The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 05, 1905, Image 1
. . . . . w jrarira t; ( f Se V A 1 i VOLUMK XXXVI. BIKVKSS 13 TIIK SUM OK 'I'llK I'KOHLKM How liiolilalu H in u itiuv. It can't .ho obtained in u moment luit taken time. Commence banking YOU It SAYINGS witli h mill in Unit wny you can lay I ho foundation for success. You can't point to ii snceoFsful man hut has a h.iuk account. Our bank is reliable mid safe; what morn you ask ''. Wealth helps eoinn through JJeoonomy, prudent dealing niul n hank account. Thr; First National Bank Taken 1c Cluhl-Snvlni Institute. i rinu-ilaj'H Dull)) Limn Kse.hlor, tlm fix year old csltilil of Li.lzo Kschlcr for whom Mrs. Wny wns n))ninfcii guardian on Juno '!'., wan taken to I ho Child Saving in stitute at( imaha yesterday. Tho child's mother wan the ulaintilf in bastardy proceedings a fnw months ago mid it was tliir fact which led to tlm ap pointment of it guardian. FcnimoroGortscli. (TIiiiimIh) h 1)01)1 Miss Lydia Gortsohaud II. 1! Funui moro worn married yoMordty at the homo of tlm bride's patents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gortsch, of Monroe, Nebr. Aliout thirty fivti guests were present luul many valuable pio.-cnts were ro coivt'd. K'H-. Stiaiiss of the Kvuugolicnl church of Madison ofticintcd Mr. and Mr. Fcunimnro went on a two-weeks flip to New .Forney. Loses Commission. riliurMliijV l.illj) Frank I'ollurd, u real n t a t man at Silver ('reek, Hiied K Towslcy, u hard ware merchant of the name place, for a commiiinioii of iOiO alleged to lie due him for selling ii stuck r hardware for t ho defendant. I'ho trial look plnee before County Judge llatterman yetttordiiS). The cohIh weie taved itgiiiuttl the plain 1 1 IT. 'I he delemlaiit showed that the titoek wiih never transfoncd, the huyer bucking tint. Too Frisky. A eoiiiplainl ot in-muty was sworn nut hy Nick Coppick the imuiranco limn Sunday nighl against Frank Ma lone who Hum east ofAlhloii Aeeoid ilig to Mr unppiiuho was invited to Sunday diuunr hy Mi. Malono. After dinner Mr Malono hoi rowed Mr. Coppiok's revolver and proceeded Jo drive him oil' the place without pro vocation dring target practice at him in ttio meantime with tho said revolver Mr. Malone was brought hnforo the hoard of insanity commissioners. While hotoro them told the following story of said (rant-action Denied that ho iiivite'l Coppick to dinner and that Mr. Coppick dropped in and that after dinner whilo ho was nut in the yard and Mr. Coppick talking iusur ranee to Mrs. Malono that the hired man told him that Mr. Coppick was not noting right nud on going to tun house ho touud that Mr. Coppick had insulted Mrs. Malone whereupon tin ordered him oil the place, lln mid ho did not shoot to hit Coppick hut merely to scare him The insanity hoard did not try to got the facts in tun matter hut merely facts of Midline's sanity ami from the ovidoncn produced to docl'trn Frank Mnlonu insniie. - St. Kdward Sun. Don't Neglect Your teclh. Kvcn ;i l'ow weeks delay will .sometimc-i prove injurious. During my absence Dr. C. V. Campbell, who comes highly recommended as a skillful operator and as a gentleman, will have charge of my practice and will do all he can to please you. 13lli Strict. Phono 1 to. Or, H. E. Naumann. NUMBER 23. Rathburn-Oalley. yMHl Wednesday 'h Dally ) At ten o'clock thin morui ug was snlomiii.cil the marriage of Ethel Gertrude Galley to Mnrk Harvey Uuth htirn. Tho wedding was nt the homo of the brldo's father, James II. Galley, and wur attended only by rol atives and most intimate friends of tho tirldo and groom. The hoiiFo wan beautifully decor ated with (lowers. lu the parlor where tho ceremony took place white streamers nui from the chaudellor twined with unilax. Tho entire dec oration of tho room was iu green nud white, tho greou of smilax and the white of carnations. Hy n window under an arch of green was suspended a bell of white blossoms under whtoh tlm bridal couple stood during the oerumony. Ah tho Lohengrin wedding march was piuvod by Miss Florence Whit mover, the Initio and groom descending the stairs wore mot at the foot by six ribbon bearers, Missos Lorena Evans, Hlalno llockon burger, Stella Koblnson, Dorothy Minor, llolou Hruggor and Maude Galley. Thoy entwined the bride with their whito ribboui and led her, accompanied by tho bride groom, into tho parlor boforo Rov. Monro who stood under tho whito tlotal bell. After tho worth had boen spoken which unitotl them for life. Maude Galley and Helen Brogger pulled tho two whito ribbons wnich were attached to tho boll and petals of whito were showered ovor both bride anil bridegroom. Tho britlo was tlressed in white, trimmed witn valentine, and wore no veil, She cartieti a boutiuet of white sweet pens. Ah sho ascended the stairs after tne ceremony she toss etl her boutiuet to the crowd of girl hotid friends and it was caught by her cousin, Miss Maude Wititerbotham. Following tho wedding ceremony au elegant luncheon in four coursos was served in tho tliuiug room which waa also decorated in whito and green. Tho hall was in red and green, a large ficroon ot crimson rambler roses being boforo tho grnto and on the mantel three vases ot the same flower. The green was of smilax throughout. The wedding gifts were numerous ami most beautiful. Out gloss, silver and ehiuawaro hail been selected by tho friends of tho bride in patterns that matchotl harmoniously. Mr. anil Mrs. Kathbnru left on tho 2:l'.' traiu oast. Thoy will bo gone nliuut ton days, most of tho time bo ing spout at Falls Oity, Neb. Mr. Knthbum is ono of the most highly esteemed of young men of Co in bus. both socially ami in buslnoM circles. The brido is tbn eldest daugh ter of Mr ami Mrs. J. H. Galley. Sho has grown up in Columbus, and no jouug lady of our oity is held in hiirhor regard. Sho is ono of our most acomplished ladies and most gifted musicians. Thoy woro at:couiianiod to tho train by their young friends and speeded on their way with showors of rico and blessings. Conductor Raney Injured. At ton o'clock last ovoning Mrs. O. S. Itancy recoirod word from Lincoln that Mr. ltanoy had boen accidentally shot iu tho foot with a rovolvor in tho hands of soino careless celebrator of tho day of independence. She left on tho morning train for Lincoln, with ont knowing tho soriousnoss or oxaot uaniro of tho injury. Tho Lincoln State Journal today says that it occurred on the special Sowartl train that left Lincoln at 1U:U0 yestortlay moruiugn arrying an oxour sion to Seward for the celebration there. Tho report says that the shot was fired in a crowded car whilo tho train was on its way. Tho bullet struck Mr. Hauey in the lott heel. He went on to Seward ami returned to Lincoln on the noxt train to have tho bullet extracted. Nothing has been heard from him today According to tho Lincoln paper, the bullet was to bo oxtr acted today ami the wound as not consider ed dangerous, though it Ik painful and will keop Mr Itaney trout his work for some time The identity of tho man who llred the reckless shot had not yet been discovered. Hev L U. DoWolf and Will Far and loft last evening for Denver to attend tho national convention of the Kpworth League. Sevoral former Co liiinhus residents also wont through burn bound for the same destination, among them Hev G. A. Lune of Omaha and Hev. Kollog of Cedar Hapils, l.oth former pastors in Co lnml u-i COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, Tiffany ft Johnson DimoItb. (FrhU)' Dully) The brokerage commission firm of Tliraur Johnson has tlisolved tho partnerhip which has exiited,for about a year, uan Johnson retires from tho II rm and has already aoootited a nosl tlon in the tolegraphlo department of the union Paolllo headituartors nt Omaha. Ho wont this morning to bo gin his wark there. K. H. Tiffauy will ooutluuo in the business at the old stand. .For a week or two J. M. Curtis will run tbeoftloe whilo Mr. Tiffany is filling the place of P. H.Darnngton, cashier and book keeper for the Gray Mercantile Co. Mr. Darrington has gone to Kansas on a vaoatlon and Mr. Tiffany had al ready arranged to reliove hint when the hurry-up offer from tho U. P. came to Mr. Johnson and made it necessary far him fn on (n Omaha nnu - - n w ruMUOT HVUUVV i The llrm of Tiffany & Johnson has boen a siuare-doallug and, successful business, and Col umbas men who deal iu the stock markets will bo sorry ro soe one of.itsmembers.leaveOolumbus, and glad to know that UenoTiffany will stay and continue tho business. The position which Mr. Johnson takes with tho Union Paoiflo Is a good and laying one. He will move his family to Omaha soon. Kenslngtoi. (Lost Wednesday's Daily.) Miss MoMahou and Miss Nannie Mo Mahon entertained about 135 ladies at a Kensington yesterday afternoon We are now serving delicious Ice Cream Sodas, Sundaes, Lemonades, Phosphates and all good Soda drinks. We make our own Ice Cream. We KNOW it is pure. Chas. H. Dack, Druggist. in honor of their slsterj Miss Lydla MoMahon of Geneva. The spacious lawn had been artistloallv arranged with hammocks and lawn chairs and the Intention had been to servo the luncheon thoro, but the rain forced the guests to remain within doors. Though the rain dampened the grass, it did not in any way dampen the spirits of the oompany who spent a delightful afternoon. No ono on joy etl it moro than Mrs. MoMahon, mother of the young ladies, who though con lined to her ohalr nnd unable to enter notively into tho entortninment. re ceived her frieuds and added much to the pleasure of the occasion. During tho afternoon Miss Cunning ham of Omaha played a number of piano selections, nnd the hostesses assUted by a number of young ladies sorvod a dainty two-oourso luncheon. The out of town guests were : Mrs. Afred Uriswold, Fort Collins, Col. ; Mrs. Petermlohel, Valparaiso; Mrs. Ed. Adams, Denver; Mrs. Wyatt, Rochester, N. V. ; Mrs. Ward, Geneva; Miss Cunningham, Omaha. We Cater to Your Wants in INSURANCE GASOLINE STOVES YUKON and ECONOMIC REFRIGER ATORS ARCTIC and WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM FREEZERS PRESERVE KETTLES and KITCHEN UTENSILS OUR MOTTO: Your money back if not satisfactory. Cloos & TJehling Independent 'Phone No. 162. North Side 13th St. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, Don't Garry an ink bottle iu your ti linker your vacation-il might bo disastrous. A Fountain Pen Solvon the Dilllctilty. M oonoy'n Solf-Fillinir. Reliable Anti-Swear Fills itself by simply blowing into it. Lot us show them to you. EdJ. Nlewohner The Jeweler Omaha Takes First Game. (Monday 'h Daily) The llrst game of tho series with the Diet team of Omaha was played yesterday afternoon and resulted in a victory for tho visitors by a score of 10 to :t. However, it was a good game and was not as onesided as tlm score would Indicate. Columbus men made soino costly errors which were respon sible for tho resulting huge score against them. La lib and Jones woro tho battery for Columbus. Laub did gontl work in the box, and with tho proper support would hiivo held tlinOmahn men down in good shape, striking out thirteen men nud allowing only six hits. Sullivan, tho Omaha second base man, was hit in the head by afoul tip while nt the bat ami laid out for n whilo. Au unusual feature of tho game was that no free passos to lirst wero Issued hy either pitcher. The Omaha boys have established themselves with Columbus people as gentlemen and good bnll players. I'ho gamo which was scheduled for this afternoon was called nil' on ac count of tho rain. A game will bo played tomorrow if tho weather per mits. Miss Hazel Stevens of Colorado is visiting tlm family of Judge A M. Post. Columbus, Nebr, 11)05. Tho Fourth in Columbus. No better dav or better crowd or better program ever happened In Co lumbus for Foutth of July celebration than were hero yesterday. Kstlmntes of the number of visitors present run from r.0(H up. Tho Albion special brought six coaches and they wero all full. Tho main lino trains brought visitors from nearbv towns nnd nit tho livery barns wore moro than ciowded with tho teams of those who camo In from tlm country and sur rounding towns by wagon mail. The day was just hot enough to bo the Fourth of July and just lino enough to bo comfortable. Tho mud loft from the rain of the day before made the pedestrian iwtrt of tho parade tako to the sidewalks, but it was a great ileal better than dust. Tho pirado was composed of the band, tiro dopnrtmont, national guard, rarrlages, callthump- lans, aim a number of young Indies driving white horses nml carrying ban ners represent imr tho various states of tho union. Following tho pnrndp.tho exorcises nt tho park wero opened with music by tho Columbus band nud songs by a chorus. Hon. Ktlgar Howard noted as master of ceremonies nml after n few remarks of welcome introduced tho various numbers of the program. Mayor Dickinson brierly welcomed the visitors on behalf of the city, nnd tno Declaration nt Independence wns rend by Hev. W N Hnlsey. After another patriotic song by tho chorus, tho orator of the day, Hon. Kliitor K. Thomas of Omaha, was introduced and spoko for mi hour on the spirit of tho Declaration of Independence nn,i tho danger of the piosout tendency towanl polltcal dishonesty. Iu the afternoon street mniisenients and races furnished amusement untl tho band furnished music iu tho park. Following is a list of winners in the various events . Hoys' i;iveurold foot rnco: Oscnr Hnkor, Kitymouil Wolcii, Kdwiii Orr; Potato raco 10-year old : KalphLowry, Louis Drown, Frank Sullivan: Girls' foot race !. year-oltl : Mnry Fiilrohlld, Ki ancs Sluier. Fieda Kipling ;Wheul barrow tare Kd Hrniiigmi, Floyd Dralto, Hot alo rnco ir.yenrold: Tom llundur, Tony Gntzmer, Oscnr linker; Hok ami barrel rnco: Bnydor; Pouy Itnrnilo : Carl Jtusche, KugonoMiossler. Lloytl Cassin, Charley Hnkor; Fnt mens' raco: A. Honnlng, Clyde Wnrtl. Slow horso rnco : L. Hranignn, .Inn. Grllllu HenFyfo; Mens foot rnco: II. W Hiowerl; Wnter fight Chester Kmst and F. Bluab; Girls' foot rneo 10-year-old Frances Gul.mor, Olurn Horowiak, Mary Duvnl; Hoys' foot rnco 10-year old : Arthur Thomas, Hoy Westbrook, Don Fan hie; Hurra int rude. Willie Ablegen, Hnrrv Klston. Krnest. Kiision, Arthur Gray, L'mll Spoioher Tho tiro department made an exhi bition run with hose cart, ami iu tho evening tho Columbus and Schuyler cniupnuioH or the national guard fought it sham battle. Tho fireworks display was interrupted by rain ami tho celebration camo to an end some what prematurely at nine o'clock. The second ball game with thoDIot. Omaha team was played in the after noon of the Fourth and was won by the visitors, score of . to 0. Tho game was attended by it large crowd anil it was a uood game With the exception of one inning, it was almost, errorless and tho Columbus boys played bnll nil I he tlmo with tho exception just stat ed Tho Omaha boys played good ball all tho time and that accounts tor tho diirerence in tho score Omaha scored once iu the Miveuth and four times iu the oiuhth. A base on balls, followed by mmiio wild throwing from the Held and some good hatting by tho visiting team at tho critical miyiient was responsible for tho disaster. All through tho rest of tho gamo Lolir pitched a Hue gamo and was given elegant supMiit. Jack Corbott was behind tho bat and ho stopped everything that came iu his direction Tho Omaha pitcher was somewhat of a puz.lo for tho local boys, mid tho hits rhat he allowed wero scattering ami did not come at the right time. Kach pitcher struck out seven men Wells Goes to Inebriate Asylum, (Monday's Dad)) On complaint of . L. Haker, today Joseph Wells was taken before a board ot special commissioners ami com mitted to tho inebriate any I ti in until such time as he may be considered cured. This was under tho statute nassed by the last legislature, provid ing that habitual Inebriates may bo so committed Hnforo doing taken to tho asylum, Wells was brought into district eouu by County Attorney Latham for a renewal of reeoL'tiizunco on the criminal charge which is now pending against him for (hooting Kzrn Muhnlley Ium spring. WHOLE NUMBER 1,750. ssa sB- sTbbb bbpC " M PH BBJ B vB SBB bjh BBJ SBB B BBSJ to come in nnd inspect the plans of our new building now going np. We plan overy mnvoniennn that oan be put into a modern banking building. We consider Hint nothing is too good for our customers. It will be so elab orate that yon will not feel at home though. Good, but not over done. eon. veys the idea that wo are trying to carry out. The Old Reliable Columbu State Bank Wm. Hill of Mouroo spent the Fourth in the city. Go to tho freo open air show tonight on Frledhof's corner. tf Mr. Pierce of Loup City spout the Fourth iu Columbus. A. DoForost of Schuyler oelobrated lu this city yesterday. Frank Hattorman of Omaha visited nt homo over the Fourth. Miss Minnie Mayborger of Oconee visited iu the oity yestorday. W. I. Allen nnd family of Sohnyler stunt tho Fourth in Columbus. Ono of Sot h Hrauu's hammocks In a sure cure for that tired fooling. Charles Morau of Oroston visited old friends in tho oity yesterday. Mr. C. F. Oritohflold of Fullerton wns tn tho oity yesterday morning. Messrs. Daton and Dalai Smith of llelwood wero in tho oity yestorday. Mrs. Goorge Wlnslow loaves in the morning for Stuart. Nebr., where she will visit relatives for about three wooks. Fred Onrtls wont to Kearuoy today to begin work for Dussol & Sou on the new slate liormnl building. Mrs. Kat harina Kun.olmaii left yes terday for parts in Pennsylvania where she will visit frlonds. George Husch, Al MoKao, Arthur Pence, (Jims. Zorzau, Adolph Vybrlal, of Schuyler woro horo yesterday. Procrastination is the thief of time. Don't pat it oil'. Have your house in sured now. Have your accounts col lected before they nro outlaw. Call on C. N. McKlfrosh. wtf. Mr. nud Mrs. Henry Kngatz. jr. re turned yesterday from their wedding trip. While their place of residence Is in course of preparation they will ruside with Mr. Hngat.'s iwrents. Frank Nelson received it painful burn on his hand yesterday ovenlng from a rocket whioh blew out back wards while he was holding it. Glif Galley was another unfortnuatn to Hie extent of a good pair of eyebrows. Ho Implied a match into a can of powder and tried to boat it out. He lost tho men. Misses Hattio anil Kdna Hack, Mabel Thompson, Norma Grape. Uraoo Pec Held, Fannie Fonda. Mota and Hertha Sissou, Ida Larson, Fern Vauderholf, Sarah Hrnwu, Messers Louie 1 Wield, Charles nml Frank Huck, Will Ken nedy, Kngon, Harry nud Herman Wobb woro among the crowtl from St. Ed ward spent the Fourth hi this oity. Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist. One of tho largest and best equipped dental oflices in the state. Vltallml fllr for Painless Dnntlfttru... Tho kind that is safe nnd never fails. Come in nnd have your teeth examined and get our estimate on your work. It will cost you nothing and wo give a iniuful souvenir to each caller. All work guaranteed. Ovrr NIi'woIiiht'h cor. tilth uml OllvuHU. H.;i!. corner tl'atk. Uoth I'honcH, lf