The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 28, 1905, Image 6

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    . :j . S.TO,,
r . '. . ;
U, Chicago Htwial
I, Atlantic Uitirn
8. North rinlli) local
10, Kant Mail
A, Kaatorn hiprixx
I.Urrrlntxl l.tmltixl
M, Wat KraUlit...
5, California anil tfroxitii
ll.Colo. Hxtiftl ..
V, Kant Mail
l.Otxrlahil l.lmltiol.
I, Colorado Kiprooii .
7, North I'lullo luteal.. .
21, liocal frrniaM
. ft.lS a III.
, rt) h. in.
, 21.' . in.
. Hl . in.
. V 'M ill
.ViU. I"
ft .til h. in
I it'U l III
. 1(1 HI II III.
....U.K. a in.
,;W . in
.... .'.'. p. in
.... 1HIIB. in,
.... 7.00a. in,
RouruLt nuANuii.
No. U, Paaararrr MAIii. in.
No. 77, Mlteri 71 a. in.
No. 10, 1'aaaena-r.r 12: 4r i in
No. 7(1, Mlml 7IOi. in
No, HI, l'aMfltifor 2:Si. in,
No.7W, MlitJ 7:l, in.
No, 12, 1'aMragsr UM p, in,
No. "0, MIimI 0i. in.
Norfolk paaantiRpr train rnn ilally,
No train on Albion anil HhiMIiii( Itranch
All main Una tMiaaonwr traitiK dully,
W. II.HNHM,Ajtent.
Time Table
t. Joaapb,
stasias City,
at. Loala and all
polnta laat and
Bait Lake City,
Ban Francisco
and a 1 1 polnta
No. 22 I'aaMnxnr, lUlljreioflt Monday. 7:2ft a. in
No. 12 Accommodation, dally iooit
Hatorday 1:10 p. in
No. 21 I'aaftMisnr.dallynirotit Hmiilny. H.MI i, in
No. II Aoooimiiwlntlou, ilally nic,pt
Hunday 1.80
BlrdH-Kyo Vlw ol tlio Colum
bia llivrr
An nttrnctlvo topographical mup, in
oolorn, KiYiiiKiiooiiiprolioniiivo. nliaof the
oountry on nml tributary to tlio Colum
bia 1 liver. TIiIh mup ih in fnlilor form,
on the ritverao milo eotituiiiH iitiinteu'Ht
inv iIoHcrijition of tlio CJuliiiuliiik Kiver
route. Copira nnnt frto by K. L. LO
MAX. O. V. ii T. A. U. 1'. It, It. CO.,
Omnhn, Nebr., on reoeiil of four cents
Cheap Excumons.
Uheap rates ono way to California,
Paget Bound and tho Northwoot coun
try, daily nutil Mar Kith. Low homo
seeker's round trip ratos March aist
to eastern Colorado, the Big Horn Ua
aln asd North Platte Valley whore
there la an eioellent chance of Retting
la oa the ground floor ahoad of the
orowd and pick up bargains In irrigat
ed laads.
EA8TKHN TRIPS. -If you are con
templating an eastern trip this spring
better write me for Information. We
will probably be able to otTor you
oner saving suggestions.
L. W.VVakely, Gen. Pass. Agont.
L. F. Hector Ticket Agont.
Tfc MshtaMr rials Many Thiaga oi
UUmt la CaltforaU.
California baa tuunuroua natural
bridge, oaves, etc. of no httie inturtwt.
The Mamotb Cavo of Calaverati, dis
covered by minora in ltC0; the Alidmaler
Gave; the Crystal l'uluuw Cave, contain
lag a number of attractive aubterraneau
appartments, such au the bruiul Chain
ber, the Chrystal Palace Uooiu. Aonri
oasappartmtnt called Mitaic Hull, where
the deposits of aqueous origin not only
take the form of organ pipes, Hounding
boards etc., but emit, whou atruuk, mum
oalsouudsand vibrations. Near this cave
are two natural bridgoH which the tour
ist can visit and return to the railroad
within half an hour. The only natural
way to reaoh these hcohoh of interest ih
via "The Overland Limited, Koiite,"
oompriHiug the Union Pacillu ami South
ern Pacitlc, now rt-uly one hue. The
only line running through traiim to San
Francisco from Omaha, ita fast traiim,
arriving sixteen hours ahead of all com
petitors. Patnphlats and mapa deacrib
ins the wonders of California, and full
information about the most comfortubl
and direct route to the Pauillo Coate.oae
be obtained of E. L. Lomax.O. P.
T. A, Omaha, Neb.
ftnrlla nf Anrlrni tCmpt.
l'roni wjml tins conn' down to t,
nrlttcn, imlntcil or cliNHeil, tlio Kcyp
tlmi lord uitwt lime lnvu n hwcII,
'fhi ilt'lullH of the ttfi'lflh dyiiiiNty
sliow I.'cyiillMii I'lfKiini'i1 nt itii lH"-t.
Tin1 lord hiii ii iniili' lioii'icl.u'iHT, his
111 III 1 1 d'lloli, 1'illlril "ulllii'llllli'llilclltof
tlio iiul-doii Ihmisc" 'llicrc was a
"ntiicrliili'ii li'iit of the lull. Ink Iioihi"
nml (lie inlMT of drlii!. -i tli tltlo
of "si'illio of tlio mIiIoImiiiI'iI." I'i'lhiilH
lie wiis a liutlcr iiihI ii'nliitiMl tlio slip
d. of wines 1 1 oni tin iclliir, 'llicru
won1 Knidt'iiciH, poilciM mid Imndlciiift
uii'ii, all Imh In attciidliiK to tlio mas
tur. "A pri'puii'i' of nucHh" must
have lii'i'ii a roiifrrl Inner Tin' I'.K
t In ii when lio wiis no longer mortal
lind liois of IicIiii: wvll fed In tlio
lu'i'i'iiflci', us lie Ik'IIcmsI ho would lio
iioiirNlii'd In Ids piiitlciilur heaven
with iiliiiniliint pmixo ami lu-of. tilTrr
Inns to i.'uds hiow tlio vnrlcly of the
l.'Kilian iiii'iiu, and In ono arc liiclud
ill ti-u l.iuils of rooUiil iiirat, IUi' kinds
of birds or khiih'. mInIooii varieties of
lireud mid i'.il;i'. hIx UKsortiil wines,
four brows of lieer, eleven sorts of
fruits and an endless numli'T of sweet
I'lottrra In Kurllirrn lluaaln.
All CiiKllhli traveler In northern litis
sin writes to the (iurdeiier's Clironk'le
that notliliiK siirprUed him more than
the universal pri",cnee of well Ki'own
llowerluu plant: In ilwelllui; rooms,
liven In the eells of mouusteiles and In
the studios of city pliotonrapheiH fur
ther north than Aiehanel he found
Hiieh plants as olemiders, crotoim pe
Imik MdiiiiiH and I'ihIimImi In almost
every room. The doulile windows, so
lieeessaiy to keep out the eold, IlilVIl a
draft tlKlit hpace lietweeii them tilled
with llowei-liiK plants, and It docs not
hcciii necessary to open them for ulr
duriiiK the nlioit hot siimiuer. l'rom
Septemlier to .luue the country Is
hurled In snow and hlmt In liy lee. The
n crane teiiiieiatiue for .laniiary Is
only ID decrees The Julj tempera
tine, hiiui'ver, has an average of HO
devices l' which Is hardly to lie won
dered at when It Is remembered that
the sun shines twenty two hours out
of the twenty four.
I.i( Ihr I'rUc.
Jiiiihm Cioxsley, a noted KiikIIsIi bib
llomaiilnc, hied him one uiemoralilcday
to a bookstall In Slimlelilll market and,
spying a little volume, took It up and
glmict'd eiirelcssly through It. Alter
awhile he asked Its price from an old
woman ami was told It was two mid
sixpence. "I'll give you sKponce for
It," said Croxsloy. "Nay," replied the
poor old dame; "It cost me i! Hbllllngs."
Whereupon or book devourer threw It
dowu lu dlsKiist and retired. A ueutle
man, ovirheaiiug tho altercation,
Htcpped forwurd and purchased It at
the sum demanded, t'rossley returmsl
siKiii after and, noticing the book had
gone, anxiously inquired what had be
come of It. "Hold," answered the wo
miin, "lor what you rcfusisl to give."
"Tell iiie who botiKht It, and I'll glva
him 10 shillings for It!" .suld t'rossley
eagerly. The inorul Is self evident.
A Hnr nf l.lht.
The stralghleHt thliiK In nature or
urt Is a ray of light when passing
through a medium of uniform density.
Hence the eye Is enabled to test the
stralghtucss of an eilp'or tube by hold
ing It us nearly a: possible coincident
with a ray of light, such parts as de
part from stralghliiitM then Intercept
ing a ray and causing a shade to be
east upon other parts, It Is not known
at what early period In the liUtory of
mankind the discovery was made that
Mrnlglitucss could be thus determined.
It Is certain that thousands of mechan
ics use the method dally without being
able to give a rational explanation of
I.ove Is mi upward tendency of hu
man nature. It Is illgulfyliu;, enuo
bliug, and that reason It Imposes
upon Individuals who experience It
new obligations.
A I'rooortlonHlc Income.
lrits1iNo lMuxIt is painting minia
tures? How Is he getting ou? Palette
-Oh, lie's making a miniature llvlug.
Wiifhlugton Post.
Allocked Ihr litrrn.
The ijueen of Denmark once paid a
visit to (ho' Dullish colony of leelnnd,
where the good old bishop exerted him
self to the utmost to show her every
thing flint was worth seeing. The
cpieeii paid ninny compliments to her
host, nml having learned that he was n
family man graciously Inquired how
many childieii he had. It happens that
the Danish word fur "children" Is al
most Identical lu sound with the Ice
landic word for ".sheep," so that the
worthy bMiop, whose knowledge of
Danish was not so complete as It
might have been, understood her maj
esty to ask how many sheep he owned
and promptly answered:
"Two hundred."
"Two hundred children I" cried the
iiueeii, initoiimled. "How eaii you pos
sibly maintain such a number'"
"ICaslly enough, plonso your imijes
tj," replied the prelate, with n cheer
fill smile. "In the summer 1 turn them
out upon the hills to grass, and when
winter comes I kill and eat them!"
The Mlaerable Mnnri,
The lives lived by the Moors are,
without perhaps any exception, the
most precarious and miserable that can
lie Imagined, The poor man In thrown
Into prison for sums he never possess
ed and can never pay, the rich to be
squeezed of all be possesses, while
those only can hope to cscuh who are
members of families siillleleutly power
ful to a roil :e the fears of the loenl gov
ernor xhoii!d he attempt extortion ami
not siillleleutly powerful to stir up tho
Jealousy and avarice of the sultan,
r.veu the governors of the provinces
suffer themselves as they make others
suffer, for Just as they squeeze the ag
riculturist and the ieiiHiiiit ho arc they
In turn sqttLsied by the sultan and his
viziers, ami should they full by con
stant presents to maintain u good
opinion lit the court they eaii expect
only Imprisonment and often death.
The (lull One of Its Klml.
On an evening somewhere about the
end of the sktccuth century u traveler
from Sweden might have been observ
ed at the door of the Hose theater lu
Loudon. He was going to see n new
pteee called "Titus Andronlctis," and
lu order to follow it In the native lan
guage he bought a copy of the play,
price sixpence, at the theater door.
When he went home to Hwcdcu he took
the book with Ii It ii to show his wife
and friends what strange stuff the
foreigner rantisl. For 1 100 years It was
preserved and lu 1IKM, being discov
ered In the home of a countrywoman,
wan transferred for safety to the Lund
university. The book Is the only ouo
of Its kind known to exist.
Mntehumkla In Vwmmer.
A recent writer says of tlio commer
cial Hide of matchmaking In Franco:
"In most French marriages money
plays the Important purt. Hie lint
question uskisl by tho young man Is.
'How much'' An n rule, It Is an easy
mutter to ascertain without applying
directly to the pupa, but even when no
question of dowry' rutsod at the form
al demand there Is always n con
tract drawn up by a notary, which
specifies the exact sum tho girl re
ceives." A Man of Cr4lt.
A distinguished Irish lawyer, ulways
lu Impoverished circumstances, unco
took I'hlef JiiHtleo Whiteside to see bin
magnificently furnished new bouse In
"Don't you think," ho Huld, with a
complacent look about, "that 1 deservo
great credit for tills 1"
"Yes," the Judge uuswercd dryly,
"and you appear to have got It."
A Krrtnaa Moment.
"Yes," said tho murrled man medita
tively, "when you see a woman bunging
out a Hue of clothes and the lino slips
and lets tho blessed lot down lu tte
mud, that, my boy, Is the psychological
moment In which to leave that woman
navd Oaea To.
Little Wlllle-Wbnt'u tho name of the
feller what calls ou yer slater? Little
JohnnyI don't kuow yet. Pop culls;
him something different every time he
cornea. Chlcugo Journal. '
- 1
lfaprbsentatWe JoriN W.Ukmju
"lerk Jon MBAr
Sheriff J.CABRIO
durintbilant L. It. I.BATT
Aowxwir Jon J, (Jai.lit
Jtnhrn John IIvttkbmak
Attorney L. It. I.vrnvii
Fn'Anrtir Dihr A. Ilr.curii
I'lcrk of District Court .. . C. M. (Ihukntiiih
Coroner K. H. Mkti
Siirvcjor II. I.. Koshitbp
Dlxl.l John (lor.iz
Dint, J I'r.TKll IlK.NIir.H
Dlxl, .1 , . JOII.S HWANHO.t
Jlxl. I KliVNK KimiNV.N, ClmlrniHli
iilxt.r, C. Mui.i.rn
lixt -7 , , lioriwlln.n. K. J, hUHT
U. S. Hun vioiis I. II, Millard, l.limr J. Ilur
Mkmiii.ii or Cosoiir.MH, an DisTiucr, J, J,
(iovornor, John II. Mickey: Lieutenant (lev.
crnor, K. (I. Mrdllton; .s:niry Htaln, A. (lal.
inliii: Auilitor, K. M. Htiirio, Jr.; Trisixurcr,
I'eter Morteniu'ii; Attorne) (leiierul, Norria
llmwn: Huiwrititi-nileiit Public luxtructlon, J.
I.. Mellrlen; CouiinlxxioUer Public irftndx, 11,
M. Union.
Juimii-n ilru Jl', Uihtiiiut -(!. llolleti
liwk, J, (I. lUnoler.
HrsvroH-lltltfll IIiihIhw.
Incl-IIKSKNTATIVr. JITII Dimtuidt -J.W.IIeniler
Kl.QVT UrinicMicSTATlvy. ItiiI llimr.
in. I'mii'Mutf, 11 n. in. nml B.-Ui i. in. Seiilot
huilimvor, 7 0U p. in. I'rnjer imtiltiri Tluirwluj
mw p. iii. IjuJu Auiilinry lirxl WoIih-mIh) in
ihu-Ii month at a.uu p. in, Unlit Mixxiiinnr)
xmiety Iniit WiilliCMliiy lu t-wli tiioiilh at 3 i. ui.
U. A. Mn who, I'dxtor.
Snmliiy wliool, VM u. in. I'rrncliiiiK H-rvicii,
IU::I ii. ui. iiutiK rMiil'a HorMy, every two
wis'kx. Humlii) SMI . in. jiulii Aid rks-lely,
lirxt 'HmriMliij of eiifh month, 2 .10 p. in. Paro
chial xcIiimiI, Hntunlny V to l'.!ii. ui. Coiitiriiut
lion cliixH, TiitMlay Hiul Kriiiny, 'i lo il p. in.
Ittv. It. Nh:m.iikkii, l'nxtor.
l'llKHIIVTKItlAN-Hnbbntli rkliool, VM n. m
Hrinon, lIMJn. in. Heiilor Kiiilnnvor, 711 p. m.
Ktmiiiii iwrmou.s-OO. Prayer iihwIIuk nml xtnily
of the Hnblintli dc'IiiniI Iomhiii. MM p. in. Thunxliiy.
Luilien nllmionary nociety Inxt Frlilny of over)
mouth, Irfulira Alii nlterimto WtslueMliiy of em-h
mouth. N. IIalsky, I'niitor.
MCTHODIHT-lWchlDK, 10.1 n. in. nml S.OO
p. ui. Huuilny mIiiniI. MM) in. Junior Imuran,
XdUap. in. Kpworlli Unuttin, 7.-UU p. in. I'nijer
IllMJIna 'PI...MU.I... bMI .. ...ll.u At. I !..
n urn nin;itH)
uin.,,up, 4iiuiniii),nvui.iii, 1,1'
.IVMFV .llltttP IV.Hlll.MulMtr .it U4kl tl .11
liOTAN Hkii'i Dr. WoiiK, I'Hxtor.
HAITIHT HiilulHjfwhiMil, lthOUu in. Hcnuou
Mun. in. Junior II. Y. P. U., aw p. in, Hetiloi
II. V. I'. U. lit 7.-W) p. in. Hermoli, S.OU p. in.
I'nijer me, tltixTliurwIaj, Hm p. m.
ItKV. K.J. Ulmkii, PiiHtor.
(1IIACK KIMHCOI'Ali U.w lelehnitlon. SHI
a. 111. 8iinilny SchiMtl, Id. -00 11. in. Preiii'liintt,
ILIllii. in. KteuinKKervii'o, H.1D p. in. Kt. An
ilrewx llrotlierv, Ms-oml Tuetslii) nf each month.
Dmitfliterx of the Kititf, Ms-oml Tiiiwlny of isicl,
liiolith. Ijnlien litiihl, heciiinl Wtnlliemlny ol
each uioiith. Itl.V. W. A. Canii, Itis-liir.
(IKlt.MAN I.UTHKItAN-l'riHcliliiK, IUOU11. 111.
Hiinilay HoIkmiI, 1! p. in. Kulieti Hociety inroU
one Tluirwlay in each month.
Kiev. II. MlKHHl.Kli, Pastor.
DAV8AINTM SaMiath htIuniI, IUii. hi. I'rimth
iliK xervlre. It a, in. Bacramcutiil mtIi-ii tirl
8uuilny lu mkcli month.
UtoiiOB V. O.U.I.KV, Khlor.
wrvicts), iiihhh ami wrtnon at S, V nuil 1U:H
o'clock, Huuilay hi-IiihiI ami beliedictlou at I
o'clock. The (l o'clock maH la niven in l'oliah
and tho S o'clock inanx nlleruatel) in I lermuu and
Kiittllxh. Wis-k ilny iiihhh every uiorniuit nt b
o'clock, Kriilnya at 3:15 o'clock, atntiuua and
Iximsllction. Confetixioiix. hinird from t to 8
o'clock 8alunlaM ami from 7 lo W on Uuudn)
uiorniuit. Courumioua alao Huuday luornlug ba
ton) 8 o clock niawi.
VatubbTiikobalu Kalvmaja, I'rleat.
Xtiave You
Try our want columns. Some
body wants what you want to
Do you want to buy something?
Ask for it in our want columns.
Somcliody hns what you want
and will sell cheap. Wc guaran
tee satisfaction. If our work
doesn't please you, tell us about
it; we'il take pleasure in making
it right.
Do you need some sUioionery?
If ho, cull uh up on cither phono
anil a Journal representative will
call on you, or come up to tho
office and wc will lit you out.
Columbus Journal Go
' f f 'I in C5mlry ri-'ll
When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
nri 1 ii.ii
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the
Mr. Bebsft O. Burst, Klnora. Saratoga Co., N, V.. wriirt: I am glad to have an 01
I wnai masmncini rr.uu. 1 nave nan irom u.lns FOLEY'S KID
n trlf d oth.r advcrtlied mrdicinra and .tvrral physician. Bcfora I bra
1 from 11 lo to limtt each night lo rclleva my bladder. I wn all bloal.iTi
H I had tot mp from II lo to limtt each night to reliev my bladder. I wai all bloaUif up
a my oyetiani was ao impair inat 1 could icarcMy .. on of my family
1 a0 ibk
was urged by friend 10
wMfe. 4foa v aai
cross ika room
1 wJAfft,.i,yJJ!riS&,';j.,lJ,,,lvB UP h0P t living when I
try rOLKV'S KIDNKV CURB, (fa sornl bottle worked won
Otra, ssd before I had taken the third bottle the auperfluoua fleih had gone, as well all
Ibee symptom of Kidney trouble. My frlrnda were surprlied that I wai cured, as they
II though) I was going to die. Kvery few day some on comes from miles away lo Irarn
in asm of Ihe wonderful medicine that curat m of Bright' Dlteate, and not on that
MS tri4 It has failed to as seatttted. A
Two Sizes, 60 Oonts ansl $1.00.
whole system, and the diseases that have
resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear,
because the cause has been removed. Com
mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE
at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes.
Protected by
Block Signels
The first railway in America so adopt the abso
lute Block System in the operation of alljtrains
was the
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
The St. Paul Road was the first railway to light
its trains by electricity. The St. Paul Road
was also the first to adopt the stevm heating
system. Tree through daily trains to Chicago
from all points on the main line of the Union
Pocific Railroad. For time table, special rates,
etc., see Union Pacific Agent, or write
F. I. NISH, Qin'l Wtstirn Igtnt, I624 Farnam St.
Takt tht Burlington from Columbus to
I'nrttnml, Hrattlr. Tncnmnnml ItMurn. (I)lnrt llnulco. Dully from MnyEM . 46.00
l'ortlan.l nml H.lura. (Ono Way In California. May 21. a I. IB. :!'., :H, .11, Juno I.L'.fi,
1BI. 1 1. 15. 10. 83, 21. 27. 2H. i!'.i. 8t. July I. 'J. .1. 11. 7. S, 10. H. 12, 13. 25, 2li, 27. Ailili-
tlonal (lnlr In Auif iixt nml Si'ptoiulHT . C6 00
Han KrnnclHCo.I.iwAiiKclos anil Hi'turn, (Direct UoiiIch) AIkino Dalrs 56.00
San I,oh Anri'loHiiml Ki-tiirn, (l)lrorl Knutoo) May 2H. :i, ai, Juno 1, Aiik-
ustlO, 11, 12. 1, 1 1, Urtobrr 17, IM'.i, ai.21 60.00
Tht'sc ratuN iiiily wt tin Itiiillnv'tnnV lUn-ot lino to lpinor, them-c
tliroil'll SfOlllr CiilllMlllliltlll Nil l l.:ik'('itv.
Alaomor tin lliiiliiitoii-Niiitbcrn I'moIHo illrn-t iitiithui"t iniitu to Tii'-ot
hotiiiil nml I'ortliiiul.
Tin-iiiot t-tiiiiiiruhi'iihiu' limr of tin I'noiilo eou-t, lui-liiilln c.ililoriihi,
Sim, lu Itoiilc, -I'lirll.tiiil Kii).lloii. I'liot Miiinil itit-H. Wm-IiIiilMoii miiiI
Molilalia can l.o iiiado iisln- tho miiIoiik lliirllnuMnn .Miin I.Iiii'n.
Tho llurlinton Ik tliu only lino liy whlili j on inn taUii in tlio Itliiok IhlN
mill III;: Horn countrvin roniit'ilioii with thin nip with no aililltiunal cspiiiNC
ILilly through I'lilliniin Mmnlanl Sloopori. to Sun Krmnioo i:i lioinor,
Scenic Colorado ami Suit l.akc.
Apply totlii) tiiiilcrnincil lor I'nrtlmiil Kio-lticiii lolilor,
Calilornla lolilor, Toiuit fxi-iirniun loliloi, lor lioiili,iiil'oiiii.
iitUin, tlckcti, etc
Dcicrilio your piopooil trip ami lot nio aillo joii tho loaM
tot anil tlio lu'-t way to make it.
L. F. RECTOR, Agent, Columbus, Nebr.
o. s. "
Kansas City Southern Railway
Straight as the Crow Flies"
Alnnpll" lino arr tli niiritlAnd'.Hiil.pil fur KrowlnRHinnllKralu corii.ilux.
t'.iiiiiii, fur I'omtnvruUl applo una jinich oiohnnlH, forullirr fmu r
Mis; .or commercial onntiiliiiipc. puiuio, tuin.-ilu anil Kciiornl f.inii-,
f.T uiiHr i'ii nml rice cultivation; for iiiprcliantnliln tlmlior; lur ultlni;
.iortcrt, iuu.i'i', cattle, Iiurii, dliocp, poultiy and A nioru. i;uati!.
Writs for Inlurmitlon Cunixnlno
Nut Colo-v luenlbnt, Improvsd Farms, Mlneril Lind. Rice Land nnil V,mit
I..WIUI,, ud for coplet ol "Current Evsnls," Pusinait Ouporlunilui,
Rio Book, K. C S. Fruit Book
i'iiciprnuiiiMrlptaoiDSiH.'ckurs'Hi'kctH on salo llrat and third TurMluyH i.
cacti niniith.
It. U. U L'VOS, Vrav. Pass. At. U. O. WAHKEK, 3. 1' ttud '.'.'.
MtiicsCltr,Vo. BansiBOityMa.
i H. uJu$t.li2, Xrnv. oob. end Xmig'n Airl.. Kminub cu , Mi.
ui' tin' Anii'iicnn ('utitiiuiil: ' J
Yflliitoiii' Niitiniiiil I'ark; Tin1 K
(iniit SIiiiIiiiih Pull-; Tin1 Ciilniii- M
liiu Kivci; .Mount llmul; 'I'hr lli 'Xxw H
oi'l'tilitiii'iiiii;Tlu' YiiM'iiiili'i l.uriii "Cut OH" I
B iH'iov (ileal Suit LiiUl' M
K can ai.i. m: si:i:n on a ti:ii' ivi:u -j hi: k
PORTLAND, ORtVOON. Juno I to Oct. 15, 1905 U
Imiuiro nf m
k W. Q. UENUAM, Agent. J
Columbus, Neb