I Ml IV V T M iw i h .w , i ll f i ww m MA4A"l4t4MIWMI1Mft' TSiwrnslny'ft Hnily .Tottrnnl- Dr. I'tttil, dcntibt. Prof. Pool, violniiflt. Tlruio (.. MIrs Lulu l'nlth If seriously til. Dr. Vallicr, Otdeoputh, Harbor block. Mrs. W.S.Kvan is outertniiiiiiB t liit afternoon F. 1). Williams luul Iiu.4ijh.sh in the city today. Judge Sullivan went to Schuyler on business thin aftornoon. Dr. Olinfl. 11. l'lutz, hnmenputhio jhy eician nnd surgeon, postofllce building H. A. Mansfield of Montoo dtovi to Columbus on business this morning. Prof. Sherman wns in tho city yes terday on his return to Schuyler from Grand Inland whore ho has been teach ing institute. Friday night Prof. Poolo will givo a nelect donoo at Orpheus. A largo crowd Is expontod and n good tlmo in being planned. Rarrcd Plymouth Rock and Homo Comb lirown Leghorn eggs for sale at fl.ol) for lo or fc'J.fiO for HO. Colum bus Poultry Ynrds, M. Schllz, prop. Misses Louisa Marty and KUio Pohl wont to Schuyler this afternoon to assist tho Schuyler orchotrn in n con cert tomorrow evening. Mr. Marty went along as chaperouo Seasons chnugo, men and women die, others take tholr places, Put Peter Schmltt's flour occupies the miiiiu warm place in tho honrts of Plate county honso-wivos. It is tho camo yesterday, to-day and forever. tf O.N. MoKlofrcsh who 1ms boon in tho offico of O. J. Harlow for about two years, has trnm-fored his business to tho of if co of P.. W Hobart. Mr. Mo Elfrosh is a graduate of tho Wctt Vir ginia law school and has p:iMd the bar examination in Nebraska. Mi. MoKlfrosh will enter into a geno'nl law praction, making collect ions a specialty, lie is qualified for tho field which he has entered anil already has n good collection business eMnb llsbod. It rainod Tuesday night and thereto attaches a talo. A small fishing party went out to MoPhersou's Lake Tues day moraine. Tho parly consisted of Otto linen and Fin Howard and tho j-xX"X":fy-:-x- t LOCAL ffAppEHIMBS 11 Henry Ragatz & Co. $ ALWAYS ON HAND Or the First Quality - A Full Line or Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Provisions, Quoenswaro, Glassware and Fancy China. & COFFEE j& Our "Richelieu" in bulk gives entire satisfaction at 30, 25, 20 & 15c a lb. The following in tins- - "White House" - - - -Chase & Sanborn's "Glial" Lipton's "Kichclieu" "Rafiiitz" & TEA j& Japan, Gunpowder and English Breakfast, in bulk and packages, tho finest grown and Guaranteed to give Perfect Satisfaction. CANNED FRUITS, MEATS, VEGETABLES A full, fresh and complete assortment ol everything usually sold in our line. We buy our goods direct from first hands for cash, and consequently buy at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Wo can and do sell the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY, and are confident we can convince everybody ol that fact who will give us a trial. Henry Rafatz k Co., Nebraska Phons 23, InJpandent Phones 29 and 229, MlsM's Klolso Roen acd Nellie Kvaus. Tho tlav was Ideal and tho fish bit well. In fact they bit so well that the party was tempted to tarry till tho liiKt shadows faded away. They nail not observed tho threatening clouds gathering in the north, bo in. forested were they in their own pleat uits Scarcely had they started when tho wind arose and tho Hoods came. Thoy found sholter In the home of a friendly farmer, but not until all the shapeliness had been soaked out of the hats and gowns of the young ladies. Tho party arrived homo safe the following morning, bearing alt the marks ot a bathing party returning from a plunge bath. Friday' Dally Joaraal. Dr. L. C. Vobs, Hotueopathio physi oinn, ColumltuB, Neb. Mrs. A. Heintz will entertain the Ladies' Musicate at her farm homo to morrow afternoon. Miss Ada Nelson has rotnrned to Newman Grove after a visit of two weeks with relatives here. Frank Uorer goes to Crete tomorrow to tm present at the commencement exercises of Doane college. 0 . Talbttzer and John U. Kelloy nt Monroo came dawn at noon to attend the Masonic banquet tonight. Mrs. Arthur Wolf of Postvlllo, donirhtor of Mr. and Mrs. DavidThom as, visited hor parents tho first of the week Peto Keisilnrf and futnily from near Shelby wore vMttng with the family of Frank Valesek in our city this week. K D. Currier of Albion was in the city today. Incidentally ho gathered Mime .fatislirs on our sower system to throw light nn that subject which is being dttcuiscd in Albion. II M. Little of tho First National Punk of Humphrey went to Boone this afternoon to inspect the bank which ho and his associates started nt that place a few months ago. Miss MoMahon nnd Miss Nannie MiiMahou have issued invitatious for a Kensington at tholr homo next Taesdny afternoon in oompliment to their sister Miss Lltla MoMahon who 1-lb 2-lb 3-lb .40 .40 .40 .40 .75 .75 .75 .7i .50 1.00 is superintendent of tho Industrial school for girls at Gouuvu. Lightning truck tho house of J. H Evens of Mouroo last night, according to tho report of It. O. Strother who wan in the oily this afternoon. Tho chimney wa shattered and tho roof was torn into small fragment.. Mrs Evans who was uear the chimney was sovorely shocked, but no serious injury will result. WAKTKD-By Chloago manufao taring house, person of trust worthi ness and somewhat familiar with local territory as assistant In branch olllce. Salary 18 paid weekly. Permanent position. No investment required. Business establlsed. Previous exner- ienue not nsseutial to enmurin. Ad. dress, Manager Brandies. 823 Dear born St. Chloago. fltw tarday's Dally Jearaal. Prof. 8ike,teaoher musio, liarber bid. Mrs. Maro a. Perkins returned from Omaha last night. Mrs. Qui Speloe loft this morning on a tip to 8t. Paul, Minnesota. Tom PuKh, formerly of Fullerton, now of Denver, la in Columbus today. FOR RENT good clean rooms Mrs. Gushing 401 nth St. Keasnnablo prices. Miss Busle Btneffol of Sioux City, la., it visiting rolatives hern nntil after tho Fourth. A washout yesterdar on the IT. P. main line at Klwood. west of (Irnntl Island, delayod trains for about twelve nours. Mrs. Ruby Browne returned toditv to her home in Norfolk after a vltdt with her parents. Mr. ami Mrs. W. N. Honslov. Mark H. Rathburn and K.I I. Abbott and II. W. Little of Humphrey wore ,. . uu UD vailJ irnil, muwnnn this morning. Mis. Metta Hensley will leave this ...i... i.. 0...1...1' ,- .. evening for Portland going from there tahniw. u--.M.T: " to San Francisco. She will bo conn about a month. The danco given last nlirht bv Prof. Poolo and the Orpheus orchestra was attended by about thirty couples, and a lino time is reported. Jas. Pearsall has mado rapid pro sross with tho bnlldlntr of L. a Zlnnocker and the Columbus State bank during tho past weok. .. .. , .. At tho Halmngundl narty reported l j . . . .. : jnmni uoaroai ino prize, a hand (Minted china hair reoeiver, was won by Miss Ruhr Rasmusseu. Rev. W. A. Oash and famllv are planning an extensive summer trip, to be goiio aboat two months, visiting northern Miohlgan. the home of Mrs. Cash's parents. Kdgar Howard retnrned last iiiuht from Milwaukee where he went last woek as a delogato to the M. W. A. grand nouncil. He was chosen ehnir- man of the Nebraska delegation. Sheriff Davis of Nance oonntv went through Columbus today on his way to tho Lincoln hospital for Insnae where ho was taking Francis lirown. an old man whose mind has beonme affected. Jas. Nevols retnned this moruintr fom Madison, South Dakota, where ho had been to attend tho funeral of his stopfather, Stephen Qrennrv who was iustautly killed by a railroail en Bine. Ho was HIS ynrs cdd. Prof. W.K. Weaver, who oame from Morrison, HI., tho first of the week. Is replacing the old plank walk in front of his lota on west Thirteenth street with a good brick walk. Thia takes ont the last link of poor walka on Thirteenth street. W. J. Rlokel, chief of police of Btromsburg arrived In the city last night and immediately innuired for Sheriff Oarrlg. He U traolng some stolen property which he believes Platte coanty offloers oould help him to locate. He did not describe the property. Dying Of Famine, is, in its torments, like dying of consumption. The progress of con sumption, from the beginning to tho vory end, Is a long torture, loth to victim And friends." When I had con. sumption in its first stage," writes wm. Meyers, of Oearfoss, Md., "After trying different mediolnes And a uood doctor, in vain, at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly eurodmo. " Prompt relief and suro cure for ooughs, oolds, sore throats,bronohltiT"eto7 PoaitiVelT preveuts pneumonia. Guaranteed t Cbas.Daok's drag store, prloe 60 cents and 1 per bottle. Trial bottle free. Mbaday's Sally Joaraal. Kd Karly went to Platte Center to day. Ghas. Wurdeman mado a imainn.. trip to Humphrey today. " Mrs. Amelia Krause vlsted her .nn Joe in Genoa over Sunday. I. Gluck was a passenger on the Albion branch this morning. Miss Mamlo Curtis left to day for Orsston for a two woeks visit. Frank Matbows oame nn Schuylor to spend Sunday with the home folke. Mr. and Mra. Will Houston lot't 10 day for Onmlm whero they will mnlte their future homo Miss Miunottn Hopkins of Hell won J snout Snndny in Coluinbtis. tlu uuest of Ml on Anuit llovd. Prof. W M. Kern was In town over Sunday, golnu from here to Wnhou for Institute work this weok. Ralph llovd eamo down tron: Nor- folk and spent Sunday with IiIh jmr. ents, Mr. and Mts. R. O. llnvd Mrs. Hart helow of Spokane, Wnsb., arrived today for n brief vlMt with his cousin Mr. R. C.Boyd nnd mnitly. Miss Holon Warden gavo a puny to number of friends Sntnntnv nf tnrnnnn. tho oecaslon bciug her eighth birth- day. Mrs. George Wliislow entertained it A fow ladlos at a Kensington Saturday Afternoon in honor of Mrs. HntiRon of Iowa. Mrs. Amy DeFord of California ar rived here Saturday on a visit to her sister, Mrs.M.Brugger, and her broth ers, Fred and Albert Stenger. Mrs. K. 8. Newlon is entertaining this afternoon in honor of her sister, Mrs. 8teinbaugh of Council HIuiIh, who will return tomorow to her home. Joseph Harper nnd Jurigo T. 1). Robinson of Humphrey aro in Colum bus today on prnbato business commut ed with the estate of neujaminilarper. doceased. Miss Susan B. Anthony, tho famous L,i.... woman snffraue. went through Columbus today on hor way to a mooting of that society in Snn Francisco. Miss Elizabeth Slioolutu returned last evening from Pender where Hho has been tenohins l'rinmrv Metlimiu in tho Franklin county teachers' in Htltnto for the iwst weak ZwZ t "'" '"" TT lor this wook. Tomorrow tho Misses mmA , 10,nor1row " MoMahon will entertain ; M irs. II. P. H.Oelrlch will giro n party on Thurs day; nnd Miss Vesta Slater enter tains on Fridav. Rev Fr. T. P. Haley ot Wnvno who in OnlumbuK todny on bin wny to Grand Island to take part in ser vices oelobratlnK the twonty-llfth anni versary of tho pastorate of tho Rev Wolf of Grand Island. " uiV"'l Willi WIIN lorill r.i.ini. v.iM...t... i.i Mr. Rubynr. Who WON fnmmrlv n ....w.v ... uu.u,u, imvuiK been euinloevd in Nlewohner's jewelry about two years, went tore for through today from Norfolk. Ho is on his way to Iowa looking for a lo- cation Mr. and Mrs. Will Swartsloy enter tained about twenty people at their homo last Fridav at n family reunion in honor of Mr. Swnrtslev's sister. Mrs. Hans Hansen of Harlan, Iowa who has been visiting rolatives hero for tho past two weeks. A bounteous dinner was served and tho day pleas antly spent on the farm. 8. M. Russom, Union Paeilic airont at Fullerton, went through Columbus today on his way to Knid. Okl.. whore he has farmiug and business interest. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Russom who stopped hero for a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. Joo MahatVoy. Later she will join hor husband and they will go on a trip to Peorln, 111., beforo returning homo. They will be gone about four weeks. A single roso from, a bouquet in the hands of a maiden with blushing face and melting eye affords n glimpse of paradise for tho average young man. Bat what can bo tho spiritual state of the follow who has a whole bouquet thrown at his foot, and that bv n charming young lady whom ho has nover seen bofore aud who is moved by a single glanoo at him through tho ojwn window of a moving Pullman car thus to deport herself ? OotiKonting can answer the question, for ho is the nappy young man who onoonntored this experlonoo at tho Union Paeiiio station last night as No. 5 pulled out. Judge Uonsloy is one of several eye witnesses who can more than vor ify the above statement and ho in willing to testify that tho young lady was smiling and waving hor handker chief as the train departed with as much fervor as Con was blushing YeiUrdajr'a Daily Journal. ' Hlako Manor wont toLlncoln today. Horn to Mr.' and Mrs. John Winkle- man Thursday moniug, u girl. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kavanaugh re turned last ovenlng from Milwaukee. Drs. Martyn, Kvans, Hvnnu ,v. Miirtyn Jr., oflico three doors north of Fried hof'e store. County Attorney Komp of Fullerton and Georgo Roso of Genou wore in tho city today. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howard spent Sunday In Humphrey with the family of P. K. MoKilllp. Mrs. Cuuingham olOiunlm and .Mi km Ward of Geneva aro gneMh nt tho MoMulion homo today. Tho prettiest hammocks nnd tho foxlost flroworks in tho city nt Carl Schubert's. Seo them. iw-'d A. Anderson uud daughter, Mrs. . '":. " i, , ' iam. T 377 ' ' n Vj. ;v'- "xi wm I &iK In mMyw Mfikm LBsssssV CASH SPECIALS rUH FME LAST OF JUNE Prices Swing Down Far Bilow Your Hopi TABLE COVERS AND SCARFS MxlW Hemstitched Linen Finish Table Cover . 25c 80x37 Mexican Drawn; Work Table Cover . 35e 3x3G Linen Damask Table Cover . . f,j)c 22x(J(5 Linen Finish Table Scarf . . 45c 18.5i Pure Linen Table Scarf . .50c 18x50 Pure Linen Hemstitched Scarf . 90c TABLE LINEN Unbleached Table Damask . prjce 25c Bleached Table Danuisk . ' . price 3QC 70 inch All Pure Linen Table Damask Price 49c 72 inch All Pure Linen Table Damask Price 79c 72 inch Irish l.incn Wenched Damask Price 98c 72 inch German Wenched Linen DamnskPrice $1.25 NAPKINS $2.25 Hlencudd Napkins Special Price .$1.50 21 inch Unbleached Napkins Special Price . $1.39 $2.50 Irifh Wenched Napkins Special Price . $2.15 INDIA LINONS Nice Quality Exceptional Value 50 inch Persian Lawn, Special Value 12 l-2c India Linon, Special Price Nansook at 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c per yd Freuch lawn 25c per yd and up. TOWELS Exceptionally larr Turkith Bath Towels 20c Bath Towels at 15c 18x3(5 Cotton Huck Splendid Value, at 10c 19x40 Huck Towclo 2 for 25c 19x38 Orchard Flax Huck, Special Value 15c Triswold, returned home Sunday from a ten days visit in Wisconsin. Have you nu account vou ran not collect? Take it to MoKlfrosh. tt .Mr. nnd Mrs. Harrington are going to Kaunas tomorrow morning for a two wooks visit with relntlves. If yon want n hammock built for two, ami llroworks that don't" fizzle" buy them from Carl Sehnbort. Iw.'ld Mies Simmons, who has been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Sparhawk for two weeks, will leave for Council HlnllH tomorrow. Mrs. MclColvoy has returned from a two weeks visit at Grosham. Sho has been spending tho winter In Hot Springs '.South Dnkotn. LOST: A ladles' brown leather pookot book containing HI 25, between live aud six miles north of Columbus. Finder will ploaso return a once to Journal oilloo. :it PRIVATE HAM3:-I will odor for sale all my household goods, nt my rotddonoo' ii2l West 1 Itii Street, Wed nesduy atternoon. .Tun ys, W.W. Rathburn The Episcopal church is being garb ed in a now coat of paint. New steps al the entry and uow panels in the door, are nlso lining added. During the absence of Rector W. A. Ca-h this summer, tlieio will bo no services in the cburcli. For fire insurance, mmi (J. N. Mo Klfresh, olllco over Columbus State Hanlc tf Now is tho time to insuro your property ngaiiiHt Ion hy lightning, hoi- every day. Why be the loser when a small premium may save you hundreds nf dnllarrs. Lightning in surance writton by Heehnr, llocken borgnr it Chnmburs iiiMires. Diodrih Moiike, tho farmer between horn and Platte renter who but week was looking for the salesman of the header FencoCowhom hoohnrucd with increaasing the amounts ou cer tain notes after his signature had been affixed, today filed a huit in district STORE 5c yd 25c yd 10c yd Turkish Bath at 5c Towels nt 10c court enjoining tho Loador Fence Co. from selling or collecting said notes. ICK ORKAM 8(OlA!-The Kp worth League nf tho Methodist church will give an ieo cream social at the homo of Tom Hoyd, at tho corner of IHth & Olive, Friday evening, June '10. Kvorybody Invltod. A pleasant evening guaranteed. tf Mr. nnd Mrs. w. W. Rathburn who have been at Mr. Rathburn' home Id Lincoln for sevoral weeks retnrned home last night to remain until next Friday. Mrs. Rathburn will leave on July loth for a visit toOntaria, Canada Mr. nnd Mrs. Rathburn havn ailvnr tisoda privato aale of their house hold goods for tomorrow. They ex peot to make tholr futuro home in Lincoln. Saturdny afternoon Mrs. A. Hoinlz entertained tho ladles of tho music enl department nf tho Woman' club at her farm homo, in compliment to Miss Klhel (lalley. Twenty.flvo ladles wore present, among them Mrs. D. F Davis nf BJlv.tr Creek. The gnests ntscmhlod at tho homo of Mlis Whit moyer and conveyances wore 'provided to take them to the farm. Muslo and various sports furnished amitsemout, aud an elegant lunch was served C. N. MoKlfrosh, attorney. Collect ions a specialty. tf. Now is the clianco ,to make the do lightfnl trip to Uallfornlafor just one half of the expense incurred in mak ing tho trip at any other tlmo. Don't M)st(one for yon may not soon again bo offered tho low rntos of 15.00 to SnnPrnuoisoo, Santa Harbara, Los An goles.San Diego and many othor Cali fornia points. Literature about Cali fornia free on application to W. H. Henham. .y, Ethel B. Wing Trained Nurse ObftUitrles A fipeclaltti Independent Phono 1664 Columbus, Nebraska i