The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 09, 1905, Image 3

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    TTfi" se,,wrTi'
J'1"- .
mm iimejaDie
Lincoln, Denver,
Oniahu, Beluiia,
Chicago, Butto,
St. Joieph, Bait L.iko City,
KiuaasCtty. Portland,
Bt Louis and all Baa rtanclsco
point Bast and and all points
Mouth Went.
Ni, it l'i-Miii!i'r, iIhII i'K'c'I'I NiiiiiIii) 7 Jfi n, m
N.i. .1.' Ari'iiiiiiiieilittlcli, dull) t'X'iit
Sliir.ln), . 4'SII i, in
lllllNs viuilvt.
Nip.'.'I l'iii(iii'fi,iliil) iiiiit Siiii.Iij . s .',0 , ir
Nli, 31 Arfiiiliiiimtnlhiti, il Hit i','!'.t
:iiu.l.ii ... , i-so p. hi
i:vht inn it m- i M ,
Nit. IJ.CllllMh'llMI.,.,'!!,! fi'l'i II. Ill,
i. 4, Ailiintic '.xini.f.H liiuii.iii,
No. N, Ninlli I'liillii i jil Jill! i m.
Nit. Ill, KhsI .Mull IriM i, m.
Nil. II, Ijifli'iu i:i.i,.h U:Uii ii. in.
Nil ii.OtiTliuul l.iinilnt ,'.:,i
N. ,iX, I.ih'iiI l'iii:lit fi.Miii. iu
mi imt'.Mi, .M vi.s. i.i.m..
Nil. fl. (VltriiMii.l HI.. I I Ir.,,,,... I. v 7 Ml ,. ...
hi.x ti ,, . Lj '',.... ......... ,.. .,
.... ,itnii( neii'im
Nil. il, lllr.1 Mull
Nil. I.Owrliiinl l.itnllnl
No. it, Colum. te ',xiiii.ii
No. , .Viitli I'tiilti Local
No. .'it, l-ocul Kriitilil
NOUHll.K llllNlll.
No. 2V, I'linmiliKnr
Nil 7, ftllnsl
...Id. u ii in.
.. .il l.i ii. in,
... 12:111 i in.
... li:.Vi in
... 1 1. Ill Ii. in.
.. . 7 .'M ii. in.
MM),, m.
Vl.'i ii. in.
i':r.. in
7; till
No, tin, I'ltHNUiKi'r,,
No. IN, Mitml ...
No. HI, I'uHM'imcr
No.7t, MIiihI ....
No. 82, IVlHMItltftT
. . 'J.J'i I', in.
.. . iKKIll. Ill
...,IJ:.Vii. in
mn xii, Mixiil
i..Vr.iU. ".""... ..-.!... ' '" "I
,i..,i,n 'unr.-iK,.r irillllN rilll ll'lli).
No Itiillin mi Alliinu mill Slml.liliK lio.itil
All iniiiii linn luniM'tipT trains ilnll) .
W. II. IHmia.m, Amml.
They are situated in the
Central part, of Hallo Co.,
Jheu Must bo Sold with
in 60 Dau&.
These are the best bargains
we have had in Platte Co.
Becher, Hockenberger
and Chambers.
A. C. Om;, A. M , t.'. I!., I'r" . . Oiimlri
Puor. A.J l.owitv, I'rliic sj
V j:inl m-iiI Iiv I'n-.t Niifl '
ll.lllk II f It 1 lltO.IIIUSIIIIUII,
CI0.00I) In Hull Toil lcsl:s, Jt in!- Fivlnren timl
1.11 Ti 'Willcrs. MHnlf lilt, i in urns lm ImiihI
i'nl lor I' i'iii ("iiulii tin. h. in i in i, ii.ii,
lllll'-l OUT ii1iisi il t-v il I l -ii i , ,
'(..'.l.i ll, I., ill jilt l I U . i
v:u-"b in i
"OjJjrw nrihi
ly'8 Cream Balm
This Homody Is a Spoclflc,
Sure to Olve Satisfaction.
It clonuses, Honthes, In-ill', anil ptotcets tlin
distmscil iiiouihrnuo. It cuics ('.itiiirh mid
drives away a ('old in tlin Head iiucklv.
Mostoros tiio Hniisiw nf Tiistn nul Siunil.
Kiisy to uho. Contains mi iiijiiriniis drugs.
Applied into tint niHtrilM mill absorbed.
Iiiiru Hizii, Tid 1-Piitn lit DrucKiitM or liy
until; Trial Hi.o, 111 runts liy nmil.
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warm St., Niw York.
W.lfr. AlAitinrilliiMi-. I.mlli-ii.ik llniwlit fur
.'ii'iirt:ii ft ; in itf.i i,n.t
tiulll Ill.'tllllU' IkIUn, M'ull'il UHl! ,,. ,-,..,
Tubr no nl her. lli'Tiioi- ilunui'i hiiIkii.
IuIIimi.hiiiI linilitlliiii. Ilia nt jinn I ma .')..,
nr mii.I lc, in Mumps I. ii I'lirllcnliir, Irll
iuuiiImU ini'l "llrllcr lor I,iiii," mhim,
iiv rrliirn tlHll. Iii.lino'l . tiiu.nt:aU mii.i ur
ill lllllirKIMn.
VlUtt MbiIIioii ftiiirf, 1111..., I'A.
Mmlluu tkl p.i.
For Infants and Children.
Thi Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Siguature of
The Kind of a Cat That Little Helm
Liked Best.
liilllo llcli'n while on a visit tc
lior rauiliuolhor becaiuu rnthei
troublwoino in her nttcnlions to the
houuuliohl put.
As these, attentions were not nl
wuyii of tho gentlest nature, there
wud a eontinued protest from the
vurious nieinbers of the family
Grandma would say, "Child, don't
maul that eat so!" while the next
minute a maiden aunt would eall in
answer to a piteous nie-ow, "llelen,
you really must not tease the eatl"
and fin on, until the little girl grew
very familiar with the various forms
of protest.
Due day grandma eaine home from
neighborly visit and announced
the interesting fact thaf. the Smiths
had a large family of Maltese kit
tens and ended wi'th, "llelen, dear,
they nay you can have ono of them
when they are older if you like."
"What kind of kittens did you
Bay, grandma ':"
".Maltese. I think they arc all
"Oh, yes, I'd like one of that kind.
.Then 1 can maul and tease it all
want to. Can't I, grandma?" Lip
piiicottV .Magazine.
Fowl Play on Words.
"Willis calls his wife Uirdio."
, "Making game of her, I Bee."
A Clash of Opinion.
"ThoK! is no satisfying people,"
said Senator Sorghum plaintively.
"Public opinion is painfully incon
sistent." "What is the mnttoruow?,"
"Somo people are Baying that 1
Ofed money to get into politics and
others that I used politics to get
Into money." Washington Star.
Angelina's Yawn.
Augustus (no longer youthful)
Well, there's ono comfort they Kay
at forty a man is either a fool or a
Angelina (yawning) Hut you arc
not a physician.
Augustus No.
Angelina Oh! Tit-Iiits.
A Mean Insinuation.
Mrs. I'roudleii'h Yes. bunrlarn
got into the dining room tho other
night, found the silver chest and
took all the plate away.
Mrs. Snccnvcll Must have left
tho silver looking rather bare with
all the plate taken away. New Or
leans Times-Ilenioerat. "
Too Bad.
Mr. Do Style Don't you think
bamboo easels pretty?
Mrs. Do Style Yes; they aro so
light and airy and deliealo and so
suggestivo of naturo in its pristine
purity. I think they, aro lovely, but
they're disgustingly cheap. New
York Weekly.
Quito Likely.
"(Jood intentions, you know,, nev
er die," said the man who was fond
of cjuoling tilings in his own way.
"Indeed?" replied the other.
"Probably that would e.plain why
they'n.' m) seldom carried out."
Philadelphia Ledger.
Mistnku Somewhere.
Mifkins 1 understand Frefehlcigh
is laid up with nervous prostration.
liifkins- I don't believe it. Noth
ing on earth could prn.-drnlo that
fellow's nerve. Cle eland Plain
Real Wlrdom.
"Ilo savs ho knows all about
Btocks." "
"1 guess that's ho. 'Atuny rato,.I
never heard of him nisting his mon
ey buying any of them." X?hiladul
phin 1'rcss.
Says Little.
Cobwigger Money talks.
Merritt Jt's a pity it couldn't
sometimes tell how it was made.
Town Topics.
Ho wrotn a Bonnet on lir ear,
' A ronilcnu on lior Hmlle,
A triolot upon her llim,
A li.'illmlo on hir Myle:
A .',
Hit winln n rrmnflnl .in 1iii aim.
-. . ; " ' .
a lyriu on in;r tnro.-it '
Hi r father put a footnotmon ' '
Tim man;tii otUtU sst.
ChlcaKo ItBconlfl Jrrald ,9
B I ,
Tireless Apache
v Bloodhounds
How the r.ed Kloiithi Pollnwiil "Knit
M in" McKlntii'S Over P.'.icrl Tr.llW
j mill HrntiKhi a .Miirilorcr to .ttistUv.
The roiTiit trallliiK of Outlaw llttd
IcKititiii)' aeros-s liunilroils nf mllos of
Arizona desert land to Iliikeratlelil,
I'al., wlieic the nnuv'-Ter met death nt
the hands of a posse, shows Hint tho
Apaelie Indians have not forgotten
their old-tiuie mU ill as man liuntors. In
the days of (ieronlino the American
soldiers were many tltnea astonlslied
at tlie sldll of these human Mood
IioiuhU iu following a trait whteii would
puzzle the sharpest while man. 1'ner
rliiKly lite Apuclies would puddle across
Hie desert, their soft moccasliiH inaKliii;
not. the least noimd, and they would
track their nuarry even when the Biir
laee ot the plains apparently showed
not l lie Nllnhtcst sign of any hunian lie.
liiK htivini; passed. Tills fnenlty stjll
clliii's to the Apaehe trilie, us Mi Kin
ney's cmc proves.
There live In Arizona several trlhes
of Indians that are skilled trailers. The
Apaches, however, lead all others In
this Instinct The Apaclio Is a blood
hound by Instinct. He has been tuut'.M.
from Infancy to notice tracks and fol
low trails. They know tho track of
every animal in the desert, ami one
Choice at a pony track' will enablo I hem
lo pick that particular horse out of n
herd of thousands, The same holds
tree of tracks of men, and nothing but
extraordinary i:ood fortune will pro
vent n white man from belny, run down
when one. ol these Apaches cumps on
his trail.
One of the most akllled of all trail
ers was Apache Kid, the celebrated
Indian outlaw, who was to
have been killed by a white scout
imuird Clark, tint who Is said to have
reappeared auintiK the Yinpil Indian
In Mexico. The "Kid" trailed all his
white victims, as It was his favorite
method of operation lo shoot from lie
hln 1. lie would follow a trail for
weeKn, sometimes kceplm: his victim
In r.lMht for days, but helni; unseen
himself, until a favorable opportunity
arrived for strlklni:. Not only was ho
one of the most expert trailers of men
that ever lived, but he was also export
in throwing white men off tho scent.
He envoi ed his tracks with the skill
if a fox, and time and again, owing
to ills devilish Ingenuity in this regard,
ho escaped whan escape was seeming
ly impossible. It would have taken
one of his own tribesmen lo have suc
oo;;sfiil!y trailed Apmlin Kid, but the
outlaw was mi dreaded among his own
kin that not even the bravo Apache
scouts could be brought to the task of
going after this human bloodhound.
Ono of the most oNport trailers of tho
Southwest was a fan Carlos Apaeho
named .losh Apache Kid had a part
ner dubbed Aiulgo, who abducted n
woman from the San Carlos reserva
tion. The commander of tho fort
promised a rrgoancy of scouts to .losh
if he would Kill or capture Amlgo, but
added 111" stipulation that If ho failed
lo secure hlui ho would lose IiIh Job.
.lo -'i accepted Hie proposition phllo
M"Uhl"rlly and di appeared from the
fort l-'or n-wrai weeks nothing was
hc'ir.l Iro ii'hli". one day as tho coni
hoaid I'ivii htm. On" day as the coni
!n Mi i 'ii' e a slni'i v fell across hla
mi' lit il" ' A. t'.n re had been no
wiuiiil to Indicate the approach of imy
one, the'id'T at oncn concluded
that It was an Indian, lie looked up
and knw Ji'-!i.
"Hid you got hlmV" ml. od thn ,'ol
o;tI ' Yi", coin- e, tr.e i; I him," nllKWi red
.lo-'i. I'uperliubi'.blv And then. I'miu
out of a nnck in bin hand rolled the
nhiluctnr'N bead on the coinnininler's
desk. I 'or weii'is I lie M'out had fol
lowed the trail uf Amigo and at last
had secured an opportunity of shooting
Apache Kid's pari air. It occurred to
hint that the lust proof of his b"lnr in
line for promotion would be the ab
ductor's bond
This same .losh had roiiilend valua
ble assistance to tho Arizona raugcis
under ('apt. Ilurton l'. Mossman in
trailing despei mines iu the Houthwrsl.
.lo.sli nnil Mossuian and a small com
pany ol I angers followed the HinlLh
gang of bandits lor twenty-two days,
after Smith had murdered two of tho
company of rancors. The weather was
at Its worst. It rained repeatedly mid
obliterated the trail and a snowstorm
came up that Impeded the progio-s if
the pursuers, but Josh found the tr
again and again, and for eight ; i '
tho twentyoau Hie outlaws weie i . i-
io hard thai they had to wander ln.r -lc.s.s
in the mountain:! Sevuial of ili"in
weie woimdi.d and inly a few ol il. m
wen- nlle lo make their escape, owing
lnriii'ly lo the cunning of the lid' i
The work i f Hie e Italic-:; , l'i"
more roinar'i.:' inun the lnct ih.ii
outlaws iu t'i" J'niiHiv.e I always tal o
to the btinil -, i,i .-.i ft wa .to or i.KuMi
In the Inn h, siiii-linUeil moillitallii
with t Ik Ii paiilnd gulihes and Merlin
canons. Kvi i a veteran plainsman
lalrly tamlluii vvlili the region will
easily lo e his way in these places and
die of hunger or third before he can
work his way i.'il Hut the IndlaiiS
nevi r get lo l and never fail ill lliiMr
skill at rending I In- desert idgus atl.,ht.
Apparintly this si 111 at man hunting
Is inborn and will never desert He)
tribe Certain It Is that the leservatlnn
Apaches "f unlay, when called upon,
i. an do as leiiiiirl.nblo work as his
brothi r trailer of the da.vs of the sav
age (Jeronimo or Apache Kid --Cincinnati
Common lal Tribune
(i'l'-en llnlena of Italy has been elect.
,4 a WfaVUiT of the Academy of St.
I.uKi , at Worne. Sin Ii thu ait.
Lit uaooir.Twalticti.
Tho SiKBtdoer Fiutla Maht ThIukm ol
lutoioiit Iu CsUrurtata.
California has numerous natural
bridoH, eavcH, etc. of no little interest,
I'll' Mamotli Cave of Calavorafi, ills
covered by minors iu 1K"I; the AlabaMter
Cave; tlm Cr)Hlal l'alaco Cavo, contain
ing a number of attractive subterranean
appartmoiilH, such as the bridal Cham,
ber, tho Clir. stiil l'alaco I'ooin. Aetirt
iiiiHiippartment called Muaic Hall, whore
the deposits of iiiUooiih origin not onlv
take t lie form of organ pipes, Hoiimling
boards etc., but emit, when struck, niusi.
calsotuulHiiml vibratioiiH. Near this cave
are two natural bridges which the tour
ist can visit ami return to the railinail
within half an hour, Tho only natural
way to reach these scenes of intercut u
via "Tim Overland I, united, Uonle,'
comprising the Cmou I'licilienml Sonlb
em racille, now rcaly ono line. The
only line i minim: thiotigh trains lo San
Francisco from Oiualia, its fnsl triiinii,
arriving slvtoeu Iioiiih nlioiul of all com
petitors. I'amphliitM ami miipiuloiicrib
ingtho vvonderHof Cnliforniii, ami full
information about tlin most comfort ubl
mil direct route to I ho I'acillo ContH.eae
be obtained of I', I, l.oiunx, (I. . A
T. A, Omaha, Nob,
Public is Aroused.
I'he public is nroiisoil to a know ledge
lift lie curative uieiits id Hint gieat
tuodicimil Ionic, I'leclric Ihttotn, fur
'wi stoiuneli, liver ami kiilnevs. Marv
II. Waltors, or fill' SI. Clair Ave;, Colum
lids, ()., writes: "Cor novoral nionths, I
was given up lo die. I had finer and
iiguo. my nerves worn wrecked; I could
not sleep, ami my stomach was so weak
from useless ilootoriiMrugs, that I could
not oat. Soon after beginning Intake
lllectric hitters, I obtained relief, nml
in a short time I was entirely cured."
(iiuirautooil nt Hacks drug store; piic.i
Notice of Dissolution.
No) too In hereby given Hint Ibe
partnership horoforo existing lietwoen
li. V. Weaver nml II. O. Nownuui,
under Iho linn name tif Weaver A
Newman is hereby dissolved hv mu
tual consent. Wo desiro (hat nil no
outs duo tho tirm bo mttloil on or
before Angtnt 1,1.
II. O. Novvman
Aw L. V. Wenvnr
Hinls-Kyy Viow ol" tw ('oliim
bin Itivi-r
An attraotivo topographical map, in
.olors, giving n comprehensive idea of the
country on anil trilmtarv to tho Colum
tiia Uiver. This map is iu folder form,
on tho reverse side conlaiiiH nn inteiest
ing description of the ('nlnnihiii iei
route. (JopioH sent freo by I). ,, A).
MAX.O. l'.A- T. A. U. I'. II, It. CO.,
Oiualia, Nobr., on receipt of four eonl
Fcculfnr Dinppraranco.
.1. I) lluuyau.or Ituller.ville, N , laid
the peculiar ilisappeainco of Inn piiinful
symptoms, of iiiiligeiitiou and bilious
ness, to Mr. King'ii New I. f. I'd".
Ilo savs: "I'he.V moil pelfecl i i .1,
for ilizinesH, sour Htoniae'iJ b-n-l .oho,
I'dllul lMllliin, etc." (ill ir.ili.o .1.. C is
il. l,ll'l( ilrilg llllllO, plh'e '.'
Chautatiipi i.
Thorn is only oim (' eii.tuiniiia iu
tho state this .vein Hint v nl lm vvmiliy
it vour attention and inni will lm the
mo ut I'lilbntiui Him Kite nt H n fam
ous Lover's I, 'lip 'llieie is where
von will got vour ihoui.v'n win Hi and
'oiiio to spuro and u von inn looking
'or a vacation nnii a place to spend it
von should vriln to I lie mciotnry for
i enpv it ill 1 1- handsome Miuvenii
book gi.'iug lull ilelailNol Hie piiigraiii
mil itaies Ii h t'to hamlsoiiiosl ihing
ut die kiu-i over pul nut in the west
nn! ,vnii hint 11 have nun whether von
t'c gnu g or not. Their ilaloc aro
Vui'iisi in nil inclusive. Kvmur
"inn Miles on nil railrnailH during the
lime ol Hiti ineeling, Son tho big bills
lor fiirllier partiniilars or write Hie
Flemish Suffering
is i flea caused by noies, iiIcoih ami can
cers, Hint eat away your skin. Win
lieiloll.or Clnl I!, .ok, Mich,, iwivm "I
hiiveii'i'il Ibn 'i Arnica S.lve, fm
I lei i S in s mil Cancels. Il is Him
li"tt l.i .illlu ilietihing I over found."
.-'out'. i ii.illi.ala i'IIIk, IiiiiiiH Mini ni'lililii.
'J.'n! at ('Iris II liu'l. ding iitoro; guar
anteed. jfllP Special Reduced
IWMW l-ivrni-cinii ffaKQ
I Duttoit and retuin. Dun lain plus
I i:.' no On nile A lie :: and 1 1
I'iithhuig and lotuiii. Onofaio plus
.' HO. On sulii Aug. I Tl h and IKth.
Kicliinnud Va, and loliirn. Ono faro
plus 00. On mln Auj,. S th nml
lltli Inclusive.
I'liilailelnhi.'i.l'eiin ,aml return. One
faro pliis-rJ oo. On sain Sopt lltii, l.'illi
ami Ullh.
Oluap rates ilnring Iho nininer to
Chicago. Milwaukee ami Waliikishn,
Wis., Si. Paul., MinneapoliH and
Hiilupli, Minn., .Maekiuim Island mid
Mackinaw Oily, Mich , Deadwoud,
Lead and to Hot Springs S. I)., nml
other pluo'iN WiHconsin ami Miniiiihotn
J. A. Kuhn, A. O. V, it I'. A.
I .'Ol li'nrnhnm tit,, Omalm, Nob,
Styles ure always up lodate.
Work is gnat antecil.
I'rompt delivery.
ISciMUinlilo prices.
1 1' we liaven't il we will order il. We can save business
men money on piiulul i'oitn; we can get engraved
cilids I'm- sneioiy people; belter : styles al lower prices.
.louriial Sale Hills hiingoiowik .loiiimil heller Heads
bring business. 'lYy us.
Only Oaily in Columbus. Help us push.
Columbus Journal Go.
3 :
l One of the Pleasures of Living :
' Is iii citing lucid not
jj only t.i-di s good, but w hit h
3 is m.idi' with lonsrieiitiniis
3 Si tuples .is tn iiuliitive
3 quality. I luie is no bet-
let h.uul than (.elc
,1 III l'i ,11111
3 h.itcd bi.i
2 I ll lll'llll'
.iiwl ol dioliucliM'
All ( novels
del I'ii tutcs fm the ( hililn-ii
Wells - Abbott
Puritn Millers
Sold Only by
ttytir. n'LiTi: J! n 'ai ii .i.tUT!'; J3 n; ri' 'Lini i jua -m irrrm
I naTll .tilMtn tn
Ai'f?c(alilc IVcnnmlion lor As -
slinilnlinft lliehHHlandlh'V'iila A
ling lite bummtlis aiui iioweis or
Opium, Morphine iiorMiiu.Tul.
N r "N Alt c: otic .
nmpr afM ItXiMVELmCWl
lik,tl, SJtt
ytftbfmint .
Aperfcrl Hcinctly forCnnslipn
mid Loss of SiJSKr.
Fac Siinilo .Siyjnnliirc op
A Touching Story.
is Hie saving fiom ileal Ii, of the l.iih.v
girl of Ceo. A, Kyet, Cumlicl lainl, Mil
llnvvritos: "At tho age of 1 1 inniillis,
ollf little ;nl vviih in lioolmilig health,
Willi noiioiiii Thionl 'liiuilile, aiel luu
pliWiieiaiiM gave her up Wo vv . i . .il
most 111 ilespail . uhell wo lesolveil tn
try Mr. I'lngVi New liisenveiy fm ( in
siimptioii, Ciiuglm ami obbi. Tlielii.l
bottlo gave n lief, after taking fmu
bottles she vwm I'liieil, ami in now iu pet
feet health," Novel fails to lelievo and
oiiio a cough or cold. At Chun. II. Mack
drug store; fill.' ami t (1.1 guaranteed
Try bottlo f
Job Printir
m f vr
4 V if ?-V
rif:i.'i...'..-'.:in-s..T 11
- Nieman Co.
Schuyler, Neb.
1 1 yrri't iff t -rrrti
-UBBsW W '! 1
rVW fait 1 I
H. Ragatz & Co,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
'Iliel'iiion Pacific llailioad has just
issued an illustrated booklet on tlm
I, n win anil Chilli Centennial, which is a
iilllileto glllilo lo I'oitlllllil, tho Imposi
tion ami Hie Pacific Notthwest generally
It lellii.Miil of Ihoslioileiil vvil.V to I each
tho i'.vpositi'in CM), what in to lm scon
on iiiiito, ami nf the letuin tiip tlioiigh
( 'alifiitniii.
'I'hiiso who iiileml to visit tho (I rent,
WchIcioii Cinr will find in this publico
Hun a tain fund of infiu uintinn.
,!enil two cent iitauip in your reiiiest
ami tho book will bo mailed you prompt
ly. AihloHit
W. II. JJenliiiiii.
M b l
f slfl1
ty mmm