The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 02, 1905, Image 6
fjmamy e'vjfK."! " '?' ".w Ml ka ' I CTf Tlefu rn l SHERLOC I aTSZtWOT'.iCa. 'waTJatiW f'js 0 i H n T. Tvi F ft !l Bv A. CONAN DOYLE. I Author of "The Advcnturtt of hrIo-!i Holme,' I "Th Mound of the Ditkrrvlllo. I he Sign f of tht rour." "A Study In Sctrlet." I.te. 0m ILLUSTMA'ILD nY f. II. Sltl.LE "Nut li'.ir? WVII, If lnnt Nti't rlt'ar wlittt niiilil l)i flcurV Merc It 11 young tiiMii u lut ItMtrnt KUild'jj tliut If 11 cvr taln olilor r.inn dies lie will Htiooced to 0 fort utit. What iIihjs he ilnV I If wtys liotlilnu' t "tiy oiio, lint lie iiithiikih that lie 'hull K" out on soiui iietext to M'i his client that nlKlit. Ilo wnlls until the only other person In Hie Iioiim Is In lied, ami then In the solitude of the man's room he inniiler.s him, burns lilrt liody In the wood pile and depart1? to..n. nelorln JiotoL. lliu Mood Ktalus in tlie room' and also on Hie Mli'l; are very hIIkIiI. It Is proliulile that he liuajuied Ills erlme to he 11 bloodless one and hoped that If the body were consumed It would hide all traces of the method of his death, traces which for some 1 onion must have pointed to him. Is not all this obvious-:" "It strikes me, my u' I.edrndc, us IipIiik Just a trllle too obvious," wild Holmes "Vou do tint add Illumination to jour other treat iiualltles, but If yon could for one tnoineiit put your Hclf In the place of this yntim; man would you choose the very iilidil utter the will had bciu tnaile to commit your crime? Would It not .'com (humorous to you to make ho very close a relation in'ic'U ttio two incidents? AkiiIii, would you choose an occasion when you are known to ho In the house, when a servant has let joti In? And, Dually, would you take the moat pains to conceal the hodj and jet lcac jour own stick as a Hltfii that j oil woio the criminal'.' C'oufoss, I.estrado, that all this Is very unlikely " "Ail to the stick, .Mr. Holmes, you know as well as 1 do that a criminal Is often Hurried and does such things, which a cool man would avoid. Ho was very likely afraid to tto bad; to the room. Clvc 111c another theory that Would lit the facts." "1 could very easily kIvo jou hall" a dozen," Haiti Holmes. 'Hero, for e. ample, Is a very possible and oven probable one. I inako you a fice pros cut of It. The older man Is MiuuIiik (lociiuicntrt which are of evident Milne. A passing tramp sees them tlmtiiKli the window, the blind of which Is only half meutod tildacio was a pretty e msid- , Wh.'ii tie- dci-tlM' departed my friend io.c ;i!'d inide h s preparali.iiis l'ir the iln "-. work wil'i the alert air of it mail who has 11 cotu'rlll'll bo fori li tin. ".My lii sl mowiiiiiit, Wat .011," s.ild ho as li btistlis into his froil; oil. "must, us I said, bo Iti the direction of I'.lackheath." "And why not Norwood?" 'T.ocutiM' wo lutvo in tlil'l ease one MiiKtilitr Inelilrtit cotiilni: close to the heels of another ftliii;til:ii' Ineldent. The polite are uiakiiit: ih mistake of eon n nl nit Ini: their atteniiou upon the second liei'iiii-10 It happens to bo the one whli li Is uctii'illy criminal. Cut It Is evident to llie that the 1 ;:'' ll way to approai h (ho ease Is upon the lift Incident the curious will, o suddenly utado and to no unoipivt ! an heir. It mnj U lometliln to "It iplli'y what fillowol. :.ii. uij dear lollow, I don't think jou cm help me. 'ihore Is no ;ifo- t of iiniipr, or I jiintild 1 t ill I'tim of stirrii. nut Willi 3tit jou. I trust wh'ii I see you II the eveullii: I Will be able to loport tl id t 1 have Ix'ou able to do somolhiiiit for this unfortunate .v.uiiikMit who Ins llirov.11 Iiiiiini If upon my protection.", "ll was late when mj Irioml returned, mil I oniilil see by a ulance at bis lia-J-;nrd and anxious line that the Itiuli hopes with which ho had started had not been fiillllled. I'or an hour ho droned away upon his violin, endeavor llitf to miothc tit s own IUlllo.1 spirits. At ho iitnm down the Instrument mid philips! I11I0 a detailed 111 count of his misadventures. "It's all cnlug wrong, WiiImiii all as vvroni: as It can no. I kept a bold face before l.eslrado, bul, upon my soul, I believe that for once the lellnvv Is on the riejit (rack and we are on the wrong All my Instlm Is nre one way, and all the laeM.iiie the other, and 1 much fear thai I'.rltl-li lurles have not yet alt. lined that plP li of liilolllK'eiice when tiny will give the prefeieitce to my theories over I.ostrailc's facts." "Idd yen i: to Itlacklieilh?" "Yes. Wet- 1.1. 1 vvitit ihero. and I found ve.v iMtlikly Hut the late l.t down. lAlt the sullcltor. Imter tin tramp. Ho seizes a stick, which he observes there, kills Olilucru and do parts after ImruliiK the IhhIj'." "Why should the tramp bin 11 the body?" Tor the matter of that, why should Md'ailano?" "To hide some evidence" "l'osslbly tlio tramp wanted to hide that any minder at all had been com mitted." "And why did the tramp lake 110th ItiK?" "Hooauso thoy wore papers that ho could not negotiate." I'Strado Hhook Ids head, though It Ncemed to mo that Ids manner was less absolutely assured than before. "Well, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, j 011 may look for your tramp, and while yon arc llmllng him we will hold on to our mail. The future will show which Is rlk'ht. Just notice this point. Mr Holmes- that so far as we know none of the papers wore removed and that the prisoner is the one man In the world who had no reason for removing ttii'in, since he was heir at law and would come lut tlicui In anj case" My friend seemed .struck l thl ie mark-. "I don't ll. e in t 1 ileuj that the evl ilonco Is in some wajs very struiigl, In favor of your tlicorj," said he. "I onlv wish to point out that there aio other theories possible. As vou, the i'.i tliro Will decide ( i 1 d ni'ifl. v I dare say that In the 1 in e of ih, ,!,, , 1 shall drop la at No. ,.o il nu I b vv y(XL.aro r mih raxTr-rir orable blackKiiaid. The father was away In mmicIi of his sou. 'I lie mother was at home a Utile. tlnlVj, blue eyed person, In a tremor of oar and indig nation, (if course she would not admit even the possibility of bin guilt. Cut she would not epress either surprise or irgicl over the fale of Oldacro on the coutiar.V, she spe,e of him with such blllciliess that she was liuc.iii Hclouslj cmsldorably KiiiMiKthouli'K the case of the police, lor, of c nii'se. If her son li id lieanl Lev immI, of the man In this fiisiiiou it no Id prodlsposo him toward haired ri i 1 violence 'lie was more like a mabmiaul ami cunning ape than a hum. in bolnn.' suld she, 'and ho alvvajs was. ever since ho was a youm man.' ' 'Vim know him at that time?' said I. "'Yes, I knew him well. In fact, ho was an uM suitor of mine Thank heav en that I had the souse to turn away from III 111 and to marry a bettor. If pooler, man. l was oiiimkciI to him, Mr. Ilolni's, when I hoard a shocking utory of how he had turned a cat Inoso in an nvl.irj. and I was so h untied at hit hruiil i rn Ity ilmt I would have nniliiin.' in no to do w ith Id 11 She rum milled In a bmcaii, and pies.nty she prodiiici! a photograph of .1 vv.niau shaiiiel'ullv defaced and nun dated with a k'ni'e That Is mj own photograph,' she said 'lie sent It to mo In that state, witli his curse, upon mj wedding murnltin.' " 'Wi i'.' s-ii.l 1, Ml le.ct ho b is for o'M'i v ''I 11 .. . . I ,. h . . hit nil IPs I . it.v t 1 1 r -.! ' 't" I Ml 1 mnmxx.miya.,..w. V..'' ntij tliltiK from Jonas Oldncro, deaif or alive:' i.ho cried, with a proper spirit. "Ilieie Is a Cuil In heaven, Mr. Holmes, mid that same Cod who has punished that wicked man will show In his own jrood tiim that my son's hands arc KUlitloss of Ids blood.' "Well, I tried ono or two leads, but could net nt nothing which would help our hypothesis ami Nvvcral points which would make against It. I nave It up at last, and off I went to Nor wood. "This place, Deep Deno House, is a bl modern villa of staring brick stand ing back In Its own grounds, with a laurel clumped lawn In front of It. To the tight and Home distance hack from the road was the timber yard which had boon the scene of the lire. Hero's 11 rough plan on a loaf or my notebook. This window on the left Is the one which opens lulu Oldaero's room. You can look into It fioiii the road, you see. That is about t lie only bit of consola tion I have had today. I.estrade was not there, but his head constable did the honors. They had Just found a great treasure trove. Thoy had spent tin morning taking iiiuoug the ashes of the burned wood pile, and beddes the charted organic remains they had secured several discolored metal disks, examined them with care, and there was no doubt that they were trotiser bilttoiH. I oven distinguished that olio of them was mai ked with the name of Hymn., who w .s oldnerc'.s tailor. I then v. irkc.l the livvu very caiei'ully for signs and ir cos, but tills drought hat made meij thing as hard us iron. Nothing was to be seen save that some body or bundle had boon dragged through a low privet bodge which Is in a Hue with Hie wood pile. All that, ot course, ills u with the olllelnl Iheny I crawled about the lawn with an August sun on my back, but I not up at (he end of nu hour no wiser Hi in before. "Well, after this liasco I went Into the bedroom ami examined that also. The bl I stains were very slight, mete smears and illscoloratioiis, but mi doiibteilly fresh. Tho stick hail been removed, but there also the marks were slight. There Is no doubt about the stick belonging to our client, lie admits It. l'o.itiuai'ks of both men could be made out on the carpet, but none of any third person, which ngau Is a trick for the other side. Thoy were piling up their score all the lime, and wo were at a standstill. "Only one Utile nleam of hope did I got, ami yet It amounted to nothing. 1 examined tho content.! of the safe, 1110U of which had been taken out and left on the table. The papers had been made up into sealed envelopes, one or two of which had been opened by tho police. They were not, so far as I could Judge, of iiuy groat value, nor did the bank book show that Mr. Old aero was In 'U'.'h. yorr. atlluent clrcuiu. sTnnees. Hut It seemed to me thaf all the paiors wore not there. There were allusions to some deeds possibly the more valuable which 1 c.tuld not Ibid. This, of etui-e. if we could dell nltely prove It, would turn I.estrado's argument against himself, for who would steal a thing If he knew that Im would shortly Inherit It? "Finally, having drawn every other cover and picked up no scent, I tried my luck with the housekeeper. Mrs. Lexington Is her name a little, dark, silent person, with .suspicious and side long eyes, She could tell us something If she would. 1 am convinced of It. Hut she vi as as close us wax. Yes, she had let Mr. Mcl'iii'lanc In at half past It. She wished her hand had withered before she had done so. She had g me to bed at hall' past in. llcr loom was at the oilier cud of the house and she could hoar nothing of what passed. Mr. Mcl'arlano had left his hat ami, to the best of her belief, his stick ill the hall. She had been awakened by the alarm of tiro. Her poor, dear muster had certainly been murdered. Had he any enemies? Well, every man had enemies, but Mr. oldacro kept himself very much to himself ami only met people lu the way of business. She had seen the buttons and was sure Unit they belonged to the clothes which he had worn last night. The wood pile was very dry, for It had not rained for a month. It burned like tinder, ami by the time she reached the spot li't'Jilnj o mill. bo seen bej e;iies She niul all tlie llrotnen smelled the burn ed flesh from insltlu It. Hho knew nothing of the papers nor of Mr. Old acre's private affairs. "Ho, my dear Watson, there's my re port of a failure And .rut and yet" ho clinched Jii.t thin hnnds In n par oxysm of conviction "I know It's all wrong. I feel It In my bones. Then) Is something that has not come out, and that housekeeper knows It. There was a sort of sulky dellanco In her eyes which only goes with guilty knowledge. However, there's no good talking any more about It, Watson. Hut unless some lucky chtineo comes our way 1 fear that the Norwood dis appearance case will not figure In that chronicle of our successes which I foro pro that a patient public will sooner or later have to endure," "Surely," said I, "the man's appear ance would g ) far with any Jury." "That Is a dangerous argument, my dear Watson. You remember that ter rible murderer, I'.ort Stevens, who wanted us to get him ofT In '87? Was then- ever a more mild mannered, Bun-da- Rcliool "oiim: man?" (To bo continued,) COUNTY OFFICERS. H.'l.ii -riitnthc , 'Irrk shcrlil SlIplTillti llllllllt Afi-hMir Jllllk'K Attnriii') Iri'iiciiiiT I'h-rk of District Court t'niiilii'i siirvi'jin Ill-t. 1 D1-.1. : Dl-i.. i Ji-i. I Ji-t. ...Jo.n.n W. IIkmur .loiiNdiiAr ,('!! uii,m .l.i'.uuuo I.. II. 1 i.vvpv lollN ,. (I.VI.I.K.V . John llwn.ioivN I,. It. l.vrnvM ....Dim; A. IIkciikh . ('. M. (IlltTKNTIIKh K.II..MKTZ II. li. Itossintii ItOAKD OK HtrPKItVISOIW. John iIoktz I't.mi IlK.NIIKII Itlll.N HWV.SHO.N Kiivm; Kikii.x v.n, t'luiiiitiiiii ItCIIOI.I'll f. Mlll.t.CH DIM 1I.7 I.Ol'IS lll.l.ll, K.J.KllNHI U. S. Sr..s v ions I. II, Milluiil, lllnii r ,1. Ilur ki'tl. .Mk.iiikh or Co.Miiuss, :m liisrmuT, J. J, MiCiirlkj. HrATKOITK'hltH. downier, Julia II, Mirkt); l.lciitwmiit (lev. crimr, I. (i. Mrdtltnti; S.M'ri'lur) Ntittts A. (I11I mlm: Auditor, K Jl. Si'arii-, Jr.; TriiiiirtT, IVter Mniti'iiM'ii; At'oriiey (li'ibTiil, Norrl llnmii. .Sii.isinti'iii!i'iit I'iiIiIIi: I list rtict lou, .1. I. .Mcllrii'ii, ConniiiMiliiiiiT I'nlilic IjiuiIh, 11, M. Dillon. Jcimii.s 1,111 DisTiiHT- '. Iliillftn1 lns'k, J.O. Itit-ili-r. S.KNM011 lliis'lt Ibmki'H. Kmifsh.xruivh Jitu DisiiuoT J.W.Kcuder Ki.ovr vriVK nil lluur. GilURGH DIRECTORY. ( ONliKI liATIONAI, Hiililmtii,!, VMh. hi. I'li'iii'l.iin.', II 11. 111. niul "') 1 1. in. S111I01 laid, utoi, , it j, in, Pniji-r MiiiSliii; Tlitirmlu) "'Hip in Lnilii's Aiixlliiiry tirst Wi-IiicmIiij Iti i'iu'Ii m. .alii nt Hull p. 111, Unlit' Mlsslnuiirj si.i'ii'l l.i-l Wi-iIih'mIu) in nii'li mondial :l p. m (i A. Jlt'.Mio, PiiNiiip. (ii:i:man i-.vamiI.i.ii'aupiiotksi'ant Sllll(lll) M'lllHil, 1I..UI II. Ill, I'll'llt'llillk! N'rvice, lii.:i 11. in. oiiiik l'ceili.'h StH'ict), every two uii'ks, Minili.) Mj .. 111. t.iuliiw Aid Siiclisy, tirst of .nit itiniitli, J :)i 1 p. in. I'aro- I'llllll sW.Ool, Sh'.lllllll) Jl , I'Jn, in, lolltllllllt llllll cllls, Tlll'hiliiv till. I h'lill'l), 'J to tl p. in. lu v It. .NH'ii v in. 1 11, PiiHlor. , PllKSIIVTi:iilAN, S.I.00I, li:i:, . m Sitiiiiiii, II.iki 11 111 Siiiint Knili mot, mm p. in, l.vt'liiim wiiii. 11, -..ui Piaj.i iik'i-Iiiii; 11t.1l Mail) nt Ilii'Salilialh M'liool Ii'f-miii, h.oo ,, m I'lMirmliiy, lnlii-n .MlM-ioimi) M.iii I) liisi I'riilii) of everi mouth. I.ikIIi's An I iilicriiiiln 'iiln'iiti of isiuL inoiitli. .. v, I'liKtor, MKTIIODIST I'ifiHliliis', IU:l..ii niul 8.00 P 111 Siimliiy Kt'liool, I'J.mi in. Junior LcHtfup, p 111. Iliiwotiii Ismail', T.iai p. in. I'rnti iniiTiiis', riiiirMlii).-. nip in. LhiIIch AiilmtrlHl) t'vt'i oilier Weiliit-HilH) ut .l.(i p. in. I.or.v.s IImii Dk oi.k, l'lititur. IIAPI'lhr Siiinliiyhi'liiHil, ll'.nuii 111. Hermoti 1 1. unit. 111. .Iiuiior II, Y 1. U.,;i.iiU.. in, Ki'iiior II. I'. L. nt i.mi p. 111. Sermon, s;dO p. 111. I'rn)er nut. Illiu Tliiiip.iii), H;im p. 111. IDv. ll. J. t'l.MHi, PiiBtor. (iUACi: KPISCOPAI, Low celehnition, HU 11. 111. Miliilii School, lU.lKI 11. 111, I'rcHI'IlitIK, ll.oo 11. in. KwiiiiiRhervice, H:U p. hi. Ht. An ilren llrotheiK, Recoiiit 'lilewlay nf em'li month. DimnhtciB of tht. Klim, seion.l Tiieoiluy of em'h mouth. Lmiien (iuil.l, sts'oiui WisluiwilHy ot em'li iniiuth. ID v. W. A. Cvhii, Hector, til'.UMAN l.U'l'HKItAN-l'reiichliitf, IHMIh. in. H11111I11) School, 'J p. 111, lullea Sooiely iiustU one riaiihiliiy 111 each mouth. ID.V. II. .MlKSHI.KII, I'HHtor. l!KOII(IAM.i:i Cllt lU'll OK l.ATTK I h SAINTS Siililiutli hi'IiihiI, tun. 111. I'rwir ills' t-eruee, II n, ut. Siu'ruiiicutid t-ervicu tir Sliuihi) lu each moiilli. Kit li. tllKl ill 11. iiioiuiK V. (, Khler. SI'. IIO.N.WKNTL'ltA CATHOLIC Siiliiuij Hervices, muss mill seriuoii nt , V mill 1U:U ll'cllll'k, Sllllll I) SClll.ol llllll iHSIIHliclillll Ht 1 o'clock, Tim I' o'clock iiiiish is kIvisi in I'ulUt. niul Dies' o'clock iiiiish idterlllltcl) illtieril.HUHUO Kiiulish, Week tiny iiiiish every inoriiliiK nl f o'clock, KriilujH tit tlil.'i o'clock, stiilioiiti anil lieiicilli'tioii, I'oufessioiiN heiiril from 4 to r) o'clock Siitiinlii niul from 7 to u on SiiihIh) MKiriiiliL;. Coufessiuiiti also Sliuihi) uioruiUK b forch o'clock iiiiish, K.viui.u K.M.VJI.VJA, 1'rlixt. KIDNEY ASES CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. Fom hlDNIYCURE corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder, diseases in every form, tones up the mm m a m j 4 cured of drighy's disease. whole system, and tne diseases tnat nave resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes. r. obtrtmurke,KlnoT,8rtoKCo tf V . wriir. I am KlaJ io have norpor tunity of tcllinf Wbt maicnilictMU mult. I Imvo hail from umik I'OI.liV it KIDNEY CURE flrr havfntmritothrr mlvrrll.r.l mr.ticini'xan.l tco'ini phvm.Un. llrforf I tri!4n It I had to (M up from II lo o timcii each nuhl to relieve- my htajjrr. I w jnuii tiljatrd 1 1111 With dropty ami my ryrilcht waa au itnpmicl that I couM amrcrly rf -n f my family crosi the room. In fact, I wit ao ba.lly titnl 1111 that I hail ivrn up hops of living when I waa urrd by a friend to try KOLKY'S KIIJN1-.V LUKK One s,-rrnt tl.ttle "voikra won dera, and before I had taken the tlur.l tottle the tuprilliioua llrkh had ijonr, hi writ u all other aymptoma of Kidney trouble. My frlrnda were nuiprUril that I v,at cured u thry II thought I wa gome to die, Kvery few day. 101110 one loines from mi emu ay to learn tha nam of the wonderful medicine that cured m of llrk-ln'i .,.,.1 .,.- .1... bM tried It hat failtd to bo benefitted, Two Sizes, 60 Cento and $1.00. Protected by Block Signals The first railway in America so adopt the abso lute Block System in the operation of alUrniiis was the Chicago- Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. The St. Paul Kosul was the first railway to liht its trains by electricity. The St. Paul IjJad was also the first to adopt the stovm heating system. Tree through daily trains to Chicago from all points on the main line of the Union Pocific Railroad. For time table, special rate, etc., see Union Pacific Agent, cr write F. i. NASH, Qtn'1 Western Agent, 1524 Farnam St. OMAHA. NEBRASKA. ATTRACTIVE COAST TOURS Take the Burlington from Columbus to I'orttanil.SrnUlf.TnrtimuunilKHiirn. (I)irret llitiitrx. Dully fnm Mnyjal... 446 00 rortluml and Iteturn. (Om- Wnyvlu Califuriiln. MiiyS.'l. Lit, So, 31. Jum-1 " r. 23. M. IS. 10. 2.1, 24. 27. 28. 2!. 80. July 1. 2. M. , 7, H. 10. 11. 12. 13. 2fi, 2f, 27. Aillli' tionaldntcBln AuifiiHtiimlSfiti'iiilxr 56 00 Sun Franclaco.IrfMAiiKvlfHiinilKcturn. (Direct IiiuiWiO Almi- DuIib ....... G6.00 Sun Frnndwo. l.AnKilinnil Itt-tutii. (Dlu-tt KiuiUh) .t!. 21', r.ti,l. Jiim-l Aur- uatio, 11,12, i:i, n,Oitolrl7,lr', lit. ro.21 . ' GO 00 TIii'h. rati- iiiily oviT tin- IIiiiIIiivK.i.'. .Llir.i Mm, t Urntoi, tlit-iu-c tltrciliuli Sci'lilr uiiluriiilo niul Milt l.aKi- cr. SoVlK l'...'illr.lit liiutliwi.t toiltc tl. I'l.-rt Tliiiiit-iiiiiiliiii,.(. tmir . -..,i,. , t ,,(,,i caliriiinlsi. shii-lii llliliti', I'.ittliinil F..ii.ltli.n. I'liutt -, ,.iii,.s, V!i.,ii,tliiii .-mil Miilitnilii t'iili In' mnilu tihliit; tln :iilni, lliiilliiutiin .m.iIi, ,ii,.,. Tlii' llillllnmi.ii I. (lu, only line Ity wliiili ju ,;, ,,(. n. u..K ,. mill llii: lldlll ii.lll.trvil) i nittiull With thi, t,i,itl, u. :itlliliaii:i cxifia. Daily Ihioiivli I'nllin.iii Sliiiuhuil s, ,.,,,, , ..., k,,,,,,.,.,, ,., ij(.w., Stciilf I'oloriiiloatiii Sjtll ,al.f. Aiiy tutlif iitiili-i, imicil tin I'oitlanil I ii,ilon luldir, nisil aiili.ll.ia Inlilit. It llii-l ,( him,,,, Inliln, Ini hi ill,., hil'iti 111- aiiitii, ni'i.i'C. i It'., Ii' I'lil.e jour I'H'I ni tl tii at il li I im .nl j.r in Ihr I, ;iH fit I and the In'. mij to ll. L. F. HECTOR, Acnt. Coluinlms, Nc-br. iiiiiiiiiiy LnmiME ;1Mkwk.. . .. - v HBiW i'(rT 5U . i f J&SE2k,SZi.Mk. Kansas Ciiy SoAra l&sway ctiiMiijini mi i. io :.ow Mies" j KANSAS CITY TO THI"; CtVl.V kMttWaVKjSCaU.SLli.i.t:-it--.': . i-i..-. . PASSING THROUGH AQREATLR DIVCRSI TV Of- cl-ifv'AI C-, SOIL AND UfSOlincnTHAri ANY OIIK ..' HAILWAY IN THE WOULD, FOIt ITfc) LENU7H tl .! MiinnrxtiiMiiiPxtiiinii. -nitiotl r.trfstiulp.' mnil lt .li " i ' ' '' V" ' ",'l"'"l ',"' ' l'.ii'.ii.irll'liil-. .r..ll.,Ttn ,i ,,, ..i,,,' ','"'!'" ' '; il,-;. iiiiiji.t l -i. .it., .iii.l k I....... . tin; il.vciiiilMt!, . ftiriiu irii-iiniii,. linn., ,,,,, , ..i.f , .....I.'li,li..i,-..l. , ni j ..,,,1 iv.nvj:,.tti.i. Vrlle lor Information Court-, ninn. FREE GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS ""' iImLJ f:' ,!,,V"' 'i,,'p:0V.lFaM,VrM,Rt,! L',n,lr- n'C Lantl ar.1 Tln.Ur l4,,Jv -a '- "6ieWBiEir Wuiiffi"'- u,""" - Cl.Liij. i.muJ t,lp luaicicckcri' tl u-t mi (,mo Urt uni tht il Tii.-h hj,, , . h inoiitli. THC BHORT LING TO "TUE LAND OF FULFILLMENT" aa.wB -- " ''''aV!kau.HHNMHttJKC2rXMEatUbaW9CXZ2' M. U. UOTTOaT, av. VM. Agt. 0. a. WtUIinE, . V. mid V. A. i 'Jaa OHy.Mo. w,-..,.....-. ' ".. hi .9 Ul i .Mil! ..OBStBU, Trar. . and Itulir'u Airt.. Euutiaa City . T lrwtw!r COLORADO AND RETURN YIATHE UNION PACIFIC $15.75 EVERY DAY from .July list h with final return limit October Hist FROM COLUMBUS, NEBR. lit Hiiro your lii-kt't rt'tulH mm tlim lino lmiuiru of h 9l W i W. H. 1IHNUAM, AKont. r. i SOLD 1ND RECOMMENDED IY McCLIIMTOCK & CARTER, Columbus, Neb