V'"T"it r MWrtV - " .n(,Vf,(JlJni( i KTAbl.lUCtf IAT 11. !. (Columbus Jon vital. Coluiiiliitn. Nlr. Kntnrrtl ftt tin I'tolhci', ('iiliinilitm. NMir., ftp tio.inil-oln mull mntlr d. l'UIII.!Slti:i) WKUNIWDAYH IIY Columbus Journal Co., (i.svouroitvrKi).) TriiMM or ot'itonini'TioM. OaHirpnr.li) mull, ihiMiiiM itrlil !.; Hit tnmitli '" Trinw miintim w WKDNi'.rlDAY. Jt'l.Y IWi r:i:r:i:: n. a:::::, nwu. IIKS I'.WM.S IIioiIiiIimiihmIi jnnrmittinnti rmir imprr. nr rii"T i-hii t wliM Hiiik jinr milmiTilillxll I" lH'l- I''"'" '"I'"'' ;miiii Unit l.nimriil lm lni'ii rwniil up " lini. I, !!, KkIiIiMii I'.'Ii I, ll"'""iiil h. mi. NIiiii pii) until ill mHlli" Hill llllll'. ttllU'll HtlBWITB iib it rrci'lpt, Will fllllllljlll lll'l'l'tlltlltfl). WSniM'INt'AM i:S ltiimilili' iilp-crlli-rr will iv'iiiliiiu' in tii--li llil Joiiiiinl until tli" imlilWiPihiir tltiiil h) Ii'Mit In illM'iiiitiuin', wlii'ii nil ntniir ii'i- iiin-l Ii piilil. If )nii ilu nut wlfli tlir Ji'iirtml I'liiiluiiiiil for iini'tliiT )i"ir nf-.-r Dm linn' I'linl for li'H I'xnltiil. jmi hIhmiIiI iniiuiiHl) iintif) tin t" iliwmttliiiiii II. IMIAMIK IN ADDIll'.SS Wln-ti urili'tiiii! n rlmiiUM lit Hi" mlilri'n,iiil-i,rll'rii'liiiiilil ! nr i luli' llii'lri'lil tin I'll if llii'll IH' iuiiiri'n. A Ooluiiilitih Imlv Hindu good sug gestion the other day. She suggested thut every eiti.oii in Columbus whoso t reH urn attacked hy ciitcrpillorr., shnnld procppil to Imni thn iic-ls nt tllO pPStH. Aro wo really worMi tlinn we used to bo in thn mutter of olllclul corrup tion Or nro wo merely beginning to purlfv thn Imily politic, which ban oiiiplinsi.cd n condition timt hits loop existed? If thn latter ih correct thou tho people limy rejoice. Fremont Tri bune. John (lout, Kriink Kioruiiu. M. K, Clolhcr nuil John Swnnsnn must havo incurrttil thn "coiitoinpt" of thu Tele gram niiii ItH friniulH, wlimi thny found that tliomi" honorable men" hutl over ilrinvn thnir li'ul snlnrlcH hy morn t linn H.100. Thn editor or thn Jottnml got himself In" contempt" hy snugest iug a much smaller iiiiiuinit Tho vntnriiu eilltor of thn lititler Comity Press, C. I), Casper, replies to one of liin contemporaries who spoke r.viiiintliiingly of thn Press editor's declining years, hy challenging him to n wresting match for "money, nhalk or marbles." We hope thu challenge will ho accepted Columbus will go down on a special train to see tho" go." Contrary to tho linlinf of ninny that thn itriNuNHOii valuation of Mm Mute would, slows a falling oil tain year, ns coinpareil with that of a vent-ngo, there In a noteworthy Increase in thn value of thn property returned. It was Kmmrally thought that after thn now rovonuo law wiih onro in force thorn would ho ilevihitil now methods nf evading it and that, iin under the old law. there would he a ""idual NlirliikitiK ' retnniN. Hut thin Imh not hopu thu cam. Thn t otitl UHhCHMiient thlH year Ih nearly IT, 000,000 larger than for laHt year, or a real valuation of fliri.ooo.OOO greater for tho whole utate. Of thiH fi.OOO.OOO in railroad property, whluli Ih a fair ratio to other kinds of property. Thn new revenue Inw? in working well thin year, hh it did luHt vear, and ihose wiio set theuiKevleH itijuiiiM it lust year lor polttlcnl reasoiiH are not likely to raixe the insue again this yenr. Fn. motii Tribune Thn harvcHtor trust is in for a Megp of tho Mime kind that the ot lit r trusiN liavn liomi oxporieiiolng duriiik! tho past year or two Kodney H. Switt, formerly iirouiiunutly connected with thn UoCurmiek is out with a demand for nu accounting, and tlie funucs of thn country a well nu o.Miers who have been hit hy the trtM wic'i him no wormi luck than that Ills action may remit in dissolviug the column ntioti. It Ih alleged hv Swift that the MuConuiokx ham toned the lailroaiU to pay no less than fl.ooo.ion in te liatoK uontrary to law If the work ingN of tlin trust are only partially as had as tho allegations- of Swift u is up to tho proper iilllcats of the govern out to take a l:ami with him in seeing that the anti-trust laws aro not violat ed. Norfolk News. Tho American species of tint genus hlaineil fool ih much devoted to thn pleasing pastiuio of getting some helpless women nut in a (unit and then rocking thn limit to hear the women holler. A iiicmbri- of tlu trihn put on his groat boat-rocking specialty for tho benefit of a uowYork audience thu other day and succeeded in spilling throo young women into loop wator whom they would Imvu drnwtiod except for tho assistance of llfo savers. Tho hpcutators depressed their appreciation of the entertain ment by catching tho bravo young gentloiean an I kinking in a fow of his rib. Whether vn believe in gnviirn ment by injunction or not, it cannot bo drilled that them are times and seasons when mob violence Ih not only justified but iwsitively delightful to contomplato. HOT W'KATIIKIt I'liVaitAM. Tho nowupaporfi nrn publishing tho muni warnings ngnitisr hot weather ilifuptor. tbomaln oonsidorntion being to take life rnsy. Tho man who hurries Is lost, and likowiso tho man who wor rlns. Let your crnlltors do tho worry lug and aUo tho hurrying except when yon have to hurry occasionally to doilun one nt them Don't drink too much cold stulf, and when yon do drink anything leu cold, drink it In slow sips so tho cooling is done In your mouth ami not in your stomach Don't eat too much meat or ton much of anything, (in n lit tin slow on alcoholic drinks. If vnu follow these instructions vou may yet be president At least, ynur chalices will not he nipped in thn bud by a sunstroke in thn days of ynur youth. tom woi:hau:s fkiut. Tom Woirall, thn doughty grain dealer of Lincoln, undoubtedly has thn sympathy of disinterested cltiens in his campaign 111:11 1 list thn so-railed elevator trust. Mr. Worrall is an honorable, Fiunro dealing man of tho plain cili.en tvpn. A fow years agn ho was working on a salary as a grain buyer. Having a tnorough knowledge nf tho huMnosP, lie threw up a good 1 alary and staketl thn welfare of his family and himself on thn prospect of success in a busi ness of his own. According to hi be lief, h has been "tattooed" by tho grain trust, which being translated sigullles that IiIh company has been boycotted by tho allied elevator ititor ests with tho purpose of driving him out of business, thereby robbing him of his livelihood nnd thu means nf supporting his family, all by means of mi unlawful conspiracy. Whether this is true or not will doubtless bo demonstrated by tho in vestigation now in progress. How ever, from a personal acquaintance of many years, wo know that Mr. Worrall wants no mom than a Huare deal and that ho thinks ho In in the right. Meanwhile tho sympathy of thn com mon people will hn largely on his side from thn taot that hn Ih a poor man lighting for his bread and butter against n powerful combination of inonlcd interests mid an oxpeusivo array of legal talent It IiIh resort to thn processes of tho law should prnv iucH'octlvo, Tom threaten'- to wilte a hook, therein lay im; bare all the devious ways nf the L-rain octopus-. ;oi:i;.xvi:. y xi:i:sim: Joseph L. Itristow, special com missioner of the United States Gov ernment to InvestlL-atn trade condi tions ami other matters directing tho Panama I tail road, has made IiIh re port. And if his rocommendatiouH aro accepted by President Koosovolt, the people of thu United Mtates will have 1111 opportunity to wit ties. an ex periment tu government ownership. Mr. Uristow lecomineiids that tho government operate tho railroad iib a commercial enterprise, fixing freight rates on a basis that will baruly pay operating expenses ami a fair dividend on the government's investment. Comment lug on thiH plan of rate making, The Hallway World predicts the failure of tho government's ex periment in these wornr: "Ah a mat ter of business principle, in 110 other way than by llxlng rates at those fig ures which will produce tho maxi mum net revenue rates which usually produce the maximum tonnage can a railroad bo succssfully conducted. Tho United States Government should not attempt to reconcile whai is irrecon cilable. A railroad cannot bo conducted as a commercial enterprise, ami a. the same time regulate its charges on uoiicommercial principles." At an other place in its comment the World says: "It is Impossible to determine the ctiange in revenue which will fol low a change in any given rate and thn etTect of general changes in all iiites, sucli as aro recommended for thn Panama Kailroad is beyond cal culation." What shall he the test by which the public shall indue the elUclency of the Government's experiment, ami decide whether the rule of "mini, mum net earnings" underlying gov ernment ownersnip, or tho ruin of "maximum net earnings", underly ing private ownership shall hn adopt eil as the permanent policy of the future: There is Just one test and that is a simple one, vu The ability of the eoverninent to increase tho volume of business and at tho same time to earn a fair ami stable prntit, while reduc ing rates to the public. That the government will be able to do this there is little doubt in the light of Mr. i'rlstow's lejM.rt. He points out that tho Panama Railroad has made no attempt to make im provements adequate to the demands of a growing trade ; that it has been content to live from the trade of a fow steamship lines secured by exclusive and monopolist in contracts, thnt the character of these contracts has di verted South American commerce naturally belonging to the United States, to Kurnpo, a condition which tho frieuds of'subsidies" have in thn piutjblamml to thn lack of 11 subsidized American merchant marine; and that by cancelling these monopolistic con tracts, and improvin the facilities for handling commerce, the trade of tho isthmus will bo greatly stimu lated. At any rate, wo am about to havo government ownership on a small scalo under a republican president, and tho public will spend tbeir time studying thin sensible experiment, rathor than listening to the load nnd unreasonable domands of certain pollt I clans for cnmploto and Immediate gov eminent ownership. Government own ership to bo safe must conio by e.iry stngns of evolution, permitting civil service to develop apace, to prevent polltcal abuses which would result from suddenly throwing an army nf employers on the government payroll. Tho Albion News remarked that tho p(uitablo lost ltd Hyde, but that It was the policy holders that were skinned. The St. Paul Wepabllean warns country publisher to watch their ready print or arguments favorable to the railroads and urges them to cut out tho rnndv print houses that accept the objectionable matter. Tho Russian government has sus pended thn publication of ouo of its newspapers for a month for publishing thn proceedings of tho congress nt Moscow in dnllauce of orders to tho contrary. Russia is several centuries bohlud the procossion and sho must have a free press before sho will be gin to catch np. Tho Humphrey Domocrat says that all the prosent incumbents of the comity ofliuob will ask to succeed themselves and that there aro other democrats also who want tho same places. That papor promisrs that thoro will bo" something interest ing" dilngat the democratic county con vention. Wo repnblicans aro nil applying for reserved teats at the show, Brother Fratt. Up in Wisconsin they handle thn railroad corporations all right. There the corporations aro required by law to tile a statoment of grjss earnings each year with tho state and thoro Ih a ponnlty of $10,000 for any violation as to wrong llgures. Thu state has just won a suit against a number nf railroads for such violation, tho court saying that 110,000 each was duo for falsely making reports. Sohnyler Free Lance. A man has invented nnd patented a glass coffin, soaled np in which a hu man body will last till tho end of time instead of going "to mix forever with tho elements." It is a comforting idea, especially for thoso who aru inclined to materialistic bolief. Kvou though wo know we wouldn't foel it. tho most of us are doubtless made a bit uncomfortable by the thought of a fat, rod-headed grub worm rooting around among thoso old bones of ours seeking what ho may devour. Thoy aro telling a story of a bunch of bluobloods in a southorn city who founded a society called tho Daughters of Ferdlnaud do Soto. The bon-ton ouo by ouo traced their lineago back to tho great discoveror ami everything was tine and daisy. Tho Daughters of tho Revolution ami othor daughters wore ooniumml with envy aud were just be ginning to look up tho family trees to see if thoy could trace themselves back to UolumbuH or Noah or somo of the oarlior navigators, when somo envious scouudrol got busy with real history and demonstrated that Ferdinand de Soto bad lived and died a bachelor. Thlsfablo teaches that we should al ways boar in mind that a good man doesn't need a grandfather. The United States minister to Kcua dor writes: "Olllolal announcement Uuiadothat froight rates between Now York aud Panama are to be materially reduced on July 1. This means a large in crease in Imports into Kouador from tho United States. 1 was informed vury recently by a nromiuent wor- ohaut here that ho would like to deal lu New York, but that the freights from that city on some of bis pur chases were live-fold greater when re calved at Guayaquil than like freight from Hamburg, which was a practical prohibition 011 Amerlcou trado." It appears that tho diversion of trado from the South American states to Kuropo is not duo entiroly to the lack of a ship subsidy in thn United States. Thn Kansas t'ity Times exrrmes its surprisoto learn that Governor Mickey should employ his spare time pitchlug horse shoes." It declaros tfat tho thn outside world had got the Improi slon that he employed his spare time "embroidering tidies." Tho SVorld Herald indignautlv resents tho Impu titlon that the Governor could even tutuk 01 taking time from his great reform work against "cards and danc ing to dnvoto it to such a stupid pas time as "embroidering tidies." Pray what else is there for the Governor to doV The World Herald has a mon opoly of the Hot Air Reform Manu facturing business in this state, ex cluding our Governor from that ooou pat ion which most westnrn executives select as a sido linn, ' WllOLKSUtiti Tho editor of tho Wallace's Farmer says somo things on the subject of "graft" which are 'o wholesome they doservo quoting: "And herein lies tho hopes of the present nnd tho futnre. Ah a nation we are beginning to deal vigorously with rascals high ami low. The vast majority of tho pooplo of tho United States nro honest. Tho ingots and rascnls even In tho worst parts of tho worst clticH 111-0 In minority. All that is needed is for the pooplu to demand honesty in men high and low, aud thny will got if. No scoundrellsm or rascality political or financial, Is 10 strongly entrenched that it ran long endure tho limelight of concentrated public opinion. Thu discovery ot thu looting of the Kquitablo by citizens of tho hiuhest social and religious standing, who protested that they did not know that they were cheating will lead to the exposure of other insur ance companies which may be in the co'itrol of rascals. Tho good work done in St. Louis mid Knntas City will be continued in every othtr city, from tho big grafters of Chicago nnd Philadelphia down tn the littlo graft ers nf tho towns nnd cities. Wo nro npparnntly Mopping In cur hast to get rich. looktnir over the fence to see if out neighbors nro playing thn gamo fairly.nii.t nsking thorn," Aro you honest':" Let thoro bo no whlto- washing of senators and congressmen or members of the cabinet, or elders or deuooriH high or low, rich or poor. H tho nation Ih to live, it must be honest. KvIIh or this kind, like dttonsrs In the human tamlly.elther in tlnis work out thoir own euro or olso thoy kill the patient. When a nation becomes o corrupt that it can't detect its own raFcals or scoundrels it perishes nnd i removed from tho faro of the earth In tin Interest of humanity." WATSuy OX Cl.h'X'KLAXlK The mighty Tom Watson in his own peculiar magnzir.o hands his old friend Grnver n jib that is calculated to last lilin n while. Speaking of thn allrtiis of tlin Kquilnble, sas Thomas: "What matters It to me that a ran rally piraio like Kvun rhnuld t leak his designs behind the swollen pro portions of Ginver Cleveland? "Tin nune Giover ('loveltiiid who befouled himself In thnt niidniilif (leal ill whieii thn nnrmlnnf tlm TTnWml States were robbed will not hcsltntotn prostitute uis opportunity ngaiu to givo to those won control him the same advantages over thn Vuuttnblo trensury whirl, I e gavo to hie former pals nvr thu treasury nt tho United States." Tho redoubtable Mr. Watson has reference tn tl.o bond issue in Cleve land's second term whereby the llrm of J. P. Morgan cc Co. is supposed to have mp.do big profits from tho pur chase of United States bonds at a lower figure than thov would have brought in mi ojien market. Mr. Cleveland said not long ago, lu a magazine article on this same subjjet, that the acts of his ofllolal careor which had been most harshly criticised woro tho very cues which ho bad always regardod and still con tinued to regard with tho greatest sat isfaction. Of courso that is capable of two interpretations, ouo of which would not conflict with Mr. Watson's thoorv. Rut it is probably safe tn say that a largo majority of tbo American (teople bolleve absolutely in tho per sonal honesty of QrovorOlevoland. He may havo gone wrong in the mntter of tno bond sate nnd iu other instances, but most people will bolieve that it was duo to too much untrammoled ad vice rather than a willingness to be- try tils trust. It is very doubtful whether there over was a presldont ot tbo United states who was a scoundrel or a tbief, and it must be remembered moroover that Mr. Watson is inclinod to be a little rash in his aisortious. This is a hot timo for thn papers to be talking about Peary's uortb pole expedition! Republicans havo douo very littlo talking about the nominations for county offiocs. However, we have heard mentioned for couuty tresaurcr tho name of Ous Uochor nnd for oounty clerk tho name nf llort Galley. Wo havo not learned whether these men would accept a nomination. Rut who can mention tho names of any strougor candidates or bettor men? COLUMBINES. Some of these days John D. Rnckn feller is going tn din aud it will be up tn thn scribblers to cnuiposo suit able obituary notice. 1 Having ground out somothing appropriate to thn oc casion, it might then be well for each one to look back over bis files and see how it compares witu his former ut terances ou the same subjeot. Wo have kuowu ca-es wboro thoro was qul'e a divergenco of sontlment. Tn.it was au interesting colloquy thnt took place between Govornor Mickey and State Superintendent Mo lirleu tho other Hay, if report be true. According to the story the governor refused to vote for n certain physician who was piopnsed by Mr. MoRrien for secretary of thn statu board nf health. Asked why he would not. :DDDX:CSK3CCHCCCM0i!9lf8H 1 Carrying Grist to the Mill j A I 6 Oft Pictures fur the ClillJrcn SSBM t II M.I., i Wells-Abbott-Nieman Co., ttcMciDotX!ftaoscocOKX!!c:t3C!Hac;ot:!t::V';jtxiJt Sold Only by H. rhc Only'' Track Railway be-. twecn the River and Fast dailv train service Pacific & North-Western Line from nnin in Nebraska to Chicago Six trains a day Omaha to Chicago, without change. Two trains daily between Omaha and St. Paul and Minneapolis. - Gfe Best .Forr.no. tlrk-Hs 10 .ici-nis union J. I. KUHH, list. Qilc.iKii .t NW1BO YOU WANT Journal Job Printing BECAUSE: Styles nro always iiptitdute. ork i guaranteed. Prompt delivery. UciiMiniililu juices. If we haven't it we will order it. We can ave Immiic-s men money on printed Conn.-; u ran gel engraved eards lor society people; lielter .-tyle.-at lower price-. Jon rnal Sale Hill, liringeiowiU. .Journal Letter lieatLs hring lni.-ine.os. Try u. Only Daily in Coluinltu-. Help us pii.-h. Columbus Journal Go. support the doctor, Oovonior Mickey said, "I Bin told that hiMlritiks nnd swears." Then Mr. McHrion l.obbcd np and mentioned the names of n mini ber of men who havo boon nppninted by Governor Miokejr to olllno and who are addicted to either strong drink or strong language or both. And tho Imud played on. Yes, it is rnthnr Intend ing lint powerful disgusting. It rn minds us of those iioodln dog recep tions of the Newport Four Hundred As wo understand it, both of thn parties to this brilliant bnttlo of re partee are adults. Howovor, wn may be misinformed on that point. We have always been niilillv opposed to tho participation of women in politio, but in tho light of this incident we aro converted, liring on tho wonion. The Diamond Care. Tbo latest news from Paris is, ttioy have discovered diamond euro for con sumption. If you fear consumption or pneumonia, It will, bowover, bo bot for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. MoQee, of Van. leer, Tenu," I had a cough for four teen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. Kings ;New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds, which gave instant relief and ofrected per ment oure."Unequaled cure for throat and lung troubles. At Clms. Oarkf drug store price fit) crnts ami ft gnnr anted. Trial bottle free. Tlu- oKl Puritans parried their prKt to the mill in the morniny; thou s.it around itkl whittled stiJvs till the ll'iar was made. Ii impiovenients in mill in! situe then. Now the entire operation 1 mistimes mo to time, though in a week we turn out thousands of luncls of Puritan Hour whete form erly we made hundreds. li.icli detail -grain buying, scouring, drying and mill ing, is the work of experts and it is the combination of all that enables us to pro- , duce it tlour of .such dis tinctive excellence as that celebrated Puritan Best Patent Flour PURITAN JVUM.nKS 1 SCHUYLI-U, NEB. 4fi Ragatz & Co. Double Missouri Chicago via the Chi on. 1 ininn and East of Everything an J full Information .ipply iMcltu K K or .UJrob C31. FnlcM and rau'r. Agl. Nortli - WiMorn Ky. OMAHA. NEB DOME DAY. LriRt night, my darllng,nN.von slept, I thought I heard you sigh, And to your littlo crib I oropt And watched a spuco thereby; And then 1 stoni.ed nnd kiwnl your brow 1'Vr, oh" 1 love you f.n You aro too young to know it now. Uut soma day you hlmli know Homo time, when in n ti.uk.ini plnco I nore otlinrs (num f. ,... lour oyes hhall look upnu n tneo Calm in otenml sleep; The spconliless lip.-, thn wrinkled brow, Tho lationt smiin slntlt chow You nro too young to know it now, Hut fiomo day vou hlmll know ' Look backward then, into tho years, And koo mo hero tonight See, O my darling 1 how my tonrn Aro falling ao 1 write, And fool once nioro upon yOI!r brow Tha kisfiof long ngo You aro too young to know it now. Hut some day vou shall know ' Kugenn Field, Advertised Lotters. Er. ,T. O. Clark. Mm t m.i. --- ... v,. win,,- SOU, IJ, Cnok. .Tnhn fin-l.!!.. w -,, ... ' f nun. lli'lllV (.alhors. . (. yor) Fi w ,e Mary l'atee, Georgia Path-rnin, .Toko l'nn Sohol., Mrs. l'earl Sloan. K.L """ " oiaim, .rnmos Woolard. 1 ;-