The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 12, 1905, Image 6

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    -t. .. .
Cf Return
Anther of "Th Arivtnturei nf Sherlork Mnlmts."
Tkt Mound of the Bikrvlll." "The Sign
f tti rour." "A Study In eirlet." Itc.
Th'nt ntiftilnr Phndmr tip yonder win
tho bnlt. nuil ivo wi-ri' flip liunti'm. In
tllcnri) wo stood toRi'tlicr In the tlark
nens niul ivutolied tJin liurrjlnn limine
who !insii1 nnil repassed In front of
in. lloltiu-s iviin Hllcnt nnil iiiotloiili'iM,
luit I iimM toll Hint In- was keenly
inert ntn rnnt nts oyi'-i were nuii in
tently upon tho Htrrmn of iiiisxcrsliy.
It was a lileak mnl linWtcroiw nlulit,
nnd tin' wind wlilHth'd nlirllly down tln
lone ntreet. Many people won- mm-liu;
to anil fro, tuimt of tlietn miiltled In their
conts mnl onivnts. Onoo or twice It
lot'ined to me that I had seen the same
figure hefore, mid 1 especially noticed
two men who npnonri'd to lie hhelterln
thcniM'lves from the wind in the door
way of a hniiHc noiiie distance up the
treet. I tried to draw my companion'
attention to them, hut he jhw m little
ejaculation of Impatience and contin
ued to Htare Into the street. More than
once he IMKctiil with Ills feet and
tapped riiildly with his lingers upon
the wall. It wiw evident to me that ho
was Itwmnliu unenny and that IiIm
plaint were not working out altogether
nH he had hoped. At last mt midnight
approached mid tho ntrcet KMdtiiilly
clennil ho pneod up nnil down the
room In uncontrotlnhln limitation. I
ivnn nhottt to tnnko Homo remark to
him when I mlsMl my oyiw to the light
ed window mnl agnln experlenciil al
most a:i pvnt a mirprlie ih ta'foro. I
clutched llolmctt' nrm and pointed up
"'Jim rdiftdoiv linn moved!" 1 cried.
It wn Indeed no longer the profilo,
bat tho hack, which wan turned toward
Throe jronrH hnd oortnlnly not mnootli
oil tho iiHpcrttlon of Ida temper or IiIh
Impatience with n Ions active Intelli
gence than lit own.
. "Of oouro It hn moved." wild he.
CoprrfcM by Cniitu'a Wcrvir,
otm UNPoiiTUXATi: ci.ii:nt
"Am I "such a farcical bungler, i at
Ron, that I should erect an obvious
dummy and expect that some of the
sharpest men In Iluropo would he do
eelmlthy It? We haic boon In tliU
room two hours, and Mrs. Hudson has
iniulo boiiio change in that llguro eight
times, or onoo In every quarter of an
hour. 8ho work It from the front.
ho that her shadow may never be seen.
Ah!" Ho drew In his breath with a
thrill, oicttod intake. In the dim
light I miw hU head thrown forward,
his whole attitude rigid with attention.
Outside, the street was absolute! de
serted. Those two men might still b
crouching In tho doorway, but 1 could
no longer see them. AH was still and
dark mivo only Hint brilliant yellow
croon In front of us with the black
llguro outlined upon Its renter. Agilu
In tho utter silence I heard that thin,
sibilant Unto which spoKo of Intense
suppressed o.cltement An Instant
later ho pulled mo back Into the black
est corner of the room, and I felt his
warning hand npou my lips. The lin
gers which clutched too were quiver
lutf. Never bad I known my friend
moro moved, ami yet the dark street
still Htrcti'hcd lonely mid motionless
boforo us.
nut suddenly I
which his keener
(llsttugiilstusl. A
was aware of that
senses mnl already
low, stealthy sound
not from the dlree
cauio to my oars
Hon of linker street, but from the
buck of tho very house In which wo
lay concealed. A door opened and
hut An Instant Inter steps crept
down tho pHssngo Mop which were
liutitut to b silent, tint which rovorbor
atod harshly through tho empty Iuum
Holmes crouched bnck against the
wall, nnd I did tho same, my hand
closlnc upon tho hnudlo of my revolver
Peering through tho gloom, I saw the
vagufl outline of u man, a shade black
er than tho blackness of tho open
door. Ho atood for an Instant, and
than ho crept forward, crouching, men
acing, luto tho room. Ho was within
thrao yard of lift, this sinister figure,
MMlXtl4. -braced, tiur soft.mwt. hU
CoprrfcM by Cniitu'a Wfriiy. ""v 3
,.Vi uji.1,,1 ,-;uf,w'r'vMrjKC5Mfcx.vgs
DY f. I). STCtLG
H1,rlnu .f0I.
re l loaiucu
that ho had
no liieil or our preseiii-e. in- mn-i
elose heslile let, stole over to the win
dow and er.v tortly and noiselessly
niNcd It for half u foot. As he sank
to the level of this opening the light of
the atieet, no longer dimmed hy the
dusty gla.xs, fell full upon ills race.
The man seemed to he heslde himself
with evelteinent. I It' two eyes r.hono
like stars, and Ills features were work
ing rotivuNlvely. llo was an elderly
our presence.
man, with a thin, projecting nose. A
high, Imld forehead and a P.uge griz
zled muHtache. An opera hat was push
ed to the hack of his head, and an
evening dress shirt front gleamed out
through his open overcoat. Ill- face
was gaunt and swarthy, scored with
deep, mil ago lines. In his hand ho ear
rtcd what appeared to he a stick, hut
as he laid It down upon the lloor It gavo
a metallic clang. Then from the pocket
of his overcoat ho drew a bulky object,
mid ho busied himself In Home task
which ended with a loud, sharp click,
as If u spring or bolt had fallen Into
Its place. Still kneeling upon tho lloor,
he bent forward and threw all his
weight and strength upon somo lover,
with tho result that there came a long,
whirling, grinding noise, ending once
more In a powerful click. He straight
onoil himself then, and I saw that what
he held In his hand was a sort of a
gun with n curiously misshapen butt,
lie opened It at tho breech, put some
tiiliu In and snapped thubreechblock.
uosi:. with a ghastly
Mantling clear at the end of his fore
sight. I'or an Instant he was rigid
and motionless. Then his linger tight
ened on the trigger. There was a
strange, loud whir, and a long, silvery
tinkle of broken glass. At that Instant
Holmes sprang like a ttger on to tho
marksman's back and hurled him tint
upon hU face. Ho was up again In a
moment, and with convulsive strength
he seized Holmes by tho throat, but I
struck him on the head with the butt
of my roiolvor, and he dropped again
upon the door. I fell upon him, and as
I held hlo my comrade blew a shrill
call upon a uhlstle. There was tho
clatter of running feet upon the pave
incut, and two policemen In uniform,
with one plain clothes detective, rushed
through the front entrance and Into the
"That .ion, I.estradoV" said Holmes.
"Yes, Mr Holmes. I took the Joli
myself It's good to see you hack III
London, sir "
"I think ou want a little unoilleial
help Three uudctceted murders In one
j ear won't do, l.estrade Hut jou han
dled the .Moli-soy m story with less
than lour usual that's to say, you
handled It fairly well "
We had all risen to our feet, our prls
oner breathing hard, with a stalwart
constable on each slile oi Mm. Already
n few loiterers had begun to collect In
the stns't. Holmes stepped up to tho
window, leased It and dropped the
blinds. I.estrndo had produced two
caudles, and the policemen bad un
covered their lanterns, 1 was able
nt last to have a good look at our prls
It was a tremendously virile and yet
sinister face which was turiuil toward
us. With tho brow of a philosopher
ubovo and the jaw of a sensualist be
low, the man must haio started with
great capacities for good or for evil.
Hut one could not look upon his cruel
Id no o,i os, with their drooping, cynical
lids, or upon tho lloreo, aggressive uoe
and the threatening, deep lined brow
without reading nature's plainest dan
ger signals. Ho took no hoed of any of
k2 2:
w-oi.i . iiri,-.M.-'riyfrjviri-7wrwYTfrBCT
Uu, btlt fif? oyo.4 tvortf flxoil upon
Holmes' face with nn espreslou In
which hatred nnd nmar.oment weto
riiunlly blended. "Volt (lend," ho kept
on muttering -"yon clever, clever
"Ah, colonel." said Holmes, nrrang
lug his rumpled collar, " 'Journeys end
In lovers' meetings,' ns tho old play
sayi. I don't think I have hud the
pleasure of seeing you since you fa
vored me with tJioso attentions ns I lay
on tho lodge nbovc tho Itolchenbneh
Tho colonel still stared nt my friend
like a man In n trance. "You cunning,
cunning flout!!" was all that ho could
"I huvo not Introduced you yet," mild
Holmes. "This, gentlemen, Is Colonel
Sebastian Moron, once of her majesty's
Indian army and the best heavy game
shot that our eastern empire has ever
produced I believe I am correct, colo
nel, In saying that your has of tigers
atlll remains utrli tiled V
The lloreo nl I man said nothing, but
still glared at my companion. With
his savage cyea and bristling mustache
ho was wonderfully like a tiger him
self. "I wonder that my very simple strat
ngem could deceive so old n shikari,"
Haiti HoltncM. "It must bo very familiar
to you. Have you not tethered u young
kid under a tree, lulu above It with
your title and waited for tho halt to
bring up your tiger? This empty
house is iy tree, and you nro. my tiger.
You have p.xsl'ily other guns In
reserve In ccse fiero should lo sovornl
tigers or In the unlikely supposition nf
your own aim railing you. Those" he
pointed around "are my other guns,
The parallel la oxnet."
Colonel Moron sprang forward with
a snarl nf rage, but tho constables
dragged htm back. Tho fury upon his
face was terrible to look nt.
"I confess that you had one small
surprise for me," said Holmes. "I did
not anticipate that you would yourself
make use nf this empty house ami this
convenient front window. I hud Imag
ined you ns operating from tho street,
where my friend l.estrade nnd his mer
ry men wore awaiting you. With that
exception nil has gone nn I expected."
Colonel Mornn turned to tho official
"You may or may not hnvo Just
cnuso for arresting mo," suld ho, "but
nt least there can bo no ronson why I
should submit to tho gibes of this per
on. If I mu In tho bunds of tho law
lot things be done In u legal way."
"Well, that's reasonable enough,"
snld Lostrado. "Nothing further you
have to say. Mr. Holmes, boforo wo
... . . . . . .. - ,
Holmes had picked up the powerful
nil- mm fi-nni hi ttmii- mul uruu
IUK ur, llll-l-lllllll-llll,
"An admirable and unique weapon,"
ho said, "noiseless and of tremendous
power.. 1 know Von Herder, tho blind
(ierman mechanic; who constructed" It
to tho order of the Into Professor Mo
rturty. Tor years I have Ins-n nwaro
of Its existence, though I huvo never
boforo bad tho opportunity of handling
it. I commend It very specially to
your attention, l.estrade, nnd also the
bullets) which tit It"
"You onn trust us to look iiftor Uint;
Mr. Holmes," snld l.estrade nn tho
whole party moved toward tho door.
"Any thing further to sayV"
"Only to iwk what charge you In
tend to prefer V
"What charge, sir? Why, of course
tho attempted murder of Mr. Sherlock
"Not so, l.estrade. I do not propose
to appear In the mutter at all. To you
and to you only belongs tho credit of
the remarkable nrrest which you have
effected. Yes, I .est rude, I congratulate
you! With your usual happy mUturo
of cunning and nudaclty, you have got
"Hot him! (lot whom, Mr. Holmes?"
"The man that the whole force has
been seeking in lulu Colonel Sebas
tian Mount, who shot tho Hon. ltonald
Adair with an expanding bullet from
an air gnu through tho open window of
tho second lloor front of I'JT Park latin
Upon the .'tdth of last mouth. That's
the charge, I.estrado. And now, Wat
sou, If you can endure tho draft from
n broken window I think that half an
hour In my study over n cigar may af
ford .ion some protltable amunciuont."
Our old chambers hnd Ihsmi left un
changed through the supervision of
Mycroft Holmes and the Immediate
care of Mrs. Hudson. As 1 entered I
Haw, It Is true, an unwonted tidiness,
but tho old landmark note all In their
place. There was the chemical corner
and the acid stained, deal topsd table.
There upon u shelf was tho row of
formidable scrapbooks and books of
reference which, mniir of our fellow elt would haio been so glad to burn.
Tho diagrams, the violin case and tho
pls' rack even the Persian slipper
which contained the tobacco- all met
my eyes as I glanced round me. There
were two occupants of tho room one,
Mrs, Hudson, who beamed upon us
both us we entered; the other tho
strange dummy which had played ho
Important a part In the evening's nil
ventures, it was a wax colored model
of my friend s admirably done that
it was a perfect facsimile. It stood on
a small pedestal table with an old
dressing gown of Holmes' so draped
round It that tho Illusion from the
street was absolutely perfect.
"I hope you preserved all precautious,
Mrs. Hudson';" said Holmes.
"1 went to It on my knees, sir, Just
ns y.m tidd mo."
"i:.eellent. You carried tho tiling
out well, Hid you observe whore tho
bullet went';"
"Yes. sir. I'm afraid it has spoilt your
beautiful bust, for It passed right
through the head nnd flattened Itself
on tho wall. 1 picked It up from tho
carpet. Hero It is!"
I To bo continued.)
utirntfitlr, ., JonftW.tirftrito
Jlcrk loHMliNAF
JliTltt ClIAHt.KS J.Caumo
Snix'rint.'tiilHiit ....L. II. l.r.irr
AM-HPir John J. Ual.lkt
Jniltf Joiim lU-rncHMAM
Attorney . , .It. H. Latham
I'nHuiir Dihk A. KruiiKk
Clerk nf Dirtrli-l Court . ('. M. (llit'K.NTiim
Coroner K. II. MttTI
8urtejdi .
Joii.n HorTi
I'm ni HrsiicH
.Jon.s Hw.issos
KlIANK Klkll.NA.N, I'liHllUinU
ltciM)i,iu ( . .Mtit.t.ra
Iit'ls, K.J. KllSnT
t .
Ji-t. I
.Hit.. ..
DIM tt-7 .
V H,
Husaioiis -1. II, Mlllhiil, i:imrr J. Ilur
.Mkmiucii or
Co.NUIlKHI, iu Disthict, J, J,
(iiivertinr, Julia II. Mickey; l.letitoimnt dm.
i-rniir, K. (I. .Mi-Uilton; Secreliiry Hlnlit, A. (Inl
ikIiih Ainlitur, K. M. Menrie, Jr.; Trenotirer,
IVter Murtnti'Piii Attnnie) (leneriil. Nuriln
llniwn: Hii"'rlnlenileiit I'ulilln InMnictlnii, .1,
1 1. .Itcllrien-, t'limiliinoliilier I'nlillc iwilnlh. II,
M. Dutiili.
JunoKs Cm JimiciAi, llisriiicr ('. Ilnllmi'
lk.J.d. Il.-odi.r.
HfNMon Ihili lliik'liex.
llU'itrHK.srniTK.'lra Distiiiut- .I.W.IIniiler
Fi.ovr llM'iirHK.NTArtiK. Fnil lh,nr.
rONUKKUA'HONAb-Httl.lmtl, m-IhHi, VM.'.ii.
in. I'reiicliliiM, ii, ni. mnl bit) i, in. Hrnlui
hiiiliiour, i i"J i. in. l'rii)ir iuitltiK rimrMln
s.l li. in. IjicIu" Aiullliity lirot lVeiliie-liii In
end l llli.lllli lit .I.IW i. in, IjiiIIiw Mlcriuiiiir)
hilit limt WiiliWMlay In eiieli iniitilli Ml .1 i. in
(i. A. Muniio, 1'iiMi.r.
Htlliilii) hcIiimiI, V:M) it, in. I'leiichiim hervite,
III..HI II. III. Yoiiiik l'eii,i'H MiH-lel), eei) l(.
week-, hutiiliiy Hm) p, m, .mleH Alii Sni'lel),
hrM, 'lliiirwlii) or emli tiiniitli, 2:M i. in I'nin-i-liiul
kfliiml, Hnturilii) t In fin. in. I'olilirimi
Hun eliirM, TiimsIii) nnil Friiliiy, '.' to ll p. m.
IlKV It. NKI'.M Vk.ltkl.ll, I'lihtnr.
PHKHIIVTCItlAN Hslilmtli M'IiihI, tl;l. u. in
.Senium, I Hum. in. Heiilor KniUiinr, ?mi, in
Kn'Ulus Heiineii,, -..!. I'nijer meellliu mill Mliil
or HinHiililNttli kcIiihiI Ii-hihiii. H.iSJ p. 111. TliUrMlii .
iiuien .uitnioiiiiry kih lei) lllrl I nun) or men
milieu ,1111 niiernme neiuieHiii) ur eui'l.
W.M.tkii N. Hai sl.t, I'lu-tur.
MKI'IIODIHI' PrendiiiiK, lU:ir. n. m. mid s l
p. in. Hiimlii) ki-IiihiI, li.iti 111. Junior I-iimiiii,
J:;iu.. in. Kimurlli biMiKiie, 7 . in. I'iei
lllisTlllK,TlilllNlii)',S'lli. in. lullenAiil Mieiel)
velj iilner IViMiuwIh) nt J.OI , in,
I.OIAN Dk Wol.r, I'mitor.
IIAPI'IST Hniiiliiysi-liiNil, IIMHlu in. Sermon
1 1. uu ii. in. Junior II. V P. U , J.imi. in, Heiiim
II. V. P. U. in i:JU p. ni. Keriuoti, H.W . in
I'mjei inn tinK Tliurmltiy, S;HU . in,
Ithv. K.J. Ul.UKli, I'liator.
1 1 HACK KI'IHCOPAb-Low celehnitiou. HKK
. tu. Huniliiy tk-lioul, Hi.-ou a. in. 1'rem-liliiK,
ll:UHii. in, K.eulhK neivlce, p. tu. Ht, All
drewn llrotliern, mh-iidiI Ttuwliiy of eneh tiionth.
Diumlilers of tlm Kins, sis-oinl Tuenliiy nf eurl,
llioiilli. IjuIIih llullil, Herollil IVislliexilli)' lit
kiu-Ii iniitilli. ItK.v. l. A. Cash, Ktrtor.
(IKIIMAN I.U TIIKIIAN- Prem-liiiitt, lU.IHIu. in.
tliiiiiliiy Hi'IiihiI, 'i p. in. IjhIiiw tWM)
oiui t'liurxiliiy in em' 1 1 niutitli.
I(.v. II. .Mikssi.hi, I'nMiir.
ItlV UlllLTJ U..1.1....I ... I I II
' i Pfiinin rHiiiirmi. rtini'ii it'll, in I ii'Mfii-
Iuk wrviw. it s rim-rum. mul wrvli-H nrm
HllUIIH) ill tlHI'll Uiolllll.
ervli-en, iiiiihh mul m-iiiioii at c, i mnl lii:;
o'clock, Huutliiy Heliuol mnl ImsiisIU-iIuIi nt I
o'clock. Jlie Ho'cIik k lllitKn Is uiteii III I'nliM
Mini tliiiHo'uliick iiiiikb nlteiimtel) itilleiunilinnt
Kusllnli. Week illtj iiiiikk uteri llinmius Hi t
o'clock, Iritlsy!) in 3:l.'i o'clock, rlntuun. nnc
U'liisllctliui. I'unrcHHii.iiR liemil (nun I lo I.
o'clock Waturdii) mnl tnnu i to l on HuiiiIhj
imirnius. Coulimiiouh hImi Htunlu) iiuniilug lw
(tirn s o'clock iiihiw.
Fatiikh luEotut.p, l'rirat.
The Slghtaear riaiU If any Tklas oi
latornt la California.
California has numerous natural
brulgoR, caves, etc. of no little interest.
Tho Matnoth Cave of Calaverius, dis
covered by miners in 1H50; tho Alabaster
Cavo; the Crystal Palitco Cave, contain
iuk it number of nttruotive subterranean
iippartmentH, such as the bridal Cham
ber, the OhryHtul Palace Hoom. Aouri-
oiiBiippnrtment called Musio Hull, whore
the ilepoeita or miueouH origin not only
take the form of organ pipes, sounding
bonrilH etc., nut emit, when struck, must
cnlBouudHiind vibrntionH. Near this cave
ure two natural bridges which the tour
iut cau visit nnil return to the railroad
within halt an hour. Tho only natural
way to reach these scones of interest is
viu "The Overland Limited, ltoute,"
comprising the Union Pnoitlound south
ern Pucitic, now roily one line. The
only line running through trains to San
Francisco from Omaha, its fast trains,
arriving sixteen hours ahead of nil com
petitors. Pamphlats nnil maps describ
ing the wonders of California, ami full
information about the most oomfortabl
anil direct route to the Pucitlo Conts.oue
bo obtained of K. L. Lomux, O. P. ft
T. A. Omaha. Neb.
h ea-T m m
Nottce to Bidden.
Tho board of education of Columbus
dosiros bids for the ereotion of a gym
nasium building. For platiH and
peoilicatioiiH, call nt the ofllce of
McAllister & Cornelius ornt tho office
of t'haii. Wurdeman, nrohitect. Hid
opened July s, 11)05.
W A. MoA Ulster,
Chairman Huildlns Conimittoe.
jKfA Special Reduced
WW Excorsion Rates
Milwaukee and retnrn June 111 toll).
Return limit July Uotb. Hate, one
fare plus ttftr cents.
Milwaukee, Wis and retnrn, on sale
June Kith to inth. One fare plus fifty
Toronto, Out., 'and retnrn. On (-ale
Jono is, in, 21, & 'ii. One fare plus
J. 00.
TmnauopollH, ind. nnd rotnrn.
sa)n Juue
U i& '.".'nd. Ono fare
ButTalo, N. Y. and rotnrn. On sale
July T to li. Ono fare plus M cents.
Asbury Park N. J. and retnrn. On
ale Jnne '-.'0 and 'ii to July 1. Oue
tare plus ftt.sio,
Ibiltlnioro, Md. and retnrn. On Hale
July 1 to :i. Ono fare pint '.'. 00.
Chicago, Milwaukee and Southern
Wisconsin points and return. On rnU
June 1st to Sept iioth.
J. A. KUIIN., A. a.V. & V.A.
Omaha, Nebr.
I jT jaMaeBKaca'au av
Protected by
Block Signals
The first railway in America so adopt Iho abc
lutc Mock System in the operation oi' all trains
was the
Chicago- Milwaukee & St. Paul
The St. Paul Koad va.-. tho first railway to lipht
its trains by electricity. The St. Paul Koad
was also tho first to adopt the stevm heating
system. Tree through daily trains to Chicago
from all points on the main line of the Union
Pocific Railroad. For time table, special rates,
etc., see Union Pacific Agent, or write
F. A. NASH, Gen'l Western Agent, 1524 Farnam St.
Take the Burlington from Columbus to
Pnrtlnnil.Si-iittlr.Tiiriimiimi(l IMurn. (Pirrct Itontrn, Pally firm Mny &'.!. ... VtK.OO
I'ortlnnil mul Iti-turn. (One Viiyln C'ntiforiiln. tiny 2.1. 'Jl. 2 Wi,S0,3t, Juno l.L'.fi
2.1. II. tr., 10. 23. 21. 27. 2. 2'A !M. July 1. 2, It. I!. 7, H. ttl. 11. 12. M. 25, 2i?, 27. A.ltli-
tionalilntcHln Ainrii.-tan(IS.'iUmtT G6 00
SntiKnifu-iso,l.(MAii:i'loiwiiiilltrturii. (I)inct Itnutra) AIhii DuttK . 56.00
Sun KrunolHo. AiuirlfHiiml Kc-turii. tPlnct Itimt.r.) Mu 2i', !'ii. ::t. jw. l, Aiu-
iwtld, 11,12. Ill, 1 1, OrtnlN r 17, MU, m.21 ... . fiO 00
Tlior Lite- apply out tin- lllliliiiVli.n'. lUin-t linr In Hi'IiVit. tlicncc
throiili ,s. i- ciiIiiimiIii .mil .ilt l.iKf cin .
.S.mnd m!'uvMil,,lIi,'"l,,,''Xo',l,,'rn ,',",i"'' ,liln,t ",IW("', u,"u' ' ''"'-'
Tl1 t iiiiii'ri'lifiiif tour nf tin- I'.ifiiir iMi,.t. Inrliidlii!.' (Mlll'iiruln,
-li.i t.i lioiite. I'liitl.iinl KxpiLliiim. I'nct Miiinil flilcs, Vildhfloii anil
.iliiiit.iiia fan In- mailf ti -. I n ur the ;niuti lliu llii"tuii M.iln,.
'I'hf llllllill'.'toil I. Ihif l.y whiih JI.H fill l.i l.i. in l. I'.f.i.l, ,,
anil lliu' limn nuiiitis in . iiihm ftiini n itli tlii, 1 1 i I u ill .iililitintial i w n-f
Hiilly tliiniifrh I'ullniaii sianilati. lffpit to -an riaiuiMu j:i ifnfi,
Sf chic Ciilnrailiiaiin .-all
Al tot In iiiiilfr-i'.'neil tut I'liitl.iinl r.pi,itii.n liildi'i,
I'.'ililiiiiii.i Inlilcr, Tuiiil.t efiiiluii i,, , in, I'm lritli.iiHiiiiii
itiini, tifl.fl', tf.
Ii'-fllli.. viillrliiiiiM'il let ineailli-e jou tin le.i.J
eot anil tile l.i t ua to ni.iKe it.
L. F. RECTOR, Agent, Columbus, Nebr.
I JKL & .. 9d M
I rnww'iBBCf
Kansas City Soutai Railway j
5tr-:.l-tafl ilio Crow Fllss" 7 M
AloiiijINIIitP ure thfl iflnritliiiidi.yiiltMoiriTmvlnKHiiinllin-tlii eo'ii Hi-;
i-jiHiin . Mr f.uiimi-ii-i.ii npi.le mut j-eu, i, ,..mi lt. for" I f nVli i . '
for ;,ni: V::!!!"'' ill " ""l"'. I"' '". t.ilMMo lin.l ,U ml I n.-k , , ,ih .
I .r " m ?.' ': ir T"""'."11""1 ''." """ tinier, foi ial,inr
llnrses mule,;. fnttK, )iii.n, ln'ep. poulfy Hint .liu.-iir-i ::iats.
Wtlta tur Inlofmallon Concenlnn
Now Colon LmmIiiiii. Iinproted Farms. Mlnnrtl Landj. Rlcn Lnnrtj nnil Tl.-.ibrr
Uno. and lor etiplos of "Curfcr.l r.vonls." Bucinoib Oniiortunlllo".
Rico Book, K. C S. Fruit Book u "".
Clicnrnuiid.trtphonicHcekeM' on wile Jlrnt nnd thlnl Tin- Minnof
eneh nioiith.
. D. DUTTOW, Tmv. rani. Aft.
XanaM Oitv. Mo.
r. r. 0H1I,B, Trav. PaNn.
iifllii- Aiiii'iican Cutititii'iit: y
k Vi'llmv.-uiii' Nnliiitiiil Park; Tin M
m UiTiit Sliiilioiu Kn.; Tlio Ciiliiin- m
iiiu Uiivt; Minim II 1; Thr lii- Thc
Drt'iililiiriiiaiTlii' Yiu.i'iiiili; l.ui'in "('in OH" I
iK'i'ov !nat Salt Laki I
U r..v ai.i. in: shun n.v ,i rini' nvi:i: nn; M
m ami ni.v.vcrrio.v-'
PORTLANO, OHbCON, .limit to (iri.. Ifi, lyofi U
InqnirH of m
W. II. 1IKNUAM. Ajjont. W
.xa. t . -t-'
t-JLmsmasiKLixaBu jrvir 1
. O. WASNBU, O. V. aaU . A.
nimn.. ri w .
oad Xialu'n Agt., Kauusia f'ity.Mn.
. r