i ;'' '. 1V.J rt 'ik'. Jt i'ii;i.'Ai .'.i.mr. ' rf frW lM I UEBLING I CLOSING OUT SALE j3Kfife itv;" -'ft 'J f. -..' j." .' it ,v'i..v 3fV 9t" 'H5I V 'if 3T VrsX V 1KX V ' Jlf Jwy XHu i JX ICX m IGLOOS & ;"! 'vS ' 1 Below are the many bargains you will find in our store. The prices we ask are shorn of all profits and in many instances are below the regular cost price of articles mentioned. Wc have ?i low Ice Cream Freezers left and to clean up on them will sell at less than cost, while they last. 2 (t Arctic $1.25 each, 'A qt 1 .50, 4 qt $1.75, 6 qt $2.25. M burner Jr. Gasoline Stoves at $2.90, Lemon Squeezers at 5c, Ice Picks 5c, 1 l-8x2Hx Bs Screen Doors at 50c each. We have a lew Refrigerators will close out at cost. II you can use a Cook Stove or Steel Raugc, come quick as they won't last long. We arc selling them at factory cost without freight added. Do you need any nails? Wc are selling 0 pounds lor 25c, mowing ma chine oilers 5c, machine oil, 5 gal lots at 25c gal, Fraz- BSBWI ier Axle Grease, 3 1-lb boxes lor 20c, 6 heavy steel hinges at 7c pair, 6 extra heavy T hinges Ho pair, barn door hangers 35c pair, barn door rail 3c per foot, poul try netting in lull rolls 40c per 100 square feet, wire cloth in lull rolls $1.20 per 100 sq feet, No. 8 scoops G5c No. 10 scoops 70c, a good D handle shovel lor 40e, 3 tine bundle forks, Otsego make, the best there is at 45c, No. 1 Favorite Bbl Churn $2.75. No. 2 Bbl Churn $3.25 i No. 8 galvanized iron wash boiler at 65e each, No. 8 tin I copper bottom wash boilers at 80c, galr iron wash tubs I small size 45c, medium size 50c large 60e, 3 qt granite cumuu puis ov, qt granue conec pois 'j-uc, aiso a mil line ol enameled preserving kettles from 35c up. SMfi IMT SSXST'STiCrMT. '-'xtiZr&u We have a complete stock and can furnish you almost anything' you want; the goods must be sold within the next 30 days. This is the opportunity of a life time. Come early before the stock is broken. North CLOOS & Thirteenth St., UEHLING Columbus, Nebr. i WJ - mAT.I mmmmmmmmmmmm&mmmmmmmmm Ynnturility'a Dnily Journal. OoiihiiU Dr. 1'nrry nhout your eyes. MIhn Martha Turner in working on tint Argux. ,1cm Duooy of Idinlmy was- in ilm city jnHlordii?. (). .1. Ourltiw returned today trout n trip up tlio Norfolk branch. MIhh Yom K runner wont lit Lincoln tliiH inornlui; to spend tlio iluv with friends. Mrc Fred llolltnn lull (IiIh mormon ovitr tlio lUirlliik'ton for ttml'liilipptiinH to join her husband MiNH Ulii KuK'T who Iihn boon working on tlio Itieiin litis accepted n position on thn Arj;u Cull enity to Hulnit our liitriuiiiis ut Clous Mid llohliues while tliititHioit liirut ih rouiplnto. tf (J.ut Scot I, IIiiiih l-Mliott.Alhoit Utth iiiUHMon ituil I. O Uikvittmuuh wont to KuiiMiH tliin morning ovxr iliollui luu; ton Mr. mill Mth. llolxrt IIiiiiiim; icfl liiHt nielli for tlion futuro houix in Swou UitVi In Mr Kiiiiiish' uiotloo has ho tur improvoil as to portuit liix ItiflVtllK Mr. niul Mrs. Sullies Kiistmim ot ('roNtou wnio hi (JnluiiiluiN ycstcnhvy on thoir return Iroiu (Hoolnv count wlioro Mrn K.ntniiui lui' Mhttcil rcl iitivi'H for nivorul wouUh Mr. unit Mrn. .tohu I'ony went throiik'li i'oIiiiiiIiiih toiluv on thoir why to rirliulnr. Mr. I'ciry is rol.ol n'i'iil on tlm Union I'millc uinl luu lit'iin on iluly ut Fulicrton MrH (ioiiiko Wiiihlow ri'turncil to iluv from Stunrt, Nnlir , wlu'in she Iian hooii visit iiif" her fntlioi tm tin piiht two weeks Slio witsiii'i'oiupouicil liy her hrotlior Mr Hurl ScolleM Wnnl wiih rrcnlvoil liorn tmlny tluit n ilmtK'litor wim horn on SuiHiiy to Mr. nuil Mrn. (i. T. Kvorott nt I'm-k'. nnl, lown, wluuo tlioy nro visit iiik ut tlm homo of Mr. F.verelt'H fntlier MrH. (ieo Hcott eutertauieil ciyht KlilHonoilny Inst week in honor of Mix MhiiIu HimiloH of Olilcuo. Tlio tnhlt wiih ilocorntod with hwont pnnnnnil luiichoou wan Korvoil in four courses. l'rof. W. M. Ivorn loft tmluy for hlleiulnlo, North ItakotA to tuke clmrK'J of IiIh work ns proslilent of tlio Htnto mniitml triiinliiK koIiooI, Mr. Korn lenvoK hortH of wnrin frtenils in ColumhiiK who wilt lonvo tlio hitch NtriiiK out for IiIh roturn. No school nmn in Nohmskn rmikN hliihnr thnn Mr. Kuril mul ColuiubuK in fnrttinntp toJbKyoholil hi in uh lotiR US blltl lllll. MIhh Hfolln (Inrtnn of Hf. Kilwanl cmno down to OoIiiiiiIiun yeHloriluv to moot lior cousin, Mr II. K NoInoii, who hikH heen on viHit to Missouri. Tlmy returneil to;othor this iiftoruoon to St Kilwunl MosihunoH M. I), ivnrr niul OIihh. Dunk Imvo Issueil invitiitioim for nn "ut linino" to ho Ki vim July '.'( nt n ;.'!() in honor ot Mrs .luliu oisen of tlinnhn, ilmiKhlor of .Mr mnl Mm M. I). Knrr uinl Mim K. Stillimis of (Jlnr iiiiln, lowu. A limit mul son llurry of (ienoit worn in tlio oily litis inrounou untheii loliirn from Not ton, Kmt'iis whom Mr Ifiittt Inks iiiuilo lurtro iuvi'stuiniits Mi Itpitt will huMil it hlock which Mm iv u lit tin to Mipoiiiiteml tuuiihoit tlinn llowitiil (Mitiko hits it imn two Hiutt oil "iiuto"iho " Uno". Inch ho iliovo up fioiu Ouiikhit lust Suliinliky Tlio now iiiiichiuo is citpthlo ot twenty two horse power mul inn strike it clip tluit inikl.es its p'tsHi'iiKors son sick. It ulso clikiuis the mlvmitiiLTo of hniiu; ikliuost noiseless. Mih. V. Neninmker mul it uuiiiher ol the iniMiiheih of the l.itilies Anl so ciety of Hie (leiiuikli Kvimnelicikl Pin testinit church will civo for the lieun III of Mtiil society mi ice crcnin mioiiiI on Dikvlil Schuptiiich's litwu on Kiev, until htreel tnui:ht i:orjhoilv cor liully uivitcil. I'littik .Mi eel; o tlm ilnltiuihiis hum. hkll tcmu will kii to Kmiiutiil Kriilny to join the Oiuithit leiint tluit pluveil hero on the Fourth of lulv The dull hits lenrejuiicil mul chmiucil its iiituto troiu the (' N lHet. ti'itm to the Nohrnskii Unirinitls. 'lhey itio stitrtiiit; on it tout of the stitte. .1 F. Sienis now honsts two unto, uiohiles, one it sinulo senteil vi hide whirhhouses tor licht work mul it two senteil umchine for the plousum of his fmnily mul frtuml- Mr Sleius loft I ho first of the week for Nntionitl I'ity.t'nl whom ho went to dispose of it viilimhlo fruit imich of 7"i (teres Mr. Slums ts oiio of the men who Imvo through their i;euius mul industry iTt'nti'il weitlth for I'littto county. F 11 Kosoll ot St. Kilwmd dieil at St Mary's hospital u Kriiluv tilithr of hlooil ininoiiinK Ho was a ilniKiHst nod 'mil boon in the employ ot A. I). Wlnto. Last wool; he scratch' ol his hand on some part nt Mr. White's soda fountain Trouhle im mediately henan, and ho citiuo to the hospital Thursday iiIkIU. Ho t,'iow rapidly wnrso anil dieil Frulny. .1 M Kennedy of Ht. IMward cnuiint; down on the noon train to tttka hint home. K. II. (JhaiuherH has boon confined to his homo most of tint tituo since his rot urn from Sheinimi county Inst Thursday by it Mubbunrn attack ol rheumatism. Thn disease has con fined itself to Mr. Chambers foot ami his uyoH. Mrn. (lilletto niul tlio Misses Minnie (iorholil niul Oltra Kasinussen drove to tlio (Jeiliold farm fourteen miles south of Oolumbus last Sunday. Swim iiiK, horseback ridiiii; ami nn abundant supply of sweet mid tendor spiln chickens worn iuiiuiik Hut HiIiirh Hint tiiailo the dav puss ploasaiitly. Orali: Tumor. acconimiiieil by his Mslers the Misses Martha, Uoim mul Frances returned Saturday iiIkIu trout an overland trio to Sherman county wliwro Htoy havo boon visit ini; thoir coinins Carl ami Itort MoKiunio. While there thov also visited tlio Fred HloiiKor farm occupied by Mr.Mussor. Thoy report crop conditions excellent in Sherman county. Tl.eio is only one i'hautauiua in tlio stato this year that will bo worthy of vour attention ami that will bo the one at Fullerton the site of the fain ous l.nvor'H l.oaii. Thnro is whom you will itot vour monny'H worth mid somo to spam niul if vou nro looking for it vacation mm a place to spend it vou should writo to tlio socrotitry for a copy of thoir handsome souvenir book KiviiiK full detail of tlio pionntin ami dates. It iM tlio handsomest thiui; of tlio suit over put ont m the wont ami you should havo ono whether vou are Ktiinii or not. Thoir dales aro Autnist It to ,'tth inclusive. Kour sum rates on all rallioaiU during thn tluto of the moutiut;. Son the bit; bills for further particulars or writo thn secretary. Procrastination is tlio thief of time. Don't pot it oil. Havo your house in sumd now. Havo vour accounts col lected before they aro outlaw Onll on (). N. MoKlfrohh. wtf. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS J"6, 'at, an ''' rilmlili-. LnillN.nsL iinusin r.r lntliiMnnil IiiiHhIIom. Hut nt mir lieinci.t. er -4IUI ir. in tnii4 t.ir I'nrllrulitrt. l-ati- fi !m,f.V! n""' .'l'-INiilmmU. tMbjr -..-. "'UMTH OIIKMIUAl. OO moo MatllMia surr. fill LA., PA, OUST IN OUR EYES. Wf nt Tlntr 4'illii'l (iirliiiin Tltli.K U'llliiMit I.iioUIiik l'r Thrill. I'Vw people arc iiuuro, sny- l'nil V Sahy In the Stinind Miik.I7.Iiu, that wt are nil muituuily "collcctlut" onrl oih tlihii; without Io.iI.Iiik for them: In the very net of lookliiK up at the floethiK spectiicle uf a llery oih the reader with the IiIk. wide open oyos tuny onslly reedto In one of hit own orbs ii tiny sphere from afar that was linMluctil in u kIowIiik streak of llht like the one ho Is niliiilrlUK. Meteoric tlust N ever fnllltiK niul up on nil part of our planet. The llttlo Hpheros havo liceu t'oiinil upon tint decks of ships far out ut sea, In nil the deserts of the earth mul on tint tops of snow cliul mountains. Untie liiKi hroiiKht up troiu the silent depths of the ocean kIvo testimony of thoir unhcisal ptoM'iice. The paitldot nil niiit.ilu Iron and tire oanlly collivtetl by the magnet from the loot' of any lillthollse n- other place (posed di rect l, to tlu sky. Seafarers aro sometimes pelted with dust of ipilto a dlll'crent kind, compos od of the iiiloroM'opIc tllnty skeletons of beautiful plants culled "diatoms." Tlu".e tiny plants live In both salt and frosh water and occur In enor mous numbers in some localities. Oc casionally water courses and luuudat od mean dry up. and the tllnty shells of the diatoms which kh'w there aro blown about as dust. There aro sev eral Instances on record of dlatoina coons dust falls nt sea. During the thickest p.ut of the fall the sailors han experienced much pain in their eves, the lutlammatiou hcing caused by the little duly slu II i. SECRETARY SEWARD. Hit InlliH'iicc I linn tin- I'orrlKn Vol lc oC 'I hi t'oillilr). The Importance of Secretary Sew ard's liitlui-mv In the domestic affairs of the I'ulted States duriiiK Johusou' iidiululstratloii has probably boon of iiKKeratitl, but It would be hard to ox iiKKiTuio the linportanco of what he iiihleM'd and of what ho Initiated In his own proper Held of diplomacy. Ill chief, oci uplcil as ho was w 1th tierce controversies over other subjects, found, wo may well suppose, but llttlo time for forei,:tt relations. He does not appear to have Interfered with policies which wete already adopted or to have initiated au.v new policies of his own. Seward must therefore bo held respon Hlblo to a degree somewhat unusual for the conditet of the tlelleato negotia tions, Involving very far reaching eon sentiences, which the war gave rlso to. It was he who tlrst pres.-ntisl America to Uurope lu that attitude of conscious .strength vvhUh the th u'ough establish ment of our nationality at last enabled i to. take. It was ho. who roassertiil oiToctivi... . ;. t wit. 10, i. any u:v)ii. our tr.tdi 1 ill tl ntniul l.i r.'l'cc. i.- ti the T.'itln icpuhlhs t the south of i ,t. It wa.t he who, fa. In,; wcslvv.ud, ;i couiplishcd nn ovp-iusion m' our tern Into a region never c niteinplated until his tiny by tho-ut who guided our destinies ami turned our thoughts up on the shoies of the Pacltlc as it field for Anieriean trade and American In fluence. William Gnrrott Ilrowu lu Atlantic. THE CRUEL PIANO. JaTenll flacrlflrra Thnt Are OrTiTi-it I'p tu lilt liiHlrunit-nl. My landlady's llttlo boy, separated from mo only by a thin lath p.iititlou of a wall, Is playing live linger eer cIsoh lu halting ihythm and with In numerable falsu notes. The lnstru nient Is tine lu which the flight of years has left a tone like a discontented' nut meg grater. The little boy, a pale child in a long pinafore and big white oars, hates hi i chosen instrument us much as 1 do. ! and ko wo moot on a level of mutu.ii , nllllctiou. 1 loathe hearing him, and he ' hates til.i iUMtiuiiiout; now, lu the name of good common sense, vvhj must ho be offered up as a aerltlce. Ills mother Is n poor woman, and the tinkling cottage piano with plaitd. faded green front represents the hops mid many other wholesome thing t she has not eaten, ami what she allow t the young Inly lu the thltd floor li.n-i;, vim takes her boanl out lu piano le sons, la a twrloiis sacrltlce. Now , I usl; what for? Why Is all the world playing an im necessary piano? Marilago has a fatal effect on niiwle. For moiio occult reason as soon as a girl Is man toil the piano the grave of so imiih money and time i el Ires out of active life and swathed In "art di.i perles," burdened by vases, cabinet photographs and Imitation "cmlos" serves lesn as a musical Instrument thnu a warning. Hut no sooner me the next generation's legs long enough to dangle between the keyboard and the pedals than the echoes awaken to the same old false notes that servo no pur pose unless mi hour of dally martyr dom over a tear splashed keyboard Is an excel lent preparation for the trials of life. Mrs. John Lane lu London Outlook. African t.rnnhrrttn. Tlio social grosbecks of South Africa llv In large societies. They select a tree of considerable sle and literally cover It with grass roof, under which their common dwelling Is constructed Tlio roof serves tint double purpose of keeping off tlio heat and the rain, and KMi or roo palm of birds are known to have the sumo shelter. The nests in this aerial dwelling are built In regu lur streets and clotely resemblo rows of t cue went housed. How to Make Bread flood broad bakers, as well as hcojniii is, can alvv.ivs le.irn somrthinc, new about making bn.ul. Send for our bread honk, which evpl.iins "How to Make llreail" with Yeast Fo.uu the boht ) cist in the wot Id. f.ootl hotne-in.iile bread is delicious, nutritious, and nraniiHi, anil is just us e.e.v to make as pie ot oak oil use Yeast Foam follow the direction' Ik I v . YvMvStw v fir jL'j mill ifi ' VA XSA? mPJ Br which is the first pssenti.it of cood hirad. imnnls :i tl ivor and an una of its own. It's made ot wholesome vegetable iu)'irdieuts, nul contains the sectet o tint Mvret lillttv, wile it v t Iste which is the di light ut all good hoine-kccpcrs. The secret is in the yeast. Yeast Ponn is sold bv all groceis i;.icli nckiige contains 7c.ikis cuoiidilo nuke in loivcs -mil -i Us for s cents It's the most cconoinii.il uid the lust, te gmllcss of inst Write lor the book to il.o 'i mail it ft tr. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO., Chicago, KILL he COUCH wo CURE the LUNGS " """ Dr. i King's" ' New Discovery ml rONSUPlPTION OUCKS and OLDS Pilro COc". J 00 rreo Trial. Surest niul Uun,.vet Umo "hir iiTi"1 TIIROA'i- ni'l LUNO auouil. LES, oi aiONKV HACK. M 1 i II IfipW ' J$jt SJKii! m-ri