The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 05, 1905, Image 8
GRE8T0N M'H;v (Cnwlnn onlwrfllxT two w) tilccrlitlnh In Hldnry KftMrnMint tl 1'rii.lon I'lmtiimr). If tan he Mi)tliint Ini) or wll. t Mr. ItjuJ mini in.l M Mm (uHortlw It n llw lwllt; ininr of I'lntte mant jr. Jnitriml nl nlwii) iln lli linMniM. AilviTtlw Iti Jour iiitinn enMT fimt. 8uiIpiiidI Hint with Joiirnnl niheiti. In K. A. Jolll. M. 0 Ilt HiuillH litlll Hilt geon, Cull prnmplv iuicrcd day nnd night, A girl wm born to Mr mid Mr K. Prang on June '.. Mrs QnstavBon ot Chicago who linn been visiting horo with Mr. K. A. Engols anil family for tho pnnt week returned to hor homo onMondny. Mm, Uutdavsaa is n sister-in-law nf Mrs. Kngel. We are headquarters lor everything in Drug sun dries, Paints, Wall Paper and Painter's Supplies. Prescriptions a specialty CRESTON PHARMACY Mrs. Will Jackson's sister of Co lumbuH who Iim Iwon visiting horn for a few days returned Monday. H. Kaitman loft for Whoolor ooanty Wednesday for a weeks lnr otr. His wlfo has boon on her fnthor's placo Ttnltlutf for komo wooks. 5 Miss Agnes Warner who'usod tollvo horniNvisitlng friends horn thin wook. W. J. Hollnap ami Jean Kemper mid daughter Irft for Donvor on Tuesday to attend tlm Kpworth LRgue conven tion. Thojr expect to bo gone nbout two wook. Tho ball game that wan to hnvo boon playnd between Homphror nnilOrostnii at thin placo wan declared olT on no- ;.;.;.;.;.;..;.;. ;. f-J-J- j..s..'.;...vs- ' H. G. MORRIS, M. D. Cull Ciordnit IMiiiriiuicy. Culls promptly answered liny or night. on, Ncliinska. count of Humphrey not getting horo. Hob Thompson han inventeilit7"n now robber tirod boggy. A fnw from horo accompanied tho ball hnyH to Klgln on Monday night to witness the ball gamo and other at tractions nn tho Fonrtb. MrH. Doctor Jones anil sou loft Mon day nn an extended visit to Sioux Kails and other point. Mr. Iiong nndMtss llosnKnlght wore united in tnnrrlngo Wednesday oven Iiir J n no '.".. Tho Hov. Warren tor foriiird tho ceremony. Dlatta lantar '" Kin I !! VBIIIBI Ml NN Al.lOKCoWOIllM- I'lnllolViitiT NiilMt'rllxrn mil) ii) milwcrlii. IIiiiih lo.lnhn II, IUsmii. If jiiii wiint In liia ur wll iiiijIIiIiiu, wi Mr. Iliwiu mill lii Mm mhcr- li-l it III till! lldwIillK IKIINir Of I'llltlll I'llllllt) .lniiriiHl iuIh hImiijh do tlm IiiihIiickh. Hut miser, tlm in jour Iioiiiii HiHr lirxl Hii''l'''iit Hint Willi Journal i!ilvi'ttlliiK, William Bheenau of Chicago Is visit Iiir rotative here Htohard KoRan returned from IiIh Dakota farm laHt Thursday. Inn. O. KeRan returned Inst Friday from l'iorro, 8. I). O. O. Mahouey and MIhh Anna Not ion ro turned from their Dakota homos Sunday. fc Harry Lamb went to Omalm today. A largo delegation of l'lnttn Cent or people attended tho Columbus cele bration yesterday, some also going to Humphrey. John Roberts, wife and child mid Mix Sarah Roberts arrired lant even- Iur from South Omaha for a few davx viiit with rolntlvos. The Platte Conter bnMo hall team defeated the Newman drove nine at Humphrey yoHttrday by a ncore of il to I. A pumo of l-'it) wan tho prlo. Plattn (Jeuter can beat any aiunteur ulne In the utate Tho Noutnbouud iwimongor pullod iu Teaterday iuIuuh a whlntlo Tho en Rino had to let tho Nteam eocnpo end build a new tire, which delayed the people who wore going to the celebra tion about threo hour. MiMOR Kittle (lent Ionian and Hirdie Harry havo gone to Grand Inland to Tliit relative. James Carrig of Kearney 1h viilung relutivei at thin placo. Jotm Haabrook ihiptied two car load of oattlo to Boath Omaha today Miaa Hannah Hansen of Omaha ar rived here on a visit to relatives Mon day evening. Dr. i. L-Daathack came home from Chtoago Monday evening. Wm. Behleu of Oldeubuscu in traus acting business here todav. - A Am baby boy arrived at tho home of Thomas Honre Friday evening. D. D. Roberts oelobrated too much in Columbus yesterday ami as a result Blssed bts train and had to bo shipped bone in a stock car. 111 1 M MOTION FOH A NEW TRIAL WILL BE MADE NEXT MONDAY. THIS IS LIKELY TO BE DENIED Attorneys for the Convicted Oregon Senator Will Then Seek to Bring the Cac'e Directly Before the United States Supreme Court Portland, Ore, July 5. Counsel for United Htntcn tionator Mitchell will appeal Ids c.'it-o from tho decision of tlm Jury, which i chimed a verdict of guilty ii? clmrnoil. The chnrgu was that Senator Milch ell ulillc (KtupyliiK IiIk pulillc poBltlon accepted a pecuniary coiiipeiiKiitUni for pi acl Icing beforo tlm fodeial tie piirtiuentH at Washington, which, un der tho Rtatiili'H, fonstltuti's a crime. On Monday a motion will he made for a new trial. If, as Ih expected, thin Is refused, counsel u,i the ion vlctcd honntnr will endeasor to bring the case directly to the attention or tlm supreme tourt of tlm United Ktates. If possible the Hulled States circuit tourt of appeals will be passed over It Is Mated Hint the jury In tho rase of Senator Mitchell took six bal lots before at riving at a verdict. I'lvo ballots showed eleven JurorB for urn vlctlon. It Is expected that the other Indict ment pending against Senator Mitch ell, charging conspiracy with Puter nnd others to defraud tho government of Its lands, will bo dropped. What penally will bo Imposed by Judge l)c llavcn can only bo conjectured. Tho rtatuto proldos for both imprison ment, for not morn than two years and for a line of not to oxceod $10,000. Bluce tho tilnl began Senator Mitch ell has been at liberty upon his own recognizance, and thin will hi con tinued until after sentence is pro nounced ut least. Pending tho appeal for a new trial, Senator Mitchell will be a member of tho United States Hen ato and ho wilt draw Ms salary. Ho may appear In the commlttco rooms and continue hid duties as usual, but ho cannot, until the caso reaches a limit decision, appear upon the floor of tho senate nnd rrsiitnc tils seat. This will not bo possible unless the decision shall be favorable) to him. BARON ROSEN ARRIVES Report That He Talked on Politick Emphatically Denied. New York, July D. "PIouso deny foe mo Unit I huvu given out any Inter view on politics," were almost tho llr-st words of Huron Hosen, the new Itus slna nuibassador to America, to n tep reuontutivo of the Associated Press as the Kaiser Wllhelm II was moored to her dock In lloliolien. "When I re ceived tho American newspaper re ports," bo t.altl, "I observed that a French news agency attributed to tint nn lutei view, quoting mo as saying that Itussla Is willing to pay tho ex penses of tho war within certain lim its. I wish you to deny this for mo and also deny that I have over given out any Intetvlew or expressed public- ly any opinion of a political nature. Please nay that and nothing mnie, mid I will bo much pleased." - - , . Potemkine Attacks Italian Vessel. llucharcM, ltmimanlii, July G. Tho Itusslan torpedo boat desttojer Suiet llvy appeared oft Kusteujl ami sig nalled that tho was seeking the Knlaa Potetuklue. It is said that the Kuiuz Potemkine has attached an Italian ves sel cairylng coal. There is much un easiness among Itushiau voxels at Roumanian ports Ridiger Succeeds Sakharoff. St Peteihburg, July f. Meutenant General Hidiger, elder of the chan cellory of tho war olllce, has boon ap pointed minuter of war in succession to Lieutenant (Joneiat Snhharorf, who recently leslgned. IJeutenuni Oeueral Palatzyn lias been appointed chief of the general Man. Attempt to Revive Mutiny Fails. Oilcan, July :. An attempt to ie- vivo tlm mutiny on tho battleship (leoigi PohlodnuoM't. was dlsiovoied today. It wan Uiistruted by sail ors, who delivered six ot the leadeis to tho authorities The torpedo heats which icmained heie hae gone to ucn. Bomb Explosion at Bielostok. Illelobtok, Itusbta, Jul 5 Thorn vus sporadic tiling in boieial stieets and a bomb was tluoun in the t enter of tho town. It hi reported that sev oral person.! were killed. Statue of General Meagher Unveiled. Helena, Mont, July r An hciole oipiestiiun btonro statue of (Jeneial Thomns Fiancls Meagher, lender of the Irish brigade in tho civil war, and later secretary and acting governor of the territory of Montana, was un veiled In tho capltol gtounds In the presence of people ftotn all pails of the state. July t. 18f.7, thltty-elghl years and four days ago, Ceueral Meughor fell ftoiu a steamboat at l-'ort Ronton into tho Missouri rivet and was drowned. Ills body was never recovered. Ills widow Mill llxos a llyo, N. Y. Drops Dead of Heart Failure. Chuyoune, July 5. Mrs. James Jil leu, mother-in-law of Judge J. A ltlnur ot tho United States district court, dropped dead at Judge Htncr's homo ot boart failure. Just after the explo sion of a giant llrccruckcr In front of the houso. Shu was sixty-six years of ago and ono of Choyonue's plonccis. Fire Raging at Carbondale. Oletiwood, Colo., July 6 A ttlo phone mcsago from Carbondnlc, fif teen miles MJiith of here, reports the exploilon of a gn-olno tnnlc, which set tiro to tho building In which tho tnnlc was located. Tho fire- quickly spread and four buildings were con mimud. Tho llro then cut off commu nication by telephone If. h fenred that the wholo town has been de stroyed, ns the buildings wero mostly frame. Carbonilalo Is a coal mining town of about 1.000 Inhabitants Senator Covington Acquitted. Uttlo Hock, Ark., July i". A verdict of not guilty was returned by tho Jury In l he trial or Sonntor A. V. Coving ton on n charge of accepting n bribe of ffi.000 on tho bill appropriating ?M)li,0U() for the completion of tho new state capltol Fire Destroys Tannery, liboro, Mass., July . The tan tiety of the Wldou-ljord Lent her com pany wns paitlally de.sttoyed by lire. The loss Is $100,000. It Is believed that the lire was of Incendiary otlgln. Murderer Is Captured. I'ulleiton, Nob., July fi. Viwo lloss wick, the railroad robber who Mlled Dan nimick, a companion, In a quarrel, was located and attested by the slier Iff a few miles from the scene. Trolley Cars Collide. Cedar ItnpldH, In., July C Through misundci standing or oiders, two In term ban ttolley cats collided head-on on a ciiivo near Swlshqr, twelve tulles south of this city. Tho Injured: Motorman Harry Pell, both legs broken, badly cut and Internally In Jilted, may die; Anton IClevoo of Iowa City, both feet crushed, Injured about tho head; fifteen others received min or Injuries. Hoth cars were telescoped uud ruined. Poisons His Two Boys. Doylestown, Pa., July C After be ing subjected to a severe examination by detectlvos, (Justus A. Closson of Monisvlllo, Pa., has confessed that ho poisoned one of his sons and at tempted to kill the other In tho same manner. Closson wns a flagman at n uillioad ctosslng at Tullytowii and Is about sixty years old. Ho poisoned tho boys because they wero not very blight ami there was no chance that they would over bo of nny use to him. Cunningham Is Endorsed. Lincoln, July G. At a meeting hero of the Nebraska Association of llurul Mull Curt lets, F. if. Cunningham, president of the national association, presided. Mr. Cunningham was en dorsed for icoloetlon to that position and a committee was nppolnted to In vestigate the ehnrgos on which he was dismissed ftoiu tho rural service, nnd to secure, If possible, his reinstate ment. Turns on the Gas. San Francisco, July ,V- Henry W. Heine, a woiklngmnn, asphyxiated bis fourteen-year old daughter and him seir by turning on tho gns In the girl's room hero. Five other children occu pying an adjoining room baiely es caped. Mis. Heine, who Is a nurse, heciuno a raving maniac when hho arilved home and learned of the trag edy. Heine had been drinking. McKlnley Statue Unveiled at Chicago. Chicago, July fi. A heiolo bronze statue of William McKlnley wns un veiled hem In McKlnley park In tho pieseueo of lfi.000 pooplo. Tho prin cipal address of tho piogtam wns do llveied by Judge Peter 8 Orossoup, a lire-long ft lend of President McKln ley. Addresses wero nlso inndo by (lovernor Deneen, Mayor Punn nnd members of the Urand Army. Eight Convicts Escape. Tn mini, Wash., July fi. Kight con victs escaped from the federal peniten tial y on MeNeal Island, leaving tho Isl and In two government boats. Ileforo starting away tho convlctR disabled tho government launch by destroying the dynamo and tho olllcers wero un able to tako up tho pursuit for several hours. Bonds for Indicted Packers. Chicago, JuljMfi. Ponds for tho twenty wlx pnikers, traftlo olllclals and corpoialloiis Indicted by tho federal grand Juty Saturday will ho ruinlshed today beforo either Judge flctlica or Judge liudls, when all the defendants under the bill will be uuulgnod, lllril luwplrvd Munlr. One of the most pathetic scoiioh re membered fiotu the oxpotlciu'cs of an unhappy genius is given, among other facts, about Iteethoveu In tho "Life of Sir I lei belt Stanley Oakeley." The great composer delighted In tho out door world. He lo ed a tree, ho ouce declared, with pardonable exaggera tion, "better than a man." After ho had become stone deaf he visited the valley of HelligcnHtndt, near Vienna, whore be hnd stayed In other and happier days. "Here." ho said to the friend who no compnnlod him, "I composed my Tn toral Symphony,' mid hero the birds cnmpoHcd with me. Can you hear a yellow hammer?" "No," wrote his friend on tho conver sation slate. "And In tho symphony I only remember the nightingale, quail nnd cuckoo." He believed certain phrascH to have been meant for a dlrcit Imitation of certain birds, but ltcothoveu'H method was a more poetic one The birds had Inspired him; they had "composed" with him Hut they had done It by contrib uting unconsciously to tho Joyous har mony of the scene. licet hnvcii In answer to Ids friend's suggestion tisik the slate and wrote upon It a passage for the llute In the "Ilrook Scene" That wiih what the vellow hammer had Inspired him to do. If oaday's Dally JearaaL Will Farrand leaves tomorrow even ing for Denver. It. O. Wilson of St. Edward was in our city last evening. Unas wurdeman was a passenger up the Norfolk branch this morning. Homer Koinson returned home Hun day evening from his northern trip. Young Hryan Murphy is doing a few dnvs work at the Olother house. FOK KENT good clean rooms Mrs. Gushing -101 llth Bt. Keasnnable prices. If. U. Newman and family went to Norfolk Saturday to visit tho family of Conductor Fox. Mrs. Wm. O'ilrion aud son Paul loft this afternoon for n visit with rela tives iu Pooria, III. A b'g bunch or Platte Outer peo ple attended tho ball game yesterday. Too manv names to remember. A. U. Williams nf Dodge, la., nr rived in Columbus todav nnd will tnke position lu the Home restaurant. Miss Kllle Dlers of Fulierton was in Columbus today en routn toll lyase where sho will spend tho Fourth with relatives. Miss Lillian De Forest arrived Sat urday from Albion and wont toSchuy tor whom sho will visit relatives over the Fourth. Mrs. Emma Wagner and son Leon ard and Mrs. Mlnfelker.all of Omaha, are visiting tho Mtssns Qregorius over tho Fourth. Misses Mnblo and Ora Hoard of Bell wood enmo In Saturday evening and will spend the Fourth horo with their father, Frnuk Board, and friends. Homer Marty n returned home from Denver Saturday evening. He was accompanied by his father. Homer has been spending a fow weoks on a ranch iu Colorado. Misses Anna Douglas and Alta Btry ker nf Benedict. Neb., arrived in Co lumbus Saturday ovonlng nnd will rematu over the Fourth visiting Mr. tin 1 Mr. (. M. Douglas. Kd Christeiison and brother George went to their homo in Fullertou this mornleg to spend ttiu Fourth with their parents. Ed llvos in Omaha ami Georgo is iu our city laying brick, The social given by tho Kpworth League Friday evening at tho houso of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Uoyd wns well attended aud tho League added to their surplus a neat little sum nf money. Disrtict Clork Frauk (Jurrter nf Nance county was in Cotutubua today. He was returning to his home in Fullyrton after a fow months of work on his much near Bismnrk, North Da kota. Ho reports evorything prosper ons iu that country. Miss Fern Marshal, tho Nebraska Boll phone ojwrator of Oenoa and Miss Maude Johnson, operator at St. Ed ward, will arrive this evening and spend the Fourth with friends in the city. 2 Mrs. Dr. Naumann and daughter gave a dlunor party at their home Sat urday, to a number of friends. The table was handsomely decorated and a number of musical selections wore rendered. Norlfok will certainly celebrate to morrow and if the visitors don't see tho "white elephant" then it is not the fault of the oltizens as two carni val companies and a r.we course meet ing have nearly every attraction brought up on tho the boards. Next Sunday there will be nntou services between tho Methodist and Congregational churches. In tho morning the Methodist congregation will assemble with the Oonregation alists and in the evening the Congre gational people will meet with the Methodist Hock. The special train carrying Socretary of War Taft and his party, en route to tho Philippines, went through Co lumbus yesterday morning. Tho train stopped to take water, but none of tho passengers showed thomselves. Miss Alice Roosevelt is with the party of sovoral distinguished army olllcers and civilians. YeBterday at the home cf Mr and Mrs. CasmerValosek nine miles south wost nf Columbus, occurred a family gathering togethor with a number of friends aud neighbors. The ovent was in honor of the old folks at home and the children made every provision for a pleasaut time. Refreshments and p'.enty to eat were in abundance. Jim Corbet t received word yester day that his sister, Mrs. Henry Six berry, who has lived in Pilger, Neb., died Saturday morning in a hospital at Omaha following a surgical oper ation. He left last evening for Pilger where tho funeral was held this morn ing. The remains will be taken to Nowport, Neb., for burial. Mrs. Btxberry was 4r years old. Oal Nelson, a bricklayer who has boon working on the new bank build ing at IDth and Olive streets, sustained severe Injuries Saturday night by fall tug into the basement of the unfin ished buildlug on which ho Is employ ed. His jaw was brokeu and two ribs fractured. He bad just oome out of Zinnecker's barber shop and started around the corner, aid in some man-, ner stumbled into tho excavation, falling aboat ten feet to tho brick floor. John Yager, the yonng man from Albion who bad both legs cut off by a freight train at Ames three weeks ago, was taken home today from tho Fremont hospital, stopping lu Colum bus betweeu trains. He says that he, in company with two other young men, got ou a freight train to go from Fremont to Blair whom they wore go ing to work iu thu sugar bent factory. He says that they had given the brake man the amount of their faro to allow them to ride on tho top of the car, the brakemau telling them that the train would stop at Ames. When they got to Ames, however, the train did uot stop hut merely slowed up ami the boys jumped off. In climbing down from the ear, Ynger missed tho last stop and fell under the wheels. Hoth his legs bad to bo umpiitntcil just above the knees. Route 3. Fret. Deyke retnrned last Friday from Addison, HI., and where ho hns been attending college. Jesse liotterton wns on tho route Monday rustling subscriptions for the Journal. Wo are uudor obligations to Fred Bebleu for soma dolicions strawberries left iu his box for us. Mr. and Mrs Bchrocder returned home to Shelby Monday after spend ing n few days visiting with John Bruuken's family. Andrew Erb who is fanning near Olarks wns here a fow dajs on bus nets. P.H.Mohrman aud daughter Martha left for Iowa Friday to be absent n few days. ' The Shod Creek band hots arc practicing for the Fourth. They will hold big picnic iu Joe KrnmoV grove One of the nicest occurrences in a long time was the wedding of Miss Martha Dovke and Mr. Hermann Sohultz last Thursday on this route. Tho carrier being invited to dlnnor.W down to one of the finest feasts that he hn bad in a long time. A verv large number of invited gnosis wero present nuil sat down with tho carrier also. Mr. aud Mrs Schultz wilt go to housekeeping on their farm near Crestou at ouce. "Succef.s" young friends. G. W. Bombers is building a new barn on his farm. Or. Arnold to Leave Columbus Dr. A. G. Luesoliou hns purchased the business of Dr. H J. Arnold nnd will succeed Dr. Arnold in Columbus. They will practice together until Sep tember t, at which titiio Dr. Arnold will go to Snn Diego, On I. , to t cud the winter with his parents, Inter lo cating ou tho Paclllo coast nt some point not yet decided on. Dr. Lueschen purchases tho olllce building and equipment as well as tho business of Dr .Arnold. Dr. Lueschen is a graduato of Croighton Medical college at Omaha nnd of the Chicago Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat college While devoting special attention to difeasos of the eye, ear, noso and throat, he will also do a general prac tice Ho has boon associated with the firm of Drs. Martyn & Evans for nbout a year. Go to the f roe open nir show. Every night an entire chauge of program. Singing, danoing and music. The performance takes placo on an oleotrio lighted platform on Fricdhof h cornor. Gould's Buy Coal Mines. Pittsburg, Kan., July C Pructlcally evory coal mining company In tho Pittsburg district has passed Into tho control of tho Oould interests, which aro known locally as .tho Western Coal Mining company. This Includes tho Central Coul and Coke company, the Weir Coul company, the PlttBhurg and Midway Coal company, tho Nnvtns Coal company and other Important coal companies hero. Goes to Sleep on Railroad Track. Cedar lluplds, la., July u. The body ol Joweph Kaczek, a German railroad inun living near Chicago, was found by u Hock Iblund tialn crew near Sum mit siding with the back of his head crushed. He is thought to have buun sleeping ou tho track. Nashville Church Burns. Nashville, Tonn., July I. Flro de stroyed McKoudrla Methodist Episco pal church, on Church street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, and ono of Nashville's Onest houses of worship, and tbreatoned a section of tho retail district, In the midst of which tho edi fice was situated. Tho Arlington ho tel, directly across tho street, was In Imminent danger and considerable, confusion prevailed for some tlmo among tho guests. Tho flames wore, howover, confined to the church, tho loss on which la completo, and has been ostlmnted at C0,000. Tho origin of tho llro Is unknoftu. Separate Church and State. Paris, July 6. The bill for tho sep aration of church and statu passed the chamber of deputies by thu de clslvo veto of 341 to 233. Tho result was greeted by governmental cheer ing and opposition hisses and there waa Intense excitement. Ini m m TOTAL OF 1,677 INJURED BY FIRE CRACKERS AND EXPLOSIVES. FOURTH OF JULY ACCIDENTS FiVe Dead In New York and Four In Philadelphia Soldiers are Injured While Firing Firing National 8a- ' lutes on the Fourth. Chicngo, July 5. According to ills pntches received Irom 1"0 of tho prin cipal cities of the United Stnles, thli-ty-slx people W(te killed and 1.C.77 In jured by explosions of Urecrnckeir, firearms, gunpowder , nnd toy plstuht on tho Fourth or July. In spite- of tho rigid enforcement of the law restricting the houts during which firecrackers may be ills charged, tho list or accidents In Chi cago la very large. Stray bulletii found their usual number nf victims, but most of tho accidents were duo to common cracketn, and chlldicn mado up the huge majority of those Injured. Nearly loo accidents weto reported, to tho police, four of which will piobnbly prove fatal. Injured Whilo Firing 8alute. Boston, July ("..During the cere mony of tiling tho national salute of forty-live guns at. Fort Wnrron, Bos ton harbor, the charge of tho stxteentli round exploded piematurely, Injuring two prlvntes of the const artillery, ono probably totally. Prlvnto James J. Buckley, who was placing tho titanic shell lu the hieecli of n six-pounder, wns frightfully Injured. Tho explo sion tore bis left arm nearly to tho shoulder and the flying particles struck him iu tho face, shattering thn bones of his chin. Prlvuto Hector McNeil waa severely binned nnd some of tho powder gtnlns lodged In hla eyes. Explosion on Governor's Island. New York. July fi.Uy tho prema ture explosion or a shell In tho open breuch or a llvoincb gun while a Fourth or July solute was being tired nt Castlo Williams, on Oo'.ernw's Isl and, Pilvnto Cornelius Hnrrington of company 11, Klghth Infantry, wns so badly Injured Hint ho mny not re cover. One mm was torn ofT, his right eyo was blinded and he was tcrilbly burned on the head and body. Ser geant Frank Webb of the same com pany nnd regiment was also badly hurt and It Is roared will lose tho eight of one of his eyes, but ho Is ex pected to recover. Five Deaths at New York. New Yoik, July G. In uplto of nit police ptecautions, revolvers wero tiled Into the air everywhero yestor day, the bullets doing their eustomnry deadly work. Altogether flvo deaths wero recorded iu tho city as a result of the day's celebration and tho num ber of accidents reaches Into tho bun dled s. Four Fatalities In Philadelphia. Philadelphia. July i. Four persona deud, two probably fatally injured nnd more tlian 200 Injured Is the ro suit of Independence day celebration lu this city. One Killed at Cincinnati. Cincinnati, July P. Police records hero show that ono person wns killed nnd over soventy-flvo slightly Injured while colcbrntlng tho Fourth of July. LOSS OF LIFE IN MEXICO Number of Dead at Guanajuato is Now Estimated at Over 200. Guaunjiiutn, July (i. Governor Obro gon estimates tho loss of llfo ot some thing over 200 and moro bodies of tho victims of tho cloudburst which flooded this city tiro being recovered. Tho hospital was flooded so quickly that tho patients wore drowned. Tho magnificent Juarez theater was Hood ed to tho floor of tho first balcony and soldiers who hnd taken i of ago thero had to climb to ttio upper bal cony to savo thomhelvos. Tho. power plant is damaged and tho city Is in darkness. Tho property loss Is now estimated at $2,000,000. Famous Geographer Dead. Brussels, July 5. Professor Jncquen Ellseo Ileclus, the famous gigruplicr, died here. Webb Jay Sets New Mark. Now York, July 5. At tho second series or tho naUonnl championship meet of tho Automoblln association at Morris park, Webb Jay made a new world's record for a mile on u circular track from n Hying start. Ho cov erod tho dlstnnco In 48 4-.ri seconds. Tho previous record was 02 l-fi sec onds. Har tAccepts Frank Qotch's Challenge. Minneapolis, July fi. Reports re cctvod hero from Bono, Nov., say that Marvin Hart, who won over Jack Hoot In tho twolfth round for tho heavy wolght championship, has accepted tho chollengo of Frank Gotcu If satis factory arrangements enn bo mado with somo Sun Francisco chb to pull oft the match. Autos Are at Cedar Falls. Cedar Falls, la., July C Tho cara White Steamer and Rambler Pilot passed through hero for Charles City. Mlie Andrews and her party were de layed hero two hours for repairs, Flvo cars went through, without stopping, It was expected thoy would find lough and poor roads from Dubuque, but thoy roported them good until the last rains. Tito Iowa roads aro tho bout encountered slnco leaving Chicago. tf Vfc . c -' fi VfiMr t jr, j.ij-1 Vtt:;iife J 'X ...b.W Li -.,, l-t -K3tK- A-M "'' 'B-- - V i-" r v i'-K,