The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 02, 1905, Image 2
BUTifiww ltw, t, .T '1 i ! Wm. DIETRIGHS tiuusn. stun Pintjnn .mrtO.irrl.inn r UN""11!! tain .mil I'.ilnlliiu nl .ill Klnd.s, Oil II or Oomiirti il IV1 2lli )l.t Mills M.ll R, W. HOBART Attorney - at - Law Otllco over Columbus State Until.. Will Practice in nil Hi'' CourlH. fl. M. POST ftttorncu : at : Law Columbus, Nitlt. DR. OHftS. tl. PLflTZ HOMKOPATIIIO Phuslclan and Surgeon. I'. O. Illoelt ' : Coliliiiliuii G. J. GflRLOW Lawyer f t ildin l!i"" Hr'f Hunk Golnnilni., Nlllt. Tl). Hrillk'H, ATTORWDY AT LAW. Olllm, Ollvn HI., fourth ilnnr mirth of I'irM Nutliiiiiil Hunk. ('((l.l'MIIUH. NKIIIIAHKA. DONT WASTE GRAIN! A Cheaply Miulo Wiikoii Will WitNto Enough Grain to Buy a Good Ono. Our wagons will not scatter yniirgruin vv hilnon tho nmil to mnrliotnr overtax )oiir hornon with nocdlcim heavy draught. W.i luiii mil)' the Latent mill ItKST m Huggics ami Carriages -All Kitiilmir farm implkmunts. Our horse shin's stick ami don't, lame your liorsis THY THO. LOUIS SCHREIBER. Brick House Herd Durocs l(H March mill early April pigs for .Stiiiiintir ami I'ull trade, ('mi fiunih in pairs or Uioh, not. related, at hiiigmii intend. Write or call for pilrcti or den i'riition. inn i. t'oiuminw. J, J, BARNES Vow Must use YEAST FOAM The Wonderful Yeast If you want to make Bread u that is Bread Yeimt Fivtm U the yuan! tluit look tlii r'lml (Irniiil I'llIIUl UmM. UllllH t:iKi IIIiiii Nol.l liv nil KiiH-rm il i M. u ihii'I.iikii i'iimn:li fur tniimve si'iiit h Hiiml caril (ur .nl r new- lllimtrMtsI Immir "ilooil llruiiil. Hum lo Make It." NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICAGO, ILL. in. i i-ii n in ii"iWW'-WWWMMMMi Tf Our1 IfeighMng ToVyi$ and Village milium mmmimmtm n iMIt WW M1 aBaBaBBBBBBaBBkaaaaMesaaaB'NBaaVaaaaBI Leigh ll'roin ii.. Tim Dodge Milling A drum Company has commenced tln addition to their Hour Iioiifo in l."tgh and will nlo put in a scale. Mr. ami Mm. I. I). Wiirdomnn, Itty deist, (.corgi linli'l ami .Misses Myrtle Mnrl.hiiui anil 'I'onin Stnab composed a camping party wlneh wont to (Jut-Olf lale Saturday to enjoy a feu dayii nut ink. Kstinn will lx' the iiaine of a new town on the Orenl Northern noiith of I're. inoiit in Haiiiuliini eminly. This bids fan lo he an entoriuii'ing place ami an a itiuter Pome Wahiio p'irtios havo hern aiithnrii'il to establish ulmnl; there. The lirst loin of new wheat lirmtKlit to I.hikIi tlHH )ar vvmi nolil lo Dodge Milling.. rnin Co. Mutuhi) hy Kluior Miller, of nnuihoiist of the town. It vvim very line ami 'cr.teil Hity-nne pounilH to the hllhlit'l. The HhIiIiii' pari) compos, d of Dr. anil Mrn. .JiiiiKhliith. Dr. anil Mm. livv ery, Mrn. Illnlie, .Mms Drum llverotl Dowkiim ami Wiiri'ii)lor relureil from Cut-Mil lake Weiluetnlti) after live iIhh of the "simple life " They nhoueil leal clldoiici of the railip, hut repott the best I line evel Luck uim with them ami they caught nil an aVer.iKe of twenty piiiimhi of IIhIi per day bennies Iiiiviiik plleH of fun. WedlieHiIll)' .1 II. Peeper Hold eighty aereti of (ieorKe Itootcl's land southwest of town to Cm I lliirjeuliruchand Adolph Aseho, eaeh of them taking ID nereH. The price wan sll per acre liieh In I'oiiHiilcieil 141 mi I for tiiimiproved laud. The Maine day Mr. Iloetel purehiiMed the one liumlred mid Hixty acren jimt tionli of town from The WeHtuin Tnmt and Security Company llironuli their aKetit IM iirdemaii. The cmiHideration wiih illl,.V)0. LINDSAY 'rim opinion. Milt Dleihich in el ill cnmpelled to de pend on erutcheii, Inn iiijuied leu not )et heliu; depeudalile iih a ineaiiH of to eomotloii. Col. (leoie Diiphim, the iiliellulieer in reported to he in very had health, ami .Iiiih lieeu onleleil to Hot KpilllKH to rn eilpeiate, William l!roivrik), mamiKer for.Nye .Schneider Knw lei Co., icportii plenty of new wheat coiiiiiik in, have received ileal ly :t,IHNI liuiihelii up to date. The ipialll) in escelleut, teHtllii; froml'd to Ho and the farmerM repoit jioIiIh of from thirty-live to foit)-lhe hiiMheln per 11cm. David T. Itoliertu leceived Iiih (Iih ehaiKe from the "th Itattery uf the re Kular aiiuy, atatinneilat I't. I.ile), U'aii Hiei, ami arrived home Mnnday evenitiK. lie repurtii to the Opinion that while tin re in u ceitaiu eliariu iihoiit HohlierniK II dueii nut appeal to him lie u llfe'n Mieatinn and he i i;linl Iiih eulintmeut im in at an cud. He thiukii theie in until 111K I'lxe ipnte an "ond an faimiiiK in I'latte county, mid will proi I to de- muniiliale Inn thcon. UENOA. I I'riiMi I in- 1.H111IHI 1 MlM. I'll lo Neliuili, widow of NoIh Neliioii, who died the yearn ayo, pnmed awn) al the home oT hei dinichter, Mm Chan. I'i'Ioihoii, nine nulci mirth of (liuni in I'latle county, mi WcdtieHila) oelilti' of ln.-t N.eek. I'ltnelld set ceil were helil III III Went llllleliiiich TIlUM da), mid the lemailiH laid to lent 111 the ceiiietel) neiil the church lohti linrdner, accompanied I Iuh niolher, arrived I.ihI Tliiiiudii) fiom (,uinlin, 1 1 um! w it li the fam ily of II. I', (i.irdlier. ,i.H Ciuce, thedaiiKhter of Mr. and Mix P li .lnhliiiou, hat Imvii ei nick !r'h. p,,i.t wceli, She is threatened w ,h t j 1 I mil 1 feer I III' (lleeti huh nunl" In ilainjliter, , Minn I'.thi I. 11 present of 11 lMI IniKi'). 11 ... vehicle h-iN lieen Hlnpped, 1111. 1 w hell it II 1 11 en Mihs I'.thel will lie llioiuMinr I of the lilies! luiKi.') lUdeloi.i Ch'irles (iireil of 'lti)hiie lilllich was 1 1 11 1. ii l lie pnhhcnot-iM mi I hi 1 nl the i''ui- im irmn .Siiiid.i) !! evpctn to 111 do- in cxteii.l.'d pleasure tup 111 Septeiul'i r lie will jo to New Yolk, ll'i'l fi'iin tlnie to Culm, I hence to old MeMCO M-ltllife' the C.ipttnl uf Hint ri pillill th. :u i iH'ltli thrnij,-li C.illf iruia utoppi'.i: en inilte to visit l.ns At'Keli'H .III I tl en on to the l'oithill I e ii nit loll, ret in in; home ovet the I'mmi I'ncillc. Win Moore ,V Sou st-nteit up their new .1 I C He threshmK' in 1 lime Int week I'lii- first Htmid wat. made at Unlit C udirMin'H ftirnu where the whcll' averiik'ed ."ill IiUhIii'Is p. 1 The principal topic of conversation on the street linn wci k linn heen "wheat" 'How did vourcrop tiirn out," is the ipien'ion freiiieutlv asked tue fanner." lld the usual leplv I-, ".dhiiit :lll Inish els per acie." Not since lv.ll, naid I. T. t'hrihly, heak miller at ihellonver N'nlle) lioller Mills, has NehnisUa produced wheal for iiiiIIiiik purposes eitial to the crop urovvii this )ear " "rourli'en venm iiko," he said "wheat, after hweatino in the slack, tested from iij to i',("' Mr. Christy hii)k that Nebraska wheat will lie in demand this year iiiiuuik the mil lem throughout Ihocountrv. St. Edward. I I'llHIl tlic Ailviilii'e. I Mm, A. 1), Jii'iimiu and daiiKhterfi .Maude and Kdna, are vinitinK Mr, anil Mm. lleorKe I), Willard at Columhun thin week. Hev, ami Mm, Henry Zinnecker re turned home to Heaver CrooHitiK Wed m.'Hdiiy after an extended visit to .Mr and .Mm. J. P. I.itudninaii, Mrs. KiMjny left to-day for ColunihuH to he at the hedHido of Mm. Dan Cor coran, her hrother'ri wife, who in lyiiiK at the point of death at St, M iry'H hos pital. Our liaiiket hall team met defeat at Newman drove Wednendny in 11 Hcore of II to 'S. The Novvinan drove ladien wuro the winnitiK lontn and have the reputation of hciiiK the most neientilk' plavem in the country. Mr. and Mm. K. I!. Nichemon leave next week for .SarKent where Mr. Nick iirmm hiiHaccepted a pimition in a liiinlt. Mr. Nickemou reniKiiH li in prenent posi tion iih tminiiKer of the Ht, IMvvard ureatnery .Saturday evenniK' I'. F. Cahill left Wedneiiday for Color ado for a months visit, lie will visit friends at Denver, ('oloradOjHpririKH, ami l.oiiiiiii nt, an I then if the mountain air liriiiL'n him 1 ho desired improvetnent in health, he may visit the gri'iit national park. NcIh lioHHelhaluli and dauKhter, MiHii Alma HiiHsellialch, (ieorKe 1. Itich and T. Chrlnteniien returned Wednesday from a three montliH visit in Kurope. Ac eompiiiiyiiiK tlietn on their return dip were: Mish Karen Hauseii, 11 sister to Mrs. (ieorKe 1'. Itiuli, mid I.iidwiK Wend ellio, lioth of Denmark: II. l,aiiKraiiH and IriKraiil Mylire of Norway. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby kIvuii that I he ptii'tiiiimhip herefore exldtitiK between I.. W. Weaver nnd II. O. Nowiniiu, under the II r 111 nntiio of Wcnvur & Nuwiiiaii In hereby dlsHolvnil bv mu tual consent. We denlro that nil m; couts due the linn bo settled mi or helore AnKU.'t 15. 11. 0. Newnmii Itw li. W. Weaver ITALIAN GARDENS. The Ci'diir. ('; prfHN unit Hit- Ornniit Tri't MIkhIi Tli.'lr I'ollime. PelllMpn llothlliK Iihoiit 1 1 II I 111 II Kill' ili'iw titrlke.'i IK ns k.i wonderful iih the nrbur wullm, 01- pei';o!iH, where nature Mt'iiis ho nhsoluti'ly docile to the ham! of man. The desire Is to make a ileune shade 11 retreat where one can shut out the hot situ and to create till trees of II Krctlt lllllliy (UU'eielil suits have reil planted close tiiKcther and their brunches ho carefully Interwoven that they form 11 complete trellis on the two tides and above, so that cedar, cypress, ontiiKe mid lemon I ices mingle their follaj-e, till Hceiulti;: to be liKllted up by the pale pildeu Klolies of the fruit. With us the merest IvvIkm of such trees would be supposed to have 11 stubborn Individuality, i-euileiltiK It Impossible to train them to take the place of vines. In Italy for centuries everything has been dene to create 11 Ki'alct'iil shade at noon, where one can rest m- sleep ami leave the world outside to tln clcadiis, (hut, when thousands of them take voice toj'clhcr at mue, make rather 11 MKithliiK sound. AIoiik the terrace:- of the Villa Carlotta, on the lake of Coino, these covered arbor walks lend Into proves of Ilexes, mid there until past midsummer out of the silence and coolness the nlcJitliHMles ttln;; not mil) nil nWit, but nil day Inn';. In spite of the lavish beauty of the laud, the Impression that remains after slimmer travel In Italy Is of the In habitants living very close to nature, almost siiboidiuatlui; her operations to their own iici'ds. Nature Is s.i prun ed, so tended, her effort so press ed Into the M-rvlce of man. The plumy cypresses, It Is true, have nothing to do but stand sentinel by the belvidere ter races; so with the Ilexes. Jtut the pop lui-s are trimmed to llngpnles for the sake of fagots, and every leaf of the mulberry trees, across which the vlnei lllng their festoons and garlands, I. destined to feed the silkworms, mid as soon as (he maggots are ready to eat, the peasants, with huge bag', mount the ttecs and strip euh brunch of Its fiillngc The olive uichnrds that make a silver mist on the lililMhs arc busy perfecting their uoml harvest. Wherever 11 ledge of melt offers tin Italian peasant makes a garden, carry ing up tin soil sometimes Into aim i'st Inaccessible places Hut there lie will plant leeks, herbs, salad and beans, be sides a patch of wheat, the latter not for the half loaf of bread It might imike, but to furnish straw to plait hats in winter. Nature Is no niggard. The little red popples blossom out of every cranny and chink ami make 11 bhr. of enter In the most unexpected places. Olefin ders have a way of tossing their tufts of rosy l4iissouw along the white walls. Itcugal roses, clove pinks, carnations ntul larkspurs grow wherever they can be tended and 11 little rill of water di rected to their use, but the smuttier of Italy Is of great bent, ami after tlm Kreat gush of ilowers In spring tho vaunted Italian gardens remain dry Intersections of graveled paths with clipped hedges, tllghts of steps, urns and statues Nothing can be dearer to artistic taste, but for tho real Joy of gardening nothing can be tsjiml to what the poet dray called having "11 garden of your own, when you plant and transplant and urn dirty and'titlmSilpliln LtHAgcr. THE MJRIlOIt OF FATE A VENETIAN LEGEND OF THE DAYS OF THE 00QE9. R(nr- of tin- tleitatr H'bn Waa Intntl. catcd With the VUI1111 of Her Om t-llnran 11 ml tin- tttiitoe In th Church uf San (.Iiii-mIm MiiKKlor. Here Is (i legend which 1 heard In Venice. I offer It to nil among you who nre fond of solitude nnd Hlleuce, 1 oiler It to you us I would offer a (lower which lias blossomed amid som ber shadows on a sleeping lagoon: dhita dherardltil was the niece of thi doge. Poets whose li utnes we have for gotten, but who were renowned at that time, had composed innumerable songs In her honor. They praised In them the tit ssi-i uf the young girl, black us nlghf. In which pearls gleamed like milk white stars. They iilso.Hiing about tha radiance of her dark violet eyes nnd about the two roses which formed her lips. In truth, dhltti dherardltil wan very beautiful. She had, however, lis tened too earnestly to the passionate words of the singers, nnd an Immense pride took posses don of her young soul. One night nhe heard beneath her win dow the yearning soli of a lute. Stand lug In a motionless gondola, a lovesick page was singing to her. Tender wn the music, nnd the water and the dark ness lidded something to the sweetness of the strains and to the passion Iti the voice of the singer. The young page was glorifying her as the most radiant among nil women, , dhlta heard him, and a delightful tremor ran through her. Without wult lug to light the torches, which hud got 10 out, she took her mirror nnd run to the window, through which the moonlight Mhotie Into her 10 nil. Thereupon In Ihlt mysterious light she saw that she wm strangely beautiful; that her beauty was Indeed almost supernatural. The moonlight revealed her pule and trans parent, like the princess of a poem. Intoxicated with her charms, she let the seductive mlii or slip from her hand, mid u High of admiration and of ecstasy escii ed her lis she cried: "I am beautiful: I am beautiful!" Thenceforth dhlta dherardltil spent nil her time marveling at her own beau ty. She did not desire to fall III love, for she fancied that there was no man living who was worthy of her. Those song which had no words of praise for her eyes and her hair she treated with contempt, ami to the mysteries of reli gion Mio never gave a thought. She went to high muss widely for the purpose oi" being seen by the people mill of being Hat lens I by them as they whispered to one another about her The restles) eyes were never turned toward the altar. She thoujjit of nothing wave her own triumphant beauty and of the Jewels which set It oir In sumptuous fashion. One day dhltu dherardltil slipped a little mirror hc-ddc the Hist page ot her mass book, which had been deli cately llliiuiliiaieil by a pious urtlat. And while her utlttiide of devotion cdl lied the multitude she studied her fact? enshrined In the book of prayer. The doge's nleen had forgotten thnt the Creator alone In worthy of wor ship and not any of his creatures. She had also forgotten that pride la an abominable Mn aye, perhaps tho tnoit perilous of all sins since It wan the cause of the rebellion of tho nrchuu gels 11 ud the downfall of Lucifer. One day dhlta dherardltil waa In tently studying her face In tho little mirror between tho holy leaves of hut mass book, and suddenly she uttered a loud cry of terror. Through tho large building It rang, drowning tho aolemn voice of the priest, tho responses of the congregation and tho sonorous mur mur of tho organ. And straightway the doge's niece fell to the ((round In a faint. She hud seen reflected In the guilty minor, the sacrilegious mirror, not her own countenance, hut that ot Death. There Is today In tho Church of San dlorgl.s Mugglore, where this intrude was accomplished, the statue of a wo man, who Is seated and looking at her self In a mirror. Very beautiful li this woman, as beautiful us dhlta dhcrurdliil was formerly. Tho atory goes that tills statue Is tho work of a famous sculptor, but tho people bo-lleve- and their legends contain 0 good deal of truth that It wus once dhltu dhcrurdliil herself nnd that her body was turned Into stone by tho tor libie vision. To nil those who lovo tlu silence of dead cities I offer this legend. I found It at Venice as one occasionally fluds t flower which has blossomed nmld soni her shadows on a sleeping Ingoou. llelcne de Zttyien de Nyevelt III Euro pean edition New York Herald. Tho Onion. The value of the onion in the dietary lias been made tho subject of much doggerel verse. All agree that health mid beauty wait on the fragrant vege table. l!at unions In May, No doctor yua'll pay, run one old verse, while another promises n good completion to tho Dillon eater thus: Prinh onion nnd Iwik, Nov kln In a weok. It Not Hak. One need not thrust his hand Into raging furnace even though he knowa that 11 precious Jewel lies therein. H may be patient until the riumee nr pent.- From "The Illshop'a Nleco," by George II-' Picurd. Ill I'art. Wife- I Nee by this paper thnt the nverage family has four and seven tenths iH'isons. Husband I HuppdM I'm the seven-tenths In this family! Wit should bo used im a shield for Jefenso rather than as a aword to touud others. Fuller. Calumet Baking Powder A wantterful powder off rare morlt ana) unrivaled atrangth. Time Table COLUMBUS. NK1I. Lincoln, Denvar, Helena, Butte, Bait Lake City Portland, Ban Frnuclnro and nil point e West. Omaha, Chicago, t. Joaa'ph, Kanaaa City, t. Zionla and all polnta Baat and South. THAINH lUM'AHT. No. 'ii PniMH-niror, ilnll) cn.'iil Htimlny. 7 .!.' n. No, i't Ai'i'oiiimiMtiitlon, dully ntiiit HatunlMy ,,. 1 BAINS Alilil'.r. Nn.VI l'HMni(fr,iUlly mi -it Hinnluy Si.Mi . Nil. Ill Ai'i'iiiiiiiiimImIiiiIi, iln.ll' i'Xri'l Huuiluy I .)'li p. iC t '.ULtilv "T. KAST IIOU SI f Al? II! Jo. li, riili'iiKu riHi'il :,: 11. m. No. I, Aliunde KM'i'i"' Hun 11. in No. H, North I'liiltn Uii'id J I'J n 111 No. IU, Kunt AI11II I.iki p. m No. rt, KiiMitii Kxpri'Nn Z:'M- 111 No. li.Overlntnl l.uultiil . in No. 5H, Ihm'iiI Krnlulil .V'lnti, in WknT Hlill.SIl, M.M.N I.I.SK. No. fi, ('Hllfnralii anil Ori-itniiKx.... 7:Mi . 111. No. II, Colli. HMH-iul ll):lli 11. in. No. li, KhbI.MhII 11:1.'. 11. in No. I, OvitIhihI l.ltnlti'il I:ll p. in No. 3, 1'tiloriiilo Kxiiri'M) H:.Vi p. in No, 7, IXortli Pliilte liix-nl II.IU11 in Nll.ZJ, Uh'hI iTHlllIlt 7.IIIIH. Ill HOHroLK IIIIANMI. Di'imtt No. !i!l, I'ltiHDiiKor h.(Kii. in No. 77, Miiiit 71ft s. in No. SO, I'MMniasr 12: ifi u, No. 7s, MlteiT 7!lH, n At.lllO.N AMU SI'.M.IUNII I1IUMCII. No. SI, I'SMi'liKiir -J:J , ,,. n, No. JH, Mlttsl 7:00 it. 111 No. i, lnfiMnKir U':V. in No. HO, Mllml nlNi m Norfulk iHMH'ntrirtriiltii. run ilnll. No Imlim on AIMon unit HimIi1I:i tirmii'l, Snailny. All ilium line iiiH(.ciiii ImliiH iliilly, W. II. IIkmiam. Airniit A C. Ono, A. M , I.I.. li., Prc't , Om-i!i:i. It ...u mill buslines luuii. flO.OOOliilti'UTopPi'slM. rktnrei and o'lvp u-iitcrs. Miiiiti'iit.iiini wi.rK Im-lie.inl. Semi ler (1111 i"ktulti"in, I11111111I In :illl--.iiiii-, llni'-l I'll'.- l,y iv Itilslness r.illi-'e. 'ieinl '.t li jull Ul:l itlu-.iU tl.e .N li. C. A LAND Of WONDERS. Tlui Mbhtnnrr 1 H11U Mituy Ihiugw ni Iatenml lo CnUluiulu. j Culiforiliu has iiiiiiniotii. nnlnial bridges, ouves, etc. ot no lutle inieiei.L. The Mainoth Cave of Calaveras, die-' covered by miners in IXsl; tho Alubuutit Cave; tho Crystal 1'ahice Cave, contain inn a number of nUruetivc Hiibterraiienn appHriuients, sueh iih the bridal Cham bor, tho Chrystal I'alace Uoom. Aouri oiiHappHrtineiit called .MiiHie Hall, where the dejiosita of aipueous origin not only take the form of organ pipes, Hounding boards etc., but omit, when struck, miisi OHlMonudsHiul vibrationa. Near this cave are two natural bridges which the tour ist can visit and return to the railroad within half an hour. Tho only naltiriil way to reach these Hcenes of interest is via "Tho Overland Limited, lloiite," comprising tho Union I'acillcand South em l'acille, now roily one line. The only line running through traine to San Francisco from Omaha, its fast trains, arriving sixteen hours ahead of nil com petitors. I'aniphlotH and mapn describ ing the wonders of California, and full information about the mist comfort abl and direct route to the I'aeillo Coats.cae be obtained of I'-. L. Loinus, (. 1. .V T. A, Omaha, Neb. .fcll. 1 1 . . nib. Pu. 1 1". A. J. i.ovvuv. Ii inc. J v' Kml ircMiy Vlr.t Nnt'l Home Restaurant Tho best of everything in the eating line. Meals at all hours, day or night Fresh Pish and Game in Season w i Herman hifaw 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 ISOME PAINT I. lar Uaand Oil la the foiuiilatloii ot nil I'nhi; i:it.I)U;:.t. S. Th a-rnrrnl pre)nllro ngnlnxi Hi-nil.vMUe.l VuIoim is lee.-.i on Ilia tact tluit moat ot tliea ore nilnllcruteil ulil. Uiti -lor nil, I. All imlnt la flrtvl tcroiiiiit Into 11 THICK P ;,rr, mnl t l.e ,i(.,i , . Mlsed paint mata-r llivn tltliit-. evir.v kiiIiui .i tin-, iwi-,i,. -tiili u .llAk.B kff ...kll'.ftl. l.u.n tf. I..I... Ii!u .,.,1 y.. a.u .v...f.. B.srw W ww j w. .. v .. . wnpn yon buy IlrrMly - nUi rwaiprim inr iiun-nuiiisi"uii, - rn mr imd iitiui ivrv fun uu . Tbvr la a palnl whoan maker-. SToi; iilini fie ousie ii, mm. mnwmwmt .irl iv rriii .u inn .illlll llllimt mill hllll'.Wlltr ttatuy ear alU boy can nily ilils pnsii. nml Km ,.nre rnu ,, MhBMHi(blaparalrly Iron ttiel.K-iilil.-nli r. .sim-Wy m(i- tik-eili.r, ijraei bava mn abaoluti'ly iury llontnt oil ii.unl iii.u ,,is n Mleaat U.1a leaa tbaav nny hikIi tinwle" i:.ii(i..-.:u.-.i im Mivai aifar BBMitini wm iiiurvi mwmrn aiiia iiiiiiiiiiir ai. . iiiih rt u r --- w i . v . ir. .. r i ........... .......,. '- ..."..,. b nrira lur uu.n miiii hiiii v)v WB . n.ri.f MMvnM..... .. a. Tbla paint la KlHlorh Iloimn Pnlnti wblcti Is tunilo In 1, n llaa ft aUMaarU. papular aint Vl'UAliu; colors, ji is m.i 1. i.:., J patHt-ll'a aat Itio bjikmI olil llnie-iri. l,.i i.i.ii.rlnls. V., . . 1 CMbrr rwuty lor yon to Uim iluuu mill iin- rnu ,.,1. WHEREVER WE HAVE NO AGENT. YOUR OWN DEAI.FR Vli 1 QET "KINLOOH" FOR YOU. IF SHOWN THIS AD.. UY WHM I NO l VCT TQ , KINUOOH PAINT COMPANY, GT. LOUIS. MO ' TO l I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i, CAT rri-j oyrfbrtKW 'n&'rM IV.rUirii -Wis C7u "".ll KjtfMjTAS &.?!: " Ol:c5 y Wi r-- "V so. .f."., :. -nki' - j: ifc m tWYORK lvs Cream Balm This Romody In n Spoclflc, Suro to Clvu Sntlofnctlon. QIVK8 RELIEF AT ONCC. It clp.itises, soothes, heals, and pi elects tho diseased iiieiiihraiie. It curt s Cutntrh and drives aw iv a Cold In the llcid niucklv. Kestoris tfio Sense of Taste and Snirll. 1'jisy to use. Contains no iiijurloiis drill's. Apjilu-il into tho iiiwtrils and nhsorhed. Largo Si.e, fit) cents at Hriiggists or by mail; Trial Sio, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. C)t!CHESTr.8'S ENGLISH PESIYRSVaL PILLS VA- ''f AV" l.ltr. .VI .in nli i'iIi- lirneul.t for 'iiniav.s: ;:k i ..via,in m m.-.i unj l.olll lliitiillii- In .,, .,ii,l mi, tillll' flitaili 'I al. i- no iillicr. Iti-ruai- .liin.-roiis nlil. Iiill.inai.nil liiilinilinia. lue ol Miur Ihulin:, i-r m-ihI ii-. in tump. r( r I'm ile.ilui.. 'ni. 111111I11U inn) i:...f- lor 1. 11. Ills." In li'ter, l i.'Iiii-ii ill. Iii.nmt ii.tiii.iiiiiiilH. is,iMbr lilt I'liiciuani 11 rm-MioAt. i'o, tlOO S.iitiii-... I'llll.A., PA. Mciitl.Hi IhU pat,,, rcnsmiumATZL KBLLthc COUCH and CURE tis C.UNC8 !n8ru King's w r ,. i'l kVVitf UWilV'U 1 .a ji:. 'ONSUiVITIOM OUCH-; anil Prlco 50c A $1.00 Froo Trial. Hurrist 'itul li iniJ.iut C1110 for nil 'nvnoA';' nn.i r.tffrn irnnutL Mt1 wWa MWW ' i,i:, ',i'Ko:( -v ijack. mi 1 1 1 ' 1 1 mmi 111 naaal Try our want columns. Some body wants-, what von want to sell. Do you want to buy somothiiio-? Ask for it in our want columns. .Somebody hmi what you want and will sell cheap. We guaran tee satisfaction. If our work doesn't please you, tell us about it; vve'il take plemaire in; it right. Do you need .mine ManinnoryV If .so, call us up on either plume and a Journal represetitutiM will call on you, or come up to the ollicc and we will lit jo i out. Columbus .Journal Go mn and Meat Market I KersenbrocK yVY i44 1 -mm 1 !;; 1 1 1 11 hi 11 1 1 1 1 1 FAi 1 rp t" - .... ..... .... a. .I..J, - H I'nlnl. , 011 pnvtlo. Id miy.Mi-n'it r ironic 1 .iio.t tlini s 1 ti niurK.-t f wiir iih-iii 10 OKI K Onrri-I. IIIW llsl ,,l uu uuu vniir .M.p.k.ti.i , ....,.-...,.., m .....1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 MRRM tt7& a&wz.. .WBAMX C IH M fD ' ff mm ft I t4avc. You SOMETHINGl TO SELL, J X- U : ) Aj it-"