The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 12, 1905, Image 1

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of the family in generally the fem
inine member. Mother aud tho git Is
( an usually put by u few dollars aiit
of their allowance.
Too most secure nnd convenient
place for women's aoconnts is
The Flrt National Bank
The management pays particular at
tentlon to the requirements nf laiiy
customers anil can Rive them valuable
assistance in matters financial. Tho
First National Bank in tirnily estao
llstied. After the Bnms.
(Huturdav'H Daily)
A special U. 1'. detective wns in Co
Iambus yesterday evening nnd bonded
ont on No :i. The company In being
bothered more or less with thngs nnd
and toorlsts who do not imy fore,
some of them wearing lanndreil shirts,
tanned shoes and kid gloves. Thero
were sereral of this tribe in town yes
terday and thoy are coming mnro
uuuterous enoh day. TIiIh iiotectivo
quietly boarded the head rnr of No. :t
and he was loaded to tho tooth with
everything bad for the tourist, hnlf
a dozen of whom missed thnir train
as No !i palled ont. Thoy not only
steal a ride hot iu many rases tamper
with the air when a fellow tourist in
put on" by the train men. TIiIh army
of uon-workora and shifter should
meet the most severo treatment nnd
should be nonipollod to do honest
labor and be at least half that for
wbloh they wore put on thin earth.
Advertised Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
iu the city postot!!ce.
. W. Alhea, H. F. Honed Int. C. K.
Ourrau, Miss Arta Devinnie. S. K.
Ksb, L. Gordon, Mm. Stoavf Ilalott,
Bl. Hoaeuan, Miss Lottie Kruger,
Autbu Moe, Joo Muiuny.H. M Pollard,
Kosiiter & Gray, MrH. O It. Ituring,
Miss Francis Sohroedor. A. Simmons,
Edward J. Smith, K. Wiho n, II. K.
Money Lost from Wagon.
CI'cicmI i' Dull))
For carelessly leaving n grip con
taining 145 in their wagon iu front
of Pollock's Drug storo while they
weut to the restaurant for their supper
Mr. and Mrs. Togar, tonantfl on tho
farm of Charles Carrig, aro minus the
money and will probably ho unaMo(to
locate it. Ah soon as their loss was
discovered they notified the sheriff
and police oflioerH aud a thorough
march was mado for tho thief hut no
clue could be found. Tho grip was
Mt open with the contents soattor..d
in the bod of the wagon
Weighing Free.
The L. W. Weaver Coal Company
have just put tn a set of Fairhnnk's
best standard scales, which havo boon
thoronghly tested with (.'ovoruiuoiit
test weights. Correct weight" am
therefore guaranteed. Wo invito every
farmer and hasiurss man to weigh
uve'r our scales. Wo will bo glad to
weigh every load free of charge. Our
Boaios aro conveniently located iu tho
rear of our oIKce.
L. W. Weaver Conl (Jo..
tf Successors to Weaver Sr Nowmnit
Don't Neglect
Your teeth. Even a feu
weeks delay will sometime:
prove injurious.
During my absence Dr. C.
V. Campbell, who comes
highly recommended as a
skillful operator and as a
gentleman, will have charge
of my practice and will do all
he can to please you.
13th Streak
Pbon. 14U.
Dr. H. E. Naumann,
4K9M'Wlt- - -. V-WIJ s
iT STTCr.sT o
Swift's New Building
i l'itod:i)'rt Dnilj)
W Ij. How ley, malinger for Swift
nnd Compnny at this place, received
plans till- morning tor tho now plant
to ho liullt by his compnuv in soon as
they can liiul n suitable lot. The
p'nii call for a two story building 10
by 10 and a one stoiy aililltion 10 by !!."i.
The one story luillilliit; is to tin used
for n killing inom. The main build
ing will lie uoi tor ol'loo ami storage
It is uiiderstord that tho company
desires n lot Inrgo enouch to ndd what
is called n "stultiug" department.
This consists simply of littlo boxes tin
inches squnre, just inrgo enouoh to
encno one chicken. 'Iho fowl is
plnced in this box nnd fed all It wil
ent for nbnnt two weeks when It
comes out "stnfled" and ready to de
mand a top price on tho market.
This business is a vnlunblo nddition
to Columbia. It increases the do
mand for Platte county poultry and
gives our business men tho advantage
of a largo pay roll.
Business Improvements.
The dissolution of tho partnership
of Weaver and Newman last week has
resulted in thn addition of some per
manent improvements to the business
of Columbus. Mr. Nowinau entering
into a partnership with Mr. Welch has
built nu office just east of tho North
Opera House whero ho will handle
coal, liny nnd feed. Ho will hnvo tho
citv scales in front of his office. For
this privilege ho entered into n bond
of 3000 with tho city council guar
auteoing to keep his scales accurate.
Mr. Weavor on tho other hand took
his son Karl into his business nnd is
adding ."! foot to the rear of his pres
ent building and putting in a glass
pinto trout. Mr. Weaver will continue
not only tho harness ami conl business
hut will probably ndd nnother lino for
his son who is an export tolephoue
man having been in tho employ of the
Independent Telephone Compnuv for
several yenrs. Mr. Weavor has put in
scales nt tho roar of his storo to take
tho plnce of tho city which tho council
ordered moved from Thirteenth street.
A Close Call.
Ono of Columbus' most popular
young ladies Inst week hnd a very
uariow omnpo from drowning in a
cistern but tho incident wns kept so
quiet thnt it escnped the enrs of the
reporter until today. Miss Petite Mnr
tvn wns tho victim of tho accident;
tho cistern wns thnt of Mr. nnd Mrs.
(Jus Spoiee nnd it was Mrs. Speico's
servant girl who honrd Miss Mnrtvn's
cries for help nnd rescued hor from n
watery grave just nt thnmomont when
Miss Murtyn wns fainting from ex
hnnstiou. Miss Murtyn hnd stnrted on nn
errand to tho Spoico homo which is
in tno snmo block with her own. As
sho crossed tho lawn near tho door she
stepped -mi tho boards which covered
tho cistern containim: -'" feet of wat
er. Tho boat (Is broke and she fell into
the wntor which came nearly to tho
surfneo of the ground, hhe catiuht the
rlni of tho clste:n with ono hand but
was uunblo to pull herself out. She
shouted for help but Mis. Speloe wns
not at home atid tor a long time no
ono heard hei Finally tho servant
girl in an uppor room heard her and
enmo just as Miss Mnrtyn' had just
decided that si o could hold out no
longer. It was due only to her uuusuil
strength and vigor that she was not
- 4 A-
Base Bajl.
vSunday July
16th, 05.
Fullcrton vs Columbus
The Kullerton team is
heating every club in
the Indian reservation
and of cour.-e the "go"
will be a hot one.
Brick House Herd Durocs
100 March nnd tarly April pigH for
iimiuci iuhI Kail trade, 'nn fumi-h
in pair or Hum, not ruluttil, at Imrgmu
piict'H iiliuir eid I fni piic.iH or den-
IT l.t li.n
i:rn i, c.iiiu.uu. J, J, BARNES
Harry Lohr Hurts Ear.
(Hntiirdu'H Daily)
Captain Harry Lohr, has a very bum
ear and It is vory soro too. Tho doc
tor with a needlo took a few stitches
in the member nnd he says ho can lis
ten just as good as over. Harry has
been doing railroad duty on tho turn-a-round
from Genoa and Albion the
past few days and on leaving thn
Genoa station "rubbered" from the
door of tho door of tho baggage car
just in time to meet tho door of tho
car when it slammed shut. Harry es
caped with all of his anatomy but a
section of his right oar whijh stuck
to the irou siding. Tho Captain utter
ed a few remarks and then tho doctor
was called nnd did tho rest.. Ho wns
able to go with his train this morning
and further says be will beat the Irish
bunch of ball players from Platto Cen
ter tomorrow just for luck.
Gymnasium Contract Let
(Monday Daily)
At the mooting of the board of edu
cation Saturday night the co-tract
for building tho now gymnasium was
let to Roth Pros, for tho sum of i,
MO. The board adjournal to meet next
Saturday evening at which time a
ballot for superintendent will bo taken.
There are a number of applicants with
no favorites so far.
We will close our store at :!!0, ex
cept Saturdays, nntil September I.
fit Fred W. Herrick
Wc arc now serving delicious Ice Crcimi
Sodas, Sundaes, Lemonades, Phosphates and
all good Soda drinks.
We make our own Too Cruum. Wo
KNOW it is pure.
Chas. H. Dack, Druggist.
In dtstriot court John Moloher nnd
Helona Schaechor havo brougt suit to
quiet title on a pioco of land ilfleeu
miles north of Columbus. The laud
was sold by one of tho plaintills to
the other, and they ask tn have title
quieted against other heirs of tho same
Weather Report,
Review of tho weather in l'lntlo
countv for June I'.io.'i.
Menn temp ot the month O'.i 01
Mean do of the mine oil last year 7i) (si
Highost temp ou tlm nth ''.
Lowest do ou tho '-.'.'ml l.'.
( 'lear days ii
Fair days io
Cloudy davs II
Hiirli winds days I
Calm days 10
Frovailng winds o to no
Kain fall during portion of dais ll
Greatest auit. in a I lira tho 'uil (.;. in
Inches of rain fall during mouth '!. 1 1
Do of sanio month last year 0. 1 lin
Thundor storms Ist.Otli.UOth, M, ::oth
We Cater to
Your Wants in
OUR MOTTO: Your money hack if
not satisfactory.
Cloos & MlllM
Independent 'Phone No. 102.
North Side 18th St. Uoiiunhus, Nehr.
Don't Slew Yourself
lln si inuiii ittiio c;i
cnoyiii'J mi tin Kilili
( ii nt n n .
f.nts n')Jl,Vn-iiit
'. As' J 'lliii)'. lonutk,
In a Chafing Dish.
MmillflDM M
,nn ir'iil in i
Chafing Dishes; S3 lo SIO
i-T iiinw iwm
The Jowolor
Dr.Torry.tho Omaha Kyo .Specialist,
lias opnned ono of tho be.'t equipped
Optical cilices in tho west, over li
(ock and Co's ding storo. Will bo in
his Columbus oltico Holiday, Monday,
Tuesday, and ouch week
Spectacles and oyo gtnssch selentill
cally titled. Consultation free.
" Colnmliilr. vp 'Platto (,'rniut
(MiiiiiImn'h I m 1 1 i
CiilumbuH won Ir Urn 1'laim
Center team yoMnrdav in u dice aini
lattling good giime of hall, the si on
Nlandiiii: -' to I it wns no cinih ul
nnv r.tage ot the game Tho visitors'
(inlv scin-ii was mado in tho II rM halt
nt l!in ti . tit it
Miilau and .tones did tho battorv
work tor Columbus and tho .corn
Miow- wliat kind 'if a job thnv did.
Tho llonro brothers were tho opposing
ballorv and thev fully lived up to
llioir reputation Very few miois
well charged to oil Iter siile The
boys trout the Center have ox client
credeiiiialH both as ball playois .'ind
as goutlomouaud next timo tho scino
might bn ou the oilier side Tlio us
ual good crowd tinned nut to see tho
game. Gate receipts ?'
All kinds ot coal, lioci; b'piinc,
Kemmeror slack and other gncd coal
for threshing.
Newman V Welch,
lit. Ulllce east of Ninth Opeia Hiuimi.
MotHliiy'N Dully Joiii-anl.
Hr I' I) .Mtr)Mi went to Utnnhn
M if s Margaret Murphy is here vii
nig her brother Mort.
Ceo. ItulM ol Oiutihn spent Sunday
with ('otumtni" lelntives.
Miss Clnrn Kropf of Hohuyler is
Usitlng Jicr Mucins, Mlsres Lily nnd
Clgn llngd.
IVter Senium, the Shell Creek mill.
er. returned last night from a trip
through Knmn.
Miss Cinco llodils returned to Kan
sas City today to resume hor studies
in the Kcd Cross Hospital,
Mts. I. (Muck unit daughter Theresa
and Mrs. 1). M. Newman nnd child
i en spent Sunday in l'lntlo Center.
Dr (I. A. Iielaud of St. Kdwatd
stopped in Columbus between trains
today on his way homo from Omaha.
Mrs. 1) T. Martyn returned from
Chicago today, her granddaughter,
little Helen Rhodes accompanying her.
Win. Kersonbrock, Seth llrauti nnd
Sheritl Cnrrlg wore passotn;crs on
tho Norfolk branch train thin morn
ing. Pol or Pidnrsoii, a harbor who form
erly worked iu Zinneekor's suop hero,
win in town on his way to Uratid
Sewerage connection Is being put in
on Kleventh street to tho l.iudell ho-
tol and tho miIooii t,t Hinkelman
Mrs. !;, II. Chambors and Mrs.
IJomer Uoldusoii returned Saturday
from their visit to Cfitrato and Hay
wood, Wis.
Mrs Komiiigton ami daughter, Miss
Marutiorite, mother and sister of Mrs.
(icorgo Whalev, mo hero for a visit of
two weeks with Mrs. Whaley.
I)prc..s Messenger West brook, who
runs on tho Spalding line had one of
his lingers severely mashed Saturday
by wetting it caught in the car door.
A diMibto header went up the Albion
liraiiili tlii.i morning, nnd yesterday
m' i il Moi k trnin emtio down from
I'oll.'iiuu loaded with hogs and cattle.
.Mr. and Mrs Arnold Oehlrlch and
daughter Ohm will leave tomorrow
fur n t'acitio coast trip, taking in the
Pori laud exposition. Thoy will bogono
tniir 01 six weeks.
The liacholor dirts' Club and a fow
iuviud liicnds gave a picnio in Stev
ens' grovo yesterday. Tho guests of
the club weio I)rs. Loach, Campbell,
liticHchou aud Valllor and Mr. Con
Lloyd Swain toio up the gravel
somewhat at tho Union Pacilic station
today noon by putting on tho air brakes
too suddenly while riding his bicvcle.
Thn bicycle stopped before Mr. Swain
did No seiious injury resulted.
Mrs. ('. I). Kvana returned last
night from a visit of several weeks
iu Now York where she was tho guest
of Miss Hollouuv. Ou her return she
slopped iu Chicago n few davs, tho
guest of Mrs. Ithodos, daughter ol
Dr. nnd .Mrs. 1). T Martvu.
Tho littlo sou of .Too Moscheuross
fell and hn ko his leg yesterday at the
residence ol Henry Kodohorst north
of Columbus His parents were vis
.ting at the Itodohorst place ami the
accident happened while the children
were playing about the yard.
Nyo I'rowu, a stockman from Unlit
I'tihurg, Nehr. , was in tho olty last
evening aud this morning left for
I'mlar Kapids, on htisiues. Ho reports
the wct in more rain than in tho his
tory of the country, but savslhe surur
beet crop and pnMino lauds are prom
i' ing.
Many WiMiiisliiiD cauin iu ychtorday
tiom Deaihvood, S. !., for a visit of
a week or ti u duvs. Ho is also com
missioned bv tho inaiiagor of tho
I'raiiklin lintel iu Deiulwood, ot which
Ii" is night manager, to go to Omaha
to employ help Hurry has made good
with the house whore ho is employed,
which is the leading hotel of I lead
wood, and lm is promised a promotion
on his i in u in
Invitations have been issued bv
Misses Mamie Kllintt, Dora liabcock,
Clara Keedcr unit Dorothy Post for an
"On tho Pike" parly at tho homo of
Miss Kllmt next Fiiilay Tho party
is given iu honor of "thn visiting
cirls" who are Misses Klsio Johnson
ot Oiiiiilia, Hazel Stevens of Orooloy,
Col , and Maida henries of Chicago.
LM Poiiuev of the Penney Mercan
tile Co. of Kiilleitou wont through Co
lumbus lodav ou lib way to the Dako
ta ami Wisconsin for a two weeks
viit. Mr Peiuiev isat the headof the
li'nllei Inn CliikiitiiiiiiiiiL nksiiiinitifiii mill
' ii counting on a big and successful
mooting this summer. Ho expects to
iiiiihiu'o for two sMicial I rains from
CiiIiiiiiIiiih at the timo of the Chautauqua
A reliable lank with which to do
business. A bank whose dl motors and
ollluers aro men of probity and finan
cial startling. Wo base onr cUlsai to
yonr cnusidciatlon and confldeaue oa
the above grounds. If favored with
yonr account wo shall guard yonr in
terests as carefully a if they were
our own. Kvory farility for the
transaction of businers ottered to all
onr patrons. Imrgo or smnll aocoauts
Tho Old Reliable
Golumbuft State Bank
(Monday's Daily)
This morning at Hi.'io o'olook at the
Catholic church Mrs. Mary Korgie
and Mr. Joseph Sus were married by
Hev. Father Theobold. Only relatives
and friends wore preseut nt the cere
mony. Iloth the oontraotlug parties
are long-tituo residents of Oolamus.
Both aro highly osteemed by a large
circlo of friends. They will live In
south Columbus.
European Tourists.
(Yesterday's Dsily)
Columbus has the honor of being
represented In Knropo by more of Its
citizens than any other city of Its sire
iu Nebraska. Last Sunday another
party left our olty to spend tho sum
mer in Switzerland and France. The
imrty consisted of Mrs. Albert monger
and daughter, Mrs. Dotard and two
children of California and Miss Ma
tilda Stenger, ilaughter of FrerifBten
ger. They will land at Havre, Frabua.
A largo number of friends were at 'the
station to bid them God speed on their
Bruce Webb a Iprinter.
CI'ihwiIhj'm IhII)
Union Webb was In Columbus ves
torday and he spent the night here
with his brother W. 11. Webb, firuce
has a host of frlonds among the (toys
in OoliimbuH aud they all have known
him for a long time that he is a
"prince" among gcod fellows. But
not until Vast night did thoy know
anything about his "sprinting" abil
ities. It came about In this way.
HrucM was intending to go home last
night with Fred Pratt and John Ben
der on the Norfolk passeuger. He
stood at the station talking with his
brother till the train pulled down past
the switch. He thought It wonld lok
to the station again, lint it didn't,
and liruco gavo chase. It was a pretty
race. The englueor polled the throttle
wide open aud tun Norfolk passenger
neai ly left tho track as it rouiided the
curves. Tho spued would have done
credit to the Twentieth Century Lim
ited. Hut lirucu gained steadily and
ho would havo caught it if his coat
tail hnd not gathered so innch atmos
phere. Hn had to givo op the obase,
however, thorn was nut an eyewitness
of the race who would not haok Hrooe
against any freight train in Nebraska.
There has been talk uf running Bruce
for slier I IT and sliiijp hl demntistra
tio! of his running atillites, it is a
cinch thnt he w'll catch a majority of
tho votes if he does run.
Dr. J. E. Paul, Dontltt.
One of tho largest and best
equipped dental offices in
the state.
Vltalluid Mr for PalnltiM
The kind that in safe and never
Come in and havo your teeth
examined and get our estimate
on your work. It will cost you
notiiing and wo give u useful
Hoiivcnir to each culler.
All work guaranteed.
Ovit NlcwnlunT' rnr. latli anil (Illy HU.I
H.'K. cnrniT nf.'l'wk.
Both 1'hunri.