The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 09, 1905, Image 6

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Cf Return of
Author of "Tli Aiiventtirrt of Sherlock Holme.
"The 1 1 nit ml of the Uiikervlllr," "I he Sign
of the lour." "A Study In Sctrlet," Lie.
nv r. t). sti i Li"
'WfN.-V-t Wtt
ten inanition "At pp"-oiit I i.innnt
y,t in-1 in 1 1. .'f'l net M' r.iii . if i i (!'
ti ii." In would vn.v in mwui-r ti my
1. 11 (III .1 1 It i., iiisli :iii i , uai n 'I stir
lilin, it ml nil fiirlln
("crxod ti xlii'iiKllu'ii ll. J'.y tln wny,
tliiTi U line ctirlnii'i llllli point about
tho'i' impiTrt which may serve tit in tlm
Mtni't Iiil; point I'or an liniilry. on look
In;; over the Imiil. I !: I roiiml that the
low Mtntc of the liiilmice was prlnclpnh
ly due In lnw clii'i'Ki which have hceti
maile o'.iL ilnrlni; the lail year to Mr.
ronu'llni. I confcMi thai I ilmnM he
IiiIpi'imIi'iI to linovv wlm tliN Mr. Curiip
linn tuny he with wlioni n lellreil liulld
cr has Niidi very lart;e ininiiit'tlimi. 1 4
It pimihlc lint he h.w hail ii hand In
the nlTilrV t'orui'lliw nilylit he a hro Init we have fonnil no scrip to cor
rcimiiil with these law paymi nt'i.
I'iiIIIiik nn.v other Indication, my re
tcnrchiM i:iiii now take the illrectlon
of mi liiiii;r nl the haul. for Ihe tfi'ii
tleiiiMii who hid I'ltheil ihi'Me checks.
Hill I fear, niv dear fellow, that our
ciiM- will end limlorloiwly ly l.estrade
h:iM:!uu our chcnl. which will certain
ly he a triumph tor Scotland Yard."
I do n it l.n w how far Sherlock
I Inline In I, liny sleep that lllulll, hut
when I 'line do II In hreal. fiwl I
found Ii mi p'tle nml harassed, his hilht
even the lirli.'hlcr for the dnik Miailowa
round Ihein. 'I he carpel round hli chair
wmsvsz drc mcttfm,
"It N lllli'
"1'tllc i we Mli i ( I III iwt lli.l'lltllii;
till i i tlieur.v tin i man l lo-it
ill ...ill ItnP.ltl- I till II (1'ltV III fliti f.ilim
Willi ll call now he precepted wMiint I'I-im-iI, then tnie, w In u this morning ho
ler line-dlK l ti' nl lin ''-ft lili uiiIomi hed meal liehllid hi mi and
n.'iiiiii wnu me i u- .Mirwooii. i rnwu
of luoi Imt s.i'lilsi'i rs were Mill t; it'ierot
round I p licne llniixe, whldi wni
JpmI sin h a Milui'l!iii llla as I pic
tured. WHIiln the (r.tleM I.estrniie met
tin. Ins fine lliislutl with lctory, hln
manner grossly Irlnmphnni.
"Well, Mr. Holmes, hili ynil proved
tm to he vhniK ,ctv Hum yott fmiiiil
jiitir trniiipV" lie i in d.
"I Iiimc foiiueil tm iMiit'ltmloii what
ever," my companion ntiHWeii'd.
"1'iUl we formed ours yesterday, and
iniw It priixe to he correct, you
lllllsl llcliuowhiltie Ih it we have heen
ii little In front or ymi this time. Mr.
"Vmi certainly have tin- nlr of Hoine
Ihlni; iiuiisiiiil IiiivIiik oceuricd." said
l.cMniilc laughed loudly.
"Vim don't like hcint; liiMten any
more than the rest of ih do," said he.
"A mail can't expect always to have
It his own way, can he, Hr. Watson?
Step this way, If ,ou please, j.:cnllo
iinii, and I think I can convince tv on
once for all thai It was .Inliu .Mcl'.u
lane who did this crime."
lie led us (hi'oiicji the passage and
nut Into a dark hall heyouil.
'"rills Is where yoiiiiK Mel'aiiaim
must hne come out to ud his hat
lifter Ihe crhne wns done," said he.
".Now. look at this." With dramatic
.suddenness he filruck n match and by
Its lls;lit exposed :i stain of blood upon
the whitewashed wall. As he held the
iiiatih neaicr I saw that ll was moro
than n stulu. It was the well mat Iced
print of a thumb.
"Look ut that widi jniip nmnnii'.viiij;
Klass, Mr. Holmes "
"Vcs, I St SIB lining so,"
"Von are aware that no two thumb
luniks are alikeV"
"I have heard something of Ihe kind."
"Well, then, will you please com
pare tint print with this wn. iiiipivs
slmi of y uiiig Mc,arlaiii,'i right thumb
taken by my orders thin morning?"
As he held ihe waxen print cIdm' to
the blood stain it did not take u mug
nlf.uni: ghisM t i ! that the two were
lltldollbleilly fiom hi.- same thumb. It
was evident to uu that our unfortunate
client was lost.
"That Is ilnal," t-.iid I.estrade.
"Vim. that Is Ilnal." I Involuntarily
"It l Ilnal," H.iid llolme.s.
Soiuctlilng In his tone caught my ear,
nml I turned to look at him. An ex
traordinary change had come over hW
f.uo. It w-n writhing witli Inward
llu nlinei.t. l'js t .' o eyes were t-hiuiug
like stars. It secsned to me that he
was Hulking desperate efl'orls to re
.strain a coniilsive attack of l.iugliter.
"Hear me! Dear me!" he s.ild at
last. "Well, siiiw, who would have
thought It? And how deceptive ap
pearancei may be, to lu sure! Smli
u nice young man to tool; at! It Is a
lesson to us not to trn-l our own Judg
uicni. is It not, l.estradeV"
" Yes, s.uiio of us are a little to much
Inclined to be eoi l.snre, Mr. Holmes,"
hiild l.estniih. 'ihe man's Insolence
was maddening, but we could not, re
neat It
"What a providential that this
young m in .should piv lh right
tl'inn'i ag.uust the wall in
hut front the peg! Siidm vcij n
action, to i. f j.iu , ime to think of it."
llolmcii w.u out x ii rili) calm, but his
Wlli'e bnd, gave a Xvl'ggle of sllp-
prcs.e.l exi ilcii.cnt i hi ' i',y
the .i. I.e-liadc, who mud.' this re'le d'-tinii.v ,'
Wii the h ' Itie.'i r, Ml' I ,(
II c
rj'j rlcht l ( i iltil'i
"6"'ic fniiM (ill vh Mumthlnij
U'llllUl "
was littered vllh cigarette ends and
with (he early edit Ions of the innrnlug
papers. An open telegram lay upon the
"What do you think of this, Watson?"
lie asked, tossing It across.
It was from Norwo id and ran as fol
lows: lini'oit.iut ficili cvlili'iii e to haiiil. Mc
l'.irlatii -i isullt ilclliilli'lv i'.t ilillsln it Ail
vlne iiu tn uliiiiiiliiu i,iNi I.T.S TUAI i:
"This sounds serious," said I.
"It Is l.eslrade's little cm ka doodle
of victory." Holmes answered, with a
bitter smile. "And jet ll may be pre
mature to abandon the case. After nil,
Important fresh evidence is a two edg
ed tiling and i."iy possibly cut In a
very dltfereiit dire '11011 from licit whlc'i
I.estrade Illumines Take your hiv.k
last, Watson, an I we will g n;t to
gethcr ami see what we can do I feci
us If 1 shall need your eompiiiy and
your mural supp irt "
My friend had n Ice himself,
for It was nee of hit pecul 'irlfes that
III his more Inteii .e i i ."n" i ( v him
permit lilies If n r . l , i '.i.n,
LtloVMl 111 I i to . 'ii !i i i.' . ,
Irength until !.. t i i I (Vhim
XTzmnamirMitnujsiTT.Ti v.-r.
,, wiin il. r n,r n (.'u
I attend in 1 1 it '
"Wlicr.' was tlu. night co;isiabliv"
"He iciiuilncd on gunrd In the bill-
', loom where the crliuo xvif) coiuillllbsl
mi as t i -is that nollilng wic touched."
t ' lint v by didn't the police see this
until, .i ti rdavv"
"Wed. we had no particular reason
to imil.e a careful examination of Ihe
1 hall, llesidcs, it's not In u cry protnl
unit plai e, as yon wv."
".No tm of course not. suppoic
thcie t no doubt that the mark was
there ,estcnhi "
I.estrade looked nt llolllic w If lie
, thought he was g.dtig ottt of hi mind.
I confess that 1 was myself surprised
both nt his hilarious manner ami at
his rather wild observation.
"I don't know whether yon think that
Mol'iHiaiie ca'o nt I of Ja 1 III the
deail of night In order to strengthen
the evidence nsmlnM himself." wnlil
!.vlrml 'I leo It to nn.v cpert
In the world whether tlmf li'inl the
mnrU ef liN tlininl."
"It l uii.niellinably the inati: of
his thumb "
"There, thnfs enough," snld'I.estnide.
"1 tun n prnetlenl man, Mr. Ilnhncs,
and when 1 have got mj evideine 1
ctitiie to my cuncluslons. If you have
nnylhlng to sny you will'Und me writ
ing my report in the silting loom."
Holmes bad icciwered his eipiaulml
ly, tllollg'i I still seiMllcd to deiect
gleams of amusement In his -pni-slon.
"l'e'i- me, th.s Is ii cvy sad (level
opine,;. A. it. m. Is It not'.-" said he.
And jet sheio are singular p tints
about ll whidi hold. out some hopes f '.'
our client "
"I sun delighted In hear ll." said I
heartily. "I was nfrald It was ull cp
with him."
"I would hardly go so far as I i say
that, my Watsnti, The fact Is tlit'
I here Is one loallyseiinus tlavv In this
evidence to whhii'Oiir friend altiiches
tin much llupol lance."
"Indeed, Ilnhncs! What Is It?"
"Only this, thai 1 know Unit t'm
tniirlt was not thcro when I exnsnli -d
the hall .vesterihiy. And now. W.itsiii.
let us have a llltleislroll round In C.e
With a confiiM'dl brain, but with a
lieilft Into wldcli it'ne wni'inii o h-
wis returning, I, accompanied my
friend In a walk round the garden.
Holmes took'cuch'face of Ihe house In
turn and oxmnlucil It with great Inter
est, lie then led the way Inside and
'wont over the wihole building from
.liasi'inenl l attic. Most of the r.nnw
were unfurnished, but none Ihe less
Hoiiics ltispcet(( Ihein all minutely.
Filially, on the top corridor, which ran
outside three untenanted bedrooms, he
hgnln wMs seized with inspii'iui of mer
riment. "There are really iciine very unliUe
leal in cs about this ii'iiM', Wats in," said
lie. "I think It Isi tliuci now that we
took iitir fi'ienil l.eslraileflnto our conll
deuce, lie has had his 'little Millie sit
our e.xpeUHe. and ieiiuips we may do
as much by him tf my reading nf this
problem proxis totbe correct. Yes, cs,
I think I M-e howl we should apjini.ich
'Ihe Seotlsmil Ys'.nl dctcetivewas r.lill
writing in thcipaiior when noline.i In
terrupted III in.
"I uudcr.sto.idtthat you vvw writlnii
n report of thlsfense," said he.
"So I am."
"Hon't .vmi think It may be a little
premature? I can't help thinking that
your evidence Is not complete."
I.csiradel.ncvv my friend loo well te.
ilisieg.ird his words. He laid ihiwn hi.i
pen and looked curiously at I tlm.
"What do you mean, Mr. Holmes?"
"(inly that there Is an Important wit
ness whom you have tint seen."
"Can you produce. him?"
"I think I can."
"Then do so."
"I will do my ben. How many com
M. lldes have ,ou?"
"There are three within (.ill."
"K.xcellelil!" said Holmes. "M.-jv
ask if they are till large, ablebodlcd
men with powerful voices?"
"1 have no doubt they are. though 1
tall to see what their v. i have to d i
with 11 "
"Perhaps I can help you to see tha:
and one or two other things us well,"
said Holmes "Simlly summon jour
men, and I will d.v "
I vu l. .. .ti I r t . ., dicei.ier
Hill il
had nsFcinhlcd In Ihe hall.
"In Ihe otithouso you will Unit u con
fddcrnblo ipiantlty of straw," sultl
Holnies. "I will ask you to onrry In
two hundlei of It. I think It will be
lof lite aim 1 eM assistance In iiroiltleln;?
the witness whom I rt"itiife Thank
.xnti very iiiikIi. I believe you have
Imiiiio imitches In your pockel, Watson,
Now. Mr. I.ostruK I will ask you all
to accouip:iny me to the t jp lauding,"
As I lime said, there was n broad
corridor there, which tan outside thrco
cmpty bedrooms. At one end of thu
'corridor we were all innrsbaleil by
Sherlock Holme i, the constables win
ning and I.estrade staring at tuy friend
with atmutement, expectation and deli
slon chasing each other across liU fun
lures. Holmes stood before us with
the air of u eonjuicr who is perform
ing a trick.
"Would you kindly send one of your
constables lor two buckets of water?
l'ul the Ntiuvv on Ihe Huor here, freo
from Hie wall on either .side, Now 1
think that we are all toady."
1. 1 st nub 'a lace had begun to jjiovv
re 1 a:u! i ... ,.
(To ho continued, )
Ii'lir- i-i'iiliillvn ,
Sil'lllti llllllllt
I'tWlNtlll'l - .
I'li'ikuf Dihtriut I'liiirt
I 'minor
DIM. 1
I'iiI. ;i..
liM. I. .
DiM il-7
1 1 INN W, IlKNIiKIt
Inll.N UliVf
... .('
I,. II. I. V
...lllllN ,1. (I VI.I.K.V
Inll.N llvnnon.s
. . t, Al, (illUKS llll-ll
K. II. Mkic
loil.M (ml l.
.Iiiii.n Svv v.xsnN
I'lMNi; KlHtNVN, Cllllll'tllllU
Ilt'lioian ('. Mci.i.m
. . I.IH In lltl.ll, l',.,l, I'.llNMT
I'. S. Ki swims . II, Mllliinl, Din, i r, I. lint
Mimio'ii or Comhoss, :in Disiiuer, .1, J.
(IllMTIIIll, .ll.llll II. Ull'KI'JJ l,lllllllllll,t (llO.
rum, I. ll. .Mi-IIIIiiiii, N'fictiir) MiiiIm, A, linl.
ii-Iii- Aiiiltlin, I) J .Sciitii-, jr.; I ri'iihiiii'i,
I'.'li r Vli.rlini'ii; Altniiii-) iiniiiil, .Nmrih
llrnwii. Sii.i'linli'iiiliiil I'lililli' IliHliiictinli, .1.
I. Mrlliii'h. I iiMiiiiihFiniii'l I'lllilic IiihIn, II,
VI. D ill.',
linns i ni .linicivi Dtsiiiici ('. Ilullrfi
'"l'N,.l.ll. lils-ll.'l
tlSVIilll 1 1 Hull Itlll'lifH.
In 1' vnvi Jim Disiiiici .I.W.IIciiilfi
li..'vi l:i i -1 1 1 i.ivi vnvi. tnil
I ONiiltl'liAI'lli.SAI, Siililuitli M'liniil, li:l.r. ii
Ml. I'M nrl.liii:, i,, i, IUi, t p, in. Mciiiul
l.,., .ui.l, "i Mi i in, I'l.'iMI Hii'i Iiiii! 'I'liiirMlili
". ii in l.a.lifH Aiisiliiu) Itri-l Wi'iIih-mIii) in
in li a, i. nil. nt .Mm . in, I .mllic .wiNMiiluir)
mk'IiI, IiihI i iIiii'mIh) in '.(Ii iimiilli nt ;t 1 1. in.
II. A. .Ml'.Mio, 1'iiMnr.
(i:i:m.n i vwi.i i.iii..i,i:nn:sr.NT
Sniiilii) -ilin l. li.n ii. iii. I'li'iii'liinu M'lviri',
III ..a ii. in. niii! I'iiiIiV Sucii'l), ci r tun
vviekh, nation) sin .. in, lnlii's Alii Sot'ii'l,
til -t IIiuimI,,) i.i iMi'h hi, all,, . ;!,) ,. in. I'aro
chinl m'Iiiiiii, 'a'lllllll. ti in rj a, in, ( iiiitiiiim
lleli I'lu-h, '1 1 1 1 1 1 in, I I ml i., '.' In li ,. 111.
Ill v It. Nl I M vt IlKl.ll, I a-ti,r.
"I'ltl'.SIIN'l I.IIIAN Snlili'illi Scliniil, IMS ii. m
Serillnll, ll IH a Mi N Mini l.llilillMH, i :KI l. Ill,
l:vrllillttMrniM,MI I'lnji l lli.'i liliKlllnl elllil)
nf tllllNllilllllll hi'llliill Il'nslill, s , II 1 1. in I'liurkllll),
Ulllil'N .WIm-Iii!1.1I) Mlfilt) l.iM I llilll) lit I'VIT)
iiiiiiiIIi. J .it. I ii n A nl ulli'iimte Wnliii'Mia nf 1'iii'i,
niiiatli. W m it ii.S. II vi.siv, 1'iiMnr.
.MDI'IKlDISr I'ri'iii'iiiiii:, le.l'ui. in. nml SOU
i in. s-iiiinlit) hi'iHiul, IJim in, .liuiinr l'iiicui',
I'Jio i. in. 1 : i w t 1 1 1 1 I.i.iii:iii, 7.1'J p, in. I'myi-r
iniiTiiiu, 'l'lnirNlii.v.s(i, m, l.ailiiB Aid MK'iel
i'Vitj ntlii'r ViiltH'wla at :HI'i. ill,
Dm v.n' lb. in Dr. Wnl.K, I'nMor.
IIAI'IISI' Siiniln) hi'lieiil, tC.Imn in. Sitiiiihi
11. hi a hi .liiiimr II. . I'.Li ,:MI. in, Holiini
II. P. L'. nl 7 .-nil i. in. Stiiiiiii, s.-UO i, ui
I'lajcr me thu; IIhiimIiij, s,tii, m.
Iii v. i:. J, Ui.mkii, IVtor.
(iliAli: KI'ISt'OI'AI. Low ci'li'lirntion. HM
ii. in Simula) .si'laml, Ui.oo a. in, I'tviu'liitiK.
11 111 ll. 111. Kvi'llillUMTVll'l', Mil i. III. bt. Au
ilri'tte llri'tlicrf, m'i'iiiiiI 'I'iii'mIii) nf enrh iiKitilh
DuiiisliliTH uf tlm Kiliu', m'i'iiiiiI I'lii'wla)' nf isu'l
inniilli. I.a.lii'i. (iinlil, i-ii'iiiiiI Wiiluii-ila)' nt
iMii'li mi, nlli. Hi v. W. A. Cash, Itictnr.
(iDlt.MAN DLI'llintAN -I'rimiilms.tOHJO
Mm, la) Scliniil, 'J i. iii, l.ailii'i. Sin'ii'ly mift
linn I'IiiiimI.i) tn nai'h inniitli.
Hi v. II., 1'iiMnr,
iii:tui(iMi:i) cut lien in'Kii
II.MSMM'S Siililmlli M'lmiil, inn iii. rri'iicli.
ill MTVII'IN II 11, III. NllTllllll'lltlll MTV ll'l llTNl
Snmln) in ciii'li mi, i, Hi.
IiiiiiiiikW, (i vi.i.vr, i:iilir.
ST. IK1NW1 Ml'IIA I AiildldC Similaj
hi'ivii'i'm, miles ami MTiimii M ", ! iitnl Ki.m
ii'i'Iiu'k, .Sntiila) wlnnil ami lii-iiiiliclinii nt
ll'l'lni'k. Tlinll ii'l'llil'k llllli-s i isivrli In I'niiuli
alnl tln Set Ini'K ln.'if allnnati'l) In (iiTllilill HUll
I'iiisIIsIi, Wii'k ilny iiiui-h I'trri imiriiiliK nt
nVii.i'k. Irnliof at a l'i n'cliN'V. tallmiB anil
iH'iii'ilii'tiim. I iiiiti'i-niiuii. Iii'iinl frnin 4 tn ll
n'l'li.i'k Shi Urdu) s nml tnnn 7 tn n mi Siiniln)
iimriiitik' ( infi'i-KiunH aUu Siiinlaj innriiiUk' In
full h n I'lui'k llilii-s,
1 IllMlllVt.t) lUl.OI.UV, 1'rll'Ht.
Will positively cure any case of Kidney
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strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
TWO SIZS8 5Qtt and $1.00
Pataid Stont and GraviPWilh Excruciating Palm
A. ll.Tliurtics, M(r. Wills Creek Coal Co., UttfTalo, 0.,writei:
"I have been nlllictoti with kidney nd bladder trouble for years, pass
iH uravcl or stones with ccruciatini pains. Other medicines only
r.avc relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNIIY CURE the result wa
Mirprisuti;, A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
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FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUKE has donetme $1,000 worth of good."
No Olhir Rimidy Can Compare With It
Tims. W, Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trouble and
one bottle of FOLEY'S KIFiNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and
he says there is no remedy that will compare withIt.
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IVrllaiiil.Srntttc.TiK'iin.'innilltcttiiii. (Il.tut Cmitrs, llnilj niii Miiy'JI'il J45.1I0
I'ortlnmi nnil lirturn, (l)ni' Wnyvlii I'liliriuiii.'i, Al:i '."!. L'I. 'J.'., !', I n,.",l, .Ini.c I.L'.fi,
ill. ii. ir.. tn.i!!7. it.s:i..:o..iliiy i.l'.::. ii.t.s iii. ii. n.1. i.i. .:,. ?e. -jt. Aiiiii-
tionaliliitfrtin AiikiisI ami Si'plriiilxr ... rid 00
KniiKriinrlHrii.l.iiMAiiii'li'Hiiiiillictiirii, (l)niil 1,'imlrf.) Aluvo Haln 50.00
San I'iuiicIkoi, I .oh Atiisi'li'xunil lii'tiitn, lli.ii'i I l.'i.uli O Mny'j'.i, :'ii,Slla,liiiiil, Auif-
UHtlii.!, In. ILOi-toUrlT. lM'i, rn.s.'l r.o.oo
Tlicf tati' aiply nvi't I lie llui 1 1 n-!- iliin I lint- In HcIivit, tln'lHr
lluoiiisli Si'cnii' coloiailn anil ".ill clu .
AIi(Omt tin- I'liillti.'tnn.Niiitlii'iii I'.ii'illi' illicit ninilivvi.t imiIc to I'li-'ct
.m ni ml ami I'oil l.iml.
'I'lif liuiot i'iiliiii'lii'tiivi' tniii- nf llir I'aiiiii- ri'ii-l, im lllilniu Califiiini.i,
Ini 1st Ciilltc. I'liitlanil Kviilllnh. I'livit (-0111111 i-ii, W:ililli!itiii anil
Molilalia ran In' maile ii-iiiu' tlr xiiiiiii I'.iiiliii'.'lini M iln l.iiiis,
'I'lli' I'.llllin-lon l tlifilily Iiiii-liy whiili ini iao l,il.i' in I lie lllail. Hill
anil lli I lot n loiititrviii I'oitiii'ilioii vv itli tlii- hip vviili no i'iici,m
l.iil tliiiiii'.'li I' -tsu, il.inl -lii-pi. lo ' I'mihImo via Ui-iiM'i,
ri'lili' I'olotailoaini f.ill .
AlM'lv totlii' tinili'ii'.'in'il tm loitl.inil I. i(, vision lolilrr,
alil'oinia Inlili'i. 1-.1 OM oiioii lolilii, I'm In i ll. infoi ln-
alinii, lii'l.i't-., cti,
lii'.iillii' your iioiom(I ttii iml Ii I mi' .olvi'i' jmi Hit- liast
i'ot anil tho la"! u.i) io' it.
L. F. UECTOK, A'Acni, O.lumbus, Ncbr.
kek tar Tsjrats eaa wmmwiisrjssmfsmsa
Kaiiias City Scsthetn Railway
siraiy;iH m nia crow Files"
fcTKi caaavxu mihhiwi u imiiim
AloiiKll- Inn'iii .lie llnnit liuil niucil fur crowlliL hiiiiiII ifrnln. corn llnx.
I'.iiliui. fi.i cniiti' tc il i W'l'' ii l ii-lioii'lrnili, t'iriillii'i fiuil- I. r
o.r nil.ili ,nl i ml i. lmoilo, toillllto nml Ki'liiTNl liui'k tiilliix,
t. r .iif.,.i i-Biif,iii ilri'c.i in mi it. mr iiicrclrinl.ilili' tlniU'r, l.n raitllik'
I ru;. lliull'-l, C!l ll'.HIIU'i. ..' I , Jil'!1 l ;i(, I Vnu-'ita I'U.'lU.
Writ f.j.- I.uannalloi Conceinin'j
I tf Colin l.i iti ,n Iniproum ratm. Mlnrrnl Lsmls, Rico Ltinils n'nit Tlmbor
. ...w ., , .. , ,ii iuijiu in ..urruni utunis, IlllsinekS Ulilltifluillli.i!,,
Iluu llcoK. K. C S. Fruil Hook
itratriiutiiS-t,iboinict'kciii'tiikcti on K'llc llrat and llilnl TucuUyH oj
"v;:e land of fulfillment ,f
U. 'JTTOJf. Trav. Pack. Aut. a. a. vasuck n it. ..i . n
fj KaniaaOi y.HXii. KansaK City, Mo.
k. "-'-. v. i-.iiiiu nun Aiuijrn ki., .anHJVU Jliy, aid.
''-TV 1 Ui
KVKUV DAY IVom .Inly ;n, u,,
final return Jirut f ii-iulii-r :J:-I
Ho Mfl. ).ll IH L.I Mo .,.,, II,,,, (,
Iii'imio nf
W. II. ItCMfAM. Akmiii
, I
. ..... ...itttiiiiiiaMaaaiMajajaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
A tw-: - " ..iiMiiMailliBMiiifcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfc