Ki Miusuce May u. i"U. ffiolumbusgiouvnuT. "Iuiii1um, N?ir. i:titi',il nt thn I'oMnlliec, t'olliiuliria, Jii nr.,iu m.riitul-riiuft niHll mMtiT i'uuusiii:i vi:hm:si)AVS iy Columbus Journal Co., (IM OlII'OUU'I ! ) tkhmm nv tfiicntrTinr. ()nc)pnr, li iniiil. tmntitt" pft-nlil Tl.'j Hit immiliK !F i'Mtvi-moiitlif ,u WKDNI'.riDAY. .II'I.Y P WA r:::i:i:: n. i: Sll'.it. III'N l:V.lJ -TliiUlni.nll. timriimiiixin 1 .iir ii'iihT, or wtn'T lm i wintt thin i" ,ili-iillni l iml.l. I'liiii. .MWrt l' Hj ;' MiimiMil lin lx-'ti iihtIwcI lip In .Inn I. Hi" I i.I-i'i In l'oli. 1. U 'Hi'l " "' V)l"' I'liJ"1""1 I- iirnl. the iliiti'.wlin li nnNwiT in- ii iiTxipl, will Um Immtitl in tillhtfl). IHSniM'INUAM lH lli.nHitn.liln Milwill. nrw ill mrillliii" I" Mi i" "'I jimriiitl ' ' "" piililihliinnnin iiollliiil li li-lti" In iIh-kHiIiiiii-. wlii'imll ntriviriiisi- miii-t tw ii tnl If )im ii" i "i uili llin.liiiirinl riiiiliiHiiil fur iilmllinr imr hi 1. 1 llm limn liilit fur t'Hi inpirnl, jn'i wlmiilil prmliiii'l) niillfiil 'cll-ri'iiliiini' il. lllMli: IN AliliIMN WIii-ii iiril-iiiii' n rluiiii!ii In lliiMililrii.niiliTril ihbIhiiiIiI l-Mir tu i'ii' llii'ir ulil n writ ii" iin'i' i" ,"1'1'' ' How mnny "rock robin" hum the deniocints to kill to I lit' court liniiMi nrs Hi list llllil isenili'r mr iiiuciiii: i iik iinioiint of their illegal driiwiiii.'H over u hundred ilotlur; too low Tim Kiiporvl-ors hold niiiitlmi high I'oiiit or Investigation, hut Ihni'illtoi of llm .loiirniil was not on trlul t lilr Hum nml Kdgar Unwind wiih not tlmio Willi hiH Icail ill voice lellln,r tlmui that "if Imlf or tho Journal's charge worn turn, tlmy were unlit to loproscut tlm good people of Pintle county " Too lnul ho wasn't them. Thorn wiU ho little paitv politics In llm campaign in Pintle county 1 1 If full. Ulcuii. government Is the only issue. Tim ileiith knell linn limn hiiuii ileil for croft unil cot nipt inn. Hookc volt's "square lenl"pilirv liHMohlttiir Html pnrtv linen. Tim initjoiitv of re pulitirmiH will not vote tor renuhlicnu ciiiuliiliitoH merely hocmipo tliey are republicans. Democrats will refuse to voto for democrats who (nit to measure up to tho Kooscvolt standard of hniicsty.und justice. Tho iiitlimnro of UookovoH'h iMirhOimlity hns matin In doneiidonts of UN nit. And the inde pendent votorH ul Platte count v will rise in ii kcVly-nnxt November to stamp out llm combination whleli Iiiin nour ished, ut the. expense of the hornet tax piiyor, ii bridge triiNt nml n print ing triiHt iitul which lintf witikcil at iinil leiisiiuco in lillfop.i k TliomiiM NV. Kuwait us ii hicturer nml reformer occupies tho mine pluce in tlm pulilio enteeiu iin tlm itluermtt reformeil ilrtitiUiiril (U'cupU's on tem per mice lecturer Ho siivn iiinni things Hint nro known to bo trim, Init tlmy nro hello veil Iiochumi they ore known in iiilvmico to he true mui not hecnuso LiiWHoii myK them. Wluui it coiuoH to tiointini: out renielii'H for tin uwfiil coiulitiouv lWulemiilies Ii' Inn si liir lieeo it iliNiniil tuilure Ami If in ho should try to point out remrd.e.', pooplo would not tmlieve hitu. A iiu-.ti who hns spent the hcM ul his life KiiiuhliiiK In the htoek mmket ir.ul IlKuriiiK out iiiemiN nt uemin,- othni pooplo'H inoimv without jjlvlin; viilue roceivi'U, is no lietter utted to m Mine nml jiulieiouH tuhlce on utcut ecouoinle iincslioiiH, tlimi the refouncil ilruuknnl who never Hied it solier lite in fofoiinulittH ii co In ol coitect I; villi.'. LilWHOii In nil riuht in hi uuv mid is iloiiiK Jtioiuo i;tf)d. Ilo is n cooil iiuin to Kouiiil (ho lire nliiriu. Hut wi hhoulil see to'it ihnt he i.h not I'eiiuiited to ormile, mid commtiud tho luc cnuipmiv. When the ,1otiru:il lirst pel funned iu Miuplo duty us n imlilic iii'tv-ptpi'i, hv I'ltllini: lit lout inn to I In fnct that Supervisor1 Knn-t mul lli'ndei i.iui iIiiiwii iiiuio tlinn the law ullows lor tholr Fervicos, our religious i.mti nip unity, tho OolutuhtiH 'i'elr;:nun, th:it tho inoht of llm i;ood people uf Ooltiuihus felt notliiu but "ion- tempt" for tlie editor of tlm .loiirniil who uml ilnreil 1,'ivo utterance to such fuctK iiKniiiHt tho chiirnciers ot "suih lioiinrnhlo nion. " Now Hint wo nrc forced to revise our statements In the liK'ht of dm uiiiiiiiiiious Hud i iik' of such good democrats us John (ioet mui J'' rank Kiernmi uml M K (Moth or, bv making our ilrst liu'nres Inrcor, wo MiptxiMt it will ho oulv in nccor ilmico with professional courtesy to penult tho Telegram to repl.ico its "contompt" venlict nuiuiist us hy one umro in knopiiiR with tho ennriuiti of nur ntfeiiKO Awrtllitu: tlm Tole (tmm'H vonlict wo hej; to' substitute for nur mild first oluirKo tlm inure DnriouR charge of tho invost it.'ut ion committee "Krufct nynnlrow his wil ry 1410 20; Jlomler, ?mj.0o." Wo apologized ' Iho Telegram lor charging Hiem wlih grafting Mm county uudoi u HMU coiit nut, when i it matter of fart lliuv lnul uot away with llm goods in'-I'MM- Now H Is pinpor thiit wn apologize t siipervis- . .. i r I I I... sriiMMir mrsiiS'nss. i ' It miy bn trno tlmt sumo of Hio ' ncmnct'ttle jiijuts nro Kotlltc ninnpy .. .. , ii- ...,i.i..i I to wnieo limy nro nui iviinuy ihi , mid tluif , omnof our mpervlfoni hnve drawn a f w uioro ( H-nti thcr hntilil tmvn ilrriwu. Hut' yon nro Umtily lluhiltii; mft" In order to 'ot your own oar In." Thin Mute iiPMit uw iniide to tho I'diior of tlm louriuil ii fe.v iaj ito hy n ilnniourut who helpfd to kill Mayor llonttolior in tlm ooiiventlon, and who ileulnreH Hint tlm di-niocrntlt) party wil' bn butter olT without mumi "weak Itnocil histots' us Hoott-jhnr, and Win. tJnclmi Wo never wii'to words nrKuinit tho lmiHty of our uiotivns. Actions spenk (or tliem.'elvos. Howenr, to enve unnopuHMiry f-ollcltudu on thn pnrf of our (lomocratlc brethrru us to what wo would do if w (Oiild cloot repiib llcnu otlli'iiilH, wo ilcKtrc to ninko u hrlel ilpclaratloti of principles which llm .lournal will uw In tlm nmttnr of nnwspiper iiatroiiiie, should repub Mean ollli'inls bo I'hosen luvt Novein her We thall urt'n iIiiimi prliicipleH bt'cnuin wo belt"!' Hint Iho spoils svsti'tii U4 i v.vtiiml today in I'lulto imhiiiIv nml many other couiiHoh, t iiiIm to coriupl tlm nrius imu'li more ellectnelv than tlm free pnsi corrupt.s our Irutsliiiiirs. The .lournal will uitfo (lie noinlna Hon of it man for county JuiIko by tlm leptiblinius.who will, if elecleil.coiiMiU Iho wishes unit comlitinns of parties iutoioNlcil in the publication ol Icpil uolii'i's If tho parties can Kid bettor service thiouuh the .lournal nml de sires the publication there, Hint should settle tho uestiou On tho other hand if thev want their notices in tlm Humphrey Democrat or Lindsay 1'nst oi IMntto Center HIkiiiiI or liny other In l'latto county, their wishes should bo consul led in liku manner. The Journal will uro Iho nomination of a county clmk who in able to road Hint prnvlti ii of tho law which requires tho county clerk to" make nil esti mate of llij supplies needed by tlm count v. unit it wan I tho contract to tlm lowest bidder." Wo do not want a man who wnl coiuo to tho .lournal oPiieuml mv, "Now I will lix this ci-tliuiiin so that tlm ..'ournul can uct tho bii.HiuesH by defrauding every other newspaper In Platte, comity. We shall mice that merit mid straight husinctjti principles tlmll hold in the matter of tlm public, priutlnn the sii'im as in othei .naiturs, and r luvt llm spoils KystMui Lo kIvcji us ilo.ith lilnw It tlm .lournal cannot .subitst on strni'il lnnliui'n pi inclples. it do survoH In die. Hul wo shall lusist ou ii fair Held uml mi open llllil. n JOVliSM. fiVHSVnilWS. The Journal hns added several bun drul new subscribers during ttin Inst few weeks. This expression of iu forest mid conlldi nco in the Journal is most heartily appreciated by us, ami tl shall bn our constant endeavor to merit that cctitidtmo by striving from week I it . eel; to improve our news service uml to Incioaso our viif llatico in an honest iovohtiuatioi: of public all'aiis in which our rpidirs nro lt allv interested Ho trir have new nnuies boou com I in; in tnat it hits been almost inipos slide for ourlorct', m uddltiuii to their regular work, to get tlmui st up in tvio In order to guard against future uiisiiiiilcislumiiiig, we ask that new uboribiirs notu Hio dttie on your paper That ilntu indicates the time to wnlcli jun uii jjild up. If that li.te ' is not ngroo with tin date to whic i vou undersliiu 1 you are paid ul), pic. tso not i f v us at ouco that (lie mistake may be adjusted Wo desire also especially to call your attention to tlm oilers of our advertisers. You will tlud br.ragins in every hue, from farm to store. Journal advertisers are the best bu.iinoss men in Ooluinbus. Thev advert it) in tlm Journal for puielv business reasons, becauso they mi gel the widest circulation for their money. Hustings men who thus do business on business principles are always safe We therefore urge thiit vou early torm the habit of rending flic otleis ol Journal advertisers John .Swmison pel formed n service mil uulv fin the icpublicitu patty hut fur every taxpayer in I'latin county m In ii he set in motion the investiga tion w uieli is destined to rtuiu over .iOi to the cotintv treasury Hut there are still other things that lie or the good democrat ic supervisors who luivo mod with him can do to plnce the count v utisitiess on a basis of law. John Hw-iiiiMiii joined his deuioiTiitie brethren in voting uwnv illegally 'Je per cent ot the legal rate for llm ollic ml printing uf tlm county. The repub lican party has n right to demand Mr. Swnnson mid tho people of tho county have a right to iiuist that no man on the board shall be excueeil until ho lias registered his uoto on the siilu of law in this niatier. ;"Tlm best ipm-tor I oior invested " That is wl.nt young McAllister said about tho riiinrti r hi invtstrd inn Daily ,louriml"lnt,,ad. to help him liud n now coat. Thn nJ. Iruuoti: the coat the lirst ilay. .More jiup'n no tlm Dnilv .lournal tLitn rnr otlier Col nmbin pappr. Ihat'e why it jnys to tvJvertbo Ju ita eolumtui. Rockefeller'! distributing agent must lend a dtrennon life. He hail eleven millions t.) diitrirjtito lnit month. Who cnti nanm a mr.incr, Miinller more ornery type of mnn, thfin the runn who will sneak under the cnnvnss to sod n ball gumn? No young tuau should ever con teniplatc Ktowlfigold John liny per fortiiLiI all of his great nor vice for his country after he was sixty nml lie did it with Hie vigor and fri'Minens of youth. Wn are much gratified nt the keon interest which Journal renders nro inaulfenttng lu the Sherlock Holmes MtortoK. Vhcner Journnl renders don't get the best doing, It In because wo rant' get It Democrats, do you remember how Mayor Dickinson, n good republican wiih present nt the "killing" of Mny or Huettcher? Maybe some other good republican will bo on hnud nt tlm tho killing of Diedrlch liecher for county trpngnrcr. Norfolk Iibh Inunclmd another daily newfltinper, the Norfolk Dally Vtvnr, edited ami pablinheil by V. b Sprech or. Iho first liue which reaches our desk is u six-page, six-column pnHr containing plenty of local howh and n very liberal mnount of ndvertlHlng. How Norfolk, with n sinnllor jMipula tlon than (Jolutubus, can support two daily nowspapers is not clear. How ever, we wish all the Norfolk publish em sucouss. Will some Ooluinbus bus inoss men still ollng to the notion that Onluiubna Is not Inrgo enough for one dully jmper'' President Koosevelt gave expression to some sentiments nt Harvnrd con eerning lllgotteu wealth, which should ho, repented nml reprinted till tlmy tnkn root in thn heart of every Amer ican citizen. Ho said : " It is far mor Important that they should conduct their bulness alTalrs decently than Hint they should soiid the surplus of their fortunes in philanthropy. Much hns been given to tlmso men, nml wo hnve n right to demand much of tlmui in roturn. Kvery mnn of grent wenttli who runs his business with cvnicul conteiupt for those prohi bltious ot the law which hy hired cunning he can cscnpn or evndo is n menace to our community, mid tho community is not to tin excused if it does not develop n spirit which nctivo ly frowns on nml dlscouiitonnncos him." Platte Center i I John (i, l(rlN I I'liitlnCi'iitiT snlwcrilHTH nut) i siiliM-rip. tliiiis tojnliii (I. Ki'Miui. If )ini wiuit In liii) or si'll im tliiiikf, ,w Jlr. Itiwoiiinil li't Iiiin iuImt Hsu It in IIih liotillim imiiht uf Pliitti' ruiilit). Journal mil, iilwii) ilu lln bunini'i-s. lint hiUit tisi, in )niir liiiiiin pupi'i tlrst. Hiippli'ini'tit Hint witli .loiirniil mlwrttriiiK. I Monio people havo plnyed thn part of the hypocrito to long that they hnvo actually aucceedel in deceiving thouiselves, and finally boliero Hint soiuothlug notually falao is truo be yond n doubt. After ao doing they proceed to tuko the rintillo into their conlldence, under the iIoIubIou that tho aforesaid poblio ia suffer ing from mi acute attack of gullibility nud will believn nuy old thing, will follow like a (lock of sheep do tho boll wether, nml urn ready to bo hutnbugod till the cows come homo. This causes people to wonder why so called reformer do not some times npply the foft pedal to their own anatomy, or lift themselves over the fence witrt tholr own boot straps, rather than be making people tired with tholr foolishness, for when the screeds of some of the present day reformers nte read, pooplo cense to wouder why thoy nro nllliotPil with that tired feoliuir, and no longer won der tho foolkiller died of disgust. Tho Ooluinbus Telegram is n very good example of the type meutioued us to hypocrisy and foolishness. Iu one of its Into issues It requests Ed ward Hose water to call n meet lug of representative citizens of tho Suite to form an organization against corporation domination nud other Ills of which the body polltlo is supposed- ly or actually suffering. The Tele- gram Is right iu one sense, foi every evil should be reformed, nud every abuse correoted, but before taking ohnrgo of Hi affairs f nil thn people tlm great State of Nebraska, tho ques tion might be asked, why not reform men before measures. If the Tele gram that there will be uo far ther cause for complaint, for if all men nro true Christians, nud live as truo Christians ought to live, then there would bo no evil. If all men nre honest there would be uo trouble in the world, is an nxlomatlo troth, old as history itself, nud why does not the Telegram apply that logic to itself? Why does it not, like ohnrlty, begin reform nt homo, iu Hlatte County, in its own city of Columbus. Why does It not return to the people of l'latto County and of the oltr of Columhas. the ill-gotten prollts It has soenred from Its printing graft.' Why does it not turn the search light of public opinion on those county otllolals guilty or allowing it to charge tho already over burdened tax-payer such out rageous prices Why does it uot tell A frland of tn tiom- ) A foe of tn Truat ' Calumet Baking Powder Oampllaa with th Sur rood Law r an stataa. this to tho voters in order Hint tho guilty ones may bo placid with men who will not further tholr private snnps nt public expense ': Why dnos it not denounce the supervisors who drew nenrly twice the snlnry the law nllows'r Why dons It protest nl.out ex cesslv freight rates, charged thn farm er while It hns Its mind in his other pocket robbing him through the im il ium of tho county printing'; No honest man will disagree with tlm Telegram Hint freight rntes nre too high, but, snid thn Savior, ' Let him that is without sin cast the first stone. ' With corn at forty cents nml other products in proportion, with bank interest at night and farm tuortgngrs at live percent, with laud selling n from sixty dollars upward, the farmer hns no large kick coming, especially when wn contrast the present times with those of the Cleveland Democratic Ad ministration hut v hen n newspaper begins roaring lu his behalf about out rageous freight rates, and at thn same instant is robbing him through mentis of n printing graft ot taes paid iu hard cash for legitimate purposes, ho begins to wonder if thorti is not some thing else behind nil this noise, asks himself, if ho does uot kick, why should the Telegram howl? And Im wonders rightly, there is something else behind till the noise nud wind ommmtiiig from that newspaper, mui hns something olio to befog his mind if pnssibli.' from the fint Hint this fnll is tlm election of county ollloinls. The objeit is to give tho court house gnng n new lease ot life, nud tho Telegram a new grip on high priced printing by distracting his attention froinrascality nt homo by pointing nut nbrond. Hy rnising a great hulliibal to about con ditions over tho State nt large to make the voter forget rotlenosMit home, Hint Is the game being pluied by tlm Tele gram; to allow the sniuu old crowd to continue their depredations in the pockets of tho people. "You cannot gnrnor llgs Jroin thistles nor distil blood from turnips," nor can vou ex lvocr reform ovor nil men covering tho out ire State of Nebraska, trom peo ple who wink the other eye to evils at homo, and that is what tho Tele gram is guilty of. Hut wo ninko this prophecy, the pooplo nro getting mighty weary of being systematically robbed for long years, and being told how to voto bv a newspaper on the inside with thn gnug, nud they will let the whole ontflt down with n dull sickening thud on election day in tho year of graco, nineteen hundred and live. (Saturdiiv'H Dail) The hum of tho reaper Is beard abrond In thn laud as It outs down tho goldon grnlu. K. F. Lusenskl depnrted last even ing for a short visit in Omaha. John J. Ureisen Is paying ball with tho Meadow (Irovo nine in tho tourn ament held In that city this week. M. L. (' ron in transacted business in Columbus yesterday. K. K. Fellers of St. Kdward was renewing old ncquaiutnvcoB in this locality Tuesday. The managumeut of this department will jerk thn editor baldheaded if he credits our news again to Oroston. Wo ndvlso him to lot cream sopar ntors alono and attend to basiness. John Keolor of Wuttsvilln is in our town today. D. D. Roberts says ho is going to tlx up the State ticket for tho I'op aggregation. Tho implement dealers hero are put ting out binders by tho wholesale not withstanding the crv that tho farmer is not prosperous under Koosevelt. Mirs Alice Ootisldeuo is on the sick list. Thorn will In) uo base bull f game Sunday owing to the absence of Cap tain Lusiueskl. ,1. H Frevert camo down from his homo iu the llosohud, Tuesday, for a short stay hern lu thn interests of his liusiiiefcH. Ho reports the country up thorn ns developing aud mnklug good tho propheoy that it would became a line agricultural community. (Monday's Daily) Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sohelp were in town Friday nfternoou, Oeraldluc, the lltlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Webster, has been on the sick list but Is, wo are glad to say, recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gertsch of upper Monroe township were trading ill this burg thn last of tho week, During the pleasant moonlight wo observe many young couples engaged in thn delightful occupation ot spooning, W. K, lleckwith, sr , of Oconee, Noli., was here for a short time Friday, AjllAi liW You Can't Cultivate Dyspepsia if you eat bread made from that distinctively superior Puritan Best Patent Flour the flour that is abso lutely pure and contains nothing to impair the digestion, and can be eaten in hot bread or cakes three times a day with pleasure and mi ill effects. ll la the trtit white flour tht wheat products, an J lit grade Is always uniform. t Ask for Pictures for the Children Wells-Abbott-Nieman Co. Sold Only by rhc Only Track Railway be tween the River and Fast dailv train service Pacific & North -Western Line from rwiini in Nebraska tu Chicago Six trains a day Omaha to Chicago, without cnanjze. rwo trams si. raui and Minneapolis. - She Best of Everything .Tor rale!, u .wills I'tiitiii 1. 1. HUH, Int. ChliMKo .nmu YOU WANT Journal Job Printing BECAUSE: Si vie- nre ulwsiy- uptu dutc NVnrk i riinriiiittnl. I'roiupt delivery. Ken-niialili! i-iee.. If wi1 haven't it wo will nnler it. We can -nve hii-ine-s men money on piintcd forms w "in ;'e enslaved card" for .-nciety people; lielter -lyle-nt lower rice. .liMirmil Sale Hill lrin.' crowds .lotunal Letter Heads Iniii Iiiimiu'no. Try ik Only Daily in ('ohunlni-. Help u.- puli. Columbus Journal Go. Politic Is begiuuiUR to got lively. We hoard several warm disputes Inst evening. Whoop her up, hoys, you will yet savfl the country. lieu Hogus is running the Gentle man dray this week. Kev.IIeldo and Wm. lUoedorn drove to Monroe Thursday afternoon. Jacob lnuu transacted business with our merchants Saturday. The city authorities should make some provision for lighting the streets, as it is iiositively dangerons during dark nights. Henry Ureisen of Ht. Authony is hern on business. The Signal last week called on the powers that w to do something to put an end to tho stagnant water oaussd by the creek bnlug blocked. Following the suggestion an investi gation was made thin morning which resulted In finding the creek crosxed by a dam built by Kditor Urucuther who was thoreupou pronounced guilty of stopping the water and put to work with a long-handled spado to remedy the evil he hail caused. Tho Telegram makes a great ado about the Irish base ball nine from this town. There are just two ot that race in tho club. It (also talk about tho Dutch in the Columbus nine. Womter If somn of the Dutch that played against us last Huiuluy nm nauien Dolan, Oorbett or .llininy Joues'r We suppose they are all of Purlrsn Miller Schuyler, Neb. S H. Ragatz I Co. Double Missouri Chicago vm Hil f'hirnon. I lnirm and East daily between Omaha and tli-kvts in.l (till Inform itinn ipply i ".u m, l ( or nJJU'iS Cm. Freight and Piu'r. 1(1. t NnrtrrWvstvrn Hy OMAHA. Nl.ll. that cliiRR of people. William Welilicr is here on businnhH. HiikmiI brook marketed stock here today, I) I). Koherts lieiui; the pur chaser. This morning bids fair to bn the ad vaucn guiiril of Hie hottest ilny thiu summer. Supervisor I'lother was absent on district work in ltiHiiiiirk township yes terday afternoon BECHER, HOCKENBEROf.n & CHrtMBERS Real Estate Insurance Loans Choice list of Lands fop .le. We are prepared to supply the spring demand for liwellinirs and lots. We have money to oan on real estate in small or large amounts for from 1 to 10 years. i ,4 M. 1 t I fc wi