The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 02, 1905, Image 1

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in duo whosui-cocdt. To niorenre, gain
or earn, ih tn win. Others win through
hanking with in. So can ou.
ami ntrii't obsotvunoe of the IwuiKitii;
lllWS gives lilt tllOOOIlllilonOOof till. pill).
li.'. Speculative investment urn Inured
! our directors. Its uhi-olutcly safe in
hratik with iit.
The First National Bank
Llncvitch Denies Reports.
St. Petersburg, Auk. 2.Sonorul
LlnovUeh has telegraphed to the em
peror denying tin frequently pnbll- i.,l
reports? Hint Ills army was completely
surrounded. o S1,ys t,.u ,,, lirmj.
hns never boon In ny danger or sus
plolon. Tin. Hunks have never boon
turned, although the Japanese sought
to ilo so. "The Japanese, who arc
mine distance from our iiilncinal no.
nltloiiK, having failed in tlieli attempts
to approach thorn," the general uihR
"Tho morale of tho troops Inspltos mo
with oninplolo oonllilonco that tho
nnnv la loaily lor any task."
Czar's Tone More Warlike.
I.onilon, Auk. 2. a dlsi.atch t,. tlm
Times from Mt. Petersburg says that
another impeilal telegram, even
warlike than tho cmpcior's leply to
tho Orenbourg clergy, appears in to-
uayr, Official Messenger. Tho emper
or, icplylug to an address fmm Kha
harousk, heartily apinovos the icoom
nioiHlutlr.ii to continue the war until
tho onemy In cnishod. and ahovo all
not to thlnlc of cession or torrltoiy or
tho pnyiuont of an indcmtill).
Fatal Accident In Sweden.
Stockholm. Am;. 2 --Seven sailors
wore killed and eight sovu-olj j,.
Juiod hy tho explosion or a submarine
mine ilurliu; mining practice in the
snndhnmn toads near Stockholm. A
lioat containing the victims struck
' the mine ami was Mown Into tho ,ur
Tumcri Hlver la Flooded.
Seoul, An;;. :'. The heaviest tains
In thirty years have ociuiiod and the
Titmon rher is iloodrd. Th llu-slaiu
Vio have h((.i holding si ml pi i ma
nent works south ol tho iivcr have
V , "''I'" ui on irom i.iiuvouoK and are
( unable to lotioat.
Bennington Victim Burled.
Claiimla, la., Auk. 2. -Tho lunoial
'if John Calvin I'.archus, a vietl u of
ho I! uiilugtnn din tor, was hold
here. Tho service was simple, but.
tt-mitirul and impiLssi.c.
iiouiiinont, lex., auk- 2. worn
reached hero that one while boy and
two negro boys wore killed outright
and twenty other persons were seri
ously injured in a heavy wliuKtoini
which niiuok llossmay, I, a. Tho
town is situated In a loresi of pine
timber, tho wind upioolitiK several
trees, which foil on, killing
and iuJurliiK tho occupants. Tele
Kraphie and telephone communication
la prostrated.
Murdered for His Money.
Carml, III., Auk. -'.- A. dead man,
who was found in a doM-ricd pas' urn
noar hero, was Identified as William
Jones, a faimor, nKod , sixty-M-voii
years. Jones had been iiiIssIiik from
his homo since July 22. Ho had a
halter strap mound his nock. When
ho dlsnppcuicil Jones had ?.j00 in cash
mid a Kold watch. Whoa found no
money was on his person, lie was
, uccn In a biiKKy with two M rangers.
Don't Neglect
Your tooth. Kvon ;i Jew
weeks delay will sometimes
prove injurious.
During my absence Dr. ('.
V. Campbell, who comes
highly recommended as ii
skillful operator and as a
Kontloman, will have charge
of my practice and will do all
he can to please you.
13th Street,
i'honu 140.
Dr, H. , Naumann.
John Oerber.
John Heritor died at I: In w-stefdnv
afternoon at tho homo of his eon Alhorl,
near Duncan, from a liver disease.
Iln was I mm at Arwimgo, Switer
hitnl, Ihvcmhcr tl, s.i, ami movoil to
America in l"tSC. Ho was nun of tho
ohlest settlors in l'lattn county. His
wifo limit seven jours ago.
.Mr. (Inrber leaes four ohihlren, At
hurt (icrher of Diinoan, Kmiiia ami (lot
llnlil of Spokane, ami Mrs. Mary (Jetz of
MillinKhain, Wash.
The funeral will ho held tomorrow af
ternoon at II o'clock, l!ov. Ilraiin ollloiat-
Company K. at Kearney.
(Ttu'silay's Daily)
Company K will lo well ropnviontod
at the Mtato shoot of tho N.N. (I, at
Kearney this week, at which a stutn
team will he seleetoit to ko to Now
Jersey to eotitost for national honors.
AoconliiiK to the rules of tho eotitost
hy which a high .scorn is nocessnrv to
iintify for ontranco, only thirty-two
men from tho various companies of
National Cuanls in Nnhraska huvo
iii'ilitleil. or this nninher Coliimtms
liaseiKht. Thnyaro: Captain AiiKust
NViiKtinr, A. C. Hoono, .las. C. Christen
son, Ilort J. Itrian, Itoy It. Yoiiiik, Anton
Johnson, 1). H. Davis ami A. K. Me
Farluml. 'I'hn Ciilaiiilum (loli'Kntinn left last
iiikIU. They worn preceded on Sunday
niKht hy the iloloKation from Alhiou
oonsistiiiK of Kil Mallownoy, J-'rauk
Willott, Aiehio DoMoss, Frank Hrian
and i iy Hurt.
ColiimhiiH iiml Albion together thus
have nearly half of tho whole number
'iniililieil ami it is morn than likely that
these two teams will draw a larKo per
centaKo of the lifteen places to liu 11 lied
hy the host shooters or the statn. The
shoot will eoutiMiio live days ami tho
burliest avoMKPS or tho full llvo days
will he taken, makiK the tout one of tho
uerw ami o iiluram-e.
The lirteen winners will leavo at once
Tor N.w Jersey whom tho winning team
will drawn cash prize of 81WK) anil tlm
wiuninK individual, 81000.
HernV luck to Columbus anil Albion.
Wet Weather InterfercD With Threoh
log in Misbouri Valley.
Washington, Aug. -. Crop condi
tions hid summarized as follows in
tho weekly bulletin Issued by tho
weather bureau:
In the Ohio valley tho growth of
corn has boon somewhat cheeked by
cool weather, hut olsewhero In tho
principal corn states tho crop has
made Ilont prosross. Throughout
the Atlantic coast distilcts a line erop
Ih indicated. In Tennessee, Arkansas,
Indian territory and northern Texas
the condition of corn is not so prom
IsIiik. Threshing of winter wheat has
bom interrupted by wot weather In
coutheiu Illinois and portions of tho
.Missouri valley and middle Atlantic
states, hut elsewhere this work haH
advanced satisfactorily. Winter wheat
harvest Is finished except a small part
of the crop In Michigan ami Now York.
Spring wheat harvest is In progress
In Nebraska, Iowa and tho southern
portions of .South Dakota and Min
nesota. This oiop has maijo favor
able progrihs, no damage bring re
potted from tust. Uito spring wheat
was materially daningpi! In Washing
ton liy hot winds of tho preceding
week, hut tho early crop escaped in
Juiy Harvest is Kenouil in Oregon,
with about average yield and quality.
Oat harvest has piogressod favor
ably and Is now becoming general in
tho more northern states. With tho
exception of some damage to harvest
oil oats In Missouri, Oklahoma. Texas
nnd Virginia, tho reports inspecting
this ctop nro highly favorable.
With but few exceptions tho reports.
Indicate a very light crop of apples.
Haying Is being retarded In portions
of Iowa, North Dakota ami Virginia,
but ivpoits Indionto that a good erop
of hay has boon hugely secured.
Secretary Wilson Not Disturbed.
WashliiKton, Au. 2. Secretary
Wllhou said that Im was not dlHturbed
hy the demands matin by cortaln offi
cluls or tho Southern Cotton ussocia
th n, and that ho heaitlly approved of
the express-oil Intention of President
.Ionian of tho association to go to
l'lesldcnt Koosovclt with his demands.
"I lave reported my course to Presi
dent UooM'voll " added Hecrotary Wil
son, "ami I have not. taken Jordan
Into my lonfldenco. President Roose
velt knows what Is going on In tho
depart incut; Jordan does not. Yes, I
hope Jordan will carry his dcmund.i
to Oyster Hay."
Kansas City Elevator In Ashes.
Kansas City, Am;. 2.- Flro complete,
ly destioycd tho mill, warehouses ami
elevator of tho Kansas City Milling
company, llroadway and Twenty
fourth street, ontallliiK a loss of $100..
Adds Little Aids Much
I Taking a camera with you on II
II your vacation costs hut a tri- tl
I He, hut it's a great help to- II
II ward having a good time. II
II Come ami talk Camera w ith us. il
Thft JftuAlnr
Peculiar Disappearance.
J.D Itiinyan, of llntler.ille, N., hud
the peculiar disappearing or his painful
symptoms, of indigestion and bilious
ness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills.
He says: "They area perfect remedy,
for dizziness, sour stomach! headache.
constipation, etc." (luarantoed at Chan.
II. Hack drug store, price i!.V.
It keeps the flies from all kinds
of stock by simply spraying or
applying with sponge or brush
Quarts, half gal. and gal. cans.
Chas. H. Dack, Druggist.
000. Oraln and flour worth IL'O.OOO
wan dstroyod. Tho property was in
Biired for f!2,000. Tho flro startod in
the holler room of the mill and tho
cause is unknown. Tho firemen hat
tied With tho llamon for hnuru hnf.ira
they got thorn under control nnd sov.
eral or tho firemen were overcome
with heat, but none was seriously a
Attorney Ur;:e Good Reputation
Client as Reason for Acquittal.
Portland, Ore., Aug. 2. Judge A. K.
Dennett, in tho United States eoutt,
commenced the principal argument
for tho defendants, lllggs, (lossner
and Congressman Williamson. Judgn
Dennett charged that District Attor
ney Honey us seeking "the big fljh."
but not the nini big In erlnm. Ho
asked why tho millionaires who livo
been allowed to steal thousands of
acres of tho government's land were
allowed to go free while the men big
only In reputation and standing among
tholr neighbors were chosen for prose
cution. Ho alleged that "Newt Will
iamson is tho big tish tho govern
ment is after and that lllggs and (loss
ner were entaugled iu tho net because-
they must bo caught to get tho
other." Judge lW-nnett showed tho
former good character or tho defend
ants, and maintained that this should
bo a Btrong point lu their favor.
Jemlton'a Caia Nolled and He Tetl
flea in Trial of R. M. Cobban.
Helena, Mont., Aug. 2.- lu tho trial
of It. M. Cobban, who is charged with
subornation of perjury In connection
with timber land entries la western
Montana In lH'yj, tho stand was occu
pied all day. by Albert Jcmlsou for tho
government. Jomlson was originally
Indiieted for perjury iu connection
with entries, but the caho against him
was nulled. Ilu was ono of about
eighty agaiiihi whom indictments
woro ret ui nod. jemisou on his direct
examination tostiiied that ho had an
agreement with Cobban to locate peo
plo on claims who would sell to Cob
ban after they got title, and tho wit
ness was to he paid from 10 to 2C
for locating ontrymoii ami entiywom
en. Ho tostltled that ho had been
paid hy Cobban from $800 to $l,C0O for
bis work.
Devlin to Visit Ireland,
Topokn, Aug. 2.- Mr. and Mis, O. J
Devlin left lor Hprlngwater, III.,
whore Mr. Devlin will spend a month
or more trying to regain Ids health.
It Is understood that when Mr. Dev
lin returns to Topeka ho will he given
Hew Carrier in Route 2.
tTmtHliir'n Dull))
Harry Unnrdidey, carrier on Columbus
Koute 1! has benti forcwl to lay off on
account ef illness. He complained Sun
day night for the llrst, am) yesterday
morning told Postmaster Kramer he
could not make his usual trip. Hurry
has been faithful and competent carrier
ami his pat reus will lie glad to see him
on duly again. J. P. Aids, Jr., is sub
Ntituting for Mr. Ileardsley.
A Challenge.
(TiiKMlnj'H Hall))
The base hall players who reside or
work on Klovcnth street, hereby dial
lenge to a game of hall any nine players
living or working on Twelfth or Thir
teenth street. The game to he played
any old time within a week or two. The
date can he arranged to suit ImiIIi teams.
IiOti Woiiihurgor has hecii chosen man
ager for the l.leventh Htreotors and all
information regarding this challenge
may ho obtained from him.
New Route For Colunbui.
(TiiiwiIi)'m Dull))
Columbus is to have another rural
IKistal route. It is to he designated
Itoute n and will run south from Coluiii
hns, across the Loup and Platte bridges.
The carrier for the route, who has not
yet Itocn apiKiinted, will go on duty
October 2. This will Im a good thing
for the hiisinaim men of Columbus and a
hotter thing for the residents across the
charge of his estate, tho c-reill.orti bo
lleving thla courso would result lu the
estato paying out sooner. Eastern
parties will advance tho money sum
dent to pay off clalma, and the court
will then he naked to dlachargo tho
Riot In South Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 2. A riot, in which
floveral hundred peoplo took part, or
curred In South Chicago, In which
thren detectives, employes of thn
Laho Shoro and Michigan Southern
railway, attempted to arrest Charles
n. IVano for tiding on a sand tialn.
Tho deloctlvos In tiylng to make thn
arrest went compelled to use their re
volvers, and the crowd retaliated with
bricks and stones. A number of poo
pie wore injured In tho fight.
Directors "-barged With Wrecking.
Philadelphia, Aug. 2. According to
a hill tiled in the common pleas court
hern live directors of tho Odd Fellows'
Mutual Life Insuraneo company of
Pennsylvania are charged by tho re
celver with wrecking tho concern.
Ho iicciikch them of fraudulently
tensioning fftO.OOO from tho treasury
to tho Mutual I.lfo Insurance com
pany or Pennsylvania, and of Illegally
collecting IliO.OOO In premiums on Odd
Fellow policies.
Cashier Casev Aaaln Arrsti.
Clinton, Mo., Aug. 2. T. M. Casey,
caHhler of the defunct Salmon & Sal
mon bank, who has boon out under an
$8,000 bond for forffiry, wan arrested
under four charges of receiving do
posits when tho hank was Insolvent.
Tho dejioslts aggregate $4,200. DaJI
was fixed at $.1,1.00. An effort will he
mnilo to furnish ball, but If Casey is
released from jail, other criminal
charges will ho niod against him.
Serious Strike at Reval.
Keval, Itui.sia, Aug. 2.-Thn strike
iJluailou has ussumed a serious as
p ct. A stillto began at tho Dvlgatel
wiiikii, whom the workmen offered up
prayers befoio marching on the
hliceth. They visited other factories
ami demanded a cessation of work.
The government has posted a notice
warning the people that arms will bo
used against vmwda refusing to ills
poise. General Carnahan Is Dying.
Indlnmipnlls, Aug. 2. Major flen
rral Jamofi Carnahan, commainlor-in-fhler
or tho Uniform Hank, Knights of
Pythias, Is dying at his homo in this
lly. The family Is being called to
the beihildn,
Hyde to Wed Gladys Deacon.
Now York. Aug. . -The reported
rng.igemeiit of .Miss Oladys Deacon
nnd Jaiiiot II. Ilyd was given author
Hy b a member of Mlsu Deacon's
Chicago Drummer Stricken With the
Scourge at Shreveport One Case
Discovered at Montgomery, Ala.
Texas Again Alarmed.
Now Orleans. Aug. 2. IVIIowltig Is
the yellow rover record: New cases,
42; deaths, i; total cases to date, JMt,;
total deaths to date, ti8; new foci, 4;
total foci to date, CO.
The Increase lit the number of
-lentlis from yellow fever was not tin
expected, in view of tho high temper
ature that has prevailed tho past two
days. There was, however, the usual
large preponderance of Italian names
In the list, both of new cases and
deaths, which has characterised the
reports since the time when the fever
was llrst officially announced us exist
ing here, fn splto of the Increased
mortality, the health authorities ex
hibited Ho concern over Mm ullimti,...
contending that with the accumulation
of cases there must he expected an
Increase lu fatalities to maintain tho
average death rate or the fever.
A clash between the Mississippi nnd
Louisiana authorities over quaran
tine regulations Is Imminent. A pri
vate dispatch was iccelved In the
city stating that Mississippi soldiers,
employed as quarantine guards, had
Invaded luilslnna with arms and that
boats were patrolling thn mouth of
Ulgolot's lake and Pearl river, on- thu
Louisiana coast, to pi event Louisiana
hoatB from leaving. The relations be
tween the two states has i cached nn
nculo Ktuge. and from piesent Indlca
tlons It will change from Interviews
about tho concealment of entics to n
much more serious mutter Cmn, i...
foi million that has come to hand, the
dignity or the state of l.oulslana has
been offended hy nu armed Invasion
from the sister state, nnd Governor
Dlanchiird communicated with the
captain of the naval brigade, which
has a fully equipped KunNwt.-wlth-tho
view of hnvlng It dispatched to the
borders to protect Inilslann citizens
from further Indignities.
Later developments In the contro
versy between Iuilsinnn and Missis
sippi do not lessen tho seriousness of
It Commander llostwlck of tho naval
hrlnado and (lonoral Poiillhit are pre
paring a report to the governor, fol
lowing their Investigation, which will
he continued. It Is now reported
that ono iff the Mississippi boats
drove a Southern Yacht club yacht far
lino i.iiko routeiinrtrnln.
The Texas scare Has evidently
grown some In tho Inst day or two.
Monday the quarantine against the
whole state of lmlslana was rein
stalled and today Dr. Tabor practical
ly put an end to communication be
tween the two states nnd to tram-con
i mental traffic.
The business Interests continue to
f xert every effort to secure some mod
libation of the quarantine regulations
which have had the effect of bottling
up the city commercially.
Fever Panic at Shreveport.
Flnovoport. M,t AUK, 2l Harney
Trnooy, a traveling man of Chicago,
Is In the detention camp, Just outside
the corporate limits of this city, suf
fering fiom yellow fever. Tho Infec
tion has boon traced directly to Now
Orleans, although Tracoy spent but
n row hours lu that city. When thn
existence of the disease at the doors
of the city liocamo known through an
official diagnosis, there was almost a
panic, several hundred people leaving
on outgoing trains.
Condemns Spirit of Paternalism.
Niagara Fulls, Aug. 2. Pieslibnl K.
D. Itledsoo of Ardinoro, I. i, president
of t ho Comnieiclal U-iw League of
America, iu his opening address to the
convention, conilemiieil tho spit It or
paternalism which ho says has giowu
up in recent legislation, lie iiImj
took a stand against a repeal or the
bankruptcy law.
Foresters Meet Next at Toronto.
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 2. The
ftiiprcrno court, Independent Older of
Foieslers, selected .Toronto as the
next place or meeting roar years
hence. Tho salary or the supremo
chief ranger was Increased to $la,ioo
per year ami the treasuier to $ii,lMio,
Dr. Oronhyatoka wan elected mipicmo
chief lauger.
Ex-Congressman Dougherty Dead.
Liberty, Mo., Aug. 2.- Former Con
grosHiuau John Dougherty is dead at
his homo in this city, aged forty-eight
yoais. The end came as the mmiiIi of
an attack or acute indigestion ami
heart trouble. Mr. Doughciiy leprn
nentnl the Third Missouri dlatrlet
tin eo terms in congresa.
case or l-ever at Montgomery,
Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 2. It Is of
Belally announced thnt a man of yel
low fovor Is at tho peathouso hero.
ietiiiied. yet you nic
piotcctcd lev.
A Mife way to ..,lrry
money. You arcalwu)
In a position ,i gel chmIi
any batik. Dnn't
curry money while trav
cling. Iluy niie of these
The Old Reliable
Columbus State Bank
Cturrjed With Using Malic In 8cherro
to Defraud.
St. Paul, Ang. 2. John C. Hanloy,
piibllRher of thn Alliance Advocate,
ami well known thioughout the west
as a leader In tho fanners' alliance
and other political movements, has
been ai rested hy United Btatcs Mar
shal (iilmshaw on u charge of using
tho malls lu connection with a schema
to defraud.
The charge Is tl it In advertising
matter sent through thn mall rr tho
purpose of selling stock iu thu Con
solldutcd Farm ami Itanch company,
Hanloy represented that this company
had acquired the piopeity of the Mon
tana Cooperative Itanch company,
now In the hands or a receiver, which
representation Is claimed to bo raise.
Ills hearing is sot for Aug. 12.
Tho Consolidated company was or
ganized a few mouths ago under the
laws of South Dakota, with Hanloy
ns president, nnd capitalized at $3r0,
000. Tho government claims that tho
now company has practically no as
sets and In order to Induce ImvosIois
to huy stock In tho new company tho
promoters protondod to have secured
tho property or the old company. Tho
Montana company Is now in tho hand:!
of a receiver.
Tho circulars sent out names among
tho officers or the Consolidated com
pany: A. J. Wheden or Omaha, secre
tary, and A. II. Inley or Dos Moines,
la., as one of the directors.
People After Uintah Land Are In Line
at Four Registration Points.
Denver. Aug. 2.- Advices from
fraud .Ii lion, Colo., nnd Vernal,
Price ami Prove, Utah, Indicate that
tho work or registering applicants for
homesteads in the Ulrtuh reservation
Is proceeding In an orderly manner.
Thousands of people nro in Hue nt
tho registration places, although early
reglstiatlon iiirordtf no advantage to
tho applicants, as the land will ho dis
tributed by a drawing, which will be
gin on Aug. 17.
The Hi st to register at Prove wan
Mrs. Isabel Miller or Kislnore, Utah.
If reasonably successful she pioposei
to go on thn reservation and establish
a homo. She Is fifty-eight years old
and a widow. An sho emerged from
the booth, Commlrsioiicr lllcliiirds
took a snapshot or her. dcorgo .lug
gers, seventy years old ami a civil
war veteran, was tho first lu lino at
the I'm her school,
Evanston liuyo Uloodhounds.
Chicago, Aug. 2. Tho city council
of Kvaiiston, tho rasuiouiililc nsl
deuce i.iiburb ninth ol Chliauo, made
an uppiopriatiou lor thn r chase of
a pack ol' bloodhounds, whii Ii will ho
used to (rack tUlevts ami holdup men.
Dr. J. E. Paul. Dentist.
Ono of 1 he largest and host
equipped dental ollicos in
the .state.
Vltilli:il Air for Paining
The kind that is safe and never
Come iu and have your teeth
examined and gel our estimate
on your work, it will cost you
nothing and wo give a useful
souvenir to each caller.
All work guaranteed.
Ovit Nii-wiiliiiiT'ii roc llltli anil Olive !iU.
H.'K. riirnur nf.l'iirk,
UuOi I'buium,