The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 19, 1905, Image 7

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No Ii. CMimi.'iSivi.iI . Vl i it
fu I, liiiuiiii' I r it t r- him it ii.
V .Ninth I i I i . .' U i l
fiii ill, I u-i ,M, I - I ii
l"ll t., IjI'IiTii 1 . I l Mi,, . , t It
tStt ' tlllTlllllil I Iltll. . t I III
t' ' l.lll III I'll'llilll t .11 I. II,
w fs imi Mi, l IN I INK
'I ,i, ( tllill.lhill Mlill (llltlll l. I 'II I' III
It ll.llllll, Slvl,,l , . I I. II It III
.'II II I ,I lil , It I ' ,1 It.
ml I, I 'll'M in. I l.liinlit, , I I' I HI
tS" , I lllillll lit I H,itf I i" I Mi
N I III I'lilll.- I.H.O.. . lll'.l in
ftn .I, I Ml I li'UllI . i i lili ii ii.
Mllll nl h llll Willi.
.III ' I'linn. IikHI. ... . . '-.0I III
'in ii, Vli,tl J 1 ii. in
.in .ill, I 'it-...j ., 't, ,
.Vi in .Mi in. I ; i, ,i
M llluN VNH iI'M.lil'.ll llll .N('II.
. i. i. I'nimil
ll .11, Pll"l'lli!l'l t!Jil, III
Nil in, Anxi'il .... . . i mia in
fu !!!, I'h-iuiiikik u'v, , ,',,
ftn ni. Muni MM, in
Niiifulk iiiiutiiii'i'r liiilii inn il ul),
Nil Irullin mi Alliimi mill Up il,lU; limni'1
All iimln Hint itihniii,t r li-ilnt il ill)
VV. II. III. Nil m, Annul.
Time Table
Bt. Joaoph,
Kiusan City,
Bi Louln mid .ill
pulntu Baal and
Unit Lnlto City,
Ban I'r. induce
mul a I I polnti
TIHINH llM'Vlll.
Nil..!.! I'liMHinnur, iliiil) except Sutiiliir 7 ." u. n
Nn. :l'- Arroiiiinii.liittiii, ilull) cii..
Hiilurilii) I ,".o p ii
Nh. 11 IWi'iik'or.iluil) iimnii Miitiitii) '. i i, i
No. .11 Ann Iixlallnli, il.-tiU eiiit
rliilliliO il p. n
Special Reduced
Excursion Rates
Detroit mul return. Quo turn pint.
ti (M). On kiiI ti Aug. i:i mul 1 1.
Pittsburg unil roturn. Ono fiiro plus
SJ 00. On Kiln Aug. 17th mul ISth.
Klchuioiul Vn. mid return. One faro
plus f.' 00. On srilo Aug. s tli anil
lllh inclusive.
Philadolnhin, Point ,mnl return. One
fnro plusf.'.tH). On sale Sept nth, nth
mul Kith.
Cheap rates during thn Mimmcr to
Chicago, Milwaukee mul Wnlukislin,
Wis., St. l'uul., Minneapolis mul
Duluph, Minn.. Muckiiiiifi islniul untl
Maeklnnw City, Mich . Deadvvnnd,
Lead mul to Hot Sprint's S. I)., mul
otlnir pliieps Wisconsin mul Minnesota
.1. A. Knhn, A. O F - l. A.
l-'OI Fntnhnm St., Omaha, Nob.
For tho Diiviil City Clitiulniiiiiiii tho
Kurliugtnu oilers rouinl trip tickets at
T,i cents from Columbus .Inly -,M to :!0
uieluRivo. limited to imurii July ill m.
TIiIb year's progiam lor tho Chnu
tiiuiiiu Is Mrnngor tlimi ovrt bolero.
Among thn lecturers uio Hon. Frank
Dixon, Dr Thomas K. (Sioen, llmvoy
iinrmon, Hov. F. .1. Van Horn, Ii 11
Niokorshmu, Thomas Met'lary mm
John It Clarke Music mul ontottnin
iiniiil wilt lin furnished liy thn l.iiiilnir
Alnlo gnmtot ami Hull Uinnif,; thn
OlilraRo Lynmni liailtns (.itiartnt . Mr.
ami Mrs. Wallueo l?ruco AruiRlinrv. I
A HiiiKor mul nntnitainnrN; Koksi'iiuio,
furtooniHl mul i-lay uioilnlnr; tiin coin
lirateil Kathoriun Krlv Kowilnn Coin.
10 Per Ct. -Discount -10 Pet CI.
Wo have just received
winch wo will nH'or furono
Valonccionos insorsion ho.'i(linu.s, i'nut inj.;. ovorylhiiitf
the latest, and linest in tho cilv.
A stack of Iho iroatost
city. Almost I roe.
Hero are just a low nf
ojl'ered this week.
Silk Novelty (ioods, regular
Morcori".od ('rope Hoc now
Men's Suits $10 now
Men's Suits $i..r0 now
Wo moot all prices of
505 11th Street.
Aflonts For TI10
pauy, proFiiitiu thn Pusiimu 1'lny mul
lMotorml "Hiawatha" ailnptril fioui
Lotiufcllow s h'jjoiul and HtiKMiow'.s
toll contort baml.
For (nil Infoimntioti ri'cardlni train
nrvici' uU thn ajji'iit
Ii. F. .Knclor, Arnt.
Hnu't inn tli' rt-Ic o( lo'tlnu' votir
uniiti in the lit Id, In the stack or in
tin1 Mil A .-iiiull iiiM'Miuniit in onn
nt nur ii liiililo untln iuFurnncn i iiiu
P'liin a ill protoi'l iui trntu all pus
llil Iiivm ami cnnliln you to simp wit h
nut w.nry It will Mirprlt-o ou lunv
liltln II i'osI Sio i:h.
Iini'hnr. llncknnhnrnor V Uliaiiilicrs
i I'rniii tin' Wni hi I
Wlilln in a frinndly muiDIo with Mil
l.nn Wt'dni'Hlay ivitiiti Frntik Frlfo
mem veil a piinful siraln in IiIh rlht
toot. At lirht it wai thmiK'ht tlmt tho
mikln was thrown nut of Joint lint Into
ilnvnlopninnts provod only a wvorr
sprain. Ho is alilu to lin around by
thn aid of a crutch.
A. WllorlitiK who visited at tho
Iiowcry lioinn l'ivt ThurMlny mul Fri
day wont to MiiiImiv. Friday evening
whom on Saturday ho was to dispone
or a car load o( wostoru liorscn which
ho recently nhlppoil to that point. Mon
day inoriiitij,' work was couiiunnued on
tho now lirlck liulliliiii to ho erected
liy llalin HroK iV. Hold. Graders he
Kan cottini: tho dirt out to that tho
tiuildiii will lin on the proper eleva
tion. The contract for thn nulliting
has hooii lot to Koine Sc.iitmor contrail
tors who are already on tho uroutid.
The building whot; complete will coNt
in tho iioiKhtiorlinml of 1 0,000.
News inachoil hern Wednesday ol
the death ot County Surveyor Jesse
Hoard's daughter of Stanton. Tho
particulars as they woro told here aro
that Miss Heard and mother young
lady woio in thn Flkhorn hathing when
Miss Hoard's friend went hoyond hor
depth ami in trying to reseuo hor MUs
Heard was ilrowned. Surveyor Heard
was Miivoylng for Mr. Connor north
of Creston when thnuccidoig happoiied
ami intelligeucn was carried to him
liy one nt Mr. Connor's men.
St. Edward.
1 1 mm tin' Ailwuii'i'. I
It is tepnrted (hat Malono, tho man
who shot four times at Nick Coppouk
"overal weeks ago, has boon arrested
charge il with intent to kill.
John Fngnlsnng left Wodnosday for
Frmunnt called by n tolegrani saying
Hint his brother, Fred FogoUong.who
was seriously injured several weekB
ago is much worso.
Tho Mioses .Tentiio ami Anna Powell,
jr.. Mr ami Mrs. T H. Wood, F. J.
Howell, Mr mid Mrs Leonard Hohl
Viola 1'arrett ami Delia l.add ot Al
bion, ami Lawereucn Hohl of Leaven
worth, Kaus., composed an outing
party that spent last Sunday very
pleasantly about three miles south of
St. Kdwaril. Tho home talent com
pany was greeted by a large, and
appicciative audience Thursday oven
in at the npi'iu houso desplto tho ex
cessively hot weather Tho play was
highly nppi eclated and was just a little
the best that has been at thw opera
iioumi thih yenr.aud lellectscreat credit
upon Mr. Albert Toinsou who put the
play on.
Hoy McFavdon, son of F. L. Mo
layileu tormorly ot (ionoa, was killed
at FalrtiiN, H. I) July I i, by a hurri
cane. Fourteen other poopln worn in
jured by thn storm and the injuries
in a few cases will piovn Intnl. Fnlr-
;i new lino ul' Zimi Itcos on
wool; MflioniinLnf lo iioi oont
remnant harains in the
our uthor many bargains
"c now
07 u
. $7.50
. $5.00
Columbus, Nob.
.Stuindnrd iit.t.orn.s.
fax Is lu llosobnd ronorvAttoti .where
Mr P. L. MuFnydeti nud fntnllr have
resided since tho opening ot the nmor
vntnlou. Hoy MeFnydeti tho unfortn
uato yonuug man was it brother to
M1fn Nellie McFarden who wan nmo
ctatnd this reason with thn Smith sis
ters in the nillMnery business.
The farmers are busy harvesting
wheat this week, end tho reports are
from all nuarters that the wheat crop
this year will bo the best lu many
years. Despite tho wet weather.there
is no evldeno eof rust in tho wheat.
Journal Specials.
(. H. Prelb, painting j ami paper
lunging. dwtf
Diamond O. hams and bacou nt Hor
man Kersenbrock's.
tor chickens at Kmst&Hrock's. Phono
US. tf
Huy your hanlwaro nt wholesale
prices nt Cloos and tickling's. Closing
out salo. tf
Try our Hiond Coal. .' n ton at
ynrds. Newman & Wolon,
fit Ollleo east of North Opera Houso.
T'ousors mnde to order from l.r0
np. Fit nnd woikniatisliip guaranteed.
8. K, Haker, back of Dr Naummius
Dental Parlors.
All kinds of coal. Hock Springs,
Komnterer slack nnd other good coal
for threshing.
Newman & Welch,
lit. Otllen east of North Opera House.
Now is tho time to buy Tour year's
supply of hanlwaro. Yon can i-avo
from ar to m cents on tho dollar.
Oloos and Uehling. tf.
Now is the chance to make tho de
lightful trip to Californlafor just one
half of tho exponso incurred in mak
ing tho trip nt any other time. Don't
S)8tH)iie for yon may not soon again
bo ollerod tho low rates of I1T1.IXI to
SanFranolsco, Santa Harbarn. Los An
geles, San Diego and many other Cali
fornia points. Literature about Call
fornin free on application to W. II.
For first class oloaning nud repair
ing, both Indies nud gents clothing,
hooS. C Haker, back ot Dr. Nnumauns
Dental Parlors. lw'.'d
HAHOAIN8.-Screen doors for r.0
cents ; Ice cream freeers for $I.:I0;
gasoline stoves forl.7fi. Those ate
only n few of tho hnrdwaro bargains
ollerod by Oloos and Holding. tf
Notice to Non-Resident Deiendant
Mrs. Itoso Farnait will tnko notice
that on tho 7th day of June, loo.-.,
William O'Brien, n justice of tho
penco lu nud for tho city of Colum
bus, Plntto county, Nebraska, issued
an ordor of attachment for tho sum ot
t','0 in nu nctiou pending before him
wherein H. J. Arnold is plalntitl nud
Hose Farnan is defondnnt, nud ibat
tho following property has been at
tachnd under said order tnwit : One
folding bed, one dresser, one box of
household gooOs, one barrel o house
hold good.-, one stove mid one chair.
Said cause is continued to tho ."list
day of July, : '.HO, at nine o'clock a.m.
II. .1. Arnold, plaintilV.
Dated July lOOfi. :iwksd
Citizens nro hereby untitled to trim
up their trees in compliance with the
ordinance which requires them to bo
trimmed up at least eight feet from
the ground. Untrimmed trees inter
fern with lighting tho streets nnd nro
a nuisance. HvOrdornf City Council.
in County Court.
Two suits were filed yesterday in
county court.
August Wngncr snrd Dr. Uortrodo
McCnhey for an attorney's fee of IIOO
nnd tho Sherrod Cigar Conijwny sued
Harry Hrowor of Corn lea on nn an
connt of 00. :to.
A Surprise Party.
TA pleasant surprisn jmrty may bo
givou to your stomach nud liver by
taking a modicino which will roliovo
their pain and discomfort, viz. Dr.
King's Now Llfo pills. Thoy nro n
most wonderful remedy, adorning
mi in roliof and euro, for headache,
di.iuess nnd coiiBtipntion uVt cents nt
OIiiih. DnckH tlrutr store.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notino Is hereby given that tho
partnership horoforo existing botwoon
L. W. Wenvor nnd II. (J. Newman,
under tlio firm name of Weavor &
Newman is hereby dissolved by mu
tual consent. Wo desiro that nil ao
noiits duo tho 11 rm bo snttlnd on or
before August 15,
H. C. Newman
Itw L. W. Wenvor
The Diamond Cure.
Thn latest nows from Pnrls is, thoy
liave discovered diamond cum for con
sumption, if you fear consumption or
puoumnnin, it will, however, bo host
for you to tnko that great remedy
mentioned by W. T. Mcdee, of Van
leer, Tenn," I had n cough for four
teen years. Nothing helped me, until
I took Dr. Kings Now Discovery for
Consumption, coughs and colds, which
gave instant relief and oirected per
Mieiit euro."l'noitml(id euro for throat
mul lung troubles, At Chns. Dnnks
drug store price M) centH and fl guar
anted. Trial bottle tree.
Wtcrit Arc Two Knt'tnr In the Pritlt-ti-ni,
ii n tulirrlli'il Trmli'iii' mul
'iiilnnt l'rnrtli-t' ilir Orlulii of
tin- IniiNtr I'roclltll).
That the great majority of ihtsoiw
(ho the right bund with greater skill
Until the left U dntibtUNs due to two
lutlueiuvrf - an lunate proclivity a ..I
constant practice. The prefmeiue
shown by most Infants at the age of
one iar for the use of tin tight hand
proves that there Is an liihi'iltcl tt ul
ency. Further evidence of It N f n.n I
lu the greater ease with . filth iiti e.t
tlrely new Hit li performed b, the rly'it
than by the left hand. Training, bow
over, It mi liiiHrtiuit fiictor. A nut t lire
person, having lost the right huiid l
accident, can acliliue wonders with
tho other If he only exercises patience.
perseverance and a strong will.
Tho more ijisterlotis of the two fac
tors In tlilM problem Is the liibnin loud
ency. How did It arise'.' There are
exceptions to the rule. Perhaps two
out of every hundred babies are left
handed. Hut when you to think of
It the natural luclliialloii of the other
ninety eight N rciuiirUuhlo. A great
many physiologists haxe speculated In
regard to Its cause without reaching
any conclusion upon which all could
Dr. (ieorge M. Could sayn lu the
Popular Science Monthly that rigid
huudcdiiiss Is so thoroughly iugratliit
ed In human nature that It must h.uo
been partially developed lu the sawtgii
ancestors of the nice. Primitive mini,
lu his opinion, must have felt a dcllultc
need for tho exercise of his right hand
lu preference to Ids left, mid that no
eesslty must have been recognized mul
olie.M-d for ii long period continuously.
The Impulse could not well have dic
tated his habits In eating, for knives
mid forks nro of recent origin, tho
modern gun had not been Invented,
nud writing was practically unknown.
Moreover, In Much operations as chip
plug arrowhead, weaving baskets and
wielding clubs, bows mid arrows It
could not have mattered much which
hand was employed.
When warfare had been carried to
such a stage of adwinccmcnl as to In
volve the use of a shield, however, that
object was probably held on the left
side lu order to protect the heart. Then
its a matter of convenience the right
arm was left free for the more active
function of lighting with spear and
Hwonl, ami with habitual exercise
came special skill. An attendant phe
noineiion was a liner orKiiui.atloii of
that particular center lu the bralu
which controlled these movements and
which was situated lu the left half of
the organ. The brain Is the real seat of
till dexterity, and something
place there lu correspondence with e
ternal elllcleney. Willi mi Increase
use of the right hand, Dr. Could thinks,
there must have been greater deiiinuls
upon tho right eye, because vlsl hi must
precede the order to NtrlUe or to giro
peaceful signals. In this way there
may have been developed n keener
power of Moo In tho right eye than In
the loll. Dr. Could assumes that thero
was and declare that "right handed
people are right eyed" and that lu (heir
brains the center of vision In on tho
left side, in close proximity to that gov
erning the tight arm.
While civilization wan yet nt n low
level communication was carried on,
especially with strangers, largely lu
the sign language, llarter laid the
foundations of arithmetic mul called lu
lo play the digits. Tho preference nl
rc.uly given to the right hand In battle
may hao guided men in the choice for
this service nud also In nlllclal and so
clal ceremuules. Computation, Dr.
Could polnta out, was nu Intellectual
process which wua conducted lu the
Hpecch center of the brain. Nature was
compelled to take sides lu locating the
latter, and who placed It to the left of
tho middle. Dr. Could thinks that tho
cltolcn was governed by the employ
ment of tho right blind for giving sig
nals. So Intlmutely related aro tho
functions of spisrh and vision and
the control of the muscular efforts with
tho right arm that action would bo
quicker If the eorobral centers control
ling them Were closely associated.
Iteforo discussing thn cause of left
handedness Dr. Could calls attention lo
tlio fact that with light handed people
tho left hand Is occasionally called ii
on to perform a task of greater Impor
tance thun its finite. In eating the
fork Is used tnoro than tho knife, lu
playing n violin or violoncello tho lin
gering Is done with tho left hand and
the bowing with tho right. It Is sag
gested that Home of these operations
may result from tho mipcrlorlty of the
right eye. Perhaps the Utter can watch
ond guide them better when they are
fpurfonncd with the left than with the
right hand.
Left lifiudcdnc8N Is considered by Dr
flouM an Inheritance from ancestors,
savage or civilized, who worn obliged
by Home inlsfortiuio to abandon tho use
of thn right hand. An even morn Inllu
ontlal injury, ho thinks, would have
keen as to tlio right eye. With the cul
tivation of skill with tho left hand, ho
believes, thorn followed it changit lu
tho organisation of the brain. Owing
to disease tho center, which had for
merly controlled action, lost Its vigor
nnd that on tlio opposite side lU'ittilivil
Increased power. Dr. Could sas that
the speech center was also transferred
from tlio hit side to the light of tin1
brain In nunoiiiciice, In the trausmts
hIoii of the ci I'ehnil peculiarity to olT
spring ho lltuls the key to the inaulfes
1 u1 Imi of left hitiiih'iliicss at a tender
age New Via k Tribune,
F.Nperlence Is a Jewel, mul It need ho
so, for It Is often purchased, at tin lull
nuto rote. Kbukesncuro.
THi of Hip old Milo Wlinlrr In
file I'.nrlr ln.
In the early ila,ij there was a regu
lar Hue of packet'? between St. Lotlls
and St .lou'ph, all side wheelers, and
the averap' inutid dip occupied eight
days. A boat loft St. I.ottls every day
for the Missouri river, ami as there
wore fourteen boats lu the line each
boat made a round trip once every two
weeks during the season. During tho
winter the boats ran between St. IaiiiU
mid New Orleans,
Coming up the river the boat ran
II uh'ht, I tit lu going down they ul
ways laid tip in ! mii as darkness set
hi In g ilug diun the liver the boats
UMiall.v loll St. Joicph early lu tho
afternoon anil laid up for the night at
Wcstou, where there was alvviis a lot
of Height to 1 1. id The next day they
went to l.c.liigttiii, the next to lloon
vlllf and the nest to St. I.otils, Occa
sionally dining high water a boat
would leave l.e.lugtou at daylight nnd
reach St. l.ouls hi time lor breakfast
tlio net morning.
The boats carried from 1'00 to -100
passengers on the trip up tlio liver,
counting the Immigrants on the deck,
but going back they only had cabin
passengers. Tho cabin fare fiom St
Louis to St. Joseph ranged from $10
to $li, which Included meals and state
room. The boats were all supplied
with Hue cooks, and the passenger:
lived on the best that money could
The average boat can led dOO to 1100
tons of freight lu addition to passeii-'
gers. Dining low water freight that
now costs 'jo cents a hundred cost JfL'.fiO
a hundred. The expense of a round
trip from St. Louis to St. Joseph, In
eluding loading and unloading, was es
timated at i? 1,1(00, ami the Income from
cost to $7,000. Hach boat carried a
crew of from Ml to lot) men. The aver
age value of the boats In the Hue was
probably .? l,"i,uoo each.
The liiati were often on sand bars,
where they sonietliues remained for a
day and night, but altogether the time
was made surprisingly well. A pilot
who had a reputation for keeping Ids
boat olT the bars couiuiaudcd as high
as $.'! a month. Hach boat was pro
vided with two pilots and this expense
usually uiiioiiiiled to from S'.nhi to $1,
000 a mouth. All a liver pilot saved
he put lu his watch ilialu. Volt could
tell a high priced plht bv tlio size of
the links lu his gold watch chain. A
rattling good llrst mate who knew how
to handle a boat after It struck a bar
received $'j,"n a month.
Poker was a favorite river amuse
ment, ami II was not an uncommon
sight to see eight or leu games going
at the same time In the mala cabin of
n steamboat. And tho playing wan for
actual money, which was displayed lu
stacks on the tables.
Among the I'auious boats on the river
at Hut II'. e were the Kalo Kinney, l
C. A i Ii'.., .! i.iilng Slur. John D. Per
r.v, Sioux- city, oiniiha, Carrier and the
James II. I.ticiH. The last mimed made
the fasti st run lu the history of the
river .",!) hours and I'l! minutes from St.
I.oui-i to St. Joseph.
Unit XV I nr Are f'oliirril.
"MoO people think white grapes make
white wine and dink grapes make nil
wine," said a visitor. "That Is a popu
lar error.
"Itetl wine Is made by fermenting
grape Juice nnd grape skins together
the hI.Iih giving the color, and white
wine Is iiiade by fermenting grape
Juice alone.
"The Juice of white ami of dark
grapes doesn't differ lu hue. lu each
sort of grape the Juice Is almost color
less, like the weakest lemonade.
"rhampamio, one of the dearest of
the white wines, Is made of a grape ho
dark its to be nearly black. Hut tho
Juice of (hut nearly black grape Is
quite as pale as tho juice of the blond
est white grape." .Minneapolis Jour
nal. NiimiI-iiii iiimI III Tutor.
Napoleon w'iim a great soldier, but he
could not spell Ills handwriting was
also so bad n, to give rise to the ru
mor that be it .ell undecipherable char
acters to conceal the fact that he, the
master of Hiinp", could not master
French orthography, lu the early days
of the emplie a man of modest aspect
presented hiuiielf before the emperor.
"Who ate you?" asked Napoleon.
"Sire, 1 had the honor at Itiienne fur
tll't is 'ii months to give writing lessons
to your majesty."
"You turned out a nice pupil!" said
the emperor, with vivacity. "I con
gratulate you on your hiiccchh!" Nov-
rtheless ho coiifemsl a pension upon
Ida old master.
H. F. D. No. 4.
Harvest is now horn and farmers
are busy with their corn and cutting
winter wheat anil rye,
Dan Pray was llrst one to com
mence harvesting wheat.
ChasShairor liuisheil cut tug rye Wed
nesday. F. W. has hat ID acres of
timothy, lin has out and Marked four
acios and will cur Iho balance as soon
as ho can lent aunt hoi Held for a
C. 11. shohlou has cniuiueuciil to
harvest his largo Held of tamo gnus
and it is n lino crop. Nohratka is get
ting to be quite a timothy and clover
Hoy 1 1 Dawson lluished stacking his
nrop ol timothy lu-t Monday
John P.horu came to Columbus
Monday and had Dr. Paul extinct a
tooth for him
W. K. Hook with and family of Oco
nee, Wyiou Kicn and family of Platte
Center and Herman Kooning all Sun
dayed at York Campbells.
Mrs. .loo Larhnu ol Monroe visit's!
her parents last Mouday,
Md'ot'rrl'ae llltlllfl
l.iln and ornnmnnMI fainting ! all
Kind, dim or Oeuntm.
ml. Til. 2HB. rOl.fJMIIUH, NKH.
Attorney - at - Law
Olllce over Columbus .State Bank,
Will Practice in all the Courts.
ft. M. P08T
Attorneu : at : Law
Golumuua, Nob.
DR. 0HA6. n. PMITZ
Phuftlolan and Surgeon.
P. (). Illonk : : Columbm
1 1 til on ftvni
('iiiiiiiiiiun Hint itntik Columbus, Nab.
J II. HlillKH,
(Min, Oily Ht.. fourth itimr north ot Vint
cni.UMIinH. NKRHAHfa.
Brick House Herd Durocs
101 March and early April uiga for
Hummer and Fall trade. Cnn furnish
in pairs or trios, not related, at bargain
prices. Write or call for prices or des
cription. Itri) ., Columbus. J, J, BARNES
A C. Ono, A. M , Li.. 11 , l'rrs , Omth.
raor. A. J. Lovvuv, l'riuc
Kiitlnrsi'it liy First Nnt'l " r
I. oik ami IiunIimism num.
ttO.000 In Itull Tuit UrMks, iinnk rimer and
M Tviimtrlli'rs. Sluitontsfun work forlKmril
Sunt fur tlio rtitiilotaat, Ituuml in nlllKuior,
Mhrs! wit linlillslii'il liy n llusiM'HH fullt'L'i).
Kent It, unit j mi will utluud lUn N. II. C.
A Cheaply Made Wagon
Will Watte Enough
Grain to Buy a
Good One.
Our wagoiiH will not aoattnr
your grain while on the road to
market or overtax your horaea
with needless heavy draught.
We keep only tho Latest and HKST lu
Buggies and Carriages
ftdr Our ihii'hu nIiohh Htick
iiiitl don't I ii in i) your horses
ly'8 Cream Balm
This Romoriy la a Specific,
8uru to Olve Satisfaction.
otvta HtLlIF AT OMCI.
It, Hoot hes, heals, mul piotects tlm
disi'iisi'd iiii'ialir.iui'. It cares ('itturrii ton!
drives away a ('"Id in the lleud ijuicklv.
Itoitorcs tho Ki'iiso" ot Taste hiiiI HuiuII.
Kusy to line. Contains no injurious drug.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Lirgn Ki.e, Ml cents at Druggist or by
inud; Trial Sio, 111 cents by until.
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warm 81., Ntw Yard.
Forced to Starve.
It. F. Look nt Concord Ky., mjs:
"For '.'0 ycar.s I siilTerod agonies with
a Kire on my upisir lip so painful some
times that I could not oat After vaiu
ly trying everything oUo 1 cured it
with liuckloii's Arnica .Salvo " It'a
great for hums cuU aud wonndi. At
Chan. Dackt drug itore only 36 cantl.
rf .- -...
S. L
- 4jfcA