The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 28, 1905, Image 4

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    .'. .
CSTASMBktD.MAT It, 1870.
Columbus Houtnal.
ColunttniH, Xolr.
Kntrl at thn I'oolortirf, Coltimlm., ftnbr., m
(Mttml-rlM mall matter.
Columbus Journal Co.,
OntrMr, by mall, ponto prepaid il.M
Hit month T
ThrMraoatha 40
nicn::t i. abiott, utttr.
jour i-Mmr, nr wrnpl-T lmw In wlmt tliim oiir
nlmrritlin in mfil. Thnu JmiM hImiwii tlmt
yurnipht haa lmti riTPltnl up to Jim. I, IHrt,
iiU li Volt. 1, IWA itnil mi (in. VYIipii li) iiiniit
I miwto, thn tlntc, whlrli nnnwcr mi a nniit,
will Im rhananl arronlltiKlr.
DlHCONTINUANCKH-lbwiKiniillitn wiWrlli.
rnwlll nintlnnolo trclv Itilx Iciuriml iinlil thn
tmtillKlmni urn notiftiil hy li'tti-r In cllwohtlntu',
wliKti nil orr(irnH innHt l imlil. If )im tin nut
wliili lh Joiininl riitillmnl fur hmiiIIiit j,inr nf.
tor thn 1 1 inn lil for lin iitiril. )tti hIuhiM
irl(nly notify tin t" illM-o'itlniiu It.
rhnnaii in IKonlilroiui,iitiliirrllHrKliiiiilil Im hum
lo ftivn Uinlr old m wkII a limit nnw lutilriwft.
Head tho offora of Jonrunl udvoitia
Notify the Journal ofllco if you do
not receive your paper promptly.
Thera la Jait one thing In Oolum
bni that la growing faater than the
corn on tho rloh farm of Platte county,
and that la tho Journal aubacrlptlon
i aaajjBr,i
The Dally Journal ia not tho only
paper in Oolumbua that ti urowing
every day. The Woekly Journal has
added orer fifty unraoi lo it jiorman
ont lint In the laat two weeka. Moral :
advertlaora who buy advortlaing as an
Investment and who moaeuro ita
value by the number it renohoa, nro
coming to the Jnurnnl.
Hy the timo tint dcinourutlo orKau
i.atlon geta throuKh killing audi,
"ooek roblnV'na August Hnttobor and
Oonnollman Olnrk undTroasurorHcoh
er, In Platte oounty, thu friouda of
theao mou and thu frienda of clean
goTornment will have succeeded in
electing an a nico bunch of republican
oandldatoa, provided tho ropuhlicnna
of thla oounty will Jump into tho tour
noaa and namo only the beat nud
trongeat men.
The Telegram ralaoa Ita fueblo voice
to aay that tho "editor of the Journal
haa tried for montha to incriminate
certain auperviaora. " Juat a alight
revtalon, brother, and we will let it
pan. Change your atatemont to read :
(Jertaln aupervtanra Incriminated them
solve montha ago In that they had
overdrawn their legal allowance and
not only failed to put It baok but con
tiuued to draw more. Tho Journal,
In publishing tho facta of tholr self
Incrimination, almply perfomotl n
duty it owed to Ita readera.
The biennial elflotlon law ia declared
unconstitutional. Thla la tho sub
atanoe of 'the tlaotsloit handed down
yeaterday by the aupreme court.
Judge llooloiub wrote the opinion.
Thla meana an election thla fall.
On the statn.tiokot will be n Judge for
the aupreme court mid two regonta for
the unlveraity. On the oounty ticket
will bo all the oounty officora except
county attornoy, and county nsaoMior
and oounty auporvlaora. The laat two
named offioera will hold over na they
were not namotl in the law which haa
lieeu declared unconstitutional, but
ware nameil In a separate bill which ia
not ef footed by the declaion.
Old Hattomuat lino up for tho frny.
The oounty boarda of equalization
throughout the atate that have hail to
conduot their work under a very much
amendml revenue law that ia uot yet
In print have had to perforin a good
deal jf pnbllo buainoaa with their evea
ahnt. '1'he atate ahould deviao aonie
elTeotivo method of getting ita lnwa
pnbliahetl before they are ready for
repeal. Fremont Tribune.
The force of tho Tribnue'a state
raonta la well Uluatrated iu Platte
oounty. Aaaeaaor Galley and his
deputiea had no olUalal notice of any
aniendmenta to the revenue law. There
were aome important amendment
nevertheless. Ono of them provided
that the Oounty Aaaeaaor ahould make
up the booka of the deputiea, limiting
the work of the deputiea to liatiiiK
the property. Thla nmeutltuent ia in
aooord with suggestions made by Mr.
Galley iu an interview lait fall whton
waa publiabeil In tho Journal. How
ever, Mr. Galley did not know hia
Idnaa hail been embodied in an amend
saent. lie therefore proceeded aa he
had laat year, and waa not aware of
the eilatenoe of the amendment until
hia attention waa culled to It by the
editor of tbia paper, after the deputiea
bail nearly all completed their booka.
Our attention waa called to the ameud
aent by a Joarnal aubaoriber at Hum
phrey. Aaa retult of the failure of our
atate to place the new law In the
bands of Mr. Galley, Platte county
will loae the amount paid to the
deputy ajwaaora
for making op their
Lnrgo combinations of capital are
not in theniaolvca bad. It ia only
when mcli combinntiona tend to
pound the price up for tho consumer
or down for tho producer that thov no
come harmful.
There la one Inrgu industry in the
United State iu which uvory farmer
in Nebraska ia more nr loaa intereatcd,
which ia tending to pan under the
control of ono central managemont,
and that ia thu dairying Induatry.
There ia ono largo creamery com
pany with headquarter in Nobrntika,
with a capital reaching well op In tho
milliona, that ia faat gaining control
of tho cream output in the weat cen
tral atate.
Ia tho centralization of the cream
induatry a good thing for tho Nohraaka
farmer? If it will tend in the long run
o pay tho farmer the highest poaaible
price for hia cream, it la. If it will
tend in the oppOHltu direction, it ia
not a good thing
Thla la n problem that should re
celve the serioiia cnnsidcriit inn of every
citizen who make hia living in nn
agricultural atate, it large portion of
whose wealth ia repreaented In the
dairying iniluntrv. It ahould be con-
alderod without aentlment and from
the cold-blooded ataudpoint of dollar
and couta.
We Hhnll uot attempt to aolvu thla
problem but we otTer it few auggea
tlotiH for cunaiduration.
Cannot a local comMttiy like the Oo
lumbua Cream Co. guther the cream
In thla county ita cheaply aa it can be
gathered by an Omaha nr Liuooln
Company V Cannot tho local company
make better butter from crenm brought
In mid churned while it la aweot ni;tl
freah and cool, than the moro diatnnt
company can make from cream that
atanda in the ann waiting for ahipment
until it ia hot and nonr?
Caunot the local company oporating
with lower rentals, with cheaper la
bor, and labor unreatrlatod by the
rulea of labor unioua, turn out the
manufactured product aa cheaply na
thu foreign company
It the local cotuimny can turn ont
a pound aa good or better, for the aame
or leaa money than the foreign com-
IMitltion, tinea it not atnnd to renaon that
It can atTorti to pay aa good a price to
tho farmer for the raw material V
Why ia it, if the local company can
pay aa gootl price that tho large
foreign comnv often ofTora more?
Thla queation can hennawered lairhapa
by aaking another.
Why doea the Htandnrd Oil company
alwaya put the prico of ita product
below that of ita competitor in a given
locality uutil the competitor ia forced
lo quit, and thonraiae tho prico arum?
Farmera, before you are tempted
by a penny a pound for cream to help a
largo foreign oomtany to oruah out
your local ureitni company, Jnat in
quire into the prioea paid by thin same
foreign company, iu torrltory wnore
there ia no local company nporattug.
While you are crying out againat
truata In the nbstrnot, be careful that
vou nro not voluntarily contributing to
the upbuilding of a cream truat that
cornea to your very doora to rob you of
your anbatnure.
rem FAST.
The fitMteat loug-diatnnce train in
the world, eighteen hnura from New
York to Chicago, made only three
trips in Mtfety. On the fourth trip
the eutlretraiu waa completely wreck
ed, a freight depot waa tlemnllNhed
ami n iloifuui people killed.
It ia true thnt the accident waa due
to au oHn -switch and no might huvo
happened to a alow train na well aa to
the (Iyer. Novertheleaa the tragedy
will have a atrong tendency to pre
judice the pnbllo againat the train
which run at the extreme limit of
apced. Hafety la alwaya and nocea
aurilv aacrillood to aome degreo by an
inoreaae of apeed. For yeara the aano
and temperate have deprecated thla
mad racing nimluxt time by alt rail
road iNwaongcr train. The freight
which they carry In human life, and
undoubtedly mot of the paNnengera
would rather mnke a two day trip in a
few hour more time and have the ex
tra energy and reourcefulne of the
railroad management devoted to in
uring greater wtfetv and with fewer
accident, ruthci than covering tho
mut pofxilile inch of ground in a
Kivru time.
mmt: ihhh;-:hs.
The Journal lat week took occhkIoii
to call a'teutloii to the reduced valu
ation iu the city of Uolumhu under
the HK).i uHhtthKiucnt, and to cay that
a htrito part of that reduction wamlue
to the failure of owuer of mortuauca
to lint them according to law.
Ono of the leading loan micnta iu
the city wit prompted by the article
to call our attention to a Jfnot which
it will be of interest to taxpayer to
conaidot. He aaitl, "Mont of our mor
tgage are owued by nou-reaideut,
who are uot liable to taxation in thia
atate. Many of them however,aro own
ed by well-to-do farmera and wldowa
who place their mouey with ua to be
loand on real citato. If we aie foroed
aa the Journal anggeata we ahould be
to roveal the uauica of those parties
thoy will place their money in the
bauka where it ia eaay for thorn to hide
It from the alienor or thoy will loan
it nut on personal notes wbcro it ia
equally easy for the in to hide It Now
if loan agenta are forced to give the
natnea of thu owners of mortgages
recorded bv them the banks ahould bo
forced to give the names of their do
posltora elae the loan brokera will be
driven nut of Ihia class of buaiuesaa to
the profit of the hankers and tho ffionev
now repreaented by mortgages will
escape taxation Just tho same as it
does now 1 have never tried to dodge
it ainglo penny of taxation on propetty
which I own and should not hesitate
to give the names of the mortgages re
corded in my name provided bonkera
and private individuals are placed on
the name bails." There ia food for
thought in thla statement. If it la
true that the clnra of citizens who
have money to loan nro an dishonest
anil ao degraded morally that they are
determined to ttodKO their proportion
nte share of tnxatlon in aplte of all the
inwa of God nr man ; and if their de
termination la lixetl to such an extent
that thov will boycot tho honest loan
broker who haa been accustomed to
making legitimate loans for them Just
beirauwe tin helps the assessor to col
lect from tl.eni what the law
commands and what every decent citi
zen who enjoy the protection of our
laws ahould be glad to pay, thon it ia
serlelnly time for nil good citizens
to rise up in indignation and find out
whether there Im not aome way of
reaching them.
If dishoneat individuals are able un
der tho present law to hide their money
in bauka or in iioraonal loans on prom
ifaory notea then let ua change tho
Jf we must roaurt to the nublicatiou
of the uompleto aasesament record of
every property owner in order to get
the evidence to defeat the tax-dodgers
then let ua come to it aonn before
our new law aluka to the same level
of uselesinaia and injustice occupied
by our old revenue law.
The Journal haa no attack to make
on thu honest loan broker. He haa
n legitimate fleltt and haa done much
to regulate interest rates to the benefit
of tho public. Hut we do atnnd ready
in the interest of the honest constitu
ency which we servo to strike the hnr
Heat blows it ia possible by meana of
publicity to strike againat every cow
ard ly snonk of a tax-dodger whether
his bank account ia large or small;
whether he woar ait iraiwrted dress
unit or a suit of overall ; wbothor
he votes a republican or a demooratio
We reieat that we are with Aaaeaaor
Galley in hia nttompt to assess prop
orty of Platte county according to a
law. If tho bank deposit nr tho per
gonal loan nfforda an avenue of escape
the namo aa tho mortagge loan, then
l(o after the hank dopoait aad the per
h final loan.
Wo repeat that a tax-do Igor ia worae
than a common thief and wo ahall take
pleaaurn in nalng the oolumna of the
Jnnrnnl to help run aome of them to
Steamer '8trlkea -Training Ship and
Twenty-two Boya Go Down.
Copenhagen, Denmark, Juno 27. A
serioiiH dUiueter occurred near hero
when tho DunUh cadet training
nchooiier Ccorg-rltnKe wbb riuumeA
and Huuk'by tho llrllttm Hteamcr An
cona. Th Oeorg-Stngu sank In ona
nnd nnc-hulf minutes. Twenty-two
vadotH worn drowned and fifty-seven
rociitd. Tho boya were all In their
btinkH at tho timo ot tho dlRnster.
The ultcht won overcast, but it was not
o dark that objects could not bo Been
at Rome distance.
Tho Anconatwun considerably dam
aged along Its. wotor line. Thus far
only n alngle body line been recovered
by the illvora who huvo gono down to
the wreck.
First Officer Myhre of the Qeorg
Btago attributes tho accident to tho
Ancona changing its courao. I In Hold
tho Ancona's bow craahod fievon feet
Into tho training .schooner's aide,
bringing down tho latter' masts ant
rigging and preventing many ot the
cadets from gaining tho dock. Those
not entangled In the wreckage aprang
on board) tho Ancona and nHHlsled lb
launchluaj llft-boata. Myhre himself
Jumped into the water and rescued
many boya who were entangled la tho
Definite Determination In Moroccan
Affair Will Boon Be Reached.
l'ails, Juno 117.--A Mrong Impres
elou piiivulU thut Oermany's reply to
the Trench note regarding Morocco
reuched Parla late laat night and that
it will Im presented iu the cotirae ot
nu Interview between Prince Radolln,
the (lerumn ambassador, and Premier
Houtlcr today.
The ofrlolula neither continued nor
denied the report that the reply bad
been rerelved.malntalnlng tho strictest
reserve. Among the diplotnata gath
ered at a reception given at tho Brit
ish embassy, however, the opinion pre
vailed that tho reply waa in the hands
ot tho French official and tho view
was taken thai the eitutloQ had un
dergone appreciable Improvement.
Although It waa considered that tbe
German response would not solve all
dlfflctittlea, yet it was thought that
thn ground would bo cleared for the
reaching of a definite understanding-
fill 1 1 M
Harry Robertson Tells of Expediting
of Krlbs Claim Attorneys for De
fense Unable to Shake His Testl
mony Government Closes Its Case,
Portland, Ore, Juno 2".- Harry Rob
ertson, United States Senator John
It. Mitchell's former prlvatu Rucrc
tary, was tho prlnctpul witness for tho
prosecution in tho trial of Sonator
Mitchell. Hobcrtuuu told fully, with
out rcHorvutlon, of his connection
with Mitchell at Washington, ot the
lattcr'a fear ot prosecution for hia
work before tho departments nnd ot
Mitchell's n when Ilobuitson ex
pressed to IiIh employer tho bullet Hint
denial waa useless, no several knew
of tho connection of the firm of Mitch
ell A Tanner with thu work of get
ting the Krlbs claims expedited and
tho likelihood that tho whole story
would come out.
Upon being fiubpoonncd to uppenr
before tho grand Jury, thu witness
said ho went to Senator Mitchell and
showed htm the summons, ntklng tho
senator whot ho ronld bo wanted in
Portland for. Tho senator said it was
to testify about tho accounts of tho
law Arm ot Mitchell ft Tanner, and
told him thut Tanner and his son were
threatened with indictment. Mitchell
told Hobcrtson that when he reuched
Portland ho should ko to Tanner and
look at the pmtncrshlp iiKicement
and Tanner would tell him how to
testify. The senator had cursed thft
prosecution nnd had said an) thing
wnn jtutllluhlc In defying tho Kovern
ment. On Ittilii-rtsouV return to Wash
lngtiu, utt'-r appearing before the
grand Jury, Senator Mitchell, tho wit
ness ml.!, shook hia fist In Hubert
sou's face nud swore at him for his
actions In Portland, and Robertson
thereupon rodi-ned his position. In
continuing, the witness said Mitchell
finally acknowledged that ho had
known Krlhs and remembered the
partnership agreement with its damag
ing clause, lie cried nnd swore and
said Hint he ought not to be prose
cuted lor the matter, oh lie hud only
iccelvcd a few sndl checks for what
ho hail done. Tt .,
The evidence gY&my Robertson
was direct. lie Identified letters glvon
by Mitchell at Waanlorip-tB&B de
livered to Tanner, but whjcr?' woro
given to Prosecuting Attorney Henqy
and thn grand Jurykeojlfg nothing
back, but telling tothoBjWt.of hie
recollection the plans maf b? Mitch
ell ami Tanner to cvaderoaecutlon
and how these ncheinerguno to
naught. Tho former bookkeeper of
the firm of Mitchell ft Tanner and
later secretary of tho senator sup
ported strongly with his testimony tho
allegations of tho Indictment upon
which Mitchell Is being tried.
During tho recital of Robertson's
testimony, Senator Mitchell showed
every evidence of mental agony.' He
writhed In hU chair and protested
with hia attorneys for allowing tho in
troduction ot tho evidence.
Robertson underwent n severe cross
examination, but the defensn could not
hako his testimony. Tho government
then closed He case.
The defense then opened Its,
callfng six witnesses, all of whom
testified to having received assistance
from thn defendant boforo the various
departments, In each case of which
tho senator had refused compensation.
It Is tho opinion that Scnntor Mitchell
will tako tho stand in hia own bchr.lf.
Depositions In Grain Case.
Wahoo, Neb., Juno 27. Tho taking
of depositions In tho case of Thomas
Worrall against the Omaha Elevator
company ct aL waa commenced In
thin city bofore If Gilkson, notary
public. Thn entire timo was devoted
to examining Trcnmoro Cono, tho In
dependent grain dealer of Wahoo, and
aa ho waa at ono time agent here for
tho Updtko people seomed to bo well
posted as to tho business methods ot
thn association elevators. Ho told he
was forced out of business by tho
Italy Brlnga Pressure.
Rome,. Juno t7. It ts aoml-ofllclally
aaneunced that Italy, as a member of
the Uiplo alliance nnd an tho friend
ot France, having favored tho under
standing between Great (iritaln,
France and Spain regarding Morocco,
la now using all her influenco to bring
about a peaceful solution nt the diffi
culties between Fiance and Germany,
which might consist In France adher
ing to the plan for nn international
confeieuce after tho establishment of
the fact that tho program to bo sub
mitted for dlacuislon by thn confer
ooce would not bo injurious to her in
terests. Arrested for Naturalliatlen Frauds.
New York, Juno 27. Tho biggest
roundup of United States citizenship
ftapers swindles Iu tho history of tho
federal government's crusade lms just
been accomplished. Thirty men ore
now in the Tombs awaiting trial be
foro Judge Thomas. Moro than half
of the lust batch of prisoner bought
their papers In Naples and Rome.
Parmer Killed In Runaway.
Tekaroah, Neb., June 27. F. PJ.
Itnge, a farmer living ten miles norjh
of thla place, dlod.frosk injuria re
ceived la a runaway lait'-atgnt.
The Wampanoag Indians
Ask for Pictures
Vk1 la- A KKs-t4-rVKAt--n-r. Ptiritin Miller-,
citd xljjj.. iiiviiiaii V4l
Sold Only by H.
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaanniBKi . tc?&&BKJnnaBiBuiBuiBuiiBBw'. .- y,,& iZT,'- Y
Autlior of "The Return of Sherlock Holmes," tho great serial soon to be pub
lished in this pnper.
Chief Executive Will Attend Com
meneement Exercises.
Washington, Juno , 27. President
Roosevelt left Washing an by special
trnln ovor tho Pennsylvania railroad
for Cambridge, Mass., to attend thn
commencement axorclues ut Harvard
university. The president will not re
turn to Washington, but will go to
Oyster Itay, where ho will spend tho
heated season nt his summer home nt
Sngamoro Hill. IIo was accompanied
by Secretury Ixieb, tho ,whlto house
secret service men nud representative
of tho prcsB associations. Just before
the departure of the special train,
Count Cassltii, Rush)nn ambassador,
was driven to tho station, having
been unable to reneh iho whlto house
to bid the president farewell. He waa
met on tho platform by Mr. Roosevelt
nnd they held a hurried conversation,
during which they clnsprd hands
warmly. When the nmbnm'udnr loft
tho train, the sIkuiiI wna given for
the start.
fbc Only
Track Railway be
tween the Missouri !
River and
Fast daily train service
Pacific & North -Western Line from ooints in
Nebraska to
Six trains a day Omaha to Chicago, without
cnance. i wouaiii uuny uciween umanaand
at. fdui and Minneapolis.
- Che Best
tor Mte. tifkctt
uiiji-ni unuin
j. i. mm, im
ChlMcrt S
in Mavuchinetfs were
U'ntl oiiouoji to ex
change their heads and
trinkets for Hour the
P u r i t a ii F a t li e r s
brought with them.
Ami the American peo
ple aie tinly too willing
to exchange their good
money for
After they try it ami
fiml what delicious ami
nutritious bread it
This Hour is abso
lutely pure ami healthful.
for the Children.
Schuyler, Neb.,
hi, & Co.
Upper and Lower Chambers of Rika
dag May Clash Over Norway.
toekholm, Sweden, Juno 27. Ab ft
Ksult-o'tbo uoKotlntlons botwoen the
different, groups- of tho riksdag it has
been arrnuged that a special commit
tee to consider tho Swodlsh-Norweglan
situation shall bo appointed today, to
consist of nlno conservatives nnd
thrco moderates from tho first cham
ber, and five liberals, flvo agricultur
ists and two reformers from the sec
ond chamber.
It 4h anticipated that tho govern
ment's proposal to settlo tho ciisls
amicably by arranging a modua Vi
vendi between tho two countries will
bo violently attacked in tho upper
chamber nnd generally (supported In
tho lower chamber during the debnto
on tho subject.
As a precautionary measure, pend
ing Iho Battlement of the crisis, the
Swedish council of state has decided
not to discharge tho tlinooxplred men
from thft navy until further notice.
via theChicaco. Union
and East
of Everything
an J lull inforrmtlnn ipply
ricmi k k or AJjri'&i
m. rmtM ut fui'i in.
North Western Ry.
x. -jMMBAiiakM