The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 16, 1905, Image 2

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I 1
Thr la no noclmll" 8nlt. Alum,
Lime or Ammonia in food modo with
-Aor.v jhc no no PonntH jnus?
It makov purn food.
A Yill for the Kainiei
Cornu, whi'iitH. tmln. rye,
Swum ninl.i Klfk:i Miy.
ltPiinn, liunklii, raMl" dinnp,
A t In crown wuln innl nci'p
Sqium In, hrnyn, inno u, iiuIkIi.
(Jettlne. richer t't'i v tiny.
Sulln i'rt)m, itotta mnn,
Heaven uliovn mi ciirfli Iipkhii.
Who nrn wo?
Who iiro v'V
Tlmt'e tint very hnnl to 'u.
Leave tin out mill vnu nrn nit,
So our name In dimply it.
ICmiFiiK Oily Drovnr'fl Tuleitriuii
Tliurn la no way to iimliitniii Mm
Imnltli mil htri'iiKth J of niiml mill
lunly i'ri'i! by iiotirlchmi'iit. Thutn
m mi wny to itoiirlNli evrept thronli
tin Moninili 'Vim Ktoinnrh iiniH lie
kept hi'iilthv pum mill H'.vcet or Hie
MrmiKtli will let down niiil iltH'iiM'
will nt up No uppt'tlto, Ioh of
Mrmiittli, inrvotivinh, lieiiiliielin, con
MlpUlon, hnd hrintli, sour rlxliiK-,
tiliinc IndlKuMion, ilyi.ppl!i mill nil
stomririi troulilcH thin urn rtualilu uri
ipiirltlv cured liy tlw iim of Koilol
Dy-p.-p-lu euro Sold liv (! II Duel:.
Tho "Gang' Wins.
(.Mon.liij'ii Dail)
It was u gnut kiiuiii of hull thnt with
pluyed yuftcriluy between tint court
Iioiinii uniiK unit Dmi 1 1 ray 'h sltiKKurn.
Flvn hundred pnoplit hiiw I Iiii Kiiiue,
tho jjroatur pitrt of tlinin IhiIiik from
I lio city. It was iiii. mt !l o'clock
when UIiiiiMh (JarriK, I lie lut of the
"Htiiik'"nppi'iireil on thu itimuotiil mul
In- mut it hlurm of np Iiiumi. limned
lately IlicriiifliT thn iimiiiI prulliuin
nry htunls with j'nnti through with
when the umpire ciillnd "ility hnll."
Tho court lu.ti'c Iio.vh went to lutt llrnt
nml after ft I i iik it couple of riiuiierH
Mttclv on the t itsi't-, ShcrilV t ur r Itr,
who was oiim the terror for nil
pitchers, ctepp il up In thn pl'iut and
hwipncil the hitll Miiure on the horn
to ileep center atul M-oroil two men
Till -cntiii it to titlte the uiumtr out ol
the country tnyn, but they mini Mtttled
down unit allowed tho "miik" hut
three mire- durinir the rt'iimlniiiK
niKht iiiniiiK"
llrnyV hluuk'ers hcotcil in the third,
rdxtli mid elKhth liiuinuN, hut I'M
KiiviiiiiiukIi' henilerD were mi itecep
live tlutt lUrieeu or inoio of the 1uk
Kiti fnuiied the air.
One feature of Ihepuiie wuh it pretty
sllil-j to third hy .liny (Jitrri. Ail
other, it riiiiutnir entoli of it nky-puntp
or liv lletiry l.iwdiiilt, mill the work on
nhort hy "N'iiU" 1'itrtur The hittteiy
wot I; of the hliiKK'TN wiin mmd mul
every phtyer of the tcntn plitycd ,'ood
hull. Score I to ." in fnvor of the
court house.
After the Kmuo it foot nice or two
were indulged in mid the rcM ot the
day was spent itt htevenV
Will (Jrcmnlui wits the officiitl
srorer mid Joe Mnhnffey prodded an
The salve thnt Iii'iiIn without it srur is
PeWilth'VVltchlln.elStlve No leiuclv
olTectsmch Hpecdy relief, it draws out
lutliiiiiittiou, sooths, cools, mut heals nil
cuts, hums ami hruises. A sure cun
for piles mid skin ilUeif-e DnWitt's
is the only 'outline Wtteh lltinl salve
llewnre ot countci felts, tliey nit.
Imuterous. Sold liv Ol. arte II I lack.
Now HuilihtiK
l Monda)V lall i
T. Kriedhof mid (!.N I'lilllipif will
lienin worl; in it few dins in Hi,, i
liiiililiiit: on die comer ot Thir eciilh
mid Neliritslnt streets
Tho hulldini; is to tic ot hncU. i'r. In
M) mul two storits IiikIi. The lown
llnor on the corner will tie occupied tiy
Mr. riiillitips liiuk mid the limn cut
of the Intuk will he toeit for mercan
tile purposes. The second lloor will
he until for otlices.
OIiiin. Wiirdeiuiin will supt nnteuu
I lie construction of the lnuliliiic.
Never in the wuy, no irouhle to
curry, to take, pleitsiint nml nevci
fiiiliiik' in results are DeWitt'r. Little
KnrlT Kiserx. These fittn .us little pilU
lire n certain KUitrmitrtt iiKiilnst head,
nolle, ltillioiisues, torpid liver mid nil
of the wis resulting from coustipntion.
They tonio r.nd streiiKttien the liver.
Sold iiy (JhirlPs II Duck.
Jail SaiuUUi.n.
Our city phyniclun lr. O. 11. V,U.
culls iitioution to Mime un ttcts of jail
winitntion tlutt lire worthy of priniif
cousiderntion Spcakinu' to it .lucrum
ruptirtnr hit sniil in KutHtiuirit ;"tke cit
jail, with its rapid succeM-ion of hoho
occupants, hitilinc from nil rorm rs ot
the earth, mul lu'itriiiK till kinds of
dlscnsu nrins, is n most favorable
ntnrtiiik' plnun fni niicus ciiiiltmic
(Usoiihph, if it Ik tint funiicntril troni
tlmoto time. Tho RovormiiPtit pnsEua
MrliiKP'it li'VK rcKulittlnt,' tlu Miultnry
condition of tnrs nud stock ynrds liut
thi city iniiutciptlitv pprnittx liiimnn
licliiK's to sleep In the jtil filth lett hy
I prccei'ditiK dlsOiiMMi occupants, cureless
of th'ir health mul even their lllc,
h.n n few iiollarH would pay
liliulk'ntioil. I have culled the uttPIl
ti-.n of the Mayor mid tliitritv cnnricll
to (otiditt'iiH and in Inc (u'ttro slmll
strive to !(" p tlif .'it v j nl to mi nit in v
cnuililiou "
Hoone (Jotinty Fnr
Thu socretitry of tho 1'itlr As-ointlon
writes uh thnt Honii'j county holds Its
twenty. tirst annual fair thin year on
Hcplcinbor In, i!0, Jl mid '..'.
fl.OOO wtis spent on the r.uiidn hist
ypjtr mid 1,'JOt) this year.
'J'tiey helleve they now littvn
thu best eiuipneil lair u'rntttids in the
Htntn otitHtdn of the stiilc lair On
the ldi ilnv lnt yrnr jteople
pns"(il iIioiikIi the I'ntc. Their Htnck
exhibit, both in (inutility mid ou'tlity,
mii not cxcellid by nnv fair in the
Mntp. They hnve contrni'teil for
.evernl new fen'ftis, thn moit ex
penstvo of wliteh in the j.'uldeh'K!
wonder nmre "Onte'' which tins hreii
sei tired by tho ctule lair She will
he heie Sept. '.'Ifi and L'ud Slut trots
n mile without it driver or a snkly
mul hits n record of '2 .01
Accoiuiundutiniih will bit provided
foi nil visitors.
'1 be pills that act us n tonic, mid
not its it drastic purun, me I)cVtittn'
Little Karly Kiscrs They cum head
ache, coiHtlputlon, hilllntisiicHH, jftun
lice, etc. Marly Risers urn -mall mid
easy to tnko mid ensy to net. Sold hy
UlmrloH II. Duck.
Forcible Detainer Suit.
( Monday 'h Daily.)
.(iiilu'e Kalteriiian to-ility dlhiiilsHcd
thu fornlhln iletniner suit in which
Henry Duval was plaintiff mid Al
Hall defendant because he concluded
them were no grounds! for action.
Orpheus Picnic.
i MiiihIii'h MiiIj i
The Orpheus Society held it picnic
nt their hull yesterduy iifternoon.
About two bundled were preient.
Purine the afternoon they had laces
mid sports in tho vurd mid served mi
elaborate lunch for which IhuOrphcus
Society is fitiuoiM. In the oveuiiiL' the
k'uoMs danced till midnight.
Labor T.x.
My itiueuiluieiit of Seotiou TO ol
chapter II, aitiele 1 of the coiupileil
Ktiituti'ii ot Nnbrmkii, nil persons sub.
Jeet to litbor Tn tuti-t iierfornt two
days labor on streets or commute the
htbor bv payment ot two tlollurs (',')
In ciihIi to the city Treasurer.
A W. Olnrk,
Oluiiriniin com. on htreet.s iiiid(.rudert.
After it hearty meal it dose of Koilol
Dyspepsia cute will prevent mi attack
of IndlKOHtinn. Kndol is a thorough
diKe.stnut nud a i.'iiarante -d euro for
Indlnestion, dyspepsia, mis on the
stomach, weak heart, sour risings,
had breath mid nil stomach troubles,
Sold hy OluirliiH H. Dnck
We desire to smmrii thn services of
it real live, eunrjetdie mid competent
Mtlnsiiuin in every oounty in thisSlute,
to represent us itiiioui; Kitriuers and
Stockholders. Uiiiiruutccd snhtiy mid
coiuiniHsion. Address, Supmior
Ainericiin Slock Food Or
I'rcuhiir Disanpetiriuu'u.
.1 D Itiinyi'ii, of llutlei Mil... N , laid
the pi'i iiIiiii diMippenince nf bin painful
NtinptiiiiiH, nf iiidiKCNtiiiu and IiiIioiih
liens, to )r Kiii'h Nnw , if,. p,s.
lie Hutu "I'liet urea perfect riniedy,
rm divinehii, H.itir Htoinneb; headael.e,
'oiiHiipntioii, cti'." liiiaraiiti'ed at I'tuei
II D.ielt ttm etiire, puce'J,"ie.
I'l.irels only one fliiiuiniiiuu in
i he state this year that will be worthy
ot your attention and tlutt will be the
one at Kulleitou the site of the fam
ous hovel's L-aji Theie n where
oii win k'et vour money's worth mid
Mime to spare and it von are looking
tor a vacation aim a place t,, spend it
Mm should write to the sivreiary for
it eopy i.l their haiidsciui' miuvciiu
book kiviiij! fulldelaiUot ttiopienrain
and dates. It Xt the hunii-omcsl limit:
of tlie soil ever nut out in tli, u
ml you should have one whether von
arc KoliiK or not. Their dates are
Auirust II to -.Mill uiclusiv.i i;-ur
sinti utici. on all rnilivuiW duiin the
tune ot thi iiinelim; See the Inn btlU
for furllur particulars or wutethe
Tin' I'nnin I'ui'ifi,' h.ih juci
IhMlinl un lllllHtruti'tl luinKUl mi thi'
Li-win and C'liuK (Vntontiud, uhudi m a
'iiiupliito uiilt to l'litiluiiil, tho i:poM
Hon nml tin rneidc Niirthit yciicrull)
li t.'llH.Miut'f ihoHhoitit Mux tnrt'iii'li
Un1 i:pn.iti.iii City, what is tn ho h'.mi
t'li rnuto, and of thf r.-turn trip tlimii;i
I'ulifuri i.i.
Tiiiit who mt i il tn tlio liri'ut
Wi'hti'run I'u r will find in Hud iiiIiIumi
tiiui n nirn fund of infortunium.
Si'inl two I'tml Htninp in mir ri'ijui'tit
und tho ImioU will ho uiiiiIihI miu iironint.
W. II.
Smith & Coe's
fco Grcam Pcirfor
A lii. i' line of
Candies, Cigars
and Tobaccos...
Cold drinks and Ice Cream
Shilling Parlor in connec
tion. Special attention e;iven
to Ladies' shoes.
Smith & Gog!
Opposite U. P. Dopoti
Card of Thanks.
We h Tchy e.Menil our most .sincere
thaiilt- to our trieiids at:d neihbiirs
who 'ii kindly iw-istcil uh diiiinif tho
last illn.'s ol uur wifo and tuother,
Wm Mitttsou mul Ohildreii.
Shock vs. Stack Threshing.
It does not pny fitrmiini to thresh
in thn shock. All millers mul (,'raln
men arKce on this toint mul yet iiiunv
fanners persist In that hnblt nud inline
to stuck their (,'rnin. Mr. A. .Tnrcii has
made mi experiment this year on his
fnrni thu result of which every farmer
should road. Hero is .Mr. .Iaet'i;i'H
experience in full ;
Oonidnrahlu diHCiislon IntviiiK h""ii
rnused hy tint stiiteineiit thnt the
AKriuiilttirul Department oi Lincoln
places the itunuiil loss toN'ebraslta iarni
ers for deteriuration ot iU'tllty on
wlient itt from ."i00,0t)t) to
mainly through neglect to stark may he
ot interest to farmers to Kid nctiiii!
li'iircs to prove this losd theory.
I Tint writer hud it lOitorn wht'ittthld,
which wits not stacked. At time ot
halves! the wheat wits of splendid
color, plump heavy berrv ot no less
than C.-,' and closer to ii:i test liv care fill I
iiivestik'ittion mid comparison with
other similar tracts threshed liht
after liarvnst. T'liiw wliecf now only
tests "'. pounds, it loss in weight of .1
pounds pur bushel, or it round loss ol
l.'i bushels to the tluld. Thu market
value ot the wheat, osviiiK to loss of
color and blenched berries i :t cents
linlow thn piico of No. '2 rod Tin key,
which wuh tho tfrndn thu wheat had
itt harvest. Ah wo threshtd in louiid
nuiiibius '.100 bushels actual weight,
thu total loss to tho Held and lo.-s of
price Ih f.VJ.S.'i. Now this Held wuh
threshed under ti'irtiial conditions n-d
dry weather; him it been damp thu
loss would hnve been much heaviur.
A. .Iiu'kki.
Mrs Mackcn Entertains
i n, uis. la)' pail) i
Mrs Mackeu enturtiiiiieil twunty
eiht Indies yesterduy nfturiioon at
foiii-'huiut. euchre in honor of her niece,
Mrs. Miller. The jirl.u for the names,
a beautiful cup and saucer, was won
hy Miss .Minnie MuMithou. Thu prize
lor lone hands was ulso won hy Miss
MoMitlton on a out with Mrs. Ous
Speiee, hut Hiiicn she received tho
pri.u for fiiuies she very rniiously
Kiive Mrs. Speiee thu second. .Mrs.
Mackeu wits itssisted throughout the
attnrnoon in serving wnfets mul
punch, mul Inter the refreshments,
hy the MisM's Klenuor Kuehu, Kv
Walker, Mantle Mncken mul MarKiiret
Hale. Mrs. M'llor leaves today tor
Olucniio where she will join her Itus
li.tud. Flemish Sutl'enng
is often caused by sores, ul, ri mul can
cers, that eat itwuy your skin. Win.
I'.edell. of Flat lioek. Mich,, sntr.. "1
have lined Itueklen'M A illicit Suhe, fill
I'lceirt. Sores and Cancers. It ih the
h"St healinu' tlrcuhiui; I eer found."
S tot lies and heals eiits.liiiniHi.udticalds.
J u ut I'll in 11 Dick driit; sture, i;iiar
aiileed Special Reduced
kSP?T Excursion Rates
I tt i oi t und ri'turu. Dnu tare plan
?.' oo On Miln Aui: i;l and 1 1
l'lttshuri; and lutuni. Onu flint plus
?.' 00. On miU Au. I7lh und Isch.
lUchiniind Va niul return. One tare
pliih ?; ih). on Miio .n. s th ami
Uth Ini'liisive
I'htladelnhia.l'oiiii .and rot urn. Ono
faro phi" '.' 00. On Mile Sept llth, LMh
and Kith
Ohonp rutoi. durlnu tho 'uuituttr to
CluciiKO, Milwaukee and SValukisha,
Wiv, St. Taiil., Minnrapohs nml
Uuluph, Minn., Muoklnuo Maml ami
Mackinaw Olty. Mioh , Doailwooil,
I.t-iid and to Hot Sprlnc S. 1).. and
other pl.K-y. WUi'iincin and Mtntiunitii
I A Uuliu, A.
I'-'Ol Fnrnluuu St.
(J Y
1. A.
T Remove Ink Spots, Iron Mold antf
Similar Gtalns.
Wlule wet sprinkle powdered
chalk or stunii n the htnin and
moisten it t.iLli milk. Another
method id to sprinkle with cult and
rub with half u lemon. Wash oil
acid nml nne ut once.
When the ink hm been allowed to
gel dry place (he stained part in a
mincer containing u little boiling wa
4er, moisten the tpotrf and covet
with saltJ of lemon. Let it rutuaio
u few minutes, then pour boiling
water on carefully to prevent the
ucid spreading, which would burn
anil mt the dry threads. Jt ia advis
able for this leason that the article
should he well rinsed in warm wa
ter. Xo alarm need be felt if in
Ulead of taking it out clean tho ucid
turns it out a pale green, lluiling
will finish the process.
Iron mold can bo treated in tho
oatno way, and it disappear. at once.
Muriatic acid is most useful in ro
moiug red ink stains. Ink must
be removed at oneo from colored
materials, as the dyo is not proof
against the method needed for dry
Btains. Steep the stained part in
boiled, not boiling, mitlt, rub it
lightly and change the milk as it bo
conies inky.
Cheese Straws.
Take two ounces of butter, two oi
extra good flour, two ounces of par
mesan cheese and tho usual season
ing of salt and cayenne. Hub the
butter and cheese well into tlio Hour,
ndd the seasoning am' Biillicient yolk
of egg to make the whole into n Btit!
paste, ltoll out thin and cut in
fit rips half un inch wide and ubout
four or live inches long. Cut olso
Borne rings of the paste. Lay them
on a .sheet of paper and bake in the
oven livu or ten minutes until they
become a nice golden color. When
cold nr range in little bundles, stick
ing three or four straws through
each ring.
Curo For Nail Biting.
A mother whose littlo daughter
had the habit of biting her nails had
tried numerous unsuccessful devices
for curing her before she hit upon
one whiili proed eminently effec
tive. This Mas nothing less than the
gift of a manicure ret with permis
sion to use it all she wanted to. Aa
the child learned to polish and trim
her nails her joy in titein grew apace
until pride had quite put to rout tho
tigly habit which no amount of coax
ing or scolding had been able to
break up. Table Talk.
Tho Diohcloth.
When dishcloths tiro finished with
they should bo put in a pan of hot
water in which a little soda is dis
solved and boiled for a few minutes,
then rinsed in cold water and hnng
up to dry. If you do not do this
every day you should make it a point
twice a week. Perhaps the best kind
of dishcloth is that made by knit
ting very coarse cotton on largo
needles. Thcso can bo bought, but
thu making of them affords a nice
occupation to thoso whoso eyesight
fails or to children.
Washing Embroidery.
Poap sliuuld never bo rubbed di
rectly on embroidery, but nil center
pieces of this kind Rhould be
cleansed Tn n Foap lather and
Bqueivoil with tlio hands, never rub
bed. Where colors are used on them
each piece ouyht to bo laid separate
ly on a towel. In this way if any of
the color chanco to run thoro will
bo no danger of streaking other
Soap and Candies.
Candled burn better and moro
lowly if tlwy hnvo been stored in
a dry place fix or seven weeks be
fore being used. Soap will go twico
nn far if well dried. It should bo cut
into small blocks and thcso arranged
in tiers with spaces between to al
low them to dry.
Pointer on Ironing.
Heforo ironing turn a bacon rind
flph siilo up on a board and pluco a
largo clean cloth noar it. Every
time an iron is taken fitin tho firo
rub the bottom and edges on it and
then on the cloth and there will nev
er ho a Hinut on tho mast dclicato
Whooping Cough Remedy.
For whooping cough mako a pal
atable sirup bv slicing onions lino
anil after sprinkling plentifully with
brown sugar allow tho onions to
stand between hot plates under n
press until all the juice is forced
Lime in tho JamiCloiet.
l.ime sprinkled on tho shelves
will keep pickles and jams in tha
aoreroom from becoming moldy.
.The lime must boirenewed occasion
ally, as it loses itsipower.
Deef Soup 'For Invalids.'
Take a pint of. rich beef stock and
tir into it while boiling tho yolks
of two eggs beaten with halfln cup
ful of cream. Thicken wthcooked
w.ntl satro. i I
u p e i
iscards nitiett-iimc per
cent, of the new propositions
put before the public.
has stood the test of public
opinion more than thirty
years, and makes firm friends
wherever introduced.
Try it and you will sec the
difference. Always up to the
highest standard.
Has no equal as a family
Hour for makint; bread,
cakes, pastry, gravies ami
noodles, and is absolutely
pure and healthful, ami
full of nutrition.
lor Pictures lor tin ( liulrcn
Wells-Abbott-'Nicman Co. .saWiKS.
Hold Only by HI.
Our Midsummer Sale is now going
on. Wo arc ollbriiig Goods at prices K
lower than ever. 5j
For instance, Our lino ol" Clothing H
which is excelled
wo knock oft" 20 on our Summer
Goods, and
For instance, Our line ot Summer
Shoes we knock oil 20.
Besides, we oifor many specialties
in Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Our Shirt Sale at 39o has caused
much comment. There never were
JJ such bargains sold
O and investigate.
The Goods must go.
room lor Fall Goods.
great niajorii y
lias, lint und it
(Joiiils .-toie I'nr tin ir
alliiii'i ha been tin- gradual niitrowtli id' time. Within
the pat lew year. the chaiigi' lia liceii iiiaivelnit.. We
:ulvertie cntilinually id' the arrival id' new ihhI- :iml will do well to watch I'm- the MANY TIMKI.Y
II' you ui'i' not tlillVi'eiit
want the most
You want the most reliable
Goods and you want
the easiest way to
select them
We giiarantei all lln. Siuui'lliing I'nr
Iv lie iiiiiml at mil' lnir A cuinpli'ii'
Fancv Drv (inoil.- to
Burins July and
sell our stock to
for Fall Goods
Xnw U the time to buy a coiupli'tc line of Dr
Clothing, Hat-, Cap Shoe-, Carpet, Cuitain ami
Kuriii.-liing tioods to .-elect from at low price..
505 llth Street. Columbus, Nob.
Agent Fop Tho .standard Patterns.
rior F 1 on r
Bfiugii.' A To.
by none in the City,
anywhere. Come
Wo need tho
Eleventh St
9 Columbus
'miiuhI nlionl
tiir I'lii'iipcr
to .-iin tlicii
to Kitiniiir
Mill Mind
the Dry
mlilintil nf
upplv. Thi
liUlll'iril en
IVoin oilier people
lor yoni' iiiiiiicy
I'veivniii ran
iiii- nf Sianli
i a-i-aml
-elect from at wrv
"l pliers
August we mist
make room
( iiluil-,
.' 'JwJ