The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 16, 1905, Image 7

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- ,- .. .. .- -
1 Three Ranch Snaps.
In the Best Ranch
NO. 1 A ranch of 1S.000 nures, !J miles from the
railro:l. 17(50 acres tloocioil, one school section under
120 year ln S sections homesteaded. Cuts 1000 tons
wil'd liav and run; 1000 head cattle. 110 miles of fence,
ii-iuw hniisn. v s ; u
v H
- :.' .. .. .'
50 acros timothy and
mm llllllir-.
q sell on c
land. Will sell with or without
asy payments.
NO. 12 - A ranch of 112.000 acres, six miles from the
railroad: 1000 acres deeded, one school section under
120 year lease; several sections homesteaded. Kxcellent
fences, windmills, and ranch improvements. Cuts S00
tons of hay and will run 81)0 head of cattle. A bargain
for cash.
NO. a--A ranch of (5000
Will cut OHO tons i)l wild hav
Q alfalfa ranches in the
improved. Will trade
Q era Nebraska.
For prices and direct refeivnce to owners, enquire J
1 ta 0
JJS at the .lOUKNAli OKKICM.
Zm0000000 00 00 P0VXT''XKfif,0X00X01
J W. Mi-CU'llanil. I'ivi.
IM. I-Mw. .loliiiMmi, Ttvas.
Dr. P. M. .Imlkins Sw'y.
August 11-20 Inclusive
Kate of out1 fan pluss Tide mi all rail
loads. UiicM'fllcil Prolan'. Fini'Ht wimp
p minds in the Stalo.
Address Si'i'rctiiry, 1'iillrrtuii, NVI).,
for Souvenir ProHratn irivinij
full information.
For Hunlmrn tnttor nml hit in anil
turnip ilisimM. DnxVittH' Witch lln,d
Salvo lias no muni. It in n certain
etirn for liliiul. Iilcoiliuc, itnhiuj,' anil
protruding iiili'B. It will ilrnw tlio
tiro out of n liurn anil iioal without
loaviiiR n near. Hnilp. old Miros enr
liunolos. oto , nro (jnlckly mired liy llio
uso of tho (,'flnuinn DoWitr'H Witcih
llnv.ol Salvo. Ampt no Kiilistitnto as
thovnro ottmi diuiKormiH mul unupr
tain Hold hy.O.Diink
All Loaders
Wo cany all the liudiiu: UiihIh of
eoal. If m want Wool; Spunks Sun
hIiiiio Kiuuuoior, M utt lam I, ISlonil,
('in noy Woir (Jity, 'IVonton, I'lirnaco
(Joal, Hard eoid all in Nut ami Lump
Call niiWoawrA Hon Coal Co.
Sunshine Our Special.
Siinflliinu ('oul for Cook HtovtH in a
liitfli yrado WoHtorn ooal wo nro jjiiinj:
toollorlliiH your at Si! (10 per ton at
)ardii. Thin will lio tlio hi'Ht eoid oor
oll'ered at CoIiiiiiImih. Ti it nudum ami
hiivo uionoy. U. W. Weaor A Son Coal
Co. lw.
Special Fatm Bargains.
Wo lutvo foiii fariim for mile in tlio con
trill part of tint county at liiiiiiiu prices.
Musi ho Hold. ISoolior, lliickonhorKi'r
A- Ciiiiuihoni. dllul
Threshing Coal.
i',orilioiiotlircMliiiu,'e(.al Hook K.nni;n
Kiininerer uliick k'o to li. W. Woaor
A .Son Coal Co.
For Hdit.
Hoxerul dohirnlilo ihwllitu lioiui'ii for
rent. Ili'i'lior, lloolii'iihoittr A Cham
horn. 'I;!t
Public: is AimiRwl.
I'lio pllhlie in tuoiir.od to a Lnoledu'e
of tlio oiirutivn inoiitH of that ureat
nu'ilioiiml tonic, Klcctiu: UittorH, fr
Hick Htoinnch, Incr and KidiioyH. Mar)
11. Valtorn, of fill! St. (latr Ao;, Coliiin
ImIh, ()., writot.: "For Hovcral iiioiiIIih, I
wan ijivon up to die. I had foor ami
HUiio. my ihtvoh wore wrockml; I could
not Hloop, and my Monuu'li wiih ho weak
from iihoIohh doctorH'drii. tliat I could
not oat. Soon after hoiMumnc to'iiLc
Kloctrio iiittorn, 1 ohliiiuod relief, iiml
in a Hliort tune I wan entirely cured."
(Iiiunintt'cd ut DucltH drut,' ntoro; prion
Country in Nebraska
o-io-ikuu i.iueii
alfalfa. (500
good 5
Will ;
acres: 17(50 acres deeded.
. 'One of the best hay and
Well fenced, watered and
for merchandise or farm
in east- W
Journal Specials.
Dr. .1. 1). I'aul Dentir.t.
Smoke litttlo Duko clj;ar.
f)r. .f. VV. Torry. Opticaii.
Try tlin lClovmith St. jowollor.
Ilr. Mark T. AlnMalion. dontist
.Inurual ads hrnif; rrhnlts.
Dv K. II. Xanmnn.DnntiHt, lllthSt.
CoiuuU Dr. Torry nhont your oyct.-.
J. 1! 1-roili, pniul Iiik nnd pnpor
liaiif:iUK. ilwtf
DiaiiKiml O liiiuiK and hacount Her.
man IvnrM'iihrook'o.
l'Ot'ND A Lold watcli foh. Owner
can have hiune hy proving property and
pa i hi; for tins notice. Addresn hnx 7(1(5
CiilumliUH, Nebraska.
i.nst : V dark oonr Miiunwhute in
ColunitniK. Kiiulir pliiiMi njiort to
LoniH Schroedur. H
FOK HKNT. A hl room cottai;o,
with (jood hlnhlo. lui(mro .lolm V.v.
ton. if.
Oonl olf whllo von kcI hliavcd at
tho Tiiurtson harlier hhop, tho only
i;uol place in the citv. If
Now U tlio time to buy vnnr yoarV
supply of bnrilwnri'. You can mvo
trom Ti to hi) cents on tho dollar.
Cloos and Uohliiif?. tt.
Hoy your hnrdwiirn nt wIioIofiiIo
priuoH nt Cloos iitid HoIiHiik's. CloRiiiR
ont rnln. . tf
Try our Blond coal. .").. "iO per ton
nt tho yaids. Nowuian X, Wolnh. (ltd
Call onriy to t-eloct your bnrK.iiiiH at
OIooh and Uobling's while tho nsfiort
inent in coniilole. tf
Nownian it Welch have nil kinds of
coal. (1 td.
Dr. Torry, tho Oinalm Kyn Siinoialist,
haH opened ono of thn heft equipped
njiticnl oIlk'OH in tho west, over Pol
lock and Co'h dnif,' Ftoro. Will bo in
IUh ColumbiiK nflluo Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday mid Wednosday.of oaoli week.
ipootacloR nnd oyo kIukhoh ncirnttfl
cnllv litted. Conhultntiou freo.
Accounting. iTiO to 100 per month
salary paid our Krnduatt'H. Uporutoih
alwayH in douinud. Imlnrhod bv all
railroiulh. Writo for ratalojjue.
Morfo hchool of Telegraphv.
iJinniuiiati, O. , La Crofso, S'ic ,
Toxarriina, Tex., Kan Frnucihcn, Cn.
HAUOAINH. Screen doorB fir .r()
conts; ico nreiim fioeorH for il.'K),
Kasolino hiovob for ?1.7.). Tliei-e aie
only n fow of tho hardware bui;;i'iiih
oll'ored by (JIoob and UehliiiK. tt
FOCNU. A Miiall urlp contniniiH
muiio baby toilet articles. Owner can
have hamo by calling at thm ollicn and
payiut; lor ttiiH notice
ROOMS TO RFNT.-Fivo fuim.di.
ed rooms, hy day, week or innnilt
Tliioo doors wrht ot Clother Imtid
Mi'B. MnryFlynn Iwd
WANTKUi-Oirl ovei fontlKin. to
do liht houi-owork ntNoifoll;. In
ipiiro Mrs. Jlrown at rehidencn of V
N. Heiisley. tf
The Journal lor news.
(HMH:i! II A Kit (d.l, NOW.
We an faking nidci- (In II.. i !
( 'o:il, "lo ")U h i imi at anl-. (li I i
now. y A ( o.
I'rocnu-liuntinii is tho tliief of time.
Pon't put it nil. IIiivn your houdo in
Mitcd now. Ilnvn your nocountH enl
looted boforo thciy aro outlaw. (Jail
on (J. :'. .McKlfrcMi. wtf.
I'rom On' Wi.rlil '
A. Ivonmn nnd Huron Aitilernon lift
Tnopday noon for a few day visit ut
Hartford, Inuit
Mr. nnd Mr ad.un Madur and
little smi Wiiltor rotuinod Sttunlny
night from ciMtnl weeks lflt in
Iowa nnd llliuolv
Mr. and Mrx Oerd Aocho Sr., lolt
Ttii'Mliiy for Hot Sprlngi. S. 1) .whoiM
thi'V will remain tor mi torn I weeks on
Joy i ui; tlio climate and rnfreshinu'
Willie Stoinseu loft Monday noun
tor Mot Sprlni.'s, S. I) , where ho will
Kpi'tut Mime time for the treatment of
rheumatism, from which be has been
troubled of liWo
Fred Mooiter went to Hot Springs,
S 0 biiiuri'ny to join his family who
In.'o been l.orj for H'tiril wo'ks. Mi.
Mooller expects to ho nb.-ent about
three weeks and on bis return be will
bo accompanied by bis In ally.
Whllo Mr. nnd Mre. Adnm M mot
woro on their eatein viiit I. II 1V or
sold their eighty aero farm the miles
out beast of town to Henry Neuhus.
Tho consideration was .(!,i.00 per aero.
Mr. Nenhans was in town Monday
morning nnd the paper were made
Wnrrcii Kuhselinati departed Mondav
noon for Ol.ln where ho goes to visit
fronds nnd view t e seces of his boy
hood. He has not made Ohio a visit
for twenty yenrs nnd natuially looks
upon this trip with kiiiio degree of
J. A. l'hillips deputed thn I, titer
pirt of tho week for Hot Hnrings. S.
D., where he will remain for ut line
in tho interest of his health. If tin
I'luuntfl anl waters prove brnelielal to
n mi bo may become n permanent ic-l
dent of that place.
Saturday tho eight year old son c.f
Mr. and Mrs. li. C. Kotupor had tie
misfortune to get the fourth linger of
his left hand in thn cog wheels of a
washing macliino which mutilated it
in an ugly manner, Ineakiug and grind
ing tho hours. Dr. O. K Juiigbluth
was called and dmsEcd tlio injured
member ana inndo tho little fallow us
comiortablo ns possible under tho cir
cumstances. IM vV'.irdeninn's new house has I e
gnu to take on tho nppearauco of a
residence. It is nil onelood mid the
cornice is lining put in Khipo.
Mr. and Mrs. Olatn Ingham nnd
children, who visited in Iioigh last
week and tho llrst of ti'is, tho guoMs
of Mrs. Ingham's parents, Mr. mid
Mrs. Uoo. .1. Houry went to Urcston
Tuesday ovoning whero they will
visit a tew days before returning to
their li'jme nt Tilden, Nebraska.
Monday morning the Northwestern
hotel chaugcil management. J. R.
Dubsky who lias boon noting landlord
for tho linn name of Dubskv oc Knnpp
retired and H. F. Loo nod II. O. Kem
per took chnrgo under the lit in name
of Leo Si Kemper Mr. Duh.'ky nnd
family have moved into tho Mclrueiny
house in the uorthenHt part of town
nnd Mr. v Inn secured a pest
tion ns clerk in tho general store of
P.uhmaii iV- Schleuter, at which jiliue
ho went to woilt yestcrdav morning.
St. Edward.
I I'rein tint AiImiik-ii I
In letters to the home people, Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. l'owoll says they hnvo re
turned to America nnd nro spending n
week with relatives in Wisconsin.
Tlioy nro expected homo tomorrow.
Gndfroy l'utersoii who lives north ol
St. Kdwnril loft tndny for Columbus
to visit his father, liuiiilu l'etenon,
who is ill nt thn hospital.
MiKsl'.dna Welch of OoIiiiuIiuh is the
now "holhV'girl nt tho Nebrahkiiti lo
phono ollicn, Miss .Inhiison having left
on tho noon trnin for n visit to rela
tives nt Ccdnr Rapids.
Mrs. Samuel l'dorMm died alter a
long illiicss at hi r homo in ai-Wooilville
Mondav afternoon at 1 o'clock at the
ago ot Is yeais. Funoiiil serviies
wi re held WeilniMlav lioiu the Hwi d
isli l.utlierau ehurcli at Ha!om l'uik
Rev. Madeiy nt tieiiou nlllciatiug nt
the homo and Rev. Reckluud of Salem
Park olllciating at the church si i vlciv.
Rui'ial was had at Hie Salt m I'aik
eeiiieti iv.
i'lio .'it;;litsti-Finds Many 'Miln(,t. o:
liilmiisl in CuliliM'iiia.
Cihroiuia Iihh iiiiiueroiiii naluial
hndgi'h, caveti, etc. of no little liitetiiil
I'lie .Maliiolh CuMi of ('alliVeliiH, illb
oeiil li iinneih in lh'ill;tlin Mno.islei
Cm-, tin Cr)slnl I'ulace t'ne, cniitiiiu
in,; a iiniiilei ill atliaclnc hiiIhci nmenn
i i,n'iiiieiilh, such iih the Cham
in i, tho Chmilul I'aliice lioiiiii, A fill i
oiiniippnrtniHiit eiilled .Miu.ic Hall, uhoio
the iiepiiHitHor iiitieniiH origin not onl)
take the form of organ pipi'H, iiiiiiudiug
lionrdH etc , but eini i, ,i,ii hI I lick, iii urn-
oiilHoiiudHiiiid viln iitiomi. .Near Uiih eavo
me two natiiriil brnlgoH wliioh thetoiu.
mi can vim I and letnin to Hie inilioail '
Mtiiin hiilf an hour. The only natural I
v i) In reach Ihcmtf-cenoH of iiilereHt IH
, m "'ran Overland liiunted, Itoute,' i
coiiipnmi.g tho Union I'acillcand South
ei n i'lieillu, now rcaly one line. '1 he
onl) lino running tlnoiigli traiim to. San I
FraneiHco from Oinahii, Us fast tniins,
arming Hhteeu hoiirH ahead of all com
petitorH. I'ainphl.itH and inupn iIchciiIi. I
uigtlio wonders of California, and full
lnfoii'iation iilmiii ihe moRt eouifoiialii
and i in "ft route to the I'lii'ille,
be oblainod of i: I, hoiua., (i. 1". A
T. A, Oiuiiha, Neb.
TIlO IMMItlll llllllll IVIlll lllllll'l 1 '..I-..
K-( Vliinit Mir ( mil lloitU,
"The th'xt cltleii of lIllnoH mid the
greatest of American proMdciits" Is (he '
liiiiiiui'i' In which Mr. Cnrr refor.s tut
Abrahain Lincoln In 'The Illlnl." Ilo
recalls the llrst time be oer hoard Mr.
Lincoln's nnine. It was at n enuntry
hotel, and one of the resMeiitu of the
t mil wits telling of it "eurm .wiling fol
lor" who had winked In u huwiiiiII. but
i;iw up the Job to go Into the llhol.
Hawk war.
"lie wus working for n gcutli lunn
nit mod Klrkpiitrlek. nnd otic '. ly nee
body said to Klrkpntrlil.: 'You oiiu'iit
to get a eiiiit hook for that young fcl
low to mow logs with. It's too bad 1 1
make him rail them about without one'
"The Mwniill tender nuked what it
cunt hook would cost, and the) tutd
!.."(. 'Ihe yoi'iig fellow snld, 'If )oti
give me the d ilbir nn' n half I'll gi on
tiiekllng the legs an I do now with u
wooden sp,e (hat I iiuike injm-lf '
"'Done: said the boss, and ho didn't
nee I t i buy any eiinl honk.
"lint, do ,oii know. Unit boss was sa
tucutt that ho be it that pun- boy out
of that money. Ilo nowr gave It Jo
'"I hat fellow went on lending saw
mill and telling stories ami nowr let
on nb nit tho cant hook. Presently
canio the P.lack Hawk war, nnd they
pitched In anil raised n company, and
Klikpatrtck set nil his plus to be nip
tain, hut that youm; follow hadn't for
gotten about the cant book, and be ,iwt
bccnnie a candidate for the captain's
place himself, ninl when the company
voted he beat old Klikpalrlck four t
one. I helped to elect Mm, and when
bo got elictcd he turned lo me nnd
said. Mlill, I've got own on (but cant
book '
"lie It the most curious fellow 1 over
naw. There never came a mini Into tho
liolgliboihood hut he'd Ibid out .lie I the
things th;i m:tu knew best. lie nowr
gitw the choilttiastef any peine after
he found be knew grammar until he'd
learned all the grammar the torn her
knew, lie found a fellow who knew
bow to measure off laud, raid, sure an
you live, this fellow ipil.'ed him nnd
ipil'.cd him until be learned the trade,
mid then ho git muiio tools mid went
out himself it-setting section corners
mid making lines ami netting stakes to
l-how people where to put their fences."
"What hcc'iiu- of this .wiling inniiV"
"Well," said I'reeil, "he went mid
learned law, set up hi Sprluglleld nnd
got to hi ires'i. P.ut lie couldn't get
olectul for the second lei in. lie's as
giod a iVhow ns eviv llwd," continued
Mr. Oreiii, "but he's kind of common,
Kort of JtiNt like everyloily else; no bet
tcr, ho woi-e: .lust a good fellir."
"What' i bl naiiieV"
"Abe Llueiilu," lepllcd iJreell.
A IMItielle locbl.-nf.
There Is a pililul idory told In Ihe
P.ookuinn of Philip llntirke M'irsI .n.
the blind IhigIKh writer. hie d.i a
particularly good idea came to h. u
nnd he sal now :i to his typ. w i ill , w Mi
enthusiasm. lie wrote rapidly for
bourn and had neatly llulMicd the lot)
when it friend came In. "Ilea 1 ti.itl."
said Mai-Men proudly, "and '.'". i .e
what )oii think of It." The fi'--n!
stiircd at the hapiiy author and '
ut the blank sheeis of paper In h,
baud bofno be was able to under-'! m.l
the hllle tragedy. The ribbon had I it
taken from (he l)pewriter. and M ir
ston's toll wus for nothing lie ne or
had the heart to write that Mory a'.'iiln.
I'lini-r of Siiltitiiirle Aolii.
All Instnneo of the great ill .Mihin:;
power.s of Milphurlo acid It I'lirnished
by an accident xvhlcli oeeiii'i'id In tho
cheinle'il factories ut Mullioiise, AI
mho. An oj crnllvu wa.t hloxvii up into
the ulr air1 fi II Into a innuh lllled
iiboul three feet lb ep with sulphuric
Held. Ill" temper llll.e ol" which XV.T1
found k Ic .i deg I'ei i' leu boiira
after the m 'del t 'Ihe deiMi of thu
111. ill w.t old) pl'oxeil by the dlscoxery
of hi ; caotii' hull ' ie i it, iiur, mu..le,
txvo p.ii'ielalu liiill'iii- .i.i.l other Insol
ilb'e urllel 's. Uxor) thing else had
ihc'ub'iilly en n'llne I xx I'll the add.
T. 'union Knliii er.
I'.x'l of I'liiiiilliirll.v.
"A goi'l irieii I." salil Captain Rill.
"Is the giintosi bleeiing a mail can
have P.tii nn ii are !!!, canal bonl.s In
p.! of x. ';. , ioi I II ii ii n't p iy for
eiiln r m 'i o" li... is i i g -I -.i el in. (i
getln-r they cue u:io!hei paint
olf " .N'ow.iil; News.
On .'a i.i tNti'i. 1 1 .-1 1 in., liurn ic u .'ii
I N III- I l.
"I i tiny tin -in along, please," I the customer ns she left u pur of
opera glasses lor icpairs at a Cln'-t-Illlt
street stole "1 can't hear well nt
the theater w 1 1 limit them."
An iMn'i' customer who was xx 'iMIng
l.!i 'lid X'.hen the xxolii.'lli led .it hei ap
p.uelit mistake. 'She me. nil si e could
lint si (," he obM'I'XOll.
".'mi," li'lolnel Ihe opliii.ili, '-hi
mc'iiit Just xxhnt Nile j. ild. (I.ii ni
L'lisii'H are nn lid li In. rue; a xx'll
lis In sM'ht. Vmi i iii pi II ,ni i ii '
yoll I'le M III d XX ell biXXIinl the n i ' in '
u theater b) training the g'.ises on a
Sllit'er A loll" IIS )oll l.i'i p the I gi I'
mull r sciuliiiy with the giissei )ou
Will he Utile lo lollow tin xx'oli! o the
S'liig xx lib ease. I Hup the gl.i-.-os and
yoll will llntiie it dilTeielne. It xxdl
ri'iune more or less of a strain to
c'lii li the enunciation iHsl'mcUy.
"I'.y the iim' ui opera glass. e the
lllor p'llroli Is OUllbll I In liolt' ill tliict
ly ovei) uioxoiiii-iil of a miigci's lips,
and the iiuchi Km i 'I p n adiug' gieat
ly aids the sense o he.iriug .If yon
ewr nlioiid a piiiihe mooting where R
l.s Imp i-slble to Hi t i .ee to the speak
er 1 provide yourself xxllh opera gla .ses,
and you will bo HiirprKi-d how greatly
tln'.v will aid you In hearing." Phila
delphia Record.
..h ,?r,T:i,r,'u.,jni.
ASl'yclnlilo I'rcpnriMiotilorAs- I
luip; llto Sloumclis mul Dmwis of
I'romotos DiwlioibCluvtriil
ness iiiid llx'.siA'tmlaiiis iioilkT
Opium. Moiplttni' uorMiiicrut.
Sov Nahcotiu.
toryr oT 01,1 A'UW 22 tlTUIXR
tl S'HItlt
iimk,Vt U
Jlifnnitl -
Hum Stfit
CMiitil UiMf
lMfrfw'v.i rAii
trymi r7.nTf
Apct Ted Ui'int'ilv ror(onslivi
Hitti, Sour SlotUiirli.Diiiiilioo.i
IU'4 citttl Loss of Sl.KKI.
lnrSiimlo Snjnnliirr or
The Only
Track Railway be-.
tween the
River and
Fast daily train sltvicc
Pacilic & North -Western Line from noints in
Nebraska to
Six (rains a day Omaha to Chicago, without.
chance, rwo trains
bt. Paul and Minneapolis.
- Che Host of Everything
lor ril, ilrhi'l
io.u-iiiis riiKiii
J. I. KUHI, Int.
Clili.ifo Si
Journal Job Printing
Slyliwuii1 iilwnyx up lii-diib1.
Wuil; i-i uaianli'iil.
I'nitiipl li livrry.
Kra-mialili' piiiiH.
Il'xxr luivi'ii'l il wi'xxill iinli'i' il. Wi run t-avr liiiini'.-H
ini'ii innlicy mi piiuliil f'nriu-; n ran H riiiaxcil
rniiN liir -iii'irty pruplc; In lli'i-i-lyh-i at Inxxrr piiriN.
.Iniiiiial Salt- liill-i luin ciihxiN. .Inurual l.illi r I li-aiLs
In ni;; liii-iui'-s. Try us
Only haily in ('uliiinliii-. Ilrlp us push.
Columbus Journal 60.
Givoc roct to tho stomach. Curea incHrontion, dyspopri 1, sour etomach,
tirr stomach, weak stomacli, windy i.totnach, puflud stomach, nervous
Etomach and catarrh of tin stomach. A tuaratitoad cure.
l'im4 nt t h. I.M..
otHoryolE u li.VIlt
Ca ,(;iilnso,!J H A
Olgomtm Whmt You Et
Mukom tho Bromlh Smomt
Sold by Ghas. H.. Dack, Druggist.
i For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
via tiieChicnao. Union
and East
daily between Omaha nnd
nn.1 full Inliirmillnn .ipply
I'n iln u ( or .uii'i
Cm. FnltM tr, fm'i. let.
Nnrili Wi-slrrn Ky.
Wf til
m 1 AJi
IlnlUr t.oUIhu.i JSj
lin' much lh
IrUl. ur ho cnt lift.
1 i