The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 09, 1905, Image 7
& ft nuuRKKUuuunKusocnKUKKnKKKK I Three Ranch Snans In thi But Ranch 2 NO. 1 A ranch of 18.000 acres, I! miles from the 0 railroad. 1700 acres deeded, one school section under 2 kg 20 vear lease, 8 sections hoinesteaded. Cuts 1000 tons 0 wild hay and runs 1000 head cattle. 150 miles ot fence, . M ,, I limu-ii ll'iiwl i!1 h .1,11 iitt j.ilnf 1 lllldl imiivnivi. c y UUtm nuiicn-t ii iiivi in iii.i unit u;-iu-iiiuu iiii(iwiv, ijr c5 ments. 50 acros ti moth v and alfalfa. (500 acres good 2 2Z, i.,.wt win ...Ji ...Nit ,,i. ...,( li, in i -i,..l- Will 0 CJ illlitll.l IllllVI. VT 111 C?v.ll ILII v'l DRIHUIl' ui.i sell on easy payments. 5 NO. 2-A ranch of 12.000 acres, six miles from the 6 railroad; 1000 acres deeded, one school section under Q 20 year lease; several sections homesleaded. Excellent W 5j fences, windmills, and ranch improvements. Cuts 800 55 ff tons of hay and will run S00 head of cattle. A bargain ; for cash. 55 C . S NO. 3-A ranch of (5000 acres; 17(50 acres deeded. Q Will cut 050 tons of wild hay. One of the best hay and J Q alfalfa ranches in the hills. Well fenced, watered and 1 imni'i'nil Will frniln im nimtli!inilin ni' t.'M'm in PMSl- C2 eni Nebraska. For prices and direct reference to owners, enquire U at the JOURNAL OFFICE. KKKKKK:KnKUK5tt:uK::uunKKnuKS TO-DAY Tln jjrent majority cannot ulloril to ."-pin their own won! nml llus, lnt iiml it liir cheaper to i:itioiiii tin Dry Cinoils -don Cor tlii'ir -' IM"- 'I'"'' chaneil condition of ulVnir.-Iia lieen' the ;ji:ii1ii:iI otilrowth of time. Witliin tin' :i-t lew year-. I In1 I'hnii'je 1i:ii I icon innrvoloii-. Wo tulvi'i'liM' continually ol" tin arrival of new noiU ami you will do well to wnlch lor I hi .MANY TI.MKLY SlKiCKSTloNri WK IMVK YOU II yon an not ilillVivut li'oni oilier people you want tin most lor your money You want the most reliable Goods and you want the easiest way to select them We jjiiurantce all thk Something for cvoiynnr ran easi ly In1 foinul at our More. A complete line of Staple ami Fancy Dry (JomU to M'lect from at very low price During July and limit we must sell our stock to male room for Fall Ms Now i the time to luiy a complete lino of Dry (iooiK ( 'lotion;.', II:iti, ':in Shoe.-, Carpets, Curtains ami (iciil'j. Kimiiliiii" (.noils toM-lcrt from at low price.. J. H. GALLEY, 505 11th Street. Columbus, Neb. Agents For Tho Standard Patterns. Smith & Goe's Ice Cream Parlor A nice lino of... Candies, Cigars and Tnbaccos... Cold drinks and Ice Cream Served. Shining Parlor in connec tion. Special attention given to Lndies' shoes. Smith & 606 I Opposite U. P. Dopot aft Jri 0 0 0 M0 0. 0 0 0 0. 8 0 0 Country in Nebraska H 0 K 0 a M .1. V. McClelland, Pros. Dr. Kilw. .Johnson, Troan. Dr. I). M. .ImlkiiiH, Kee'y. Fullerton Chautauqua Assembly... August 1 1-20 Inclusive Kate of one fare plus iiilc on all rail roads. Uin M'l-lleil Pro-am. Finest camp grounds in the State. Address Secretary, r'ullorton, Neli., for Souvenir I'roltr.mi j'ivinu full information. Fox JOB WORK. Leigh Iff cuii tlm World! A ghmiRO in tho anont nt tho .Toirjih A. Oonnor olovntor took plate Monday K. N. Nlcliol rctlrnu nml l'htllip Kothor of Clnrkou was iiiRtnlliMt .1. 15. T(iliiion, tho f-cend man, nlfto ro wig nod. Mr. nuit Mrs. D.n i'onntit, of Oo lntnbus, vipltcd rnlntivoH In IMlih nt il vicinity tho hitter pmt of last wook and tho first of thin. It. M. Schaofcr wlio hnd tiooti conliuril to liis room for mivurul dujs' on ncont of n threatened attack of tho typhoid fovcr in nhlo to ho about n Rftln. Anothor lttifiUtw elmimo will tako ninco in Loih next Mnmlay whon Kd. Loo and II. I). Koiupr will bfcnnio proprietors of tho Norihwestorn liotol, tlioy linvinc puroliasdl tho (nrnituro and lease of Dubsky X- ICnnji i'ho ileal wiiH initdo WoilnoMlay ovoiiltipiiml tho considorution for tho tlxturos was fl.'O. Mr. Duttsky who li.ii tail charge ot tho business since 'intv in tlm FpritiK will roliro fiom btuinep". Warn noon by tho writer y stoulay morning ho said tlmt ho had niado no dofinlto )ilans tor tho liuiuediato fit turn. Dictrict 44 ami Vicinity. At n recent moctiiiK ot tho school board, Miss Mottio Henslov of Co lumlms was olectod to teach the pres ent terni, which cohui.ccch on l.nbor day. Patrons will uovern tliciarolves aocordiiiKly. Tho weather has boon unfavorable to jiast week for threshiiif Kiain from tho s-liocl:, but tho splendid showers aro grand for rovlvlim pan turcs, nourishiiiK tho growini; corn and buokwhent, since tho heavy rain, tho honey boos nre taking honey fiom wluto clover. J. II. Drinnin has been informed from Atkinnu that ho is grandpa, a sou nml an hoir being born to t'lessio and Ileniy Yonklo nt that place. Tho boy nindo his appearance on duly tilth, ami ha a ( plead id voice. Thoro aro two hinall patches of tiuukwhrat in tho vicinity that looks lino. Now wo aro thinking of cold weather, hot cakes, and ron;hmu inn lassos. That, little patch of sand burrs, whilo you think or thoui grub n sharp iioo anil despatch every ono of them, as their now seed mm I bo comitiL' out at this time. Thne aro no cockle burrs horo, Inn eteiual vigileuco is tlio prico. Thoro is much grain thrashed from tho shock this week, anil last, that will require moving to prevent heat ing. Davies ami Youn? Win Out (Monday'H Daily) (JolmnhuH is honored agnin on tho score o mnrkmniiship. Dan llrny and (ins Schrocder havo brought homo many a trophy of victory with tho shot gun but this time tho honor comes at tho hands of two bnardless vouths, Durward Davies and Itay Young b.'catifo of their skill wilh their rifles At Kearney Saturday whon tho avornues were counted in tho contest in which tho host shoe tors in tho No liraska National (iuards were coiupo titors and in which only fifteen men could win, Davies and Young were found to bo winners. Miss Kubv Young received a letter from her lirothor this morning stutini; that ho anil Davies won places with tno rospootivo scores of IS'.' and IT., anil that they would remain nt Kear ney for tho encampment, Au gust is for Sea Girt, N. J. .1. They will eutor tho national contest on August 2."i. Thoy will stop one day in Lincoln and go by way, of V,'ash ingion, D. ( Sunshine Our Special. Sunshine Coal for Cook Htovcn is n high grade Wentorn eoid wo are going to oll'er tliia year al $15.00 per ton at yards. Thin will bo tho best coal over offered at Columbus, Try it and see nml save money. L. W. Weaver A Hon t'oa1 Oo. lw. Special Farm Bargains. Wo havo four 1'annn for sale in the c u tral part of tho county at bargain priei-s. Must bo sold, liecher, lloelteubiTgei .v ChiuiibeiH. d.!n I Threshing; Coal For choice threshing ec id l!ncl;.Siiiit Kimmerer slack goto L W. Wm t ,V Son Coal Co. For Kent Several dcniiilde dnelliug hoiiset fur reul. I'm'her, lloil(inliirger A Chun 1)01 H. il.'it I'ubl'c is Aroused. The public is uioiir'i-il to u know h'djjo of the curalii ii,e:iln of l hat n'tit tnediciuid tonic, Mleetne !iiiiri4, for sick Mtonm'.'h, liver nml l,idni-w. .Mnr) II. Walters, of. ri hi St. Clair Ave,, Culum bds, (),, writes: "l-'or soveiul luuntl e, I wnnghonup to die. hud fi'r nod agile, my net VeH were wrecked; I cuii lit not sleep, and my ntuiiiiirh wan no wi-nk from UfiolehS iloetora'driigri, thut I enuhl not eat. Soon ifliir lginning to 'id.e Kleetrie hiHitp, I obtained rela f, und in a short time J wan entirely eif. d." tiUUriili'.'ed ,t Ducks ding stoli'j pii.M ! .Wf, EXERCISE TJlE EYES GYMNASTICS THAT MWWOUK AWAV THE NCLD FOU GLASSCS. A Coiir-.c tr Tri'iitiuent Wlileti Will .treiiKllii'ii Hie Mum'Ich iiml Wlilrk W Imliirxeil li) mi i:iirt In dm 'rrriitiiienl of tin- K)t'. lvi gymnast Ivrt constitute ono of tho applications of tho principles of prac tical physical culture- us einplo.vcd for the purpose of restoring normal condi tions to the diseased bod, Anything vhlch will obviate tho nooosliy of put ting on glasses Is to be welcomed, as everybody wlni has become it slave to spectacles will agree. In iiiniiy casei of muscular weakness of the o,t eer tain oNoroUes which may be taken at home without apparatus will result In a cure The symptom of muscular weakness Include pain through the eyes and a tendency on the part of the lld.4 to close, Sometimes It becomes illlllciilt V keep the eye open, and there Is a vague sciwutloii as though some Invisible force was tugging at one side of the until Uie victim wonders If he la not becoming cross eyed. In such eases strong glasses sup port the weakened muscles and relievo the symptoms, but they do not effect a euro. Sometimes they are mvessnry, but often, on tho contrary, persistent and systematic exercising of the inns cles will restore them to a condition of health. Let the ilrst exercise bo taken for tho purpose of strengthening the muscles of accommodation. KMeud tho band lit arm's length with the Ilrst linger pointing upward. Fix- both eyes on this digit and sLiwIy bring It toward the face until It touches the tip of tho nose. Then slowly carry It away from the face again until the Ilrst position Is reached. Do this three or four times at tlrst, keeping both eyes constantly upon the raised linger throughout tho operation described. The second exorcise consists In turn ing the glance upward and then down ward as far as possible without alter ing the pnslllon of tho face. Kepcnt this two or three times at the Ilrst trial, and then vary thwcxerclse and bring a new set of nnmclcs.lnto play by turn ing the eyes tlrsttOtho ffc;ht and then to the left as fur OM patdtftdc, the face remaining mottonloM. After two or three movement! of thls character, with the face still In tho tntnie position, carry tho glance to tta full extent Ilrst to the tipper right hand corner of the eye, niter that to the lower left hand corner, then to tho upper left hand cor ner and from there to the lower right hand corner. To complete the sorhv of exorcist rotate the eyeballs In their sockets two or three times, causing the glance to reach tho extreme limit of vision lu making tho circle. It Is necessary that these exercise i be employed with caution at Ilrst, for otherwise they will lire the mtixclci and bring on dizziness or headaches. Tho fact may bo hard to rcalle, but the whole practice Is exactly the same In character anil effect as the e-.evls lug of the muscles of the arm or leg and It Is Just as certain that Hi uin rles of the eyo will be slreng'h. ted and de eloped by the mn! s ih scribed Persons who are troubled wllh xvak eyes nitty often secure considerable benellt from tho use of the eye cup. This is a small receptacle of thlch blue glass and so constructed thai when In verted It tits tightly ocr the e.w It costs iri or no cents at the tlru : teres and should be u-ed ulghl and morning The cjo cup Is employed fur the pur-pu-c of applying salt and water to the eye us a tonic. Tho proportions should be a level leaspoiiuful of salt to u pint of water. The latter should havo been WlirilU'il to about the heat of tin body Fill the etip with III solution and place It over the ec. Then turn tho head backward and open the lids. It will be found that there Is no unpleasant feeling whatever from tho contact of the salt solution with tho eye. An a matter of fact, Ihl.i solution hi almost Identical wllh tho salluo fluids of tho eye. Should the water bo used without the i alt It would cause tho eyo to smart painfully, .Slight attacks of granulation of tho eyeliiLs may bo cured by the uso of ab solutely p'lte olive oil, one drop being iillnui I t i i nter the eyo twice a day. In drip'iiiii: medicaments Into tho eyit place i! e linger just under the lower lid an I lira .v that lid out n t !'.. H I'iwIii',' the remedy t,i f.d op m o 'ilil. i .!ii!p1i ", !,'. if id i.i r ' ' Hi w h .1 i. 'i" pe iplr i ,t..'i:, i i C i, i pl'o i i eg Abnv.' all, In di-illiur wllh the eye It Miould be rcmctnhcicd that much de petals up'iii the condition of the goner al health A debilitated statu of the f.ystcm Is ory apt to show Itself III tho i',-n Tlie d'llcalii organs depend lip-in t'e bio id to lioep tbetll III good order, and rich bliod and an iinlni-p'llii-d clietilallon are of primary lin pnrtaioe. 'I Ills calls fir plain, Hour IhIi In cr food, an al u'nl-iii'" of fresh air und a moderate an out of evorclse, -io'((l House.! ep e; UlteliciiN In tin- 'l'roili", Tin klicheiii of tropic il countrlr'i, Riicli a . are to b" found in our Spanldi Anieili i'i hunts, are ;e cells from the thlcklii -s of tin 'lone walls often two or tin feet deep and tin projecting, omidpn-eul verainhi, whlel: lves a graletid shade and whh li looks out on a cuii. I. T'e e re-ieiiili.iuee Is ell hau e, I i. Iron bars at the windows and He he i y doiiMe door-', which Ionic a I If t!n collld ri'dst II siege. Tho wall i are wldleu a-iieil, and 'the Hours an of tllet 'I'he dining room Is oflen sipu"ite from t lil room by u lon' ll.ili-e.ise. Iliitside (he kitchen In tho court will stand table and closePi to 'ipplemeul the scant furniture of tlm small, hot apartment will) a furuac llko tire, .-" .'L wiij, DONT WASTE GRAIN! A Cheaply Mado Wngon Will Waste Enouch Grniu to Buy a Good Ono, Our wagons will not scatter yourgrain w hileon the road t o market or ort ax your horses with needless heavy draught. Wo keep only the Lit tent and IIFM'I in Kuios ami (larrinws .s - All Kindnor- FARM IMPIiKMKNTS. itiy Our liorso sliors st ick ami tlttn't lump your horses TIIV Til MM. LOUIS iCHREIBER. G. J. GARLOW Lawyer Olllrn nter . Ceiiiiiii.tiHHtiiiiiii.iiik Coliimhti.s. Niih. J II. HI'IIIKN, A.TTOUNCV AT LAW. ()lln, OIUo Hi., fdiirtli ilonr niittli nf I'lril .Ni lloniil llHiik. COl.tnilUIH. Nr.llllAtlK.t. wmmt jMMwn ww-wtw rt. A1. POST Attornnij : at. : Law tiulwmbiiK, Nob. Brick House Herd Durocs 100 March and early April pigs fur Summer and Fall trade. Cnu ruiuish in pairii or I tins, not related, at bargain puces. Write or call for prices or den criptiou. ijfi) i. c..iumi.iis. J, J. BARNES Win. DIETRICtIS lOII.SO. JiliJII oud Gni'i'ltitju Painting l.iin .mil I'.iiiitlnii ol all Kloil.s. (ilru or (iounirii. n.l I". I 'If. I'lM.I .Mill !l, M'.ll AAA A A j Home Restaurant and Meat Market " - r 1 ,, Ill !! 11 i The best ol everything in the eating J line. Meals at all hours, day or night J Fresh Fish and Game in Season Herman -M-JH-3-4-K-H 4 I4 1 4 t I I - M is:.-y...,' pain': --i.rr.- . t.. - I. no S';r ctl Oil h. t o S.t i!-"n'rti firc.!iUce ntfi flH III. fit I iHl III : 1 ( lllCUl tiltl IKlllItl f.d.'.J V. il'. iU"..'l I.I.- ., !;. Arijuid' i'ifi.-tt;roiiiUii(iiir.?',l';'?M,";r,ii.(i.( .. U.-iuU. Wl.t'ii ;n 11 1!. 1 r iticn :tin(c 1 t , !;oit ' 1 in ium.. .m(u ' K'lll-oi i( oil" ,11111 )M tit lu'.m l,t , . rrS It.. I. i ,iu-Jij. 4. win-11 .toil j'l.y i:e.tii..'iri -.1 I.: j.roii i vrJie ,-.'::-.f.i l'al(tirlct lor lilii f'iiiui.'tl "nil," ,iiiiiil", , t f Inn ,. .i..'uh,i ,,- irlc.t Uv tlm, Jtl.i't. oil I .'I 011r I- '!, 1 .,. w ..t;.-c3. li. TIici-m Is ( (w.ltil itliom. iiialiii-i Sr)', 1 it llio i.iih(c t'tcom. lflrtlt riiiiiiiil iil. llio iru!.l iii II, e utiW nhmo uil t.iioclm WIMI liiiy I I eir it.l tiov run .nit. (I1I1 prslo imtl flu. ,tli( m.i all, Hull. iHiimht r-ciurulcl,v Iron, trie torn! ilcan-r. .ie:!nr. Vitlioi. lor r;iilliii,t-.ini)rr, no less, nml iiotlil:rjr !.. i,i..l Vol' Uiutv. 301. lime n nti.t.liil.Iy .u;o him oil i;lni rlmi hits ..,l ).,.! 11. Irm.l i..",, I.vci Han may Hull Urii'tc" Itcot! v-linnl I'aliil. ' , n;tni..t rlio lor liolli tmliil nml oil nntl ytittr oivu cierootiul Ituowl ' rntily anil dnralillKy. II. Tills imlnl H Klnlocl. Ilnuoe Ir.lti.': wltlch N In ft Soil line of h(..t;il;iril, iiotiilar nml f l.UI.I't color',. It Is nor 11 til.iil i.lnl tl it Iiml llio i-ootl ohl lluie-Srlcil zmiil ;h,h.tIh'.i. L;r. .iiikI loi-.ciln r i.-.niy (ot joii lo lllilt ullli (li 1 pore rci n(. Wltritrvru VJC IIAVP tin AnrtiT vnnr (uim ni:n r .- .n 1 ! 'GET "KINI.OUII" t-Ult YOU. If- tiliuWN Tl iir, All. . iiv wij'it iwa lui.rnT KINLOCII I'AINl IJOMI'ANY. 1.1. LOUIS. MO. ! M-- Civos roit to tho r.lomach. Curor. indinor.tion.dyr.p'-pfia, sour stomach, tired r.tormrh, vr,ik stomach, windy s,tom iclt, p'lfTcd s.tomai-h, nervous Gtomach and catarrh of tho ctomftch. A L'li'iriintccd cun. rr.l'tt'l l ll.o Lal rtirroft.0.tWltt ac.,cmt,u,i , Olqoatn What You at Mntt9 Ihm Breath Sweat At m JlMf R. W. HOBART Attorney - at - Law Olllco over Columbus Htato Uank. Will Prautloo in till tho Courts. Light bread is digestible. Sweet bread is nutritious. Wonderful bread light and sweet, is made with YEAST FOAM Yeast loi.iiu is the wonderful jr.nMlul tool, the First C.ratul 1'iwe al the St. Louis Imposi tion and MMild by all gtoccrsat 5c. a p.ickagc enough to make 4oloivc. v'tiija postal cirtl for 0111 new t"u ti tied book "C.ootl lttcntl I wtu Make It." NORTHWESTER YEAST CO. CHtCACO, ILL. 7ixxtt&73tcnrx?.KrxxiAirisr?'.is KSLLTH-sCO-yCI i ri AK11 CWScG THU J..MCS r. King's WITH t'? Oissovery mL CONSUMPTION Prico Olir.llS nml ;olds GOc&SI.OO Frro Trial. (j Siucst. and (iuiclccst. C1110 for all 1 TIIIIOAT mid LUNG TltOUB i 1.KS, or riONKV HACK. Kiiisxvm.iacMSHKXsntria&nrjt. -ju0Um 1 Rersenbrock VfVY - f H-H-I-H-i--l--l-M :u: , tin 'irji t.t art ' 'f I r iirnlillty. .1 )!.;j. i.i ii't.wi (. nt-.!. 1 0 .. -H-"l-r-W'--l"r-e r--) I -M- Dyspepsia DullirljoltU lioMtiH, i tlinri tt Diuih m th I trll. r IB cnt i ! t 1 f i L