The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 26, 1905, Image 1

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Sjjt (Murafats
WHOLE !BKR 1,702.
ifM? ' ' A rg?r 5 ' -??"
is n convenient, info and suro way
of ranking inynuiit.
Intro for nny ntununt on cities in tint
United States. Ktmlniiil, Germany
nml other foreign countries.
Tho Flrftt National Bank
h correspondents tit nil town of lm
portnnco nml In roiiBtnntlv increasing
itri facilities mul undertakes to render
depositors tho best possible service.
Polico Go Prepared for Trouble, but
Meet With No Resistance.
St. Louis, July 20 Proceeding up
on Instructions Issued to tho St. Louis
police department by Governor Foil;
to eco that thoro be no violation of
tho antl-poolsclllng law nt Ifclinnr
raco track, about 100 police olllcern.
under command of Captuln McNamco,
marched Into Dclmar truck, nieetltiK
with no resistance In their entry
Eleven arrests wcro made. A rumor
that armed resistance might bo en
countered caused n patrol wagon hear
ing; a number of riot guns to be r.ent
to the scono, but beyond twelve olll
cora shouldering guns and telling the
crowd of spectators around the on
trance to stand aside tho guns wow
not tnado ubo of.
Train Holdup Frustrated.
Schenectady, N. Y July 20. A
holdup of oun of the New York Cen
tral's express trains was probably frus
trated hero. Tho local aant re
ceived word from Albany to havo po
lico at tho station when tho American
express train passed through hero
early this morning, as there wcro sev
eral men aboard ami fears wero en
tertained thnt robbery wan intended.
Tho train carries no passengers. Tho
stop signal was sot and tho train wan
brought to a hall and several of the
offlcors wero on tho scene. The stop
ping of tho train, however, must luivo
given tho Intruders a tip, for in an
Instant a dozen men wcro seen Jump
ing off tho train Into tho durknosn.
Homer Saloonkeepers Released.
Omaha, July 2C The motion for n
new trial in tho saloon conspiracy
caco of tho United States against
Ennin and Lulkhnrt, tho Homer na
loonists, has been granted by Judgo
Munucr and tho case dismissed. Tim
dismissal was tnado on the grounds
of tho decision of United States Sn
promo Justice Ilrowcr In tho IlefT
case, coming up from Kansas, where
in it was hold that Indians holding
allotments of lands wero regarded as
citliens of tho United States and that
they wcro entitled to all tho privi
leges and Immunities as such.
Norwegian Steamer Wrecked.
Eureka, Cal., July 20. Tho vessel
stranded near Capo Mendocino is the
Norwegian steamer Tricolor. A tug
has Just arrlvod' hero with tho entlro
crow of twenty-sovon soulr. Captain
Wold states that ho lost his reclam
ing and believed tho ship safe up to
tho time Kho struck tho rocks. The
steamer lies broadside on the beach
among the rocks. The vessel hi a to
tal loss. Her value is cstiuiutcd at
Kaiser at Wlsby, Sweden.
Wlsby, Sweden, July 20. The dor
man imperial yacht Hohenzollern,
with Emperor William on board, ar
rived hero.
Don't Neglect
Your teeth. Even a few
weeks delay will sometimes
prove injurious.
During my absence Dr. C.
V. Campl)ell, who comes
highly recommended sis a
skillful operator and sis a
gentleman, will have charge
of my practice and will do all
he can to please you.
13th Street.
Phono 110.
Dr. H. E, Naumann.
Stuff Association of Punui'i''
Kli'iittor Companies Moots at
jh'iiiliim llutel lleliiixl (Mus
ed Doors.
The Nobrinku Kuriiicr' drain anil
Live Stock Afsociutioii mot in Co
lutnhu last night Tim meeting wan
held in n room in tho Merldinn hotel
nud it lasted nil night. Tom Worrnll
nml ills attorney, 1' S. Howell of
Omnhii wore present to lay their rase
bnfore before tho big men of the Farm
er' Klcvntor companies ami tho In
dependent companies. Hut what was
done or said nt this notnbto mooting
will remain a scaled book. A Journal
reporter was refused admission to the
meeting Inst night nud when ho called
on Jus. T. liraily of Albion, state sou
rotary nml J. 9. Uunady ot Mindon.
prositlout, this morning ho roeoiveU
this torse bit of information:" You can
say that the board of directors had a
business mooting Inst night ; thnt after
tho business meeting there was n gen
eral meeting of members of thn asso
ciation nt which Tom Worrnl nml l'
S Howell wero present nml thnt nfter
the general meeting tho directors met
ngain. We have made plans, very doll
iittn plans for tnking up the fight,
lint what thoso plans nro is not rendy
for the press at this time. Our sossion
lasted nil nigh ami adjourned till
August lfi."
The local train dealers of Columbus
Know not him; of tho meeting Int
Tho board of directors of tho state
ut-Mir.iatinn consists of J 9. Canaiiy.
president, Mindon; J T. Hrndy, sou
rotary, Albion; O. U. Smith nud L.
A. Dot, Kearney 1). J. Gates, Albion ;
I). V. linker Itoiioilict: Jacob Eh lor,
Gretna; and II. II. Hank, Nobruskn
City. Henry lloinpol of Havolock
was piesmif representing tho farmers'
associations of Kansas and Frenmoro
of Wahoo roprsentod ', tho lndopon
dent dealers nt Nebraska, who nro not
innmbors of tho Grain Dealers Asso
ciation. In addition to thoo named nbnvo
thoro was nt tho meeting: J. W.
Honuott, Fullerton , J. K. Campbells,
Kullorton. ; J. 1 Mahonoy, Spalding ;
Win. Fimllay, Gntheiiberg.
A Fish Story.
iTiii'mIij'h Dail))
A parly of twenty jolly couples
r.hupo'onod by Mrs. Mnro Perkins
liavo made Lnlco Stevens a very jolly
place during tho past week. Mar
velous stories am being told about
Camp Umtntu. tho lisliing, tho camp
Hies and the nil night vigils. One
story which is vouched for, is that a
party of visitors from town wero being
rowed down tho lake by soiuu of the
campers who wero demonstrating the
pleasures of spnnring for carp by tho
light of a gosoliuo lamp. Tho two
men who wero in (lie front of tho boat
spearing, had lauded a number of carp
when one stdeil nu especially largo
.specimen. Ho aimed for it but missed
it, when to tho consternation of tho
young Indies of the party, the fish
made n Hying leap and lnmled iu thoir
laps. Amid n volley of lively scream h,
tho lish performed a variety of intricate
stunts in tho bottom of the boat, un
til the lauding was rcnohed, when the
intruder was taken to the light mid
examine was touud to bo a iluo fonr
pound blank bnss Tho fact that it
was absolutely uninjured proved con
clusively that its proMiuce in tho boat
was duo solely to an uucnntrollnblo
doilro to beoimi better acinniuted with
tho inhabitants of ('amp Utntntn. Tho
screams ot tho young ladies led the
rest of tho campers to think that some
one was drowning and a rescuing party
with lanterns covered tho distance of
three (uarters of a mile between the
camp mid the lauding iu an inorcdi
blv short time,
We are in formed that any one do
siring uninterrupted rest by day and
night would do well to join such a
party as that which broke camp on
.Monday to return to Iho routine of
life in town.
Mrs. F J. Robinson nml daughters,
Misses Grace nun list her of Omaha,
nro visiting Mrs. Robinson's motlmr
Mrs. M. Holders
FOUND. -A bravs door key, with
the No Vi. stamped on one end. Own
er ran have same by calling nt this
Newman i Wi Mi have nllkind ot
rnnl r, td.
Try our lilond coal. $3 U per ton
at thu yards. Newman A-, Welch, ('.id
Steven Waggoner
(Tiiiilti)' Dull) )
Steven Waggoner of Salt Lnke City,
brother of Mrs. .T. J. Parlies, died Inst
Saturday night of tuberculosis of the
ankle. His body will be brought to
Columbus for interment. The deceas
ed was forty seven years old nml was
well known iu Columbus.
He came to this vicinity in lss:i nml
lived here until IS'.M, Since that time
ho has been in the government civil
service employ.
The remains will reach Columbus
Thursday morning nt is o'clock nml
funeral service will bo held in tho M.
K. church nt II o'clock. Two sisters,
Mrs. G. A. l'rlde nml Mrt. J. J.
Bnriips, will be the only relatives
District 44 and Vicinity.
Fred Stcngor is putting up n new
met nl lie tower windmill nu his farm.
Threshing ie the ordor of thu day in
thii neighborhuotl. xho Mntuvja out
fit is threshing for Fred Stengel's big
winter whent crop. Otto Helden'stnw
outfit pulled into Kichnrd Adnmy's
Sunday to throsh from the shock Mr.
Ailnuiv's fine crop of wheat. Mrs.
.ybneh is also threshing from the
Z Oats In this neighborhood are rather
light. And corn has not grown much
during tho cool wenthor ot tho last
fivo days.
People hnvo begun cutting I heir
nativo hay which is a fine crop.
It keeps the flies from all kinds
oi stock by simply spraying or
applying with sponge or brush
Quarts, half gal. and gal. cans.
Chas. H. Dack, Druggist.
Fight in Saloon.
A list light took place nt noon toi nv
in tho saloon of Felix Smngnc. on
Eleventh street between Kd 1'owers,
laborer on tho Uii'on I'noiilo coal
nhutns, nud n stranger Tho stranger
got tho worst of tho argument to the
extent of n black eye.
The men wero playing cards in tho
rear of the saloon mid tho trouble
arose over tho gnme. Powers got
away before tho police arrived, but
the htraucer was taken to the lockup
to sober up.
Chief of Police Schnnk says that
if it appears that tho men wore plav
ing for money o complaint will bo
filed against the place.
Nets Hassellmlch and party ot St.
Kdward arrived in Columbus today on
their return from a huroneaii trip
They report a gtont time.
Shorill Canig mid Olllcer Jim Nel
son sont tho forenoon today looking
over the hoboes who had como recent
ly to Columbus. They wero in search
of a man who escaped from jail at
Kearney, but nobody was found an
swering tho doHcriptlou.
In district court George Dorr usks
permission to sell certain laud from
too oitate of Arthur IS. Dorr, deceas
ed, to satisfy debts amounting to $1700.
Scores Big Insurant Companies.
Uoston.'Jiiljr 2C Scathing criticism,
pointed) condemnation and nrco de
nunciation of thft methods and course
of tho big Insurance companies, char
acterize the annual report, of Fred
erick I,. Cutting, roniiuihsloncr of In
surance for MuhkucIiuscUh. The m
port. Is i exhaustive u iH invlew ot
methods, employed by high insurunco
ofllelald during tho past heveral yrars,
to whom ho alludes in iionm Instances
as "Judasfs" and to ouo company as
tho "Dr. .lokyl and Mr. Hydo" com
pany, and contains a mforumnidutinu
thul tho legislature tako up the mat
ter of deferred UivUlnuda and tho re-
latloiiH botwoen.insuranco companle.i
and their allied trust companies ami
other qurRtlonriwlthi view or com
pelling reform.
Baseball Results Yesterday.
American League- Chicago, ?;
Philadelphia, R. St. jiila, 4; New
York, 10. Clovoland, 0; WaHlilngton.
9. National fjcaguo Itiooldyn, :t, St.
Imls. 4. New York. 7. Cincinnati, 2;
Philadelphia, ; CIiIcmco, . Hot Inn,
0; Flttabnrg, 7 American Association
Kansas City, 2; St. Paul, 3. Milwau
kee, 7; Minneapolis, 111. Indianapolis,
1; Columbus, M. Louisville, ;!, To
lodo, 2. Wohtern League Kloux City,
.'; Donver, f. Dps Moluoa, S; Pueblo,
G. Omaha, 5; St. Joseph, H.
Adds Little AidR Much
'raking u camera with you on
your vacation cimtii Init a t ri
de, but it's a great help to
ward having a good time.
Con.e and talk Camera with us.
EdJ. Nlewohner
Tho Jeweler
Mrs. Dan Corocran of Ooiiou, daugh
ter of Air. mid Mrs. Frank llnrton is
dying nt tho hospital of blond poison
ing. She underwent two operations
before sho was brought hero n week
ago and nuo since. She leaves n little
boy two years old besides her husband.
Favorsble Weather Hao Cauced Rapid
Growth of Corn.
Vi-hiui;:on, July 2ti. Tho weekly
btilh tin of tin weather bumm sum
iiiarl::i (ioi iiindltious uh follows:
r.unii liii uimiIiit litis caiinrd nip lil
nrnutli nr mi ii mul, wild very row rn.-ep-lliu
I., iin- noi Is In rki'i'llt'iit vwudltluii.
('hi ii Is Im'Iiiiiiiik Id '-l ruin Iu Kuumuh.
U Inii i- wiieiit luiivfhl Is ni'iiily ouniplet-
I'll III I III! llllllliul WllPUt Ntlltl.'N ami
llni'i.liliii:, ivlilili Is well uiltuiici'ii, nIiuwh
ki.iiii uf iiiiuil ylilil uinl cixtU (juiillty In
liiill.inii, lllliniN uuil NebiiiHkii, nllb fulr
lrlU nml Kimil iiiullly Iu Kiiiims, lUlu-t
li.ui! drliyril tlircNliIng Iu VllitlnU uml
.Miil.vluml Mini uiiummI turtlii'i- (luliiuge In
ictuln In sliiiil. or stuck In Vlrglnlu, Ui-ii
Iih-Lt, MlNNimrl, oi.lulionm unit TemiH. On
In mirth I'nrlllij ion-it wliit.-r wlinil l
iIh-uIiik rulilly Iu Wusliliib'tuii, wlirru
Lurvuatlsg U Iu full pmifii'HM mul liuiwit
Is Knn-ral In Orocmi, with guoil yli'Mti.
Hprltif wheut bus iiiitlniii'il to iiilvuni-o
fuvnrulily Iu lie- r.irliifj n-lii-ul rcitlmis, lliu
csrly sunn U Inuilril uml IIIIIuk will uinl
tlll Illll WMVB llt'lllllUK IN Nullll llllklllll,
tin- cully Ih niuturltiu In Sunt Ii Itukutu uinl
WIhi'diikIii uml Ilia unp Is nrnil)- n-inljr
In rut Iu luu. Allium lilmk iiikI Ik
niiKitid fiuta scalicrvil luiullllis Iu Mln
iti'sotii mul tli liuknluH, mi ii t ii t t-t lit 1 iluui
uu' I" Miiuwn unit with fuoiuliU wnilln-r
riiUiJIIInUS hrllullM lujlliy In Hut llllllrlpill I'll,
CiilllJilullltH of Mill lit un c.i-1 r.l fliilll
Suiitli Dukuls, iril riiKt In t'nlDinilu uml
iii'1-.l HdIiIm nf Nurlli DkIkiIii uml hniin
luilk'lng In WlxrnUklu, vlilc In Wieililiiutiiii
(li'-.lcriillnir wIihIh liuvn Inin Injur I. nu In
tbn irnp Iu ILu lllllag kt uml lumcd
In thft prlnrlpsl nut pn.ilnrtnit nimIi-s
hni'Ttntlsf of I kls srop l well iiihiiiiccil,
wlill iu ! (( asitlierly dlilrlitu out
ure htasMDfy tksj SHflF sawa aro luutiiilui;
rupidlf uml karj'wlU be euiat durlns
tbo oemlog ms "fce srop Kfm-rally Is
In prmlidsr svadltloa, ultuniigb fiuilly
I'lilili'd U Ulils asd avuic cuiiiplulntx uf
luilglng urftti.-lTd from Washington.
Willi I ln fptlaa of OlliitniiiiH, Kan ami WIhidhu adtrirm iipuiln re
Hpi'tlng apulus am Imrlviil fium ull m-i:-tloaii.
. -.
ftaylatf liaa btrn drliiypil hy rulnw In
Vtrglajs7 sad ortlonn of lhi unit nll.-y,
au ti.'B(ildasMs datnuge In liny Is ii'p.nt
nl frnnrfOMekoaM, MImskiI und Hmiilii-rn
llllnnlH,- f;iHwtir gunil crop Is ln-liu
nttuiudfundar dsvarasl raadltliiiis.
Angle'vVlns M. and M. 8take.
T)'lrolt, July 26. Twelve thousand
peoplo saw4 Annie, chest nut mure,
owned by C. Morris of Cleveland, and
driven by Sfitindi'is, win tbo flO.tion
MerchantH aur Maiiiifacliirers stake
at I lie rirossn I'olnto limit.
Martin a Candidate for Senator.
Ililiilwooil, S. I)., July IMi. CoiiKiess
mini i:. V. Martin announced to his
Khteli I lllln newspaper fi lends that ho
would ho a cuudhlalo for llio position
of I'ulteii .Stuieii hi'tiator from .South
Buaincau Portion in Ruins.
Council, Wash , July lid. Two-thirds,
nf Council'.. IiiirIiicjh tllslilct is In
nilun a i Hie Miiiilt of u lire which
oiliMtiateil iu i ho Connell ProKiess
liulhllns by the cxplnnlon of a bottle
of acid. Lors, tln0,000. t
Convicted Man Cannot Again Hold
Any OKico Placed Under $2,0C0
Bail Pending Hearing of His Case
by Higher Court.
Portland, Ore., July 2C.. Unllcd
States Senator Mitchell, convicted of
using bin oflicj or United States sen
ator to further the law practice of the
firm or Mitchell H. Tunncr of this city,
was sentenced to pay a lluo of $1,0U0
and six mouths penal hcrvitiido.
PoiiiIIiik a review of tho case by tho
mipreiur i-omt or tho United States
execution of the sentence will be de
ferred. Iu tbo meantime Mitchell will
be placed under bull to tho amount
of $2,000.
In proiiouncluK sentence uon the
urciI United Stules senator,
Dellaven said: "Tho statuto under
which tho Indictment wiih found pro
vides that the offense shall bo pun
ished by Imprisonment of not more
than two years or by a lluo of not
more than $lo,OU0. It also icmlera
tho defendant Incapable uf ni;aln hold
ing nny otTIco of tiust or profit In
the United States. In teaching a con
clusion iu this cane, I have ttlven
eontdderution to the age of the de
fendant, which may be taken Into ac
count In mitigation of punishment,
and the further fact that he Is for
ever hereafter dlsiualllled lioai hold
ing ofllcp. In view of these lacts, and
In couslderjllon of the mil ure of the
offense, thi judgment nf the court Is
that the dereuilaul he IniprKnncd for
Fix mouths iu tbo county Jail of Mult
nomah county. In this stule, and
that he be lined the sum or $1,0(10."
Cobban en Trial for Land Frauds.
Helena. Mont., July 20. The trial
nf It. M. Cohhau of Missoula for
niibornallou of perjury In connection
with t.Pi'icr laud onlrlos In western
Mont : nu lifMii before Judge Hunt.
I'nlted States Attorney Maynard, In
nut lining the case to tho Jury, said it
would be shown that Cobban and C.
flrlsv.ohl entered Into a conspiracy to
luduie ninny men and women to enter
itjiou laud, to he afterwards trans
ferred lo Cobban. The land wan suh
flciuetitly acquired by Seiiutor Clurk,
ami in another suit now before Hie
supremo court of the United RtotcB
the government Is seeking to set aside
Clurk's title to tho land. (IrlKwoh!
Is a governiiirut witness, the Indict
ment ucalnst him having hci u an
Charge That Drawbacks Are Paid Mer
chants Being Investigated.
Kansas City, July 2ti. At Its sen
rIoii In this city today the lutersluto
commerce commission will commence
tin investlcutloti of reports legiirdiug
tbo (icoi'e L. Thomus Merchants
Transportation bureau of Now York,
whereby, it Is claluicil, the big shlp
pcrti of Kiiusas City alone leceivo in
tho neighborhood or $l!2r,H00 a year
iu rebates on freight shipped from
the east. Kansas City, however, hi
but one of many cities on tho Mlssouii
ami Mississippi rivers to have nier
cbniils Included in the bureau, and it
is eslimuted that through this bureau
between r.O.Oi ni.OOO and IlOii.nmi.Olin
ioi:iiiIk of freight an annually routed
to lite 100 shippers who coiupnse It.
Tho Missouri ilver towns whose larso
shippers are IiiiIihIi il in Hie Imieuu
nio Kaunas City, Omaha, St Joseph,
Atchison, ljcavctiwoith and Sioux City.
Commercial Travelers Talk Inc-rnnce.
Put-In- Hay, ()., July L'ti. At tin- ses
sion of Iho liileiuiillou'il I'VMlciailou of
Commercial Tiuveleis' organization,
J. K. Kater of Columbus nilvocuteil I'eil
rial suierislou of insurance, cxpicsK
ing the opinion that all such business
should hit subject lo hones! and Ire
(il"llty reeiirieul Inspect loll, lie hc
IIcvim (here Is a glowing demand lor
ledeivl inspection. K. it. Hodge ot
lies Moines inhocatcd couseivalism
In iusiiiauee as a safegii'ird to com
panies and public, nud publicity to
eillli-ali! the people along the lilies of
onsen ,'iilsui. Deli oh has been r,c
lceteit IIS the next llieetlug place.
President Objectc to Booklet.
Spohaue, Wash., July 20. I'icHlileut
Ftoosevell. has objected lo Kpol.ane's
llleiatnro beailng his poiintit on the
thhi pagf. Sccietary Mouioe nl Hie
chamber of coiumcne recehcil a let
ter requesting the withdrawal ol the
brocbuie on the "Lewis ami Clark
Tiall" fioui publication. The lettei
declares Hint President Itonscvelt is
very nun Ii opposed to the appeiirani n
of his pot trails In ailveriiseineniH of
any chiiiacter and tcquests Unit the
booklet, of which the eover was en
closed, bo liuiueiliately iccalleil Irom
circulation. Tho icquuBi will bo com.
8lJqOwJUi, - "
"ciUilcil, y(. 3, ,,.
pioteetnl iigiiiiiht he.-.
A sure way ,.HMV
money. Vmi are nlwiis
in a piHilion io f.,. ,.;),
nt any hunk. oii't
catty money while imv
cling. Iluy one ol these
eb. cks.
Columbus State Bank
Guc:clnu on What William and Nlch
olnc Talked About.
HI. I'eteraburg, July 20. Oosslp and
ronjecluto are busy with tho reasona
for and results or tho meeting be
tween Kmpfior William anil Emperor
Nicholas off tho Island of lljorkoe,
but tho return of tho Russian Im
pel iul party to P 'terhor has added
nothing dellulte to the luformntloi: re
garding tho subjects dhcusHcd or tho
conclusions reached at tho private In
tervlews between Iho two sovereigns.
Under the circumstances no authorita
tive statement can bo made ami tbo
only Information vouchsafed la that
the convoisntloiiH wero extiemely cor
dial and friendly. The heller that tho
meeting will iiiiiKo for peaco wiir re
flected on the iMiurse, imperial 4'h ris
ing a roll point. The importutico ot
tho meeting Is recognized In tho presi
comments of nil shades of opinion.
Various conjectures are advanced as
to Its real meaning, but they arc all
admittedly guess work.
Allege Plot by the Turks.
Constantinople, July 20. Tho com
mission which htii been Inquiring Into
the attempt on tho lire of tho sultan
Is believed to have obtained Informa
tion Indicating that It was a Turkish
plot, but jib thin would never ho ad
mitted, oven If proved, tho authorities
lire iiidtiHlrloiinly creating rho impres
sion that the In it ii 1 outrage was (bo
woil; of Kuropcuu auaichistn.
Strike nt Warsaw.
Win saw, July 20. l-'our thousand
woikmen iu the Warsaw Iron wmkn
mid Ti.tMiO iu tho Dombrowu Steel
woilts Htiuck for higher wages. The
striking ImliciH destioyed a baker
shop Iu Crochowska street and Iu tho
dlstui hance whlih followed, ono per
bnn uns Killed.
Relnforccmento for Llnevltch.
SI. Petersburg, July 20. Uelnlorcc
nienls for Hencrul Llnevltch aro stead
ily being f'jrwiiidi'd. Tlio Thirteenth
nt my corps, the headquarters or which
nie at Smolensk, will leuvo for tho
front nct week,
LaFollettc Drawn a Crowd.
Storm Like, ,i July 20. Over
R.0UII people heard (iovorunr It. M. I.ti
Kolleltc leeturo tin "Ueptesentatlvo
(ioveruineni" at the Clututauqiia. Ap
plause was frequent. He advocated
tho primary system, Height ruto legis
lation and purity In politics.
Three Children Perish in Fire.
Denver, .inly :0.- While Suhlmtlnu
dl Domlnho and 1 1 Irs wife weie woil:
lug In their mai'Ket garden In Utteat
pail, t!u-ii- Hiree .wiuugcst ililldieii
weie hllined to death unit the uliliiti
eight years old, was terribly injiued
Iu a lire which destioyed their sum
mer Mtchcu.
Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist.
Oho of the largest and best
equipped dental odiees in
the state.
Viti.illiul flir lor P.ilnlii.v.
The kind that is safe anil never
Come in and have your teeth
examined and get our estimate
on your sMitk. It will cost you
nothing anil we give u useful
souvenir to each caller.
All work K'luruutccil.
Over Nii-wuliiii-r's cur. Kith uml Oily SU.
S.l!. riiriirr nfil'.-irl..
Ilnth I'hum-n,