The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 19, 1905, Image 5

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t J X
Thai mlu) Daily Journal.
Dr. Paul, doutiei.
Prof. Pool, violinist. 'Phone i;.V
Dr. Vallier, (.Moipath, limber Muck.
Mis Mamie O'MhIIv (it Otiitilm is
the guest for two weeks nt the lumily
ot M. SnVllgO.
Mrs. Harriet Sherman left fliU
afternoon for Schuyler nfter n visit
with Mrs Cudingo here.
Mrs. Murphy who recently unlit hor
llllllllictv hiifilii"." on Olive street,
departed tor her homo on u west hound
trul ii.
Mis, Kitinri Wnk't and Mr (Jims.
Derringer of Spring! ield, 111. went to
tit. Kilwiint nml (lotion thii morning to
VlBit lolntlves.
Mm. H.M. Matthews of S'nleni. Ohio
Mil Mrs. l.mul nf Omnlin nrrlve.i In
ilty yosterdny to visit Mr, ami
rs. C, ,1. Onrlow. They lott this
iiornoon to visit friends in David
Si Ui Wins In handing nut the cig.
J). 'gut today nml looking pleasant Tim
'H ltilliimlln. nntm. I. I.. I 1
liuu vljlln.l V..I.....I I .
" ""i-wi-nii m'kuiiuiv every
l-itr .vi'iirn Hi. Miys Columbus show
great itiiirnvrniint over its conitlou
in lour years ago mi lnoks llkn
((muni: town Ho purtliMilnrlv
hi urn goon condition of
in comparison with
)ur streets,
those of otlmr
H" N on liis wnv to thoHlnek
A white-bull torrliT made h CO. toot
jump from tin top nt n ladder Inst
owning nt tlm pnrk for thn odHioa
tlon or tlm crowd Hint hnil nssomhlori
to Imur the band concert. Tlm littlt
dog is named dellrJos nml his owner
hikes him from town to town, tnlctnu
"P collections from tlm spectators at
tlm poifortnmio.,. .lotl'iies wnlks ntotm
up tlm stop of tlm ladder nml nt n
slgnnl from his mati r jumps nil',
landing in n net sixty f,.f below. Thn
colhv.tloii lust night amounted to ten
dollars of which JoHrles' shun wnH n
square nmnl unit tnuisportntiou to tho
next town
Mliumoillnto onuso of his Imppiimss is n
klwolvopound hoy who hns taken per-
fcmnnont lodging with lilm ti.iu in
iSlMnx's first experience ns ti papa nun
tin nets no though ho liked it.
W. A. Kathsnck, vico president of
tho Firat Nntionnl Hnnk, was in town
lt night enroiito for Dnviit City,
whoro ho is n wittmss in u ciisp inDis-
triot conrt. Ho shipped over three
fk hum! red ponnils of hooks over to tlm
goltv, the record of mi nceonnt .-net
JSv us evidence.
Miss Hazel Miltnril piitertnined
i"""j iur oi our gin mentis yes-
(oriinr afternoon in compliment to
iMisS LUOV Dill mill Mluu l.MI.l...,l.
'I'l .1 II III . . ,.
;M..iiiiriui ui iirilllll ISinilll, CiPVPI'ltl VT'
JKil KHOHHiiiK contDstH nml ptorrs-
iivo croiUHt providpd nmm-einoiit for
tho it nest h mid n dninty two course
Jan. h ion wnssorveil. Tomorrow niter
woon Miss Millnnl will entertnin the
nenii Ksthnr mrls in lioiior of her
Hurry Grossman of I'hllileliiliin. u
snttler horn in tlm (Mt's, stopped in Co
lumhuH toilny. He wns one of ilm
earliost fiottlors hero nml is nciimint
oil with nil tho ohl-timors. Mr. ( s.
Notice Ims heeii received hv thnsov
onil succe).sfal contestants of Co. K
who have hoon practlciiif.' for thn
Htntn National Ounrd shoot, which
will he held in Kearney, Nnhr., com
Hii'iiciii,' .Tilly ,'!) and continuing until
AiiKiisr .ith, that tlmy will hn nxpect
oil to nitend nt that tiinn. and that tlm
winners of thn stato shoot will Imvi.
tlm honor of boIiic to Sen Uirt, N. .!.,
to the National shoot, in competition
with the best marksmen of tho United
States. Tho fotlowitiR worn success
ful in thn local try out: Can't. Aug
ust WiiKnor, SerRnonts Mnmm mid Mo
Karlaml. Oorpornl llrinn, Musinlnn
Yutiiif. Privates Ohristomcn, .lohson
nml Davis.
, -rmv m
I K'Lm I
I Dr. J. W. Terru I
ill' IIAl.MIA
t-Artni ufiiuiAN
I who for tin past fight years has I
I boon milking regular visits to I
V.I.....I I
I (I1I1IIIIII1H. II11U IlllltltlWI .111.1 .it ffl...
I Ht-st KiiiiMMl Optical Olllicos I
I In TI... U'..k I
I in tliu front rooms over Pollock I
iV Co. ' Drugstore. Will lie in I
Coluuihus olllces Sunday. Mon- I
I day, Tuesday and Wt'dnesday of I
I each week. Spectacles and eye- I
1 iflilULinj L.1.I....I l.t.... 11. !!....! .... . IH
h.iimi ,-.. itii. . iii.iii iiueii lino
I rcpairi'd. Kyt C.lasees adjustt'il I
I to any nose. I
Friiliiy's Dnily Journal.
returned from
Mrs Kiiinr Howard
(Chicago today
Miss Anna IClauso is visiting for n
few day- in Mnnr'to.
C A. I.nnrilslnv luailoa Imslnoss flip
to Allium tliis morning
Miss II Knurmaii, the dressmaker
lias moved tn 11 1, l it h St
K O of (Preston was in tho
citv WciiucMlav on liusiness.
OncofSHli P.rnun'H hnminonks is
uiaii loft horn in 1S7'.' an since then -ure cuio tor that tired funling.
I Henry Rapte & Co.
' J
Of the First Quality-
-A Full Line oi Staple ami Fancy
Provisions, Qucenswarc, Glassware and
Fancy China.
Our "Richelieu" in bulk gives entire
satisfaction at 30, 25, 20 & 3 5c a lb.
The following in tins 1-lb 2-lb :
"White House" .... .,10 ,75
Chase & Sanborn's "Seal" - .40 .75
Upton's .... ,o .7r
"itichclicu" - - . .jo 75
"Ungate" ."-()
Mrs. K. II. Uhaninor has spent this
wonk the Ruost of Iluuihroy frionds
Attorney Win. O'Hrlou wont to
Clenoa on profossionnt business todnv.
K. II. Ohnmliors returned Inst night
from n liusiness trip to Sliprmnn
Kov. Henry Xinnocker is visiting
tho homo folks this work. Mrs. 'An
nnckor is visiting hor jmronts nt Ht.
Hnv. Hornnrd O. Mnttson, pnstor of
tho i'irst Oongregntionnl church of
Vankton S. 1). is a guest nt thn home
of Mr. nml Mrs. F. II. A Idiot f.
Mr. mid Mrs. It. S. Dickinson went
Inst night on n western trip to ho nil
sent about n month. They will spend
tho time in Denver, Fort Collins, Port
land mid southern California.
Tho Ladles Auxiliary of tho Congre
gational church hnd n ten-cent ton
yesterday afternoon nt tho residence
of Mrs. Spnrhnwk in west Columbus.
A good uttondnnco is retried.
Kdmund Photon, formerly n resilient
of this community ami now of Na
tional Olty, Cal., is in Columbus on
his way to Europe for an extended
visit. Ho is nn old friend of thn
Htongor family.
Mr. mid Mrs. Mark Hnthtmrn re
turned homo night liofore Inst nfter n
briof stay in Fulls City whoro they
woro guests of Mr. Knthburn's sistor,
Mrs. II. Minor. On thoir return they
stopped in Uinnhn for a fow days.
Judge V. N. Honslov and Thos.
Wilson will start for Chirngo tomorrow
to son nliont disposing nf thoir patent
car coupler. Thn hearts of Columbus
people will bo delighted to hoar of n
disposition of this invention that will
return n handsome fortune to our es
teemed townsmen.
H. S. llulln, at one time oditor of
tho Solinyler Sun nnd inter editor of
tho Fullerton paper was tho guost nf
Mr. mid Mrs. F. II. Abbott this after
noon. Mr. Ilulla is on his way west
tn tnkn ehargo of a large boot sugar
factory at Sterling, Colo. Ho has for
sovornl years boon assistant superin
tendent of n sngnr factory in Now
York. Mr. Hulla spooiatied in
ohoiuUtry nt Nobrnska University ami
boenmo nn oxpert in boot sugar ohoiu
lstry. His promiton to tho suporin
tendoucy of tho Sterling jilant is a
marked recognition nf his ability.
It is tn bo regrettod that Columbus
is to loso so nxcollout a business tlrni
Miss Mnbel Wnlilron returned to
day to hor homo In Sohuylor after
a visit with Miss .laeggl who went
ns far as Honfon with Iter vuos
Mrs. Harolny Jones wont to Denver
today where she will hn Joined in n
coupln of weeks by Mr. .tones mid they
win men go to tho Portland expos.
Procrnstlnntlim is tho thief of time.
Don't put It otV. Have your house in
sured now. Have your accounts col-
looieu neioro tlmy nre outlaw Call
on C. N MoKlfrosh. wtf.
Seasons change, men and women die,
others take thoir places, Hut Peter
Schniitt's Hour occupies (he same
warm plant In tho honrts of Plain
tlt. I.II..D1I (hJu.... . 1
""""J iiiiiin"wiri'n, ir is nil kiilili
yestorday, to-dny mid forever. tf
Mrs. M. (. Perkins is chaperoiiiinr
a party of young people who will go
to MoPherson's lake this levelling for
a week's outing. MUs Mnrcla Per
kins is hostess mid the guests of hon
or am Misses Horvey ami Fans of
WANTKD-Hy Chl.-ago mnniifim.
tnrliig house, person of trust worthi
ness mid somewhat familiar with local
territory as assistant in blanch olllee.
Salary il,s p.ttd weekly. IVrinatient
position. No invest imeiit leiinlred.
liusiness establised. Previous exper
ienuo not esfoutial to eugngini;. Ad
dross, Mntincnr HramiheH. ;w:i Dear
born St. Chicago. r,rxv
I Ttoe
In the But Ranch Country in Nebraska
h -, N( ' 'A ,,anch of s.()0 acres, ; miles from the
I'.'.ni'oatl. 1 ((.o jK-ivs deeded, one school suction under
;; J( year lease, s sections hotnesloadod. Cuts 1000 tons
;- w mi nay aim runs moo head cattle. .'50 miles of fence
m )) house windmills and up-to-date ranch improve'
K u"?- ,,,() ;,t',",,i, i"t hy and alfalfa. (500 acres ir,MM
nl aim land. Will sell with or without stock vm
55 sell on easy payments.
M ------
U ., N(J- r A 'ani'li of 112.000 acres, six miles from tho
nu road; 1000 acres deeded, one school section unde?
M f ,ear lease; several sections homesteaded. Kxcellent
J 'os; """"""ViihI ,,,''Ii improvements. CutsSOO
JJ .JJJ!st,:Jh,w-v "l", W,M '" WM) head of cattle. A bargain
Thos. D, Worrall, tlm Lincoln gram
dealer who is waging war on the al
leged elovntor trust in Nobrnska, and
his attorney, F. n. Howell, nro in Co
lumbus today looking into Platte
...M.uij Knuii coiinmons. inoy con
tomplntn holding nn invest ignt ion and
tuning impositions in this count v.
though nrobably in Platte Center or
sonio other town than Cnlunibu".
ranch of C000 acres: I.CM !w.f.ic ,i.iwi
.1 cut !;.( tons of wild hay. One of the host hav and
or In 'l i .i- '" ,a,l ,m mu"-,,"" farm in east-
i ii ioiii iisKa.
at t
l-or prices and direct reference to owners, cnuuiro
Mouilny's Dully Jnurnnl.
DrH. Murtyn, Kvium, Kviiiih .v Mnrlyn
Jr., ollloti threo doom north of Fried
hof'i. Htoro.
Miss Julia Fox Is spending n few
days in Omaha.
Mrs. C. D. Kviiiis id confneil to hor
bod with illness,
Frank Kersonhrock is enjoying a
vacation in Omaha.
Miss Pntltn Martyn in chaperoning
threo carriage loads ot young people at
MoPherson'H today.
Mrs. Sidney Wheeler of Schuyler
has been here n coupln of dnys visit
ing nt tho homo of M. Vogel.
Miss Lucy Dill nml Miss Kli.nlmth
Thompson of Ornud Island, guests ul
Miss Hazel Millard, returned home
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wisensliiie are
tho parents of n lino new baby girl
who cainn to takn up resldcncn with
them this morning.
S M Kussom. Union Pncllic nireiit
at Fnllerlon, stopped over Sunday
with his daughter, Mrn. Jos Mnlmll'ey.
no is on his wny homo from n south
ern trip.
Joseph MoschonrosH lost a vnlunblo
horsn Saturday on his farm north of
Columbus. The animnl dropped dead
from heat, whilo pulling a culfivntor
in thn corulleld.
A young lady reminded n Journal
roportor today that tho Joiirnul hud
ooiitniuod no mention of the visit of Dr.
O. K.Lennh and his lady to the doctor's
pnrouts nt Humphrey on the Fourth.
O. 8. Ranoy was brought home Sat
urday night. Thn bullet is still in his
toot. Ho will undergo another exam
ination soon in which the X-Kays will
bo omployod to locate tho bullet. Ho
is suffering considerable pain.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paulson who lives
H.rnn mllnu nirth nt lln...... .i. ...
tst ir:1 -I- o i ; .; ;:,:;
Fotornm who is lit the hospital in a
j& TEA j&
Japan, (Junpowder and Eno-lish ISrealcfasl, in hulk
and packages, the finest rrown and (Juarantocd
totfivo Perfect Sutisfaction.
:: ::
i A fill! funnt. t..,.I -.-1..J . . .'.
".' couipioie assortment ..
ol everything usually sold in our line. Wo i
buy our goods direct from first hands for ::
SiLvJind consequently buy at the VERY
fegK?PRIC,Es- c an l o sell the t
i are confident wo can convince everybody oi t
that lact who will give us a trial. t
Henry Ragatz k Co.,
Nebraska Phone 29, Indpandent P.ionss i9 and 229,
lack of snitablo rooms in which to
conduot their business. This firm
have made many friends during tho
fow months of thoir residence and
thoir departure is n renl loss to the
businoss circles nf Columbus. When
nskod his reasons for leaving Colum
bus Mr. Cloos said to a Journal re
porter: "I hate to lenvo Colmnbus,
my businoss hns been better than I ex
pected considering my crowded and
unfavorable location in Columbus
and I know of no city where tho
prospects are better for n good hard
ware business. lint I came hero nnd
started with the definite holief that 1
was to httvo rooms in tho Friodhof
.t Phillip's new building by Sept. 1.
Hut it turns nut that my contract is
defective and I could not In any event
get those rooms before the end of the
year. I ha?o tried to secure other
rooms but nm unable to Hud suitable
rooms that can bo tented. I cannot
a tlon I to run businoss nt a loss waiting
for uncertainties. I disliko to inter
fere with the retail business here by
closing out my goods, but I mu forcod
to do it in order tn protect myself
against farther loss."
Sutiinlny 'h Daily Journnl.
Prof. Hilte.teiinher mimic, Harbor bldg.
Dr.C'hiiH. II, Plutz, homeopathic nhy
HJcian mill surgeon, poHtolllee building
Miss Anna Klauso returned home
todny nfter a visit of several days in
Humphrey mid Monroe.
serious condition. Tuny woro guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Mntson.
Dr.Torry.tho Omnlin Kyo Hpocinlii-t,
has opened ono of the hoM equipped
optical olllces in the west, over Pol
look nml Co's drug store. Will bo in
his Columbus ollioo Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, of each week.
Spnctaolos and oyo glasses scientifl.
cally lifted. Consultation free.
Mrs. Harry Clark nml (laughters
Hazel mid Ruth returned home to
Salt Lake City, Utah, the llrl p'irt of
Inst week, after n most delightlul vis
it with hor sister, Mrs. Will S. Kvans
nnd family. While hern Mrs. ()ark
made many friends nnd wns nuiidi
plensed with Columbus. Accompanied
bv Dr. W. S Kviiiis, Mrs. Clmk and
daughters paid Omaha a visit.
Robert Wagner.
,, , (MiuhIid'h Mail))
Hobert .Wagner died this morning at
his home in Columbus, nt the age ot
71 yenrs.
Deceased was born in (lormany and
enmo to America in the ."iO'h After
living in Chicago for nivural years hn
came to Nebraska about twenty years
ago For a time he was engaged in the
livery luninei-s in Columbus.
Two children are living, .lacoli
Wagner and Mrs. Jacob (Jieinu
Another son, Hobert, was killed inn
railroad accident linen years ago.
The funeral will be on Wednesday
at !i ;: at the residence ami 10 o'clock
from the Catholic church.
Columbus fi Fullerton 3
(Momlio'ti liul.)
VoHterdny wiiniiii nleiilliaM' bull duy
uith blue ekieii nnd a Imt huh, mulling
the grand .stum I a moM ilcNirnhli plnci.
The gain., wan between l-'iillerton mid
Colninbui! final wiih a hot one ftont nt m t
t( HlllHll. Onlj ,..1,1 m mf ,,
were npieled but the inlereht never lag.
ged mid both nniee plti -. I the gain., for
mi ii wan muni, ri,,, vimliiiH went to
bid llrel, Hay lined out a hot one from
thellrst bull o,.r the pan nut to uhort
who deftly hung on and threw it to Hist
jllllt ill tlllli' to get nn nut. llentli'tt Willi
niAt up and riimieil the air three timeii
and Smith Kuoeliod the eliiHivi. nphero
into the Hint baMMuan'ti liiiuil and the
Hide swim nut.
Our linyii fared better, Coolnlge wiih
Hrst up, go i hit ! a batted ball and
wax out .lotieii got to tlrni by I'ateher'ii
",""' ' '' "d and third wlnh.
Ili.iwn fiiniml and I'aiiio homo on Cor
betlii hit tu left Held, while AmiHtrimg
funned letiring the nidi..
.Second inning Holier Hew out to left,
eiiiii.ti'iiion rallied tn firHt.Htiihwieriiml
ami went to third on Peppem hit to the
garden and died then, when Wagner
and Ke)nolilH fanned. Our hoyn went
out in one. two, three order
In tin fourth the vinitorii had the mime
hunch of bud luek. Smith fanned. Hobi i
hit by batted bull anil Christi'iim-ii
mt'i.i.i.l I I... ... .1.. .
...,..,,,,.,,,, in, .,. iiuieii an. i ror our
team Armstrong walked, wan tlmnvn
out at necoiul, Micek kuncked an easy
one to Hhort and I'IIiiih couldn't Hnd it,
nml the inning wiw over.
The llfth wiih thnimuieold Htnr for
the viHilora, no one getting by Hint ,.
I I'pper giving third a chin to e..r',.,e
iih arm, Wiiggnor funning and l.'.v im.I.Ih
knocking a bug to Hhort. Hut hut a
dillerent etory for Hurry l.-ihr'a liuliien.
Dnliin poiimleil oiieovei Hlmituiiil l.ohr
Minlceil another over left ami lit on the
homo bug good for Dud the only home
run for ColuinluiH tlnu .nn,.,..., ti....
"l(llidu"gllM. the umiience a lull,. jo
uroiind their "hIiiIh".
Fiilloi ton couldn't m-iiii. in tlienitli
but Clilneveiy cloie.
The Hi'ventli win U iiiii l one unil one
Hi'orn mm euriii'il by the viHltolii.
In tlm eighth, (iuyjleiiuelt nnd Hunt h
funned, Micek knocked a hot urouniler
which lleiuiou, I'lillertims pitcher ntop.,.
ed and HIiiih nml Holuu funncil.
Holier and CliriHteiueii went iloun at
llrht, Pepper hit Hufcuiiil Wagner finnii'd
in the nml the game uiih nwi.
si MM MIV.
Slnii'k out li It.'iiinn in ,,, s
."ft mi Iimukh. Fiillertnn ii.Ci.liiinl.ini ii
Hit li Iched bull. c,.,. Inl
--- '- III 11 1 I1,
Heans ami many protests woro raised
that they woie not "straight" doals.
The delivery hoy for thellenns proved
liliiiMilf n true spott by allowing every
other limn to walk on account of tno
hot wrnther. Hall went into tho box
for Coluuihus in the Inst innliig nml
tossed n fow Just to encourage the
homo people nnd korpt ho tram going.
Our rustic brothorn toll upon thn ball
with great violence and with mu utter
disregard of tho value or base ball
eipilpmout O.vlng to Mr. Ilenn's
piesence, however, they took extra
long slops between baces nnd tram pod
down ns little of tho grass as possible.
On tho whole tlm Columbus boys woro
fully Mitlslled mid nlthough It ndvnnood
some a notch noaror to placoK ou our
big" team wo nro still willing to
admit Hint there nro many promising
children besides tho Columbus Juniors,
lllllll, iiv
i - i
I "llllllti'l , I. t (.
I Mill I I, III II I
Helgrailo will ho hen. ui.v Sumlav
mid n speiiinl trniu will hn run I mm
Spalding to ColumhiiH. Cheap round
rip rates will im-uir n large atten
dance from the (owns up the biuncli
The Helgiade boys are a fast team ami
Will undoubtedly give the Iiiinii ball
fans the worth nl thoir money
43 to 14.
A gaum ot ball was played yesterday
between tne (;iiluiuhiis JuuioiN and
Mm Heau team. The town boys won
by a scorn of , ,, M. (1H,H
Piihturn was iimiI lor a diamond, which
accounts for Cm heavy score Dunn,,
the llrsf half of the gaum i, Jool,,.,
like a shutout lor llu. boys ncim- the
creek, while in one or two innings
Ihelr opponents md to stop fiom sheer
exhaustion Tin. teinpuraiuie ranged
ImiI Wfi.ii in;, and no, except arotiml
home plate wlicie a number ot faun
wine consiaiilly going. Of course all
tlm Columbus hoys wanted to catch
Drake's curvon puzzled the Navy
.. B. Sherman Superintendent.
(Monday'H Daily)
At a meeting or tho board of edu
cation Hntiuilav night Prof. K. H.
Shorman of Schuyler was elected nn
superintendent for thn ensuing yeur.
Mr. Sherman comes highly rocotii
niPiiileil from Schuyler nml linHniuple
pinliriciifiuiiH for the larger field hero.
Weighing; Free.
The U, W. Weaver Conl Commiiy
have just put tn a set of Fairbanks
best standard scales, which have boon
thoroughly tested with uovoriiiiient
test weights. Correct weights nro
therefore guarantved. We Invite every
farmer mid busiurss mail tn weigh
over our scales. We will Is. glad to
weigh every load free of charge. Our
scales are conveniently locnted in the
rear of our oH'.ce
H. W. Weaver Conl Co.,
If Successors to Weavor .t Newinan.
Foil HKNT good clean rooms Mrs.
dishing III! nth st. Heasounblo
Bent Her Double.
"I know no one for tour weeks
when I was sick"Jwith tynhoiil and
kidney I rouble" writes Mrs. Annie
Hunter ot Pittsburg Pn. "nnd when
I got better although I had one of tho
best doctors I could gel wns Unit dou
ble and had to rest my hands on my
knees when I walked. From this ter
rible alllctlon was rescued by Klectrlc
Hitters which restored my health nnd
strength ami now I inn wnlk straight
as ever They an, simply wonderful "
(Juaranteeil to cure stomach liver ami
kidney disorders: at Clm-,, Duck's
drug sinre, primi'Mi cents.
Special Trains
to David City
On Sunday. .Inly 2.'S and .Inly
'!0, the Iiiirlinirton will run spec
ial trains I.) DAVID CITV for
tho CHAUTAUQUA, lunvini'
C()LU.M!USat!n.m. turn
iiiK it will leave DAVID CITV
at !)..'() p.m.
A round trip rate of 7fio lias
Iwen mane for jhis occasion-a
I'avorahle opportunity Tor a dc
liKlitf'nl trip.
AsIc the n'cnl for further
i- l' JiKCJTOK, Agt.
m m
'J l