The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 05, 1905, Image 3

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    ?"f -" fTf-yp'
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Ni- 12, Clili'umi Sxi iitl i " u, in
No i, Ailimtic l.-iiirrpN, ii in ii tu.
Hi .Nuilli 1'IiiIImIiihiiI .. . . 2 K M.
Nil HI, lnl .Mull. ... . IUI . III.
j il, I'a-lctii I'.M.n t-H l.Vi in
Nil :. OwtIhIiiI liltllltrll. . fi.Ml III
Nil. , l.ln'nl I'ti'lttlit fi.SU B 111
.. umr iiihimi, i ti.N I
Nn 'i, I iililiirma i,iu! I In i:nu J. t. i..'.Ui ni
Nn 11,1 ulu. M.ii.l HMH.t til
Nn 1', rimt Mitil . . 11 ir ii in
Nn. 1, Uwrliuiil I.ImiiImi It Hi i in
Nn :i, i nioruiiii I.jimkh . .. ti'Vi . ui
No 7, miiIIi Pintle Lin-al,. . lliHin in
No. .'.I, I imil I'li'U'ln ,' en ii in
mmimiI.k mi KM'll .
-mill in
il'i i, tu
No. 2H, I'liHM-tit.'or.. ..
No. 77, Mixiil ...
No. ilil, l'liiwiiucr M I , in
Nn Vh, AIIaiiI 7 lii in
., I)fnirt
Nn 111, l'n.itiir i-i't p, mi.
No id, Mixiil (.mi it in
Nu !!.!, I'ii.miii;it U Vip m
No lo', .Mlxoit ii, m
Norfolk uih.min;ir Irinni' run ilnlli .
No tinlim on Allium mul Suililiii,! Iiniiiit
All limit! line )i I - ;ii; r 'mini. .1 iPj
Time Table
Bt. Jouoph,
Kanaao City,
Bt. Lou In niul all
poinlts Bant and
Bait Lake City,
Udii rjauclHCC
niul a 1 1 polntr
No.'Ji I'ltHMMiMnr, ilnllyoxivii Htniility 7.2.1 n. in
No. :fj Ai'i'oitiiiioiliilinii, ilully nxril
Mnliir.liij I ,in ., ii
No. 21 lfiw miuiM , iliitty nxivi I Niitnlit) h r,i) p, m
No. ill Ai'ui'iiiiio', iliilli nr.rcil
Hiuulii) 1 ,tli j, n
Try our want coltimtis Somo
Imily wants what you want tu
Do you want tnliiiyt-nmolliiii.'
Ask for it in mir want rulumti.i.
Somebody liait what you want
anil will soil cheap. Wo nuaian
too satisfaction. If our work
doesn't plonso yon, toll in nlioiit
it; wo'il taki' plon-uiro in making
it rijrht
Do you need .'iiiini1 stuoiouery?
If ko, call us up on either iihoni'
ami a .Journal representative will
all on you, or come up tu tho
ollieo anil we will lit yo i out.
Columbus Journal Go
The Journal
Has Two Specialties
." '( . . . - -
Tho liit in
1 1' you want all tin ni'Wi of tlio
vmi run liavo it iKlivi-roil at
your ilour lii'liuo uiirr ovory
ovoniii,'. Kvt'iyliuily is intou-t-1
in tlio War Nt'tVs. Wo -jit
all tho ni'Wi of tlio world liv tolo
iaph ami all tho now. ul' I'latto
ami uiriiiiiuliii coiintio". Iiy tol
I'phono tvcr,v day. A niiijor
ity of Coluiiiliiii liiiuiliiN uro
iilivmlv mi uiirli.-t. Tin-ospoii-o
i trilluiL' I''nr It) ci nt- a wook
you can t allmu to ni
it. (Jivo your ii:iiu t'
lior or toloplioiiu tho
tlio oar- .
.loiirniil 4'
tooiiiI Specially i-
Wo juiiit ovirvtliiii: in plain
niul fancy l.i tic ilumU, JJivo-liiiio.-,
1'iilllnaiN, Matoiuiut,
l'o.-toi-, Tiokoi-, i'louimii'
vitntioii". C'nnl, CiiiiiIooiio
nc A No liiiso a -pooiul .-u 1c
)yo t'oi Com t Unci-.
Wo pi int cvoiytlnii'.' ami du
it ju.-t a little In ltd than any
body oUo.
Lot Us Quote
You Prices.
The Journal
t-t l '5,
ttavG Ycu
1 ..I, .
8chnbert'i Store Jurglariid.
A very bold bnrglnry wai palled off
tit Curl Scliuborf ' gnu store some time
tluruiK hmt niijht. Whou Mr. Schubert
wont to his Htoro nt 7 :'M thli mornltiK
lui foil ml tho gloss broken nnt of the
front door and npon entering dlscov
crod that his show cases had been
putted. All of his pistols that had
boon loft in tho show cases nnd a large
tray of knivos of nil sizes nnd assort
inoiitx wore Konn. A hnttdfnl of knives
NL'attiireil near tho door nnd mixed
with tho broken glass Indicated that
tho liuiglnrs had departed with con
Miiloinblo haste.
Tho nafo of V. T. Walker, which
lias boon stored in tho Hnhnbcrt
bullditm during tho emotion of tho
OolunilitiH Btnto bank nnd Zlnneokor
liuildlugK, wnR oponod nnd the con
tftils coiiNUting of pniiorn nnd books
fcntterod over tho show cnnos unit the
Hour. The t-nfo contained no money
nnd iippirntly nono of tho contents
hmt boon tnkoti. Mr. Wnlkor's safe
hlitiulH in tho front window of the
tklmbort (tore in full view of nurouo
prtr-tdiu nlnng tho stroet. It won not
looked Inst evening, an it in Mr. Walk
crV ciiBtoin to give I ho combination
knob just ono tuin when he closes the
Hiifo for tho niirht, nnd it can then be
oponod by merely tnrnlui the knob
Mr. Schubort's snfo, containing his
money nnd the morn vnluablo articles
of merchnndlKo, is in the roar end of
tho mom, snrrnunded by shelve) ami
tools, and it apparently was overlook
ed by tho marauders.
Mr. Schubert has not altogether
determined tho nmonnt of his loss,
lint oHtinmtoH it nt nbont 115. He
Iiiih hnii nnusual mlsfortnno in this
lino hlnoo ho has boon in bnsinAss
hero, this being the sixth time that
ho has snlTered loss nt tho hnnds of
A Huinll lamp in always loft bnrulug
in tho More over nig nt, and this wns
found still burning this morning,
from which fact Mr.Sohubott boliove
that the burglary wns committed
after duybrenk, tduuo otherwisn the
liurglnrs would probably have oxtln
guihhod tho lunij). Axel Nelsou.night
policomnu, suyN that he was in the
vicinity of tho burglary, sitting by
tho now bank building just hnlfn block
distant nt that tituo, but heard noth
ing ot tho disturbance. Dan Echols,
night clerk at tho Moridian, saw two
men pass a little after daylight who
ho thinks may have been the criminals.
Mr. Schubort mitkos no seoret of
the fact that ho suspects either mem
bers or hangers-on of tho traveling
carnival company which came in hut
night from Hchuvlor nnd left this
morning for Norfolk. A crusado was
orpin iod ngninst them in Hohuvler
nn the ground of immorality. Fre
mont has also had several cases of
burglary lately. Descriptions of tho
stolon proporty have boon sent out,
and Mr. Schubort has offered n re
ward of l.ri for either the roturn of
tho property or tho capture of the
Supervisors Proceedings.
.Tuun l!i. Hoard met as a board of
equalization. On motion fUO was
refunded to I. Oluck, satuo being ox
eon n tax paid on orrouoouH nssossmout
of lot in village of Tnrnov.
LOorriud nnd roiresentativosof the
First National and Columbus Stnte
liunkK of Columbus mndo vorbnl com
plaints of oxcossivo nssossmout of per
sonal proporty. County nssossor in
formed tho board that he had follow
ed instructions of state board of
assessment in fixing valuation. Com
plainaiitK were reiiuestod to tlio writ
ten protests with tho clerk.
Juno 1 1. Protest was received from
J J. ISurKn ot al of tiholl Crook twp
that n stoam engine owned by them
had boon assossed nt $:i00 and asked
that same bo reduced to f 1!K). The
assossmont was reduced to '-Mil.
Juno l.'i. Oolumbus Stato bank ask
ed for a reduction of 11,000 and the
First National for a reduction of ',.
000 Irom their respective assessments
based nu undivided prnlits. Hoth
campluiuauts stntod that under their
HVstfliu of bookkeeping their state
ments showed oortaiu interest includ
ed in tho profits which in fact was yet
uuoarnod, nnd that n different system
of bookkeeping would show tho undi
vided profits to bo loss than reported
by the amounts claimed. The com
mitten on complaints recommended
that the requests bo not granted and
report was accepted.
Keiunst of Jas. (iriog to have stric
ken trom the nsHossmont books .1 acres
of land in soo. l-is-lnw.fnr tho reason
that sniuo is used as a pnblio road
wriN denied by tho board.
Tim committee appointed for the
purpohu of oiiuali.iug assessments
among ditforent townships submitted
a loport making additious on horses
and cattle in certain townships and
deductions from samo in other town
ships, making a total net increase in
entire county of $,il on horses and
nuttlo. Report of committee was ac
cepted and the clerk directed to pre
pare tax list in accordance therewith.
Hoard adjourned to meet August 1 1
as hoard of eiiunli.ntiou nnd June lit
us hoard of supervisors.
Uoiimilt Dr. Terry about your eyes.
Whr .TAr Jrffrraon Didn't Hit.
Henl Uo SohnHdrr.
It won the prlvllogo of the writer
your ego to iiltond reception nt
which .loseph Jefferson spoke on tlio
ilrnuui. Ulu treatment of tlio subject
was Interesting, ttie tillernnoc of n
man who knew the art of which bo
spoke. Hut the most Interesting part
of the hour mum after the completion
of the foi null address, when an oppor
tunity was given to the audience to
nsk any question they wished of Mr.
Jefferson. Noon the familiar topic win
Introduced, tho effect of the inmleru
elaboration nnd realism In stage set
ting. Mr. Jefferson nt once rose to the
(piestlon. lie sH)ko Honiewhnt rapidly,
with a ipialnt humor nnd synipathctlo
charm that wen Irresistible, lie char
acterized the modern fashion of Htngo
setting us "n tribute to tho weakness
of fie human Imagination." "1 am of
ten naked," ho went on, "why I do not
have a real dog Schneider. Hut If I did
none of you would ho sntlstled. You
would go homo saying, 'Well, Schnei
der never looked like that dog.' You
love Schneider because you have tniulo
him out of n pleeo of your own heart.
And then," mcdttiitlwdy, "if I had n
real Schneider some ono In the gallery
would probably whistle to him nt the
critical moment, nnd ho would bark
nnd spoil tho play. While If be knew
Ids part perfectly nnd did Just what
Schneider ought to do"-pnustug nnd
with his delightful smile -"Schneider
would Ih tho hero nnd not Hip I" Then,
with n twinkle of tho eye, he summed
up the whole matter with the ipilet re
mark, "Heallsm with n tall to wag In
the wrong place Is a dangerous thing."
New York Tost.
The Knrlr lr of Thin Nnw fnranns
Mnlno liinintr Hranrt.
In ltVHH Mount Detert and Its neigh
borhiMsl were granted by the French to
a man mimed Cmllllne. When Acadia
wan finally us a result of that long war
rellmpilshod to Ihiglaud It was given to
Governor Hornnrd, but as this gentle
mun when the Hovolutlon broke out
was loyal to King (loorgo the estate
was oontlscntwl. Meanwhile M. Har
tholomcw Urcgolre nnd his wife, Maria
Theresa, who wan tho grnndduughtcr
of the orlglnnl grantee, revived tho
claim of radlllne, nnd It wns allowed.
For years the Island remained a soli
tary place, with long HtretchcH of un
broken forestu Into whoso labyrinths
no Htranger dared venture without n
guide. Ha land uncleared, its future nn
dreamed of, but urtlsts, weary of the
commonplace, found out tho spot and
bore to dwellers In towns glimpses of
Itsi wild charms, and now nnd then n
world worn, brain spent man would
steal nwny to seek the IhIiuuVh solitude
nnd stimulus. Those seekers for beau
ty or health would carry their own
rnmp out lit or Inter would patronize
the hotels.
The first summer cottage there wns
built on n slto thnt was bought for
f.!0U When fashion bad put her stamp
of approval upon tho place laud thnt
would not have brought n dime an ncre
during tho time of tho Oregolrea was
sold at from f'Jo.OOO to upward of
$100,000 an nere. Four Truck News.
(irlndlnsr lnpene In t'htnn.
A missionary traveling down the I.itn
river in Mongolia says lie passed thirty-one
rapids in one day. At most of
them wore water mills for the grind
ing of aromatic trees Into powder to
make Incense. The trees are chopped
Into small pieces and thrown Into n
hole In n heavy millstone, which re
volves on a InrpT stone as the water
rushes through In-low. In the rainy
season, when the river Hows full and
fast, n pair of mills can grind 'Jno cat
tics (200 pounds) of Incense a day. It
Is made up Into bundles of this weight
and mild on tho spot for fifty strings
of cash (about f 0).
The Orlarlnnl Pra'mlea.
African pygmies nre about four feet
to four foot throe nnd a half Inches
high. To bo In harmony with their
name, however, they should measure
only thirteen and a half Inches in
height Fur tho original pyginnei,
wnom Ilomor believed to live far to the
south nnd who were warred upon by
cranes and whom Herodotus knew to
exist In Africa, were nnmod after the
Greek mcasuro "pygine," literally n
fist This wna aupposcd to bo tho dis
tance from tho elbow to the knuckles,
reckoned lit eighteen "dactyl!," or fin
gum, equal to thirteen and a half
Toe !te.
Colonel McBchwartz wnn telling tho
cnllor how wonderfully tho town had
"Why, when I moved hero with my
wlfo nnd daughter twentysev"
Tnpn," Interposed Miss McSchwnrlz,
"ttiertfH n moHrjulto on your neck. Let
mo pinch It off."
"Ouchl" exclaimed tho colonel. "An
I wns Bnylug-, when wn moved hero,
(iilto n number of foam ago," etc.
Chicago Tribune.
Gave niiMNlf Awar.
Detective Cnptnto How did you
monngn to spot tho thief through Ida
womnn'H disguise? Detective-I aw
him sit down and noticed that he gave
htM skirt n bitch with both bauds, ns if
Co keep It from bugging nt tho knees.
Then I grubbed him. -Washington Star.
At Undeserved ImpntnttoM.
Magistrate You uru chnrged with
playing cards for money. What Iiiivb
you to snyt l'rlsouer The charge Is
false, your honor. It was the other fel
low thnt played cards for money,
ficucrnsdty often clusps hands with
extrnvugnnce, while economy some
times walks shoulder to ahoulder wit
Th Morr of III ricrcc .lnob on it
TrlMillnii Vi-nKrl.
CnMuet W. Alton In tils IhkiU, "One
Nnvy and tho Harbniy CoiMiIrs," re
tells the old story of how Commodore
Stephen Divatur, thou a lieutenant In
the I'nltoit Slates navy, attacked a
TillHilltan vessel. Tho Incident occur
rtil In IStvj, when I'reble was lying off
Tripoli, Young Decatur had been told
that the captain of this voss( lmd
treacherously murdered his In other,
John Decatur, after ho had siirieuderoil
to him. Mr. Allen w tiles 'lie ran
alongside and at onco hoanlct! with
Miicdouoiigh and tho leiiiniiiit of his
crew. Decatur slugbil out tho eaptnlii,
n tiinu of moat slo and strength, and
attacked him furiously, Tho Tripoli
tan niiuto n tin list with hLs boardlug
pike, and In iittomptlug to pany tho
blow Decatur's cutlass was luolion nlT
nt the hilt, leavlnc, tilm for tho mo
tiient tmiirmisl. Another tin list of tlio
pike wouudisl him In tho arm. Decatur
selisl the weapon, wrenched It away
nnd grappled with his antagonist ,ft
W n short struggle they fell to the dock,
with Divatur on top.
"Meanwhile the two crews were light
ing furiously about their lender", and
n TrlHiltan nlincd n blow nt Decatur'n
head with his Hclmlter, when a Moauuin
named Daniel Fraler, having both
arms dlsubled by wounds, Interposed
his head and rooolvoil the bjow, which
laid ohmi the sculp. The Trlpnlltan
captain, Isdug more powerful than De
catur, soon turned him underneath and,
holding him down with his left band,
drew a knife nnd was mVnit to plunge
It Into bis breast.
"Dcoutur seized the uplifted arm
with bis left bund, while bo managed
to get Ids right into bis pocket, where
he bad a pistol. (living It tho proper
direction, he II red through tho pocKct.
The giant rchiMil his hold and fell
dead. Having lost seventeen Mlled, In
cluding their loader, the seven surviv
ing Trlpolttaus, four of whom were
wounded, soon gave up tho light "
Why u baby carriage isn't known as
a eryoyoloV
Why it Is so much easier to bo wrong
than it Is to bo president?
Why some people manage to talk a
great deal without saying anything?
Why so many of nur coming men
Hceiu to bo handicapped from tho start?
Why the company that Issues the
map has the only ourvoloss railroad
Why tho average man Invariably
makes a fool of himself cvciy time he
tries to act up?
Why men are nearly always oinbar
rassod when they propose eliher llnau
dally or otherwise?
Why so many men who are anxious
to work when sick nre Ju-.t us anxious
to avoid It when well?
Why some men are not as blael: as
they are painted and some are not as
while as they are whitewashed ? I'm
clnnall Kmnilrcr.
I'ln In t'lotln-N Men.
Ill a small Mouth American Htato
which had rcccntTy undergone n change
of niliuliilstiatlon tho now potentate
summoned nn arllst and ordered new
designs for all tho oillcial uniforms,
"I wish showy costumes- very
showy," ho iicld, "for the people are Im
pressed iy them. I have hero some
sketches that I ni) self lmo made.
Look them over and ho guided by those
Ideas as far es possible."
Tho artist etmulnod tlio sketches
"This," ho said, turning the pages, "Is
evidently for (ho navy and this for tho
army, but, If you please, what Is this
a long plume on a three cornered but,
yellow dnHH coat trimmed with purple,
"That," replied the chief U state
gravely, "Is for the secret police."
He It Iml Toilii).
Less spent on tho dead and more
Spent on tho living would bring about
many happy results. Hearts a so break
lug, lined ones wait mid tears How all
Ihcuiiso of the withholding of Mm!
words unspoken and letters never sent
The aged father and mother far oil' In
tile country would often bo cheered did
th't hoii or daughter more frequently
send them n letter. Heboid flio sad
mistakes of others, their remorse, and
profit by the hiiiiio before It. Is too late.
Today, now, speak the loving word,
wild tho tender message, write the let
ter you imteofd-dity by dnj, nnd don't
wait until .'you fargotolt or until bitter
memories haunt you.
A Ilrnnlllmi IIimiki'IioIiI 1'i-t.
Hralllans train a snake called the
glbola as a rat catcher. It Is fifteen
feet long, Is harmless to the human
being,. becomes). Quito a household eel,
In lii"js In. thoMkgrtlmo, but at night
nm ins about tho'hunao In quest of Its
prey rats. Those tuition Is It promptly
kills by twfsttnn their nooks. When
IlrazlllnnN have to pass from phiiii to
room In the dark ttmy llrst put on their
allppnrti. It would not ho pleasant ti
plant one's bare foot on a cold slimy
fnnke of that aire.
Weuk 1 1 a in ii ii Nnttin-.
From many selections fnan Marcus
AurelliiH we choose IIiIh ns showing his
keen Insight Into this weak human na
ture of ours: "I hao often wondered
how It Is that every man Ihms himself
more than all the rest of men, hut yet
wts less value on bis own opinion of
himself than on the opinion of others."
A f.uiiirr.
"Hut," objected the heiress, "I have
boon accustomed t to every luxury"
"Thut's all thofiuorii reason why you
Hhould marry me," repllnl the lmpo
cunkui.i suitor. "I'm u luiiry my-Bolf.,,-PhIlade'tiia
. , ; . ,
t Home Restaurant
j Tlio best of every
r lilin IVTrtnlc nf nil
" J.V-WCMO cw uuiiuuio, uny ui iii($uii
Fresh Fish nnd Game in Season
f ?
III H I M I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1
1. l-iiro I.lnms-il Oil I the fiinnitndoii of nil I'Mnt nnrnnlllly.
V. Itie Kciiiral irejullre mtnlnitl lteMlMlTieil INtlnl In iNMed
on Urn Met Hint miml tit Hirra nre tululti rnlrU with Inferier eilT
.n AI1 nnt 'tinnd Iwtn n TtttCK VASTK, nnd the Hendy
NUed iiniiii iiiitlu-r linn Hlluiiit .ry Knlliti Vf ili'm hihI JJlUi m
- -. 0 , ...vv. w,.
I'nln'l I
A. Thitaa i
Merit eontei
hut m I ,
.ii'..!"".,,Vl.,,,,r K,MyMMl lrlnl.jon imyfhe endy.MUed
ilnt iirlM fr I hln rnnntsl nll," or front a la In S ttnthemMrkVt
lw for tlio, iure n oil In jonr lornl diMlirlrirl.
.-n- in ra imini wnoae innHrrm UTiilWnvn Ifir note fe rem .
l5,:,ri-,:'.,jfil," " Whinffi
If i yenr old hoy enn mis fliln HMie and the Mire raw Ml.
Kilt nmlnlv i mm lbn ln.l ,..- .a.lT.L EZ71 J.V
imlliin for itnllon, nn more, nn Iras,
lASkSrSSrSS!!Sl JZVS..!S?SS! I!ri !-& tv
I will sell at Public Auction at my
T2 ,.., ;
AJLU. It Alt
Columbus, Nebr.,
p 1 car good Yearling Colts
n 1 car good 2-Year-Olds
;: 2 cars Crown Horses
;; Some well broke drivers
These horses are not the small kind
but Good Pcrcheron Bred Horses
No bad colors in the bunch. Come
and see them sell.
3; interest.
Thos. Braukan i
00000000 0000000X000XM00000g'l
0000000M.000000 00000000M0j00
Journal Job Printing
BECAUSE: always up-lniliito.
NN ink i- imiiiuleiil.
I 'miii pt ilelivi iy.
Id iiniiilie p iff-.-.
Il'we hnvi n't it weuill nuier it. Wo enn -uvu lni.-ino.-.s
nn n nioiii '.ii piiuleit fiiiiu-'; we .nn jel eiiravcil
oai iU I'm -noiiiy pmple, In Iter ityle-al luwi r (iriu'H.
.Iniiiiial S.ili 1'iilU Iniii;.' eiiiwiU. Jiuiriuil Letter Howls
In iii' liu-iiieii Tiy u
Only liiil in 'iiiiiiiIiii lit 1 1 in puh.
Columbus Journal Go.
and Meat Market I
thing in tho eating
timiun JnMi.uiLl
-. m.aia mww twm gftjiril.
nnd nothin eitJL Zma nili VSIS
1.. a . !"-.. --?'T iT - w-
"Sis wss
Six Months time will be given
on bankable noto bearing 8
, 4