SI miller, house lent for slieiiff to Jul) I, r.MI.'i 50 (K) Mlh.lolin Slailll'er, bouse lentfor Hheiill to Si pi I. I'.Hi.'i 25 00 C ,M (liuentlui.ClHJ, cashadvM 115 10 .1 Ifatteiiuau, co iudge,i osts Stale vs I lull nor at) 50 Ni l Tnl Co, -er forioiinly clerk '! M Neb Tel Co, sei HherllV, el' I :i 50 ,'U) 50 Neli Tel Co, seit.helll1,ilM II 10 7 10 Neh Tel ()""'' ''"'.l li l) a 10 l pill) A ssi hSols, Ci) of (JoluuibllH HI d hiii lolllldlllg Tovvuships .l.ilni (I Ih hoi 51 00 i! W I'hillips H7 00 ,1 C It) rues 1211 00 W P Hodds, Coliiuibus twp 5 70 I! M )oiis, asuis't, Columbus twp, I'l'd d 00 25 Oo So In 1 1 lleibel, Itisuiark twp III) 00 dolfi iioielie-cheii, Sherman twp 115 110 .1 L Lake, Cio-ton twp u;:t 00 l II Itoheits, .Shell Clock twp 12'.) 00 II WMou,linml 1'iaille twp 117 .'Kt CO Mooie, lluuiplilcy twp IK) 00 .1 O liloduelt, Kilt lei Iwp 10S 70 I'hiiht ISieic Loup twp 7H 1)0 las Mahm Lost I'leek twp 171 INI Peter Noonan llurrows twp 110 20 T liohinsou lirandville twp I III () o Maguutsou Monroe twp 155 00 Louise Jones Juliet twp 111! 50 .lOuiiini j p cunt m statu vst'Miller tt -15 I' Met .M I) wit stale-vnOdell il 50 I' Met, coroner costs iiiuiicut of Win Cm sou 14 48 I, o Hector. ,1 L llrunken. Wm Dnkcr, 1'' A Hagel, Itobert Hirsuh- CoutmuvU ou luat page; i V ,11