1l . -, . A iimw mem l rtlSiy oC J V-L"'-' .cn rrsnr2ffi2TZ7 a ' t.ji& ,:a a w4"Jtj' ,'Mitii2yri rlaMi III 10 ipnij 'Al && LMADEDYTHETi? vn2 ?J -. CATARRH ,m i&nxa SSL Ft Viv ti&ft'ftttf -?Si-fiP?coiPi SBniifiJ &Y.rrtfct-t Wll ttZB """.msi JVC&J ZJ.-i?i vov i m" -S. "v rt C." . &infi . n w MMMBMRW i&LY'S Cream Balm Thlo Romorly Is n Specific, Suro to Clvo Sntlsfnotiou. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It f lollHI'4, HOOtlll'S, IlL'Illn, Utllt plotl'I'ts UlO dis.msi il tiifitilir.il!. It i-tuc 1 1' iturrli and ilriMMiiw.iv a ('..Id in tin- Id uliituiklv Kettorci tho ,Sii-( of Tiisto Mini Suii'il. Knsy to um. Contains no inpirii'ilidriig. Applied into tlio nostrils mid iibsorlml. Largo Si.-, f.11 cents at Druggi-its or ly unit; Trial Sio, III com by mail. tl Y BROTHERS, 50 Warren St., New York. A i'.V... A . A.. I 1. M, :.'- v. i'r ' Omiili i i-r.i st r Mtftias- i ' 1 1'- i.r i - . " ii lt. r .lilll- " 'MOrrti Il M'l'i ! i. i . ,,i i ii ' . III' ' . il. i i i . t::-: . t.ii'i' 1 . It '.".: Ti'jtiir i tin1 i i u,'k ! in. n i i ' ! ' i i i i1 i hi, r. 1 il. I'. 'I i I . . CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho j ssrsm7yr" ( Siguuturo of Utffti flVUIftUPOVifBliTi SXtrvt n unibnr.oir.nw w.xLi- iw?. (i PENNYROYAL PILLS -?-n. "Ufr, Aln ri'llnlili l.:lrtlr. u lr ivki Air ;iiM'ii:.rt:ii-N :.i.isii . ...i ,i Jl(lll llli'tllllll' tnl.s, M-lli'it Witt li,.i.. , ,! Tnkr Mo tiller. Ittliist' .l.nu. Ms snli.. itllunitnnil iiiiltitlliiu.. r.i ,h imui-i, nr si ml t.. in miiimii ,.r I nlnr, 'l.l. IIMIHluU Itlnl "II, ,. ,- ..t,,.,- ,, ;,,, I'J ri'lliril Mltll. III.IMIU I In,,, i, i ,.i tiy ull UriitiiHiM. IIIIICMIKHIIIK ('III MICA1 Cl tluu aiuiiuitii sitiiiii-. jmij ;. i. Altillttuu IHI4 (iiAr. . w KILLthb COUGH and CURE the LU-NSCS Dr. Km'" WITH New Osscese fORC ONSUrll'TI().l Piico OUUHS anil GflcASI.OO IOLDS Frro Trial. BuriiHt and Uuickcnt Cure for till THItOAT and LUNG TltOUll- i LES, or MONEY HACK mmrnmanmrnmrnx?. h4-r4- M - iSOM A At . t J I. ! i'ii I t. .:: ; '.'.. 'I II" r r I 1-I i.; f mi Ho' u. : . . . i . i .' i .'!. All t. li if ' 1 1 ijt WleiS 1 1 ' ' ' -I ,, Kuiimi i ': i ..- (t 1, Viva 'oit ,it' il. A . Plllllt it!' "I .-( it r i! :, .,. , irli-o It r il.i tr: 'J:, f.iei, p; ,i II. A IIITIt 1'H li II IIIIJ M7lfi. fi VV. VVT r:.tf."r :"::. iirii'il! 'imt'."j T iMiililHitti :mV. i-at.Kp' irt m i f ! r . icnlliiii (ii.-k 'll . f.iiiiiirMi.t..niiil it, B,Tur :., ,i it j'oMMmu ?.!..,."Li'.1 'i " .'" i"' '" "I,1-1 ".' " Jtfi.'l.vMtx .1 'n iii. '.tn I'llUO III (I JH.r.t .i.i,! ilu.-u ilJl.j, ii.....',l'.,!.4..,,m": !' ulYl '"' ,.fV".,?, I'n'Mt '.iJik:i Jc iijiiu.t m .. mil mini ll'rt lust i;io i-noil it'ii ii:i luKetliir ri'iuij t.ir juti to .titu i wnnncvnnwL have h j ar"t flfT "KINI linn'' inn vm i il ..-.. , .""'"".' r : nOW INI 'JUM ItiriLUUH I'A ...... ... ....... ., i.L jiuiiiit i"- . mi sii'siA .;.;: i. o .,. . i. i j...i ,. i.,.i.,iii -fc--i- vrw, .2. i) H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I !! H4 K--K--f- rl-4"M"- The Wonderful Growth of Calumet Baking Powder Iai due to 1(9 Perfect Quality and Moderate Price Used fn Millions of Homes Will. DiF.TRICHS :,::';':;,S, Painting l.iln ,tml nrti.imiiut..vl r.ilnthiti nl all Klml.s. Oliu ocOoooti'tt. ml r.l -It.:. Old Mill H, M II. R. W. HOBART Attorney - at - Law Ollii'n over Columbus State Until;. Will I'lticUi'o il. all tho Courts. i A. M. POST Attorney : at : Low Goltitnbti.s. Nub. OR. GHflS. . PLflTZ HOMKOl'AVHIO r'cUKsioinn .mci Surycon. I'. O. r.lnelc Columbus G. J. GftRLOW - Lawyer OtlU'M onr Cut imiIiiih Suite I lank Columbus, Nub y i). sintr.s, ATTOnNBV AT LAW. OiUf, Olivn Ht . to'irlli dour unrlli of .'m ilutiitl Hunk . 'llHf n)i,ijiinu nkiii;ahKi. OONT WASTE GRAIN! A Cheaply Mailn Wagon Will Wrtsto Snough Grtiin to Biiy a Go oil Ozio, Our viii,'nnii Mill not tictiiter yoiiriain u lulouii ilmnmil to inai kit or oci ta oiit' Iioiiuh with noodler.ii Iieav draught. Vo Uoo. onl tin- l.atoi.t and HKHT in Ihiios and Carriages -All KIiiiIhiii- VMIM IMPLEMENTS. i& Our liorsc sIkh's slicK iiuil (liin'l lame nmr Ikum's TKV Til KM. LOUIS 5CHREIBER. rrH4HM"t - "t4"HM I I I I I i ! : l - r ntt Mr-.-it i'.(t: I '"I I .'ntid'tl I !! .-tOt (III. ' .( r i "' .'t it t V w u ; o.s i. ,ii' i tn Hi'iiii.i. ' "i ; J"i ii i iiv ;i.tii u:ii 'n ' .'i . V.'l' i II - Ji j.j, If , ot '.-..' v 1 M'l .'' !.'IM.v-ilvi'i r tr . 1 I , n i lii.in.,ik'( m i'i.- It.c . . -. r HTi'i. i i i .' TC l '. n t'.n iiitt.i,. i.i.,iin. ".. i:"..;";' " ': . y j. i tf.. . . !.. .1 . . . ..' rif it tii'J r ' fit-v jii.l ii ...r.i. ..i utt ui;i'w i:K mill, riiih. ; (iiiiiii vr.. t in V.,7 .. . li f r? 'vii nili A'. . .' ', l . I n i iilllff J f '. i i. J C. i,1. .0 JU lu I Zi. m rrr"i . ? h t Our Neighboring I GENOA. i I'iiiiii tin Ia'ihI' r l Mrs. Hu'illi l'ugilov cif Monroe , township ha been entertaining a couple uf vnutig lady friend ft out Ontnhii this week. I'M Mutko departed Iroin tint l'a- 'Mi iimt Monday wheto ho will join I Ms fatuity iind visit tho Portland ox- position Ik lorn returning homo. I .Mrs. Chas. Shields uf Fullorton died I Ttit'sdny night in an Umiiha hospital whom she undorwont nn oneiation u ' short titno before. Wlitin it became apparent that who could not rocovor, her brother, John Klin was phoned for, and boarded tho evening f rli'j,'lt nrriv tun in Oinalia it short tlino after his siHtor hail iusskiI aw.iv. Mr. yiiloldn wan irtht whon tho eml onmo. Tim roinaiiiH worn hroht to Oonon Writ ncftday ufturnoon, mid tnkon to tho homo ot her imronttf, Mr. and Mrn. Androw Klin. Funornt sorvii'PH worn hold in tho l'roKtiytorinn church Thurn day forenoon. Interment waH In tho enmotory Mint It ot town. Tauirs Ihirnn, wlio woikoil around (tonoa thirty voarn hk. '' now root iloh in Honno county, paid thin jilaco a visit Tuomlay for tlio lirnt titno in l! yearn. Since ho wan hero last tho pliyRical appearance of Mr. Kuriix Iuih rhiiuKeil, mill may whoonroltnow lilm iik a Htalwart IiiNhuinn ' toot hih and weiKhiiiR 1U0 pounds, did not recoRiue him Tuenlay. A few year aco Mr. llnni KOt taitKloil np with a span of imiLi'o, anil when tho ilootorn 1,-ot throuKh with htm one arm wiih Kono and hit), richt Iok hadlv crippled. Dr. K. O. McMillan fell dead in .Vullorton Momlay uhont four o'eloclt jiwt hh ho waH uhout to htart for tho depot u, take tlio eveiiini,' train for Cioiioa to join his wife on a visit at tho homo ot her brother, John Will unison. Tho wife was at onco Inform ed, and accompanied by her children ami K. A. McMillan, brother of the deceased, departed for Fullorton. Dr. MuMillan had recently returned from near lllsnmrclc, N. 1). whero ho pur chased property. Ho had disponed of hiK business ami homo in Fullerton and wiih to havo left for his now lo cation thin weolc, after a brief visit with relativcH hero. ltoiiiltiK hi.s widow ho leaven five children. LINDSAY Tim (lilninii. Mrs. Dan Hallorau departed for a Mimmrr outing in Idaho. Wo failed to mention last week that thoro is a handHomo new daughter at tho homo of Kd Wohb. A husky boy was born to Mr. an d Mro. Aug. ICoeppo last Friday, and August has a severe attack of the struts. Matrimony lir.- its penalties as well as rewards, but they seldom make themselves so manifest as in tho case of Mr ard Mrs. dole. Mr. Ooro is tho young man who dan boon clothing for Mrs. Andrew in the drug store. Lust wee!; ho went to Meadow (Srovo ostensibly to attend tho reunion, and ho evidently became inoculated with tho spirit of the occasion, for when ho returned ho brought a pretty little I hrido with him. Hut when ho dilll dent ly reported tor duty lit tho ill ug store ho Inuiid ho didn't have any more of a job than it rabbit. Kvi dontly Mrh. Andrews couldn't mio wherein it woull benefit hor business to havo a love-lorn swain chatting lovo'ditttcH into tho epsom salts or rnlkiug goo-goo to dnvoy over tho dephono Mr. and Mrs. Clore loft tho name dav for somewhere else. i4oni to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 1'o.torfton, Tuesday, a handsome daughter. 1 Mrs, FroHuhnut' wont to Dodge Thurhilay, whom tdio will bo followed by Frank today, when they will both go to Ncola, Iowa, for a visit. Jim Yntos and Max Haugo arrived homo Sunday night after an absence ot three months in Wisconsin, Tlioy only stopped hero for a few ilayn visit, lining enrnuto to South Dakota. They leit on Wednesday, and Krio Ilrndholl went with them to try his luck in the harvest Holds. St. Edward. I I'l'iiii Hi" Ailwiiui' Luto North of Columbus was in St. Kdwartl on business Tuesday. 2 Jasper Karnes of Kcd Oak, Iowa, arrived Monday on business nud for a visit to his daughters, Mrs. O. L. DoiIiIh and Mrs. W. H. Curry. 2 Mr and Mrs. O. A. Molin of (icuon wero guosts ol Mr and MrH, F. F. Wagner Sunday. L .lufitiiH loturned Weilno.-day fore noon from Omaha whero he had been marketing cattle. Tho now residences ot (I. W. How ard and Alex McKay aro beginiug to tulto hubsttiiitial form The work is progressing nicely desptto the ex rreinely warm weather. This will bo the banner season tor now rihlm iicok in St Kdwanl Mi:.h Motto HoMincriint.' tiinii lie. came trichteued yesterday fun noon as she was driving across tho millrnco at the west 'end of Heaver street, and .lumped oil' tlio bridge. Foruimto. ly the buggy cauhf on ft support ami Totoitf and Villages wan not carried down. Moth horse hecume etitatiRleil lit the liarneM ntnl (lrowne.l Ih fore help could reach tliMiu, MiH Louise Hinltli wan also lit tho httUKV and the two youtiK' Indies are to ho coiiKratulated ution their almost miraculous oneaie. Miss Itos currant siivh that one of the hoises hecauto frightened at a largo hole at the cant end of tho bridge and lunged against its mate pushiiiK It oil of tho bridge. As tho tlrst horse went over it dragged tho other with it. Leigh' ll'roin tin- Worlill Harvest in on in full Must in this vicinity Many have their early oats In tho shook but tho late ones are not ripo at tho present time. Taken as a whole tho harvest will bo very satis factory to fanners. Henry Kohl, who had Iwen in Omaha for several day with IiIh little son, returned home Monday evening Mr. Sohl savs that tho hoy will not bo able to ho homo for another week. Ho still err da severe attack of appendicitis and two weeks ago today wiih operated upon foi appendicitis by Dr. A. 1. Condon. 1j. A. lliohforil anil his gang of fence nteti pulled up slakes in Leigh and went to Madison tho latter patt of tho week. 'J'hev did some business hero but not enough to warrant thorn staving longer, Word wan received hero Saturday of tho death of Margaret Weber, the fov en.yearold daughter of Mr. and Mrs Oonrad Weber, south of town. Mrs. Weber and daughter were on n visit to Hominlngforil, Nebraska, when Margaret contracted ilipthcria and died tu a very nliort time. On nccottnt ot the contagiousness of tho disraso tho remniiiH wero buried hero. Five O'clock Tea. (I'iIiIii)'h Dull)) MrH. D. M. Karr and MrH. elms'. Dack entertained one hundred and thirty guests yesterday afternoon at five o'clock tea in compliment to Mrn. Olsnen, Mrs. Karr s daughter, of Omaha and Mrn. Htlllen of Clarlnda, Iowa. Fruit punch was served during the Afternoon in the parlor by MrH. ThomiiH Dank, and a two course luncheon wiih served at eighteen small tallies on the lawn. Hoth tho tables and tho house were profusely decorated with nasturtiums and nwuet peas. The menu consisted of creamed peas ami potatooH in patt a sholls; cucumber sal ad oil nasturtium loaf; olives and hot rolls: and vanilla ice cream and cake Weighing Free. The L. W. Weaver Coal Company havo just put in a not of Fauhauk'H host standard scales, which have boon thoroughly tented with government test weights. Corroot weights are heroforo guaranteed. Wo iuvitu every farmer and ImHiiifsH man to weigh over our scales. Wo will bo glad to weigh every load free of charge Our scales are conveniently located in tho rear of our olllco. L. W. Weaver Uoal Co., tf HttccoHSorH to Woavor it Newman. Tint lilltt' I lii ii m of f'liniiiiun. A speaker III the house of commons has to address "tho most chilling, none destroying iittdleiice in the world" r.veti hiicIi a cool headed, seasoned ora tor iih John Itrlglit once mild, toward tho etui of his career, too, "I suppose I ought to bo iiHhaiiicd of myself, but the fact Is that 1 never rise In the house without u trembling nt the knees and a Hecivt wish that Homebody else would catch the speaker' eye mid enable mo to hit down again." And Disraeli, who boasted thnt ho hud no nerves, declar ed: "Tho blare of trumpets, a thou hand loolicis on, have Induced nieii to lend u forlorn hope. Ambition and oiio'h constituents have Induced men to do a far more ile.speinlo thing ppcnk In the house of commons." I.un dun Mull. CnliiK to IIimI III Imlln. doing to bed In India Is it very dif ferent 'process from going to bed at homo. To begin with, It Is a fur less formal' process. Thuro is In tho hut neiisoii no HliuttltiM of the door, no cutting yourself off from the outer wot Id, no going iipsUiirs, ami, dually, tut getting Into bed. You uicicl.i He down on your bed, which, with Its bedding, it so simple as to bo worth dmcrlbilig. The lied Is n wooileu frdino.wlth a webbing laced acioss It, mid each bed has ft thin cotton mat tress. Over this one sheet Is npivh', and two pillows go to each bed. bob tors not being used. That's all Homo people do not even have tlio mat tress, preferring tho cooIiums of n IiliH'i.'-Of lino nnttUm;. Crimen AkiiIiikI AoIiiiiiIi. "Tho cooks of tiMluy," wrote Yuan Mel, u Chinese author of the ulnoM'onlli CL'iiturv, "tlilul: nothing of mixing In one soup the meat of chicken, duck, pig Mini goose Hut these chickens, ducks, pigs and g 'Oho li.no doubtless hoiim, and Hie o . i ili will most certainly llle Vlal'its lu H." nest world of the wti) the,, Iiiim- In on inated lu this. A good coils will iim plenty of dlll'oreut dlhli es. Iju'h iirtli'lo ot' food will be made 1 1 exhibit Its own eliarai'terlsllcs, while each made dish will be i luirneteileil by mio domiuaut llavor. Then the pal ute of the gormaud will respond with out freak nud tho lluwors of tho uuu) bloiHom forth." ORIGIN OF PIKE'S PEAK. Inillnti l.rKi'ixl ut Uf I'o rm ii It on t Tlili I'n iu out .MiiiiiiIiiIii. The (iiialnt Indlaii legend of the for mation ot I'llte's peak 1 as follows: "At Hie beginning of all things the lessor spirit. pissesMeil the cm lb and dwelt near the banks of the great river. They hail created u race of men to bo their sonants, hut these men were far superior to the present In habitants of tlio earth and made end less tumble for their ucntors. 'I'heto fore the lesser opirlts icsohod to de stroy mankind and the cm Hi Itself, so they caused the gioat rher to ;se tin til It luiist its hunks nud overwhelmed everything They themselves took em h a i.irgc portion of the best of the earth that thc.i might cicate a now world nud n quantity of innlc, which hud bom thelt particular food, and teliirn I'd to heaven, Ar. Ilng at the gate of heaven, whlih is at the end of the plains, where tin M.y nud mountains meet, they wele told that thej could not bring such burdens of cutli Into heaven. Accordingly Ihoj dtopped them nil then and (hero. Those falling musses made a great heap on the top of the wot Id which oMemleil far above tho waters, and this is the origin of l'lkc's peak, which is thus shown to bo dltectly under Hie gate of heaven. (It was formerly twice as high as now, but lost Its Minimi), ns is told In an other legend ) "The rock musses upon It and all uhout show that they have boon dropped from the sky. The varloly and extent of the mineral wealth !u the region piovc that the earth's choic est uuilerliils hio deposited there. And htlll us th ustollallous move across the heavens nud vanish above the mountain summits we tuny see the Hplrlts rise from the giont river and pass to the gate of hoavoii. The fall ing slurs are their falling burdens or the dropping grains of maio." CULTIVATE TACT. If You lln .Sol I'limti'iK II, Sttli' In Aeiliilri II. I want It rccoguicd that tact should be taught oontliiuoiuly, seriously, thor oilghlv ; that It should Is1 placed lu the forefront of education and take Hu natural llrM place side by side with tho catechism, writes Prank Danby in J thick nud White. A friend of mine lecenlly sun'eiliig under u great bereavement was lu the receipt of innumerable loiters and telo grams irotu friend., iicipiiilulancesuuil (he genera! public. Out ot the 1,M0 of such communications two only lilt Hn right nolo. Among pages of sentiment al and religious commonplace two mes sages alone tombed the heart. "He was a man I loved. I am with you In your grlel," was one. The other inn: "You have lost your bel pal. lie was mine too. Cod help us both." I'. ell 1. 1 ( I it-iii epitomized the senders nun with gieit hearts. Hut the lie julslilon of tiict by some of the other s.viupiiHilois would havo supplied Its place Again, pit;, lug an afternoon visit re us, th, my hostess, wanting u book to which our conversation had referred, rang the boll. Within two minutes the Korvaiit appeared with tea, ami the fob lowing colloquy occurred: "Who told you to bring tea'" "I'leuse, 1111111111, I thought that was what j ou i ang for." "Well, please don't think. I hired you to answer the boll. It wasn't the sig nal for a guessing competition. When I want you to do Hint I'll supply the kitchen with n copy of u newspaper." I was not surprised to hear this lady changed her servants frequently. In llnrki-Mt l.niiiliin. Ill his book, "Child Slaves of Cleat Itrltiiiii," Itobert II. Sheiaid willos: "There are thousands of our poor ohl. (lien lu London starving not on no count of the poverty of the parents but by reason of the Ignorance nud sloth of the mothers. They know tioth lug of cookery, they wish to know nothing, 'liny do not care lor Hie trouble, lu I'vi'iy Loudon slum you will Hud u fried llsh hIioji or u cooked meat shop or a gioeor who sells choose and pickles nud potted things. It is much eiihler and 'less worriting like' to M'lid the ehlldion out with coppois for a penn'orth of IMi und chips or a lilt of cheese und pickles th.lll to cook liny thing for tin-in " VlM'llllllll (Mill A IM'llllllll, "A vocation" h one of thine tiiifiir innate words thai .u ustanll.v being used lu n wr.in' senso. Strictly tipeak lug, It refers to ometh'ng that calls a man uw'io I'l'om Hie oiilluar.v oci upn Hon of his nll.v lite If you eiiiu ,vour living by drafiiiig cotiveyaucos und in toiprotiiig legal siilitictles and also arc often soon in leisure hours with a eain era lu your hand nud have a dink room nt home, the . tho law Is your vocation and photography your avocation. Lou Ion Telegraph T'ic I'luriiiluiin. Thoie aio few birds whoso plumage i i, variable ns the ptarmlgaii'ii 'lliree times In tho year its plumage i linages It has separate coals for iprlug, uiiliimu and winter At Hie ho glmilugof .Vovemliir It puts on the la t eostiuno of the sous-oil. Its sprint, brown and summer gra.v t.orve well to hide It mining the scanty herbugi of IN hiiiiuts front the keen ejo of tho soar In;: falcon 'I'l'lle r,riiriiiiii , 'So you hi ve bought your wife tin other opoitive I'ng Isn't that a waste of iimncv. V" "On Hie coutraiv, It Is true economy, for h won't lequlro half so many p'Urs i if gloves us tol'llierli " Thete eiiiiiiot he a gi enter rtlib'liesn th.ni to Inti niipt another in the current tf h!h dlHt'O'itse, -l.ockc A LAND 01 W0MD1KI, lhe81RktiArriaiU Mmur TklaMi latarett la Oalifarala. California linn numerous ni.ta.rBl bridged, cavee, etc of no little Interest. The Matnoth Cave of Calaveras, dis covered by iiiitierR in lHoU; the AlabMter Cave; the CryHtal 1'hIaco Cave, contain ing a number of uttriiotive subterranean iippnrliiietitH, Biich iih the bridal Cham ber, the Chrystul I 'a luce Uoom. Aouri omiappiirliiiKtit called MiibIc Unit, where tho deposits of utiootin origin not only take tho form of organ pipe, sounding boards etc., but emit, when struck, tnusl. cnlHoinidnand vibrationo. Nuar this oavo aro two natural budges which the tour ist can visit ami return to the railroad within half an hour. Tho only natural way to roach these scenes of interest is via "The Overland Limited, Route," comprising the Union IVilloand Hoiith ern I'iiciHc, now reuly one line. The only line running through trains to Hun Friini'iHcn from Omiiliii, its fust trains, arriving iilxteen liours ahead of nil com po-Mtors. I'ainpliloiH and maps doHcrib ing the wondiTH of California, and full information about the most comfortiibl ami diieet route to the I'neillo CoutH.cae be obtained of F L. Lomax, (1. 1. & T. A, Omaha, Neb. The Diamond Cure. The latent iiowh from Farls is, thojr have dincoverud dlnnioud cure for con Mitnptloii H you fear coiiitniiptton or pneuttioiiui, it will, however, tto boot for you to tnke that great remedy mentioned by W. T. Modoc, of Vau leer, Tonn,' ' I had a ooujjh for f onr teen yearn. Nothing helped rue, until t took Dr. Kings .New Plnoovery for Consuinpi Inn, coughs nud colds, which gave instant relief and elTocted per ment cure."Uneiualed euro for throat ami lung troubles. At Chan. Dacka ilrng store prlro fiti cents and $1 guar anted. Trial bottle freo. Brick House Held Domes IIMI .March ami early April pigs for Summer ami Fall trade. Cnn furnish in pairs or trios, mil related, at bargain puces. Writeor call for prices or den. ctiption. IJI'D .1, Columbus. J, J, BARNES Havo you SOMETHING TO SELL ? Try our want columns. Some Is sly wants what you want to sell. Do you want to buy something? Ask for it in our want columns. Somebody has what you want and will sell cheap. We guaran tee satisfaction. If our work doesn't please you, tell us about it, wo'il lake pleasure in making it light. Do you need some slnoionery? If so, call us up on cither phone und u Journal representative will call on you, or come up to tho oilice and we will lit you out. Columbus Journal Go You Must use Yeast Foam The Wonderful Yeast If you want to make Bread that is Bread YniiRt I'oarn In 'tho resit Hint took Hid llrnt (Trsiiil I'rln i HiiiHt. bonis K i pe tition, SoM liy ull Kroiern iitrirlN. a mt'kni;ti--iiiiiinli lor Hi leaven N'uii u iioMiil ciiril for our new lllimirulul lunik "Hood llruuit: How to Mu lit) It." NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICACO, ILL. . I I'l nl M ' A i