The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 09, 1905, Image 8

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    ' VtPHWBWt J-
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It .
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5? sCDEIQEfcl RS?n Golumbuft,
' .111 - I 5 I J 1
(- " - - "-
Our Midsummer
on. Wc are oircring Goods at prices
lower than ever.
For instance, Our line of Clothing
which is excelled by none in the City,
wc knock off 20 en our Summer
Goods, and
For instance, Our line ol Summer
Shoes we knock oil 20.
Besides, wc oflcr
in Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Our Shirt Sale at 39c lias causod
much comment. There never were
such bargains sold anywhere. Come
and investigate.
The Goods must go. Wo need 1 he
room lor Fall Goods.
SluL9ie71 lu L9iWJtJ99
00.0000 0 0 0 0 00
000.0 0 0.00000ll
( II) Mum
l'ti'li'ii ouli'i'tilM-i" inn) Mili'ritilini.n ii.
Hllllll'l I'jlatlllllll III till I ri-lllll I'llllplllll'). If
)im him' iiti)iliiiit!ln Ihi) or f I'll, ki-i Mi. I'mkI i
lll'lll llllil lei Mill IHUITII".' II III Mil' II'IHIIIIH
iiH'inf I'IiiIIim'iiiiiiI). Iimriiiil miIb hIwm'h ilo
till" llllkllllfM. AiIii'IIIm' III lllir llllllK- (liT
llrst. .Siiii'Mii'Mt Unit ullli .louililil iiiIm-iIIh.
I',. A. .liiiicK, M. ! I'h-.hieiim mill Miit
goon, Call itiniiily iiiiswcicil iluy mill
A 'lil will born to Mi. mill Mrt.
Deny Siuiiiilni j mi Sunday.
A liny wns I'orii t i Mr mill Mtii.
(lonrgo ': iH'K'Viitp last week.
A lioy was horn to Mr. ami Mrn
Willliim YanOwcns Inst week
OrniH look good tiji in (IiIh part nf
llm (111111' i y
Tho Inill etui"' between MiUiIhoii iiiki
(Jroston hi't Minday played on the
OroNtou iliiiiiiiinil, toHtiltctl tti u worn
(it I'J in i in favor of flrestnn.
Wc are headquarters lor
everything in Drug sun
dries, Pain Is, Wall Paper
and Painter's Supplies.
Prescript ionsa specialty
i.-.. . . . . i i - ii.i. ...a......
Will. I'illlllg llllil II hail HOOldOIlt lllSt
Humbly, fulling from tlm liny niinv at
tint liarn of K Klninor. ll in k-ctlUK
iilimi; iin woll as can lm cxpncteil.
Dr. K. A. .Ioiipk rotiiriiril fru.u Clil
fiiKo liiNt rrlilay.
Don't foritiit Dm tiall i:;itno imt
Siiinlnv Imfwi'iMi ('oluiiiliUH anil Drcr.
ton lo lm nlajt'il at ('oliiiiiliuH. 'J'hin
iroinisos to lui a kooi! iriuiin. (!iioii
will lio rninMMitiMl liy a larto run
tlnciinnv.All tlm llvnry totuun tn town
havo alrimily lionu oriliTiil mul all tin
luiloinoliilim ami irivatn tiu'H to lm
htrixl will lio liroiiKlit into Mirvico.
-1 --
(.'till 'ivlnii i'liarniacy
Cnll.s prompt ty an wcinl l.i mi nnli;
(YiMoll, Nrlilil l.n
CIirh. WnKimr, ciUtor of tlm Static
iniin, inovml into tlm old crtiumry
liuililliiK last Tuim!iiv. llm jil.ico fin- '
nmrly orcupli'il liy hhn li:s t ci-ii mlil '
to Win. KiiKi'tlx'tt for a ori'unmry
Clias. Smith i I' Mouroo was visiting ,
liorn lust TunMlar. '
Tlm ralinatoor htoro is lipin invoi'oil ,
ak'ain this wcolc. It lias Ihmhi s;i!i in
Mr. 1'riost of Monron.
Jt. F. U. Ko. 1.
Cialr'l, who imuhaM'il iho Hiisliman
farm in Iniililini: a imw ilwi'ltinj; Imuso
mi tlm plaon ami will niovt iw soon as j
Im nts tlilnnH in sliaio
Miclnml Sotilor. who ha.i heen dan
KtiioiiHly ill for somotitim 1h improviiiK
itnil will Im admit acaiu in a tow days.
John ICIinorH mnv honm will soon
Im roiilv for tlm iiliiHtcnirn, and the
youiu,' I'tniln Hy they urn Mirn to
iiliratn it with an uhl timo ilanci'.
Doilils Urns, hlmlli'd corn for Henry
lilavor last 'IhurMlay ami M Klnvir,
ilollvurril tlm corn at I'latto C'ontir !
Solomati ShonliPt'il and wifo of Ml
vnr Cr.wk worn tliiJ uui'Mh of Uharjcs '
liiKi;;ato and family 'for ono wt'td:. :
Thoy ri'tiii'innl lionm last Monday.
Mm. Ilmiry Klnvor was not iiiiti
at widl at!in last Kunday. Hut wa
feeling bettor Monday. It is thought
It I L &9 a "1! I w e 1
--' " IHiUI Ui)IS(i,
Sale is now tfoing p
many specialties l
eventh 3u S5
Columbus tl
0 00 0 0000000,
0000 0 0 0 0.0.00,0.
that bv will rorover trnin her nick.
ni'fN Imt will not lui out of hml for u
inontli or hix wcmiIch.
( 'liarli'H OMi;nto rnniivcil iiilto n
mivito uniKtroko (Win tiny Inst woi'lc
anil in not alilo to work from tlm
olIoctH. Ono Mill- nf Iiih fu-:o is jinr
tially paralv.i-il anil lit h unalihi to
oIomi IiIh lot t nyo.
,'iuto a niiiulinr furniurs am inar
kilting wlinat nt Oroiiiio thlv mmisoii.
DoiMh HrntliiirN liavo a larjo finM of
Platte Center:
.lili ii. l!h.N
I I'ImHc I 1 III, .,'IbTM III.H , M'l.l'il-
iiniiH iii lui I. Id.. mi. If)i.n uuni iii 1 1 1 1 ,i
I'll ii'ijMiiiii!. '" Mi Iti'if ill mul Ii I Mm mli it.
!!' n in tin- liinlinif I'lipi-r nf I'liilii- riiiiiili
.louililil mln iiIvmi). il,, tin. Iiiimiii -h. Hut i, mt
Hw III Jlilll I lUlpIT tit vt Mll'il'llll'lll Hml
Willi .Iniiiii'il luiiKtllhliii;
Th i nrw dam will lio cmupliitcd
tills wi'ck
MIsh l.ouim Mnity U visiting tlm
.inu'ir honm.
Dr. Hlntir and ilauchtor, Misti Vesta
spout Tuculay in town
Mu r.ini'kiirr and Mrs (irmntlmr
wont to ColiimlitiH Mondav to vUit
Mr. (itimiithr who in in St. Mutv'o
ho'-pllnl Mirfnritiu ft (im an alfoction of
llm oiitiit ncrii' Mr (ii'imiitlior'H
many trinnds will lu plc'i'i'd in mnrn
tint Im Ih improving inpidly
Miss Marj-arnl l!dan has ln n on
Kiiuul In toacli tlm O'Kay school mt
!! ICmnmt Ount Ionian eul his foot ho
vnri'ly on a pincn ot class I Iiih wi'iik
Mrs. K W. (ioiitlnniaii, Miss .Ion
Hnrkn ami Mi's Maituin CIi'iimiii wint
In Hot SpriiiL'x last Tni'sday mni nini:
Mrs. (Iimtlomaii will inniain two
wroks ami tlm vmni ladieM thtco
Mr. ami Mi i' !' Sniitli ap lorat
imI in their new home, in I'latto Con
Tllll Mlttitktlil I'n ........I.. .... ..I..
I - ' .i-r-... i.i.iii- i.-iiiii. ii,,' ;V
niK an iiMiimi at lairalier llro.s. iIiIh
I week
Morn. Woilnesilar. Aug J, to Mr. Mm .lohii Komi, a ilauu'liter.
W T draic and family lett Monday
!or Kearney, llielr ftittiio honm
D- M P. Tni.s has opened an office
life old Strolher huilding
' .t.iliu Smiui and two soils went to
i Weima .Vor.dnv.
Mr. and .Mr l'r. il Walls rl (lenni
were miosis ot relaiivin here Sunday
j I'mii Maker nn I Win Deinier were
in Oolninluis Timday
, Mis H' Hollinusl.iad and two ehil-
d'-en ot Anailiu aitiid Timx.ay tn
viii leiatlves
Mini Knima Smyi-r wim has het n
visituiK hei ntii'le in Med Dak, n.
turned Immo Tnesduv.
Maji'r and Mis. I has Hill of Spring
tn Id, South Dakota nu utteiiiling a
meeiing ot the tumid nt dtreetors of
the Monroe Dank today.
1'. K Strolher of l'rimrofe is hero
Thos Duel; ot Coluinluis was visit
ing his brother John, yesterday
C. II Keily. Win. Webster, ' W. K.
I'oleNnnil A. K. I'riest went to Ores
ton Saturday night in an automobile
where Priest and Tole have traded for
tlm l'ahuateer Mnrk'nt iiierchandiso.
K. .T. Williams of Daelc an 1 Coin
puny is m.sisting in tlm invoice.
Doctor 1'lntz was in town Satur
dav !' II (ierrard and family let r tor
l.nup City iFat Saturday
Mr. ami Mrs. A. M. Head and son
Will an I Mr. and Mrs b'ish and (Jem.
uiodoio (iiilles started Wednosday tor
Webster, S, D., for two inonths'Visit.
Mm. O. K. I'ollouk loft yewtonlay for
Hot SprltiBH, U. I).
Mr. MeWililiiniH ifl moving his fami
ly into tlm rour of Mrn. .Incksoti'K
build lug.
Mm. M. t). Knrr and Mm. Jnllns
N'lidinlH aro spending tht day nt Mc
.Mrs. .lohii Hnrt nf llrokotirltlgo,
Mo., is hero for n two wrektT visit
at thn homo of her impliiiw, P ,1. Hnrt.
lilnut. Hdtifiloy loft anntlny for flic
Knrampimuit nt Keariio He has
been appointed by AiMutntitgenornl
Ctilvor to Inspout tho drill thoto
Tlm r.n'llps' Auxiliary nf tlm Con
g rgntlnniil church will meet lit xt
Wrdmday at !l p. in. with Mrn. It.
Knton. A gouit attpiidntico is desired.
A. Prndfuehror Iitih rerelved enrds
trnin August P.orttcher and Dr. Ties
iug and from Arnold (Jnhlrich. All
n port themselves well nud nenil grcof
Ings to trlentlc.
Tlin Misses Miriam nml Marjurio
1'rieo who hnvo been with thoir grnnd
motlior, Mrs. (Joodalo thin summer
will letivn for Kaiid City, H. D. Fri
thy or Snturtlny.
Tlm .lotirnal is in receipt of afouvc
it i r card trom ltov. (. A. Muiiro
from Wii'liington. Tlm card contains
a pirltu of a large fish which ltov
Munrn irpri'xuits as his own catch
within two days after hts arrival.
Mrs. S.. C !rav, who has bocn dan
goronsly ill tor tlm pitht fovv wceltN
was able to be out for n drivo tlm first
of tlm week. Mm. dray had the mis
lortuiio to bo stung on tlm ankle by a
bee and tlm poisoning spread until it
enilangnrnl Mrs. (irnv's life fir a
Miss Mottle Housloy, and l.or sister
Mrs. K. H. Mrown of Norfolk ilroe
nut to McPherson's lake yesterday
nftornnnn, wlmro thoj worn cuosts of
tho Ktilenjaiiirnior Kids. Tlm bnvs
aro ehaporoiipd this week by Mis
Mark Matlibiirn ami Miss Maude Cat
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Knrr nud Mr.
and Mrs. Ji.Uus, Nichols drove to tlm
Clay (batiks nt Helwood Sunday to
Npimd tlm day taking a picnic dinner
with them. It is said they anuueil
theinselvr.s with a railroad elocipedo,
but this is on tlm quiet ami should not
be reported.
Tho iv. K. K.'s enciimped at Mc
I'lictsou's feel that they can swap llsh
stories now with tlm best of them.
All of them collectively succeeded in
binding a six pound eat fish yester
day. Their entcii was1 triumphntitlv
brought to tlm hdadiuarerH, dresssreil,
cooked and sorvod to thomclvcs and
tlieir visiting guests.
Little Miss VirL'io Peterson, aged
live, celenited her growing years by a
birthday party Monday aft riioou.
Her parents assisted her in tlm ar
rangements for pleasure of Imr guests.
Tlm lawn was arranged with ham
iimckH and swiucs. Tlm little people
hold a peanut hunt, hml n s-mp bubble
contest, nml then, best of nil, icecream
and cake nml other reifeshments.
Mrs P. F. I.uchslnger nf Plntto
Cuiiler ih entertaining eighteen Co
lamluis' ladies today, members of tlm
Woinans' Society of tho (ionium Ho
form church. Kov. Nouniiwkor went
with llm Indies. Tlm following natiifil
ladies were in llm party Mesdames
l.uoke, King, .Meyer, Moenlin, A.
.laeu'gi. Mathys, Htaub, Jacob (Jlur,
(ireiner, Mnrty, N'eiiinarker, Sam
Cass, Kurt, K. Wiuibiman, II. Konlor
and thn Misses (ilurairl N'mimarker.
Miss Mettle Hensley returned last
Saturday trom nn oMcndetl six weeks'
viist Sim returns: with that "much
trnvolleil" air you lend nliout. To
gethor with Miss Maudo Hrown of
Schuyler, sho went to Portland first
and wns fnrtunntn tn baiug privileged
to ride lu tho Woiunn'ragist t'mi
vent ion ear. This gave t Item moro
freedom nud plcnsant eonipanluiiF.
They spent three weeks in Portlnnd
wliero Miss Honslev has relatives
There sho onjoyod nntoniohillng and
sailing parties, given in her honor.
From Portland Miss Heusluv and Miss
Mrown proceeded to Ualitoriua. visit
ing in Frisco, Saciniuouto and I.os
Angeles. On the way home thev visit
ed in Salt Lake City, Denver, Colora
do Springs and other places ot inter
et Altogether Miss Honslev reports a
iielightful trip, mul one not soon to
be forgotten
tils Il.Xs.
' V' 1 i1' ' l :.i lu s.iy, uriil'M't.
' . i i n ! , ..ii , a hand mm :
'l. i. i V"
".- I u baud bad i imlr once, -Ir, Put
)' (,'., ' 'i t i t'n hiiy whi si'luK!ii
.iir giM"-i,h'i'l.iud Plain De.iler.
'I'.'ii' llm 'I Ii,', Mix.
"Pc.v's e. , u ,,, jm, Hue women
fid!.-.," said an uhl iiciriM pieaeher at
i:ceMir SprinuM one Sunday, "dat
ciiiiu'j to chuMi au' mv,- every hat In
C" coie.'r.'g.isliun every bat imt one,
and dat one de l.olid jiasses right mi
d.ih yoh nine i'n' help in ids cause an'
ti sabc yoh blue); souls." -Kansas I'lty
t l)U!!'l I. Iff.
"I pity the putir s.dior." H,i ti,,. sen
timental bonder. "His Is a dog'ri life."
"Yet.;' ivjnliu'd the cheerful idiot, "bo
goes from one bark to another, us it
wore." Columbus Dispatch.
Dr. J. W. Term
who for the past eight years lias
been tnakinj regular visits to
Columbus, has opened ono of tho
Itcst Miiii)M'il Optical Olllict-s
l:i Tin' Wont
in the front rooms over Pollock
it Co.'s Drug Store. Will bo in
Columbus olliccs Sunday, Mon
day, Tuesday nml Wednesday of
each week. Spectacles and eye
glasses scientifically fitted and
repaired. Hyu Glaseos tuljusted
to any nose.
Advcttised Letters,
Henry Johnson, Luke Lamb, Pros
D. II Perry, Katherine A. 1'rro. Lu
i'ii Sharoil, Loluso Schuh'., Altco
Scoot, Dr. Unlit. II. Wolcott.
JiPt!l5 r.
Tho Indopeiileiit Telephone comt
puny nro running linos north on tho
Moridiau as tar as Her man Kiinoinaiis.
Potor t was on tho Oninlin
maikot with two cars of fat canttlo
last week, This mnkos thrro enm he
hns sliipped since tho J'ourtli of July.
A. J. Mason has so fur rocoveml
Iroiu his'opcratioti ut tlm ho.-pital that
ho was utile to bo taken home Satur
. Mr. ami Mrs. Toll n Drunken, and
dnughtor, LouUn with Olarnoce Kuh
cnt. drovo tn Leigh Saturday, unit
took tho train from there to Srclhnnr,
whore they spent several days visiting
John Witt and family.
ltov. an I Mr.-;. Papt'iihausen nro re
ceiving a vim front thoir dnnglitrr
Mis Dora of Now York City. Auoth
or dauhgtor will ariivo in a few days.
These two young ladies were here two
yaars ngo to spend their vacation.
Tho IJutrcrmi'ks won a gnmo from
Colum tins' second nine Inst Sunday,
tcoro ."i to ;i
Farmers' and Merchants' Assoclationa
Move for Settlement.
SI. Paul, Auk. 0- Commercial clubs
mid merchants mid tariuurs' organiza
tions along tlm lines of tho (Stent
Northern ami Northern Pacific mil
as In Minnesota uto asked to take
action to end tho present telegraphers'
strike, and tho governor of Minnesota
has been appealed to use Ills good of
ilees In bilnglng about harmony lu or
der that business Interests may suffer
no fuilber Injury. The wheat harvest
throughout Minnesota nml tho Da
kolas has begun and the work of mov
ing a big-crop will, It Is said, tost tho
capacity of tho mails, oven under
normal conditions. Tho telegraphers
at strike headquarters seem to attach
great Importance to the expected nr
ilvul of Pieshlent J. J. Hill.
A wreck on tho Northern Pacific at
nralncrd tied up that branch for sev
eral hours. A switch engine was on
the main line and a head-on collision
occtin ed, In which both engines were
wrecked mid the conductor mul sev
eral passengers bruised, but no one
seriously hurt. The stiikers claim
the wreck was caused by n lack of
telegraphic t ommiinlcatlon.
Six Year Old Girl Rescues Lineman
From Peril.
Omaha, Aug. U. While playing on
the roof of a hotel building, contrary
to her mother's Instructions, sl.vyeur
old Matulo Wilson saved tho life ot
Harvey Donald, u linenuin woiklug on
a swinging scaffold, six stories ubovo
the htteel.
Donald, hearing the child's footsteps
on the gi.iwl roof, looked up and in
doing so disinwroil that the Iron hook
which connected his Mvtng with tho
pulley block had slipped almost out
of the ring.
A puff of wind to sway the rope the
frad ion of an inch meant death.
Afraid to move, Donald waited until
he again heard the child's footsteps,
and alter several attempts succeeded
In attracting her attention to his peril.
Acting under his Instructions, the lit
tle glil got a brooinhnnillo and struck
the hook, driving II back Into the an
chor ring.
Inspector Hraun Resigns.
Now York. auk. '.'- Mi.iciis Draun,
who became i ' d with the Hun
garian iiutlKMi'Us at Uiidajiost sc.
oral nioiitl.s ago while there In his
capacity as Ciulc.l States Immigration
llispecti.r. h.: Hamuli his otllcc.
Mr. llriiun bit, since his return to this
country been assigned to duty nt Ub
lis liOnml and was onlerod by Com
missioner Sj'gent to don tho regula
tion unlfoim. This Mr. Mraiin refined
to do and, alter an ineffectual appeal
to President Itoosevelt, he tendered
Lla teulgnntlun.
Shaw's Visit to Oyster Bay.
Oyster Hay. Aug. !. -It Can be said
by authority of the president thnt the
Visit of Secretary Shaw of the treas
ury to 8aganioro Hill hnd no relation
to the secretary's retirement from tlm
cabinet. The tnnttcr upon which the
secretary talked to the president wni
personal entirely to them. The sec
retary's resignation In the future wai
not mentioned. Sccretnry Shaw has
let It be known thnt he expects to re
sign from the cnblnet some time nM
winter, but no date hns been set. It
ffr accepted In political circles that
tho secretary expects to become a
candidate for the presidential nomi
nation In 1908 and thnt his relinquish
ment of dlblnot duties Is to free hint
from any embarrassment In his cam
paign for the nominal Ion.
New York Church Burns.
Now York, Aug. J.-St. Thomas'
Episcopal church, tit Fifth uvciiuc and
Kitty-third street, one of the most
richly furnished religious edifices In
America, was wrecked by lire. With
in u block of the ruined church iiih
tho homes of half a score of the coun
try's wealthiest men.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
ClilniK". Ant;, si, inllctnl iimmtliu'i'tiu'tit
Hint tlit'i'c hint lii'i'ti iMiiiipmiitlw' lit t Kt
rust iliumi'-'. (.iiiisnl lii'iivy piutlt-tnliliiK in
Wheat tiiilny, 'Hie Si'tilciulioi' iiitlim rlo-ril
VT'1' lower, ('inn wns up ijc. (nts
Hliiiwi'il ii pila uf i,i. riutlsliiiin weic ',
ft; I'J'.ii' IiIkIh'I'. I'lnshi) nti'i'.i:
WUeiit .Sept.. h'.'c; lice, h.".;',i,'.;V:
Muy, fttlb'tMii-e.
rum- Sept., .h'l;'!i.Vl,ie, new, .Vllic; lire,
;.: Mhj. i.v,'ni.-ii,e.
Oiit.s Sept., '-'ti',!': I ., l'7!,i'i Mliv, ,.".lls.
l'orl(-Si'it., 5ii.oji..'(iti.o-i: n,t .s'ti.e.".,.
Iiiinl Sept., S7.m: Hit.. -7.70.
Itllit Seil SS.tliSi'S.a'Ji.i Met., .r:s.:'.7'j.
I'll leiii i 1'iihli l'ilie Nn. 'J liuli! wlii'tit,
KlV-yu'.m,': Xn. :t luml i In-lit. VJi.iCV; .So.
col ii, .'"i1 ,',i."i.'iiwc; No. J nuts, .'iiii'.
Chicago Live Stock.
ChlniKi. An. N. I'utlle ltcri'lits, 7.000.
W'eiik! 4hI tu pllnii' htei'l's, s i.L'.Vii.'i.IMI,
piMii- In iiii'ittiiin, :!.,.i'ii."i.e(i: -l.x Ui'im unit
feeder, S'J.'JU'iM.hii. inws, S'J. Mill 1. Id; licit
ci, sj.'-'.v,i.-.(io: iitiiiieix. n.S'V'i'.'.-tu; ImlN.
$'.'. llCdl.tio; c.-ilwn, :!.(i'ii7.IKl; weoifi'ii
vleeis, ?:i..'iOH I.T,-,. s liereliiti, I'.'li'O,
,!' Iillier; nilsiil unit Iniiilieis S." .i.Viiil il
Kimil to elmlee lieniy, (tri.tiViill.!.": luii'i
lieiny. S."i..'ii.s:.. Ilulit. s.i.7.".mI.:ui. Inn'.
nf s.llex. 5'i.sO'KI'.. I.'i. Sheep ltee,'li., I.,
COO. Oe IiIkIii'I-; uellielx. .SI.IHI',1." Oil: I. null-,,
"."i.(Hit7.iri; weMern sliei'p, Sl.lm'i 1..,',,
South Omaha Live Stock.
Smith llliialiii, Alii.'. V I'ntlli' liee. Ipt'i.
.".in.!: sternly tu lining, tint I v i. -.leers, .:!., '.',
fil.'i. Ill; eiilx mill lii'ltel-., M,,"."ii( I,:;'.!; we-t
eitl steels, ftlMi'it l.."-ti: Texns hieer. S.'.,.",
AitLVi; luime eiiwt illnl llelleis, 't'.'.Iki'uJI.'O
enllliel's, l,.",O'K'J.r0, -tuiKels llllil feeileii.
V-'.'-'-Vif i.'.ii; enti's sa.iHi'(i."i,:o: indls, si.ikm,
eie., s'j.isi'ii."..7."i. iiii-s i: iit. ti,::M. ..
fillOe hliiliei: lieiM.v, lj.".7.V,,i.!il; mlseil,
s.".smi,i..s.-,; Uyiit, ..-.. srUjt.vti'ji j ; ih-. si. 7:,
ft'.i..Ml: lilllk nf siili,.-, S-l'-o'iii.Ihi. Slieei
Iteeelpls. ,U Hie IiIhIiit: we.em je.n.
IhlK". ?I.MK..-..1ll; wellii'i-K, 5.,J.V,t l.7."i;
ewes, ?:i.'.M',il..Vl; I11111I1-. fll.'.'.ViiiJ.T.'.
Kansas City Live Stock.
KnilFiiN I'lly, Aim. S, I'utlle lteeelit.
1S.IKIO; sternly tn pie Inwer; elmlee lieef
nteers. $.',.nnii."..V.: full- tu khihI, $:i.7.V,i
..; ue.-lelll fell teiTM, $:,.7.Vil.i.,J.'i: stoek
er" unit feeileii, 'J.T.V'i I In; iuum unit lielf-l'1-i,
?.'.IH'ir..'.'..: Initio .I.Vil.'l.'j.": eillies,
.-:i..VI'l.V7"i II i-i Iteei'lit4, s nuil: .'.'.( HI.
Illulier; t.ii. S'l.or'j. lilllk uf Miles. $-.',iii,r
(!..": heuv.V, r."..UV,(i;.00. mekel ,, $:, !iV,(
li.Oi; 'iIk nml lUlit, $.i.,.i.i'.niii71.,. SI -
lteiel,ta. l,."-iiO; stlutii;; liiinlii, j.L'.'i'mJ. ",,",;
(no uud jeulllugn, 4.'.'uta.'Jj,
Columbus Markets,
(lorn 41: wheat. Turkey rod, 71;
yellow belly, lis; poorer (trades thresh
ed from shock, ',:!; oats '); rye 111;
barley 2; eirgs ::t; nnttor ).'; iiotntons
10; poultry S, springs It), hogs 5.10
Thn letter part of Inst week Mrs
Charles Jens caino up from Colum
bus pnekod and shipped their bouse
hold goods to Fremont, win 10 they
ititond mnkiug their fiitnio home.
Hnniptitey will radlv miss the com
pany ot Cnptnui Jens and family.
Hlannho Cookliigbniu and ! el tie
Drake spoilt a pleasant time nt tho
farm homo of It. N. Lennh, I! 111 lies
north of town Haturdav and Sniulny.
Jake Hteffels started Hundny fur a
i weeks' visit with tits brother, Henry
at Scotts ninll.
Mr. Onllngnrs nre moving into the
honso formerly occupied by Charles
Tho ndvorllsed game of hall between
Humphrey nnd Monroe nt Cnrnlen
Sunday did not come ntf because the
Monroe boys failed to appear.
Mivs Segelke of Columbus is visit
ing Myrtle Leach this week.
Mr. F. M. Cooktugnam was calling
on Cretton friends Fridny.
It is reported that mauy of our far
mers, who expect to better themselves
financially by selling and trading their
valuable farm lands hore for farm
lands lu Hoone county, were visited
and badly damaged by bail last week.
Had they followed Mark Hauun's slo
gan "let woll enough alone," they
would have bren bettor olT bv staying
in a safe nud good conutry.
Professor Oreou, who takes tho placo
of Professor Campbell iu onr school
(tba laiter going to West Point) wns
viowing the iltuatlon and getting aa
naaluted last week.
Hruce Webb of Slim Street was in
town Sunday.
The Humphrey Demoomt was the
snoceiiful bidder for printiug the or
dinance for the village of Tnruov,
over several bidders'.
It is about time for some good eitl.
on to ariifi to his feet and sat to tho
village board "cut tho weeds, grade
the stroet."
Attorney Conkiugham, who n the
village attorney for the following
Lindsay, Oorolea and Tarnov rupottt
thnt en'ch nre netting nlong nicely at
Mrr. Juyhtiwk of Iowa Is viriting
her fat he r. Mr. Matte, nml otbei re
IntivoH here
Mr ami Mis. .Inhn Dsben nre ion
templaling n trip to (.olorado Spiings
next week
Mr T. .1 Wiener of West Point
spent the first pail of the v.rek with
his d.itightei', Mrs Lniiuer
A .1. Lunger, fotmeilv presblent of
the b'ttst Nit.'ional Hank of Humphrey
is iu Washington 1,11 business.
Many Humphrey people fpent Sun
dny ntforuonii in Cottilen altiactctl
there by the ball I'.'imo and shooting
(leunrniis rnius this well: are mnk
iug millions of hudirls of grain in
Plntte county
Iii tho District Comt nf Plntto County,
In tlm matter of tlm LMafn cf fircirj 0
L Dorr, deeiased.
This cniisn eaiuo on ior liearing upon
tho petition of Arthur H. Dotr, ad
ministrator of tlm oMutn of (ieotgo
L Dorr, ileceu-nl, waving for license
to sell the not ll linir of the southenst
iiuntter of scelion nin,tnw!!tliip elgli
n'i'ii iiorin. range unco wesi ot the
Sixth Print ipul Metidlnti in Plntte
county, Nebraska, or ti stilllcieiit
amount of the same to bring the
sum of . L7r.o. 00 tor tlm payment of
thn indebtedness utnlnsl U,u estnto
nnd tho costs of ndniiiiistatton. thrtn
not boing sii'Meiont ii'-rsonul jiroperty
to pay thn Fnid debts nud CMieiiscN
It is therefore ordered thnt the poi
sons interested 111 Haiti estate nppeur
boforo me, or somo other Judge of said
court, ut the court-house tn the city
of Columbus in the said enuiitv, 011
tho 7th day of September, IPOn, n't one
o'clock p. in., in show cause whv
license should not bo urnuti-d lo Mild
ndmluistrnfor to ndl so much of 1 ho
above describrd ruil estuto of Mild do
consed as pliall bo necessary to pay
wild debts nud expenses.
It i, turthor oiilored that n copy
bereor be publislind in the Cnlumbiis
Jnurunl, 11 weekly newspaper p: 111(1 il
nild published tu sniil coiinly, four
unnoHsive weeks prior to Seplembof
I th, wo.-
Dated ,lulv SI, P.K)..
.lames if llcciler,
luilgo of Si Mb .Tmiicial
District of Nobinskn.
In tho Central part of
Plalto County and
Then Must be Sold Soon
Wo also havo some
bargains in Cily prop
erlg and outride farms
Beclier, Hockenberger
and Chambers.
-.,. ,,.,., ......; ..-.,-,...,,,, ... -., .Oj
; The liivt is
If you want all the news of llie 'v
ny ol t. oliiuibiis iamilien are ;
Js iiltciiily mi our lit. Tim expense
v is Irillinir. I'm- 10 ceut. 11 week 'V
i. you can't ulliuil to do without 2
V it. (live your iiiime to llie car- j
r rier ii" telephone the .loiii'tiiil .
:: iiipp. ,ri
Our Second Hpecinlty is
issBsiBBssiBi-, mmmmmmmmammm
We print everything iu phdn
nnd latiey I.etterlieiuls, IJnve
lopes, liilllicads, Sinleiiienis,
Powers Tickets, Piograins In
viliitiniis, Curds, Ciiliilogucs, (,.,
AImi lme a special 1. ,,1'
typo for Court Uriel'-..
We print everytliing ami do
il jut a little belter than any
li'uly else.
Let Us Quote
J You Prices.
! The Journal
The Journal v
Has Two Specialties
1.. 0
: you can hnvo it ilelixo-eil nt
i your iloor hefoie supper i-voiy 2'
, evening. Kvonhoily i, inteie.vf.
v oil in the Wni'Nt'WS. We get '
; nil the news of tlie world liy tele- 'X,
V ginpli and nil the news of Platte ?;
!! nml Minoiiniling coiiiitie.- liy te- !:.
i eplionu rvi-rv lltiy. A nitijor- &