The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 02, 1905, Image 5

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Thursday's Dully Jounml.
Dr. Paul, ilnnriHt.
Prof. Tool, violinint. 'Phono Cm.
Dr. Ynllier, Osteopath, Harbor lilock.
E. O Davis of at. Edward was
in Hie city today.
Miss Grace Lul Ict'i tcturuod induv
from u two weeks visit to .Monrno
Noli. OUon mill two daughters of
Nnwmnn Orovo wore In tho olty today
ii route to Denver
Mrn. A D Hiniiinn nml daughter,
Miss Maniln nrn guest of Mr. nml
Mrs. Geo. WIIIukI this ween,
Kov nml Mrs. Halter nml lamily,
nccompniiiod bv MNs Fricdhof mid
Thoo. wont ont to McPhcrson's to
camp yostordny.
Many or tho old trlonds of Mr
Waggoner from Konto :: worn present
nt tho funeral of their old friend nml
neighbor today.
Mr. nml Mrs. ,T. Pierce nmi Mrs
Kllton nml daughter or Genoa wero in
tho cltv today. Mr. Pierce on routn to
California niultlin rout of tim pc.ity
on tncir wny to Portland.
Knlph Wiggins ami 1 tor Duffy re
turned vottedny from Khiimih City foi
n fow days visit. Tim hojs wore
tempted by low railiond rutoH nml an
iucxplainnhlo longing lor the moiety
of old friends, to make t lit trip
Kov. Hnlaoy of OoluhnitiP, pntot ot
Hie Pnsbytorinn church in that city,
visited tlui Ayrop family over Sunday
nml road tho scriptrnn lc-son on tho
Ohnutnuiiia gionnds. Kov. llaboy i
n co nslu or Mr. Ayres IJn id Clry
Mrs. Thomas Dack tMightfullv en
tertained nnnut twenty young Indies
yesterday nftoruoon in lioi.or of hor
gnosts, tho Mines OiIcsmi Knnltin ami
Mda Mofratt of Shenandoah, lown.
Guessing contests nffoutod plcnsnut
pastime nml refreshments ot un cream
and ciko wore served
JntiirH IC. Henderson, tho long dist
nnco mniiiiR'r for tho American Tele
phono and Teleguph Company, wns in
1 10 city today on business with i V
Holllday, manager cf the Nebraska
Telephone exchnngo bore. Mr. llolll
day has jusr put in n connection with
Now York for ono ot his Columbus
1 Hry Ragatz & Co.
Of tho First Quality-
A Full Lino ol Staple and Fancy
Provisions, Quecnswarc, Glassware and
Fancy China.
Our "Richelieu" in bulk gives ontiro
satisfaction at 30, 25, 20 & 15c a lb.
The following in tins 1-lb 2-lb 3-lb
"White House" - .- - - .40 .75
Chase & Sanborn's ''Seal" - .40 .75
Upton's .... .40 .75 j 0()
"Itichelicu" - - - .40 .75
"RaRatss" .50
HHHMaaMMaaaatoMawBsawMMtavMMaMBai aBflaHttHHaHa(
jS? TEA jS
Japan, Gunpowder and Krjglisli UreakfasL, in bulk
and packages, tho finest Jr)vn and Guaranteed
to give Perfect Satisfaction.
aiM Ma a aaaMiaa Pa n iw m wm aiMBa---
A full, fresh and complete assortment
oi everything usually sold in our line. We
buy our goods direct from first hands for
cash, and consequently buy at the VERY ?
LOWEST PRICES. We can and do sell the I
bjust uuuiis lor the LEAST MONEY, and ?
X are confident wo ca?i convince everybody of
t that fact who will give us a trial. ?
Hen ry Rsate & Co.,
Nebraska Phone 29, Impendent Phones 29 and 229,
cintomors tho llrst one in this part of
tho state.
Procrnslinnttou in tho thlpf of time.
Don't put it otl. Have your homo in
cured now. Have your accounts col
looted boforo they nro outlaw Call
on O. X McElfresh. wtf.
Accounting. M to l(M) per month
"alary paid our graduntcs. Opotators
always in dnmnml. Indorsed bv nil
railroads. Write for catalogue.
Morto school of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati, O., La Crotso, Win.,
Toxarpniin, Tex., San Francisco. Oal.
Tuesday nttornoon n party of twelve
lady fripiuls surprised Mrs. Dreed, tho
oocnslnn boing ner birthday. The
Kuests gathered nt the homo of Ohas.
Johnson A very iilonnit tlmn wa
spent until ii:;io. A dninty lonoheon
with served in four courses, nml sever.
ni presents worn given Mn. KtPod.
Sho wai mado ninny yenrs yonngor by
the event Docorntloiis wore of forns
and sweet peas.
Audrow Hansen nml John Lund
and son of .loliet were in tho city to.
day With them was Peter Jensen
who enmo down to take out his flrat
papors of citizenship. Those gontlo
men, who nro nmoiiK tho numerous
new subscribers to tho Journal in Jol
let township, made tho Journal office
a plontaut cnll whtlo they were in the
cltv. They believe thnt tho politics of
Plnttn county will chaiiKe this fall
provided tho republicans pnt op the
right men
Friday's Dniljr Journal.
Prof. Hike, teacher mimic, llnrber bldg.
Homer Robinson returned last night
from ChicBgo.
Dr. D. T. Martyn was an Omaha
visitor yesterday.
Gocugo Ellswotth of Fnllortou was
in town yeslordny.
Julius Phillips came down from
Genoa this mortiing.
Mic K. II. ChnmborH stnrtod yester
day tin it trip to Hot Springs.
Horn. Thursday, July ::, to Mr.
nml Mrs. Ii H. Palmer, a dnughter
The Vothodist Sunday school is hav
ing a picnic this nftoruoon nt Stevens'
MKM:-X'Ml.t !
Mrs. J ft. North returnon yesterday
from n two week' visit to Minneapolis
Mr. and Mrs, Ohas. Segelke, Jr., of
Omaha are hero on it visit to Mr. Hog
olke's parents.
Miss Ruby liastutissen will leave to
morrow for n two weeks visit with
friends at St Edward.
The follow who not 'touched" the
other night by 11 charming colored lady
now carrion Ids hiind on hi poeketbook.
Mrs. Helen MoMeohan ami daughter,
Miss Maude, who have hoenvlslttg the
family of Dr. Martyn for several days,
will leave tomorrow night for Denver.
Mr. ami Mn. (). W. Holllday went
to Genoa this morning where Mr.
Holllday will superintend tho moving
of the local telephone exchange to a
new location.
Miss Ethel Elliott is In Lou Ange
les having a big time bnt she does
not forget her Columbus friends the
most intimate of whom receive letters
from her daily.
A sister of A. Duescll who litis been
visiting bore returned today to her
home in I iwn. Him him scoomiinnliil
hy Mlse Ida (Irnves who will visit rela
lives ii short I line.
Wc are in receipt of the 8 won Cilj
Honilil. Iluliert liurriise paper, at Hweii
City Iowa. It is a neat live column
iUiirlo containing plenty or mlvertMng
to make it look protltalde,
The Missed Knufmann left last eve
ning for a viflt in Colorado Springs.
They woie ncconipnuled as far as
Orand Islam! hy Harry liohr who
however enters a general denial to all
Mrs. F. H. Abbott entertained nbont
twenty five ladles yesterday nftornoon
nt six-hand euchre. In honor nf hpi-
sisters, the Mitses farah and Maliel
Mnlr of Lincoln. Miss Alrcda Post
won the pri.e.
Tho rain lait night pot the carnival
comiany ont of busings temporarily
bnt they are in foil blast again today.
Report of those who have attended
aro to the effect that tho attractions
arc all clean and worth seeing.
Mis Franco Maynnrd, of the Journal
force, and who oporntcR the typesetting
mneliino. loft today for her home in
Hcliiiylcr, where hIic will be Joined by
her molher and go to Iowa Falls, lima
on a visit to relatives for two wiek.
J. H. Little of Fnllertou is in Col
umbos today looking after the nilver
Using of the Fnllorton chantauiiua
whicb is to bo hold next month. Ho
reports the ontlook llrst oIbm for a
"ocessfnl meeting nml a record-breaking
The Journal omitted to mention the
departure of Ilav. nml Mrs. Mnnro
Inst Tuesday for their six-week vaca
tion. They went west ou the Hurling
ton. They will visit tho Portland fair
and spend a part of the time with rel
atives ,of Mr. Munro.
Everett M Swain, brother of Lloyd
Swain of this city, in in Columbus for
a short visit with IiIh brother's fami
ly. Mr. Swnin is an old Nebraska
boy and a graduate of our state uni
versity. He is now a practicing attor
ney in Chicago, connected with a
lending firm and with bright prospects
in his profession.
Nnnce county bus thiee contestant
in the seed coin pri.c contest opened by
the department of education of
Nebraska. Five handled boys and
girlH thumghnut the ntiite are now
tending the corn under the rules adopt
ed by tho dapurtiuont. Those In the
race from Nance county are Herbert
Gardner and Carl Hcnsen of Oenoa and
J. E- Downing of Fnllorton. Fnllorton
News Journal.
A jolly party of young tieoplo drovo
to McPhers m's this morning to spend
the day. Thov took a aoodlv number
of fat lunch basket and a suspicion of!
fishing taokle. The party consisted of
tho Misses Ola Hell Horvoy of Omaha,
Mary Fahs also of Omaha, Maroia
Porkins and Lillian Adams; and
Messrs. Ned Post, Ueoreo Kcodor.
John Elliott and Will Hockenborgor.
F. M. Wellel. assistant cashier of
the First National Hank at Albion, at
one timo Deputy Internal llovcmie
Collector in this atate, road a paper be
fore tho Inst mooting of the Htnto Hank
it's Association at Fremont on tho Hub
jeet of tho "adding hiiiI listing machine,"
which posse-sod ho much liioruiy as well
iih commercial merit, that tholiurroiighs
Adding Machine Company of Detroit,
had the paper published in a hnniNoin"
little pamphlet for iliMiiliuiion mining
the bunks of tho world. And mi impntm
was the pamphlet, that ii Iihh piiesnl in
its second edition, I'vniybody who
knows Fred IhIiih lusiing rriend,
and Fieil iiumbets fiiends legion in
Nebraska who repdin at this compli
ment paid to his abilities,
Prohibitionist Convention.
Tho Prohibitionist of Plutto County
are called to meet in convention In
Monroe Hall on August :i at '-'o'clock
p. m., for the purpose of electing ten
delegates to tho state convention
which meets at the auditorium in
Lincoln Nebraska August Nth nt 10
o'clock a. in., and to transact such
other business na mav properly come
before it.
Isaiah Lightner, Chairman,
A. Luth Secretary.
starJay' Dally Jearaal,
Editor F. J Pratt of Humphrey
was in tho city today.
Mr. anil Mrs. C. If. Parser of Mnn.
roe woro in the olty today.
Dr.Chas. H. 1'latz, homeopathic phy
aicinn nml surgeon, postofllce building
Mr J. N. Killian of St. Louis ar
rived In tho city to-dav for an extend
ed visit with her sister, Mrs Sheldon,
and;Columbus, friends.
A postal card from the Ohicitgo
Commercial Association informs the
Journal that F. W. lierrlok of this
city is a guest of that association.
Mr. and Hrs. Henry Cattan wont to
Clatk today to visit over Sunday with
Mr. Cnttaus's brother-in-law whn
llvo on a farm of John Wurdeman.
Second Lieutenant Will N. Hensley,
Jr. nrrived homo thin forenoon for a
month's visit iwtth hi parents mid
friends. The young officer look every
inch n soldier.
linrge orowds are attending tho Car
nival today. Tho dog and pony show
and the moving picture illustrating
Russian life are really educational and
the best people of Columbus are at
tending and taking their children.
The Demooratlo county central com
mittee met at the court teuso yester
day afternoon nml set September 7 as
the date of the demooratlo county con
vention. The demooratlo political
camp is showing sign of considerable
Captain Hurry Lolir returned from hie
t rip to Grand IhIiuI yesterday. All rum
ors concerning bin abort vacation from
homo have boon exploded ami from (now
on theJoiirual will believe nothing about
the Captain unlesH tho rumor Ih ncconi
pauiod by pupera direct from tho Mngis
irate himself.
Through the earelesa stringing of a
barbed witoby a neighbor, tho little live
ear old daughter of Mr. nml Mrs. Carl
Hchubert wiir lust evening aeveroly cut
alaiut the left eye. The child waa mak
ing an errand delivering milk, nml it
being a little late in tho evening collided
with tho sharp poiute of the wire nml
barely eacnped with her natural viaion.
The wound are very painful.
Dr. C. I). EvatiH has received another
honor in the form of the presidency of
the Platte county medical AHKoeiatioti.
He xmih elected to thia position nt the
meeting of the Association at Humphrey
last TueMliiy. Dr. Ilertliolil 'Hoeing
wan honored with the olllie of ioo
president. The next mooting of the
association will lie held in ColumbtiH on
tho last Tuesday in April 1IHM.
Saturday last Mm. C. J. Oarlow and
daughter, Mum Gwendolyn, of Colinubiui,
came up on a visit and remained until
Wednesday as the giiostH nf Mtn. I. V
Davis. Monday evening Mrs. Davis
entertained tho LudioH Musical in their
honor, nml those present were enter
tained in turn by Mrs. ami Mihh Ghi
low, who delighted them with some o
ccllout iuiihIc, laith vocal nml instrumen
tal. Silver Creek Siiuil.
Ou complaint of Dr. A. Helntz, Alvf
Holntsr, was taken before the insanity
board nml adjudged a dipsomaniac
He will lie taken to Lincoln for treat
ment next Monday, On request of Dr.
Hointz, tho young man will m com
mitted iumler the name of Morris
Kerns, although one member of the
board objected. This is the second
commitment from Platte county undor
the now lnw.
Sheriff Carrig was busy today " re
leasing" prisoners. He released Mary
Smitn, the colored girl held on a com
plaint of "picking" Win. Hell' pock
et. Tho complaint wns withdrawn,
Mary imld the cost and sho wax
turned over to an Omaha officer who
wanted her for some reason which the
Journal was unable to learn. He
also releasod Ed Powers wbo had
lived out tho time whloh had boon ini
liosod ujion him for fighting In Suing-
ncz saloon a fow day ago.
Tho finding of a nugget of gold in a
duck's craw may not bo in itself a fort
une, but tho poHHibility that there may
hi other nuggets where the duck found
tho llrst is what baa set the mmiic of
ColiimbiiH and vicinity on the tiptoe of
expectation and anticipation. Other
towns and vicinities may have online to
fool jealous if Columbus does succeed in
iinooering u gold mine of fabulous va
lue, but ni tin; iiri'Hont lime they can
atbiril to wish C'olinnbiiH every hiiciosh
In iiniiiM'iingn ion! Ilnd. Norfolk News.
Mr I Mrs. I'. K. Mdvillip am de
light fully eiitei tinning about twenty
nut of town giiestN this week at a house
party. Tlin-o in attendance lire Mr. ami
Mis Mortimer Hiowarl, of Manilla, P. I.
Mr. iiuil Mrs. ). II. Chambers, Mr. am!
Mih. Humor ItobiiiHon and children, of
Columbus, Mr. ami Mm. W. E. Harvey
ami son of Newman Grose, Miss Arnold
and Frank Fumy and Mrn. D, A. Halo
iindiliiuglitej Franc, of Omaha, Mrs.
Stouey mid son of Lincoln, Mihh Unit,
or HiihIiiioII, III., Hiiluey Condi t, or Chic
iiko, Fiank Cnwilcr, of Omaha, and
those prison! from Humphrey nro the
Cowib-ry nml Kwiug fuuiilios. Every
limit; possible in being ilouo for the
liiiloituiuiiioiit of the guests, iniliralionR
nro thai they are IniMiig a very enjn
able tune. The party started last Hun
d.iy evening and will continue until
Monday neon. Humphrey Democrat.
Drs. Martyn, Kvnns, Evans .v Martyn
Jr., ofllce three door north of Fried
hof's storrv.
Fred Curtis together with a number
of fellow workmen returned homo from
Kearney yesterday, wheao Frtd lis
superintended tho plumbing work on
the the new Stntc Ni.rmal school. Dm,.
Hi'lUV Sjns are tho contractors.
Monroe, Nebr., July :!. (Special
to the Journal. ) -The lumber yard
which ha been owned and operated
for so many year by K. A. Oorrard
was sold today to the Walratb and
Bhorwood Lumber Company which
owns yards at Genoa and Platte Cen
ter and other towns on this line.
WANTKD-Rjr Chicago mannfnn
turlng houso, oron of trust worthi
ness and somewhat familiar with local
territory as nssistnnt In branch otllce.
salary f in paid weekly. Permanent
position. No invest imont required.
nusines establlsed. Previous exper
lenoe not esseutlnl to engagiiiR. Ad
Iress, MnunRcr Hranches, if.';i Dear
iHiru 8t. Chicago. i;t
At Hie election of Coin puny "K" hold
Thursday the following iioiicnuimisnion
oil olllcors were eleclod nml their elec
tion approved by the comiminiliiig otll
rer or the company, 'Jntl Segt.
WIIIht 8. Llnlnger. :ird duty Segt.
Hort ,1. Ilrlait. 'Jnd Coipora Jnmes C.
Chrlstonson. ;ird Corporal Anton John
son. lib Corporal Michael Schofolk.
filli. Corposiil Charhw II. Hean. The
Company will take ice croHin ami cake
in a body on Saturday of next week at
Hie Home Ktstainmit, Aug 5th UNIT) at II
p. in. During last month foliowuing
men wore enlisted. Otto J. Ilmlat,
Durwaril Ii. Davis, Albert Ilmlat. Hill
yard C. Wilson iih '.'ad Ll John II
11 rock 1st Lt. Erut-st (I. Jensen. Char
les S. Suss Frank Limner. Charles
Armatis, JiiiUnn J. Smith, Arthur P.
WINon, John C. Struck, John Volosok,
Paul llorowiak, John K. lined, Frank
Zuioskl, John Skaroupa, Adolph Capla
Monday's Dally Joaraal.
Dr. C. D. Eviiiih wan a passenger
tho Albion branch today.
Mm. F. M. Smith of Marion, lml is
visiting Mm. C. II. MalheHH thin week.
Mise Marion Smith una hooii by
frionda today on board a wohI bound
P. .1. Harron left thin morning for a
vacation of two weeke in the mountuitiH
of Idaho.
Mrn. Win. Dolan and little son Itob-
ert lirt thin afternoon for n visit of ten
daya with relative in Lincoln.
The MisHoa Sarah and Mabel Muir of
Lincoln returned home today after
nweek'a visit with their mater, Mrn. F.
II. Abbott.
The Mjhhch Kmmn nml Clare Hegel ke
gave a very pretty two course luncheon
hiht Saturday in honor of their sister-in-law,
Mre. CIiiih. Hegelkn of Omnlin, who
in their guoHt. The table was decorated
with pansies.
Peter Sehmitl, the Shell Creek miller
wnH in town today. Speaking of tho rami!
growth of corn, Peter remarked that
corn is growing faster tlienn ilaH than .1.
W. WiaeiiHtinen' fimlingH tho morning
nfter the arrival of hie little daughter.
Mihh Susie Koon gave a lawn party
to a few of her friemlH Saturday after
noon. Mihh Marguerite Price or Uapiil
City, South Dakota, won a pri.e offered
to the guest who should write the bent
telegram. Ice cream and cake were
MisH Letitin Speiee returned from
her visit in Omaha last night. She
brought her cousin, little Frit, Koeuig
homo with hor for a wimks visit. To
get her young truest nciiiiniritod, Mihh
Speiee entertained in his honor ten Iioh
about twelve jearn of age at her borne
this afternoon
Tho MiwicH .Marguerite Naumuaii and
Louise Marty delightfully entertained
the senior olasri of the CoIiiiiiIiuh high
school last Saturday iiiuht at the
Naiiiuann home in honor of Miss Kate
Stonger who will leave next week for an
extended visit in Kriini e ami other
European count ries. The class colors,
maroon and white whom carried out in
artlstio docoratiniiH of huooI pons. The
unniie game of "penny t bought," nlTonl-
ed moHt intoreslnii' oiitorlaiumontM.
Itobert Dickeiiiiou winning the prize.
A merry party or young people enjoy.
oil the afternoon ami oonuitf yesleribi)
nt Steven'H grove in honor or Mihh Maud
Illinium of St. Edward. Tho afternoon
was spent in boating and other out door
pleasures. After lunch the party gath
ered about a camp lire ami hiiiir old
familiar songs. TIumo present, were:
MeHHrH. Fred Saffron, Will lloimngtnn,
.lack Early, Will and Harry llmmiin.
and MiHHea Dawy CiihIi, Veatn Slater,
Marguerite Willard, Maud lliniuau and
Florence Kramer.
J Yesterday's Dally Journal,
Mr. Jacob Grnisnn is seriously ill.
Fred Wllle went to Fremont ou an
early train this morning.
Miss Cnsslo Arnold of Omaha Is the
guest this week of Mrs. E. It. Chain-borv.
John Graf, J r has boon appointed
substitnto cleric in the Columbus
Post Office.
Wni. Snell has been appointed huh-
tituto oily' cnrrlor in ptaoe of R.
Wilson, resigned,
Rev and Mrs. Oran'enhorst of Shell
Creek wore tho guest of Mr. and Mr
L. .Tneggi yestordar.
Miss Ethel and Will Farrnnd will be
at homo Friday night nt n lawn pnrty
for a number of visiting guests.
Mrs. Clarence Sheldon in ontertnin
ing this afternoon for her sistor, Mrs. J,
A. Kilian, who formerly lived in Colum
bus. Harry Kemp County nttorney of Nance
county ejHMit Inst night in thin city.
He was on his way to Washington, D. 0.
for a visit of ten ilnjs,
Misn Maroia Perkiun will give n lawn
party tomorrow night in compliment to
her guests, Misn Ora Hell Hervey and
Miss Mary Fahs of Oinuhii.
Miss Margaret Mnnller formnrlv of
Columbus who has been visiting
friends here roturned tocher homo in
Yutan to-dav nccompnnled by Miss
Gertrude Jsoggl.
Mr. nml Mm. Howard Clarko went
out in their touring car Sunday, nml
Judge mid Mm. Pout ami Mr. and Mm.
ChnrloH Whalev drove out to take leu
with the campers.
Mm. Fred Na lor will entertain at u
lawn part j tomorrow afternoon in honor
of her ueicee, the Misses Fern MeFnr
lanil of Kansas City and IHIiel McFnr
land or HiistingH.
Mipii Friedliof ia in charge of a camp
ing party Huh week ut Sleveim lake.
The ot hern of the party are Kov. Ilalney
andt wo HotiM, Thoo Freldhof, Howard
Waley and Junior 'Post.
The Journal Inst, week said thai Misn
Anna Kossitor bad seen red a position
as teacher in the country. It wan Miss
Aiinn MoTaggart who secured the posi
tion and not. Miss Kossitor.
Mr. and Mm, Guj Fo who haebon
visiting for a week wit It Guy'a pnronln
and friends, rot iirnod to Chicago today
whore Gii hasu responsible nml lucrn- '
tho position with Aiinour .V Co., iih iih.
siHtnnt Hiiperiiitemletit of the lard de
partment. A new llrm has been laiiuohod upon
Ihecouituerclal sou or ColumbtiH under
tho name of Smith ,V ( n. nml me lo
cated opposite the l P. D,miit. Their
especial lines are Ice cieum, clear, tobac
co, and soft thinks. The boys mo hust
lers ami will tiiiiloubloilly suceeod.
Tho relntveswhn nrrived yestenlay
it antoilay to attend the fuuoral of
Mrs. liocher are Mrs. O. J. Dale anil
daughter Courtney, Will Klokly unit
daughter Kula and Kuby, Mrs. Geo.
W . liurke nml son and daughter,
Ohas. Kicklv and sou Frod all of
Omaha; nud A. E. Klokly of Hohart,
J. M. (ioiulring nrrived in the city
last night from Kan .lose, California.
He in already hoarse from explaining to
bin niimeroiiH nml curiotiH friends, tho
wonders of the state which he may
choosofor Iiih home. Mr. (Inmloring
has rented a homo rr bin family in San
.lose where bis daughters have entered
the Htnto normal school from which they
expect to graduate. Mr. (ioiulring hiih
that while he is highly pleased with
California, ho will not buy property there
for n permaiiout homo until ho gives the
climate a trial of at leant one jear.
Meanwhile, with Iiih family happily
situated in the most fauiiiUH fruit valley
in California, thirty miles from the
coast, he will continue bis residence
ami his law practice in Columbus. Mr.
Goiiilrnm niimberH lim friends by tho
score anil they nrf nil glad to nee him
Smith & Goe's
Ice Cream Parlor
A nice lino of
Candies, Cigars
and Tobaccos..,
f'old drinks and Ice Cream
Shining Parlor in connec
tion. Special attention j'iven
to Ladies' shoes.
Smith & 6oe
Opposite (J. P. Depot
A Touching Story.
iHthoHimng from death, of the bnb
girl of Goo. A, fyor, Cuiubt rlanil, Mil.
lie writi'H, "At the iik" of II months,
our little girl was ni declining health,
with serious Throat 'I rouble, ami two
ihsieiaiiH gne her up. We were al
most in despair, when we resoUod to
try Dr. Kiii'h New Discovery foi Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, The llrst
bottle gaii lohcf; after taking four
bottles she was cured, and is now in per
fect, health." Never fulls to relievo mill
euro a cough or cold, At CIiiih, II, Dack
drugstore; MM nud ,lll guaiiinteed
Try bottltf free.