The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 02, 1905, Image 7

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Tilt' jjioat innjniity "siiMiot iilltinl to pin thtir muii 1
iiinl llii, lint liml K l.ii ilicnper Id intitihic, tln iv
Hoods totc fur tlitir .-upply. TliN cluuigcil condition) of
nIliiiiN liiw lifi'ii llu' jriailtuil otiigiowtli ot' lituc. Within
tin I'iist lew year- tin- change has been tiumvlniK We
tiilu'iti-o continually .if the :u rival oi new goods ami
y.Hi will tl.t uil l.i witch lor the MANY T1MKI.Y
sl(i(i!STUN T. (ilVK YOU
H' you arc nut (lillVicttt from oilier people you
Haul tlic iikhI lor your money
You want the most reliable
Goods and you want
the easiest way to
select them
We guarnnUo all tlik Sninetluii;j lor ovotyouc can en-i-ly
he liiiinil at mil stoic. A complete line of Staple ami
Fancy Dry (Sonil- to select limn at very low juices
Dnring July and August we must
sell our stock to like room
for Fall Ms
Now i-i tin1 titm to li.iv a complete line of I ry (iooiU,
Clothing, Hut-, Caps Shoe-., Ciirjiots, Curtains anil (icnt'x
Kiiini-liinj.; domls to -.elect from at low price.
505 11th Street. Columbus, Neb.
ftgonts For Tim Standard Patterns.
Journal Specials.
J)r..I. K. i'unl Dentist.
Smoke litttlo Duko cigar.
Dr. J. NV. Torry, Optieiui.
Try thn Klnvoiitli St. jeweller.
Dr. Murk T. AlnMnhon, dnntiM
Dr E. II. Nuumaii, Dentist, I.ilhfcl.
Commit Ur. Torry nboul your oyi s.
G. 14. 1'rolti, painting and paper
hanging, ihvtl
Oinniniul O. limns and bnronnt Her
man KnrMHihrock'H.
for chickens nt r.iiiHt&Hrork's. Phono
us. tf
Onn off while vou got i.luivod ut
tho TlmrtHon linrlier shop, the only
cool plane in thn oitv. tl
Now in tho tinio to liny vimr yenr's
supply of hardware. Yon can mivo
from 35 to "0 rents on the dollar
Cloon and Uohling. tf.
Hny yonr hardware at whnleuilo
prices lit CIooh Mill llnhliug's. CIomIiic
out sain, tf
Try our Mend conl. lft.r.0 per ton
nt the yards. Newman ; Wnlrh t'.td
('all early to solerl yonr bargains at
Clous mill Uiihling'n while tho arson -uipnt
in complete. tt
Nowinnn ,& Welch hnvo nil kinds of
coal. r. til.
i Three Ranch Snaps,
In the Best Ranch
NO. 1 A ranch of 1S,000
1 4Kl lit
J railroad. 1700 acre
0 20 year lease, S socti
g wild liay and runs 1(
iJIV MUM rims 1000 Mosul
f V ....... ....... .....,,
h .11.,., I. iiiiiiiniir, hum ni
cS niint. TtO nrrns t imnt h' 'iiwl
-- irnnn niiu mini nil l? nmi
n alfalla land. Will soil with
sell on otisy payments.
NO. 2- A nmch of JL',000
fe rai roju
HHHJ acres (eeced.
20 vear lease: several soctinm;
tS fences, windmills, and ranch
tons of li
0 for cjish.
tons ol hay and will run .v00
?S NO.
ranch of C.OilO
US ()f Wild ll.'lV.
C Will cut i)."il) ton
C alfalfa ranches in tho hills.
55 improvoi
Will trade for merchandise or farm in east-
or n Nebraska.
For prices and direct reference to owners, enquire S
Dr.Torry.thn Omnliii Kyo SpcoinliM,
has opened one of the best equipped
optical olHee.s in the went, ovor Pol
lock itiiii CJo'h ilriiK store. Will bo in
his Colutnliiis ofih-o Sunday, Monday,
Tn.'Mlay and WeilncMliiv.of onch week.
Spectacles anil eye glahhos soientili
callv lilted. Consultation free.
Ti-oiihoiK made to onlor from l.0
up. Kit mill woikmnnshlp guaranteed.
S. K. 1 taker, hack of Dr NaumaniiK
Dental Parlors.
HAHOAINS. Soreon doom for CO
cents; ice ileum freeerH for -il.iSO;
gasoline moves for l.7fi. Tlicse are
only a few of tho hardware bargains
cilVorcil hy Olonii mill Ueliling. tf
For Rrtit.
Heverul desirable dwelling houses for
runt, lioehor, llockonberger .v Chain
horn. ,;:i
Local agent in CoIiiiiiIiiiii for one of
tholnigcM ami hcsl tire iiiHiirance coin,
panici in the state- Mui.t. he reliahle
ami onoigelie. Address
State Agent.
1". O. lto. !71()iniilia, 'It
Special Farm Harpuns.
Wo have four Inrmn foi nulc in the cen
tral part of tln county at bargain prices.
Must, lie sold. Heelier, Hockenborgor
A Chwnbens. tlilw 1
Country in Nebraska
acres, '.) miles i'rom tho
rus uuudcMi, one scnooi section under t
rtions liomosteaded. Cuts 1000 tons 21
(M,L OO milH. nl' 4. .,.,.
wuhv, ,jw iuiiv-.t iij iuiii;..
m ,, . ,, .....,..i.
- i.wiiiiLi; jiini;ii improve- g
!ilflfi cnri .,,....,. .
or without stock. Will
acres, six miles from the Q
one w ion swiiim inifim. s;
Cuts 800 J?
A bargain j
head of cattle.
acres; 1700 acres deeded, f
f)lli nf tlu I nut ,i
Well fenced, watered and t
Mri Mnry E. Beoher
(Mondii' lnil)
Mro. Mary K. Uochrr died at her
home in Omaha limt Stindny motiiitn; tit
!l:.'l(l o'clock after a brief illness. The
body will lie brought to Columbus on
No. !l lonitfhl mill the fttiienil will be
from the home of Mr. mid Mrn. John
('. llechor at I o'clock lotuorrow after
noon. .Mary I J. Hickl.v, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Hieklv was born in I'oliinibiiH
OlnosiMy four ears a'o last O.'tober.
In 1S.17 nlu came uith her parents to
ColninbtiH where she lived until a few
yearn 111:0 when she went to Dinaha.
In 1MI she was married to Frank (J.
Iiecher. who died in 1S7(! while occupy.
Hi the olllce of county clerk. Sim.
Iiecher leaves four children, John (I,
Iiecher who is a member of the linn of
tho Klliott, Speice, and Itecher, ami
Anna, William ami Stella who have
lived with their mother in Omaha where
they all hold u'ood positions.
Sim. Itecher has been in failing health
for many jeuiH. Last week her son
.lohn (1. was called to her bedsido by n
telegram iiniiouucinc that the end wan
near. Hut he returned in a few days
believing that she would live for several
Carnival Closes.
lMntiilH' Dill))
The street fair ami carnival which
held the amusement boards m our eit
four days pulled up xtakiN Haturdii)
nitflit ami left for Iowa.
A lnre crowd was on hand Hie Inst
niht and from the noise ami other
things about the irroumls it appeal n that
everybody had a ;ood time.
The show was conducted on a vei
clean basis, consideriin; what it repre
setited. Duly one ot two incidents oc
curred where the litfht-lliiere! unifier
ot in hw work. Louretta drew lots ol
people to see hei eat snakes and aftei
eating a doen or more of the reptiles
wax able to accompany tint show to the
next place of exhibit.
The Tort Arthur show was uood, like
wise the train robbery. Other side nt
tractions conducted by dienmy eyed
tfirls had their share of tho crowd. Tho
calf with four heads and twice that
many lens was a "dead one". The Ferris
Wheel uaiiuhl the old people with rheu
matism ami the younger set.
The company did not got rich while
here, but wan a fairly creditable set.
The town may not be any the worse for
their visit.
Prof. Sherman Goes Higher,
lust one-iiiarler of a century after
starting in his school career as pupil at
Columbus Trof. II It. .Sherman will
commence as superintendent of the
same school. His llrst teacher wun Mrs.
Sarah Hrimlley, now principal of tin
Lincoln School of Columbus. 10. It.
Sherman was born in Clarkosvillo, la.,
on Christinas Day, IH72. His father be
injj a milliliter the family lived at vari
ous places. l!cuinniiiK' school at Coliini
bus, ho nttomleil other M-hools ami
finished his education in the North
western I'niversily mid I'liiversitj of
Nebraska irriitluatiui; from the latter
With the deirieeor II. A. Ill IS! I.",, (.
picsenle.1 Ihe i Diversity of Nebraska in
the KiiiiHiiii-Neliraikn debite of 1110.1,
and the state of Nebraska in the Inter
State Oratorical content of the same
ear. After leavum the university he
wai releetetl as tiie principal of the
Faitlleld 1 1 it'll t-chool fur IK'.I.VII and was
miidesiiperiiitemlent of the same school
for the terms' of IS'.lii.? and North llend
schools for IS'.IS.'l and IN! KM I. While
Ht ill at, the head of the North Head
Schools he watt chosen to supei intend
the Hchuyler school to the present time
and it in safe to say lie would have
remained here for years had he not been
called to a larger Held. His entire car
in'I as educator has been successful and
he was in demand at the various county
institutes and the summer months was
taken up in educational work. He has
also published several educational
works, ainonif them, beinu "The Correc
tion Manuel." "Aruuiiientative Foo
lish," and others. He is Her
vini Ins second term as master
of Acacia Lndue, A. F. and A. Al., is urn
erable consul of Hatto Itiver camp, Al.
W. A., Secretary of the Schuyler board
of education and prcii'ilenl. of the City
Park commission, beini aetie and en
erielie in each.- Schuyler (uill.
Base Hall.
(.Monday's Daily.)
The came at the park yesterday was
whII attended and the play went through
the nine iihuiiuh free fiom wrangle. The
umpire, Dr. AlcAIahon, managed the
irnine to the complete satisfaction of the
live hundred fans present, and evety
body left, the grounds reelmj: that they
hud not been robbed of the price nf ad
It was a pretty tfiuuc, Central Cm
opened the works by mnkini: two hi
juicy tallies; foui SiindayH nco that
lead would have won the uaiiie, but that
cut little iniiHtiird yenierday . The tir
foiir iiiniinrHfor Coliiinbus at the Mick
was without results, the visitors sharinw
Then came Mulleld Flms who hit the
ball iniiare on the nunc for two Ihiki
but as the iihiial uuiuber of Coliimlins
coachers were at their place in thenhade
on the bench, .Maliin!il died at thud
after plow ini: up a reat part of the I'.
I'. teuerve laud,. Well, tliis brokt the
ice and from the fourth (nniiii: on, Co.
ItiiulliM Kiilloped aronnil the bases efi.'ht
times while the O. O. boys returned to
their home with three little scores "all
wrapped up in a woolen strinu."
(ld Timer "Paddy" Koinbrick beuan
me uiune in the hox for the visit,
ors and kept our boys stepping side
ways in otder to K'et a safe clout at the
ball, but the old timer's arm doubled up
and he HiiihIkhI the iame at third.
Frank Micek in riifht Held rurnished
a feature of the name w lieu ho made a
pretty ontch of a lino drive hit. Corbetl
was all the works at second and Dolan
and Jones worked together like leaifuers.
Theitiime was tfood, lots of the fait
ones were present, and for an hour mid
n half, there was ceitainly somethinir
lining down on Captain Harry's lot.
Nnlxire Oiitilui'M llerarlr In I lie llcnu
tlfiil I'leliire l'ri-K-iilril I'riiui flip
lliirliiii llilil Nlrcel Nunii'K llulrl
t'lmrui'M niut n llitlel llnlh.
As we approach the harbor of Ulo
Janeiro there urudually rise Into view
the twin Nlauds, Father and Mother,
between which the ship passes. Then
comes one of those m-a ml pie tores
which defy adcinale description. Hven
the Ktntllsli pnsseni;er, surprised out
of his uiitlomil characteristic, murmurs
lifter a deep inhalation, '"there Is until
liii: like it the world ocr."
'the niiinberless peaks, of purple hue,
peculiar and minted, of varied outline
mid sharply defined, spread to rlulit
ami left ami form n Hticci'salvely clinin:
Ini; liMcl.uroiind as one advances now
majestic sentinels, now Illusive phan
toms, as the clouds veil their crowns
or hide them from view.
A story Is told of tho Princess Isa
bel, I mm Pedro's daughter, who once
eiiihu.misllcally called to n fellow pas
seiiner, the wife of one of the Furo
peau ambiissador.s accnillted to Dnin
Pedro's court: "Come, come, mill look
nt the most beautiful sllit In the
world! We are entcrlni; our Ktorlous
harbor!" The lady addressed, who had
hivu lu ltrall before, had seen behind
the pictures and was not as fond of It
nil as was the princess, answered In h
Hoft, purrliiK voice, "Oh, yes. very
beautiful, but I know of n sluht moro
beautiful still!" "Yes?" Incredulously
and Interrogatively excla lined the
princess. "Yes, It Is much more Ih'iiii
tiful K'otiitf out tliroiiKh this iilorloiis
After InndiiiK we break through the
mob of cairlers, after suatehini; tho
nearest one to tnkc our bni;i:iii;e, and
Ket Into one of the waiting M'hlcles, a
shnhby Kent eel -nrrlai;o they are all
much the same rickety affairs, drawn
by little forlorn mules or Iiui-m's. lurs
breaks down twice hefoie reaehlnit our
destination. The ilrhers me uiet-cl
less. They Jolt nnd JokkI' nnd swim,'
you from one side of the nairow sticet
to tho other, liishln Uielr horses con
tlumilly, tpoclally nionnil cornen nnd
up and down hills, until thvy drive the
breath out of your body nnd tho hope
out of your hcartJttUJU.tULruclik'Msuoss
of It. "You vow tlilH'liTThu liisf tlmn,
but they cet you oipitii. Itetwcen
Ineatlis you look to (1ml you nro koIiik
tliiciih Niich streets na Uio l'lrst of
Match, tho Manpiez of Ho-andso, the
VlHi'ouut That, tlio Ilaronesn This, tho
Micet of the Pnttlotlc Volunteers, thn
Sen n tor Somethlui: or-other, enillnc up
with .ItilliiH Caesar utreet nnd Jcsu
Crlsto's alley!
The hotel faces nn open Ripinre, linn
trees about It and Is painted on tho out
side a wiirm, clear pink. The micstn
diesrt ery much, esMS'lnlly tho wo
men. There is much frou-frou of silk
pettlcontH and many louc trained
dresseH. Tlio men, ono would Judite,
como over from I'nrls. There Is Just
tho rlKht twirl to tho point of tlio uius
tnclio nnd Just tho rlitht line to the
waist of their contH to sukkcsI It. Con
Kress s lu session, and there nro sena
tors from nil parts of ltrall stayliiK
hero; nlso a sprlnklliiK of forelcn minis
ters nnd Homo of tho llra.lllitu nobili
ty left over from tho empire. On tho
birthday of then beloved emperor
these latter have innssos said for him
in most of tho churches. Notice li
Klvon In the dally papem ho the sym
pathetic may attend.
KviTythluK Ih I'xtm nt this hotcl
your candloH, n Hoconrt norrliiK of tie
Hiimo dish, nnytiilUK tnken from thn
tahh) to yonr room, anything eatnn in
tho dliilna room llvo mlniitcH niler
meal hours. A bath Is HO cents extra,
Taking u bath hero til peculiar, lu
your lintli gown you walk the seeinliiK
ly mile or so of hall into the hack
foyer, down long night of stalls, to
the Krotiml floor, almost Into the gar
den, till you reach n glasn door mail.cil
"Chtivclro," which means as near n
you can translate It Into P.ugllsh, "Kn
I er." You find u room, ttled as high as
your heaii, open above. Taking up half
tho lliMir Is it depression llvo inches
dis'p, also tiled. You wonder whcio
you an going to hatho. Itclug a Van
Lis', you guess, You Hcrow uii your
coinage for what may happen, shut
your eyes, pull the cord nbove you,
and, In) down mines a splendid shower
of cold water for as long as you want
to hold the cord.
I 'pon leaching your room again you
liud Mime one has sent you a bompiet,
and you dou'i Uniw what to do with It
liny mole than you did with the bath
room It N a smooth surfaced, vurl
(oloied i one, wi lightly are the llower.s
placed together. It Is about u foot
ncro-in at the bottom ami won't tit any
thing lu the room and won't look like
anything but painted wood, so you
llnally drop It anywhero. When dry,
you discover It wan built on u stick
and held about a bunhul of (lowers.
Tn trie ft w!ng we dined w'llh.'ttiii
family of n man who rushed mil from
among a group of fellow brokers to
ointirncp affectionately the male uieni
her of our party as we passed them In
Hie street. Fourteen sat nt the table,
and three small children wete ranged
agnliwt tho wall nnd served lu thn
trays of their high chairs. Our hint,
who speaks Fngllsh with a ilellclotii
invent, said to us, "Now you can say
that you hnvodtned with a typical Urn
zlllan family, and woiue not savages."
Itnttlcty bang! clutter, clatter! Clack,
clack, cluck! Tac, tact A general
passes by! Driven In the happy rah.
Ion of the country, his two military out
riders on horseback Hying elmo, one
each side, Just behind, Fvery time his
cairlage wheel sweeps the curb on one
side of the narrow street they make
the same curve exactly. When a mo
nieiit later hl carriage wheel Just es
capes tlio curb on tho other side of
the ntrcet they I'scapo It by the exnet
distance. Wlim the carriage stop-i
ridden ly, they stop suddenly. It In
well the little Itrirtllau horses me so
docile or one of the most laughable
nights In Hrull would be lost. The lit
tie soldiers, bobbing up nml down
nstrlde the little horses, with their
brown faces, bright red ami blue mil
forum ami slouchy little ilguies, do not
exactly suggest military dignity They
Hiiggest something else You limtluc
tlvely look nroiiiul for the tin cup. The
law permits every general the out
rider. The two soldleis are also Ma
Honed at the gate or outer door of his
I lime uol been utile to distinguish
the soldier front the policeman, they
dress so much alike. Tho police hne
n chain of whistles through the clly at
night. You hear one hi the distance,
then near, then lu the dlslame again
us the signal passes down the chain.
An American here says it Is to warn
the burglars out of Ihe way so the pn
II' an pass without any distracting
We got back to the hotel to toss and
tumble through the hot ulghl, lu the
agonizing Indecision whether It were
best to smother with the window shut
or take terrible chances of getting the
fever with the windows open, as every
one mild we would. -A Yankee Visitor
to Urn zl I tn New Yoik Trlhuuo.
FcrillniT (III IIiiiiIIIiikn I.ooKm I.IUo a
lliitiKriiiin Oprriilliin.
When I llrst crawled In among ttie
bushes close to the liesl Ihe III tie
mother (hilled at me ami pulsed a foot
from my nose, as If to Mine me out
of countenance. She looked me all
over I rein head to foot twice Then
lihe Hceined convlin oil that I was harm
She whirled mid sat on the nest edge.
The bantlings opened wide their linn
Bry mouths. She spread her tall like u
Dicker and braced herself against the
net n'lle She cruneil her neck anil
drew her dagger-like bill straight up
aboe the nest. She plunged It down
the baby's throat to the hilt mid start
ed a seiles of gestures that iccinod
fichloued to puncture him to the toes,
Then she stabbed the other baby until
it made me shudder. It looked like Ihe
niiiider of the Infants. Hut they weie
not mangled and bloody. They were
getting a square meal after the leual
humming bird method of icgurgitntinu.
They ran out their slender tongues
to lick the honey from their bills. Mow
they liked it! Then she settled down
nml milled up her breast featheiM to
let her babies cuddle close to her nn
ked bosom. Occasionally ihe icicheil
under to caiess them with whlsperlugK
of mother love. Country Calendar
Knrep nf litinKlmitluii km i:einiillllcil
fn it lleiillNl'N Clinlr.
Dentists have a splendid opportunity
of Htudyliig the power of iiiiagliiallon.
A New Yoik practitioner by )ay of II
lustnittau told a reporter about one of
Ills wofK'ii patients. Slut cnteicd, ac
companied hy her husband, mid, point
tug to her swollen face, asked tin1
dentist to ctract the offending tonth
lie placid her In tho chair and, taking
the small hand glass which dciillxH
use, put It Into her mouth for the pur
po.e of oMinilnliig the molar which
was to be extracted.
The glass hud no sooner touched the
tooth than she utteicd a f.lghtfiil
scieaiii and, bouncing out of the hair,
rushed out Into the walt'ug um.ii. ivy
tug that her Jaw was broken The
united eft'orls of her husband and the
dent'"t were for sonic time uiiahle to
persi mle hoi that the tooth wan u it
extracted and (hat mIi" ioiiIiI li it p is
sl'ily have been hurt. Aflr examining
her mouth with the aid of a glas she
llnally became convinced that the tooth
wan Mill in Its place Taking In r seit
lu the chair ngalti, she submitted to the
operation of extracting the tooth with
out a iiimmur and expii-ssed her aur
prlso that tlio pain was so slight
A child is always surpilseil that yon
flon't know the washerwoman at Its
When you throw a friend a bouquet,
don't throw It mi he will eabh the
thorns In his hands.
Hope is a progresshe game one's
children falling to I me famous, tin
hope progresses to the grilllilchllilleii
It Is easy for a woman to he polite,
nil she ban to do Is to smile. Inn a
man h.i.s to Millie mid raie his hat
Worrying ah nit the future is l 'ic
lug thorn will be ghosts toumiiow',
though you know there me none tin I iy.
Parents are haul on their chlliln 'i
When the children aieyoiilig, and w!nli
when the parents me old (he chlldicii
nro hard on the patents. AtcliKou
puzrsuxr, PEnronMANCE of the
Ilnm lie Vy n Thuimnitit .Mite In it
Mimic MKlilf - XV In-re Horn (hit
XI) sti'ilniis Chlmnr)' S'ulft o,t -r
I'ltf Mould Out or i:i-r Vrurf
A mail who t rinds KMHK) miles in
year is counted u "globe trotter" of un
usual energy Hut our common night,
hawk, that every American boy and
git I knows, thinks nothing of having a
summer home up In Alaska nnd u win
tcr resort lu Argentina and traveling
the 7.1HK) miles between twice u year.
Its annual trip often covers 115 do
glees of latitude.
And mime of our shore birds, n gov
eminent naturalist tells us, are still
nunc liiM'terate toyiigors, making ex
tra lllghts nml covering 10.000 miles or
so a year.
Voyaging by the air line is sonic
tltiiei extremely rapid tranalt. Tho
summer warbler that spends the win
ter lu Ccnlinl Ainei lea and the nesting
season at (beat Slave lake, far up In
the arctic, travels twice as fast as the
spring does, one hundred and sixteen
iiiIIcm a day Is the record so far to
Crcat SIiim lake, the speed always In
crc.mlng as the birds nunc northward.
The rol .i Is an old fashioned, leisure
ly tourist lu comparison with mime oth
er species. It nccr doen more than
seventy miles n day. The nxv-rago rnto
for nil migrating birds from New Or
leans to Minnesota Is about twenty
three miles a day. Hut after leaving
Minnesota several species of feathered
migrants make llrst 10, then 72 nnd
finally led miles u day before thoy
reach Alaska.
'Ihe bird traveler that gives the tint '
urallst the hardest transportation
problem to iuiIm' Is the red eyed vlrco.
It winters lu Cent nil America nml up
pears encti iipilug al the mouth of tho
Mississippi, traveling twenty miles a
day Al th t leisurely rate It proceeds
for six weens, all the way np to tho
latitude nf not them Nebraska. Then
suddenly, In the space of twenty-four
hours ami before a single red eyiil
vlreo liiui been seen anywhere In tho
region tictwis'ti, numbers of the birds
nppear lu llrltmh Columbia, u thousand
miles to the notihwi t.
This puwllng periorinince Ih repeat
oil every yenr. I'lile-s tho red eyed
vlreo tiles a thousand miles lu n single
night, how does It manage this be
wildering schei.uleV
Nobody knowH, but then nobody
knows either where tho chimney swift
goes for live mouths out of every year.
(treat tlocks of chimney swifts, with
niinibcilens tltslgllngs among them,
leave the Culled States every autumn.
Ihelr moveineiitH can be easily follow
ed till their various migrating hands
Join Into a count less host on the north
ern coast of the guir of Mexico. One
day they are there; the next day they
nro nowhere.
Five months later, In March, n Joyful
twittering far up lu the nlr herald
their reappearance on the hiiiiio spot,
plump and brisk after their winter so
Joiiiii. Hut where the whiter has been
spent only the awlfts know It used
to he a tradition (made out of "whole
cloth") that they hibernated In tho
mini. Hut that merely showed tho
hopeless altitude of uiell'il tllllllls to-
xvn r I the pioblem, for no swift wn
ecr found lu the mud lu any known
spot What mud? Where? was there
fore the natural ipiestlon. never nn
iwereil. and leaving tVe mystery deep-er-
and muddler than ever.
The golden plover, too, has n yearly
schisliilo of travel known to the nut
umllst lu every detail.
In .tune It reaches tho "bnrren
gi omuls" far lu the arctic circle, where
Cicely found these blnl voyagers as
far north as latitude si degiees. The
nest i are built on the moss, close nluiio
the fioen ground, the young are rear
ed, and tin u the Hocks hasten to Lab
rador in August, where the orowherry
grows for their benellt so thickly that
when they leant the feasting place In
Urn fall their bodies are plump almost
to bursting, and their very flesh Is
stained red with the crimson Juice of
file hel'lli s they h.ivo eaten.
Tiny strike straight for the Antilles
and lor South Aiiieilca beyond, mom
than '-'.Mm miles tn all. The plover can
swim, however, and rest on the ocean
wine, and on tho way down It fie-
liioiilly feeds lu the I'argasso sea,
whoie, far out In the Atlantic, thou
sands of square iiille.i of seaweed teem
with murine life.
After ii-tlng a few weeks In tho
Antilles the plover starts ai'iexli. this
time for Patagonia ami i-'outhein Ar
gentina Cnllke other blids, It puts
Its whole mind to tinvclliig and tiles
both ulghl and day Six mouths lu
Palagoiila, nnd then hack It tunels to
the arctic by way of Cuateiual.i, Texm.
and tlie .Mle!sspp. The who) ycmly
lollte forms II gieat, liregullir ellipse,
m.imiii miles long noil .'S.iiihi miles neioss
lit Its w'dest po'nl Slliely, liiillM'lolls
ll'i Weie the stol les nliolll the llilgl' 1 1 loll
of hlnls belle) ed by the Ignorant lu
I'llll.V Ullsclehllllc tiun.s, the tlllth K IIS
usual, straugei th.iu Union Youth's
JtiflitrnM mill Turpentine.
Ill Ih" yen1 I i'ii i, when InlliiPiiza
wa 1 1 p'llemic throughout Hurope, many
workmen contracted ihe disease In
three watch factories at Madrelsch,
Cerinniiy, and n nuiulier died. At one
facility at Madictsch, however, the ills
ease did not appear Investigation!
showed that oil of turpentine XX IIS ll-isl
III the turning of the inetiils tf-cd for
watch imsim The oil became warm
nnd evaporated, and the workmen In.
haled the air Indeii with It. This M'ciii
cil to protect them against the disease.
Pline then oil of turpentine has been
il ways evaporated in that factory un
til a stoM', and not a case of Influenza
S is ever occurred there