TW r The Skill of the 'American Housewife in Bread Making is due to . Yeast Foam. It makes sgood Bread from any ilour. Yenst Pimm l tho ywt tlilittmtk Urn I'lrHl (Iriunl ITln lit Hit' HI. I.iiiiU Kx position, mill Id ""lit I'.v ll I'moiTx ill fie piirliurn 'iioiik'li fur iiiluiit Hiir , ItiHtk "(looil llruml" tree. ' NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICAGO, ILL. dtTMl 816 WtaBs Street, .UMMXtnn, Wit., Kept. S, IWW. I was all run down from nervous- Fdhm andoTcrwork and had to resign hny position aiftl toko a nit. I found thatr I was not gaining my trennth and health as f nut as I could wtih and as your Wino of , Carflui was recommended as mirJi n pood mcdicino for tho ills ot our sex, 1 Douoiii a uouut anu ncqnn using U. I was salMied with tho results from tho uao of tho first Imttlo, and took three inoro and then found, 1 was restored to pood health ana etrcngtn ana awe to taxo up mv work with renewed viiror. I consider it a fine tonic and excellent , for wom-out, nervous condition, and out pleased to endorso it. AONKS WK8TLKY, S,MarUWUcnNln Holland HurMy. Secure a f 1.00 bottle of Wino of rCardul and n 2.V unckaao of (I'heafonl's Black-Draught today. WINE OF CARDUI CATARRH WiL 'ffii&X ! 0rct.CGlU vnoj?1!-. jh .sdj lY-FOfErf r50j LS' m $s frYomO ly'8 Cream Balm This Romody Is n Spuclflc, 8uro to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RKLIIP AT ONCI. It rln linos, soothes, bonis, and jintvts tho diM'iiM'il iiioinbraiio. U euros Catarrh ami driven IIWIIV U C'dd ill the UiMil iplloUv Hestores tho Senses of Tinto and Smell. IJtsv to use. Contain no injurious drug. Applied into tho liiwtribi and absorbed, liiirgii Size, M eenU ut Drugt or by null ; Trial Suo, 10 cents by nuul. ELY BROTHEhS, 56 Wtrrsn St.. Nsw York. fW! KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS Dr. Kings WITH New Discovery fORCi rONSUMPTION Prleo 0UGH8 and J010S 50c at 1. 00 free Trial. tturost and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. WHiMED MEXICAN TOWN SWEPT BY A DISASTROUS FLOOD. UILT IN A MOUNTAIN GORGE Ranlng Torrent Is Carrying the Dead Throunh Streets of the Mlnlnfl City of Guanajuato Marafilo is En tlrcly Wiped Out. Mexico City, July 3. Reports nro cum nl hero Hint from 100 persona upward, with one report claiming even 1.000, linvi boon drowned In a great Hood tit (Juanajuatu, n mining city, now the Importiint Heat of activity by several huge Aiuorlean mid IlrltlBh companies. Tho wlrer. wore down all day and tin' toads woro Impassable, No iu'wh IntM boon received directly, but two repnilH arc current. Ono Rays 1,000 wrro hilled and tho other Kuyn at loam lOo were drowneJ. l.afo tidings nro that (5u:innJuuto in coMiplololy flooded and water In ul ready Invading tho higher portlonn of the town, while there Ih fear the "Luolla" dr.m will give away, which would mean complete ruin. The city Ik built In u great gorge In the twain tulnn and (ho streets ramble on tho mountain Hide In plctuicsipm fashion. A storm begun furiously on tho night of .lime :io and after midnight no one of the Inhabitants dared no to bed, no fierce wan the elements Tho water rose In the lower or business streets, Hooding shnpn and damaging thousanda of dollar:!' worth of mor cIiiiuiIIho. Tho lower Ht.roets beenmo raging torrent as tho water poured In from the upper streets. Later advleoH Mate that It Ih known thai over 100 liven woro lost at Guana juato. A dispatch to President Robin Ron of the Mexican Central railroad nays theie nro 1,000 dead at (Suann Junto. The town of Marafilo, Just below Ouanajuato, waa completely wiped out. Tho tagliig water Is carrying tho dend throiiKh every street of (iuatiujuato. The Mexican Central northbound passenger train ran Into n washout north of Irapunto und was derailed, tho water i tinning over some of tho ears, President HobliiHou says somo liven were lost, but ho does nut Know how many. ROOSEVELT ANNOUNCES DEATH Prepares Formal Proclamation for Sending to Diplomats. Oyster Hay. N. Y., July .1. --President ltoosevell has piepaied the formal proclamation announcing tho death of John Hay, Kccretury of state. The proclamation will bo forwarded by mall to all ambassadors and ministers of tho United States In foreign coun tries. The following Is the full tent of the announcement: "A proclamation by the president of tho ('tilted States: John Hay, mvrc tuty of state or the United St,it"8, died on July I. Ills death, a crushing soirow to Ills f i lends, Is to the people of this country a national bereave ment; and In addition It Is a serious loss to mankind, for to him it wna given to stand as a leader In the ef fort to belter world conditions hy striving to advance the cause of Inter national peace and Justice. He en tered the public seivlco as the trusted and Intimate companion of Abiahatn Lincoln and for well nlgh forty yearn ho solved his country with loal devo tion and high ability In many po nil Ions of honor and tiust, and finally he crowned, his life-wot k by serving a-i seentaiy of state with such far sightedness of the future and such loalty of Ideas as to confer lasting benellts not only upon our own country, but upon a'l the nations of the world. As a suitable expression of national mourning, I direct that the diplomatic representatives of tho Putted Stnten In all foreign countries display tho t'.ags over their embassies and lega tions at half-mast for ten days; that for a like period the Hag of the l'nlt"d States be displayed at hnlf-mast nt all foils and military posts and at all naval stations and on all vessels of tho Pulled States. I further ordei that on the day of the funeral the executive depattnienis of the city of Washing ton be closed and that on all public buildings thioughout the I'nlted States the national Hag he displayed at half mast " Secretary Loch has practically com pleted iiriingeiuents for Piesldeut ItonHCNclt's ttlp to Cleveland to at tend the funeral of Mr Hay Tho fu iiernl will take place at 11 o'clock next Wednesday uioinlug and as the Jour my from Oyster Hay to Cleveland will consume nearly twenty houis, It will he necessary for the ptcsldeai to leave hete tomonow afternoon. Many Messages of Condolence. Washington, July II. The high es teem in which Scctetavy Hay was mil vei, -ally held nt homo and ahtoad is manifested by mcsi.ages which have been received by tho government and Mrs Hay since his death. They havo come from sovereigns, from foreign of fices, from officials In the diplomatic service and frum men In public and private life throughout this country. Teachers at Ocean Grove. Ocean drove, N.' J., July 3. F.lght thousand worshlpcts, a majority of whom are delegates to the National Kducutlouu! association, attended ser vice In the Auditorium. Hlshop Fitz gerald welcomed the teachers to Ocean drove and President Wlllluui 11. Max well icspoudcd. MA600N MINISTER TO PANAMA President Combines Two Offices In One to Avoid Confusion. Oyster Uay, N. Y., .July a. Prosl dent Roosevelt authorized tho nn nouiicement that ho hud appointed Charles E. Maroon as United States minister at Panama. Judge Mugoon Is at present governor of tho canal zone In 1'anuma und a member of tho executive committee of tho Isthmlun canal commission. Prior to his up polntmont on tho cnnnl commission ho was tho law officer of the Insular af fairs bureau of tho war department. Ho In In Panama at present perform ing his duties In conjunction with tho canal work. Tho determination of the president to hnvo tho officers of tho government of' tho American zone and minister to Panama 111 led by the snmo man win reached Roon after the reorganization of tho Isthmian canal commission two or three months ngo. Kvperlenco hud demonstrated that a conlllet of author ity was likely to urlso between thn government and tho minister and la addition cotiftiiilon was floated among tho PanninaiiH, pnttlculurly tho offi cials of tho republic, by tho present o of two officers exercising similar (low ers. It wan well known that Oeorgo W. Davis, former governor of tho canal zone, and John Barrett, until recently mlnimer to Panama, did not pull welt together, although there was no open difficulty between them. To avc-t any possible trouble In tho future that might be detrimental to the Interests of thin country, or to thoso of Pnn nma, In the construction of tho cnnnl, tho appointment of Judge Mugoon to tho two offices whk determined upon. It Is known that tho designation of Judge Magoon to Pananm, In connec tion with his nppolntment an governor of tho zone, Ih notably pleasing to tho officials and pcoplo at Panama. ANTI-TRUST LAW HELD VOID Judge Says Penalty prescribed Is Un equal, Which Vitiates the Act Dos Moines, July 3. Judgo A. II. McVey of the district court held ttiRt tho law under which V. V. Wlllcox ami other prominent Insurance men were arrested for Illegal combination Ik unconstitutional, both under tho state ami federal constitution. The decision Is under habeas corpus pro ceedings and tho men have been re leased. County Attorney Jesso Milter declares ho will carry tho case to thn supremo court. Judgo MeVey'rt de cision It) based on the claim that the penalty prescribed by tho law Ih not equitable for tho reason that It Ih not applicable to everyone In tho same de gree. Tho taw prescribed a penalty of not less than SO per cent of tho cap ital stock, tinder tho law thn Aetna could ho fined $80,000, while tho Hawk- eye of Don Moines could bo fined only $2,000. No 'ndlctments have been re turned by tho grand jury, hut Count) Attorney Miller Kays tho case will either tie nppenled for a ruling of tho supremo court on tho habeas corpus ruling of tho district court, or tho case tried on an Indictment brought by tho grand Jury and then appealed. Eighteen Drown in Texas Flood. Del Ulo. Tex., July 3. Klghtecn lives nro known to have been lost nn a result of a cloudburst In tho moun tains above tho town of Ijis Vacas. Sixteen were Mexicans and two of tho deail were American children, washed away before tho eyes of a pnnlc stricken crowd. Tho loss and damage to property Is enormous as tho waters went through thn fertile valley In a mighty flood, cnrrylnn everything be fore It Tho loss In llvo stock Is great. Fundi are being raised hero for tho flood stiff ererH and senrchlng part loo nro trying to recover tho bodies of tho dead. The sixteen Mexlcnna drowned lived about four tulles from Lns Vacas on tho bank of tho creek, but far enough awny from the edge to give them a feeding of safety. They wero peacefully slumbering when n great volume of water let down by a cloud bust camo on them. Secretary Hay's Body at Cleveland. Cleveland, July 3. Tho special train bearing the body of Secretary of State John Hay arilved here this morning. Tho funeral party consisted of Mrs. Hay, the widow; Clarence liny, Hi Charles L. Scuddcr of Ronton, who at tended Secretary Hay during his last Illness, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mather of Cleveland, the latter n sister of Mr. Hay, and S. A. Raymond, also a relative of Mis. Hay. The casket was enclosed In a rosewood hox, In which It will icpoM' until tho funeral on Wednesday Mrs. Hay and Claionce Hay stood the trying ordeal bravely, although they showed plainly the ef fects of the strain which they had been under Boxer Indemnity Question Settled. London, July 3. The correspondent of the at Poking says "The Hoxcr indemnity question bus been s-'ttlcd. All the powcts have signed a note ucc "ptlng China's proposal to consider the Indemnity as a gold In stead of a hllver debt. Tho inoienient for the boycotting of Ameilcan goods Is subsiding owing to the action of the authorities, whoso desire to prevent the Impairment of American good will Is, beyond question, sincere." Bishop Joyce Stricken. Minneapolis, July 3. Rev. I. W Joyce, bishop of the Methodist church for the diocese of Minnesota, sus tained a cerebral hemorrhage, fol lowed by mi attack of paralysis while addressing a meeting at Red Rock. The coudltloti of the bishop U serious. ENVOYS MY M PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES PERSON NEL OF PEACE CONFEREES. COMMISSION HAS FULL POWER Two Russian Plenipotentiaries Are Ambassadors Muravlett and Rosen. Baron Komura and Minister Taka hlra Will Represent Japan. Oyster Hay, N. Y., July 3. Presl. dent Hoosovolt authorized tho follow ing announcement to bo made relatlvo to the pending peaco negotiations be tween llussla and Japan: "Tho president announces that tho nunslati and Jnpaneso governments have notified him that they hnvo ap pointed the plenipotentiaries to meet here ns soon after tho 1st of August an possible. Tho two Russian, pleni potentiaries are Ambnssudor Mura vleff, formerly minister of juutlco and now ambassador at Home, und Am bassador Itouen. Tho JapancEo pleni potentiaries nro Ilaron Komura, now minister of foreign affairs, und Min ister Takahira. It Is possible that each side may Bend ono or more addi tional representatives. Tho plenipo tentiaries of both Russia and Japan will be Intrusted with full power to negotiate and conclude u treaty of peace, subject of course to ratifica tion by their respective home govern ments." The character and ability of tho men selected by both belligerents is an earnestness of tho deslro of their respective governments to conclude, if possible, tho tragedy being enacted In the far eaHt. Some delay wbh oc casioned In tho selection of tho pleni potentiaries by tho Insistence of Ja pan that the envoys of both govern ments be clothed with full power to conclude peaco and to negotiate a per manent treaty. Tho Japanese govern ment Indicated pointedly that the em peror would not permit his envoys to enter ujion n tentative conference In which Japan wns to define Its terms and then let Hussiu deeldo whether the conferees tihould proceed with their deliberations. Tho Toklo gov ernment Insisted that the plenipoten tiaries should have contorted on them treaty making powers, and that thn negotiations should be entered upon In a spirit of perfect sincerity. Such, too, wns the position taken by Presi dent Roosevelt. He maintained thnt only by clothing the envoys with am ple authority to act for their respec tive governments could a last hit; peace bo achieved. He strongly urgvd tho St. Petersburg government to livedo to what was regarded as a reasonable proposition of Japan. Tho president's announcement frnc tlcally concludes tho preliminary no gotlatlons ror peace. Minor details remain yet to bo arranged, but the conference now seems to bo assured. While no ubsoluto date for the m'qtylng of the envoys has been fixed) Jlyhas been determined thnt the first? sols Ion will bo held In Washington about the 1st of August. Duron Rosen already Is en roite to tho United States, hit coming being to succeed Count Casslnl ns thflf litis slnn ambassador to this country.- It Is probable that Ambassador Muravleff will start soon for tho United States, accompanied by a considerable staff of secretaries, clerks and Interpreters. Tho Japanese contingent of officials nnd attaches, bended by Baron Ku mura, It Is expected, will leave Japan In time to reach Washington by the 1st of August. No decision yet hns been renched ns to the plnce of holding the sessions of tho conference. For tho purpose of organization nnd to determine upon plana for the future, the plenipoten tiaries will meet In Washington, but It Is regarded as probable that nt an early dato thereafter they will ad journ to hold tho business sessions of tho conferonco In aomo city on the north Atlantic seaboard. ARMISTICE TO STOP FIGHT Negotiations Said to Be In Progress at Washington. Bt. Petersburg, July 3. Negotia tions for an armistice between the armit'B of Russia und Jnpan, It can be definitely stated, are now In progress, presumably at Washington, but they have not reached a stage where any further announcement can bo made. The decision seems to rest with Ja pan, which country Is weighing the relliupilHhment of prospects of better ing her present advantugnMis position against the enormous cost In lives and money of nuother great battle. The chances for n decisive and final Japa nese victory, It Is believed here, arc no better now than before Llao Yang nnd Mukden, and It Is pointed out thai It Is Idle to talk of Vladivostok falling like a ripe applo Into Japan's handy before the peaes conference meets. Root and Hart ts Fight at Reno. Reno, Nov., July 8. The first prize fight tu eight years will be held hera today. The principals will be Jack Root nnd Marvin Hurt, who will con test for tho heavyweight champion ship, left vacant by tho voluntary re tirement of James J. Jeffries. The fight will he brought off In an open nlr amphitheater ami will bo refcreed by former Champion Jeffries. Jape Advancing on Vladivostok. Umrton, July 3. Tho correspondent of tho Morning Post nt Shanghai says that tho Japanese are advancing on Vladivostok and that a battle Is Immi nent noar tho Tum life IMPORTANCE OF CARBON. V'lthnat It or It F.ntilvnlrnt we CeM tlavr No Are l.lKht. The electric are light as now so com monly (mod Is produced by the passage of a powerful electric current between the slightly Kcpiiruted emit of a pair of carbon roils, or carbons, about twelve Inches long ami from time eighths to one-half Inch In diameter, placed ver tically end to end tu the lump. The lamp tuechniilsin Is so constructed that when no current is passing the upper ciirbou, which is always made the post tlvo one, rests upon the lower by the action of gravity, but ns soon as tho electric current Is established the cur bous are automatically ncparatcd about an eighth of an Inch, thus forming u gap of high resistance In the electric circuit, across which the current Is forced, resulting In the production of Intense heat The ends of the carbons nro iptlckly heated to brilliant Incan descence, and by the burning action of tfic nlr arc In the form of blunt points. As the carbons burn nwny, the lump mechanism feeds the upper one downwind Just fast enough to maintain the pioper separation. Tho carbons are not heatisl eijually, the upper or positive one being much the hotter. A small cup shaped cavity or "crater," ordinarily leas than an eighth of mi Inch In diameter, Is formed III Its end, the glowing concave mirface of which emits tho greater part of the to tal light. In lights of the usual size, something like half n horsepower of en ergy Is concentrated In this little cra ter, and Its temperature Is limited mly by the vaporization of the carbon. Car bon being the most refractory sub stance known, the temperature of the crater Ih the highest yet produced art! Ilclully nnd ranks next to that of the Min. It Is fortunate that nature has provided us with such a substance us enrbou, combining, as It does, the high est reslstai'ee to heat with the neces sary electrical conductivity. Without carbon or an ciutvalcut- and none 's known-we could have no are light. Churles F. Ilrimh In Atlantic. STOP IT. Itoastlng of what you can do Instead of doing it. Thinking that life Is a grind and not worth living Exaggerating and making mountains out of molehills. Talking continually about yourself and your affairs. Saying unkind things about acquaint ances and friends. Thinking that all the good chances nnd opportunities are gone by. Thinking of yourself to the exclusion of everything and every one else. Speculating as to what jou would do In some one else's place and do your iK'st In your own. Gazing Idly Into the future and dreaming about It Instead of making the merit of the present. Longing for the good things that oth ers have Instead of going to work nnd enrnlng then, for yoiicelt. Success lliirrlfunt'. The terrors of the deep were perhaps never more thrlllliigly set forth than In the description by a young ludy who last year made her llrst trip abroad. She kept a diary, very much, says the New York Herald, like that of .Mark Twain, when for seven dnya he record ed the fnct thnt he "got up, washed and went to breakfaHt." There was one Importnnt exception. When sho crossed the channel the ex perience wns so trying that she felt lmiellcu to describe It. 1 firmly resolved to stay on deck," sho wrote, "although the teniMst In creased to such a frightful hurrlciino that It wan only with tho greatest diffi culty that I could hold up my parasol." A Wonderful Memory. HortetiHlus, the Roman orator, could repeat word for word n book he had Just read. On one occasion he made a wager with one Sicnnn nnd to win It went to an auction, remained all day nnd In tho evening gave n list of nil the articles sold, the prices paid for them nnd tho names of the purchasers. The accuracy of hla memory was In thin case ntteHted by the auctioneer clerk, who followed the recapitulation with hla book and found that In no ense had the mnn of wonderful memory mndo n single mistake. Mansrra. Mnnners nre of more Importance than laws, in n great measure the laws de pend on them. The law touches us but hero and there and now nnd then. Maimers nre what vex or soothe, cor rupt or purify, exalt or debase, barba- rtee or refine uh, by a constant, steady, uniform, Insensible oHrntlon, like thnt of the air we breathe. They give their wholo color to our lives. According to their nuallty they nld morals, they sup ply them or they totally destroy them. Ilurke. A llatl Ilrrallrctlon. First Rarber- Whew! That barn stormer mint Imi a bad actor! Second Ditto- Why? First Barber When I asked him It he wanted an egg sham poo he Jumped right out of tho chair ud mndo for tho door! Detroit Free Press. l!4 Kltker War. Mr, Wlseguy No, I don't want any of those sausages. I'm afraid of tri china. The Butcher I assure you there's no danger of trichina In theso sausages. Mr. Wlseguy-Well, hydro-' phobia, then. It's Just as bad Cleve land Leader RneaarsstlaST. "Close up, Ik)j-h; close up; satd a colonel to his regiment. "If tho enemy were to tire on you when you nro strng-, lilng along like thut they wouldn't kill a single man of you. Close up!" A Conntry Some In Tibet, Here Is a description of n country scene in Tibet taken from Colonel L, !. Wiiddell'H book, "I.asa and Its Mysteries." "I'lom every hamlet the cottageis had swarmed out Into their Holds and were busily plowing ami sowing in the glorious sunshine, form lug pleasing bits of blight color.. The men wete plowing with oxen gaudily bedecked with plumes of wool dyed glowing scarlet and blue, with long throat tassels or dyed yaks' tails und harness of Jingling bells, while chvu behind the plowers came the gajly dressed women as the sowers, scatter ing brondcast the seed trom their b.ii kets. Most of them, men and women, were humming snatches of uotig hi their light lieaitedmss, Au.oiig the tall poplar trees Imbedding the home steads, neatly picked out with red ocher and whitewash, and among the pollarded willow bushes I'linglug the Irrigation ennuis, illtted roietiiiche. HcldfurcM, hoopoos, port tits, cinnamon sparrows, -hy dove-i, waiblciM and thrushes, all blithely nest building." Sullrerlniiil'M llenl lliilltlii), "The boat holiday," said a rcboii'. teacher, "In u Swlsi novelty that we ought to introduce here. It l.s not tight for u.s to treat our hc'io.iI children lu the matter of weather uit we do. The SwNs have u maximum temperature for school. When the thermometer go.a above that maximum there Is no ta-houl, whether the mouth be April, May or September. The children In the Insuf ferable beat are free to bathe In tin kling brooks, to picnic In cool groves or to boat on the wind uwept lakes. The Swiss rcc ignlze that we can Im pose tin greater suffering on little chil dren than to contlue them for long hours at a stretch In an Intolerably hot schoolroom. They know that chil dren ennuis under mich conditio. im lea in u thing; hence the school direct ors ure wise enough by making those heat holidays to save the teachcra and the children much misery and much wasted time." Louisville Courier Journal. (irrrn Cneonnut Milk. A dweller In the tropics says: "For a delicious early morning drink I rec ommend you to try the milk from the green cocoauut. Cut off the top of the nut with a sharp knife, pour the con tents Into u glass, ami you have u diiul: fit for a king. The cocoauut must bo cold. When In Slugiipote 1 was n bit seedy and consulted u doctor. Part of his prescription was cocoauut milk llrst thing In the morning. I took to it most kindly and often wish now that I had a chance of repeating that portion of the cure. Where the eabbage palm grows one has a good vegetablu at baud the heart of the head of tho tree. In removing this the palm Is killed. This growth Is not bad eating raw, as I found when out bunting once. We fed on the palm and wild honey." Tin Way of the Arab. A traveler in Fgypt writes: "In a camel caravan we once met In the des ert there was a beaut with a gigantic load of ease.; towering above ami en both sides of him. On tho left think of thla mountain of eases rode a small Arab slung In a sling. The reason win obvious tl e camel engineers had nils en leu la ted In loading and had put to.) much on the off side, thus giving tho enmel a heavy list to Hturboiird. Arab like, being too lazy to repack, they had corrected the error by using n light Arab as trimming ballast." Lurk nnd l.nhor. Luck Is ever waiting for something to turn up 5 labor, with keen eyes and Atroug will, will turn up something. Luck lies In last nnd wishes the post man would bring him the uewa of a legacy; labor turns out at II o'clock and with busy pen and rhuliig hum mer lays the foundation of c .impotence. Luck whines; labor whist lot.'. Luck re lies on chance, laltor on character. Richard Colnlcn. Oreelvrd. Mrs. Blinkers--What! flolng nwayV Why? Servant- Please, mum, when I couio yesterday you gave mo tho keys to your trunks and drawers und chests nnd Jewel boxen to keep for you. Mm. BUnkerrt Yen, I did that to hIiow that I trusted you. What la the matter? Servant There dou't one of 'em Ut. Now York Weekly. In Tliir Order of Importance. "What did you dlacusa at your liter ary club this afternoon, dear?" asked the husband In the evening. "Let me rcc," murmured his wife. "Oh, yes, I remember now. Why, wo discussed that woman who recently moved into the house across the street nnd Longfellow." Tinny. Old Lady (watching a football match) - I cauiia' uiiuerstan' that footba'. Her Son Well, yni see, each side Is trying to kick tho ball between thoso pasts at either end of the Held. Hid Lady Wool, that w-udua bo hard tae dae If they'd a' get oot o' the road. Wonder It ThU la Sot If you put two persoiw In the mime bedroom, ono of whom bus the tooth ncbe and tlio other Ih In love, you will Dud that the person who has tho tooth oeho will go to sleep first. Isn't It curi ous? At tbe Wrons; Time. "You say your playing created grout dual of talk?" said the friend. ti "Yoh," nnswered tho pianist, "but unfortunately It was mostly during my performance." Ever notice how much time the other fellow can spare from his business to tell you how to ruu yours 7-Maj'sville Ky.) Bulletin, i.. . ,4&4.J.