The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 02, 1905, Image 8
I . . 1 ' Ji "-"-.- ' - - " I ll'l I 35tB? iBW C CASH Grocery Department... Monarch Tomato Catsup fSlt cni'efnl selection of the seed from which the tomatoes are jjrown. -They start with the seed, e;ct that right, and grow their own plants in their hotbeds in the garden district of Northern Indi ana. Their factory is at l'ierceton, right in the heart of the tomato-growing district, is new, modern, and the host equipped in the world. The advantage of its location is self-evident. It does away altogether with the unsatis factory method of reducing the tomatoes to a pulp for shipment to a distant point where the process can Ik com pleted. The tomatoes for Monarch Catsup are gathered when red ripe, taken immediately to the factory, washed, the skins removed, and the making of catsup begins almost instantly, so that none of the peculiar rich flavor of the fresh tomato is lost. The cooking and spicing are in charge of skillful experts and the equipment of the fac tory throughout is such that the greatest speed and the highest elliciency are achieved. No metal other than sil ver comes in contact with the catsup, so there is none of the dark color or brassy taste that results from the touch of iron, pewter or copper. Less than an hour'n time is required for the whole process to convert the tomato in the Held to the catsup in the bottle. This prompt quick action makes the Monarch a rich and fine catsup, without shreds, and unequalled for delicate flavor. It is the only catsup without artificial coloring matter that has the color of the red ripe tomato. Pry Goods Department Remnants and Remainders Short Lots and Prices Bargains all over the Store Remnants at Half Price We have gone through the entire stock and gathered together all remnants, odd and broken lots. We will close them out at extreme low prices. Odd Lots at Half Price Odd lots in Corsets, Lace Curtains, Muslin Underwear, Sateen Petticoats, CJIoves, Shirt Waists and all Millinerv. Remnants and Short Lengths at Half Price -Lawns, Organdies, Kolienes, Table Linen, Percales, Dress Cioods CJinghams, Lrces, Embroideries, Silks, India Linons. Misses' Hose at Short Prices lfie Misses' White Lace Hose, at 7 l-2c; loc Misses' Plack Hose at 10c; Tan Lace Hose at 17c; 12 l-2c Ladies' black hose at 10c. $2.25 Rugs, made of Remnants of Velvet and Moquet Carpets at $1.24. Richland find Vicinity 'I'd lint Jul) xo Hiiy good live, as wo iiiulf her heated breath, for wo roineiu Imr lust Itocoinboi wo almost ftoo to dentil. Tlio hot wto wits lifted holo llisl Tlmrstlii) liy tlio cool lnoivo and mlii ft inn tint uorllicust. .1. W. Kitiiilnll lllitl .1 tttitl Itiisnor Unit oil homos but Woilliosiluy Mr. mnl Mrn. Clint Sinvonwiin, )ii ml Herman K luck woto sluht ooliig tt tint Co'iimbim Cuiilvnl lust wook. Mis Until Itutloi i l.o.o spending ii finviln).s with liorrniisln. Klhol Sloven Kim will accompuuy lior linimt in llel grade not oo Tlio lilllo infiint oliilil ii Mr mnl Mm Joseph li.-cllllOI, Who Iiiih Ili'Oll III, ll tho doctor? i me, is iiiiiiiiinK iniiili MIsh I 'oily Woli Ii luis In on oiiipliod to lourli in District ',',1 nmtliwost ol im .. DicU Suifltou is giving his now bum u now emit of imitil mnl .lake Sttmholl is lining' IiUovl-o, .lllllll DillllllOt Mlll'llllSOl o ll.iiii inor plows of Colninliiis DouIcm .Sit.n da). Full plowing W now in unlet Mr. mnl Mis Will .ni,M I Oiimlu. spent Snniliiy willi li t lulu, i,,,,,, Mr. Iluiissou will stun a .ili. lopnii hliop in Unit city this iiiontli Mr. uml Mi. (Stover ol .Silvm fieoU ritlurnoil hiiino lust wool, ut tot u vi-lt here suiting olil iic.iiiiintiiiuo- Mr. mnl Mi.s. William DimMe-liy called mi Mr. mnl Mrn Hint Stevenson .Sniiilay; Mr. mnl Mm, .lolin Hull at n.o I'latte county home of .lake Smith mnl family, Mr. mnl Mm. Adolph KlmU at homo of Mr. Ilribol of Shell ('took ami Mr. mnl Mrs Clms Wortz with homo folks uittr Schuyler. Threshing ii now In order ami wheat is going fioiu .'J to J7 lnin,,5oat, vl to 18 Willi loiiHlliig oath guloio mnl iipplos t every store mnl spring chickdin. in the. Putin, wo think no gieuior IiIIhs a man coulil want this Ins voi icloiis spui'loiiH iipjiotilo to Hpan Home 3 A O. Krli of Clarka Nobr. wan vimting relativea in iiiui near Cclumbus from Saturday till Mouilny. STORE W.'V. Krimt commenced Momlii) to put up Iiih big uioiulow of hay. K V. U'Uli from SiUorCrook in holpor Willi Muxliottburg'H throMlior thin wool,. It in reported to un that Cmil Itonsol ono of thoxictiuin of tho Itonnnigton liniiHtor. wax well known on tho upp,. end of tin routo. having workoil for Moral farmem. Ilo win. tiring on tlio tlio ill fated Hlup Mr. mnl MrH. I'nul PaponhauHon, f Now Castle r.-uii , nrrivo.1 Tmlii) night lllHt for Hl'lltlplo WOOllH IHIt with l,'o mnl Mih. I'lipoiilimiHi.niiiiil Mihh Miirllui, pnrontH, ami niHtor of I'anl I'diuMilioiiM ' mi 1'tf.i I'loinnio. iml u-rsi-or m Hiiroly 1 ''"'"""""'"'I '"Mll'teWollent Mlmpo Ii" Iiiih pin tho loml i i,t tho foot or (ho Crook, w.oio thoso rtprinM uiiiilo it noxt to tiupiiM.alilo all iiprini; mnl hiiiiiiiioi I'ol.'r Sohtnitt inforiuM ., im, ,10 "nooiini; roporlo.1 ,.,r ,IH null u.ih '"'ll'l) tln.r.ip.,1 KrH,,w f fllluimH 'orni-rop. Ah ho,,,, i,h tho fi,o Im-.-huo Itiiowti.thoro uiin liuppinoHN iiroim.l ,IH ''""" i- lHir.l. Tho hornoH iii.Kh with HatiHfu.'tiou, tho nnllH hum wiw "w.'ot. ThorowM lowing wuHinor.i ,. tlo. tho hoim oai'klo im lou.lor ami in, r. JoxnliH Mrc. Kruor ano hor l.rotl, r I'.tlor S.-hullorth woro traiiMu-tiiii; llllHIIlOHH in ColiiinlniH TuomIiij. IIio rain woaro roi-ouuu. m .i,.., writiiiKliiiifiiiiKlitii Krmil iloal of tlio wmior Krniii Ktill in t hoi-k thoroato h1h a ko.hI i,m p uohon, ,,f ,ltl. atH titilllolio.-iit. Corn is oouun,. lino hiiu'o Uio ram of hwi wook Ami h. v.thI farniorHhuv.tHtiirto.l thoir plown, hiuoo tlio inoirttiiro. Wo imtiro that iiuto a tmuilior of tho hro to tlioir HtrawHtaokn as hooii as tho throHhiM pulhawm Tlio HiTHlilirtinor nuu of Columluu i-riwH.-.l iMitn with tlio Sholl Crook Km. ti'rniilknlaHt.Siimlay aftoiiu.uii m Knuii IiiiuIh piiHtun-. It h roporto.l to hao Immh a lino t'auio tho rtviiilt lioiii ID to Hi in tlio lluttoniulk'h faor. Harry Now miiii iutoliwl for tbu lliittermilk'u. GRE5T0N J1:--, ( ri'Mini fntii'rllHTK tfiHj ui) Milicrlitliii fi Sj.llic) tjntiimniit tin. ( riwlon I'lmriiuir). If ou liiiviini)tlilimMii lui) or wli, kii .Mr. t'n. iniiti nml lit Iiiui ii,lvi.rti" It In ti li'mlitm pTiif I'liitti. Miimt). Jiinriinl niln nln)ilii lint ImikIiukk, Ail vrl ! In our Iiihiik inMr lifhl ,Siiiili.ini'iit tlmt ultli Jniiriinl kIwiiI. I Mk' ) A. .linns, M. !) I'hyHiuimi anil hiii Ui'iin, Cull proinply miswi'iril day anil IliL'lll. l.tiHt Suturiliiy evuiiliiji T. i:. Alilnr on shipped tlilrtoon cars of fm catllo to tint Clilcni;'i iimrliot, Mr. Ahlorsoit, Dr. I). A. .IniK's mnl Juki. Kvaii uccompiitil on ini'iii, The now cioniu'iy liiiihtiiiK is litiiif; iiiplilly liitill on th? hit wist of I ho I'mtolllu'. I'roil I) i vis has tho cotitraul fm tho work, Tlio niiino hotwoon Klln ami Cr.tton at Nun iiiiiii (Irovu on WoiIiicmIhj, .Inly VII, rosiillul In a victory foi C'roston hv a scurc of two to one V Hplcmlcil jiini' of lull was rcportoil. holh nlnon IIkIiIImi,' iih bard as (hoy know how. The throe children ore. 1). Claik mo all ilon ii sick. On Hitiirihi) ovc inj tlio l-Mitorof the Wc arc headquarters lor everything in Drug sun dries, Paints, Wall Paper and Painter's Supplies. Prescriptions a specialty CRESTON PHARM1CY Stiitosiuuu fiiltllled his proiuNo liy civ inir nwny tho "Klnihall ortiin". C. F. liiiliiuoii liolnc the lucky recipient. Although tlioro wore iniiiiy who would havo liked to nlitaiti (ho prio nil were thoroiiKhly siitUili'il with tlio way WtiKiior disposed of the instrument. Dr. MeKltiley was eallnl in coiimiIIm- tionwiiliDr. Morris, In roumil to tho chhc of Mm. Kilmer. The :i month old hoy of Mr. ami Mrn. S. DaHtinan wiih chriHtoneil at tho 1'ioh litorian church laHt Hiinilay. Mr. Itoupnt who Iiiih Ihwii ruiiiiinj' tho AUHtin harlier aliop for tho piiHt thioo uioiitliH, loft joHtonlny for Vork, whom ho hi.Hii piiHilion. CroHton ih without a liarliet iik'iiin. H. G. MORRIS, M. D. ull (Yotou I'liiiiinacy. Calls prompt ly iinwcic.l I my or iiijjlit. C'lctoii, Neliiiiska. Mihh Kitty Clarke ih Htill viHitiiif in CoIiiiiiIiiih. Mr. riomuiK drove to CoIiiiiiIiiih liiKt c'rida). KrnoHt I'arkn ih nuito Hick, and in Inu.' Net Sunday MadiHon'Hliall innocrohH ImtH with CroHton niiio. Akoo.I cm no ih expected, iih Miulinon will como ehaiced to tho nock. A K'oiul fat purmt Till ho e pod ed of tho vimtortj. Loohoii up and como ami hoo tlio cood cainon. Platte Center :.., UIN (I. IlKlHN I I'liitti' t'.'iit.T miImimIImts mi.) ,n Hiilmrrip tm n II. Iti'tian. Ifjuii wiih I to In.) o. M'll i.ii)ll. iiiu, mh. Mr. llrKun mnl l.t till.. ailr. ii.. it In Hi.. Iis.iliii.: .iiiHr of I'li.tli. i til) .tun mill ails i.Ii.)m ilo On., II.. mlti r ti in )onr Iiiiiiii. .iiMr tiriat.'iini)t ilu.t will, .loll mill i.iltritihli.t I rrnin Hi.. Sitoml.l ltov. Iloldo will contliict Iiih last mt vico for tho (loiinaii ISaptlst pcoplo of I'latte ('outer on tho hint Hiindny in Aitk'tiit. The church Iiiih called It.v. IlilliiiKor, of llriilKcnatet, South Da kota, and ho m cxpecttd to ho hero and preach h tnal Normou next Sunday. Hiito (IIoiihoii this woik rofiiHcd an oiler of ono liiimlted and lifts dollatH mi acre for a tract of twenty acies of laud, linir dorlli of XlntfuV hlaiichler limine. A paily wiih here looking for a location on which to mttilillHh feed ) arils. AinniiC tho Met iiiih of the Itonninutoii, llio covctnmoiit lioat wIiiim. Iioilern esplo.loil in iho harlior at San Dioo, C.ililoruia.hiHt I'luliiy, wa. Kmil llcnscl, a yoiiii man who winked two nouis iico for .loo KraiiHc on his firm i ant of tow n. Voutik' lleiisolwitH a llrcmiiiiou tlio limit He entered tint Mrvuo fiom WiiiliiiiK lou titic. Villauo maihhal .Iiimioh l' Maher went to Monroe h.Ht 1'ri.luy and appeared auauiKt the two .mhiiic iiioii, JohiiHon ami (iillispio, whom ho followed to Mon roe Saturda) uicht heforo and arrested for Hhootinc a reolvT on our sireetH. They appenred lieforo .liiHtico Kelly, ploud umlty to the charce. of ilisturliiut; the peace and were lined one dollar ami costs, each. It took nil hut a ery xmall corner of a tin dollar lull to pay for thin little "fun." Platte Center Signal R. F. Ih No". 4. Mr. M Camphcll ami hoii 1'rank marketed poultry in ColiimliuaSaturday. MrH .1.15. DavvHon united in St. I'd- ward lust week, Mr. ami Mrn. (Jtiiun nHnt Sunday in Silxer Crw.k with Tom Couiiura who is daiiKcroiiBl) ill. Mrs. Urudowell of Lincoln ami Mrs. MaryJarJy islted or Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chae Shaffer. Mike and Walter Stounn yf Norfolk are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrn, M. Campbell M, Sichlor and Mrs. Kltiter both of whom were seriotinly ill, are niticli im proved. HUMPHREY. The I'ruoHch rcHidcnce was releneed from the diphtheria iuarautiiiB tho lth, allhotich the patient ih improving ho is not ahleto he around et. The iliimphrey Hook and Ladder Co. went to Nowiiiiins Urove'n tuiirnauient. Thej nero defeated in tho race, however Norfolk coming out llrat and Albion second. Mihh (lertic KtiKolke of Newmans (iroNocauie oer WedneHilay evening to iiHH'.nt iii tho mtiHical part of the program at the McK'illip homo. Mr. and Mrs. Helen and children and Mrn. John lleimlincer, nil of Statu Cen ter. Iowa, mo imtit) the Itriteninc and AiiHelme families this week. Mrn Helen ami MrH.lleiiHhurcer arc HiHteiH of Mr. AiiHelme and Mm. Henry llruenuiC' Will Cramer one of the hnck yard workmen U hicW with diphtheria. He Ih at the homo of MrH. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Leach left Tuenday for a cotitliweHturly cotirno tnroiich NehriiH Idi into KanniiH and Oklahotna with a mow of llndinca Hintalilo location. Mrn. II. M. Little and daiiKhter Helen returned Saturday from their trip to Portland. They alno united Fmhco and other placoH alone the count. L II. Leach wiih a CoIiiiiiIiiih umtor lnht I'ridn) uttomlini; tint meeting of tho Democratic County Central Com mittee an a member from thw neck of tho woo.Ih. Niirici:. I'liUou up by Charlea Hill at Iiih place in CoIiiiiiIiiih, I'lieHihiN, Au'iiHt I, l!Nl.ri, one chciilnut.Korrcl mare, weight about HMl poiimlH. Owner iiiii) huo hiiiiio by calliucal CharlcH IIiiII'h residence, prov ing property and pavinu for damage and iidsertiHtnc. CIiiih. Hall. Date. I CoIiiiiiIiiih, Neb., Auk. ''. Ii"1'-!. I will clone out alliii) dry yoodn at costH, must iliHpoie of entire Block In foro roiiiounu' to my now location in the l'inllippa biiildiiii,'. Sotli Itraun. tf. Letter From Dr Tiemng and Augmt Boettcher. The .lournal him receiM.i a very in tereHtinc letter from Dr. lierthold TitB Hif. which will ho road with pleanure by the niitucrout friemlH of Dr. TiemtiK and Mr. Itoottcher. Mr. Uni'tlclicr nicned Iiih iiamo to the letter iiImi, and Kent CroetmcH to frionde: Florence Italy.. Inly 111, '0.1. 1)i:mi Mu. Annul i: Itcfore wo left ('oliimbiiR we proiiMHo.l to cive you now and then a nhort reHunto of our trip ami ou hoc thiH ih the boKinninif, al though a promiHo ih easier civen than fiillllled. We left ColninbtiH on Friday morninK in cood HpiritB and with our mind thoroughly bent on enjoying every moment of tho next three moutliH. After transacting Home busi iiohh in Omnha. we left there on the fcM o'clock train the same afternoon and we were agreeably Hurprined to meet Mra lliicher and family on the name train. Mra. Hticher and family were on their way to Indiana to enjoy a few woek'b va cation. Saturday and Sunday were ev iremely hot daB and we Buffered in- teiiHoly from the heat and both of iib drew a breath of relief when we Htepped out of the train in New Vork. After wo had a good dinner we left on the afternoon train for New Haven where we were met by my brother. For tho next three days wo went Bight flee ing and calling on old friends and mak ing new. New Haen Iiiih changed ipiite a good ileal since we left und we both concluded that it was one of the prettiest citieB in the United States. Thursday morning found uh in New York and after getting our iitTnirs into shape we again went uight seeing and calling on old friends. Saturday morning we were up bright and early and had our baggage taken on board the Koeuigen liner and after dos. ing Mr. Itoottcher up so he wouldn't lie ho, i sick, we stood around on deck watch' mg the crowds ( inning and going. One passenger was generally sur rounded by Iiih family and friemlrf and now can well imagine what a pandemon ium existed when 1 state there were b1 most one thousand passengers on iMiard. We naturally felt a little blue and homesick thus seeing others surrounded liy tueir friends and we forMiken, but we knew there were friends at home who were thinking of us and so Mr. lloet tcher ami I wentdowo below again and had a drink to their health. Tho steamer soon put off amid erica ami shouts of good bye, anil crying wo men and we felt relieved when they were out of sight. We remained on dock until the dinner bell sounded warning that it was time to think of the inner man and we gladly responded. When we came on dock again after dinner no wore opposite the S.indy I look light and we watched with interest the last signs of land fade away. During the afternoon we passed several steam ers, one of which was the St. Patricia, of the Hamburg-American hue, bound for Hamburg. The next day, Sunday, wo siihted oi.e steamer and u brig, but were unable to make out where bound, and after this for live days we saw nothing but water On the lat day of July we were to etc land again and wo were not dissapointed for on that morning we saw the dim out line of land on the starbonrd side. It was jiiHt a little foggv nnd we could ii. .1 see ory plainly at llrat, but after a while the sun dispersed the fog und we saw the grandest panorama I haoeer hcen. The FloreB group of islands we had already passed during the night, and those which we now saw were the Fagel und Tyke of tho Aores group. To be Continued. All dry goods at Seth liruuii's If Mrn. W. M. Matron is suffering from a third stroke of iiaraly sis. It is feared it will prove fatal. Louis Haalllold is building a new granary or his farm near Shell Creek mill. Miss Ida Lgger, acompauied by her sister Martha, lento tonight for Port land, Oregon, where they will roinaln f r uhoiit six weeks. FOUND-A gold watch fob. On nor can hae same by proving property and paying for this notice. Address box Till! Columbus, Nebraska. Refrigerator Sale F. W Hcrrick will havo a sale of re frigerators thia week. w t f Hot Weather In Texno. Austin, Tex., Aug. 2. The last two daya has witnessed one of the most Intense heat waves that hns p.iKrcri over Texas. During tho night the humidity was bo great Hint people were forced' to leave their Mooplng rooms nnd tnko to tho streets for air. At midnight tho thermometer regis tered 99 degrees, nnd during tho day It has boon over 10." degrees. Four Drown In Swnn River. Duluth, Minn., Aug. 2. Four lives wero lost by the capsizing of a smnll skiff on 8an river, five miles north of Vera, Itasca county, nonr Ingstrom's landing. Tho nnmes of the unfor tunates are: Edith Tychnor, Hohllo Tyehnnr, Everett Tyrhnor and Mm. J. M. nogtiu, nil settlers of that por tion of the country. 8awa Hit Way to Liberty, lacrosse. Wis., Aug. 2. Earl Train er, nllas llany S. Emmet, charged with blowing up the Stoddnrd (Wis.) postofficc on the night of .Inly (i, os coped from Jail here, sawing his way out. A fine steel saw, concealed In n bunch of fruit sent htm by a woman, purported to bo his wife, enabled him to escape. GHIGA60 GRAIN AND PROVISION ii Featurea of the Day'a Trading and Cloning Quotations. I'll!, iiko, Aug. 1. -MI1iI.iI ilei.lnl nf .,... Oils itllllli.Ko fl.illl Mil. k i list i IIIUI ll II ftvuk llnNti la tin whiMt line tu llliy. Al Hie ll.ise W licit rl Si it. llll.i'l uVIhoiy wiik iI.ihii Virlc i 'inn was iii H''. UtH mIiiiwmI ii uiin nf ',.ii Tin vKIimih were pun tli nil) un. liuu.v.l Mo, IliK ihIiik: Wlieul July, HIVuM'jC, H.c, Mm , May, Turn-Sent., SJV. ''. ."WViiS-'io; lin... Ctoe; May, 4,-is.e. IhitM 8eit., JJV: lcc, si4e, May, fork Sept., ii.'mt'a: net., $i:i:i7i:h. I.iiiiI Kept., 7.:t.V.7.a7ij, i), t, 5,7.1".. Kllis Si'it.,, Oil., (i I,",, rtilcKgo CunIi I'llfos .No. . Inn, I ulirut, MDiNUv; No. U huiil wlieul, Ni'us.-.t, ,u. l1 cum, KMt,5Vtc; Su. U uuts, -.'si.. Chicago Live Stock. t'blillK.i, Auk. I Cattle It. n l)t. -I, .'.no; "teu.l) , kimkI to p. line hln.s, J.'i i.Sfci(,-, i, liiiiir lo Hie. . .in, $. 7,Vii,"i no; stui Li is ami feeilers, f'.'.'JViM 00; iiiih, ?2 ,rf7l I ."O. In If eiM, J-J.V( .;,, i in in,, s, JI.JV.c' III, l,i. IU, .'. .K,( (ii; nilu-N. J.J ,Mir,7m, , ul ,, Hli'i'lH, .l 7.V(M.7,"i, .esltni stie.s, :;.n( i.'M. II. i(s It. m.s, II.uhi, o, i:Kii, uilxeil mnl li.ii.l. is. y, loii; in, ,ni,i ii, I'llitlie lifil), ". !N,n; (C, ihiiu-Ii l.ei, S.- a.Vi.-.,70, IlKl.t. :..MK,;i; 1; l.ull, f M,,'M, y.7.VtlllOO. Sheep He. i'IjiIn. :i,.i, o 'JUt' hlghei; welliels, IO.l,Ki. t.iinbj, $4.75(7.75; wchteui ali.ep, $1 ik(.7.'i. South Omaha Live Stock. ll lliiinl.n, Auk. ! 'ntlle llie.t, 4.000; .teiol). nlr.iliK; llillhe Mens, .l 41 Wi.40; rnH mnl l.rlfeis, $.'.7.V( I In, i. i-ia MleeiM. .l.'J.".'ii4..V); '1 t-nM sieeis. .' 7.1 U:.7j; ruilKC low l.ll.l lielfeiM, f.'.'J.i'ii.'l ,Vi, i-Hlllier., $1 .MMr.'.ru, stm Ve.s nnd f. ,,,hk, :-J.'Kii4.-..'.; i iihes, Jllno'ii:. ;.o l,i. IN, sines, ete $.'lKi.'l 1,. II.ikk lie. .Iis, ul. 10 Wl.'.e higher; lieuvj, f .'rflii,..70., Ii ."ii VilA.70; 1 1 till I. $.V70i,i 75, pics, $1 :nt 50; lmlk of Hules, ". ,".7'il." 7.'.. Iie. . UeielptH, hOO; Ntfinlr;, ! .M!,", (HI; welhei.. $OH'iM55; inii, $iUKMO; I-in lis, $..75(uMI 50. Kansas City Live Stock. Khiisus I'ltjr, Aug. I. rattle lleeelpt-, M,W;; nnthe xteeis, $1 inii," .',,", ; Wi'Blein fp.l stei'lN, $.1 7,V45.,J5, Mix ktrs ail feeiloiM, f'.'.i.Vii ,."4I, ,mh ulnl heire.s, I.0IM5 '.'.'; tillllit, $.Mo4ia.7.-i; eiihes, .! , '05 00. Iluix Itf, ilpts, :.,ll, lOM'.ile IiIl-Ii- t; top, $ll(l; liulk of sales, $,' SV.i,', !NI; Ury. $5Ml'5.K1; puckers, .'i N.V(i5li"., pls Sllil Unlit, "VS.VHtlO Hlieep lteielits, :t,. UN); stliil.K In lOe lilglu rl luuilis, .f.-,. '.',,',( t5tl- feilvwS ud carllUH. Il.15ai5.-J5. Columbus Markets. Uorn -10 j wheat 70; old wheat 70; oats SUj rye ftl; barley 'U; eggs 10; hotter It to Hi; potatoes 15; bogs o.OO iwnltry So a pouud, spring 10. Public u Aroused. The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tonic, Electric Hitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of Ml! Ht. Clair Ave;, Culuui bile, 0 writes: "For several mouths, I was given up to die, I had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak from useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to taKo Electric Hitters, 1 obtained relief, and in a short time I was entirely cured," Guaranteed at Uacka drug store; price 50c, Flemish Suffering is often caused by tores, ulc-cri and cm-' cere, that eat nii join- 'Kiu Win. Hedell, of Plat Ih-k,, m.w I haiotiscd HiclJitis AruiiM S.K r L'lcet" S iron ami CnocM It - the bet! hedirig iliccn g I n,r fnin,,! ' SootluMiind heals ciits.iitirriMibmcali h. 12ut('!mii II lru,; ntnn , guar- antciil. In the Dim rid Com t of Pl.u to l canty. Nebraska. In the m.ittci of the 1'Mutc nf George Ii Dorr, ilon iih it Thin can-1 c'niif. on lot o irii g ti on the petition i t Arthur I'. I'nir ud lilinistnitoi of Iho efltilr i Com go Ii Don, (IocciimmI, tniTiiic Itu llciiiffi to mil the tti.tth I' all nf Hut si.nll cist itiiu lur el HniIou Hint, low "hlp elgh tern noilli. inngp three west ol iho Sixth Principal McMillan in I'lutln countv, Webtii'kn, m a mIIIi .our iitnounr 1 1 ihc M'lne tn lit tm iho sum of ri ;(itii)(i ,r ,ll(l VMm f ,lf the iii(ehtcdiirfH iij-iili-ft tie (ftalo and the cnnii 0t ndmliiKtiHion, tin to nut being siif'lcirni pinuim uovttv Dav M.o sunt ,oht anil expenses It Is therefore ordered (hat the per-sun- inteioM.,1 in ,.!, rMale nr beroro me. or sonic other judge of said court, nr i mi court-liouso in the citv of i.oluinhns in tho nild count v, nil the .th day ol September, I'.KVi, n't one 0 clock p. in., it, show cause vhv license fhonhl not ho granted to mill admlnistriifor to sell so much of the above detcMhrd roil estate ol said de ceased n- -linll ho ticmsMiry to )mv said ikhfs- utid iNpctisos. 1' i turtlur onleicd tlmt n coiiy hereof he imblMied in tm Columluis Jonrtuil, u weekly iiewinpei' ir.intiil and puhlished n, sU, eoiintv, four nccoMve wool,, j nor to bephtmber 1 Mi. I'.MC. Unteil duly !,". .Tniues (I. Itneder, .luilge of ,s,jxth Jiuiiiirit District ol Nohiiisku CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Have Always Bought Boars tho y yV ) " Siguaturo of U7&&& k P AKMS 4 They sire situated in Ihc Central part of l'latto Co, and Thcij Must bo &m w!ti in 60 Onus. . These are the lies I ha trains we have had in I'latte Co. land. Becher, Hockenberger and Chambers, 1 The Journal I i Has Two Specialties ::: The lir-t i. i 1 NEWS I Il'yoii wiiiit ail I lie new-, id (he CITY, COUNTY, STATE, WORLD you can luivc it iloliw-jcil at join lioliue "iippi r cvciv evening. Kveij limly i- int t-f-cil in t!it- War'Xt'Hs. jki .ill the ui-w-iol tin uoi lil hv i c :iapli mnl all ihc in -, ':itt ami otiiiiitiinliii cumiii , h u . ;'l e cwry si JI.V- A in:ij... it v ol' (.'oliiiuliiii tniuilii t un. till o:nly on mu li-i The epciiM i- tiilliu;: I'm- ID cnis a wid: you c.m't ulllml to iln v. ii limit it. (live yotii-iitiiiie to tlio car lier oi telephone the .Imuiial ollico. . .s Oui Scc.Hiil Suei:i!i h PRINTING 4 Wc piint eveijiliiii" i ,,i ;f iiiui limey I.i'tli iiiiiiii-, I'jni- ' $ lope-, Hilliiiail-. N.iti un nl-, X ;j; J'n-lci-, Ticket, I'li'Kiiii-, In-f:; .;. vilation-, t'aul-, CaLilniiis, etc. .;' I;) A l-o liuxe a -peciiil'slNlo ol 'I type I'm ('milt JJiiif,. ' i' NVepiinl evei j ihin ntnl do ', 'XI it ju-l a little In tin- than any. T limly lI-c. X V A, 1 Let U6 Quotci ;.i You Prices. Z The Journal DAILY AND WKIJKLV Z j.jj.j.j.j.t.j.j ? . tfi iC W tf. -sf.v