The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 28, 1905, Image 1

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    oil-- 7
il HIT?
v ?
if you'll 'Ml!, tlii iil'iintui(iH of pn.ung
your lull.ttty fluv1:
.Willi) a lull I his been paid ii wound
tililO licV.lllro till' "oceipf Wit' lent r
couldn't ho found.
This entu.ot fnctir if you piiy liy chock
no your chock in a voucher ami ii backed
Up ll l)'. 1 1' IO( (Hill..
You mill wfo talk it oi tl cti
eijino in Mid tall, it. u"r m it h u. mid
open mi iiccotiut. U'c'ic giving :-nnd
ndvioo. Ad tui it, loilnj.
The first, National Bank
Advnliscd Irllri.
List (if letters remaining unclaimed
in tlm city pontoOioo.
Mit-s Olnra Oorats; , .1 Iloftnttlo'
Mrs. Maggie Hubbard; Mrs. Milton
Kch; F A. MUloi . Futor Knldor,
A. F. Viinicek; Mat Zlnmhn.
JM Itoiiitrr Stricken.
I 1'iimilll n l)lil )
Wd Rossiler was stilckon down m
Carl Hohdo's nilonn this afternoon
with souifithiiig in liio untrue of np
oploxy. Wlthr.ut nny warning ho foil
forward, hit; hrrnl striking tho floor
with violence Dr. Arnold was enil
oil who paid (lint the trouhln wns tho
result oi a stomach disorder. Mr.
Rossitnr Mini ho linil not been fooling
woll fo. 'ovoral d.iyi nnd jnnt het'oro
bo wont into Mr. Hondo's plarn was
passojsr.od by, a Hidden fiolng oi weak
ness nnd diz'-'iurts. No ruirlniifi ro
Milts nrMtinticjpntril.
Accident in XI V Yuuls
l.Momlio'i )iiul)
Things have licon doing in Union
Pacific railroad circles since yesterday
It is nil becnuo an Austrinii, nno of
tho htci'l i:nii'. ant thn calf of his lop
miliar n our vo-dci-day Ah an or lin of
thn accident Kber Kn.i'h who wiir
substituting iw ilnv yaid toioiiinii lor
J. Armstrong. o .I.T.iInwnilcr, binko
man, were ordorrd to quarter- nr
Omaha today. Tno 'lory a told iiy
an oyo. itnesn i thi-- Thn ear whioh
thn Au.-trian l.ihirv livo in war
standing on ttin Lincoln Riding Tho
Inhororos woro Iving in llio hudu oi
tho car Thn mivii who pot hurt war
lylna with Mm o.ilt ol hiy lo rnstiiiK
on thn rail noar tho whorl nl tho cur.
Tho Hwiteh oncino drivon hy 12. 1'.
HojrorH l:ii:);od oft two ourn on (IiIk
Hiding .Tnworfdii wim hnuclini; thn
hrakos. Tin) two o-uk whicirthn Inttor
wnnriliuK ptruolt thn Aiihtiiatifi' car
bumpiuu it far t nouh to oatoli tho
follow'H Ipr. Jinnicilintrly aftor tho
ncciilont tho wholo tfiwiK of Aiibtriaus
Ravo ohaBn to Tawoiski !I footed it
nH 1'iiFt an ho could fo I ho switch on
clno. K. V KoecrH cooled tho KaiiR
down and induced thom to rummon n
doctor tor tho wounded man.
Ho wns mlcon to St. Mary's Hospital
nnd this morniiiK tnliou to nn Ouinlm
hnspitat. Thn wonml on his li' lb n
RoriniiR oiin. It Ik Fniu that Smith nud
Jaworr.lci woro not at limit and tliut
thoy will find no ctitfieiilty in ox
plaininj; tliim,
FOR SAIiH-Onr Kolwii ll-Hott-o
Powor, a Rood nt- now. HtronROist
power in tin world Stool .-troko
whonls nndor ir. Write or no us for
prico (J. I)rod, Dunran, 'otir. If
Don't Mlect
Your teeth. Kvt'n n few
weoks delay will sometimes
l)rnve injurious
Durnifj my absence Dr. C.
V. CamplxH, who comes
highly recommended as a
skillful and as a
gentleman, will have charge
of my practice and will do all
he can to plea.-c you.
13th Stnrt.
1'homi HO.
Dr. H. E. Kallmann.
I Mitis Lydin McMahon's Work.
(Tiuwili)' l)nll)
Miss Lydin McMnhon, uniK'rluton
dent of tho Girls' Industrial School
at Oonovn, enmo homo Saturday niRht
to visit for a tow days. It In dltllonU
for Miss MoMnhon to loavo hor dntion
whioh aro nindo moro than nunally
pr(sinR Just nt thin tlmo hy oxtonnlvo
Iniprflroiiiontfi whioh Miss MoMahon
Is personally Rnporvlsiug.
OolumbuK should bo proud to lay
claim to a lady or nuoh rnrn qnnllll
cations of education and iwrsonal
oliarm as Miss MoMahon possesses. It
is cnmmnti knowledge among tho ox
nontivo ofllccm of tho HtBto that no
state Institution in morn aldy managed
thrtti tho onn over whioh slio presides.
And she presides without sacrificing
any of thoso liner tonchos of fotninin
ity whioh wo nil liko to Ron preferred
in woman, and which too often aro
crowded out of the woman in business.
Tho friends of Miss MoMahon will
bo ploasett to rend tho following ox
tract trom tho ''Christian News, "ro
luting to thn Geneva school:
This fine building in surrounded by
to net en of well cultivated land, trees,
land, fruit, llowom and farm products
in their sonson furnish the evidences
o'f nu ideally equipped country home
with a family of fifty four girls rang
lug in ages from about elovon to twenty
ono. This lurgo family in divided
into two family groups A nnd 11 ovor
onch of which a superintendent resides
with mothor-liko care. Miss Lydin
MaMalimi tho general superintendent
scorns to havn boon trained both Intel
Inctunliy and spiritually for this im
portnnt work Kvory girl was known
net only by name and Introduood ono
by onn but her individual past history
and character worn part of this mothor
ly woman's, heart burden. Love and
cheer woro written ovor every word
and act , over overy picture nnd room,
s-ytrrm, order industry nnd exquisite
ncntnnF.s marks tho management of
tho entire institution. Mini 8udo
Ward from Pawnee City is matron and
hor Mstor Miss Lena Ward, one of the
superintendents of tho dlvulon fam
ilios. Knoh girl attend! school in the
instttnto half nlar five days in the
week, and in the voar is trained in all
(totalis of dnmostlo duties, siiondlug
three months each in tho kitchen,
laundry, in linuso work and Rowing
room. Some of these girls aro in this
institution because of lack of propor
parental training others booauso of
misfortune nil appealed fo our moth
or honrt. Tho almost perfect march
liif- null llag drill in tho school room,
tli" sinking, rocltntion, thn lanndry
wotk, tho lino array of appetizing
looking loaves of broad, tho nently
made garments nil tho work of tho
L'irls' handstestify to thn vnluablo
training in tho institution.
Cecilians Meet.
tTiii'xitiiy'H Dully)
Thn t'olnmbuR Oeclllait Oluh was
ontcrtnined nt Stovon's Lake yeBter
day by Mrs, H. A. Clark nnd Mrs. Kd
Adams in honor of Miss Kthol Galley
nt one tiino prosident of thn organlK
at ion. About thirty-fivo mombers of
tho club whioh has been extinct for
snuio timo, mot at the homo of Mr.
C'larko where hay-racks were waiting
to convey thom to the picnic grounds.
And O. L. Hnker upon wnose knightly
shoulder! rested the responsibility of
conducting the ladies safely to tliolr
festival grounds during all tho yoars
of the activo lifo of the olnb, was nn
hand ns in tho olden time, and he wr
formed his datios with the same
knightly grnco. When tho gnosis
reached their destination, thoy found
their piculo feast already prepared for
thom, tho good things arranged to
display the colors of the club, choco
late, cream and cherry. Tho lunoh
was f oi veil in two conrses, tho ioe
cream boings colored with tho olnb
colors After lunch a picture was
taken ot tho gronp Including (). L.
Baker. Then lottors nnd telegrams
woro road from absent members and
the oommunioutons formed tho most
interesting part of tho entertainment.
A beautiful silver loving cup was
prnfontrd to Miss Galley after the
guests had drank to hor health from
it The out-of-town guests present
woro: Mrs. Nettie Orlswold, Fort
Collins; Mrs, Potormiohol, Valparaiso;
Mr) Kd Adams, Donvor; Miss Lydla
MoMahon, Geneva; Mrs. Morse, Liu
coin nnd tho Mlsttns W intorbotham,
David City.
No Secrot About It.
It i- no hocrnt, that for oats, burns,
nlcers, sores eye, boils, etc., nothing
la so effect ivn ns Hncltlen's Arnica
Halve. "It didn't take long to cure
a bad rnrn I had, and it is nil O.K. for
porn eyes," writOB 1). L. Gregory, ot
Hope, Tex. T coats at Chan. Dock's
drug store,
Colaabui Men Abroad.
Kx-mayor August fioettoher nnd
Dr.TieaitiR aro far ont at sea. They
loft Now York on Jane 'J4, on board
tho Koenigiti Louise. This informa
tion was oonMBunioated to A. llrod
fnht or on a sonvenlr postal card whioh
he received yesterday f romMr. Boottoh
er. Tho card was written on board
tho Koeulgin Louise and was dated
Jnne 21.
Carl Hondo and Unas. Btgolko were
also remembered. Mr. Rohdo reoelved
a box of tine candy and a plotaro of
Mr. Boettobor and Or. Tieslng witb
two other men,"dolng"New York in
nn nntomobile. Mr. Segolko was ro
membcrod in similar manner.
Mr. Hrodfuehrer received a card
dated the 20th from New Haven in
whioh Mr. Moettoher said Dr. Tieslng
and his Yale frionds were showing
him a good time in the old college
town. He also received a pretty sou
venir card front bis old friend, M. O.
Bloedorn, front Hamburg, Germany.
Journal readers are promised the
news from oar esteemed fellow citi
zens abroad from time to time. And
since tbey will read those lines in tho
Journal when they reach Lnonrnn.
Switzerland tbey will be reminded of
their promise to write tho nows nud
be assnred that the Journal considers
it a privilogo to be tho medium of
their Interesting messages to thoir nu
merous friends in Matte eonnty.
O. N. MoKlfresh, attorney. Collect
tons n specialty. tf.
We are now serving delicious Ice Cream
Sodas, Sundaes, Lemonades, Phosphates and
all good Soda drinks.
We make our own Ice Cream. We
KNOW it is pure.
Chas. H. Dack,
R. Campbell of Humphrey has with
drawn his application for tbe snperin
tendency of the Columbus school, ha v
ing been eleotod superintendent of the
aobools ot West Point. Nob. The
position of teacher of manual train
ing hero has been filled by tbe elec
tion of Klliot V. Graves of tho stato
university. Mrs, Stella Ross of Hould
er, Col. has boon eleotod to teach
drawing and music.
Holders of county warrants of any
description aro requested to present
them to the county treasurer for
payiuont at once, as interest on same
dosed June 1,
Dietrich Beohor
County Treaurdr.
Citizens are hereby notified to trim
np their trees in compliance with the
ordinance which requires them to be
trimmed np at least eight feet from
the ground. Untrimmod troes inter
fere with lighting the streets and are
a nnisanoe. ByOrdor of City Council.
We Cater to
Your Wants in
OUR MOTTO: Your money back if
not satisfactory.
Cloos & Uehling
Independent 'Phone No. 162.
North Side 13th St.
Don't Garry
nn ink bottle in your trunk on
your vacation -it might bo
A Fountain Pen
Solves tho Dillictilty.
Mooney's SolM-'illing, Reliable
Anti-Swonr Fills itnolf by
simply blowing into it.
Lot us show them to
The Jcwolop
Monroo Buuncsn Chnnrjc
(Yesterday 'h Dnil)
The partnership business of Mans
field nnd Smith of Monroo tins passed
into tho hands of II. A.Mnnsllold, Mr.
Smith retiring from business. Tho
baslnoss will be continued under tho
Arm namo of H. A. Mnnsliold & Co.
W f. Lewis nud Mr. Welilen. no
cumpanled by thn Misses Grace and
Mary Lewis, Mabol Drawbaugli and
Lillian Weldon, drove to PralrioCreek
Tuesday nud on tho pretty banks of
tbo river established a camping resort
whoro tho young ladies will enjoy a
week of puie utmnsphero and tho
early morning dew for complex ion
The plnco picked for their outing is on
a boantlfnl knoll nud thorn is n legend
connected with the very spot. During
tho early days when Indians wore
threatening this county, a small mas
snore took place where the young poo
pin havn pitched their tent, but this
fact does not interfere with their en
joyment. No giiosts have yet appeared
at the romantic spot which uns boon
iinmed camp Taylor in honor ot a
famous Indian lighter nnd scout of
that namo who llvod in tho West yearn
FOR SALK Good six-room house,
good location. Prion nud term- right.
Inquiro Journal. dldw
Columbus, Nobr.
Nothing Peremptory In Her Answer
to French Note, but It is None the
Less Positive in Maintaining Her
Former Position.
Purls, Juno 2$. (Sotninuy'ii reply to
the IVeni'h noto on the subject of Mo
rocco was presented during n confer
ence between Prince Itadoltn, tho
Mcminn ainbnssndor, nnd Premier
Itouvler nt tlio foreign otllco. While
most friendly nnd lucking n peremp
tory imii', (icrnuiity'ti response none
tie l."H' !ilntiiliis (he position that
tho Moroccan question must be rep
tilnttil by a confeieiiie of the power:!
without any ii;reomeiit in ndvnneo
limiting the ncopi! of such conference
Thl'i was iiccoiniianleil by tho prenen
tntlnn ol (lOinmny's gciieinl lxilnl of
view In such nn nmieiilile iqilrlt us to
disarm tho siiipleinu eulcitaiiieil con
cerning (ieiiiiiiny's ulterior motives.
It is tliou;?ht that Premier Itouvler
will lie prepared to lei minute the eon
trovcniy either by accepting llio con
ference or Hiibmltilng counter-pro-poinds.
However, ho Informed Prliica
Itiuiollu Mint no iteclKluu would ho
taken until the (ionium unto bud been
submitted to the council of ministers
n( itu next tegular meeting, which
will take plnco Kililay It Is (he gun
oral expectation llinl nu ngieoment
will ho reached mi the tiasin of a con
ference. Tension in official quarters linn nota
bly diminished nud (his In only ex
plainable on tln theory that a confer
ence wld Im accepted
HopnrTs finiii foreign capitals to tho
effect Mint Franco Ocr
ninny's Inlluenco in Persia ns compen
sation for tho renunciation of that
country'.'-, claim iu Morocco has some
what annoyed French officials, who, In
fitrunuous tonus, authoritatively deny
any,such understanding.
Two Stories of Reason for Resignation
of Official of Canal Commission.
Now Voik, Juno 28. Tbo resigna
tion of John F. Wallace of Illinois,
chief engineer of tbo Panama canal, is
now In tho hands of President Roose
velt, accordion to u statement mado
by the Herald It la salir. to buvo
been handed to Scciutary of War Taft
in thin (Ity after a rather stormy ('(in
ference, dining which Mr. Wallace is
said to have e.xpiessed ills Ideas of
what should be douo on tho isthmus
in vi ry i inn Im laiiguagn. Il In under
stood thai Kiiglncfir Wallace will at
once take chnigii of a largo railway
system iu Ibis country and thai Theo
dore P. Shouts wilt remain ns presi
dent of tbo cnuul commission.
An to tho cauiie ot ICngliiccr Will
lace's resignation, tbeio uio two vcr
hlomi, ono (omlng from fileiidn of
some of tho canal commlKslouei'S, tbe
other f i oiii 1 1 lends of Mr. Wallace.
The first Is lo thn effect thai II wns
icqtiiiMtcd because of dlffornncos be
I ween the chief engineer, members of
tbo commission, Secretin y Taft Mill
through tbo latter with President
Roosevelt. The other version deals
with a hampering nidev.
Wisconsin May Quit Arcanum.
Milwaukee, Juno i!8.-- Wisconsin
immhoiK of tho I loyal Arcanum will
vote on Hie question of seceding from
the older and forming an insurance
society of their own. Tbo matter will
bo (nought before every local council
In tho ii tut o nud a vote taken, after
which a general meeting nf thn lodges
will be bold and tbo results canvassed
No Dcttlno at Oelmnr.
St. Louis, Juno li.S.-Sherllf Horpol,
with a foicn of deputies, wap present
at Delnuir nice track ami announced
thai any attempt nt hotting or book
making would result Iu artists. The
races were inn, but thero was no hot
ling nud tho batting ring was desert
id Comparatively few speetatois wuui
pic.i nt
German Contractor Arrested.
Chicago, .hunt 'js. (iioige ,. liar-
Ihal'imiieiis, who is hiiid to bo a
wealthy contiactor from Cnssell, Pius-
idii, was arrchted bore, charged with
forgeries aggregating IZI.uoo. Ho
vwiii nrrrsted on cmiii piaint of Uerawn
Coiianl Wover.
Open Rural School Meeting.
TTrbnna, III., June L's The ilrst con.
ferc'iii'o In tho lnterei,t of rural schools
ripened at tho I'tilvi rsity of Illinois,
President K. J Jamc making the ad
diess of Wf'lcoine Many of the ilelo
gates nro country srbool teacheis. Al
fred llnyllss spo;c on the work of thn
rural rchool. -
Late Court Ncwb.
Mrs. Win Brewer allowed 81011 nli
mony and attorney fucr,,
Do you get tired nf hearing us tell it?
Conservative methods. A safe Bank.
An absolutely burglar proof safe of
Hie latest pattern.
The bent of treatment of our patrons.
What more do you want in a bank?
The Old Reliable
Columbus Stato Bank
Winter Wheat Harvest Now In Prog
ress in North.
Washington, Juno ss.- Tho weather
bureau's weekly nummary of crop con
ditions in us follows: Except la tho
upper Missouri nud Hod River ot tho
North valleys, whore, aB n result of
low teiuperntiires, tbo growth of corn
has been idow, this crop haa mado
good progress, nltbotigh suffering
Hoaicwhut from luck of cultivation In
portions of the Ohio vnlley and In cen
tral nnd western Ncbraskn. In Iowa,
corn ban mado vigorous growth nnd la
we'll culMvntcd, with better etaudn
than previous reports Indicated, and
tbo outlook In Illinois, Missouri and
Kansas, whoro early corn has reached
tho silk nnd tassels, in very favorable.
Heavy rains bnvo interrupted tho
hnrvesllng of winter wheat In tho Ohio
vnlley nnd portions of tho mlddlo At
lantic states, but elsewhere work haa
progressed favorably nnd Is near com
pletion In Missouri and southern Kan
sub. Harvest is now In progress In
the northern xirtion of the winter
wbenl region. Homo complaints of
rust and weevil In central and western
Ohio and of smut in New York are re
ceived nnd some grain In shock haa
been damaged by rains In Kentucky
and Teunoiiiico,
Spring wheat on lowlands In the Da
kolas nud Mlnneitotn is suffering some
what riom rust, but as u wholo this,
crop has made vigoiotis growth mid
continues In promising condition
thioughoiit tho spring whrnt region
and also on thn north Pacllle coast.
Kxccpt In lowlands in southern Iowa
and portions of tbo Dakotas nnd Min
nesota tbo out crop bus advanced fa
vorably nud continues In promising
Tho weather has been unfnvoroblo
for bayliu; In tho mlddlo Atlnntic
states nud Ohio valley and on thn
north Pacllle coust, where consider
able bay bus been H-sdlcd. Iu por
tions of the central Mississippi val
ley meadows have deteriorated, but 'in
tbo lake regions, tho Dakotas, Ne
braska and Kansas a good hay crop
Is promised.
Double Tragedy" at Seattle.
Seattle, June 28. Joseph C. Abbott,
nu elect rlclnn, shot and killed fain
wife, known as Dolly Mllson, and mado
nu attempt to kill himself, whlelvp'rtjb
ably will prove successful. Abbott
loft a letter ntatlug ho could nol'bear
thn dlsgiaco which bin wife had
brought upon him.
Indian Lands to Open Aug. 17.
Washington. Juno 28. By direction
of the secretary of the Interior, 117,800
acres of Indian lands in Minnesota
will ho opened to settlement Aug. 17.
The ttiiet at present is pnrtly Iu th
Fond dii Lac, Red Uko, White Karth
ml the Chlppuwus uf Minucsuta mser
latluus. Dr. J. E. Paul, Dentist.
Ono of tho largest and liest
equipped dental ofliccs in
tho stato.
Vltallml Air for Palnla
The kind that is safe und never
Come in and have your teeth
examined and gel our estimate
on your work. It will cost you
nothing and wo givu u useful
souvenir to each culler.
All work guaranteed.
Ovnr Nimvoliwr'a cur. 13tli anil Olive SU.
9.JH. roriiur ofil'urk.
Uutli Phone.!,