The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 19, 1905, Image 3

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AVcgclnble IVcpnmlion lor As
sibilating HicKoiHlniuUtcLUila -ting
(tic Stoinuchs ami Dowels of
mvssflmlRost.OoiiliiinsitelilKr OpiunLMoritliiuo nor Muicnil.
A perfect Hcincily rorronsliivi
Hon, Sour Stomach, Dim rhoon
Worms .Coiwulsions.Kowrisli
ncss iiiid Loss of SLEKi".
Facsimile Sinnliire or
H I I I I 111 H-frSfr.fv-t-frvfr-H-r-r-i--4-l III II I I
O li fi 1 4 - .' t
sujyui .r.,
1. Aiir k.lilsffi IV . l.i-p- .. t ., .- ',,,- int.iy.
'.'. 'iin wti tvt ,!. )f m.ttA-t tt oi - - , u,h is liitci
oh tiiii iiu: tin.t i ,: ui i vat v in i, .!, .,i ,u .... ii.n- Dai.
r..n ... AV V,.i ' J- ' ': ':f "" ' ' " " s,,,'' """" &
gullou tit "oil iiiiitu , u l..i. xtf. i iru .it it , f.i.-uj .
.. . '"n you ton Iti ij'W "I ) i v '.. iti St. -utv-Ml-ti-.i
lrli. lor itii. JrcsJi, fcu..v r.m ...Mn .. ..;., ..,, C . Ii'.rrrt.
Im. in .i-.eiiN(T..lp,u:, yr.,t.: jr..j.,i..i,.." . ,. w, ,,,t ,,,. ,.,r,.iiM."
f. .!! r",,,", ;""' .'' " .;iiiu-.s . roi Untm
2i V.mLJ .V.r."S"!'s,,':,''. 5:i"l Ill.C.t .Ml ,;! Il.l. IliislJIMi
;..l.,.'',.l!,,',, ,".': ,M"f.l';"- ' "' u(lj,i..r i.ii. v itmuu.! liimwl.
fllltll III lis l.'llllv 111!. !t, nil l.tjv.
ii..i.Ji!'.,.",,,,41 s iJt'"f! '' "' t'r.t:: vtritr:. N iijikIi. lii n full
1... .. " H '":' ",0 '"! : li" '-eri.: k. c,( niii.vrluU. Krouu.l
liiK''r n-itily lot' .,.! ., .?,.,! ijii, i jui : (iri run nil.
nr-r . ..-., w''''nl vrH wr i i.vt r; i '-." vc.r- own orAs.rn wit i
opt KifiifUH" mii )u, r M.vyj mi. , .ii,. i viiiifi.. umrcr
Kir.i.ooii i . i!, (,oi ;,;.:.. i i ..... , ? -
da-1- V - -
H"fHI I !
Home Restaurant and fat Market
Tho bcslot'ovorythiiiK in tho eating '
liii- TVT-.iilr nl o M Ik-m ,iw .Ilium. ,.;U4-
"'. iTujtii ui- tin
171 ..n I. Tm:i, ,...,i
i-iuau x'lan mui
Herman ilerseraforocK
1 -
ft Jill?
When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
corrects irregularities
Mr, Robert O. Dcirke, l.lnora, ti.irnt'ni Co ,N V , writ -I nm rlad to have an oppor
tunity of ti'llint; what iii.-u'iiilui nt rMilti I liuv lui'l from mini; I'OLKY'H KIDNUY
CUKK nftrr otln r ii. Iv. rtii I in Inn on I ievi nil phyUcians. IJrfnrn I b.vun
ll I liuj tn ri I up from to an tn. i ' j. li di.'I t I n li. v my liluilifcr. I wan nil bloated up
Willi Jropsy nnJ my i-yeMt'lit w.i
cioia tlii mom
In Init. I w.i- so iM.lly
wan nrniii by a frloml to try I Ol.l.'i
gi-il ly a Irlcnil to try I Ql.h 1,
den, iin.l lirfum I liml taken tin- t'ur I
olhrr nyiuptoma of Kiilncy trouhli . M
ill mnuRlit I was kqihi; to me. i.v ry
tho nainii nf th-wumli-rfiil tnc.licim
naa luru u rial laucu iu uu puniniicu.
For Infants nnd Childrou.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars the
For Over
Thirty Years
i . ,
t. - J- lij)
- -; 1 )
rVT ai
miuio, ucy ui infill;
- .. .. ii
eriiinu in ouusoil
and cures Kidney and
im, mil I th it I conn pcarn ly see onnofmy family
u il up Unit I hal civen up rmp of livini! wlii
KMNI Y LUM Clim r,n.Ci nl Imltlii wnrknl
ui; win-ii i
rknl won-
I'ottl- tlm supi illuoii, f 1 sh in, (tone, ns writ u
y fn n.l . w r MirprC. l thnt I wui curnt, an
p w ii.iya uim rn nu i trom mill's nwuy tu
tlijt iuiaa ni il hriuM
iJiimi,.', and not ono
Sizes, 50
Letter from Mis. McClintoek.
If IMS llOl'll Mllllll tllllf NlllCC t Willi t
fit on viiu tiuti'M of niir n-..n.i, m
tlm wi'i, hut tiiinkliiu it inlijlit lie of
WiW'U'it in a fw I writu nunln.
HouiThlli'ht, Niivmlrt, in (im I told you
in my Ium l"tli'riiiinily n iiiIuWik town
tluM! ntfi nf iiiniiy riuli iiilnlnu ciiiniiM
II olitinin ii iHipulutlon of (KM). .Morn
than hull t ho iIwhIIWiki nn ttwitu, nml
hi.v lumwtir vimv wi'll for Iuiukk, for
wo kWiii1 linvo no wititur in thin
intrl of Nnvmlii, Alutiy rluh ininminro
lontti'il nrouiul SiurclillKlil, huioiik
rlitin tliu Ounrli'ttii, Nitlil to Im one of
tlio rlclu'Kt in Southern Xovniln. Dur
iiiK til" iKt wintor tliov mlil throo
iiivtilniiili of f.'O.'HH) onoh, nml clnim
to luivo ouourIi on btocknil out now
to Inst twenty yenro nt tho imwnt
ratr of out nut. Tho fronident of
this initio, Col. HopkiiiK, linn built u
,111m liitll wliinh ho ilonnlcN for tho
lilcuKiiro of tho coniinuuitv Hero ho
Iiiih pliu'cil n lino iilnnoli. by which
iiiuhIu in furnlshiMl for tho ilniico jmr
tion nml othor Knthorlup'. Tho Duplox
initio, loontoi' nt tho limit or tho
lowimito, Iiiih a twenty slnnip mill,
which 1h koit runuitiK tiny nml niitht
RrimltiiR nut tho until A fliort timo
ore nssyWiL' $lil,MH per ton. Wo had
tho plcMiro of Koinj: tlirourh nn of
hesn Mamp mills on a e.lcnii-tip day
we begin nt the top where the ore is
lumped from tho small ore ear upon
grate A part or this rails through,
and the com ser rook roll down between
heavy ctuslierH, nud Im insiiintlv pnl
vorl.oil, On the next Horn- I Ixmuh a
more thorough crusliliii;, and is simply
pnwdered umlor the heavy slumps.
Here the water is turmd in nud the
mot ion of the uinchiiicry lluows this
mixture up nun'iiit Hue wire m'ioouh
nnd out upon the plates 'J'Iiom aie
made or timber nud aio almiit tio
feet wide ami twenty foot bnii;, mid
nro covered with coppei plates nvei
which is spread n coatWiL' of.piicl: sil
ver. Tho line gold readily udheiiw to
the iiie,k silver, and .he water nud
useless paitiolos nro enrried oil into
whnt In called tho tailing pond. Tho
mnnngor turned the hose upon these
plates, nml wo could cattily see with
tho naked eye the small particles of
gold. Then these plates nro scraped
nml tlm oontoiiMonllod niiiuli'iim)
placed in tightly covered vessels, with
a pipe lending off. The tpuicknilvor
ovnporntos nnd 1h carried through this
pipe into tho retort Then the gold
is heated nnd run into moulds about
tho sio nml shape of bricks, and tho
oiio wo had tho pleasure ul holding in
our hauilH for a niinuto, contained
tl.",000. No one except the interested
parties nro expected to know when
this bullion Is tnkeu to the U.H .Mint.
Tho carriers are ahvnys accompanied
by tho shortl', nml deputies well armed.
However during our four months titny
in this mining county wo never heard
of n singlo attempt at robbery. The
name 'mining camp' usually impresses
oun ns a place inhabited by a iilnsn of
people n little hlow the averiiL'e.luit
this camp nt least is mi exception.
Neither is it a lonely jilaco. The
dancing club has its social little dance
parties each week and and rhero U mi
intorosHiiK whUt club ol twenty in
telligent ladies. Thev have n iood
school and very recently n church has
been oragni.ed by Hev. Win. llaiipl
man, late of Alma, Nohruslm. A line
hotel has just oeeii completed, having
been built by parties from Nebraska.
Tho lirst flour will be occupied bv
...- ...,,, !.. in lll'lU'lllll ttj
stores, otlicos, and the SuarchliglitHank
...! ril....A di ... . .
and Trust (Jonipany about July 1st
An ice plant nml cold stornge has just
lionn i.nmiilntnil Im. Iw ') oil .w.. I
. v.. . ......... ..... ...,i ,n f-.,r-v n, null"
dred, and as tho heat in mid summer
is almost unbearable, there will bo n
great demand tor this nrtiole. Mnny
of the ladieH lonvo tho camp and live
in Fomo of tho coast towns during th
hottest months
Bladder diseases in every
whole system, and the
resulted from disordered
because the cause has
- n I
mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE
at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes.
Cents and $1.00.
Columbus, Neb
TIiih Is not n boom ciuni iih iiiiuty
mlnlttc (AiupN itro, but litis nlvij
mnlutnlniMl n ood wtenilT, mowiii.
Wiiros nro ijooil, tlio prico paid for In.
bor ImliiK from fl.00 to til.OO. LivtiiK
i hii?h Hnitnr 10 contu por pound,
butter oO, i'kkh .'0, htenlc '.'."i ! tirli
veKetnblex nronlilppnd in three tinier, n
week, nud It In renlly surprlninjj whnt
Kooil menls vou enu je inSeiirolillulit.
I'mviniotiH nro htith from the ulinpln
fnut thnt overythlui; miiht Im freli:lit.
ed '.Mi mlloii, but iih kooii iin the mil
ronil in built it will nnilui n viimI ilill
erenoo. Hero wo have tho most niniuill'Ti.t
HtinrlMi nml siiiuot 1 merisnw For
iUKtnucn pieturonKieat bank of nlonils
Nweepiui; ivloni? nt tlio foot of tlio
inoniitaiiiN mid just over and beyomi
n seoniinly Insnv Inko nud for a back
ground the lofty Mum- capped Mono
tnlnn or Arl.onn, nnd over all the first
ray h of the nioriiliiK sun, cniiinlelliii!
n picture ot priHinntio Kplemlor J lie
writer hnn oHen thought what an on.
('limited life one might live in I do
(tomls of Nevailn, out you come down
to otd terra llrinu with her rocks.
Joshua palnis.timan and beer I initios,
the h'oiio I- not a-, plwi'lni: to tho eye.
' " ' !'' ',, ... .m'l'j,.-
Heiirehlii'lil N Id mllos Imin the Onto
rndo Itivor and in distance a tall of
i'HW reel. Match '-'Till we weie in-
vitul to j.iin a pirty camping on the t
Colorado mid mil mode oftiattluas
so novel will describe it few
years ngo too ,)nai telle Co built a
'.'0-stniup mill on ihn (Joloiado Kivei
ami laid a inllioad hack and inn I it. n
ore to this mill, en account ot water.
Later, however I heir mine developed
siilMclcnl water and they found it a
great saviiii: of time and money to
litilld a mill at the mine, couseipiontlt
the Ulver mill is in disuse. lloiveei,
the track ami caiit ate Hill in me,
ami in one ot these cms, tilled up
lunch like a 'bus, wo mad.) our ,oui
uey 'J here i an up grnde .f one and
a half miles and thin dislnnce the car
wni pulled by horses. Ilerout tho mini
mi! they were unhitched nud the
driver takes his place at the brake, and
nwny we go belter skelter Fortunate
ly we met with tin accident but theic
was just enough cut von ami sleep
grades to oause nu occasional shriek
from the ladies. When within Iv.' miles
or our destination wo can see a line ol
silver winding this wav unit that, nml
inimedintely the whole party join in
singing "Where the Silver Colorado
Wend itsWay " .Space forbids my loll
ing or those delightrul days, hunting,
fishing, nud picking wild lloweis, but
the place abounds. Wo crossed over
to Arizona nnd met some very intolli
gent much men, with their Mocks aue
bonis. They irrigate their lnnil.s ami
rnise lino alfalfa for which thev te
ooi vo fill per ton. Their famili.i -com
to live in perfect content, and uliil.
conversing with one bright yoiine
Indv. 1 thought "How many a flower
is born to blush unseen, nml wnsle iti
Irngriiut sweetness on the desert air."
Or course, our car did run back to
KcnrjIilWihr, but was pulled by strong
horses. On the ili day of April we
left Sentchlight and begun our journey
to the cost. Wo Hindi) our journey in
to Searchlight in n lumbering old
stage with great ghost like. Happing
curtains, but now wo nro seated in n
gnudy auto that carries li passengers,
nud nr;i whirlud across to Marvel, a
distuned of ','C. miles. I must eonfes
there were a row hills that required
nil tho strength nt tho male passeugeis
to got tho machine to the ton, hut thou
' rt ----- . ' .. ' wi mil I flint
we Jmil the pleasure or a good swill
hLIa .!..... tA e .i
rldo down. For four months we have
"v,,(l neeiningly isolated from the out-
sllln wnrlil lint lialr I .!... l ,., H.I.,
------- ...., ..,., niitti tn r
ncund thnt greets our oars.' O joy' the
whistle of n railroad niigiue, nml it
HonniH almost like Home long lost friend
lo us. Onboard the train we soon
o inavo to Aiojavo desert with all its
riches nml barrenness nml when morn-
form, tones up the
diseases that have
Kidneys disappear,
been removed. Com
Wig dawns vn nftt in nu enrliniiteil
land Urunt, oratigo nud lemtjti groves
ami (lowers, cvorywhore. I'ming
throuuh Pavtdenn remiiids one of tlm
lory of the young mnti who searched
there tor hM mother ihiiikttu Im l.n.t
found hi nven Ii Is nut tho writers
bleu ol heaven, Hut It surely is n most
bentitirul plnro It Is only IJ mlleN
from 1'iundetin to the grfnt city or
l.osAngolcs, with its population or
'.'OO.OOO. We rested hue lot several
lays and enjoyed tho itiiy very much,
and from this place we take tho Klee
tile car foi I.otu; lloach It is almost
dark when the Main pull in, but wet
run to tin- pior ami uneon Iho nilulilv
deep WotiU fall me when 1 write of
the (icii'ii It li hoiiutilul bevunil
deserlpiton On ail ar day we can see
the (Jittallitii Maud, lying out at ills
ance or :, mlb We visited Hie Ohio
ago, the flag ship nl I lie Purine Mpmil
ion, commatidod bv Ad Goodrich, but
many of the ifoin weie naily lo
sing ) MUtot Caplaltt uton llm ship.
I want lo uot mil and walk " How
evot, wo were mote fortunate and liio
trip only whetted our appetittes tot
u loiigot voyage. The scene on Decot-
atou day was very itupiesMvo. Allot
the usual decorating of the i.'raves.
tile (dll KoblieiN nud nlbot nrilxry
nu clii il out on lowci deck ami a com
illleo of ladles, dressed iu white.
weie taken on beaut a llower la.loii
vessol ami at a short distance liom the
pier thev begun singing "The Mini
rtpaiigled Itauiier," and while their
voices tang on. f ver tho water tho
boaiitilol llowets weie sltcwii upon
the wuvok and can led out. in mommy
of uiir dead saibiM.
In mv iiom lellei l will loll 3 on ol
Lino; l!o:iob and 1 tirtonmliiig .oiot
lowic. ami luioami.l the ftagiance ol
moot llimots and Willi Ihe toai ol tlio
niiglil o.'ciio 111 0111 cat", wo bid vou
good b.e
Mri II (I .McOliiitoi...
"On 'I Im Tike'
iMiitiii.lio'i Hiiil) )
Hy Im
the uiort novel ami ono ot
the nio'it ontoiiiilniiik' and enjoyable
uncial evoiitii over given iu O.dumbus
waMho "On the I'iko" p.uty at the
home of Misn Mamie I'llioti last
evening. If was a mho enough pike,
and those who saw il need not repine
if they miss tho Portland exposition
The puly wan given by MIhuoii
Mamie Ktliull, Doiothy Post, Dora
llabcock and Olata Keeibr. The lawn
was lighted ami the all'ilr was entire
ly an oiitiii(i parly. Tents were
Mcattoiiil about tho yard ami in these
woio tho vatioiiH attractions. Tho
iiiei.iii.ii of Hie multitude was cnlled
11 1 lie several side shown by three
very accomplished spielers, Messrs.
Mi. Ml I rush, Kurly nml Neiimarker
I'll ire as everything from real live
take elcirniors with real sunken to
ei reus lemonade
Tho snalio channels piobably at
tract) il the most attention. They
weie Miss Kthol Oarlow, little Miss
Julia Klliott ami Joe McOloml I'bey
hail about a doen garter Miakes and
they put the little striped lellows
through their paces in a most pro
fessional mm bloodcurdling manner.
1'osee a little girl wind even a gartet
-make around her neck ami put its
head in her mouth Is an entertain
mont that ctniiot be had every day iu
amateur circles.
The dilletoiit attiaclious almost
defy a detailed description There
were two donkeys on which the guests
were given ftee rides, 11 fortune lellei
who rejoiced iu the name of Mndaiuo
Frit.; a balloon ascension; a cage of
pet animali., u medicine show, pat
terned after Ihe performances of Ihe
tape worm lakir whoappeand iu Co
lumbiiH Inst week; a babv show III
whichlMir-H llaol Hlovons of (Ireelev
(Jul., run led oil tin beauty ptie, a
cannibal , a dwarf who was giiaiaulced
to have boon Ihiiteeu years old at the
time ol bis birth, the only dticH in
(he win lit (hut never took adtWik.Ihe
only red bat in existence, iiamelv,
a brick bat an um-lo-oater, etc , the
animal pan of tho iihiliiinu being
called the Hiigeiibei I: animal ci.llee
tiou Then wir e. colli "ium nt pii'lurcs
by living iutiK coiiipiihiiic a l;ti,o
niiuiber or piloting! uinl olhei t.iims
ol graphic Mil l'oi instanc. , " Tho
Last D.ivs ol I'.i 11- lliii: 'J'ra " wu, a
coil ol saiiMtgo, "(lot fin tin, Nii'ht"
was an onliiiguishcil caudle
K very body 1 111 tied Iihimi and im
had the time ol their life Lemon
shot bet and uike wile seivni
The out of town guests in wlm-o
honor the patty was given worn
Misses Oia Hollo Hm toy mid Mary
Kalis ol Omiilia, Klu.abeth Tlinmp.'iiii
mid I icy Dill ot liiuml Ul.unl ,
Klsie Johnson of Omaha, I In.. I ,l',i, v
ens or (Sroeb'v, Col , .Mania I'.imles
of Chicago . and Mabel Wabliou of
A Suiiii',e 1'aity
A pleamnl urpii,io patty nciy le
given to your lomach and livei hy
Inking a medicine which will ieli. vo
their pain ami dt comfort, , in
King' Now I, lie pill) 'ill, y ate a
must uiuidiitul lemeily, iilloiiiing
iik i. lii I nml rin o, tor lioadai ho,
dlzincs ami coiiNtipation .' 1 loutsal
Chan di lie luie.
Benevolent Regulation.
(Krl.lil)'s U,ij)
Kvill n lUOnonolv hl ita rrnhl..
Hlnco tho Htnmlnrd Oil OomiKiny ttart
cil on its enreor of tilnni brlgnndiiRe
Imclc In the so'h it hmi had th double
burden of nttemlluff to lta nmn h...
iuoss nnd also tho htuinos of ltd com
petitors. One day Hit week ft polite MrAORer
blew Into town nml cnlled on the
principal users of giiHoliun, Introduc
ing himself as n representative of the
Hfnmlnrtl Oil coiunanv. Iln ntltmi .
the Journal ollice. lor iiiRtnnnn avnri
ikcd what we paid tho loent dosler
lurgiiMoiino Iln mis iiifnrmeil that
we paid ,'ti cents per gallon In Ration
lots, Ho thereupon Informed nu thai
we were piling too much nml th.t
boreal tor the price would be III cents
per galltui The local denier, he laid,
was making ton much profit -ruore
Ptotli In lad than th i.Stnmlnnl would
permit nny man to ninlte who wan
handling Standard good-. He ex
plained that when people had to pay
such a high price they laid it all on
the Stainlaiil, when as n mnttnr nf
fact tlioSlandaid is selling lower than
anybody , be and the retail dealer la
milking 'no much money.
The next day nirlriNaiieuberir. who
runs the local wngon and bujrn from
the Slauihud company, emno In nnd
miiiouiiced Hint the Stumlard Oil:
Co could go to blazes nu far ai ho
Is concerned. Ho enn buy bis oil from
an Independent concern at Lincoln, he
mivh, at tho same price ho lutr the
Slamlaid He makes a profit of C
cents a gallon nnd says ho In uot get
ting itch enough to hurt nny body.
If Hi" Standard cuts him nt nuil re
fuses to 10II to him because hit iuititH
00 1 mining nN (,Wn business, he will
buy liom the independent company,
and thin il the Standard wautN to
flint no opposition wagon ami cut
ptiroM ibat is their privilege.
With public sentiment aa it la lu re
gard to the Standard monopoly, it ia
doubtful ir tlm t mat could run a home
lenler out ot buiiiurss even if It ahuuld
give its goods n ny. The Standard
agent nuiiuumvil licit bo would return
belote long nml sin wimthtir hin com-
mmiibi had been obeyed.
Struck by Train.
( riilliHiluv'n Hull))
Raymond llanoy, white nl wotk on
the platform of tho eaat watering tank
or the Union Pad tic shortly after ouo
o'clock today, wns struck by tho pilot
ot 11 freight engine nnd paiufully iu
jureil, though it In thought he wnauot
seriously hurt. Iln was aiitlng at the
edge or tl:e platform nailing down a
plank ns a westbound iwihHcnger waa
Dulling lu. Ho moved back to Ret
clenr ot the pnssoiiRer nml did not hear
thesNicial ft eight which waa going
in t lie opposite direction uu the other
track. Tho pilot ot tho freight engine
struck him on tlm loft shoulder and
threw him across tho track, a dlatauce
ol ten or fifteen foot He struck the
ground on his other shoulder, lie waa
uot uucuiihciuuri but win uuatilo to
walk A plivsician was culled and
I bough no broken bouoa wore found,
it could uot be lold whether Mr.liauey
had suffered serious internal injury
or uot.
The t lain was running five or alx
mib'H uu hour nt tho time of the acci
dent Tho injured 111111 has been rn
iiiovnlio the hospital. He is about
ibiity rive years old nml hns a famllv.
Clara Foben.
1 HiiiinI i'h Dull) J
Miss Clam Folios, tho eldfcst daugh
ter nl Decatur FoIiiin, died ynaterday
or consumption niter n long illunan,
She wan t went v-one yeara old. Ho
sides her parents she leavea two young
er sisters nml ono brother. Funeral
services will be conducted by Itev.
Monro nt the Methodist church to
moriow nltoruooii nt three o'clock.
Piiirinl will be iu tlm Columbus cem
etery Prostrated by Kent.
(Iiiih.)'.. Miilj)
II. Wltich nu ollice man trow
a Chicago wholetale liniiMs wm ,i0.
st rated in fruiil or tlm Thiiision hotel.
He was ntitied to bin loom in mi uu
comcioiiN coudilion ami Di Plat.
Htimuiiiiieil He 1.0011 levivcd and in
on his loot iiL'tun.
Mr S 1 It iili bad not hoi n in uuod
health ami 'elievod one o tlm imys
on the toad, tbiiikWig Ihe out door
work would improve bis iniidiliou,
hill ho pintcil iiui'iuiil lo Ihe ileiuamls
made upim tho lu.y-i on the mini uud
tlio In nl anil a had Huiauili ,'(;in t'lueii
lo upM't Ium Nu mii ions icmiKs ute
aiilii tpili il.
The Diaiiiontl Cure.
'fin luti it news liom I'm is la, they
hao discovered diamond cure lor con
Miiiipiiou. ll you fear consumption or
pneiiiiionia, it will, however, be best
fin you to take that great remedy
mentioned by W. T. Met lee, ut Van
let r, Tenn,"l bad n cough lor tour
toon years. Nothing helped me, until
I took Dr Kings Now Discovery for
Consumption, coughs and colds, which
gave instant relief mid ellucted per
niotit ciiie."iueipialeil cute for throat
and lung (ioiiIiIom At Cluis. Uaoka
1I1 ui: ntmo pi ice no cents nud il guar
auled Trial bottle tree.