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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
t ! i j Platle Center '..iohvokm.v.n AMMMMMHMWWMBMMMMMMMMMMl I Pintle (Vntor MiWrilx't" nmy lfi) llnrrlp. tlonx lo.lnliii I) Ili'tinii. If )im imt In I n nt wll iitijtlilmj, m Mr, Ki'uati mul lit lilm mtwr liw it in tlio lpwlim: tuiixr of I'lntM muni) .loiirtml ml nlwijh iln II, . )iiiu. Hut nilicr tleo In jour tionio iht litt Hiiiii-iiiint tlmi with .limriml mli'rllitiM I I'Iiht-mIii)' t ill) Tho third mnntini: of t ho Shako spearo clnh met last evening at the homo of Miss Alico Hughes. John '1. Kvans of Mayvillo is trans acting business In l'latteCenter todnr. John ( Megan will depart with n crowd of landeekors for Pierre, 8. I), noxt Tuesday, returning the following week. Fred J. OouhrliiK, who lins been visiting in Osceola the past few days, rtituniPit homo yesterday Ho report that tint Motiden itnil Hornier families who niovud down thoro last spring aro wnll pleased with their locution. Mr. nnil Mrs. John Roberts and .Mis Sarah Roberts, who have been visit ing relatives hero lor tho past few days, havo returned to their homo in Oitinlm. C. A. Heardsloy of Columbus was t rntivact inr business hero today. Mr. mid Mrs. OIiiih. Watts of Watts villc are in town today. Tint junior baoball teams ot I'latte Center and Iltimphrpy will piny thin afternoon at I'latte Center, il'ililii) Dull)) Unit item front our I'latte Center correspondent In written no poorly it can not bo deciphered. It says hiiiikc tiling about the purchase of a cream separator to be Mint to a South Dnkota homestead for the wife to turn while the husdhaml is absent and I lie name John Kegati appearH aim in the item. I'lctto Center readois may be able to make the connection. I'M. Mm l.ncid and daughter Julia of Spalding formerly of l'latco Ci liter, (.pent Thursday with frienilM here. Tim Misses Anna, Knima and llossio Webster roturued to Schuyler last night accompauixd by MIhn Tessio I'ollanl who will upend the siimmor there. S T. Clother, Wm. Hoiinoi-soy, John Oroismi and John Mofiet are in Columbus today. i'latte Center will play and win a mine of ball with Columbus Sunday F. II. Davis of Madison transacted business here this week. It S. Dickinson and C. K. Snyder of ColumbuH transacted business in town today. Miss Mabel Snyder of ColumbuH was in town today transacting business for the Nebraska Telephone Company. The Junior base ball tenuis of Hum phrey nail I'latte Center played a hot iramo of ball here yesterday. Some I to H in favor of liatto Center II. I) Lamb returned trom Omaha Inst night and departed for the Port bind KxH)sitioii. .Miss Kittle Ocntlcmnu returned to Craml Island last night. Hereafter tho mail will tut distrib uted every night after the ariival of the Norfolk train. iSuturdiij's Oml)) f Nl'KOIAL-Mrs. O. M. Orunther and sous Alfred ami Homer went to Columbus today to meet C. M.Ortiuth er who In returning from an extended western trip II. C. Hums, formerly a lesident of thin place, but now ot Siouv City is here visiting old ai ipiaintauret Our ball team will go down to the county seat tomorrow mid quim likely take a long tut fall out ot the city (Hides in that eitv. Our boy are well tlod to give Co. Iiimbus a run for their monev mid if their new suits we heir so much about are not buttle scarred when the came ends, then we tubs our crtimittton of our bovs here. Mr. Denis Hegnu lett today for Fill lerton where he will vi-it lu brother Thomas and family Walt Hloedorn, has returned from Franklin, Nelir , ami will spend the summer hcic GRESTON II) NUM I VMM N l rt-l.iii Mil-riit.r. mux nv Mili.'i i1mis tit S)iImi') l-n-lumli lit Hi.' I i.. I'li.ll If )mii linti' iiii)IIiiiii:Iii liii) .11 m'II, ,.,. Mi I'n-i lll.lll Mini li'l III til IhltrrtlH,. l in i.. IhihIiiu; IMHrnr I'liittii ruiitit), iIiiiiiiiiiI till. -tlw,ln lln Iiii1ii'n. Ailn'tllm in i.iir Iimiiih uiHr liixl. Siliii-llii'lll III ll Willi .l.uiriml iiik I', A. June'. M, 1 I'ln nii'iun mil kiii l-etiii. Cull pnililplv iiu-wereil il.i nil nllil. ij -- t t -t- i t t ivi Wo aro hcadquartors lor ovory thing in Drug sun dries, Paints, Wall Paper and Painter's Supplies. Prescriptions a specialty CRESTON PHARMACY I'iii'wIiij'n Dal) i Mr. J. F Magill drove to Coluin bits Saturday. His daughter Miss Muzie returned with him on Monday. Hubert AuHtiu spout Sunday with hie wife. .J 1 J.l -- . -I I -,1 ,' l - l- - T -I IT Tl' - Mr, McDonald has resigned hit po sition as clork (or C V. Uuhmnn. Miss Kdlth l'ostlo mid Mr Percy NicholH from urnr Leigh spent Sunday with Mls Hlniich l'otlo. Me'sr.s Don and Dick Omniuull hnvtt lituchnruil a new antotnoblle for their mail route Mi Ada Western" t Is on tlm sick list this week The post olllco bullldlng lecelved a new coat of paint lust week Miss Vlors of Klslng City, Nebr., a trained nurse from Klslng City hos pital, is spending two weeks nt I'rof I. (minis' Sunday a fat ball game was play ed between Creston mil Olarkson, snore ."i to 10 In favor of Creston which gave the winners new life to go to Meadow drove this wnk. Dr Morris bus a phono, No -'", in his new olllce H. G. MORRIS, M. D. ( 'all Crc-t n I'lnii unify. Cull- prompll.v iiii-weuil Imyoi niglil. Cic-tun. Nelirnkii. Miss Florences I (tilth departed for Fon dii Lac, Wisconsin last Monday to visit relatives. Miss Lottie rerkinsou and sister Kittle lmvo gone to Salt Lake to spend their summer vacation. I). 1 Mahouey has been soiling the Skortipa stock at Tnrnov the past three days. H. 0 Morrow anil daughter (Jrace departed for Meadow tlrovo to attend the CI. A. H. reunion this week. They will also spend a few days with friends at Niobrara. Mrs. Kelioe's new iiiachiui) Iioum) is Hearing completion. Will Chamberlain Meyer ot S. I). who has been visiting his parents over Hie fourth left for his home Sntur unlay. A. O Parker returned from his western trip Sunday. Wm. Hloedorn went to Franklin to day on buxiuess. 77i ..III". t Tho official papers of Platte county this week will contain two pages in nonpareil typo of description of do liuiUPiit taxes. This publication means much ex pense to the people whose names ap pear on them lists. That Journal readers may know the situation exact ly, and not blame any county officer or ofltireis for what they aro legally forced to do, we note the important provisions of the law "On or before the first day of July of each year the county tronurer shall file with the clerk of the district court a petition." "The filing of such petition shall op erate as the commencement of a sever al action against each parcel of real estate showing in the petition, as woll as against evety party having or claiming any interest, right, titlo or claim in or to such real estate or any part thereof." "Within ten davs after the filing of such petition the county treasurer shall cause a notice to be published. Suoli notice shall be sinned by the county treasurer and published for four suceessivo weeks." "There shall likewise be published in connection with such notice a com plete list of tho lauds ami lots as is shown in the county treasurer's state ment ot ileliuiueut taxes, and opposite each description Hut jiuino of the own er, as well as a statement ot the total amount of taxes and asses.smiuts and interest thereon to Ouiober first, to which shall be added a docket fee of one dollar, which amount may be en tered in gross ngauist each parcel " " In all caseii where the taxes mid assessments set torth in the petition have not been paid on any tract of laud or lot on or before the oth day of September ui.xt following the tiling of the petition and wiieie no answer has been tiled within the time herein bofore limited or under mi order of court, it shall be the duty of any judL'e in the district court m which tho suit is pending, to enter a deciee in tavor ot the State ot Nebraska ami against all ihe ilcM'tiptions of icnl (Mute st mul in i.' in dcfunlr " Comity Assessor Oalley reported tho assessment ot Platte county to tlm S.ate Hoard lust week and his report furnishes some interesting comp.iri sous with the figures of the w no. sersmeiit. The toial this ytnr is :t.'.);o (Vill :f. as compared with fl.NW,. it)!! (10 for mo l, or a gain this year of f.'.T.C.i'.i ;. of this gain S 10, sd-.'.vii Im represent i'd ii an increase in the as M'siiipnt of railroad property. The railroads went raised front fM.'I.OTO 11 list year to .s.'i:i,s,7:j t Iiik year. In round numbers the railroad inorenni is nearly two ami a Half times us much as that of all other property together. It is interesting to mite that burglar proot safes have decreased from ISO last year to j.Vl tins ymi ; type-writing machines trom :i to Hi; money on hand or deposit from f.i,(M to .!'.. It 11; diamonds mid jewelry from f.'OU to fliilT, sewinu- machines from ;.".Ml to is'.H Horses cattle, hogs and corn all sho v a good incremo. As pointed nut in this paper before, the city of Columbus is JI.OOi) poorer this year than it was lust owing to the mIm Mftnl Wu tax dodging abilities of some of our people who call theniseltes good cltl .one. ' Kov. Deiss and wlfo of Horger, Mo. arogunM at tho homn of.T. Pinpte mid family this week. llalloy West of Schuyler called nt tho Journnl olllco thin afternoon. He was on his way to Seward. I. II. Ilritell mid his little daughter went to St. Kdward to visit Mr, Ilrlt fell's father this morning. Try our Wend Conl. fi.TiO a ton at "Hrds. Nowuinn fc Wolch, tit Olllco east of North Oiwra House. Mrs. W. II. Mathews and little son Lointi of Ohio mid Mrs. Walter Lndd of Oiunlm nrn visiting a few days this week with Mrs. A. L. Kooti. J.W. Wnrilln has moved Into the V,'. W. Kathbnrn cottage. The Weaver house vacated by Mr. Wnrdiu will be occupied by Prof, and Mrs. (Iraves. Mrs. Joseph Fcnftelil of St. Kdward is lying serliously ill at St. Mnry's hospltol from a kidney trouble. Little hope Is held oat for her te covery. J. K Hurt ami Ktta C. Wihoi were married yesterday by County Judge Hntterniau. iloth parties aro from Mead, Nob., mid both have been di vorced from previous marriages. (leo. Hondergard of Chicago has accepted n position an saloimnn In the clotihng dojiartment of Frlohof ' n store. H. F. Wilson whom Mr. Sonderguid succeeds has acceptol n ttoaltioti as fravoliug salesman for a Chicago shoo house with hoadiuarters at Ouiahu A tetnM)rry injunction wan granted in district court, on application of Chorsty M. Kdwards, against the vil lage of Lindsay. The injunction ro strains the village from opening a village street across certain laud which the plaintiff alleges has been used solely for agricultural purpons, fartbor Haying that nhe had already usked to have tho laud sotaratod from tho village. In addition to a restrain ing ordor from tho conrt nhe asks f ftOO dmnagoH for (Trading already done by tho villnge on said land. Mnny peoplo havo mado use ot the modern incubator puroly an a money getter. Hut there are also many jhjo pie who lmvo made use of it simply as mi interesting diversion. And tho latter class often pursue their diver sion with greater skill than the form er do their business. Miss Petite Martvn is one of Columbus young ladies who has been running an in cubator this summer as a diversion and sho has made a record with her first hutch that will make experienced Incubator jveoplo look to their laurels. Out of KIT eggs she secured a hatch of i chicks, plymonth rocks, white rocks and butf cochins. Supervisori Investigating Tho special committee of supervisors appointed to investigate the charge agaiaust Suiorvlsors Krnst and Dernier of overdrawing their salaries is in session this afternoon. So far they have not agreed on a recommendation to the board, but it can bo safely said that their fludlug as to the facts is that the two supervisors in ques tion have overdrawn ai charged. Whether tho committee will recom mend that tho oounr attorney bo in structed to proceed against Messrs. fcrnst and Hemler cannot be told un til tho comtntteo reports to the board. Suporvlnors (loot., Held mid Swan son aro the committee. The board of supervisori this morn ing granted a license for saloon to J. P. Sokol of Duncan, to continue one yrur from August II. Tho petition of Wm. Duesman was granted for location of a road in (iranvtUc tvvp. Gun Tensoirlorf of Lost Creek tvvp and Martin Onkle of Granville tvvp were appointed road overseers. Almost the whole foreuooii was ta ken up with the Honggler-Hnot tuber road dispute. The hoard had granted thn petition of Mr. Hoettcher and Hengglor ami others asked for a re consideration. C. J. Garlow appeared for them. The reipiest was denied. llonroe. Mrs. H C Parsons wu calle d to Osceola yesterday by the serious ill ness oi her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Fil man. Miss Mabel Thurston of Genoa vis ited last night and today at tho home of C. II. Galley. Mrs. F. K S rot her and sou of Primrose visited in Montoo but week. J Leonard MoCono died at his home in this eiiy last Wednesday morning. Ho had bten 111 for r. long period, and while his death was not entirely un expected it was a great shock to liin many friends. He was :i:i years old ami has mad i his home here for about four vvats. He leaves a wife and three small children. The funeral was held at the residence at uluo CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Hivi Always Bought Boars tho Signature! of (ZsjtfZ&Z: ...!' mi in' 'i . ! '- X-"- o'clock Friday and he wai burled in tho Columbus cemetery bcilde hit mother. Presiding Klder Millard preached In tho Methodist church here last Son- day. Miss Zella lllodgett visiting at the homo father, C. Van Alton. () M. Kdvertou, who the general morcautlto of Lincoln is of her grand- has been In business here for tho last nino months, traded hi stock of merchandise to J. E. Dack & Co. last week. Tho consideration wan a property near Shelby, Neb., to which place ho expect to move hi family in the near future. Dr. M. K. Gleason attended the ball game in Columbus on Sunday. If. A. Mansfield and Mr. and Mr. K K. Watts went to Genoa on Sunday. Real Estate 1'ransferi. 0 J Cnrrlg Shorltl' Atty Wag tier It s bk II, If si bk '.',1st mid to Platte Con., and lots I blk l.'I.Lockners 1st add to Humphrey, Sheriff deed f l.'iOOO WN Hetisley to KJdora Hur rell, 1st s blk 102.W Col wd i:i:i 00 Stnnllarnes to 1 Gluck It "mud (1 blk I Tnrnov, wd siiH) 00 Aug Wagner to Peter Lnchilli gor, uw 10-lSi-l w, wd 1 Wi Frances E Nay to Kit TitVauy, Its 11 mid lu blk 7, Gerrntd addition to Columbus, wd oOO (H) John Mirra to Maria Lahoda, It SiOnud 21 blk 11, Lindsay, Wll Peter Lushsinger et al to A Wagner, n soli-111-1 w, wd J A Kort to J F StotTes blk I pt blk '.', Kipps ndd to Hum M Morgan to A Dohmen and "... sw Ti isi ft w wd Atiges Ktis to Jon Pvtel Its H mid 10 blk ' Tnrnov Emit Schoou to H T llulshlzer no so. st.'i-lh-'.' II S Elliott to It Dickinson, en w is.;i vv wd J T Haughau to S J ltyan ho 4- :n is-1 w wd II J Arnold to A G Luescheu jit It I blk M Columbus wd Mary Geisi to J J Smith. Us ii mid I blk I 'J, Col wd E A H rod boll rn G A Johnson It If. nlk I J, Lindsay, wd C A Johnson to E O Johnson It 211-27 -'.MIopo t,dd to4,ini. Hay wd J E Kaufmntm to Will Kauf- manu Itii blk si. Col wd I2.'i0 00 I 00 :iooo (Mi HiOO oo 200 00 11200 (K) tHK) 00 12000 00 asoo oo I 00 I00O (H) 2(HKI 00 1 00 S Humus to School Dist -10,1:1 and 11 blk H.Tarnov wd Sofia Dustu to Joe Duster, It o blk i:t, Duncan wd 1 (Hi II Nol Anderson to S J Wong son and wife no and no 710- I wd 1000 mi Nollio Dickey to Fred Dahl- manu It 4 blk it, Cornleawd in.' oo Stan Darn to Chaa Pytol, It l.". blk r, Tnrnov, wd 100 00 II Hockontireger to Frank Scliiltz It 7 blk Si, Hocher Place add to Col wd :t00 IK) Sarah Scott to IlerthaJohnaou ltsti blk I, Hechor Flnco add to Col wd 1.V1M) 00 J W Slaughter to Jo G Schaf or It I and blk ' 1st add to Humphrey wd I'mDOIOO CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Day' Trading and Closing Quotation. t'lllciKO. .Inly II. All uttlrliil f.ircnist of riOn lui imiiinioti In Ninth ninl Smitli lii- Kotll LMVC llll tllnn t,.ll In MllfHt vnliins ii.ilm. Iiiiiiii,. iliMiiaiHl for mull w licit In NoiiilnMMirni inuiki'tH liliini: l!i.. iiihn ,t the clusi- the Hep. Illlllll'l llitlul lls .'WiMjC I'lllll siimi., tl (.Mill nf '.(.. O.iIh i.,. ii i ( l,'('l,,.. i'Iuh. vIsI.iiih ,.,. piuLllnill) iimluiij,.'!. Clu. Iiil- iiilri'i. VVIii'iil Si.ili.iiln'r, "Js'c. I'iiiii S(.ilruilici-. .Vii'. iiis Si.iii'ih!mi :ii.(:tir.;i. I'm I. Scii'tuliir, SlaVi. J l.nn! Sciti.iitiir !f7.'jo. Itllis Si'iti'iiilirr, 7.Y't7.!i.', Chicago Live Stock. I'lilcnsit. .lulf 11. rmili. itiiTlpts, T,- Ml, htlMl! ; Uiiiiil ti, III lino t . S-..-jy """' I r t ilium. :i.7V,ir,..v.s shirkers - i i mum. Ki.,v,frVi: slnckcrM iinl ficilciK, $'.,..iH'it.'..-,i cows, J.7.V,il.h.-,; Ii'lfi-ls, J'."J.Vil,.,Vi, liltlllcls, fl.TilSil'J.dO; iiiIn. s'.'UKiiioO: ruin. s. .?::.(kkiii,7.-,; Ti'hs I I i... -i.i-ii.. s,,...ij,i, i, Macs Kim ili, .),. ., iocs lower; nilveil mul hutilieiH. $.1 HI '"''"' e I In clinlce lieiuy, V..VV, ,',,7i' I. ,; li licit v, .Cinovi;..,",.-,, iiUhi, $.i.:t.Vi(i,i.7,i; hulk nf sii,. .,..-. .'jci,, ii.-,. St i ltei.itn, tll. sliinit-, litllilo simile hlchi'l'. Km H I tn clinlce .liei, S.'i.'LVio'i.fri; N'r In elinlie iiiliil, $ I., "id. i (,-,..,,, ,.Mterii Klievp, H 7."..f." 7."i. n.itlte l.unlis, $." ('(is J.,. South Omaha Live Stock. Smith Oinnlin, Jnlv II Cut Me Jlrrrlpts, H.'", stemlj ; miiUe kti-rrs, f.'iJ.Vuft.iai; cows mul lii'lfiii, .'I.0,J4..V; western rteei, :i ''.V.-. 10. einiHcrs. f I.T.Vn'.M!; sleeker Mini f leiw, .1.l'i,.MO; chIw's Vl.i'iifi.lll; ImlN, Ktinr. 'le., l.l.'.'.Vifl.lll, llns Itieelpt4, 0,rill; I'-miCfr; homy, s.'..,7'yi.'i:i.'i. tnlxe.i. .v;iora.-.a-.; light, $.VfK M'i ID, itil-.. $4.0H'il.-.)t. Imlk nf Ml Ins. :,;(U 'H.MIV Sheep ItrerlptK, .1,-.1i); 10 blfller; tveitein. $.V7.V.Ml 41); wetllfm, .-, nor(t.-,,7J; I'vu't, SI.OO'ii.'i.U); liiiiitis, .,Vir.7 .V. Kama City Live Stock. Kmikiis city, July 11,- rmtl Keeclpta, U.lMI, weHk tn lne Inwir; tholco bvt kteers, .' ridT ; fair fn (mul, f 4.'.'.ViIfi 00; western feil steel h, f.1.7.Vi..'.,.'; tmker mul freilei, f'J,7.Vi(4..Vt; i-mik Hint helfi-r. s'.'J.V.i,-,.:'.-,. IhiIIk. -' .'Vi.HO: cht, H.llt '.".'4i Itecs UeeeliiK, tt.OOil; ,'.e Inner; up. $:.m. imik .if ".lien. f.'i.irfi-Vffis.t'jifc; 'lent.r. $'. :i.Vi.- 10 pjekrrs. ."...,l7Ui,-..4:.; I'k's ami lluht V:.i:-t: :0 Shoep Ren-lplH, il.'JO ,V,t to,- hlelier, Uiulis l(k,f,'.e Inwer; l.i ii, U, vo.oo;,;; tti (wti, I4.i0i4c.jj. Columbns Markets. Corn 12; wheat '; oat 2u; rye fri; barley 21; eggs Os; hutter liitoln; potatoes GO ; bogs 1,85; jtoultry Tc lb. SiLII Vi. .111,1.1, :xxKKXXKKXKK:cusu:n:K::KKUi Three Ranch Snaps. In thi list Ranch NO. 1 A ranch of iri.nnn :wvoi. : i-m'ln 'inm tun CS railroad. 17G0 acres deeded, one school section under 5 20 year lease, 8 sections homesteadod. Cuts 1000 tons 9 wild hay and runs 1000 head cattle. HO miles of fence, 2 good house, windmills and un-to-datc ranch improve- K ments. 50 acros timothy aiuf alfalfa. (!00 acres jrood S3 alfalfa land. Will sell with or without stock. Will Jl sell on easy payments. K NO. 2-A ranch of 112.000 acres, six miles from the railroad; 1000 acres deeded, one school section under 20 year lease; several sections homesteaded. Excellent fences, windmills, and ranch improvements. Cuts S00 tons of hay and will run S00 head of cattle. A bamain for cash. NO. 3 A ranch of (.000 acres; 17(50 acres deeded. Will cut 050 tons of wild hay. One of the best hay and alfalfa ranches in the hills. Well fenced, watered and improved. Will trade for merchandise or farm in east ern Nebraska. For prices and direct at the JUTKNAL OFFICE. XXXXXKXXKX;OOOSXXXXXXUXUXKff District 44 and Vicinity. The school board met Friday even ing at the nchool house nml luliorc 1 until midnight m vain endeavor to eleot a teacher, after which they ad journed to meet again in two week. There aeeui to ho a genoral ruin plaint thi spring from farmer, ot to of ehiokeu from the ravages ot ratH, weasel, stray tom-cat and vie Ion hogs; nearly every farm house re ports the loo of from 10'J to IIOO young chickens. Richard Adamy fininheil cutting an M)-acre field of wheat Sunday. In fact, harvest In now on. Hye 1m cut, wheat is all ready for the sldiie, hur ley ditto, and enrlr oats are lipeniiiL' fast and will get attention lute in the week. The wheat 1 of good qnalttv. Captain Mikie Diuecn went up to Madison Friday to vihit IiIh lirother John and see tho now hcrco trailer. returning Sunday noon. Ho with much pleased with the new prospec tive trader. Tho MIhshs Edith and Anulelhrriiig went to Chicago about the l.'ith ultimo Mis Edith returned just before the fourth, Accompanied by a young gen tleman cousin. Mis Annie went ti Naotna, III . to visit a family of nucle.s, aunt and cousins, and will probably remaiu two weekn. The writer saw a bucket of milk fresh from the separator Inst Sunday, with altout two inches of foam on it, standing outside the door, when an old Plymouth Rock rooster came along and stepped up for a drnnght. He made three attempt, going lower each time, before he could got through the foatn.By the time bo finally ot ..i.iniiMflimw.roMTOimuiiiiiN. imiun..i..,.y...t. u....,. AVfeffetable Preparation for As - slmQaUng IhcFoodandRcguIa-l ling theStoBBChs andBowcls of HJiMiunavi Promotes Diiic3tion.Clipcrrul- ness and RcsLCon tains neiltier, Optum,Moiphincnorluu7raL: IKot Narcotic. wadjsiNmmcwi AXi.W' JUSmum liw m Aperfect Remedy for ronslip.1- uuiitauur aiumacn.uinrrnoca Worms .Convulsions, Feverish v ruras and Logs of SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of XEWYOHK. txXcrxary.of wsamcro i . i m nmmmn iH'isiiiiiiflia BjMaauaLBrfcBi HflBE2fS- BHnHfcgj!V JifcZaBSigeui, fyaSSI Country in Nebraska reference to owners, enquire V down to the milk nml got a sip, he wni up to his neck in foam. After vain nt tempts to scratch tho whlto cojs oil" with his bind f.,tt, ho evi dently became convinced t hut it was mowing, for he put nu head down and hiked out for cami), never mop Ding inn ii ho wns nifefy ttiniiln tho JOOJ1 The rain kcpius to havo ceased ami good hibornr.s nro much iu demand. Wo do not know of a .singlo turkoy being raised in this iiiiuiediato neigh orliood. Why is this"; Humphrey. I I'loill till' DiMIIIKTIlt.) Miss Alatv Dineen, who 1ms boon visiting relatives nml friends nt Oo liiiiibus the past few weeks, returned, homo la'.t Sunday evening. Mr nml Mrs. 1 K. McKillip and sotiCeno went down to ('anibridgo Monday evening to spend tho Fourth with Air. McKilllp's mothernud other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. O. 11. Swallow nro packing their household elleots thin week preparatory to moving to Em poria, Kansas. They will leavo Sun lay for their now homo. Mrs. Anton Fnngiiinn, accompanied hv her father-in-law, went to Council lllutTs Wednosdny whom the Indy wilt submit to an operation by Dr. A. F. Condon nt Mercy hospital. Mr. nml Mrs. Frank Krauso return, ed to their homo nt Frinceville, III., last Friday nftcr a few dnvM visit nt this place with his brother Watlio anil family and old-time friends. ConsultlJr. 'lorry nbout your eyes. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature . of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA l" fy It ?A c i 1 " " li It -.. . ,. &, AitfiM Mil I icsMiai ;.an