The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 21, 1905, Image 3

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G 1 UUUU11 0 JJUAU1 f
V aj aaaaaaaMM aa aaa.ja aaiwiaa.a iMiKwmM(MiMi MMniBMM
An Extra Fancy Line of
Bakery Goods
llu. I I iiLpiui .ii tuciuinl of tin1 liUjjo ."liippitif:
l't in - in Ice Cream dial 1 lmvi- to look tiller.
Gnu and 5eo rruj Line and Oct a Free
Sample or Angel rood and Dovil'a Food
Oiu Broad is the Best in Town.
J5 Columbus,
Foei s limiuV Fan
Closing Out Sale!
I will close out my entire line of Second
Hand Goods at cost and below. Everything
must be sold within 30 days. Furniture,
Stoves and Quccnswnrc at prices that can
not be duplicated.
Bedsteads irom 50c to - $2.00 each.
Springs from 25c to - 1.00 each.
Stoves from $2.50 to - 5.00 each.
We will continue to store stoves.
."ion i:iili street
Columliii-, ISlira.-ka.
jFjWI '&4
r ' JMnoMk
One of the most
useful inventions for
the home. Compact
and durable. Con
tents easy of acces.
It is a cupboard and a kitchen table com
bined. It saves room and saves money.
Come in and see it.
See our new line of Morris Chairs, Exten
sion Tables, Bedroom Suits, etc. Our stock
is up-to-date and our prices will please you.
Henry Gass
1 lth Street. Columbus, Nebr.
Mrna) dob Printing
Stei an always up to-tlulc.
Work i' riiaraiitL'i'tl.
l'iomii delivery.
Iii'ilooililllll1 piifi'n.
It i haven't it w i will older it. Wo run .-avo luisinos
nun niipinv mi juiiilul loims wo can yet lui'raveil
caul- fir "iiriuy ifojic; hctti'i .tyli- at lowor jnicec.
Journal S, ill UilU luiii;: Muik .Initrnal Lot tor 1 1 cm U
luni Iumii' .- Try u
Only Uaily in oluiuliii- Help u iui.
Columbus Journal Go.
A Noted Lecturer.
Dr. Wilbur F.OrnftM ofWaahitiKtoii,
D. O., a faruoui economist and to
ololoRist, will deliver a leotnro nt
North oiorn hoiuo oh Juno 35. Ills
Fubjert will bo "Living and DyliiR
ftntioiiH." Dr. CrnftR is a man who
appeals to luti-lHgi'iit and thoughtful
mon, and all who nro iuteroBtod iu
social reform from n practical, noien
title tamlHilnt should bear him.
Mrs. Brewer Aiki Divorce.
(Monday's nll)
Mn. Miiinlo E. Urowor has filed
nit in tho district court, asattiat hor
hunbaml, Win. at. Urowor, nuking to
bo restored to her conjugal rlRht and
for alimony anffioient to anpport
hor nud to uiniutnin tho aait. The
lilnntiff allege that at the titno of
thoir marrlago Wm.M. Urowor ownod
a littlo homo which ho transform! to
hia mother, Jonnio Urowor, wlthont
any conaldoratlou. 8ho anya that thoy
lived toRother throo montha at tho
homo of Mrs. Jonnio Urowor. althouah
alio hail other tueana of anpport and it
waa not necoaaary that hor boh, tho
plaintiff'a husband, should live thoro.
Un Pom-nary 25, ahe alloRoa thnt
Mr. Jennie Urowor assaulted hor by
Htrlkins her ill thn fnnn an. I treated
bor in n nruol ami brntal manor mak
ing it impossible to live in tho same
house. It la also alleged that tho
defendant waa estranged from tho
plaintiff by tho ooudnot of Jonnio
Urewer so that ho refused to support
hor after ahe loft the houao of Jennie
Krewer unless she would return thoro.
Tho plaintiff alleges that alio In tho
tuothor of an unborn child which la
a part of her basis for hor demand
for alimony and restoration to her
conjugal rights.
or loud talk before, during or after
tho gamo and clean ball was Vlhycil
on both sides,
Orpheus Picnic.
(Monday'H Daily.)
Tho membera of tho Ornheu ho
oiety enjoyed themselves yesterday
afternoon and evening at one of tho
home picnics which have bocomo a
regular summer feature with thorn.
Card games and refreshment! on the
lawn furnished tho afternoon enter
tainment. In tho evening tho young
people indulged in a dance in tho hall,
with music by tho Orhoua orchestra.
A now foaturo woh n gymnast io ex
hibition by tho mom born of a oIubh
which 1m being instrutod by Wra, Ker-
sonbrock. After only n abort training
tho young people put up an oxeedingly
good exhibition.
Tho picnlo was a very successful and
enjoyable affair, as tho Orpheus
picnics always are. Tho company
dispersed anf Wiedersohn nt twolvo
Memorial Service.
(Monday 'a Daily)
Tho memorial oxerciscH of tho var
ious fraternal societies yostordav were
a great success. The day waa idoal
and probably ouo thousand peoplo
At II o'clock tho members ot tho
various lodges assembled nt K. P.
Hull and marched iu n body to tho
cemetory led bv tho Columbus baud.
Kach member carried a hotiquot
which nt tho cemotory wiih el von to n
committee to decorate the graves ot
doparted brothers.
It. L. Itossitor acted as marshal
and Ilov.Cnah of tho Kpiwoopnl church
ollloiatod na chaplain. At tho coin-
otory Ilov. DoWolf ilellvorod an ad
dress which was listened to with close
Ho sketched tho rapid development
of the fraternal societies during tho
lives of tho presont genoratlou, and
ho emphasized tho importance of frn
tornnllsm as a social and spiritual fac
tor in our presont nnd futuro civiliz
ation. Tho practlco of charity and
olf-sacriflco by lodgo mouthers, ho
said.waB a part of Qod'Httlan brtnsins
about tho brotherhood of man.
At (he oloso of tho addrois. tho
commitcoes took flftoou minutes to
decornto tho graves which had been
markod provlouslv.
Bue Ball.
Tho homo team lost to (Jroston yea
tordav in a hotly ooutoatod gamo that
was full of interest till tho last man
was called out.
Lohr and Hhauk did thn battery
work for (Jolumbus nnd Lewis nud
Kly for Oroaton. Uoth battorins did
good work and both wore woll sup
lorted, though a fow errors at critical
times on both sides allowed thn scorn
to run up to H nud '.. Lewis is n pro
fossionnl plnyor from Albion who is
among tho best pitchers in tho state.
and ho had no complaint to register
against tho husky young farmors
from Ornston who handled moat every
thing thnt came their way. Lohr, na
usual, did heavy and steady work but
tho Oroaton boys, who have made
marked improvement in thoir bitting
ability since Inst season, seemed to
find him for hits Just nt thn timo
thoy counted.
Tho Journal predicted a close game
and it turned out to be thn best game
played here this season. Iu fact tho
gnmo should have drawn a larger
crowd and would hnvo done so but
for thn nelobration of memorial day
by thn various fraternal societies
Ornston brought n good crowd con
idering thndlstaiicn. And tho boys
demonstrated that they worn thorough
gentlemen. There was no swonriug
Through Koho, Wobslur ntnl Ogdon
Cations, bristling with marvelous
scones of western grandeur acrom
great Halt Lakes, down tho Hnmbnlt
valley and over woudrously beautiful
Hlerra NnViulna via Uniun l'nelllo
every day on "TheOverland Limited"
electric lighted. The tlnost train
across tho American continent. In.
UUlro of W. H. Ueuham.
Dying Of Famine.
Is, iu its torments, like dying of
consumption, Tho progress of con
sumption, from tho beginning to the
very ond, U n long torturo, both to
victim nnd friends." Whon I had con
sumption in its tlrst singe," writes
Wm. Meyers, of Oonrfoss, Md , "after
trying dtiTorent medicines and a uood
doctor.ln vain, nt Inst took Dr.Kltig'H
Now Dlacovery, which quickly and
iwrfectly cured me " Prompt relief
nnd auro euro for coughs, colds, soro
throats, bronchitis, etc. Positively
prevents pneumonia. Ounrnutccd nt
Chaa.Dnck'a drug store, prlco M) cents
nnd 1 per bottle. Trial bottlo free.
Ethel B. Wing
Trained Nurse
Obstetrics ft Apncldltu.
Inilniinnrinnt Phoitn 1664
Golumuuft, Niilir.iKka
Journal Specials.
Por bargains sen Drake.
Dr. J. W. Torry, Optical).
Consult Dr. Terry nbout your eyes.
Dr. Torry adjusts eyo glasses to
any nose.
U. It. Proib, painting and paper
hanging. tvffff
K11KSII MILCH HOW -for snle. Onrl
Por first class tin work go to Hollo
nnd Langouegger
The best bread in town nt Poosch'a.
Try it nnd be convinced.
A. Drake is closing out his entire
stock of Second I laud goods
Try Poeseh's fine imported bakery
line. Tho best of everything.
Dr Terry's motto is satisfaction
Onaranteed or moucv refunded.
Hargalns iu all kinds of furniture,
stoves, etc nt Drake's closing nut snle.
for chlckons nt Kmstoiltroisk's. Phono
UN. tf
Por the best harness and fly nets
go to Victor TerMinishl'H un I lth
troot. tf
Tho finest, freshest angel food nt
Poeseh's, ao cents u enko. Try a sam
ple, Iron.
WANTBD A good girl for general
housework. Small family. Write or
inquire, Journal.
Try n pair of Dr. Torrv now oyo
glasses you can't shake oil'. Yon will
be more than pleased.
POIt HALl-:. A linn second hand
organ, same us new. Must bn sold nt
once. Inquire Journal olllco. tf.
1 have a Singer sowing machine, in
good' condition, will rent or sell cheap.
Inquire or or address Prank Sohram.
Poosch'a big ice cream business has
forced him to import his bakery goods
for a while. Thoy are the best in the
Ono of tho host equipped optical
olllcosonthe west will be opened. I una
rth id tho front room over Pollock's
drug atoro by Dr. Terry of Omnha.
POUND Hunch of milk tlcketn uenr
tho residence of Mrs. M. IC. Turner,
May I'.tth. Owner may get them at
Jnurnnl olllco by proving property
and paying for tills notice. tf
Dr. Torry of Omaha, tho well known
eyesight specialist nnd expert opt lean
who for tho past eight yearn lias been
making regular visits to Columbus
will Juuo Gth r.K)5 uhiii permanent
otllcoH in tho front looms.overPollock'H
& Co. drug storo opposite Thurston
hotel. Tho doctor will In future Im
In his Columbus olllces three days
of each week. Monday, TnoMlny, and
Wednesday, hvonings and Sundays
by appointment onlv.
8t. Edward.
I I'ihmi IIki Ailwiiirn
Melllssn Clurk returned last Fiiilay
from Lincoln whom t-lw has been at
tending tho University of Nebranka
Charles Muck returned lnstSatiirday
fiom Cincinnati, where Im had grad
uated from thn fiucluunti school of
telegraphy. Ho will spend a low
mouths at his home before going to
Louis Ponlield returned homu from
Lincoln yesterday where Im had been
attending business college.
Peter Miller returned Tuesday Irom
tho hospital at Columbus where he
had been for thn Irii-t five weeks. He
reports that ho is lecovering from the
injuries received in thn accident, but
will need to return to thn hospital
again in about two weeks to have the
plaster cast removed from his leg
Joseph Westbronk MiU'nrod u severe
stroko of apoplexy Monday and for
several hours his physicians did not
think ho would recover. Later iu the
dny, however, ho rallied. His condi
tion is still very seriouH aiul his child
rou tmvo been summoned tr hiu bed-
w5$ nT-T'i? 2T"-J Lilv a;
rawicHT ims w CBOusc t, MANorctr.trfieA.atwvwrX.
lOU may know our
store and know that
vc sell good clothes
Dr men, but we believe
here are other facts con
:ernlng our merchandise
vhlch would benefit us both
f they were better known
o you.
Wo contend that our
:lothlng embraces about
ll that the word "clothes"
mplies. It Is not mere
;overlng for the body for
lot and cold days, but it
n recognized correctness
or garments for dress ; it is fashionable apparel, up-to-dn'.j
ittlre. We are herewith illustrating our
Smartaac, a distinctive-cut sack suit for men and younn mon,
suit combining features of importance In this day of lailon
:lothcs ready to put on. These suits arc made of rough ai.
smooth faced fabrics, full of distinctive points of modern tnllo.
ng, in which you arc sure to find absolute satisfaction, not alon
or service, but for correctness as to present demands of hlgl
luallty tailored garments.
..llth Street..
I Home Restaurant and Meat Market !
The best of everything in the eating
line. Meals at all hours, day or night
Fresh Fish and Game in Season
Herman Kersenbrock
1. Iiir MtiMwl Oil I tho fonnifntlun ol all liUat DaraMIMy.
2. Tho r-tf ml tirfjiullrft mmlant llt-ndr-Mimrd Vmtmtm la ImmmI
.in (lie tiM'l Uiitt moHt til (lira nrr iMliillrrnliHl mUh iMlrrler u.
a. All itnlnl In Ural Kronnl intnnTltWK PASTE, anil IImi .
4. vrnllun f "oU"-yon lmo l lnk liln word lor tlm tmrAvT
I ,. Mhrn yon liny Kiml.v.NtMl lNliit.ynn wtylli RiNMlr.llUMl ' X
I ;, lrlr..H,rlilPiri.niiW r Iroai lU 7n llmralhMWkVl I
T lHw fur Hie lr.-.n, mro ritw m 9Mir lorwl UinlvrM hwrJt I
B. Tliern In it inlnt wtinnn innkirm STOP, whrn lhnMMltei
...i i-.miii'iii nun ne itroiii on l lie iHMiit mono anil hntnbw
ilint nny 14 jinr ol.l Im.v rnn mi Hiii. h!.i.. miiI Ihn mw raw mI.
Kalluii for KHtii, m morr, n Iimn, ntnl iiotlilnir Ini. Mid FOITIimmv
yon hiio im iiliNlin,.y ,,i.r linmd oil jmtnt llMthMMUM
I IfiiMt 5" .H ihnn nny IIIkIi irml IciiMly.Nlird IHUm! 'a
luinrMt nrlro for Im.Ui wtnu nmroll Mid your own MmMl luteMl.
lr ol llu imrMy and Uiirnblllly. rwiM uom.
.' .T,!,N l.mln.1 "IpI'M-li IIoiino IHUnlt whlrh I mln la a fall
mini ft n Jnt tlm koimI old HmitrliMl imlnt iimlfHiUii. arouad
ioKiihrr riwly for juu to thin doan Mlth tho niro raw oil.
UlUmruCO Uir ll,t? un np.iv ur...n ....... ....
.. .. "-.-i-r, wt rone nvf hvjc.ii l , luun uwn ULALtn WILL
K NLOdH (MINT nnURlNV T I nic uri
.-r.. . ...... rf -!( hWUIWttflUl
illlllllllllllllllllllllll I III II I II 1 1 III I II I mi m
i(lo. IIIh koiik, lfntiry W'ontlirook of
ColutulitiH, Anwl itm I Jack Wimtlirook
of LiOHf,' riiii, nrrivcil TunNtlny uftiir
nnnti. Uy un Incxoiimlilo ovcrHlghl tti' Ail
vniino oiiiillfil u vory iiiiuormnt (turn
lftwt wonk, thn iiiurriuKn of MInhMutv
Kenlhiy to fir. .Iiiiiion J. (Jnhlll. Thn
ynuiiK coupln wnnt uuitnil in iiintrl
innny nt tho Uiithnllo ulmroh WnilnnH.
ihty mnrniiiK nt (.i o'dlnck, thn Ituv.
l'atlittr C(iwliy,irl()Ht in clmrKo of thn
HI. Kilwiiril oliunih, oIlhtiutiiiK. MIhh
Kllu KciiUy, HlNtnr (o thn Initio, mill
Mr. Frank Flnhnrly, cuiihin of thn
Kiooiii net oi I nu witiinHHiiH. Aflnr thn
(inromony brnnkfaht wiih Knrvcil to th
hridnl jmrly nt thn homo of thn liriiln'n
liKruntH, Mr. ami Mm Win. Konlny.
Mr. ami MrH. Oahlll urn at lioinn to
thoir many friumln at thn rHiiloiicn in
thnnuNt part ot Ht. Kilwar I.
Waltnr K Curry iliou .lunn II, altnr
tlirnu wooltH illniiNH ol' llvnr ami Mum
(ifli trou bin. Fuiioral Hiirvici'H wnm
hnlil from thn Alt. I'lcuHant MntlioiliHt
lipihcopal (ihtiroh Tiii'Mlny forenoon nt
') o'nlook, thn Kov Callow of I,lnilhaj
ollii'intiiiK. Thn lioil.v wiih followml
by a larKn proi-nhNion to tlio Union
1'aoilic ilupot aiMoinpaninil hy rnlativuH
to FmnrNon, la., for Inirial. A wlfn
ami tour chililrnn, thrnn hrotlmin ami
llvn HlntitrH Ntirvivn him. llnwaHa
incinlKir of thn Ht Kilwanl (Jump M.
W A. ainl carried lito inHiirancn
in that ordiir. JAlrn ('uny ami luir
littlo chlldinn will movn toHt. Kilwanl
kooii iuhI tho farm will Im looked after
hy O L. DoiIiIh, a lirotlior-tn-law.
No Secret About It.
It i no Miornt, that for nulH, Imriih,
ulcnrw, MiniH .lync, IkiIIh, nto., notliin
1 mi niriiotivo an Iliinklnii'N Anilxi
Siilvn. 'Tt iliiln't takn Ioiik to cmrn
iT"liHitT(ir( I had, ami it ih all () K.for
Miro iiynn," writnH I). I, (irepirv, (it
jllopo, Tnx. y.'j LTiitH at Uhim U.ickV
" '
A Bad Scare.
Homo dny von will not a hnil mtara.
whnn you fool n hiIii In your bnwela,
ntnl fonr apMimiloltl. Hafoty Ilea In
Dr. KIiik'h Now I.iro PllU, a unfa cure,
for nil hownl anil xtomanh, billion.
niiriH; unHtivnnoNN, oto. QnaiautetHl
nt (UinH. Dack'H ilru ntorn only 35
enntc. Try thorn.
Now Ih tint nhaucci to make the tie
llKlitful trip to Uallforulafor jmt oun
half of thn nxponno Incur red in nuk
iiiK thn trip nt nny nlhnr time. Don't
poHtfinun for you may not noon again
bo oll'oroil tho low ratoH of lT.00 to
BmiKrauoUnn, Hanta liar ha ra, Loh An
KoloH.Snn DIoko ami ninny othor Call
fornia poiiitH. Lltoraturo about Cali
fornia frnn on appliiatlon to W. 11.
Special Reduced
Excursion Rates
Milwauknn ami rnturu .lunn Hi to Ml.
Itnturu limit .lulv LTilli. Ilntn, ono
faru pluN llftv unntN. ,
Milwauknn, Wih ami rotnrn, in Miln
.lunn Kith to liith. Ono faro plun fifty
Toronto, Out., anil rot urn. On hala
.Intio IS, I'.i, ai, it aa. Ouo faro pluH
t'i 00.
luilimiopollH, Iuil. nml rotnrn. On
miIo Juno lit & aaml. Unit fare pluH
a oo.
llnlTnln, N. Y., ami rnlurn. On aale
July 7 to '.). Ono faro pluH 50 couti.
Anbury Park N. .1. ami rotnrn. On
falo Jnun 20 nnd Hi to July I. Ono
tarn plun :!.!!.',
Italtiiuoro, Mil. ami rotir.-i. On halo
July I to II Ouo faro jiIiih f-'.OO,
Ohtcan, Milwaukoo ami Suutliorn
WiHoniHln poiiitH ami ruturu. On nh
Juno I Ht to ,Hnpt IKItll.
J. A. KUI1N., A. O.K. iS: F.A.
Omaha, Nebr.